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eni spa Letter SIAM 37/RG of 06/08/2010

exploration & production division Doc. N°

“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


Rev. Date Pages Revision Description

Updated field of application: to be applied to drilling, completion and
01 August 2010 36
exploration services. The doc. 310520-SG-22 Integrated HSE-QR
requirements for drilling, completion and exploration services is

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eni spa Letter SIAM 37/RG of 06/08/2010
exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2 FIELD OF APPLICATION .............................................................................................................. 4
3 EXTERNAL REFERENCE ............................................................................................................. 5
4 INTERNAL REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 5
5 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 6
6 PARTIES INVOLVED ..................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 7
6.2 SUB-CONTRACTORS........................................................................................................... 8
6.3 CONTRACTOR HSE MS AND PROCEDURES.................................................................... 8
6.4 CONTRACTOR HSE PLAN ................................................................................................... 9
7 HSE POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 9
8 HSE DISCIPLINARY POLICY...................................................................................................... 10
9 CONTRACTOR HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................... 10
9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 10
9.2 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 11
9.3 INTERFACE AND COMPATIBILITY OF HSE MS............................................................... 13
9.4 BRIDGING DOCUMENT...................................................................................................... 13
10 CONTRACTOR HSE PLAN ......................................................................................................... 14
10.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 14
10.2 HSE PLAN CONTENT ......................................................................................................... 15
10.3 HSE PLAN ANNEXES ......................................................................................................... 16
11 HSE DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED .................................................................................... 18
12 CONTRACT EXECUTION PHASE .............................................................................................. 19
12.1 KICK OFF MEETING ........................................................................................................... 19
12.2 MOBILISATION.................................................................................................................... 20
12.3 COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK ................................................................................... 20
12.4 EXECUTION OF THE WORK.............................................................................................. 22
12.5 TRANSPORTATION ............................................................................................................ 23
12.6 PERMIT TO WORK ............................................................................................................. 24
INVESTIGATION .............................................................................................................................. 24
12.8 COMPANY SURVEILLANCE AND INSPECTION............................................................... 25
13 REPORTING AND MEETINGS.................................................................................................... 25
13.1 DAILY REPORT................................................................................................................... 26
13.2 WEEKLY REPORT .............................................................................................................. 26
13.3 MONTHLY REPORT............................................................................................................ 26
13.4 MEETINGS........................................................................................................................... 27
14 AUDITS......................................................................................................................................... 28
15 HSE CLOSE OUT REPORT ........................................................................................................ 28
15.1 HEALTH ............................................................................................................................... 28
15.2 SAFETY ............................................................................................................................... 29
15.3 ENVIRONMENTAL .............................................................................................................. 29
15.4 RADIATION PROTECTION ................................................................................................. 29
16 UPDATING RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................. 30
17 RECORDING RESPONSABILITIES............................................................................................ 30
18 DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................................................................ 30
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................. 31
A.1 HSE DISCIPLINARY POLICY ............................................................................................. 31
A.2 BRIDGING DOCUMENT -TABLE OF CONTENTS (EXAMPLE) ........................................ 34
A.3 MONTHLY REPORT -TABLE OF CONTENTS (EXAMPLE) .............................................. 35

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eni spa Letter SIAM 37/RG of 06/08/2010
exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


This document provides a framework of the Health, Safety, Environment, Public Safety and Radiation
Protection requirements and expectations as a minimum, of all CONTRACTORs and sub-
CONTRACTORs . It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure that all its personnel, and sub-
CONTRACTORs adhere to these requirements and continuously strive to meet the highest HSE
standards. The COMPANY HSE Integrated Management System focuses on the delivery of excellent
health, safety and environmental performance during the design, procurement, construction,
commissioning, maintenance and operation of the projects. Specific attention will be given to those
management processes for identifying and managing Safety, Health, Environment and Operational
risks. These will include but not be limited to the management of:

‰ Safety and accident prevention

‰ Plant and equipment integrity

‰ Pollution prevention and environmental protection

‰ Energy efficiency

‰ Personal health and occupational

‰ Physical security

‰ Sustainable development

This document shall be used in conjunction with Letter of Invitation to Tender and Contract documents.
It sets out the requirements for Health, Safety, Environment, Public Safety and Radiation Protection
that the bidders/contractors are expected to meet and to implement as a minimum acceptable standard
during the execution of the contract activities.

The document will help the CONTRACTOR in preparing their bid for the activities requested and will
provide eni e&p with enough information to objectively evaluate the bid on HSE issues.


These requirements cover all abroad activities, regardless of location, undertaken as part of the
SERVICES provided under the Contract, whether provided directly or by a sub-CONTRACTOR
(including, but not limited to, material and equipment of the CONTRACTOR or sub-CONTRACTOR).

This document is not applicable if the scope of work of the contract is referred to supply of
goods (materials and/or equipment) when field installation is not included.

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


- EN ISO/TS 29001:2003 “Quality management system requirements for the design,

development, production, installation and service of products for the petroleum, petrochemical
and natural gas industries”.
- EN ISO14001:2004 “Environmental Management System – Requirements with guidance
for use”.
- OHSAS 18001: 2007- Health and safety management systems
- UKOOA’s Guidance for “Health & Safety Management Systems Interfacing”
- OGP Managing Health for Field Operations in Oil and Gas Activities (Rep.n.343, May 2003)
- OGP Report n.6.70/279 (September 1998), Health Aspects of Work in Extreme Climate in
E&P Industry- The Heat
- OGP Report n.6.65/270 (January 1998), Health Aspects of Work in Extreme Climate in E&P
Industry- The Cold
- IADC -International Association of Drilling Contractors
- API Recommended Practices


- Code of Ethics, available on website Myeni.

