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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Study of Ball Valve and Design of Thickness of Shell and Flange


1M.Tech Student (Design Engineering), KLE Dr. M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology,
Belagavi, Karnataka, India
2Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Dr. M S Sheshgiri College of Engineering and

Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Abstract - Ball valves are widely used industrial fittings for 2. Design of Ball Valve Flange and Shell Body
the construction of oil and gas products transportation Design of Flange for 20 bars (2MPa)
facilities (piping systems). They are quarter-turned (90
degrees), straight through flow valves having a round It is designed as per ASME/ANSI standards for design of Pipe
closure element with complementing rounded seats, which Flanges & Flanged Fittings- ASME B16.5.
permits uniform sealing stress. The type of seat can vary
according to the valve pressure rating and materials of Material selection:-the material selected A216 WCC from
construction. To design the ball valve shell and flange for a ASTM STD. as a material for flanges as well as for shell.
pressure 35 bar. CAD modeling of Ball Valve Shell & Flange Material Group (1.2) A216 WCC (C-Mn-Si) (Casting), Material
design is made by means of CATIA V5 computer program
Static analysis of the Ball Valve Shell body and Flange design Properties:-
is performed using ANSYS 14.5 to find the highest safe stress = 275MPa
for equivalent payload/pressure
Key Words: Ball valves, ball valve shell, flange, safe Youngs Modulus (E) = 190 GPA
stress Poisson Ratio= 0.287
Selection of Flange: From Pressure-Temperature Rating for
1. INTRODUCTION Flange selection, and hence the selected flange is Class 150
Valves are mechanical devices particularly intended Here, the flange specifications from ANSI 16.5 for 150/NB3”
to stop, start, blend, coordinate, or control the stream, Weld-Neck flange for Ball valve.
temperature or pressure of fluid in a piping system. They are
designed to handle either gas or liquid application. The
operation of valves may be required continuously as in case
of control valves, or they may be required to be operated
occasionally. The design, application and function of valves
arrive in a extensive range of sizes, style and pressure
classes, and they can be manufactured from several
materials types among which brass, iron, steel, bronze,
plastic, or from a number of special alloys.

1.1 Objectives & Scope of Work Figure 2.1 Class 150 Flanges

The objective of the proposed work is to design and analyze NB 80 mm

Ball Valve with different pressures for structural strength. OD 191mm

And the scope of this study is for using 20 bar X 108mm

designed ball valve for 35 bar pressure range: G 127mm
T 23.9mm
B1 78mm
T1 69.9 mm
A 88.9 mm
R 9.7 mm
No. of Bolts 04
PCD 152.4mm

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 300
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Hole Diameter 19 mm Where, P - Working pressure = 2MPa (0.2039 kg-f/mm2),

h2 (Neck height) 19 mm D – Maximum inner diameter of shell-106 mm,
Constant – 3.7 (constant of material)
= 275MPa Allowable stress (f) = 68.75MPa
Fos = 04
Allowable stress (f) = 68.75MPa Formulae: --- (eqn 4)

t3= 4.4988 mm
Formulae: ------ (eqn 1)
So, t & t2 > t3
Where, a- Radius of PCD, 76.2mm
So, the selected shell thickness as 8mm and cylindrical end
µ-Poisson’s ratio-0.278,
thickness as 5.45mm.
P-Pressure acting, 20bar
f- Allowable stress, 68.75MPa
(7.0105 Kgf/mm2)
Check above designed Ball Valve for 35 bar pressure of water
t- Thickness of flange.
through a pipe of NB=3” (80mm) at 25oC. Given data shall be
same only pressure has been increased,
Pitch circle diameter measured is 152.4mm
Design of Flange for P = 35bar (3.5MPa):
By substituting above values in formulae we get thickness,
t = 14.408 mm
Where, a- Radius of PCD, 76.2mm
Selected Flange thickness is t= 23.9mm > 14.4 mm.
µ-Poisson’s ratio-0.278,
Design is safe.
P-Pressure acting, =3.5MPa (0.3569Kgf/mm2)
f- Allowable stress, 68.75MPa
Design of Shell for 20 bars (2MPa)
(7.0105 Kgf/mm2)
t- Thickness of flange.
The design as per ASME/ANSI standards for design of pipe
Flanges & ASME B16.5
By substituting above values in eqn 1 we get thickness,
Material Properties:-
t = 19.0622mm
= 275MPa Selected Flange thickness is t= 23.9mm > 14.4 mm.
= 485MPa Design is safe.
Young’s Modulus (E) = 190 GPA
Poisson Ratio= 0.278 But, as per Pipe Flange & Flanged Fitting – ASME B16.5,
Design of shell:- For pressure above 19.8 bar 150 flanges cannot be used.
Pressure-Temperature Rating, select Class 300 Flange
= 275MPa
with NB=80mm
FoS = 04
Allowable stress= 68.75MPa
E= 190GPa
P= 20Bar (2MPa)
d= 78mm (Flange ID and Cylindrical Shell end ID)
D= 106mm (Spherical Shell ID)
For spherical shell, Hoop stress is;

