PSB 419
PSB 419
PSB 419
nkylosing spondylitis (AS) is a AS carries a huge economic bur- rate of around 5 per cent. Familial
A far from rare disease with a
prevalence estimated to be up to 1
den as it affects patients throughout
their working and family life.
clustering is recognised. Geo-
graphically, the incidence of AS
per cent. 1 There is a male pre- Sufferers score poorly on work insta- increases with increasing latitude,
dominance and it tends to present bility scores suggesting a risk of job and this too follows the pattern of
around the third decade when loss in 45 per cent of those affected.3 HLA-B27 in background popula-
individuals are usually most eco- tion rates. As well as the B27 gene
nomically active. The course of the Causes many other genetic factors are
disease is progressive, with 70 per AS is associated with the presence likely to play a part, including the
cent of patients progressing to of the HLA-B27 gene. Over 90 per histocompatibility complexes.
fusion of the spine after 10-15 years cent of sufferers are positive for The onset of symptoms is often
of symptoms.2 HLA-B27 with a background UK attributed to an infective cause and
indeed may follow on from a more
reactive arthritis pattern. Many
infections have been implicated
but in most cases no definite envi-
ronmental trigger can be identi-
fied. Emotional and physical stress
may also be involved with onset.
followed up continuously by a from the outset (see Figure 3). Drug therapies
rheumatology department or, if sta- Physiotherapy, preferably with a Anti-inflammator y medications are
ble for some time, followed up as specific AS exercise programme, still a major part of symptomatic
required with a low threshold for is essential in helping to maintain treatment. There is no conclusive
referral. posture and prevent fusion of the evidence that they prevent spinal
spine (see Figure 4). Regular fusion. Patients may require high
Treatment exercise should be encouraged doses for prolonged periods that
Physiotherapy from the outset but often needs to carr y a heavy burden of side-
Treatment is multidisciplinar y be tailored to the patient as lim- effects, and they often report loss
and may involve many specialists ited spinal movement can cause of drug efficacy after time and
exercise programme
inflammatory back pain symptoms
• HLA-B27 positive
• extra-articular manifestations
• peripheral joint disease drug therapy DMARDs (if peripheral disease)
• radiographic evidence
of needs
patients with early rheumatoid arthri- LG, et al. A new approach to defining Dr Cawkwell is a research fellow and
tis (the BeSt study): a randomized disease status in ankylosing spondylitis: Dr Fraser is a consultant
controlled trial. Arth Rheum 2005; the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis rheumatologist in the Department of
52(11):3326-32. Disease Activity Index. J Rheumatol Rheumatology at Chapel Allerton
11. Garrett S, Jenkinson T, Kennedy 1994;21:2286-91. Hospital, Leeds