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Cambridge Primary Science 6 Activity Book Full

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Activity Book

Fiona Baxter and Liz Dikey

3 Humonso*donimolS 8 ñ
3. Solutions 33
l,l Bodyorgonc 8 3.6 How con we make solicts
l 2 The heoh 9 dissolve faster? 34
I ,3 Heartbeat qnci pulse J0 3.7 How does gfCiin size affect
] ,4 The lungs and breathing 1 4 dissoiving+ 35
15 hedgefliveydem 12 Language review 36

Faeces and motion 37

4. I Mass and weight 37
l.A WhotdothekiQneycdo7 13 4.2 How forces oct 39
1.7 Whotdoesfheboindo? 14 4.3 Balanced and
LonguoQei evv S unbO\anued torces 40
4.d The effects of forces 41
Mving fhings in me 4.5 forces ancl energy d2
environment i6 4.6 Friction 44
2. Food chains in a local 4.7 InvestigCiting Iristion 46
habitat 6 d.8 Air es stance and orog 47
2,2 Food chains begin LOnguOge review 49
v lhponñ 17
2.3 Predators on‹d prey in the Slecfricol eonducton
5 and \nsulafors 50
NOmib Desert T9 5. I Which materials conduct
2.4 Food chains in the NomiD
Desert 21 electricity? 50
2.5 Deforestation 23 5.2 Does water conduct
'2.6 his @&\\wt\OO 24 e\ect‹\c ty1
2.7 Acid rain 2S 5.3 Do different metc›ls
2.8 PE'Cycling 26 con Juct elec tricify
2.9 Take caie of your equally well*
5.4 Chcosing the rlght
environment 27 materials for BJectricoi
Language review appliances
5.5 Circuit symbols SB
28 5.6 Changing the numDer

Material changes *9
3. I Reversible and irreversible
changes 29 o/ components 59
4.2 Mixing and sepofoting S.7 Aoding different
solicls 30 components
3.3 SoluDle and insoluble 5.8 Length and thickness of
The heart
Tn this exercise, you will test o r knowledge about the

heart. a Nome the Dody systom thaf the

heart is port of.

b Nome the two other parts of this sysfem.

Use the words in the box !o complete the sentences. You will need to use
some words more than once.

blood blood vessels food lungs oxygen waste products

a The heart pumps through fhe' body

b The lefi slde of the heart pumps . Thof contains

c The right sicie of tho heart pumps

ID the

d 8looa s carried in

e Biaod carries and to all ports

of fhe body and takes away
Heartbeat and pulse
In this exercise, you will ar\alqse pulse rate rr\ccts\trerrtent s



Marcus and his )rtends measured rkeir pulse rates T kese are their results

What units do we use to measure pulse rote?

Whof is the average pulse role of the group? How did you work this ouf?

a What pallern con you sea in the results?

D Which resulf does not fit fhe pattern? Suggest a reoson for fhis.

c How can you incl out if your supqesTion is correct?

Exercise 1.5 The digestive system
In this exercise, you will identi)q the pows oJ the digestive system nod
their Junttions.

Lobel lhe diagram of the cspentve system. Use these wo‹ds fo help you.

a Match eooh of Ihs labelled porfs wPh lb func0on listed in fhe loble. Wrfle
me nome of me porf next to Ih function.

pushes food into the stomach

Fnlxes food with digastiv6 |uices
chews iooa and starts di DD
a eoks foc•d down into very tiny portlulas

b Yhe functions in Ihe table ore not in Ihe some order as It+ey happen in
Ihe body. write Ihe funcltons in the correct order.

i Humans and animals

What no the klzlneys do?
In tftis exercise, gou will complete sentences o6our the kidneys rind
their junctions.

Use the words in the box to he\p you. You will heed to use some words more
than once.

The kidneys are n pnir oJ organs. Their moirt

rtction is . They
the blood to remove . They ago help control the
amount oj in the body. The wastes from the
ktdr\eds leave the body as tiga . We should drink
er›oagh every day to keep the kidneys healthy.
The kidr\eys cannot work properly we have a kidney

Some people need a special machine called a

mach e to do Ake job o/ the Li4n•ys.

¥ Humans ono animals

Exercise 7.7 What does fhe brain do?
This exercise tests q our knowledge a6out t ke brain.

a Which body systam is the brain pqrl of†

b Nome another port of this body system.

