SF 17 Sect 08 ALL Web
SF 17 Sect 08 ALL Web
SF 17 Sect 08 ALL Web
Transformer—Dry Type Distribution 8-2 – 8-3
Features and Technical Information 8-4
Catalog Coding System 8-5 – 8-8
Single Phase—Distribution Dry Type 8-9 - 8-10
Three Phase—Distribution Dry Type 8-11 - 8-14
Filtered Isolation and Motor Drive 8-15
Sentron Power Centers 8-16 - 8-17
High Efficiency Transformers 8-18
Harmonic Mitigation Transformers 8-19 - 8-20
Buck-Boost Transformers
Buck-Boost Application, Selection Tables 8-21 - 8-24
Buck Boost Single Phase and Three Phase Connection Diagrams 8-25 - 8-26
Sentron Power Centers
Accessories for Transformers: Lugs, Drip Shields and Wall Brackets 8-27
Buck-Boost Transformers
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(Section was last modified on 03/01/19) Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-1
Dry Type Distribution 600 Volt Class General
Encapsulated Ventilated
n The self-cooled kVA rating shall be n Ratings from 15 kVA through 167 kVA include primary and secondary
suitable for 30°C average, 40°C 1- phase, and from 15 kVA through terminal lugs. For more information,
maximum ambient temperature. 1000 kVA 3-phase are available. refer to lug table on page 8-8
n Ratings from 0.25 kVA through 25 n Indoor NEMA 1/3R enclosures with
Call customer support for confirmation
kVA,1-phase, and from 3 kVA through 150oC rise and 220oC insulation if needed.
15 kVA 3-phase are available. systems are standard. Many options n 1-phase up to 167 kVA and 3-phase
n Feature indoor/outdoor enclosures are available. up to 750kVA are Seismic certified
with integral wall mounting brackets, n Most three phase designs (15 kVA
for floor mounting. Call customer sup-
and either a 135°C rise, 180°C insula- through 75kVA) and single phase port for larger kVA certification or wall
tion system or a 95°C rise, 130°C designs (15 kVA through 50kVA) mounting applications.
insulation system.
n Department of Energy (DOE) n DOE 2016 designs have grain- Comparison of 3-Phase
10 CFR 431 released efficiency oriented, non-aging silicon steel. LV Transformer Efficiency
standards which will take effect n Dry type, three phase ventilated
January 1, 2016. transformers must be manufactured kVA TP1 Premium 2016
n New efficiency standards apply to DOE 2016 standards after January 15 97.00% 97.90% 97.89%
to dry-type three-phase ventilated 1, 2016 30 97.50% 98.25% 98.23%
transformers, including Harmonic n NEMA TP1 rated transformers will 45 97.70% 98.39% 98.40%
Mitigating Transformers from still be available for single phase 75 98.00% 98.60% 98.60%
15 kVA to 1000kVA transformers after January 1, 2016 112.5 98.20% 98.74% 98.74%
n New standards will surpass and 150 98.30% 98.81% 98.83%
n See accompanying chart for efficiency
supersede NEMA TP1 standards and 225 98.50% 98.95% 98.94%
increases for DOE 2016 standards.
will make NEMA Premium obsolete. 300 98.60% 99.02% 99.02%
500 98.70% 99.09% 99.14%
750 98.80% 99.16% 99.23%
1000 98.90% 99.23% 99.28%
n Core and coils are designed with UL 0.25-1 N/A 130° C 95° C
listed high-temperature materials rated 1.5-25 3-15 180° C 135° C
for 220°C; standard units feature 150°C 15-167 15-1000 220° C 150° C
winding temperature rise
n Optional low temperature rise of 115°
C or 80° C winding temperature rise for Sound Level in Decibels – 600V Class
increased efficiency and additional over- Self Cooled Ventilated Self Self Cooled Ventilated Self
load capability K Factor: K Factor: Cooled K Factor: K Factor: Cooled
kVA 1, 4, 9 13, 20 Sealed kVA 1, 4, 9 13, 20 Sealed
n Rugged sheet steel enclosure per
NEMA Average DB NEMA Average DB
UL1561, UL506 standards with remov-
0-3.00 40 40 45 112.51-150.00 50 53 55
able panels for access to the internal
3.01-9.00 40 40 45 150.01-225.00 55 58 57
wiring area
9.01-15.00 45 45 50 225.01-300.00 55 58 57
n Neoprene noise dampening pads isolate
15.01-30.00 45 45 50 300.01-500.00 60 63 59
the core and coil from the enclosure 30.01-50.00 45 48 50 500.01-700.00 62 65 61
n Optional drip shields/weathershield and 50.01-75.00 50 53 55 700.01-1000.00 64 67 63
wall brackets available 75.01-112.50 50 53 55
n High quality grain-oriented, non-aging
silicon steel core for 3 Phase units a Temp rise and insulation system values shown are
typical. Variation in these values may exist depending
on size, design and series. but will comply with the
requirements of UL506 and UL1561
ment. Terminals shall be fully sized rating shall be suitable for 30°C average,
40°C maximum ambient temperature. n NEMA 3R provided for Series J
to carry the transformer full load cur-
Single-Phase with Drip Shield (DS)
Units installed outdoors shall have a harmonic distortion as indicated in IEEE n Low noise designs
UL-Listed type 3R outdoor enclosure, C57.110, and shall be designed with the n Copper windings
or shall be UL Listed with optional following K-Factor rating (choose one):
n Drip Shields (when not provided as
weathershields installed. Standard n K4 for 50% Non-Linear load standard – see chart on page 8-8)
voltage ratings shall be supplied with n K13 for 100% Non-Linear load n Wall mounting brackets (15–75 kVA)
NEMA standard taps for the high-voltage n K20 for 150% Non-Linear load (standard in most cases)
windings. Unless specified otherwise,
n K30 for 200% Non-Linear load n NEMA Premium® Efficiencies
average sound levels (150°C rise) shall available only until January 1st, 2016
meet the NEMA ST20 standards. on 3-Phase but will continue to be
available on Single-Phase
Single Phase Transformers Motor Drive Isolation Transformers Harmonic Mitigating Transformers
Siemens offers single phase transform- Siemens Drive Isolation Transformers The Sentron Harmonic Mitigating
ers from 0.25 kVA to 167 kVA with are designed to meet the rugged Transformers (HMTs) are designed to
aluminum windings. Common optional demands of AC and DC variable speed meet the needs of modern power
modifiers include Low Temperature drives and to provide circuit isolation distribution systems that contain a large
Rise, Electrostatic Shield, Copper from SCR’s. The separate primary and percentage of non-linear equipment
Windings, Wall Mounting Brackets and secondary windings provide isolation that produces harmonics. The Sentron
Drip Shields. See Page 8-10 for common between the incoming line and the load, HMTs are specially designed to operate
single-phase transformer offerings. minimizing line disturbances, feedback under high non-linear load conditions
and transients caused by SCR firing. and have the additional benefit of
Three Phase Transformers Common optional modifiers include low improving the overall power system
temperature rise, electrostatic shields, reliability. Siemens Sentron Harmonic
Siemens offers three phase trans-
copper windings, thermal switches, wall Mitigating Transformers are only avail-
formers from 3 kVA through 1000kVA
mounting brackets and drip shields. See able in three-phase with either one or
with aluminum windings. Common
page 8-15 for more details. two secondaries (outputs). See page 8-20
optional modifiers include K factor, Low
for more details. DOE 2016 efficiency
Temperature Rise, Electrostatic Shield,
standards apply after January 1, 2016.
