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Group: 3 Section 1-25

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Date submitted: May 30, 2019
FLORES, Margaret E .

FRANCO, Laurence S.

GAVINA, Jan Vincent P.

GOMEZ, Kyle Eric Francis L.

I. Objectives
At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
1. Determine the difference between convex and concave lenses;
2. Determine the focal lengths of convex and concave lenses; and
Observe the outgoing rays when a convex lens and a concave lens are nested together.
II. Data and Results
III. Observation and Summary
The figure shows that the incoming and outgoing rays are nearly to become a
parallel, which indicates that the lenses have facial lengths with an equal magnitude but
with a different sign. The figure shows that when the lenses move to a distance
between each output ray, the rays will vary but it will still remain almost parallel.
Reversing the lens order will have the same net effect, however if the rays strikes the
concave lens first between the two, the outcome will be diverging instead of
The experiment had shown the fundamental principle of lenses which states that
when light passes through a lens, it will converge at focal point if the said lens was
convex or it will diverge if the said lens was concave. Both lenses have the same radius
of curvature, the focal length of each lenses were yielded approximately but in an
opposite directions, so the concave lens result will indicate a negative sign. In addition,
the incoming and outgoing rays were said to be nearly parallel, since one lens corrects
the other because they have the same radius of curvature.
When the lenses were separated, the incoming and outgoing rays will remain
parallel; however the distance between the two rays will still vary. If the light struck
the convex lens first before the concave lens, the space between the output rays will
become narrow because the rays converged to the entry point, however the opposite
thing will happen if the light struck the concave lens first because the light diverged
into a convex lens instead. If the concave lens was moved away from the light source
and it was placed beyond the focus point, the result of the outgoing rays will diverged
because the convex lens will no longer correct the rays.
Observing the spaces between the parallel output rays during the experiment was
quite difficult. But by using a light source with wider and larger lenses, the spaces
between the output rays will become more visible.
With the overall said experiment, lenses had two fundamental refractive
properties namely; convex lenses which converges the light on a focal point and
concave lenses which diverges light on a focus point. In addition, the focal point is
expressed as a positive number and it is located on the outgoing side of the said lens.
On the other hand, the other lens was expressed with a negative sign which is the focus
point of the diverging lens and it is located on the incoming rays. Lastly, by studying
the two lenses together, the incoming and outgoing light rays can be parallel light equal
because of the focal lengths, also the distance between the rays can be vary by moving
apart the lenses.

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