Year 3 Full Autumn Term
Year 3 Full Autumn Term
Year 3 Full Autumn Term
Year 3
©White Rose Maths
Notes and Guidance
Supporting resources
NEW for 2019-20!
We have produced supporting resources for every small
step from Year 1 to Year 11.
The worksheets are provided in three different formats:
• Write on worksheet – ideal for children to use the
ready made models, images and stem sentences.
• Display version – great for schools who want to cut
down on photocopying.
• PowerPoint version – one question per slide. Perfect
for whole class teaching or mixing questions to make
your own bespoke lesson.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Consolidation Consolidation
Number: Multiplication
Statistics Length and Number: Fractions
and Division
Measurement: Mass and
Number: Fractions Measurement: Time Properties of
Place Value
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
7 0 2
30 40
What is the largest number? The largest
One of these images does not show 23 C does not show Prove it by using concrete resources. number is 72
Can you explain the mistake? 23, it shows 32
They have What is the smallest number? The smallest
A B C reversed the tens Prove it by using concrete resources. number is 20
and ones.
Why can’t the 0 be used as a tens Because it would
number? make a 1 digit
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children build on their understanding of tens and link this to Use bundles of straws in tens, bead strings and Base 10 to explore
100 how many tens make a hundred. Children use the equipment to
This is the first time they explore 100 explicitly. It is crucial count up and down in tens to make 100
children understand that ten tens make 100 and a hundred There are 3 tens this is thirty.
ones make 100 There are ______ this is ______ .
They use a variety of concrete equipment to see this There are ______ tens in one hundred.
relationship. Once children understand the concept of 100, they
will count objects and numbers in multiples of 100 up to 1,000 There are 100 sweets in each jar.
Mathematical Talk
How many tens have you made? How else can we say this? How many sweets are there altogether?
Write your answer in numerals and words.
What do these digits represent?
Complete the number tracks.
How many ones have you made? How else can you say this?
200 300 500 800
If we continue counting in tens, what do we say after 100?
Reasoning and Problem Solving
True, because if Whitney thinks the place value grid is Whitney is
True or False?
you start with zero showing the number eight. incorrect because
and add 100 you there are eight
If I count in 100s from zero, all of the Hundreds Tens Ones
get an even counters in the
numbers will be even.
number, and you hundreds column
Convince me.
are adding another so they represent
even so the eight hundreds.
number will The number is
always be even. 800
Sort these statements into always, Do you agree? Explain why. The smallest
sometimes or never. number that can
Using all of the counters, what is the be made is 8
• When counting in hundreds, the ones • Never smallest number you can make?
column changes. Other possible
• When counting in hundreds, the • Always What other numbers could you make? numbers include:
hundreds column changes. 80
• To count in hundreds we use 3-digit • Sometimes 170
numbers. 350
Numbers to 1,000
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
In this small step, children will primarily use Base 10 to Write down the number represented with Base 10 in each case.
become familiar with any number up to 1,000
Representation Number
Using Base 10 will emphasise to children that hundreds are
bigger than tens and tens are bigger than ones.
Mathematical Talk
Does it matter which order you build the number in?
Can you have more than 9 of the same type of number e.g. 11 Use Base 10 to represent the numbers.
700 120 407 999
Can you create a part-whole model using or drawing Base 10
in each circle? Mo is drawing numbers. Can you complete them for him?
246 390 706
Numbers to 1,000
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Teddy has used Base 10 to represent the 110 is the missing Which child has made the number 315? Dora and Mo have
number 420. He has covered some of amount. both made the
them up. number 315, but
Possible ways: Dora represented it
• 1 hundred and differently.
1 ten
• 11 tens 3 hundreds, 1 ten
• 110 ones Mo and 5 ones is the
• 10 tens and 10 same as 2
ones hundreds, 10 tens
• 50 ones and 6 Explain how you know. and 15 ones.
tens etc.
Complete this place value chart so that it shows the number 354
Mathematical Talk Hundreds Tens Ones
Use place value counters and a place value grid to represent the
Mathematical Talk numbers:
What is the same and what is different about Base 10 and 615 208 37
place value counters?
Why do we not call this number 300506? Use <, > or = to make the statement correct.
What number would be shown if 1/10/100 was added? 100s 10s 1s 100s 10s 1s 100s 10s 1s
Show children that they can represent their answer in a variety 10 less Number 10 more
of different ways. For example, as numerals or words, or with
concrete manipulatives.