Copper Windings, Low Noise, Wall Sentron Power Centers
Mounting Brackets, and Drip Shields. Siemens Sentron Power Center is a
All three phase dry-type ventilated pre-wired combination of a primary Buck-Boost Transformers
transformers will be manufactured to breaker disconnect, dry type shielded The Buck-Boost Transformer has four
DOE 2016 efficiency standards after transformer, secondary breaker discon- separate windings; two windings in
January 1, 2016. See page 8-12 for nect and a secondary power panel all the primary and two windings in the
common three-phase transformer in one convenient package. You save secondary. It can be used as either
offerings. time, space and money by not having an insulating transformer or autotrans-
to individually assemble, mount and former. As an autotransformer, the unit
wire these components. Simply add the can be corrected to Buck (decrease)
branch breakers and you’re ready to go. or Boost (increase) a supply voltage.
Both plug-on and bolt-on breaker panels Since autotransformers may transmit
are available. All Sentron Power Centers line disturbances directly, they may be
are UL-3R listed for indoor and outdoor prohibited in some areas by local build-
use. See page 8-17 for more details. ing codes. As insulating transformers,
these units can accommodate a high
voltage of 120, 240, or 480 volts. For
units with two 12 volt secondaries, two
16 volt secondaries, or two 24 volt sec-
ondaries, the output can be wired for
either secondary voltage, or for 3-wire
secondary. The unit is rated (kVA) as
any conventional unit. See Page 8-23 for
more details.
Voltage Suffix Taps Suffix
Primary and Secondary Primary Voltage Configuration Suffix 240/1Ph 120V 1 None N
terminal lugs are 240x120 V 1Ph A 240 2 2-5% FCBN R
included on certain
ventilated transformers. 208 V 1Ph or 3Ph Delta B 208Y/120 3 2-5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
See chart on page 8-8 240 V 1Ph or 3Ph Delta C 480 4 4-2.5% (2 FCAN, 2 FCBN) T
for lug information 480x240 V 1Ph D 480Y/277 5 2-2.5% FCBN U
277 V 1Ph E 380Y/219 6 4-2.5% FCBN X
480 V 1Ph or 3Ph Delta F 230Y/133 7 6-2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
Phase Suffix 600 V 1Ph or 3Ph Delta G 220/1Ph 110V 8 4-3.1% (2 FCAN, 2 FCBN) J
1-Phase 1 190/200/208/220x380 400/416/440 H 400Y/231 9 2-3.5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) K
3-Phase 3 190/208/220/240x380 416/440/480 X 416Y/240 0 3-5% (1 FCAN, 2 FCBN) M
380V Delta secondary is available Taps are determined by
by special quote. transformer design and are
Includes center tap on one phase not selectable on standard
often referred to as a lighting tap. catalog units.
Optional Modifiers (If applicable, add suffix to part number in this order, from left to right)
kVA Suffix
0.25 205
0.5 505 (To create a Transformer part number, add applicable suffixes after
Optional Modifiers Basic Rating Information in the order shown here and on next page)
0.75 705
Modifier Suffix Description
1 001
1.5 105 K13 K-Factor of 1 is standard for all and is not shown as part of part number.
2 002 K-Factor Addition of K-Factor options 4-through 30 include Electrostatic Shield (ES)
K20 option and 200% neutral
3 003 K30
5 005 150C temperature rise with 220 insulation class is standard, no suffix code is needed
6 006 Temperature B B=80C (80° C temp rise, can tolerate 30% continuous overload)
7.5 007 Rise F F=115C (115° C temp rise, can tolerate 15% continuous overload)
9 009 G G=130C
Electrostatic shield (full width copper foil) for added noise attenuation and reduction of
10 010 high frequency disturbances.
15 015 Electrostatic ES is standard with K4-K30 options, so it is not included in catalog number with
Shield ES K4-K30 options. Common mode attenuation is either 50dB (Series J) or 60dB
25 025
(Series H). Transverse mode attenuation is either 10dB (Series H) or 30dB (Series J).
30 030
ES2 ES2=dual (only applicable to HD1). Series H only.
37.5 037 Copper Wound C C=Copper Windings. Aluminum windings are standard, no suffix code needed.
45 045 LN3 LN3=3dB below NEMA ST20
50 050 Low Noise LN5 LN5=5dB below NEMA ST20
75 075 LN() ()=dB below NEMA ST20. Contact sales office for levels other than LN3 & LN5.
