Earlier firewall filtered traffic based on ip address and layer 4 protocol [port numbers] like tcp , udp
And also provides facilities of stateful filtering.
URL Filtering : We can block Harmful websites , malicious websites using URL filtering based on url
Threat prevention & antivirus : Malicious packet content like downloading software or files that
contains malware.
Application awareness : Deep packet inspection , check the header & payload of the packets .
User id : Based on user name we can filter the traffic not just ip address.
Video 3
Management concepts
1> Serial console : default user id & password is "admin"
2> Mgmt port : Default ip address : , we can do either SSh or https
Video 4
Basic configuration
Login to device via mgmt port or comsole , login as admin admin.
Candidate config
Running config [after commit]
Show interface management : To verify the configuration
Device -> setup -> management interface
Default ping , ssh & https is allowed on mgmt interface.
We can also define permitted ip address to access firewall through mgmt interface ip address.
Service route : which ip address firewall will use as a source while getting updates from internet like
DNS , NTP , dynamic updates. By default it uses mgmt interface as a source.
Video 5
7 : Major version
1 : Minor version
X : Maintaintanace release.
Device > Setup > Operations > Save Named Configuration Snapshot
Device > Setup > Operations > Export Named configuration Snapshot
Suspend the standby device from cluster
Suspend the active firewall : Select Device > High Availability > Operational Commands and click the
Suspend local device link.
> request high-availability state suspend
Update the dynmaic updates [threat prevention & antivirus , wild fire] because their can be requirment
of their minimum version for os upgrades.
Before upgrading we should make sure we have base version downloaded on machine
7.1.10 to 8.0.10 = base version 8.0.1.
Downlaod the os software , install it & reload the device
Note : preemptive [should be disabled ] , Disable TCP-Reject-Non-SYN [so that sessions can failover even
when they are not in sync.]
TAP Interface
The best use of tap interface is ,
-> Before creating a policy we can first understand what kind
of traffic is going through network whether it is malicious or not .
So to do that we can configure tap interface connect it into the network switch.
but we have to configure span configuration i.e port mirroring on cisco switch to send one copy of traffic
to firewall tap interface.
Video 7
Take any two interface convert it into virtual wire type .
then we have to create virtual wire object & call those
virtual wire interface their .
so now this virtual wire object will be associated with both interfaces.
Commit options
1> Commit all changes
2> Commit changes made by admin [we can choose admin name here]
We can also preview the changes by his number. here it will show running & candidate configuration.
-> Preview change
-> change summary
-> Validate commit.
Video 11
Virtual router is like VRF , if we want to route the traffic from two same subnet , mostly it used by ISP.
Video 18
Configuration management
Every time when we commit their is version of config stored on the firewall.
we can also save the candiate config & enforce after some day .
we can also give a name for candiate config.