Which column changes? Can more than one column change? 100 less Number 100 more
I think of a number, add ten, subtract one The start number What number could it have been?
hundred and then add one. was 345 because
one less than 256
My answer is 256 is 255, one
hundred more
What number did I start with? than 255 is 355
and ten less than
Explain how you know. 355 is 345
To check I can
What can you do to check? follow the steps
back to get 256
24 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Compare Objects
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use objects to represent numbers to 1,000 Represent and compare the numbers using place value counters.
When given two numbers represented by objects, they use
100s 10s 1s
comparative language and symbols to determine which is 452 542
greatest/smallest. Children can make the numbers using
concrete manipulatives and draw them pictorially. ______ is greater than ______
Use stem sentences to ensure the correct vocabulary is being
used e.g. ______ is greater than ______. Use <, > or = to make the statements correct.
Mathematical Talk
How do you know which number is greater?
Do you start counting hundreds, tens or ones first? Why?
Are the Base 10 and place value counters showing the same
amount? How do you know? <
Is there only one answer?
25 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Compare Objects
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Which image is the odd one out? The part-whole True or False? The image is not
model is the odd correct because
one out because it the number 244 is
shows 643 represented on
whereas all the both sides of the
other images show inequality symbol.
539 540 541 542 543 544
> An equal sign
Children could should have been
show 543 in a used.
part-whole model
correctly, in Base The number on
10 a different way Explain your answer. the left must be
or with place value made larger or the
counters in a number on the
different way. right must be
made smaller, to
500 140 3 make this true.
Explain why.
How else can you represent the number?
26 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Compare Numbers
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children compare numbers presented as numerals rather than Circle the greatest number in each pair.
They need to be encouraged to use previous learning to Nine hundred and two 920
choose an efficient method to compare the numbers. For
example, children may choose to place the numbers on a 500 and 63 568
number line, make them using concrete manipulatives or draw
them in a place value chart to compare. 7 hundreds and 6 ones 76 tens
How do you know which number is the smallest /greatest? 600 + 70 + 4 > 600 + _______ + 4
Which column do you start comparing from? Why?
Two hundred and five < _________________
Can you find more than one way to complete the statements?
27 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Compare Numbers
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Amir has 3 jars of sweets. Jar B could I am thinking of a number. 446 or 464
contain any
number of sweets It is between 300 and 500 The only
between 176 and possibilities to go
234 inclusive. The digits add up to 14 in the hundreds
column are 3 and
A B C Discussion point: The difference between the greatest digit 4
Could B contain and the smallest digit is 2 If it was 3, the
Jar A contains 235 sweets. 175 or 235 other two digits
sweets? Why? What could my number be? would have to total
Jar C contains 175 sweets. 11 and none of
Is there only one option? these pairs give
the correct
Jar A has the Explain each step of your working. difference
most sweets in. between the
Jar C has the greatest and
least sweets in. smallest digit, so
the number has to
have 4 in the
How many sweets could be in jar B? hundreds column.
Explain how you know.
28 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Order Numbers
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore ordering a set of numbers from smallest to Here are three digit cards.
greatest and greatest to smallest. They need to be able to
explain their reasoning throughout. They could still use Base 10
or other concrete materials to help them to make decisions 3 4 5
about ordering.
What is the greatest number you can make?
At this point, children are introduced to the words ascending What is the smallest number you can make?
and descending.
Use the symbols <, > or = to make the statement correct.
Mathematical Talk
How do you know you have created the greatest/smallest
number? Here is a list of numbers.
What number is being represented by the place value 312, 321, 123, 132, 213, 231
counters/Base 10?
Place the numbers in ascending order.
What does the word ascending/descending mean? Now place them in descending order.
What do you notice?
Can you find more than one way to order your numbers?
29 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Order Numbers
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Whitney has six different numbers. The first number True or False? False.
could be anything For example, if
She put them in ascending order then between 215 and you are ordering
accidentally spilt some ink onto her page. 242 When ordering numbers you only need numbers in the
Two of her numbers are now covered in to look at the place value column with hundreds you
ink. The second the highest value. should start by
hidden number looking at the
could be anywhere hundreds column,
between 257 and but sometimes
214, 123, 243, 256, 123, 289 288 two numbers will
have the same
number of
hundreds and so
What could the hidden numbers be? you will also need
Explain how you know. to look at other
Count in 50s
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge of the patterns in the 5 times Look at the number patterns.
table to count in steps of 50 What do you notice?