- Model 231, available on website Myeni.
- Eni E&P Division – Division Directives Doc. N° “HSE Risk Management” [Ref 2]
- Eni E&P Division – Division Directives Doc. N° “Company Emergency Response Plan
(ERP)” [Ref 3]
- Eni Provision “Safety Technical Guidelines on Vehicles Driving in Non-UE Countries”. [Ref 4]
- Eni E&P Division Document Doc. N. “Minimum Health Standards and 8 Attachments
(here below only the applicable ones are listed) [Ref 5]:
Attachment 1: MHS 1 Development of a Health Program
Attachment 2: MHS 2 Health Risk Assessment
Attachment 4: MHS 4 Fitness to Work
Attachment 5: MHS 5 First Aid and Medical Emergency Response
- Eni E&P Division Document Doc. N. “Environmental, Social and Health Impact
Assessment”(ESHIA) [Ref 6]
- Eni E&P Division Document Doc. N. “Waste Management Planning“[Ref 7]
- Eni E&P Division Document Doc. N. “Catering and water hygiene standard” [Ref 8]
- Eni E&P Division “Training programme for medical and paramedical personnel” [Ref 9]
- Eni E&P Division “Operating procedures for medical emergency evacuation” [Ref 10]
- Eni E&P Division Document Doc. N. “Standard for local medical facilities medications,
equipments, field ambulance and first aid kits” [Ref 11]

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


• Accident: Sudden and unexpected event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other
loss (Source: OHSAS 18001:2007)
• ESHIA Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment
• Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Evaluation of the possible impact of new projects on the
health of host communities. Health Impact Assessment is normally carried out as part of or in
conjunction with the Environmental Assessment and a Social Impact Assessment process. The
results are used to develop appropriate mitigation measures and an improvement plan in
consultation with the host community.
• Health Risk Assessment (HRA) A process of identifying and assessing systematically work
place health hazards and risk, to ensure that they are adequately controlled. Health risk
assessment can be undertaken both for new projects and existing operations. Conducting such
an assessment at the appropriate stages of the design before operation commences, will not
only minimise risks to health, but will also avoid the potential need for expensive modifications
at later dates.
• HSE Integrated Management System (HSE IMS) Part of the overall system that facilitates the
management of the HSE risks associated with the business of the organisation. This includes
the organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures and
resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the
organisation’s HSE Policy.
• HSE Policy A public statement of the intentions and principles of actions of the COMPANY
regarding his HSE effects, giving rise to his strategic and detailed objectives.
• Incident Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident. Note
that an incident where no ill health, injury, damage, or other loss occurs is also referred to as a
“near miss”. The term “incident” includes “near-misses” (Source: OHSAS 18001:2007).
• ITT Invitation To Tender
• Medevac Short term for local and international Medical Evacuation. It means a patient
evacuation from a remote location to the nearest hospital (national medevac) or to home
country/ to another country with more appropriate medical facilities (international medevac).
Medical evacuation may be considered for any medical condition, arising from an illness or
injury, which can not be appropriately managed with the available Medical resource on site.
• MHS Minimum Health Standards
• Occupational illness Occupational illness is any abnormal condition or disorder of an
employee, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to
environmental factors associated with employment. It includes both acute and chronic illness or
diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, and ingestion of or direct contact with
the hazard, as well as exposure to physical and psychological hazards. It will generally result
from prolonged or repeated exposure
• OHMSP Occupation Health and Medical Support Program
• PPE Personal Protective Equipment

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”



All the functions mentioned in this document are not referred to specific organizational roles, but
indicate operational involvements in the activity management.

Roles and responsibilities shall be defined by each organization adopting this standard and customized
for each project, in compliance with the Company regulations.

The word shall is used to indicate that a provision is mandatory.

The word should is used to indicate that a provision is not mandatory, but recommended as good

COMPANY is the party, which requests contract activities/service and pays for them.

COMPANY will generally specify in documents related to the contracted activity (Invitation To Tender,
Technical Specifications and Bridging Document) the technical and HSE requirements of the
activities/service and define a representative authorized to act for, and on behalf of, the COMPANY for
the interfaces with the CONTRACTOR.

The COMPANY will apply the HSE DISCIPLINARY POLICY (see Annex A.1) where it recognizes
deviation from safety, health and environment good practices.

CONTRACTOR is the party which carries out the Contract activities/service.

CONTRACTOR is responsible:

‰ through his organization, for applying the HSE measures required to carry out the work
assigned to him by the COMPANY so as to prevent accidents/incidents or events which
jeopardize health and safety of personnel, safety of plant/ installation and environment;.

‰ for correct selection of personnel to be assigned to the jobs in all working disciplines.


‰ comply with all national laws, codes and international standards that apply to the work,
COMPANY HSE Integrated Management Systems and COMPANY HSE standards which
apply to the contracted job;

‰ ensure that all potential hazards and risks are identified, evaluated and mitigated prior to the
commencement of any activity;

‰ possess all the equipment needed to carry out the work as well as all the clothing, safety
devices and personal and collective protection devices required;

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

‰ plan all actions, controls and inspections aimed at ensuring that HSE requirements are
observed, applying the measures defined in his own HSE Management System;

‰ be fully aware that they are expected to bring to the immediate notice of their supervisor all
HSE risk which they believe not to be under adequate control, so that action may be taken to
prevent potential injuries or other losses and provide a safe and health work place;

‰ be fully aware of current COMPANY HSE practices which the CONTRACTOR shall comply
with, such as the Permit-to-Work system, Emergency Plan and so on.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the Health, Safety, Environment and Public Safety
management of the work, at his own cost which includes, but is not limited to:

‰ costs of worksite and living areas cleanness,

‰ tidiness and disposal of their waste;

‰ cost of clearance of any location upon completion of the contracted job;

‰ cost of disposal of all waste from any source under his care, custody or control and generated
through the performance of the contracted job. This kind of waste are identified as their
wastes, a waste register is also requested where is reported the amount, the typology, the
kind of storage provided and the final disposal or reclamation activities;

In accordance with the general conditions of Contract the COMPANY shall have right of access to any
CONTRACTOR site. The COMPANY reserves the right to take part in or conduct accident
investigations, site inspections, competency checks, safety meetings or HSE activities, with
participation of appropriate personnel.


It shall be CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure that any SUB-CONTRACTORs and/or joint

venture partners have appropriate HSE policies, management systems, plans and procedures and that
these systems comply with the COMPANY requirements. The COMPANY retains the right to audit
and/or approve these HSE management systems, plans and procedures. The sub contractors may use
the Main Contractor’s operating procedures and Safety manuals if they don’t have their own.

In this case the Main Contractor will be responsible that these standards are duly implemented by
its sub contractors.


The CONTRACTOR shall have an HSE MS in place which satisfies the requirements set in Chapter 9.

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

The CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement and maintain all HSE Procedures necessary to ensure
that the COMPANY requirements and the requirements of the CONTRACTOR HSE MS and Plan are
met at all times.

It is allowed to apply only the "general requirements" mentioned in paragraph 9.1 where volume of
activities, No. of resources and risks/impacts associated with a contract is so low.


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a specific project HSE Plan for the management of
all HSE aspects of the work, in compliance with requirements detailed in Chapter 10.

It is allowed to apply only the "general requirements" mentioned in paragraph 10.2 where volume of
activities, No. of resources and risks/impacts associated with a contract is so low.


The COMPANY is fully committed to the goals of no accidents, no harm to people.

