Question 1
Compare the work submitted by this student with the original text.
Now compare the following three pieces of draft essay text with the original and decide
which would be the appropriate piece of work for the student to hand in:
Original text
“Having a home is a basic human need; we all need somewhere to live. For
those people within society without a home life is barely tolerable, and for a
society (especially a modern welfare state) a continuing problem of
homelessness is an indictment of the ability of that society to meet the
welfare needs of all its citizens. Yet homelessness remains a significant
problem in affluent, welfare, Britain at the beginning of the twenty-first
century, with hundreds of people sleeping rough on the streets of towns and
cities every night because they do not have a home of their own to go to”
(Alcock 2003, p. 73).
Source: Alcock, P. 2003. Social policy in Britain. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave
Now can you spot whether this next student has plagiarised and if so, why?
Original text
Is this plagiarism?
Environment Agency. 2005. Reducing the environmental impacts of road and air transport: position
statement. Environment Agency. [WWW] <URL: http://www.environment-> [Accessed 21 July 2005]
Foley, J. and Fergusson, M. 2003. Putting the brakes on climate change: a policy report on road transport
and climate change. London: IPPR [WWW] <URL:> [Accessed 21 July 2005]
Essay extract
Despite the fact that harmful emissions have fallen during the last 10 years,
our continuing reliance on the car as a means of transport makes a significant
contribution to air pollution (Environment Agency 2005; Foley and Fergusson
2003). For example, in 2003 road transport was responsible for 22 per cent of
the UK’s carbon dioxide out (Foley and Fergusson 2003) and according to a
recent report by the Environment Agency (2005) there are still areas where
nitrogen dioxide levels from emissions are dangerously high.
This essay extract has combined information from two different sources. Do you think
plagiarism has been committed?
Yes Why?
Question 1
b, c, e, f
Question 2
Draft essay 2.
Question 3
Yes. The first sentence is correct as the student has placed the text in quotation marks
and provided a full citation. However, the second sentence uses too many words from
the original text and does not provide a reference. The student should have written the
sentence in their own words and acknowledged the author by providing a reference.
Question 4
No. The original texts have been summarised in the student's own words and
appropriate references have been provided. It is fine to combine information from two
different sources as long as you provide a reference for both authors.