Can you notice a pattern as the numbers increase/decrease? 50, 100, 105, 200, 250, 300 …
Can you correct the mistakes in each? 990, 950, 900, 850, 800 …
31 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Place Value
Count in 50s
Reasoning and Problem Solving
215 is the odd one Always, Sometimes, Never
Odd One Out
out because it is
not a multiple of
100, 150, 200, 215, 300 Sort the statements into always,
If we were sometimes or never.
Circle the odd one out. Explain how you
counting up in 50s
know. • When counting in 50s starting from
from 100, it should • Always
have been 250 0, the numbers are all even.
not 215
• There are only two digits in a • Sometimes
multiple of 50
Which is quicker: counting to 50 in 10s or It is quicker to
counting to 150 in 50s? count to 150 in • Only the hundreds and tens column • Sometimes
50s as it would changes when counting in 50s.
Explain your answer. only be 3 steps
whereas counting
to 50 in 10s would
be 5 steps.
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Add and subtract a 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100
Add a 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 Use the early steps in this unit to
Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number – crossing 10 or 100 recap place value of 2-digit and
3-digit numbers.
Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100
Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 You may want to omit the
estimate and check answers
Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – no exchange
steps and instead embed this
Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – exchange throughout the other steps.
Estimate answers to calculations
Check answers
What is ____ hundreds and ____ hundreds equal to? Use the bar model to complete the number sentences.
How many different ways can you represent 200 + 300? ____ + ____ = 600 600 = ____ − ____
600 ____ + ____ = 600 600 = ____ − ____
____ − ____ = 400 400 = ____ − ____
200 400
____ − ____ = 200 200 = ____ − ____
36 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
Mathematical Talk 356 − 5 = 356 − 5 = 356 − 5 =
Which column do I need to focus on? 357 − 5 = 356 − 4 = 366 − 5 =
358 − 5 = 356 − 3 = 376 − 5 =
What is the same about the subtractions? What changes each
time? Write the number sentence that would come next in 359 − 5 = 356 − 2 = 386 − 5 =
each list. Can you write the number sentence that would come
before? Jack has 534 team points and gets four more.
Tommy has 534 team points and loses four of his.
Can you use < and > to compare Jack and Tommy’s team How many team points does each person have?
points? Who has the most?
40 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
I am thinking of a two-
ones total 10 or
more you will have
6 7 8
digit number, if I add ones to exchange them Place the digit cards in the number 67 + 8 = 75
to it, I will only need to which will change sentence. 68 + 7 = 75
change the ones digit.
the tens digit. 76 + 8 = 84
How many different totals can you find? 78 + 6 = 84
86 + 7 = 93
+ = 87 + 6 = 93
How does using the number line support partitioning the 379 + 1 = 380 380 + 4 = 384
number? What number bonds help us with this method?
Use this method to calculate:
We can partition 5
Mathematical Talk 7 into 5 and 2
and use this to
bridge the 10 2
Are we counting backwards or forwards on the number line?
Why do all these subtractions require an exchange? When do Use this method to calculate:
we not need to exchange? 132 − 8 123 − 8 123 − 5
Mathematical Talk 793 − 60 = 793 − 60 = 733 + 60 =
793 − 70 = 783 − 60 = 723 + 60 =
How many tens can we add to 352 without exchanging?
How many tens can we subtract from 352 without 793 − 80 = 773 − 60 = 713 + 60 =
exchanging? 793 − 90 = 763 − 60 = 703 + 60 =
What patterns can you see between the additions and Complete using <, > or =
subtractions? 773 + 1 773 + 10
Can you see links between the columns? 653 + 10 653 − 10
647 + 10 657 − 10
Can you compare the calculations without finding the answer? 721 + 10 653 + 10
50 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
Do I need to add or subtract £200 to solve the worded 401 + 300 961 − 200
problem? Can you show this on a number line or a bar
model? Smallest Greatest
Is there more than one way to complete the boxes? 105 + 100 393 − 200
Smallest Greatest
56 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
Pattern Spotting
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children consolidate adding ones, tens and hundreds to 3- What has happened to each starting number? How do you know?
digit numbers.
Before After
Drawing the previous steps together, children look for patterns
between calculations to enable them to predict answers and to
develop their number sense. Three hundred Three hundred
Ensure children reflect on the similarities and differences and forty and seventy
between calculations to highlight the patterns.
Pattern Spotting
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Dora uses column addition to solve The best strategy Investigate No, the ones can
251 + 4 is to complete 1 + change the ones
4, which is 5 and column and any
the 2 hundreds Does adding and subtracting ones to a column to the left
2 5 1 and 5 tens stay 3-digit number only affect the ones e.g. 123 + 9 and
the same. column? 402 – 4
+ 4 The tens column
When adding 40 Does adding and subtracting tens to a can change itself
2 5 5 3-digit number only affect the tens
it is the tens and the hundreds
column which column? column e.g.