CONTRACTOR and its SUB CONTRACTORS will acknowledge COMPANY’s strong commitment to
HSE and affirm that they have written HSE Policy which is of a standard comparable to that of
COMPANY. This Policy will be signed and actively supported and endorsed by CONTRACTOR’s
Management. CONTRACTOR will further affirm that its policies are widely disseminated and
understood among employees and SUB CONTRACTOR’s.

The minimum contents shall consider:

- the protection of the public safety, the health and safety of the workforce and the local
- the protection of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems;

the protection and promotion of the human rights, the economic and social development of the local

The eniE&P HSE Policy shall be submitted during the tender phase.

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


The COMPANY has adopted an HSE DISCIPLINARY POLICY (Appendix A.1) for contracts
management in order to establish the disciplinary rules that will be applied in case the CONTRACTOR
and its SUB-CONTRACTORS violate the HSE rules and practices.

shall therefore undertake all actions to apply :

• all national laws relating to Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (HSE);

• contract requirements


• eni(or Subsidiary) DRIVING POLICY ;

• Eni's guidelines regarding alcohol and drugs

Also, the CONTRACTOR shall spread the HSE DISCIPLINARY POLICY to its personnel and SUB-

The CONTRACTOR during the Kick off Meeting (KoM) shall submit to the COMPANY a statement of
commitment, showing the date of issue and signed by the employer.



The CONTRACTOR shall have an HSE MS which satisfies the following general requirements:

‰ CONTRACTOR shall have an HSE Policy in place, signed and dated by its Employer and be
actively using a formal HSE MS which demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement
and excellence in HSE issues and which satisfies all the appropriate elements of ISO

‰ CONTRACTOR shall have a system to manage hazards in the workplace, which are
associated with the execution of the contracted activities, inclusive of SUB-CONTRACTOR

‰ CONTRACTOR shall have a system to manage environmental and health impacts of the
activities (including SUB-CONTRACTOR activities) to be undertaken within the contract

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

‰ CONTRACTOR shall have controls implemented against the above hazards/impacts and,
when working at COMPANY controlled sites, those controls which are requested against
hazards/impacts identified already by the COMPANY and duly passed on to the

‰ CONTRACTOR shall ensure the use of trained personnel including HSE matters.

‰ CONTRACTOR shall advise COMPANY of any revision or amendment to CONTRACTOR’s

HSE MS issued during the term of the CONTRACT

‰ CONTRACTOR shall review its HSE MS at least annually and update it as necessary.

CONTRACTORs shall be complying with HSE requirements in all contract phases; the detailed list of
HSE documents to be submitted is reported in chapter 11.

The HSE MS shall be submitted during the tender phase.


The CONTRACTOR’s HSE MS shall include (but not be limited to) (*) :

1. Methods and procedures for hazards and effects management, including HAZOPs (if
necessary/requested), health risk and exposure risk assessment (HRA), environmental risks,
methods and procedures of controlling those risks when conditions change in terms of
hardware, workforce, organisation, operational conditions (such as SIMOPS) etc.; special
attention shall be paid on radiological risks, about which the CONTRACTOR shall:
demonstrate either that he holds the necessary permits to carry out the activities or how he
intends to charge SUB-CONTRACTORS of any activities he is not equipped for; assign the
radiological job to suitably trained personnel, covered by health monitoring program; specify
equipment to be used for radiological jobs, standards adopted, storage provisions, mitigation
measures for personnel and the general public; a Register of HSE Hazards & Risk Controls
for all activities shall be produced. The Register shall contain the following information:

• All activities under the scope of work (including those sub-contracted).

• The HSE hazards associated with each activity.
• An assessment of risk of release of each hazard.
• The potential consequences of hazard release.
• The controls to be applied to prevent release of each hazard.
• The recovery measures to be applied in case of release of each hazard.
• Positions responsible for maintaining each control & recovery measure.

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

COMPANY references for this requirement are in chapter 2 [Ref.11] and [Ref.15]

2. Methods for identifying, complying and implementing in a timely manner, all changes in
legislation and regulations pertaining to HSE;

3. HSE organization, including key persons (e.g. employer, HSE manager, health staff and/or
health consultancy services, emergency teams); a job definition and expertise description will
be provided for HSE professionals and specially trained emergency personnel;

4. Training plan and training certificates on HSE matters, including site orientation/induction on
HSE rules and emergency procedures, for new or transferred employees, SUB-
CONTRACTORS and visitors;

5. Communication process which enables the CONTRACTOR to establish contacts with:

COMPANY, in order to coordinate measures to reduce HSE impacts to other
CONTRACTORs, communities and other stakeholders; focal points (e.g. doctor, hospitals,
helicopter services, etc.), in order to manage HSE risks; workforce, in order to inform about
exposure risks;

6. Change Management System to manage and control hazards which could be associated
with both permanent and temporary changes, in people, FACILITIES, MATERIALS, and
working procedures, and Regulations or Industry Recommended Practices to avoid any
adverse HSE consequences. This change management system shall address as a minimum:

• Identification and documentation of change.

• Responsibilities for reviewing and recording the potential HSE hazards from the change.

• Implementation of change including communication to those who need to know.

7. Methods and procedures to ensure that all personnel are fit-for-purpose and suitably
equipped at all times to perform their tasks (e.g. health surveillance & fitness to work;
personal protective equipment; competency appraisal, etc) as per reference document
included in chapter 2 - [Ref.15] Attachment.4.

8. Systems for pre-qualification and selection of SUB-CONTRACTORS or joint venture

partners, in order to ensure compatibility and effectiveness of the SUB-CONTRACTORS or
joint venture partners own HSE management systems;

9. Tiered emergency response plans (medical, spills, fire, etc.) which ensure that any
necessary emergency response equipment is identified and suitably tested, appointed
personnel are trained and drills are conducted to ensure the plans are workable;

10. Records on relevant HSE performances, including:

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

a) Lost Time Accident (LTA) statistics;

b) No. of medical evacuations;

c) frequency of incidents;

d) No. of hours expended on training;

e) number of reportable occupational illnesses;

Records shall refer to the last 3 (three) years for the whole CONTRACTOR organisation and
to a similar job performed recently for other clients; this records shall be submitted during
the tender phase;

11. Process to develop an HSE audit and inspection plan/schedule and ensure an effective
system is in place for monitoring the follow-up and implementation of inspection and audit
actions. As far as the environmental management is concerned, the ISO 14001 standard
shall be used as guidance, while for Health and Safety the guidance is provided by the
OHSAS 18001 regulation. Including a programs to carry out regular inspections at

12. Follow-up systems aimed at ensuring that all remedial actions identified by reviews and
investigations are closed out, including accidents, incidents and HSE audits;


CONTRACTOR’s HSE MS shall, where relevant interfaces exist, be compatible with COMPANY HSE
MS. CONTRACTOR shall liaise with the COMPANY representative to ensure that the roles and
responsibilities in both systems are clearly defined and allocated and clearly understood by all parties
involved in the work.


