Brief Synopsis of Professional Reading
Brief Synopsis of Professional Reading
Brief Synopsis of Professional Reading
I. Introduction
II. Summary/Discussion
The teacher and the students are the main actors in the classroom. Their
interactions provide an environment that enables learning to takes place. Students
would achieved and develop better if they have teachers that shows concern and
provides a good communication between them.
Furthermore, we are here to help our students to grow and develop as
individual. Learning that we taught to them should contribute to their development
as a whole not just intellectually. The insights that we share on them should also
have an impact to their personality. We should not force them to respond the way
we like them to do but instead to response the way they want based on the thing
that we show them. On the other hand, it may not be applicable all the time because
if we always rely on how they want to respond it may be abusive and deviant so
sometimes we need to enforce what we want.
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