Is this the most efficient method? Dora needs to 456 + 50 and
look at because 456 – 60
Explain what Dora could have done. 40 is 4 tens. When adding and
subtracting from
Tell Dora how she can use your strategy When adding any column, it can
to solve 241 + 40 and 241 + 400 400, she needs to only affect its own
look at the column and
hundreds column columns to the
because 400 is 4 left.
18 + 24
How many different ways can you solve Children might
19 + 11? add the ones and 15 + 27
then the tens.
Explain your method to a partner. 17 + 25
Children should
Use concrete or pictorial resources to 16 + 26
notice that 1 and 9 How do you know you have found all the
help explain your method. are a number pairs?
bond to 10 which
What is the same about all the pairs of All the pairs of
makes the
numbers? ones add up to 12
calculation easier
to complete
Eva’s answer is 9 45 − 17 > 14 + ____ 13
I am working out
Eva’s question
74 − 56
could be 15 − 6 or 26 + 15 < 60 − ____ 18
24 − 15
One of my numbers
in my question is 15
Explain your answer.
Mathematical Talk
544 + 22 H T O
Where would these digits go on the place value chart? Why?
When we subtract, why do we not make both numbers? Represent the calculations using Base 10 and solve them.
Why do we make both numbers when we add? 388 − 44 167 + 32 265 − 43
What is the same about the additions and subtractions? What Calculate:
changes? 365 365 365 365
+ 23 − 23 + 32 − 32
23 35 756 467
81 56 487 619
What do you notice about the subtractions to find the missing Calculate the missing number in each model.
numbers? How many exchanges are there?
Why do we make both numbers when we add? Use the column method to calculate:
Can you represent using the equipment? • Three hundred and forty-five add two hundred and thirty-six.
• Five hundred and sixteen plus three hundred and sixty-two.
Can you draw a picture to represent this?
• The total of two hundred and forty-seven and four hundred and
Why is it important to put the digits in the correct column? two.
70 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
2 3 4
Here is his working out. holder in the tens Teddy’s number is
column. 234
The correct
5 6
answer should be The total is 666
+ 2 4 3 749 Alex and Teddy are making 3-digit
numbers using each card once.
2 9 9
I have made the greatest
Can you spot Jack’s mistake? possible number.
Work out the correct answer. Alex
Children may
Do you have more odd or even
investigate what is The digits in the shaded boxes are odd.
subtracted in the
ones column to Is there more than one answer?
make odd and even
75 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
Which method would you use for this calculation and why? H T O H T O H T O
2 4 6
What should the answer be?
Estimate Answers
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children check how reasonable their answers are. While Estimate the position of arrows A and B on the number line.
rounding is not formally introduced until Year 4, it is helpful Use your estimations to estimate the difference between A and B.
that children can refer to ‘near numbers’ to see whether an A B
estimate is sensible.
Discuss why estimations are important. Consider real life
situations where children or adults need to estimate. Encourage 200 300 400
children to estimate calculations before working out precisely
to help to check working. Match each number to it’s ‘near number’.
497 304 52 27
Mathematical Talk
What would you estimate this to be? 30 500 50 300
Why did you choose this number? Use the near numbers to estimate the answers to the calculations:
Why is/isn’t this a sensible estimation to an answer? 497 + 304 304 − 27 27 + 52 + 304
How does estimating answers help us in real life? 27 + 304 497 − 52 304 − 52 − 27
Estimate Answers
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Yes, because he Use the number cards to make different Possible answers:
I estimate 143 − 95 will found two calculations with an estimated answer of
be 50 because I will numbers close to 70 121 − 48
Tommy subtract 100 from 150 the original (120 − 50)
Is this a good estimate? Why? numbers. 121 33 48 41
41 + 33
He could have
Are there any other ways he could have (40 + 30)
rounded to the
nearest 10 and
398 328 255
398 − 328
(400 − 330)
140 − 100 (= 40)
Check Answers
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore ways of checking to see if an answer is Use a subtraction to check the answer to the addition.
Mathematical Talk Show your answer using a bar model and check your answer
using an addition.
How can you tell if your answer is sensible?