To ensure clarity of responsibility, interfaces between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall be

documented in the form of an HSE MS Bridging Document.

This document shall be prepared by the COMPANY and formally agreed by the CONTRACTOR.

The document shall ensure that CONTRACTOR HSE MS is compatible and aligned with eni e&p div.
HSE MS. CONTRACTOR shall fully familiarise itself with eni e&p div. HSE MS and undertake a Gap
Analysis to address any shortfalls or non compliance within its own HSE MS.

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exploration & production division Doc. N°
“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

The purpose of establishing HSE MS Bridging Document between eni e&p div. and the CONTRACTOR,
is to ensure that performance standards of HSE achieved by one party through the application of its
HSE MS are not compromised by another or others, whilst undertaking shared activities. The process of
establishing HSE MS interfacing arrangements and documents should be seen as a management
planning activity.

This document shall demonstrate the effective interfacing of the CONTRACTOR and COMPANY HSE
Management Systems and the share of responsibilities. It shall provide a clear demonstration that
controls are in place in order to promote safe activities/operations.

This document includes a review of the procedures operated by both parties in order to identify areas
of incompatibility or areas that require specific instructions not covered by existing procedures. This is a
controlled document, which is signed and accepted by both parties.

This document shall cover key aspects of Management Responsibilities, HSE, Communications,
Schedule, Equipment Fitness and Monitoring, Auditing and Review.

ANNEX A.2 shows a table of content as an example.



The overall objective of the CONTRACTOR HSE Plan is to present the CONTRACTOR’s organisation
and arrangements necessary for the implementation of his HSE Management Systems. It will describe
and detail how the CONTRACTOR will manage HSE throughout the lifetime of the Contract. It shall
focus on contract specific risks and the management of controls to eliminate, reduce or mitigate these

HSE Plan shall ensure that all the project activities which impact on HSE are planned, programmed
and carried out in accordance with Applicable Law and International Standards.

The CONTRACTOR’s HSE Plan shall be prepared specifically for the scope of work within the Contract
and be updated as appropriate for the duration of the Contract.

A draft HSE Plan shall be submitted during the tender phase.

The final HSE Plan shall be subject to COMPANY review/approval and shall be finalised and
completed with Annexes at the date agreed during the Kick off Meeting.

The COMPANY reserves the right to review any proposed amendments to the agreed plan which may
be necessary as the work progresses.

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“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

The HSE Plan shall also be supported by:

‰ A detailed schedule of activities and milestones required to deliver health, safety,

environmental systems and procedures in a timely manner. All HSE activities and milestones
shall be included within the detailed work schedule. The schedule shall be linked to the
CONTRACTOR’s overall schedule for the work.

‰ A comprehensive suite of project specific processes, and programs which cover all aspects of
the work (See HSE Plan Annexes Par. 10.3)

‰ Description and schedule of activities required for the identification, assessment and
management of significant HSE risks associated with the design, construction and
commissioning activities associated with the work.


The HSE Plan shall include the following as a minimum:

‰ CONTRACTOR’s HSE policy and objectives;

‰ Organisation and personnel for the project: the Organisation Chart shall focus on HSE roles
and responsibilities (including CONTRACTOR’s key HSE resources, personnel in charge of
critical activities, interfaces with the COMPANY, SUB-CONTRACTORS etc.);

‰ Planning of activities (Work description, schedule with HSE milestones) required for the
identification, assessment and management of the significant HSE risks associated with the

‰ Project specific procedures (including Emergency Management, Training, Communication

and interfaces, Documentation Management and Operative Control): the HSE Plan shall
identify and describe which procedures have to be issued/implement to manage foreseeable
risks, indicate an appropriate system for registering all potential risks and mitigate any possible
related impact on the safety, environment and health.

‰ Monitoring (Non Conformity and actions, Incident and near miss, management of change,
Audit ) and Reporting.

‰ Review Plan;

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“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”


The CONTRACTOR should submit to the COMPANY the following documentation, as ANNEXES of
the HSE Plan. Documentation requested in Annexes will be agreed at the Kick of Meeting depending
on plant type, complexity and country.

1. List of all applicable laws and standards;

2A. Description of CONTRACTOR’s worksites and analysis of tasks carried out at each site and
relevant risks;

2B. Identification of HSE roles and responsibilities at worksites (e.g. job/site responsible person,
HSE representative, medical contact) taking into account handover from shift to shift; procedure for
employee representatives consultation on HSE matters;

3. Risk evaluation for the contracted job, covering: hazardous equipment (lifting equipment, cranes,
pressurised equipment, electrical equipment etc.), workplace hazards (slippery surfaces, layout,
occupational health ones such as microclimate, VDU etc.), environmental hazards (improper use of
natural resources, contamination of water, soil and air, etc), hazardous substances and hazards
communicated by the COMPANY (hydrocarbons, concurrent activities); identification and adoption
of risk mitigation measures, such as: certified equipment, safe working practices, PPEs, MSDS (list
of all relevant documents to be included);

4. Identification and evaluation of exposure to harmful agents, including: chemical agents, physical
agents (noise, asbestos etc.) and biological agents (bacteria, legionella etc.); prevention programs
in place (e.g. food & water examinations, industrial hygiene, etc.) and tools adopted to
communicate, in all languages adopted on site, exposure risks and consequent behavioural issues
(health training, etc). An effective evaluation may be carried out through a preliminary/qualitative
and/or quantitative Health Risk Assessment (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.A1 Fire protection equipment (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.A2 Protection against explosion and explosive atmosphere (list of all relevant documents to be

5.1.A3 Protection against toxic/harmful substances (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.B Escape, Evacuation and Rescue (EER) requirements, including EER equipment, practical
training courses on survival techniques, fire emergency and first aid (list of all relevant documents
and fit-for-purpose certificates to be included);

5.1.C Means for communication, warning and alarm taking account of construction/installation and
commissioning risks (list of all relevant documents to be included);

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“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