100 100 See chart on page 8-8 for available seismic ratings, not part of catalog
Seismic rated Z4 number when standard. Not used after DOE 2016 is introduced. Shown for
112.5 112 legacy products only.
150 150 TE for Series H is NEMA 4 as a standard. TE for Series J is NEMA 3R as a
Totally Enclosed
167 167 TE standard. Other NEMA types available. TE option not available with D16
(Non-Ventilated) and TP1.
225 225 Totally Enclosed
300 300 TEE Same as TE except encapsulated. TEE not available with D16 and TP1.
500 500 D16=DOE 2016 standards. DOE 2016 standards will replace TP1 For 3 Phase
Energy D16 Ventilated Dry Type Transformers for 15 kVA-1000kVA starting Jan. 1, 2016
750 750 Efficiente
1000 000 TP1 Still valid for single phase and all non ventilated transformers after Jan. 1, 2016
Frequency LZ Standard is 60 Hertz. LZ option is 50/60 Hz. Not available with TP1 and D16.
Note 1: If the catalog number will not completely describe the product, it will be identi- Withcontinuous overloads these units will be operating at 150 C rise designs.
fied as SPC-- - -kVA-XFMR. e All
D16 catalog numbers include NEMA 3R enclosures as standard unless other options
Note 2: “JST” suffix has been removed. Standard units are in stock for immediate chosen change or remove the enclosure.
shipment in many cases. Contact customer support.
Optional Modifiers—continued (If applicable, add suffix to part number in this order, from left to right)
SSN4X Non-Metallic NEMA 4X option not available.
Standard is grey painted steel. 304 is standard for stainless steel option and 316 Stainless steel is
Enclosure Types
available with a special quote.
N12 NEMA 12 (SSN12 with 304 stainless) 316 available with special quote
N4 NEMA 4 (SSN4 with 304 stainless) 316 available with special quote
The impedance tolerance per ANSI is +/- 7.5% nominal which is the “I” value shown on
Impedance charts. (see SpeedFax Supplement - Addendums H and J)
Contact customer support for special requirements (if max or min or min/max range is required.)
Special (If no Min or Max is specified - catalog number will NOT include an “I” value)
Impedance Ix.x or Ix I2.5 = 2.5% max. or I3 = 3% max. for example. I2.5 to I6.5 are typical values.
IMx.x IM2.5 = 2.5% min. or IM3 = 3% min. for example.
IM2.5I5.5 = 2.5% min. and 5.5% max. impedance range or IM21I5 = 2% min. and 5%
IMx.xIx.x max. range are examples.
Core and Coil Name plate is displayed on frame bracket. Product may be shipped with or without
Assembly enclosure.
Wall Mounting Some DOE 2016 3 Phase Dry Type Ventilated Transformers include Wall Brackets.
Brackets See chart on next page for non-DOE availability and DOE 2016 details.
Vent Guard VG Vent Guard is a Mesh screen to prevent vent opening access.
Drip Shields Most DOE 2016 Dry Type Ventilated Transformers include Drip Shields from 15kVA to
(weathershields) 1000kVA. See chart on next page for availability. Also see non-DOE availability.
TheW and DS codes are not always part of the catalog number.
Only shown as reference when it is not a standard feature of the device.
Notavailable with D16 or TP1.
Seismic Rated:
All others not listed below are not seismic rated
(contact customer support for Wall Mounting Ratings if needed)
Encapsulated Ventilated Non Ventilated
Phase Series J Series J Series H Series J
1 1-25kVA 1-250 kVA 15-167kVA 1-250kVA
(Wall Mounted) (Floor Mounted) (Floor Mounted Only) (Floor Mounted Only)
SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5
3 3-75kVA 1-1000kVA 15-750kVA 1-500kVA
(Floor Mounted) (Floor Mounted) (Floor Mounted Only) (Floor Mounted Only)
SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5 SDS=2.00g ; z/h = 1.00 ; Ip = 1.5
3 1F1R003 R 135° C 180° C Wall No Encapsulated – NEMA 3R 1, 2, 4
5 1F1R005 R 135° C 180° C Wall No 1, 2, 4
7.5 1F1R007 R 135° C 180° C Wall No 1, 2, 4
10 1F1R010 R 135° C 180° C Wall No 1, 2, 4
15 1F1R015 R 135° C 180° C Wall No 1, 2, 4
25 1F1R025 R 135° C 180° C Wall No 1, 2, 4
Optional Modifications Table (Contact Sales office for List Price) Taps
Optional (commonly used) Catalog Description Designation
Modifications Suffix Code None N
1a. 115° C Rise F 2–5% FCBN R
1b. 80° C Rise B 2–5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
2. Electrostatic Shield ES 2–2.5% FCBN U
3. Copper Windings C 6–2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
4. Wall Mounting Brackets1 W
5. Drip Shields DS
a Actual taps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. d Encapsulated transformers are UL listed for indoor/ f See table on page 8-8 for available kits.
b Wall designations for units having standard features. outdoor use. NEMA 3R rated. g Series H Tap Standard.
c For outdoor application. Ventilated transformers e Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted with h Series J Tap Standard.
requiring drip shields/weathershields are UL listed for optional wall bracket.
outdoor use. All are NEMA 3R rated.
Product Category XFMR Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-9
Revised on 05/31/18
Optional Modifications Table (Contact Sales office for List Price) Taps
None N
1a. 115° C Rise F 2–5% FCBN R
1b. 80° C Rise B 2–5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
2. Electrostatic Shield ES 2–2.5% FCBN U
3. Copper Windings C 6–2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
4. Wall Mounting Brackets1 W
5. Drip Shields DS
a Actual taps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. d Encapsulated transformers are UL listed for indoor/ f See table on page 8-8 for available kits.
b Wall designations for units having standard features. outdoor use. NEMA 3R rated. g Series H Tap Standard.
c For outdoor application. Ventilated transformers e Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted with h Series J Tap Standard.
requiring drip shields/weathershields are UL listed for optional wall bracket.
outdoor use. All are NEMA 3R rated.