How does counting in 10s, 50s and 100s help? 80 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 4 to 8 – Number: Addition & Subtraction
Check Answers
Reasoning and Problem Solving
No, because you I completed an addition and then used Possible answers:
If I add two numbers cannot have “part the inverse to check my calculation.
together, I can check my 355 − 105 = 250
subtract part”.
Mo answer by using a When I checked my calculation, the
605 − 355 =
subtraction of the same You need to find answer was 250.
numbers after e.g. to the whole and this
check 23 + 14, needs to be at the One of the other numbers was 355.
So the calculation
I can do 14 − 23 start of the could have been:
What could the calculation be?
subtraction then
250 + 105 = 355
you subtract a part
Do you agree? Explain why. to check the ____ + ____ = ____ 250 + 355 =
remaining part. 605
____ − ____ = 250
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Multiply by 4
Divide by 4 Understanding of the 4 and 8
The 4 times table times table relies on a deep
knowledge of the 2s, therefore a
Multiply by 8
recap would be useful.
Divide by 8
The 8 times table
Explain why.
2×2 2+2
10 × 2 > 5 + 5 + 1+1+1+1+1+1+
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 12
10 × 2 5 +5+5 5
Use Arrays
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore arrays to see the commutativity of On the image, find 2 × 5 and 5 × 2
multiplication facts e.g. 5 × 2 = 2 × 5
Use Arrays
Reasoning and Problem Solving
With 12 cubes, how many different Find different ways to solve six lots of Count in 3s
arrays can you create? three. 3 lots of 3 add 3
lots of 3
5 × 3 add 1 × 3
Once you have created your array etc.
1 × 12 = 12 × 1
____ × ____ = ____ × ____
Part of this array is hidden.
The total is less than 16
The 2 Times-Table
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children should be comfortable with the concept of Count in 2s to calculate how many eyes there are.
multiplication so they can apply this to multiplication tables.
2 4 8 12
Mathematical Talk
14 16 18 24
If 16 p is made using 2 p coins, how many coins would there
be? 2 4 6 8
How many 2s go into 16? How many wheels are there on five bicycles?
How can the images of the 5 bicycles help you to solve the
If there are 14 wheels, how many bicycles are there?
91 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Autumn Term | Week 11 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
The 2 Times-Table
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Fill in the blanks. Eva says, Yes, because 2 is
2 even, and the 2
3 × ____ = 6
times-table is
____ × 2 = 20 10 going up in 2s.
Every number in the
2 times-table is even. When you add two
____ = 8 × 2
16 even numbers the
answer is always
Tommy says that 10 × 2 = 22 No Tommy is Is she correct? Explain your answer.
wrong because 10
Is he correct?
× 2 = 20
Children could
Explain how you know.
draw an array or a
picture to explain
their answer.
The 5 Times-Table
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children can already count in 5s from any given number. How many petals altogether?
They will also have developed understanding of the 2 times-
This small step is focused on the 5 times table and it is Write the calculation.
important to include the use of zero. Children should see the
= sign at both ends of the calculation to understand that it There are 35 fingers.
means ‘equals to’. How many hands?
If there are 30 petals, how many flowers? Can you count in 5s Use <, > or = to make the statements correct.
to 30? How many 5s go into 30?
2×5 5×2
How many 5s go into 35?
10 × 5 5×5
93 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Autumn Term | Week 11 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
The 5 Times-Table
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Is Mo correct? Mo is incorrect Tommy and Rosie have both drawn bar The total shown is
because some of models to show 7 × 5 the same.
the multiples of Tommy’s bar
Every number in the 35
the five times- shows seven lots
5 times table is odd. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
table are even, e.g. of 5 whereas
10, 20, 30 Rosie’s bar show
five lots of 7
Explain your answer. 7 7 7 7 7
Children can
Whitney could What’s the same and what is different choose either way
Tubes of tennis balls come in packs of
about their bar models?
2 and 5 have: to represent 4 × 5
4 packs of 5 and 1 Draw your own bar model to represent
Whitney has 22 tubes of balls. pack of 2, 4×5
11 packs of 2 and
How many of each pack could she
have? 0 packs of 5,
2 packs of 5 and 6
How many ways can you do it? packs of 2
40 ÷ 2 = 20
Is it possible to work out 60 ÷ 3 in the
same way?
Prove it.
Is it possible to work out 60 ÷ 4?
What is different about this calculation?
96 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 2 – Number: Multiplication & Division
_____ groups of _____ make ______ Use a number line to work out how many equal groups of 5
you can make from 30
97 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 2 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 2
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children should be secure with grouping and sharing. They Complete the stem sentences.
will use this knowledge to help them divide by 2
÷ =
They will be secure with representing division as an abstract I have ___ cubes altogether.
number sentence using the division and equals symbol. There are ___ in each group.