5.1.D Medical and Occupational Health requirements, inclusive of an Health Management Plan (as
per reference document included in chapter 2 - [Ref.15]- Attachment 1.) which, starting from the
Health Risk Assessment, defines programs/procedures for health surveillance and fitness to work;
health training (including medical and paramedical staff too, as per reference document included in
chapter 2 -[Ref.18]); medical emergency response; substance abuse and industrial hygiene
monitoring; ergonomics; product stewardship; food & water controls (as per reference document
included in chapter 2 -[Ref.19]); medical wastes management; first aid, medical organization and
health facilities requirements (e.g. field clinic, medical staff, medicine, ambulance, etc, as per
reference document included in chapter 2 -[Ref.16]), etc (list of all relevant documents to be

5.1.E Program for systematic inspection, maintenance and testing of equipment, instruments and
plants (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.F Program for maintenance and inspection of safety critical equipment (list of all relevant
documents and records to be included);

5.1.G. Use and maintenance of pressurised equipment (list of all relevant documents and records to be

5.1.H. Program for drills and exercises (all reference documents and records to be included);

5.1.I. Equipment to prevent blow-out and emergency measures in case of blow-out, if applicable (list of
all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.K. Management of explosives, if applicable (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.L. Simultaneous Operations requirements and relevant risk assessment and procedures (list of all
relevant documents to be included);

5.1.M.HSE Induction, Awareness and Training program (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.1.N. Identification of safe assembly areas (list of all relevant documents to be included);

5.2 Competency assurance, inclusive of SUB-CONTRACTORS personnel, covering ability to operate

any equipment used on site, understand safe work practices, use Personal Protective Equipment
and permit-to-work system (list of all relevant documents, competency certificates and records to
be included and updated);

6 HSE management interface meetings program, covering: coordination among COMPANY and
CONTRACTORS personnel about site risks; review of CONTRACTOR’s HSE Plan and review of
accidents/incidents and lessons learned;

7 Incident investigation, reporting and prevention procedure, fully compliant with COMPANY
procedures (as described in section 12.7);

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8 Requirements for transportation of personnel and materials, aligned with COMPANY journey
management procedure;

9 Environmental Management, including but not limited to: emissions register, hazardous and non-
hazardous waste disposal procedures (as per reference document included in chapter 2 -[Ref.20]),
oil and chemical spill contingency measures, temporary fuel storage arrangements, chemical
storage arrangements, spill reporting procedures, site restoration procedures and procedure for
use of energy and community water services;

10 Emergency Management, covering but not limited to: medical evacuation, road traffic accidents,
oil/chemical spills, man/vehicle lost, offshore incidents/evacuation (if applicable). The
CONTRACTOR shall bridge his own emergency plans to COMPANY Emergency Response Plan
and Medical Emergency Response Plan; the documents included in chapter 2 - [Ref.12],
[Ref.15] Attachment 5, and [Ref.17], shall be used as reference documents.

11. Radiation Protection Management (in case of CONTRACTOR’s own sources), inclusive of :
permits to carry and store radioactive sources, names of qualified experts, operating procedures,
radiation work permits, health surveillance of exposed personnel, protection measures for the
general public;

12. Radiation Protection Management (in case of use of radiation sources under the COMPANY’s
responsibility), inclusive of: documentation to be issued for certifying capability to carry out
specialist activities in areas where radiological risk exists; agreement with COMPANY about risk
control methods and procedures; agreement with COMPANY about dosimetric records for
personnel involved in radiological works; agreement with COMPANY about the health surveillance
of all those involved;




TENDER ⇒ HSE POLICY, HSE MS MANUAL and/or HSE Procedures Chapter 9

and Work Instructions

⇒ Draft HSE PLAN Chapter 10

⇒ HSE PERFORMANCES of the last three years Par. 9.2

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⇒ HSE PLAN and Annexes Par. 10.3
⇒ Bridging Document Par. 9.4
Kick off Meeting
⇒ Reporting Plan Chapter 13


The above table summarized the documents that CONTRACTOR shall provide during Contract
phases, based on COMPANY documents (Invitation To Tender and Technical Specifications).



A Kck off Meeting is held immediately after contract award and before the mobilisation for execution of

the contracted job.

For a new CONTRACTOR, the Kick off Meeting includes the COMPANY’s and CONTRACTOR’s local

management, and is attended by the respective HSE Management Representatives.

The topics covered by the Kick off Meeting shall include:

‰ Understanding by all parties about Contract objectives with special focus to relevant HSE


‰ Confirmation of scope and schedule of the activities and relevant HSE issues;

‰ Confirmation that roles, responsibilities and interfaces between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY

have been clearly defined and understood;

‰ Agreement on Deliverables List and on COMPANY involvement in any single document

(Approval, Review, Information etc.);

‰ Agreement on Reporting;

‰ Agreement on Close Out Report Content;

‰ Agreement on issue date of Bridging Document;

‰ Confirmation of HSE Plan and Annexes to be implemented and agreement on dates for
CONTRACTOR submission and COMPANY approval.

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In the mobilisation phase CONTRACTOR shall communicate his HSE Plan and any other significant
HSE aspects of the Contract to all key personnel assigned to the job. Progress meetings shall then be
used as a formal method of reviewing HSE implementation.

Once mobilisation activities have commenced, the COMPANY has the faculty of starting the monitoring
of the CONTRACTOR’s pre-execution activities, in order to assure the HSE Plan is implemented.

The results of COMPANY’s monitoring activities (audits, reviews) are documented and processed
through the CONTRACTOR’s HSE management system.


The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his organisation and corresponding resources satisfy the
requirements mentioned in the HSE Plan and its Annexes, as agreed during Kick off Meeting.

The CONTRACTOR, before the actual commencement date, shall carry out and provide to the
COMPANY a worksite survey to assess working, safety, environmental and health conditions, to
identify hazards and to optimise the lay-out of his equipment and premises

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his HSE Policy is prominently displayed at the worksite, including
policy statements on specialised aspects.

The CONTRACTOR shall identify any potential environmental, social and health impacts related to his
own activities and define appropriate mitigation and management measures (as per reference
document included in chapter 2 - [Ref.20]).

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the site emergency plans are updated and available.

The CONTRACTOR’s personnel employed on the worksite shall be medically fit for the job they are
assigned to. Medical fitness certificates issued by a recognised authority shall be made available to
COMPANY upon his request. The CONTRACTOR shall also ensure that at least one certified first-
aider is on site at all time (at least one for every 25 employees).

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the medical organization and health facilities provided at the site
of operations are able to ensure an effective first aid, medical assistance and medical emergency
response, and that occupational health requirements are complied for according to the Company HSE

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Upon the actual commencement date, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all CONTRACTOR’s
personnel present on the worksite attend an HSE induction session.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that training certificates for personnel scheduled to work offshore or
appointed for safety critical jobs are made available to the COMPANY upon request.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide CONTRACTOR’s personnel and visitors with all items of equipment
and clothing necessary for the safe and healthy conduct of the job; training/induction sessions on their
use shall be conducted and competence/awareness assessed.