8-10 Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog Product Category XFMR
Revised on 05/31/18
30 3F1Y030TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 50dB
45 3F1Y045TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 50dB
75 3F1Y075TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 55dB
112.5 3F1Y112TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 55dB
150 3F1Y150TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 55dB
225 3F1Y225TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1, 2, 3 57dB
300 3F1Y300TE Y 150° C 220° C Floor No 1a, 2, 3 57dB
Optional Modifications Table (Contact Sales office for List Price) Taps
Optional (commonly used) Catalog Description Designation
Modifications Suffix Code None N
1a. 115°C Rise F 2–5% FCBN R
1b. 80°C Rise B 2–5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
2. Electrostatic Shield ES 2–2.5% FCBN U
3. Copper Windings C 6–2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
4. Wall Mounting Brackets1 W
6. Low noise — XdB below std. LNX
a Actual taps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. h Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted
e See table on page 8-8 for available kits.
b Wall designations for units having standard features. with optional wall bracket that may be identified with
f240 volt secondary (3F2) is available in 3-phase 3 to
c Ventilated transformers with drip shields are UL listed “W” suffix on catalog number.
15kVA only.
for outdoor use. NEMA 3R rated. g TE units will have inrush equal to 2 sizes
i Wall mounting for 150˚C temperature rise.
d Encapsulated transformers are UL listed for indoor/ j Series H Tap Standard.
larger than rated kVA.
outdoor use. NEMA 3R rated. k Series J Tap Standard.
Product Category XFMR Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-11
Revised on 05/15/18
Optional Modifications Table (Contact Sales office for List Price) Taps
Optional (commonly used) Catalog Description Designation
Modifications Suffix Code None N
1a. 115°C Rise F 2–5% FCBN R
1b. 80°C Rise B 2–5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
2. Electrostatic Shield ES 2–2.5% FCBN U
3. Copper Windings C 6–2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
4. Wall Mounting Brackets1 W
6. Low noise — XdB below std. LNX
a Actual taps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. e K-Factortransformers equipped with electrostatic shield “W” suffix on catalog number. Wall mounting brackets
b Wall designations for units having standard features. and 200% neutral as standard features. will not be available for Series J 75kVA with copper
c Ventilated transformers drip shields are UL listed for fSee table on page 8-8 for available kits. winding options.
outdoor use. g Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted Series H Tap Standard.
d Encapsulated transformers are UL listed for indoor/ with optional wall bracket that may be identified with Series J Tap Standard.
8-12 Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog Product Category XFMR
Revised on 05/31/18
45 3C5Y045D16 Y 150° C 220° C Floor & Wall Yes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
75 3C5Y075D16 Y 150° C 220° C Floor Yes Ventilated – NEMA 3R 1, 2, 3, 6
112.5 3C5Y112D16 Y 150° C 220° C Floor Yes 1, 2, 3, 6
150 3C5Y150D16 Y 150° C 220° C Floor Yes 1, 2, 3, 6
225 3C5M225D16 S, M 150° C 220° C Floor Yes Ventilated – NEMA 3R 1, 2, 3, 6
300 3C5M300D16 S, M 150° C 220° C Floor Yes 1, 2, 3, 6
500 3C5M500D16 S, M 150° C 220° C Floor Yes 1, 2, 3, 6
Product Category XFMR Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-13
Revised on 05/15/18
Optional Modifications Table (Contact Sales office for List Price) Taps
Optional (commonly used) Catalog Description Designation
Modifications Suffix Code None N
1a. 115° C Rise F 2–5% FCBN R
1b. 80° C Rise B 2–5% (1 FCAN, 1 FCBN) S
2. Electrostatic Shield ES 2–2.5% FCBN U
3. Copper Windings C 6–2.5% (2 FCAN, 4 FCBN) Y
4. Wall Mounting Brackets1 W
6. Low noise - XdB below std. LNX
a Actualtaps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. If used on unbalanced loads, these auto transformers will with “W” suffix on catalog number. Wall mounting
b Walldesignations for units having standard features. need to be used on a 4-wire system with the supply brackets will not be available for Series J 75kVA with
c Ventilatedtransformers drip shields are UL listed for neutral connected to the transformer. If used on motor copper winding options. See pages 8-8 and 8-27 for
outdoor use. loads, then they may be used on a 3-wire system without details.
d Encapsulated transformers are UL listed for indoor/ a neutral or fourth wire. Review in NEC 450-4 and 450-5. Series H Tap Standard.
outdoor use. Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted Series J Tap Standard.
with optional wall bracket that may be identified iSee table on page 8-8 for available kits.
8-14 Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog Product Category XFMR
Distribution Dry Type Transformers
Motor Drive Isolation Selection
52 575 Delta 230Y/133 (Contact Sales office for List Price)
54 575 Delta 460Y/266
a Actualtaps may vary based on volts/turn ratio. c Items marked floor and wall can be wall mounted with d efer selection and application guide for additional
b For
outdoor application. Ventilated transformers optional wall bracket identified with “W” suffix on information on horsepower, Ampere, kVA ratings and
requiring drip shields are UL listed for outdoor use. No catalog number. See pages 8-8 and 8-27 for applications. Standard taps varies with design volts/
charge when requested at time of initial project order. details. turn ratio.
Product Category XFMR Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-15
Revised on 02/28/19
Sentron Power Centers are NEMA 3R for outdoor are factory installed. 1-Phase 5 thru 10kVA have aluminum bus. CUB refers to
application and may be ordered with “SS” suffix for ED frame breakers furnished are rated 18000 AIC and OEM interior verses CU un-assembled interior.
304 stainless steel enclosure. For 316 stainless steel add are sufficient for fault current of transformer. No other
suffix SS316. breakers are currently approved for use.