There are ___ groups. × =
Children should be able to count in 2s and know their 2 times
table. Group the socks into pairs.
÷ =
Mathematical Talk × =
Complete the number sentences.
What do you notice when you group these objects into twos? Mo and Tommy have 12 sweets between them. They share
them equally. How many sweets does each child get?
Is there a link between dividing by 2 and halving?
There are ___ sweets altogether. 12
What is different about sharing into two groups and grouping in There are ___ groups.
twos? There are ___ in each group.
Complete the bar model and write a calculation to match.
Can we write a multiplication sentence as well as a division
sentence? What do you notice?
99 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 2 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 2
Reasoning and Problem Solving
I have 24p. The calculation is Ron has shared some grapes equally Possible answer:
I divide it equally between 2 friends. the same in both. between two friends.
How much will they get each? In the first He must have
question we are started with an
I have 24p in 2p coins.
How many 2p coins do I have? sharing, whereas Ron’s friends even number of
in the second grapes.
Consider the two questions above. question we are Each friend receives fewer than 50
What is the same and what is different? He could have
grouping. grapes.
started with 40
Tommy and Annie have some counters. Tommy has 30
Complete the sentences to describe the grapes.
counters. number of grapes Ron started with.
Tommy shares his counters into 2 equal
groups. Annie has 38 He can’t have
He has 15 in each group. counters. He must have started with… started with 100
Annie has 8 more. grapes.
Annie groups her counters in twos. He could have started with…
Children could
She has 19 groups.
have compared 15
Who has more counters and by how He can’t have started with…
and 19 and
realised they could
How did you work it out?
have done 2 × 4
100 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 2 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 5
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
During this step, children focus on efficient strategies and Take 30 cubes.
whether they should use grouping or sharing depending on How many towers of 5 can you make?
the context of the question. You can make ___ towers of 5
___ towers of 5 is the same as 30
They use their knowledge of the five times table to help them 30 is the same as ___ towers of 5
divide by 5
40 pencils are shared between 5 children.
They will continue to see the = sign both before and after the
Mathematical Talk ÷ ÷ =
Divide by 5
Reasoning and Problem Solving
A party bag contains 5 sweets. 15 party bags. Use the number cards to make 4 × 5 = 20
A jar contains 5 party bags. 3 jars. multiplication and division sentences. 5 × 4 = 20
20 ÷ 4 = 5
How many can you make? 20 ÷ 5 = 4
5 × 2 = 10
2 × 5 = 10
Ron has 75 sweets. 10 ÷ 2 = 5
2 20 5 10 ÷ 5 = 2
How many party bags will he need? 20 ÷ 2 = 10
20 ÷ 10 = 2
How many jars will he need?
2 × 10 = 20
10 4 10 × 2 = 20
Divide by 10
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children should already be able to multiply by 10 and Apples can be sold in packs of 10
recognise multiples of 10. They will need to use both grouping How many packs can be made below?
and sharing to divide by 10 depending on the context of the
÷ ÷ =
Children start to see that grouping and counting in 10s is
more efficient than sharing into 10 equal groups. When 30 apples are sold in packs of 10, ___ packs of apples
can be made.
Can you show this in a bar model?
Mathematical Talk Label and explain what each part represents.
How does knowing your 10 times table help you to divide by Fill in the missing numbers.
• 70 ÷ 10 = ___
Circle all the multiples of 10 on a hundred square. • 6 tens ÷ 1 ten = ___
What do you notice? Can you explain the pattern? • 5 = ___ ÷ 10
• There are ___ tens in 40
How many groups of 10 are there in ___ ?
103 ©White Rose Maths
Year 2 | Spring Term | Week 1 to 2 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 10
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Mrs Owen has some sweets. They could have: Cakes are sold in boxes of 10 Alex is correct
10 ÷ 10 = 1 Jack and Alex are trying to pack these because there are
She shares them equally between 10 20 ÷ 10 = 2 cakes into boxes. 60 cakes and 60
tables. 30 ÷ 10 = 3 divided by 10 is 6
How many sweets could each table 40 ÷ 10 = 4
have? 50 ÷ 10 = 5 Jack has
etc Jack says, incorrectly
Find as many ways as you can. There are 5 grouped the cakes,
The tens digit is groups of 10 he might have
What do you notice about your the same as the counted the rows
answer. wrong. He hasn’t
put them in 10s.