CONTRACTOR shall provide PPE to its personnel in accordance with good engineering practice and
recognised international standards and shall ensure that SUBCONTRACTORS do the same.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its personnel and SUBCONTRACTOR personnel always wear the
PPE required for the type of work being carried out in addition or in place of basic PPE required for all
personnel (and shall make sure all appropriate PPE is provided to non-CONTRACTOR persons
entitled to have access to the ACTIVITIES undertaken as part of the SERVICES provided under the
Contract). Suitable PPE shall be reviewed regularly according to risk evaluations. CONTRACTOR shall
ensure its and its SUBCONTRACTORS' employees understand the need for PPE and are provided
with instruction as necessary in its use.

PPE shall include the following items, but not limited to:

• Head protection

• Eye and face protection.

• Foot protection

• Hearing protection.

• Hand protection

• Flame resistant clothing may be required for certain task(s) as identified by in-situ

• Clothing for handling hazardous chemicals.

• Fall protection

• Other equipment, e.g., breathing apparatus, toxic escape masks, toxic personal
detectors, gloves, harnesses or belts, rain gear or chemical resistant clothing, etc., must
be worn when the hazards to which an individual is exposed dictate their use.

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High Visibility long pants and shirts or long sleeves coveralls shall be worn at all times by personnel
during the performance of the activities. Ragged or loose clothing and jewellery (rings, watches,
necklaces, etc.) are not to be worn when operating equipment. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any
clothing that becomes saturated with petroleum products or hazardous chemicals should be promptly
removed or changed. This obligation shall be addressed in pre-task or pre-job safety meetings and
PPE evaluation requirements.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all relevant information regarding HSE aspects of the worksite
and the contracted job are properly communicated to all personnel.


The COMPANY Representative on site shall conduct co-ordination meetings on risks connected with
concurrent activities.

The CONTRACTOR shall participate to co-ordination meetings in order to ensure that his workforce is
aware of risk control measures, HSE procedures and their implementation.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all relevant information regarding HSE aspects of the worksite
and the contracted job are properly handed over from shift to shift and at the time of the periodical
reliefs of the CONTRACTOR’s Representative on site.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that a permit-to-work system has been established before any
hazardous work and that these works are assigned to qualified personnel only.

Throughout the execution of the contracted job, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain in good
operating conditions on the worksite, all safety critical equipment identified in the risk assessment, all
lights, guards, marks, signals and fences.

The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary measures in order to prevent and/or limit within the levels
authorised by Applicable Laws and/or COMPANY’s policy, any discharge from any source under his
care, custody or control whatsoever into the atmosphere, the ground and any body of water of any
substance which might cause pollution or be deleterious to life or environment such as smoke, dust, oil,
radioactive products or other atmospheric, ground or liquid pollutants.

When a minimum allowable level of such discharge is allowed by Applicable Laws or COMPANY
requirements, the CONTRACTOR shall record any discharge occurrence.

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for disposal of all waste from any source under his care,
custody or control and generated through the execution of the contracted job.

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The disposal of waste shall comply with applicable international environmental laws and regulations
and the HSE requirements shall take account of good engineering practice. CONTRACTOR shall keep
detailed records of waste generation and transfers. A key aspect of the Waste Management is effective
recycling and shall include the following:

• Proper identification of each individual waste stream.

• Segregation of individual waste streams.

• Proper labeling, markings, manifesting, storage, and shipping of each waste stream.

Waste minimisation practices (source reduction, re-use, recycle, and recovery) shall be employed
whenever possible. Primary segregation of waste (metal, chemical, kitchen, paper, and rubble) will
assist with recovery and land filling. Only those non-hazardous wastes not suitable for recycling shall
be disposed. Hazardous waste (chemicals, solvents) shall be stored & treated safely and adequately.
Workers handling wastes shall have the appropriate personal protective equipment and appropriate

The CONTRACTOR shall provide the COMPANY with a written statement of how and where such
waste has been disposed of.


CONTRACTOR HSE Representative shall ensure all personnel including subcontractor personnel who
use or is involved in transportation shall comply with all relevant regulations, policy, procedure and
standards for transportation.

Land transportation as a minimum shall state requirements for seat belt policy, speed limit, hazards
identification, journey management, defensive driving training, drivers rest and duty period, vehicle
maintenance and inspection, maximum load handling, signals, re-fuelling, alcohol and drug policy, and
weather limitation (as per reference document included in chapter 2 - [Ref.14]).

Air Transportation as a minimum shall state requirements for airworthiness, flight operations, alcohol
and drug policy, material handling, safety and survival system, emergency crash response,
communication system, maintenance and inspection, weather limitation, dispatch procedure, airport
and airstrip information, dangerous goods policy, crew competencies, re-fuelling, search and rescue.

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Water transportation as a minimum shall state requirements for seaworthiness, boat/vessel operations,
journey management, alcohol and drug policy, material handling, authorization and competency, life
jacket policy, safety and survival system, fire protection, communication system, maintenance and
inspection, weather limitation, port, hazardous materials, crew competencies, re-fuelling, search and
rescue, waste handling and disposal.


CONTRACTOR shall use COMPANY Permit to Work system to effectively and safely control
hazardous work in COMPANY sites. CONTRACTOR will coordinate the issuance of Permit To Work on
field including COMPANY’s other Contractor.

The Permit To Work shall cover any Hot Work, Cold Work, Confined Space, Energy Isolation,
Radioactive Work, and other type of work as deem necessary.

The System shall ensure properly authorised, effective and safe issuance, work execution and closing
of the Permit To Work.

All Permit To Work shall be filed for one year and accessible for audit.



CONTRACTOR shall implement and adhere to the COMPANY incident and accident investigation &
reporting procedure that will be communicated and agreed during the Kick off Meeting)

CONTRACTOR shall complete and submit the ‘Contract Monthly HSE Report’ to the COMPANY not
later than the 5th working day of the following month.

CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY immediately of any HSE incidents that occur in the
performance of the SERVICES. An incident includes any actual or potential instances of Asset
damage, Personnel injury or illness, or Environmental impact (spillage etc).

CONTRACTOR shall have and implement a system to report, analyse and remedy HSE related events.

HSE related events shall be classified in terms of:

• Occupational events or chains of events (accidents, incidents) which have caused injury/illness
and/or environmental damage and/or material/production loss.