Voltage rating: 480 Delta - 208Y/120, Three Phase, Sentron Power Center d
9 3LPC009JA 15 7 K11D255201 33.75 22.13 7.63 255
15 3LPC015JA 15 7 K11D255201 35.13 22.13 12.38 385
22.5 3LPC022JA 27 13 K11D255202 43.75 33.00 13.75 680
30 3LPC030JA 27 13 K11D255202 43.75 33.00 13.75 680
a Primary breaker has lineside lug for customer Secondary branch breakers are not included and must Standard windings are aluminum. Add “CU” at end
connection. be ordered separately. for copper windings. Contact customer support for
b 18,000 Amps RMS Symmetrical Interrupting Capacity.
Primary and secondary main breakers are included and
Sentron Power Centers are NEMA 3R for outdoor are factory installed. Excluding Secondary Main Breaker that
application and may be ordered with “SS” suffix for ED frame breakers furnished are rated 18000 AIC and are takes up 2 poles.
304 stainless steel enclosure. For 316 stainless steel add sufficient for fault current of transformer. No other break- Excluding Secondary Main Breaker that
suffix SS316. ers are currently approved for use. takes up 3 poles.
The core construction employs the use kept well below the saturation point.
delta connection and its secondary has
a special double winding connection.
Although there is only one secondary
three phase output, the 3rd, 9th and 15th
harmonic currents are prevented from
circulating in the primary windings by
canceling their magnetic fluxes at low
impedance with the double winding
secondary, reducing voltage distortions
to the loads.
Sound Level Thermal Sensors 170° C= (TS7), 185° C= (TS8) or 200° C= (TS0)
A LN3= (3dB below NEMA standard) G TS7 = 1 sensor center coil
NOTE: Autotransformers are not used in
terminals. Either can be input or output
closed delta connections as they introduce How To Select The Proper depending on Buck or Boost application.
into the circuit a phase shift which makes
them uneconomical.
Transformer 6. In the case of three phase loads either
As isolation (or insulating) transformers To select the proper Transformer for Buck- two or three single phase transformers
these units can accommodate a high volt- Boost applications, determine: are required as indicated in the “quantity
age of 120, 240 or 480 volts. For units 1. Input line voltage — The voltage that you required” line at the bottom of the table.
with two 12 volt secondaries, two 16 volt want to buck (decrease) or boost The selection is dependent on whether a
secondaries, or two 24 volt secondaries, the (increase). This can be found by Wye connected bank of three transform-
output can be wired for either secondary measuring the supply line voltage with a ers with a neutral is required or whether
voltage, or for 3-wire secondary. The unit is voltmeter. an open Delta connected bank of two
rated (kVA) as any conventional transformer. ransformers for a Delta connected load
2. Load voltage — The voltage at which
will be suitable.
your equipment is designed to operate.
Operation This is listed on the nameplate of the load 7. For line/load voltage not listed on the
Electrical and electronic equipment is equipment. selection tables, use the pair listed on the
designed to operate on a standard supply table that is slightly above your application
3. Load kVA or Load Amps — You do not
voltage. When the supply voltage is con- for reference. Then apply the first
need to know both — one or the other is
stantly too high or too low, (usually greater formula at the bottom of the table to
sufficient for selection purposes. This
than ± 5%), the equipment fails to operate determine “new” output voltage. The
information usually can be found on the
at maximum efficiency. A Buck-Boost new kVA rating can be found using the
nameplate of the equipment that you
transformer is a simple and economical second formula.
want to operate.
120 @ 240 Volts Primary — 12/24 Volts Secondary, 60 Hz, No Taps, Wall Mounted
Single Phase — Table 1 Boosting Bucking
Catalog Line Voltage
96 100 105 109 189 208 215 220 125 132 229 245 250 252
Number* (Available)
Load Voltage
Transformer 115 120 115 120 208 229 237 242 114 120 208 222 227 240
050BB1224J kVA .24 .25 .50 .50 .43 .48 .49 .50 .52 .55 .48 .51 .52 1.05
.050 kVA Load Amps 2.08 2.08 4.17 4.17 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 4.59 4.59 2.29 2.29 2.29 4.38
100BB1224J kVA .48 .50 .96 1.00 .87 .95 .99 1.01 1.04 1.10 .95 1.02 1.04 2.10
.100 kVA Load Amps 4.17 4.17 8.33 8.33 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 9.16 9.16 4.58 4.58 4.58 8.75
150BB1224J kVA .72 .75 1.44 1.50 1.30 1.43 1.48 1.51 1.55 1.65 1.43 1.53 1.56 3.15
.150 kVA Load Amps 6.25 6.25 12.50 12.50 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 13.75 13.75 6.88 6.88 6.88 13.13
205BB1224J kVA 1.19 1.25 2.40 2.50 2.17 2.38 2.47 2.52 2.60 2.75 2.38 2.54 2.60 5.25
