Maths in Year 1
Maths in Year 1
Maths in Year 1
Count reliably up to 10 objects Count to and across 100, forwards and Pupils count fluently forwards and backwards
backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any in 10s, starting at any 1 or 2 digit number
given number
Estimate how many objects they can see identify and represent numbers using objects Place and identity 2 digit numbers on a
and check by counting and pictorial representations including the number line using their understanding of how
number line close the numbers are to multiples of 10
Use language such as ‘more’ or ‘fewer’ to use the language of: equal to, more than, less Pupils recognise commutativity as the
compare two numbers than (fewer), most, least relationship between subtraction and
addition. Subtraction meaning take away,
difference, how many more.
greater than