• Occupational events (near miss incidents) or unsafe situations (anomalies) having the potential
to cause injury or major environmental damage or major material loss.

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For definition of words “accident” and “incident”, refer to Incident, Near Miss Notification, Investigation
and Reporting PROCEDURE.


COMPANY reserve the rights to control and monitor CONTRACTOR’s and relevant Sub-
CONTRACTORS’ activities through meetings, surveillance and inspections.

In this concern, CONTRACTOR shall allow and assist COMPANY Representatives in:

à access to any document relevant to the Contract;

à access to any work-site where contractual activities are carried out (with documented
limitations due to safety and military secrecy);

à attendance (as observer) of any meeting, inspection and formal test session relevant to the
Contract and conducted under CONTRACTOR’s or Sub-CONTRACTORS’ responsibility.


The CONTRACTOR shall issue the following types of reports:

‰ daily report

‰ weekly report

‰ monthly report

COMPANY record forms to be adopted for reporting to the COMPANY all relevant HSE performance
data including, but not be limited to:

‰ No. of worksite personnel assigned to the contracted job (on a monthly basis);

‰ No. of hours worked (on a monthly basis);

‰ No. of Lost Time Accidents (LTAs) on a monthly basis;

‰ No. of days out of work as a consequence of Lost Time Accidents (on a monthly basis);

‰ No. of dangerous/potentially dangerous occurrences (on a monthly basis);

‰ No. of vehicle accidents and No.of trips per month;

‰ No. of HSE meetings, emergency drills and exercises (on a weekly basis) with or without the
Company presence;

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‰ Emissions to the atmosphere, in terms of tons of CO2eq on a quarterly basis;

‰ Tons of wastes disposed to a landfill, divided into hazardous and non-hazardous (on a monthly

‰ Energy consumption (kWh/month)

‰ Water consumption and waste water disposal (m3/month)

‰ No. of medical evacuations via CONTRACTOR’s emergency equipment.

‰ No of reportable occupational illnesses.

Detailed content of reports will be agreed during Kick off Meeting.


This report concerns worksite activities and it shall contain information about the progress of work,
weather conditions and the workforce on site. The report shall be submitted each morning to the
COMPANY’s Representative on site, who shall sign it.


The report shall specify, in the HSE section, as a minimum:

‰ state of worksite inspections

‰ No. of HSE meetings and emergency drills/exercises

‰ Accidents and Incident

The report shall be submitted during the weekly meetings to be held at the worksite.


This report shall state the progress of works and the completion dates of the Contract activities.

Annex A.3 shows a table of content as an example.

In the HSE section the following will be reported:

‰ HSE performance summary

‰ Current month activities

‰ Areas of concern

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‰ Next month activities

‰ Accidents and Incidents

‰ Vehicle accidents

‰ Dangerous occurrences

‰ Non-conformances

‰ Training indicators

‰ Safety data

‰ Environmental data

‰ Health data


HSE meetings shall be held at least once a week at the COMPANY’s worksite offices, to discuss HSE
aspects and concerns in the contracted job. All key personnel of the CONTRACTOR and his SUB-
CONTRACTORS shall attend these meetings.

In general terms, HSE meetings cover the following:

‰ close-up of actions from previous meetings;

‰ risks co-ordination;

‰ personnel training

‰ drills results review;

‰ analysis of accidents, dangerous occurrences and non-conformances, in order to prevent their

recurrence and define corrective actions;

‰ suggestions, ideas or proposals, aimed at increasing awareness, risk perception and the general
level of safety;

‰ operating procedures for particular operations;

‰ emergency procedures.

Progress Meetings and other meetings to be held in the ambit of COMPANY’s Surveillance Activity will
be defined in advance during the Kick off Meeting and, if necessary, updated in the following.

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The Minutes of the Meetings (MoM) shall be taken by the CONTRACTOR, with a copy sent to the


The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement an internal and external Audit Plan in order to
evaluate the efficiency of his own HSE system applied to the Contract activities.

The Audits may also involve the SUB-CONTRACTORS.

The Audits shall be conducted by qualified personnel not directly involved in the activities to be audited.

Non compliance shall require necessary actions from the CONTRACTOR to ensure that the
requirements of HSE Plan are met. CONTRACTOR actions shall include, but not be limited to,
additional training of employees, revision of procedures, development of additional procedures, and
procurement of equipment, material and supplies.

The results of the audit shall be reported in a document (Audit Report).

A copy of this document shall be sent to the COMPANY upon request.

The COMPANY shall reserve the right, when deemed necessary, to directly conduct Audits at the
worksites of the CONTRACTOR and SUB-CONTRACTORS.


The CONTRACTOR, after completion of the activities, shall issue all the documents/information stated

‰ Contract Documents

‰ Technical Documentation

‰ Minute of Kick off Meeting

‰ HSE Data (See following paragraphs)

The work cannot be considered as completed until the above has been received.


The CONTRACTOR shall include in the Close Out report the following information (covering the
contract period):

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‰ Total medical emergency interventions (N° Emergency Drills, medevacs etc)

‰ Health Impact Assessment study for decommissioning and site restoration (It could be requested
by Company in the tender phase and confirmed in the Kick off Meeting)

‰ Lost workdays and restricted workday cases summary

‰ Work related diseases incidence summary

‰ Incident, accident, occupational illness summary


The CONTRACTOR shall include in the Close Out report the following information (covering the
contract period):

‰ Incidents and accidents summary

‰ Work related diseases trend summary

‰ Lost workday and restricted workday cases summary


The CONTRACTOR shall include in the Close Out report environmental forms, concerning Contract
activities, which summarise the following:

‰ energy consumption (electricity, fuels, other energy sources)

‰ water consumption (public aqueduct, water wells, surface water).

‰ waste production (urban, special, toxic-harmful waste);

‰ atmospheric emissions (CO2eq);

‰ waste water disposal (via drains, in surface and underground bodies, at sea)


At the end of the works the CONTRACTOR shall provide the following information:

a) maximum environmental doses outside any no-access areas set up when sources of radiation
are being used and at the perimeter of the areas where the sources are deposited.

b) times for using sources and number of operations carried out;

c) results of any environmental monitoring;

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d) statement concerning the existence or non-existence of radiological type constraints in the

areas where the activities were carried out.


Any need of updating the present document is notified to SGIA department, responsible for possible
updating of the document.


The functions involved in the process described herein arrange for the preservation of the
documentation for the purposes of the traceability of its individual steps.