.250 kVA Load Amps 10.42 10.42 20.83 20.83 10.42 10.42 10.42 10.42 22.92 22.92 11.46 11.46 11.46 21.88
505BB1224J kVA 2.37 2.50 4.80 5.00 4.33 4.77 4.94 5.04 5.18 5.50 4.77 5.09 5.20 10.50
.500 kVA Load Amps 20.83 20.83 41.67 41.67 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 45.83 45.83 22.92 22.92 22.92 43.75
705BB1224J kVA 3.56 3.75 7.19 7.50 6.50 7.15 7.41 7.56 7.77 8.25 7.15 7.63 7.80 15.75
.750 kVA Load Amps 31.25 31.25 62.50 62.50 31.25 31.25 31.25 31.25 68.75 68.75 34.38 34.38 34.38 65.63
1BB1224J kVA 4.75 5.00 9.58 10.00 8.67 9.53 9.88 10.08 10.36 11.00 9.53 10.17 10.40 21.00
1.00 kVA Load Amps 41.67 41.67 83.33 83.33 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 91.66 91.66 45.83 45.83 45.83 87.50
105BB1224J kVA 7.13 7.50 14.38 15.00 13.00 14.30 14.81 15.13 15.54 16.50 14.30 15.26 15.61 31.50
1.50 kVA Load Amps 62.50 62.50 125.00 125.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 137.50 137.50 68.75 68.75 68.75 131.25
2BB1224J kVA 9.50 10.00 19.17 20.00 17.33 19.07 19.75 20.17 20.72 22.00 19.07 20.35 20.81 42.00
2.00 kVA Load Amps 83.33 83.33 166.66 166.66 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 183.33 183.33 91.66 91.66 91.66 175.00
3BB1224J kVA 14.25 15.00 28.75 30.00 26.00 28.60 29.63 30.25 31.08 33.00 28.60 30.53 31.21 63.00
3.00 kVA Load Amps 125.00 125.00 250.00 250.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 275.00 275.00 137.50 137.50 137.50 262.50
5BB1224J kVA 23.75 25.00 47.92 50.00 43.33 47.67 49.37 50.42 51.79 55.00 47.67 50.88 52.02 105.00
5.00 kVA Load Amps 208.33 208.33 416.66 416.66 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 458.33 458.33 229.17 229.17 229.17 437.50
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 3
505BB1224J kVA 15.01 8.44 8.66 16.60 16.50 31.50 7.50 8.26 8.73 15.76 8.26 9.01 9.21 9.53
.500 kVA Load Amps 41.67 20.83 20.83 41.67 20.83 41.67 20.83 20.83 20.83 43.75 22.92 22.92 22.92 22.92
705BB1224J kVA 22.52 12.67 12.99 24.90 24.75 47.25 11.26 12.39 13.10 23.64 12.39 13.52 13.82 14.29
.750 kVA Load Amps 62.50 31.25 31.25 62.50 31.25 62.50 31.25 31.25 31.25 65.63 34.38 34.38 34.38 34.38
1BB1224J kVA 30.02 16.89 17.32 33.20 33.00 63.00 15.01 16.51 17.47 31.52 16.51 18.02 18.42 19.05
1.00 kVA Load Amps 83.33 41.67 41.67 83.33 41.67 83.33 41.67 41.67 41.67 87.50 45.83 45.83 45.83 45.53
105BB1224J kVA 45.03 25.33 25.98 49.80 49.50 94.50 22.52 24.77 26.20 47.28 24.77 27.03 27.63 28.53
1.50 kVA Load Amps 125.00 62.50 62.50 125.00 62.50 125.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 131.25 68.75 68.75 68.75 68.75
2BB1224J kVA 60.06 33.77 34.64 66.40 66.00 126.00 30.02 33.03 34.93 63.05 33.03 36.04 36.84 38.11
2.00 kVA Load Amps 166.67 83.33 83.33 166.67 83.33 166.66 83.33 83.33 83.33 175.00 91.67 91.67 91.67 91.67
3BB1224J kVA 90.07 50.66 51.96 99.59 99.00 189.00 45.03 49.54 52.39 94.57 49.54 54.06 55.25 57.16
3.00 kVA Load Amps 250.00 125.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 262.50 137.50 137.50 137.50 137.50
5BB1224J kVA 150.11 84.44 86.60 165.99 165.00 318.00 75.05 82.56 87.32 157.62 82.56 90.10 92.09 95.26
5.00 kVA Load Amps 416.67 208.33 208.33 416.67 208.33 416.66 208.33 208.33 208.33 437.50 229.17 229.17 229.17 229.17
Quantity Required 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 5 6 6 5 8 7 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12
• Output voltage for lower input voltage can be found by: • Output kVA available at reduced input voltage can be found by: •Inputs and outputs may be reversed
Rated Output Voltage @ Input Actual Voltage = Output New Voltage. Actual Input Voltage without affecting kVA capacity. See
@ Output kVA = New kVA Rating.
Rated Input Voltage Rated Input Voltage note on page 8-25
120 @ 240 Volts Primary — 16/32 Volts Secondary, 60 Hz, No Taps, Wall Mounted
Single Phase — Table 3 Boosting Bucking
Catalog Line Voltage
95 100 105 208 215 215 220 225 135 240 240 245 250 255
Number* (Available)
Load Voltage
Transformer 120 113 119 236 244 229 235 240 120 212 225 230 234 239
050BB1632J kVA .19 .36 .37 .37 .38 .72 .73 .73 .42 .37 .75 .77 .78 .80
.050 kVA Load Amps 1.56 3.12 3.12 1.56 1.56 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.54 1.77 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33
100BB1632J kVA .38 .72 .74 .74 .76 1.44 1.46 1.50 .84 .74 1.50 1.54 1.56 1.60
.100 kVA Load Amps 3.13 6.25 6.25 3.13 3.13 6.25 6.25 6.25 7.09 3.54 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66
150BB1632J kVA .56 1.06 1.12 1.12 1.14 2.16 2.20 2.26 1.26 1.10 2.26 2.30 2.34 2.40
.150 kVA Load Amps 4.69 9.38 9.38 4.69 4.69 9.38 9.38 9.38 10.64 5.30 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.02
205BB1632J kVA .94 1.78 1.86 1.88 1.91 3.59 3.67 3.75 2.11 1.84 3.75 3.83 3.90 3.98
.250 kVA Load Amps 7.81 15.63 15.63 7.81 7.81 15.63 15.63 15.63 17.71 8.85 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67