True or false? Alex says,
He incorrectly
Dividing by 10 is the same as dividing by assumed there
There are 6
5 then dividing by 2 True were 10 in each
groups of 10
Multiply by 3
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children draw on their knowledge of counting in threes in There are five towers with 3 cubes in each tower.
order to start to multiply by 3 How many cubes are there altogether?
They use their knowledge of equal groups to use concrete and ____ + ____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = ____
pictorial methods to solve questions and problems involving
multiplying by 3 ____ × ____ = ____
Multiply by 3
Reasoning and Problem Solving
There are 8 children. There are 24 If 5 × 3 = 15, which number sentences 5×3+3
Each child has 3 sweets. sweets altogether. would find the answer to 6 × 3? because one more
How many sweets altogether? lot of 3 will find
Children may use • 5×3+6 the answer.
Use concrete or pictorial representations items such as
to show this problem. counters or cubes. • 5×3+3
3 × 6 because 3
multiplication is
Divide by 3
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore dividing by 3 through sharing into three equal Circle the counters in groups of 3 and complete the division.
groups and grouping in threes.
They use concrete and pictorial representations and use their ____ ÷ 3 = ____
knowledge of the inverse to check their answers.
____ ÷ 3 = ____
Mathematical Talk
What’s different about the ways you have circled the counters?
Can you put the counters into groups of three?
There are 12 pieces of fruit. They are shared equally between 3
Can you share the number into three groups? bowls. How many pieces of fruit are in each bowl?
Use cubes/counters to represent fruit and share between 3 circles.
What is the difference between sharing and grouping?
Divide by 3
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Share 33 cubes between 3 groups. The number Jack has 18 seeds. Bar model B
sentences are both matches the
Complete: the same. He plants 3 seeds in each pot. problem because
There are 3 groups with _____ cubes in The numbers in Jack plants 3
each group. Which bar model matches the problem?
33 ÷ 3 = _____ each number seeds in each pot,
sentence mean therefore he will
different things. A have 6 groups
Put 33 cubes into groups of 3 In the first question, (pots), each with 3
the ‘3’ means the seeds.
Complete: number of groups
There are _____ groups with 3 cubes in B
the cubes are
each group.
33 ÷ 3 = _____ shared into
because the cubes Explain your choice.
are being shared.
What is the same about these two In the second
divisions? question, the ‘3’
What is different? means the size of
each group.
12 ÷ 3 = 4 3 = 12 ÷ 4
Mathematical Talk 12 = 4 × 3 3 × 12 = 4
3 ÷ 4 = 12 3 × 4 = 12
Can you use concrete or pictorial representations to help you?
What other facts can you link to this one? Fill in the missing number facts.
What other times table will help us with this question? 1 × 3 = ____ ____ × 3 = 30
2 × ____ = 6 8 × ____ = 24
____ = 3 × 3 6 × 3 = ____
9 × 3 = ____ 21 = ____ × 3
109 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Multiply by 4
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Building on their knowledge of the two times table, children Match the multiplication to the representation.
multiply by 4
They link multiplying by 4 to doubling then doubling again. 4×4
Children connect multiplying by 4 to repeated addition and
counting in 4s.
To show the multiplication of 4, children may use number 4×6
pieces, cubes, counters, bar models etc.
Multiply by 4
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Tommy has four bags with five sweets in Annie has more Here is a blue strip of paper. The blue strip is 4
each bag. sweets. cm long.
Annie has six bags with four sweets in The orange strip is
She has four more
each bag. An orange strip is four times as long. 16 cm long.
sweets than
Who has more sweets? Tommy. The orange strip is
4 times as long as
How many more sweets do they have? The strips are joined end to end. the blue strip, so
there are 5 equal
Draw a picture to show this problem. parts in total, and
the length of each
How long is the blue strip? part is:
20 ÷ 5 = 4 cm
How long is the orange strip?
Explain how you know. To find the length
of the orange part:
4 × 4 = 16 cm.
112 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 4
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore dividing by 4 through sharing into four equal Circle the buttons in groups of 4.
groups and grouping in fours.
Can you put the buttons into groups of fours? ____ ÷ ____ = ____
____ ÷ 4 = ____
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
113 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 4
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Which of the word problems can be No, the calculation Five children are playing a game. Mo = 4 buckets.
solved using 12 ÷ 4? is 12 × 4 = 48
They score 4 points for every bucket they Eva = 7 buckets.
There are 12 bags of sweets with 4 knock down.