For Application:



For Information:



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In executing all contracted jobs, Contractors are committed to apply and require their Subcontractors to
apply the following:

• The Country Laws for Safety, Health and Environment Protection

• The Company Contractual Requirements and Obligations
• The Company “HSE Policy”
• The Company Policy on “Safe Driving”
• The Company requirements on prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Any violation committed by Contractors and Subcontractors to the above listed requirements is
subjected to disciplinary actions as dictated in this document and in the Contract; all the relevant
expenses will, under contractual general terms, be fully charged to the Contractors and Subcontractors
In addition, as a consequence of violations committed by Contractors and their Subcontractors, and the
disciplinary measures adopted in this respect, Company Representative keeps the right to formally
issue negative feed-backs that will affect the Contractor’s integrated qualification rating and that of its
Subcontractor should the latter be submitted to the Company’s qualification process.
On the contrary, should Contractor proactively comply with the Company HSE Management System
principles and requirements to an extent that its own HSE System is aligned with OHSAS 18001 and
ISO 14001 standards, Company will send a positive feed-back to eni(APR) that will positively affect the
Contractor’s integrated rating.

a)Worker’s dismissal

a1) Contractor, having informed the Company Representative, will remove the worker/s and/or
Supervisor/s from the workplace immediately


a2) the Company Representative, being Contractor inactive, will dismiss the worker/s and/or
Supervisor/s from the workplace immediately

It is applied when:
1. Contractor/Subcontractor (C/S) worker has omitted to report potentially dangerous occurrences
from a safety, health and environment point of view or defective/inadequate tools and

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2. C/S worker has removed safety control devices and warning signs;
3. C/S worker acts beyond his mandate;
4. C/S worker is irregular or works without Country permit;
5. C/S worker has carried out permitized works without work permit or in conflict with permit-to-
work prescriptions;
6. C/S supervisor has required workers to return to work under situations of relevant and
immediate risk;
7. C/S worker does not comply with direct superior or Company Representative instructions;
8. C/S worker has carried out his job with equipments or in presence of chemicals without
adoption of due precautions;
9. C/S worker has omitted to don personal protective equipment provided by his Employer;
10. C/S worker/supervisor has omitted to inform Company on every injury, incident or significant
near miss;
11. C/S worker is without fit-for-work certificate;
12. C/S worker omits to display his identity badge;
13. C/S supervisor’s competence is not formally substantiated;

In the occurrence of situations under points 1 to 10, the disciplinary action remains active until Contract
validity has expired; in these cases, Company reserves all rights to implement further
actions/measures. In the occurrence of situations under points 11 to 13, the disciplinary action remains
active until a safe condition, as was prior to the violation, is restored.

b) Interruption of contracted activities

b1) Contractor, having informed the Company Representative, is requested to interrupt activities
until safe, healthy, environmentally sound and secure conditions are restored


b2) the Company Representative, being Contractor inactive, will stop activities until safe, healthy,
environmentally sound and secure conditions are restored

It is applied when:

1. Contractor/Subcontractor (C/S) supervisor omits supervision;

2. C/S supervisor’s lack of training and competence has been ascertained;
3. C/S management omits to organise a firefighting/emergency team, including first aiders;
4. C/S management has omitted to designate members of the emergency team and to submit the
relevant training certificates to the Company;
5. C/S management has omitted to define and provide personal protective equipment that are
suitable for the activity to be performed at the workplace;

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6. C/S management has omitted to designate an HSE function assigned to the activities to be
carried out at the workplace, and to ensure his training and competence are adequate;
7. C/S management utilizes at workplace equipment/plants that do not meet safety norms and
standards (i.e. unsuitable for the hazardous area classification, unsuitable for the activity that
they are intended for, uncertified or with expired certification, visibly poor from a maintenance
point of view);
8. C/S management do not implement actions finalized to protection of the environment (soil,
underground water, surface water etc.) when performing activities that may potentially cause
9. C/S workforce acts in conflict with environmentally sound practices, with implication for the
environment itself and for health of workers and the public.

c) Sending a letter to Contractor Management

Company will send a letter of complaint to Contractor Management and, in parallel, a negative
feed-back to eni(APR) aimed at updating the status of Contractor integrated qualification rating.
Feed-back will affect Contractor ratings, even in case the Vendor List is country-specific.
Activities covered by the Contract will be suspended until Contractor Management has replied
with a formal Action Plan that Company and, eventually, eni(APR) have considered to be
suitable and effective.

It is applied when:

1. Situations like those described in a) and b) are recurrent and Contractor omits to provide
information as per points a1) and b1) ;
2. There is evidence that the Contractor/Subcontractor (C/S) Management has omitted to deliver
HSE training to its employees;
3. C/S Management has deliberately omitted to cooperate with Company and other Contractors in
safety matters;
4. C/S Management has deliberately omitted to provide information about risks originated from
Contractor’s activity that can interfere with Company and other Contractors’ activities;
5. Contractor Management has omitted to verify that its Subcontractors are fit-for-work in the
activities assigned to them;
6. C/S Management omits to deliver suitable information to workers exposed to major risks;
7. C/S Management has omitted to assign the execution of hazardous works to demonstrably
expert workers and to carry out a medical surveillance program for them;
8. C/S Management has assigned duties/workloads to workers that are irrespective of their
fitness-to-work profile;
9. C/S Management does not report either injuries with more than 1 day out of work occurred at
Company site or extended prognosis and close-out certificates;
10. There is no evidence that Contractor Management has carried out at least one HSE meeting
with all staff and Subcontractors in order to discuss risks and training programs connected with
the specific Contract;
11. C/S Management has omitted to provide all workers with identity badge;

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12. C/S Management does not submit data for elaboration of injury trends (worked hours, average
workforce, etc.) on a monthly basis.

d) Formal summons of Contractor to the eniE&P Division Head Office

Company will formally summon Contractor Management to the eniHead Office for a meeting
that can be attended by the Vicepresident of the Professional Area of the Contract Owner, the
HSE Vicepresident and the Qualification Department of the eniProcurement Directorate where
Contractor receives a warning about the real possibility that its entire business with
eniworldwide may be jeopardised.

It is applied when:

1. Situations like those described in c) are recurrent;

2. Contractor Management has omitted to organise at least one HSE meeting with all staff and
Subcontractors in order to discuss risks and training programs connected with the specific
















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“Contract HSE Requirements for Abroad Activities”

‰ HSE performance summary

‰ This month activities

‰ Areas of concern

‰ Next month activities

‰ Accidents and Incidents

‰ Dangerous occurrences

‰ Non-conformances

‰ Training indicators

‰ Safety data

‰ Environmental data

‰ Health data

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