505BB1632J kVA 1.88 3.56 3.72 3.75 3.81 7.19 7.34 7.50 4.21 3.68 7.50 7.67 7.80 7.97
.500 kVA Load Amps 15.63 31.25 31.25 15.63 15.63 31.25 31.25 31.25 35.42 17.71 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33
705BB1632J kVA 2.81 5.34 5.58 5.63 5.72 10.78 11.02 11.25 6.32 5.53 11.25 11.50 11.70 11.95
.750 kVA Load Amps 23.44 46.88 46.88 23.44 23.44 46.88 46.88 46.88 53.13 26.56 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
1BB1632J kVA 3.75 7.13 7.44 7.50 7.63 14.38 14.69 15.00 8.43 7.37 15.00 15.33 15.60 15.93
1.00 kVA Load Amps 31.25 62.50 62.50 31.25 31.25 62.50 62.50 62.50 70.83 35.42 66.67 66.67 66.67 66.67
105BB1632J kVA 5.63 10.69 11.16 11.25 11.44 21.56 22.03 22.50 12.64 11.05 22.50 23.00 23.40 23.90
1.50 kVA Load Amps 43.90 93.80 93.80 46.90 46.90 93.80 93.80 93.80 106.30 53.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
2BB1632J kVA 7.50 14.25 14.88 15.00 15.25 28.75 29.38 30.00 16.86 14.73 30.00 30.67 31.20 31.87
2.00 kVA Load Amps 62.50 125.00 125.00 62.50 62.50 125.00 125.00 125.00 141.70 70.80 133.30 133.30 133.30 133.30
3BB1632J kVA 11.25 21.38 22.31 22.50 22.88 43.13 44.06 45.00 25.29 22.10 45.00 46.00 46.80 47.80
3.00 kVA Load Amps 93.80 187.50 187.50 93.80 93.80 187.50 187.50 187.50 212.50 106.30 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
5BB1632J kVA 18.75 35.63 37.19 37.50 38.13 71.88 73.44 75.00 42.15 36.83 75.00 76.67 78.00 79.67
5.00 kVA Load Amps 156.30 312.50 312.50 156.30 156.30 312.50 312.50 312.50 354.20 177.10 333.30 333.30 333.30 333.30
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 3
505BB1632J kVA 11.26 12.77 11.26 6.33 12.99 5.63 13.28 13.50 13.86 7.17 7.36
.500 kVA Load Amps 31.25 31.26 31.25 15.63 31.25 15.63 33.33 33.33 33.33 17.69 17.71
705BB1632J kVA 16.89 19.16 16.89 9.50 19.49 8.44 19.92 20.26 20.78 10.76 11.04
.750 kVA Load Amps 46.88 46.88 46.88 23.44 46.88 23.44 50.00 50.00 50.00 26.54 26.56
1BB1632J kVA 22.52 25.55 22.52 12.67 25.98 11.26 26.56 27.02 27.71 14.34 14.72
1.00 kVA Load Amps 62.50 62.50 62.50 31.25 62.50 31.25 66.67 66.67 66.67 35.39 35.42
105BB1632J kVA 33.77 38.32 33.77 19.00 38.97 16.89 39.84 40.53 41.57 21.52 22.08
1.50 kVA Load Amps 93.75 93.75 93.75 46.88 93.75 46.88 100.00 100.00 100.00 53.08 53.13
2BB1632J kVA 45.03 51.10 46.03 25.33 51.96 22.52 53.11 54.04 55.43 28.69 29.44
2.00 kVA Load Amps 125.00 125.00 125.00 62.50 125.00 62.50 133.33 133.33 133.33 70.78 70.83
3BB1632J kVA 67.55 76.64 67.55 38.00 77.94 33.77 79.67 81.06 83.14 43.03 44.17
3.00 kVA Load Amps 187.50 187.50 187.50 93.75 187.50 93.75 200.00 200.00 200.00 106.17 106.25
5BB1632J kVA 112.58 127.74 112.58 63.33 129.90 56.29 132.79 135.09 138.56 71.72 73.61
5.00 kVA Load Amps 312.50 312.50 312.50 156.25 312.50 156.25 333.33 333.33 333.33 176.95 177.08
Quantity Required 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 5 5 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12
• Output voltage for lower input voltage can be found by: • Output kVA available at reduced input voltage can be found by: •Inputs and outputs may be reversed
Rated Output Voltage @ Input Actual Voltage = Output New Voltage. Actual Input Voltage without affecting kVA capacity. See
@ Output kVA = New kVA Rating. note on page 8-25.
Rated Input Voltage Rated Input Voltage
240 @ 480 Volts Primary — 24/48 Volts Secondary, 60 Hz, No Taps, Wall Mounted
Single Phase — Table 5 Boosting Bucking
Catalog Line Voltage
230 380 416 425 430 435 440 450 450 460 277 480 480 504
Number* (Available)
Load Voltage
Transformer 276 418 458 468 473 457 462 495 472 483 231 436 457 480
050BB2448J kVA .29 .44 .48 .49 .49 .95 .96 .52 .98 1.01 .29 .50 1.00 1.05
.050 kVA Load Amps 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 2.08 2.08 1.04 2.08 2.08 1.25 1.15 2.19 2.19
100BB2448J kVA .58 .87 .95 .97 .99 1.90 1.93 1.03 1.97 2.01 .58 1.00 2.00 2.10
.100 kVA Load Amps 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 4.17 4.17 2.08 4.17 4.17 2.50 2.29 4.38 4.38
150BB2448J kVA .86 1.31 1.43 1.46 1.48 2.86 2.89 1.55 2.95 3.02 .86 1.50 3.00 3.15
.150 kVA Load Amps 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 6.25 6.25 3.13 6.25 6.25 3.75 3.44 6.56 6.56
205BB2448J kVA 1.44 2.18 2.38 2.43 2.46 4.76 4.81 2.58 4.92 5.03 1.44 2.50 5.00 5.25
.250 kVA Load Amps 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 10.42 5.21 10.42 10.42 6.25 5.73 10.94 10.94
505BB2448J kVA 2.88 4.35 4.77 4.87 4.93 9.52 9.62 5.16 9.83 10.06 2.88 5.00 10.00 10.50
.500 kVA Load Amps 10.42 10.42 10.42 10.42 10.42 20.83 20.83 10.42 20.83 20.83 12.50 11.46 21.88 21.88
705BB2448J kVA 4.31 6.53 7.15 7.30 7.39 14.28 14.44 7.73 14.75 15.09 4.31 7.49 15.00 15.75
.750 kVA Load Amps 15.63 15.63 15.62 15.63 15.63 31.25 31.25 15.63 31.25 31.25 18.75 17.19 32.81 32.81
1BB2448J kVA 5.75 8.71 9.53 9.74 9.85 19.04 19.25 10.31 19.67 20.13 5.75 9.99 20.00 21.00