------- (eqn 2)
t1= 0.77mm
But, it is an open shell with a cylindrical end,
So, we apply Bernie’s Principle,

----- (eqn 3)
t2= 1.161 mm
The cylindrical end thickness= 5.45mm to align with
flange neck thickness.
And shell body thickness as 8mm including corrosion
allowance as 3mm.
t= 8mm> t1 & t2, Hence Design is safe.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 301
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Class 300 Flanges And shell body thickness as 8mm including corrosion
allowance as 3mm.
NB 80 mm t= 8mm> t1 & t2, Hence Design is safe.
Where, P - Working pressure = 3.5MPa
OD 210mm
(0.3569 kg-f/mm2),
X 117mm D – Maximum inner diameter of shell-106 mm,
G 127mm Constant – 3.7 (constant of material)
T 28.4mm
B1 78mm Allowable stress (f) = 68.75MPa
T1 79.2mm From eqn 4,
A 88.9 mm t3= 5.099 mm
So, t & t2 > t3; hence,
R 9.7 mm
Design is Safe.
No. of Bolts 08
PCD 168 mm The same valve is used for 35bar pressure it has been found
Hole Diameter 22 mm that it does not fail. But as per ASME safety norms we have
h2 (Neck height) 19 mm used flange of higher pressure rating that is 300. & no need
to change the shell body thickness.
= 275MPa
3. Geometry Detail
FoS = 04

Allowable stress (f) = 68.75MPa

Where, a- Radius of PCD, 84mm
µ-Poisson’s ratio-0.278,
P-Pressure acting, 35bar
f- Allowable stress, 68.75MPa
t- Thickness of flange.

Pitch circle diameter measured is 168 mm. Fig.3.1 Flange 150 NB 3”

By substituting above values in eqn 1we get thickness,
t = 21.013 mm
Selected Flange thickness is t= 28.4mm > 21.013 mm.
Design is safe.

Design of Shell for 35 bars (3.5MPa):-


= 275MPa
FoS = 04 Fig.3.2 Shell Model
Allowable stress= 68.75MPa
E= 190GPa
P= 35Bar (3.5MPa)
d= 78mm (Flange ID and Cylindrical Shell end ID)
D= 106mm (Spherical Shell ID)
For spherical shell, we know Hoop stress is;
From eqn 2
t1= 1.349 mm
But, it is an open shell with a cylindrical end,
So, apply Bernie’s Principle, from eqn 2
t2= 2.068 mm
So, make the cylindrical end thickness= 5.45mm to align Fig.3.3 Flange 300 model NB 3”
with flange neck thickness.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 302
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4 Material Properties of Ball Valve

Table 4.1 Material Properties

Fig.5.3 Flange 150 Total Deformation for 2MPa


5. Analysis Von-Mises stress in Shell for 2MPa 14.557MPa

Total deformation in Shell for 2MPa 0.0013204 mm

Fig.5.1 Mesh Model of Flange


Von-Mises stress in flange for 2MPa 15.782MPa Fig.5.4 Shell Mesh Model
Total deformation in flange for 2MPa 0.0017832 mm Fig.5.6 Flange 150 Total Deformation for 2MPa
pressure (Pressure=2MPa)

Fig.5.2 Flange 150 von-mises stress for 2MPa

Fig.5.7 Shell Von Mises Stress

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 303
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Von-Mises stress in flange #300 for 27.122MPa

3.5MPa pressure
Total deformation in flange #300 for 0.0031233 mm
3.5MPa pressure

Fig.5.8 Shell Total Deformation


Von-Mises stress in flange for 3.5MPa 27.618MPa

Total deformation in flange for 0.0031207 mm
3.5MPa pressure

Fig.5.11 Mesh Model of Flange 300

Fig.5.9 Flange 150 Von Mises stress for a load of 35 bar

(3.5MPa) Fig.5.12 Flange 300 Von Mises stress for 3.5MPa

Fig.5.10 Flange 150 Total Deformation for a load of 35 bar

(3.5MPa) Fig.5.13 Flange 300 Total Deformation for 3.5 Mpa

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 304
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

(Pressure=3.5MPa)  In future, DOE can be done to optimize the mass &

other parameter by changing material to composite
Von-Mises stress in Shell for 3.5 MPa 25.474 MPa & changing geometric parameters.
pressure  The cylindrical shell body can also be designed and
Total deformation in Shell for 3.5 0.0023107 mm analysis can be performed in both cases.
MPa pressure


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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 305

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