Cambridge Primary Science 6 Activity Book Full
Cambridge Primary Science 6 Activity Book Full
Cambridge Primary Science 6 Activity Book Full
Activity Book
Material changes *9
3. I Reversible and irreversible
changes 29 o/ components 59
4.2 Mixing and sepofoting S.7 Aoding different
solicls 30 components
3.3 SoluDle and insoluble 5.8 Length and thickness of
The heart
Tn this exercise, you will test o r knowledge about the
Use the words in the box !o complete the sentences. You will need to use
some words more than once.
d 8looa s carried in
Marcus and his )rtends measured rkeir pulse rates T kese are their results
Whof is the average pulse role of the group? How did you work this ouf?
D Which resulf does not fit fhe pattern? Suggest a reoson for fhis.
Lobel lhe diagram of the cspentve system. Use these wo‹ds fo help you.
a Match eooh of Ihs labelled porfs wPh lb func0on listed in fhe loble. Wrfle
me nome of me porf next to Ih function.
b Yhe functions in Ihe table ore not in Ihe some order as It+ey happen in
Ihe body. write Ihe funcltons in the correct order.
Use the words in the box to he\p you. You will heed to use some words more
than once.
Nome fwo important body functions that ore controlled by the brain without
you having to think about them.
@ Choose the port of the brain in tha dmwlng thot conrols each of the following:
c Kicking a ball
d Listening to music
Explain why someone who has had a serious head injury may not be able to
talk anymore.
”Exercise 2.4 Food chains in the Nomib Desert
In this exercise, you will analyse and draw good chains in a desert habitat.
The Ngmib Desert extends for over 1000 km alortg the coast o} Namibia in
southern Africa. The Atlantic Ocean is r\ext to the coastline. Very little rois
calls in the Nawab Desert. Most o{ the moisture needed by plants comes irt the
}orrrt o} mist from the sea.
Many animals live on the saf\d dur‹es ot the desert. Ar\ts, beetles, beetle larvge
and termites eat seeds and bits ot dried grass that wir\d carries {rom the
The outs ore eaten bq ant lions, spiders eat termites, end scor pious ent beetle
tonne ord spiders. Sunspiders ent scorpions, beetles end beetle larvae. Lizards
then eat spiders, beetles end iumpidefs. The sidewtndinq adder eais ltzords.
Sidewindlng adder
Who is in favour o( deforestation and who is against it* Fill in this table.
Jtioee a olnu ciafo‹erioxon
Reversible and irreversible changes
Mark each of Ihese slotemenh about mixlures as tiue (Z) or false 0‹)
a x mixture is mode up of one substance.
b A mixture Is made up of mora than one subslonce.
c An example of a mixture is marbles and sand
d An example of a mixture is sctlt.
e Mixluras con be separated.
i No new substances ore mode when different substances are
mixed togelhef.
% O *
How does groin size affect
In this exercise, go will consider how long it takes a substance to dissolve.
Ming and Kumei compared how long ft took for d erer‹t kinds o} sugar to
dissolve in warm water They conducted a fair test. These are their results.
powdered sugar 30
e How would Iheir reeutls be dlffarent if fhey dissolved Ihe sql in cold walar7
b Explain why.
S Moterlol chonges
o Class 6 measure fhe weight of different obiec ts with forc emeters.
Read and record Ihe mensurerucr tS on the forcemeters below.
h List the objects in order of their weight. Stort v/ilh the object theI Nos lhe
lowest weight.
II you pull on an object t1ong›i q from o foic emeter, would this give you un
oc cr rote receding of its weight? Sny vzh$ Of \’7h/ FOf.
Balanced and unbalanced forces
b Why dld Mayo wonf her brolhas la put sand pn the ley pafht
d When the rocket moves upwards, oro the forces balanced or not? E
xploin your answer.
Language review
This exercise checks that you urid 'rat Ond
Fhe sciertt c words used ir‹ this un«.
Two fofces of the some size that oct in apposite directions on on object.
Draw a sign to put up in a restaurant kitchen to wOrr\ workers naver To use wet
hands near electric slovas and appliances.
Tom and Aba have just nished testing some metal to see how well
they conduct electricity. Here are their results.
Lee's mofher asked him to fix the iron because i! was not working. Lee go!
on electric shockl
what has Lee forgoPen to do?
” Exercise 5.6 Changing the number of
Jamil hos connecteo two Dulbs and two cells In a circuit. How eqn he make
fhe bulbs dimmer Abut nof switched off)?
A replace one of fhe cells with a section of wire
B replace one cal The cells withqcork
C replace one of the bulbs with a section of wire
Tracey makes a complefe circuit with one bulb and fhree cells TI\
e Dulb \tghts (a‹ cm instant and then goes out. \Nny*
A not enough electricity flows around the circuit
B too much elecfricify BOWS through the DuID
C the cells are flof
Length and thickness of wire in
a circuit
In this exercise, you will use yo r knowledge about
the length end thickness o} wire ia n circuit.
b Explain why.
b Exploln why.
Fill in the correct words in these sen!ences. Use the words above.
cal electricily.
b What could you odel to the circuit fa measure the current passing through It?