1.00 kVA Load Amps 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 41.67 41.67 20.83 41.67 41.67 25.00 22.92 43.75 43.75
105BB2448J kVA 8.63 13.06 14.30 14.61 14.78 28.56 28.88 15.47 29.50 30.19 8.63 14.99 30.00 31.50
1.50 kVA Load Amps 31.25 31.25 31.25 31.25 31.25 62.50 62.50 31.25 62.50 62.50 37.50 34.38 65.63 65.63
2BB2448J kVA 11.50 17.42 19.07 19.48 19.71 38.08 38.50 20.63 39.33 40.25 11.50 19.98 40.00 42.00
2.00 kVA Load Amps 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 83.33 83.33 41.67 83.33 83.33 50.00 45.83 87.50 87.50
3BB2448J kVA 17.25 26.13 28.60 29.22 29.56 57.13 57.75 30.94 59.00 60.38 17.25 29.98 60.00 63.00
3.00 kVA Load Amps 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 125.00 125.00 62.50 125.00 125.00 75.00 68.80 131.25 131.25
5BB2448J kVA 28.75 43.54 47.67 48.70 49.30 95.20 96.20 51.56 98.30 100.60 28.80 50.00 100.00 105.00
5.00 kVA Load Amps 104.17 104.17 104.17 104.17 104.20 208.30 208.30 104.17 208.30 208.30 125.00 114.60 218.75 218.75
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 3
505BB2448J kVA 8.60 7.54 8.52 16.64 9.11 17.40 9.51 18.16 7.93 15.85 16.57 8.28 17.29 8.64 9.02 18.04
.500 kVA Load Amps 10.40 10.42 10.40 20.80 10.40 20.80 10.40 20.80 11.44 21.84 21.84 11.44 21.84 11.44 11.44 21.88
705BB2448J kVA 12.90 11.31 12.77 24.97 13.67 26.10 14.27 27.24 11.89 23.77 24.85 12.42 25.93 12.96 13.52 27.06
.750 kVA Load Amps 15.60 15.63 15.60 31.20 15.60 31.20 15.60 31.20 17.16 32.76 32.76 17.16 32.76 17.16 17.16 32.81
1BB2448J kVA 17.30 15.08 17.03 33.29 18.23 34.80 19.02 36.31 15.85 31.70 33.14 16.57 34.57 17.28 18.03 36.08
1.00 kVA Load Amps 20.80 20.83 20.80 41.60 20.80 41.60 20.80 41.60 22.88 43.68 43.68 22.88 43.68 22.88 22.88 43.75
105BB2448J kVA 25.90 22.62 25.55 49.93 27.34 52.50 28.53 54.47 23.78 47.55 49.71 24.85 51.86 25.92 27.05 54.13
1.50 kVA Load Amps 31.20 31.25 31.20 62.40 31.20 62.40 31.20 62.40 34.32 65.52 65.52 34.32 65.62 34.32 34.32 65.63
2BB2448J kVA 34.60 30.17 34.07 66.58 36.46 69.60 38.04 72.63 31.70 63.40 66.27 33.13 69.15 34.56 36.06 72.17
2.00 kVA Load Amps 41.60 41.67 41.60 83.20 41.60 83.20 41.60 83.20 45.76 87.36 87.36 45.76 87.36 45.76 45.76 87.50
3BB2448J kVA 52.00 45.25 51.18 100.03 54.69 104.57 57.07 109.12 47.63 95.25 99.57 49.77 103.89 51.92 54.18 108.25
3.00 kVA Load Amps 62.50 62.50 62.50 125.00 62.50 125.00 62.50 125.00 68.75 131.25 131.25 68.75 131.25 68.75 68.75 131.25
5BB2448J kVA 86.10 75.42 85.17 166.44 91.15 174.01 95.11 181.57 79.26 158.50 165.69 82.83 172.87 86.39 90.16 180.42
5.00 kVA Load Amps 104.00 104.17 104.00 208.00 104.00 208.00 104.00 208.00 114.40 218.40 218.40 114.40 218.40 114.40 114.40 218.75
Quantity Required 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Connection Diagram (pg. 8-25) 6 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11
• Output voltage for lower input can be found by: • Output kVA available at reduced input voltage can be found by: •Inputs and outputs may be reversed
Rated Output Voltage @ Input Actual Voltage = Output New Voltage. Actual Input Voltage without affecting kVA capacity. See
@ Output kVA = New kVA Rating.
Rated Input Voltage Rated Input Voltage note on page 8-25.
ow-voltage Applications:
By using the “Standard Step-down Diagram 2
Application” diagram at left, buck boost
transformers will convert 120V or 240V to
12, 24, 16 or 32 volts and 240V or 480V to
24 or 48 volts without affecting the name-
plate kVA rating of the transformer. Buck
boost transformers used in this type of
application will become isolation or insulat-
ing type transformers.
Diagram 4 8
•Inputs and Outputs may be reversed; kVA capacity •Refer to NEC 450-4 for overcurrent protection of an
remains constant. Exception: Cannot use 3-wire input
with 4-wire output to form a neutral and does not •All applications are suitable for 60Hz only,
contact factory for 50Hz information.
apply to standard step-down applications.
Buck-Boost Transformers
Single Phase, Three Phase Typical Connection Diagrams
Three Phase Note: Contact sales office for diagrams applicable to “J” suffix.
Diagram 5a Diagram 6a
Diagram 7a Diagram 8a
Diagram 12b
>50 Contact customer support >75 Contact customer support
Values listed above are for standard configurations. There may be slight variations depending on requirements. Contact Customer Support for special requirements. Encapsulated units
less than or equal to 15kVA do not have lugs. Lead wires are provided.
ForSeries H, see chart in Series H Addendum - Page H-17 Lug Pad sizes are not available except on cutsheets. Contact Customer Support for special requirements.
a Series
J Drip Shield Kits are available as a special order. b UL Listed for indoor and outdoor use with
Add “XD” to the catalog number. dripshield installed.
Product Category XFMR Siemens Industry, Inc. SPEEDFAX™ 2017 Product Catalog 8-27