Tommy = 3
sweets in each bag.
How many sweets are there altogether? Yes, 12 is being buckets.
grouped into 4s.
Amir = 8 buckets.
A rollercoaster carriage holds 4 people.
How many carriages are needed for 12 Yes, 12 is being Mo 16
Dora = 2 buckets.
people? shared equally into Eva 28
4 groups. Tommy 12
I have 12 crayons and share them Amir 32
equally between 4 people. They knocked
How many crayons does each person Dora 8 down 24 buckets
receive? No, the calculation How many buckets did they knock down altogether.
is 12 − 4 = 8 each?
I have 12 buns and I give 4 to my buns How many buckets did they knock down
brother. altogether?
Eva knocked 3
How many do I have left? How many more buckets did Eva knock
down than Mo? more buckets
Explain your reasoning for each. down than Mo.
114 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Multiply by 8
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Building on their knowledge of the 4 times table, children start
to multiply by 8, understanding that each multiple of 8 is
double its equivalent multiple of 4 How many legs altogether do four spiders have?
They link multiplying by eight to previous knowledge of equal There are ____ legs on each spider.
groups and repeated addition. Children explore the concept of ____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = ____
multiplying by 8 in different ways, when 8 is the multiplier (first ____ × 8 = ____
number in the multiplication calculation) and where 8 is the If there are ____ spiders, there will be ____ legs altogether.
multiplicand (second number).
Arrange 24 counters in an array as
shown and complete the calculations.
Mathematical Talk
____ + ____ + ____ = ____ × ____
How many equal groups do we have?
____ + ____ + ____ + ____ + ____+ ____ + ____+ ____ = ____ × ____
How many are in each group?
How many do we have altogether? Fill in the table to show that multiplying by 8 is the same as double,
Can you write a number sentence to show this? double and double again.
Can you represent the problem in a picture? 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Can you use concrete apparatus to solve the problem?
6 × 2 = ____ 6 × 2 = ____ 6 × 2 = ____ 6 × 2 = ____
How many lots of 8 do we have?
How many groups of 8 do we have? ____ × 2 = ____ ____ × 2 = ____
We have 8 groups, how many are in each group? ____ × 2 = ____
117 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Multiply by 8
Reasoning and Problem Solving
8 × 3 = ____ All of the answers Start each function machine with the Each time the final
2 × 4 × 3 = ____ are equal. same number. number is 8 times
2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = ____ 8 has been split greater than the
×2 ×2 ×2
(factorised) into 2 starting number.
What do you notice?
Why do you think this has happened? and 4 in the
Tommy should
second question
×4 ×2 use the yellow row
and 2, 2 and 2 in
because he can
the third.
double each
Possible answers: ×8 multiple of 4 to
Jack calculates 8 × 6 by doing
5 × 6 and 3 × 6 and adding them. I prefer Jack’s calculate a
method because I number multiplied
____ + ____ = ____ What do you notice about each final
know my 5 and 3 by 8 e.g. 4 × 6 =
Ron calculates 8 × 6 by doing times tables. answer?
24 so 8 × 6 is
4×6×2 I prefer Ron’s double that (48).
Tommy knows the 4 times table table,
____ × 2 = ____ method because I
but is still learning the 8 times table
know my 4 times table.
Whose method do you prefer?
table and can
Explain why.
double numbers. Which colour row should he use? Why?
118 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 8
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore dividing by 8 through sharing into eight equal There are 32 children in a PE lesson.
groups and grouping in eights. They are split into 8 equal teams for a relay race.
How many children are in each team?
They use concrete and pictorial representations and their Use counters or multi-link to represent each child.
knowledge of inverse operations to check their answers.
There are ____ teams with ____ children in each team.
Can you use any prior knowledge to check your answer? 64 ÷ 8 = ____ 8 × ____ = 40
____ × 8 = 24 ____ ÷ 8 = 7
119 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Autumn Term | Week 9 to 12 – Number: Multiplication & Division
Divide by 8
Reasoning and Problem Solving
48 ÷ 2 = ____ The answers Amir shares 24 sweets equally between Although both can
(quotients) halve 8 friends. represent
48 ÷ 4 = ____ and the divisors How many do they get each? 24 ÷ 8 = 3, the
Which bar model would you use to
double. first bar model fits
48 ÷ 8 = ____ represent this problem? Why?
this word problem
What do you notice about the answers to 24 best, because 24
these questions? has been split into
8 parts, 1 part
Can you predict what 48 ÷ 16 would be? 3 shows 1 friend.
18 200 42