Nome fwo important body functions that ore controlled by the brain without
you having to think about them.

@ Choose the port of the brain in tha dmwlng thot conrols each of the following:

a Saying your nome

b Standing on pne |eg

c Kicking a ball

d Listening to music

e Breathing fostef whfle running

Explain why someone who has had a serious head injury may not be able to
talk anymore.
”Exercise 2.4 Food chains in the Nomib Desert

In this exercise, you will analyse and draw good chains in a desert habitat.
The Ngmib Desert extends for over 1000 km alortg the coast o} Namibia in
southern Africa. The Atlantic Ocean is r\ext to the coastline. Very little rois
calls in the Nawab Desert. Most o{ the moisture needed by plants comes irt the
}orrrt o} mist from the sea.
Many animals live on the saf\d dur‹es ot the desert. Ar\ts, beetles, beetle larvge
and termites eat seeds and bits ot dried grass that wir\d carries {rom the
The outs ore eaten bq ant lions, spiders eat termites, end scor pious ent beetle
tonne ord spiders. Sunspiders ent scorpions, beetles end beetle larvae. Lizards
then eat spiders, beetles end iumpidefs. The sidewtndinq adder eais ltzords.




Sidewindlng adder

9 Living things in the environment

Ir this exercue, you will compare di/erent opir ions ort deforestation.
Read what these people have to say about deforestation.

Who is in favour o( deforestation and who is against it* Fill in this table.
Jtioee a olnu ciafo‹erioxon

2 Living things In lhe environment

z — '

Language rev ie w ,
Write these words in the correct order to show how anerqy ftows in ct
food choln:

What Js the difierence between a predator and a prey?

Complete the spider diagrams. Use these words.

bad visibility

Reversible and irreversible changes

Soy whether each of these changes is reversible or irreversible.

a melfing bufler in a Not pan
b baking a coke

c dissolving salt in water

d burning wood on Q fire

e rusting on a fin can

How gon you reverse each of these chonges8

a making a paper plane from a folded sheet of paper

b a chocoJote bar melting in youI pocket

c wafer freezing to become ice

Mixing and separating solids
In this exercise, you will test your knowledge about mixtures.

Mark each of Ihese slotemenh about mixlures as tiue (Z) or false 0‹)
a x mixture is mode up of one substance.
b A mixture Is made up of mora than one subslonce.
c An example of a mixture is marbles and sand
d An example of a mixture is sctlt.
e Mixluras con be separated.
i No new substances ore mode when different substances are
mixed togelhef.

a Draw a diagram to show a mixfu‹e of sand and monies.

Label your diagram.

b How would you seporote this mixture?

c How would you separate a mixture of salt and rice?

Exercise 3.3 Soluble and insoluble
In this exercise, you will th‹nh nbout soluble and insolub Ie substances

Fill in fhe missing words:

When a solid mixes with a Iiqu'ci and becomes port of the liquid if

A solid thot dissolves in a iiQuid is

A solid thof does ml dissolve in a liquid is

These ore the resulh of an investigation where a aria is mixed with a liquid.


TI ie liQuic looks ›ikc ie form,

p Which mixture c•r mixfures contained soluble substances? Name

two ways thot you know this.

b Which mixture or mixtures confoined insoluble substances* Nome

two ways thot you know this.
Publo odded o colouse d substsice to wct er.
#je ien rninut es, t he uoloor wos evenlb
sprend in the voter ord t he s ub stsrt ‹ e ct t ke
hot I orn oJ t he b cokes hod disopp enred .

some The twop o fis ofa T io n .


% O *
How does groin size affect
In this exercise, go will consider how long it takes a substance to dissolve.
Ming and Kumei compared how long ft took for d erer‹t kinds o} sugar to
dissolve in warm water They conducted a fair test. These are their results.

kms la dleaolve in aeconcls


powdered sugar 30

Which factor thol oKecls cgccotving did they invesfigote?

Whaf poñ em oon you sea in Ihair ‹esulta2

What could Ihey conclude from their fnveeltgoflon?

Nome three fhings fhey musf do la make their lasf lair,

e How would Iheir reeutls be dlffarent if fhey dissolved Ihe sql in cold walar7

b Explain why.

S Moterlol chonges
o Class 6 measure fhe weight of different obiec ts with forc emeters.
Read and record Ihe mensurerucr tS on the forcemeters below.

h List the objects in order of their weight. Stort v/ilh the object theI Nos lhe
lowest weight.

II you pull on an object t1ong›i q from o foic emeter, would this give you un
oc cr rote receding of its weight? Sny vzh$ Of \’7h/ FOf.
Balanced and unbalanced forces

Loot ar the picture and

underline tke correct
w0rds to make eack o) the
sentertces trite

The forcas shown ore

The forces shown ore

yzotking together/
opposite forces.

The forces ore equal/not equal,

The forcas ci•/do.not balance each

other. The bigger force Is polling fo the

right/left. Ihe smaller force is pulling to

the right/lefi. Movement is to the

Draw a farce diagram to show acting in the picture.
.. . .
Exercise 4.6 Friction
mm this exercise, you will thirtL about when /rictLon is useful, and when rt is not.

In eooh situation soy whalhai friction is uS6fut or a problem.

oco Uotesonds wsdown

socks wear out
a penci| gets blunt

you get a blister f£DF0 you snoes

the bc!I you kick slops rolling

clothes get clean when you ruD them with soap

a FncJlon qllows obiech to meve easily whqn they touch.

b Friafion cannot maka objects start moving. _
c Friction stops objech from diding owoy when Ihey rnoye.

d We p‹oduca more friction if we rub things together somy fhon If we rub

them shong\y. _ _

4 Forces and mofiion

eead fhe eta y cmd onswar fhe c\uesfions.
Maya felt cold. She rubbed her hands together
to warm them Ltp. That didn’t help much so
she stuck a match to light the fire. Maya went
outside to fetch more wood {or a jure. She
slapped and tell on the icy ground. "I must tell
my brother to throw some sand orr the prtth
to the woodshed", she thought. Back ‹reside,
Mays pushed a• *99 thB OE ass the table by
mñtaLe. It rolled away and stopped right at the edge o/ the table, but didn’t
tell o/. “That was lucLy”, she thought.

a IdenIfIy lbs examplnc of friction. Soy whether each example of frlcfion 1s

b Why dld Mayo wonf her brolhas la put sand pn the ley pafht

J Forces and motion

When rackets are launched into space fhay need to escape the Earth s
grgvity, They use a force called thfust to do to I his.

a LoDeI the forces acting on the roc ket in the drawing.

b Which force pushes the rocket upwards

c \^/hich force pulls the rocket back towards the Earth?

d When the rocket moves upwards, oro the forces balanced or not? E
xploin your answer.
Language review
This exercise checks that you urid 'rat Ond
Fhe sciertt c words used ir‹ this un«.

Choose the words in the how air balloon that

match the meanings listed.

The amount of moher in on obiecf, measured in kilograms.

The omounf of force thot pulls Objects towards the Earth.

The force that pulls objects towards the Earth.

The unif used tp measure fofces.

Two fofces of the some size that oct in apposite directions on on object.

fhe energy tronsferieo when a force makes on obiect move.

A farce thot slows things down

When you use oil to slop mgving ports of machine from gehing too hot.

The size of fhe outside porf of on object.

The force couseci oy air pushing against moving objects
Does water conduct electricity?
Ir\ Ehis exercise, you will revue and apply what you know about water and
conduct ton o) electricity.

What is pure wotar?

Why con plonls, animals and humans conduct electricify?

Draw a sign to put up in a restaurant kitchen to wOrr\ workers naver To use wet
hands near electric slovas and appliances.

52 5 Llec trical c:onducto*s anC! iPi?uIGtors

” Exercise 5.3 Do different metals
electricity equally well?
In this exercise, 9ou will opplq whnt you know obout how well di/erent metrics
conduct electricity.

Tom and Aba have just nished testing some metal to see how well
they conduct electricity. Here are their results.

Metai Cunent rr›eoajred in amps

aluminium B.2
stainless steel 5.
brass 8.3
silver 8,0
gold 8.5
copper 8.2

b How do you know fhis?

8 fiectricol cooouctois ond insulators

Exercise 5.4 ' Choosing the right materials for
electrical appliances
In this exercise, you will use what you
Lnow about choosing the right rriaterials
}or elecfriccl systems.

a Llst threa port4 of Ihe lTghf bulb which

oie m0de of mate‹lols thof conduct
electricity. Fa each pan, soy why ii
hoa la conduct electricity for the bulb
fa wosk.

b Whal happens Io fhe filament when electrlclty flows through if?

a Why is the bosg mode of ceramic?

b ls ceromlc on electrical conducfor or on electrical Insulafor?

Glve Mo raaaons why the bulb is mode at gloss.

6 EIectf‹Col conductors and insulators

Hera ora four steps, labelled A to D, thot you should take to ‹eploce a lighf
bulb solely with a new one.
The steps are in ftse w‹or‹g o‹oa‹. 9o-ar‹anga them so that they a‹e in the
correct order.
A Unscfew Ihe old light bulb.
B Wait for the bulb to cool down.

D Screw in the new light bulb.

Lee's mofher asked him to fix the iron because i! was not working. Lee go!
on electric shockl
what has Lee forgoPen to do?

” Exercise 5.6 Changing the number of


In which circuit will The buID or bulbs glow brightest?

A a circui! wifh one bulb and one
cell B 0 CtfCUit shh one bulb and fwo
cells C a circuit wifh two Dulbs and
one cell
Why is a bulb brighter when it is powered by to cells rather than one?
A because the flow of elecfricily in the circuit is less
8 because The flow Of electricity in the circuit is the same
C because the how of electricity in the circuit is greater

Jamil hos connecteo two Dulbs and two cells In a circuit. How eqn he make
fhe bulbs dimmer Abut nof switched off)?
A replace one of fhe cells with a section of wire
B replace one cal The cells withqcork
C replace one of the bulbs with a section of wire

Tracey makes a complefe circuit with one bulb and fhree cells TI\
e Dulb \tghts (a‹ cm instant and then goes out. \Nny*
A not enough electricity flows around the circuit
B too much elecfricify BOWS through the DuID
C the cells are flof
Length and thickness of wire in
a circuit
In this exercise, you will use yo r knowledge about
the length end thickness o} wire ia n circuit.

\x›o¥ at Ihe circuit diagrams. They show two

circuits. one wifh a short wide and one wifh a long
wiia. The ommeter reodir\gs show the strength of
current in amps packing through fhe wifa.
a Which wire allows a stronger currant to pose

b Explain why.

Look at the circuit diagrams.7hey show two

cifcu\fs, one wina mice wire and one
with o thin 'lie. The ammetet
readings show Ihe dengr› of curranf in
amps passing tt«ougr›

a Whkh wire ollows a ationger curtanl

to poes through? “

b Exploln why.

$ Electrical conduc tors and insulators

This e xercise ch.ecks that you v derstan d the srientr/\c word3 r sed in this unit

Fill in the correct words in these sen!ences. Use the words above.

conductor curent electnc shock insulofor

mehal switch wire switch

The cover of a plug acts as on 7he cover is made

from materials such as OI . he inside or o

plug is mode of _ which is a

cal electricily.

You con get an

a bare wire when on electric _ is flowing through if.
a LoDeI the Tour components l -4 in the circuit diagram.

b What could you odel to the circuit fa measure the current passing through It?

c In what unit is the curran! measured?

Cambridge Primary Science is a flexible engogin
wñtten specñicolty for the Combri4ge Primary Soene currkulum
framework Dtoges 1—6}. The courre offers plenty offing idegs tg
ve I ex lay okowing teacher to select activities most opproprk te to their
classroom and pupils An enguky•bosed style of teaching on4 leolng is
stimulote4 with the Soentific Enquiry objectives integrated throughout to encouroge
looming of these skitls alongside the scientific concepts The language level is
onwfu8y pitdte4 to be accessible to FAL/E5Lleomers with concepts illustrated
thigh diagrams to •tk›w visual understanding on4 teaming.

Tha Activity Book cordolnc:

• one e»ercbe to occempony each Leomer't Book 6 ISBN:978-1-107-89980
Topic in learner's Book iencnercnerource o isor+ sha-J-Ju/-oezuz-S
a excises thot con be completed in For ourfuk range of Cambridge Primary titles
including KgothemotTcs, English and
Globo£ English+ fisit
• ezetcises thot ore desl9ned to educot on combrid9e bridsaprirnery
consolidate understanding and
deepen *&PPP ^9 !^

• at the end of eoch unit

to practise the core vc<obulory from
thot unit

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