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Csec Cape Sba Guide

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Table of Contents
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Accounting - CAPE ................................................................................................................................. 4
Additional Mathematics - CSEC ............................................................................................................. 6
Agricultural Science - CSEC ................................................................................................................... 7
Applied Mathematics - CAPE ............................................................................................................... 10
Art and Design - CAPE ......................................................................................................................... 14
Biology - CSEC ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Biology - CAPE ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Building Technology - CSEC ................................................................................................................ 21
Building Mechanical and Engineering Drawing (BMED) - CAPE ...................................................... 23
Caribbean Studies - CAPE .................................................................................................................... 27
Chemistry - CAPE ................................................................................................................................. 29
Chemistry - CSEC ................................................................................................................................. 31
Communication Studies - CAPE ........................................................................................................... 33
Computer Science - CAPE .................................................................................................................... 35
Digital Media - CAPE ........................................................................................................................... 37
Economics - CAPE ................................................................................................................................ 39
Economics - CSEC ................................................................................................................................ 41
Electrical and Electronic Technology (EET) - CAPE ........................................................................... 43
Electrical and Electronic Technology (EET) - CSEC ........................................................................... 45
Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM) - CSEC ................................................. 46
English - CSEC ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Entrepreneurship - CAPE ...................................................................................................................... 51
Family and Resource Management - CSEC .......................................................................................... 52
Food and Nutrition - CAPE ................................................................................................................... 54
Food and Nutrition - CSEC ................................................................................................................... 55
French and Spanish - CAPE .................................................................................................................. 57
Geography - CAPE ................................................................................................................................ 59
Geography - CSEC ................................................................................................................................ 61
History - CAPE ...................................................................................................................................... 63
History - CSEC ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Industrial Technology: Building Technology (BET) Option - CSEC ................................................... 67
Industrial Technology: Electrical/Electronic Technology (EET) .......................................................... 69
Option - CSEC ....................................................................................................................................... 69
Information Technology - CAPE .......................................................................................................... 73
Information Technology - CSEC ........................................................................................................... 75
Integrated Science - CSEC .................................................................................................................... 77
Law - CAPE........................................................................................................................................... 79
Literatures in English (LIE) - CAPE ..................................................................................................... 81
Management of Business - CAPE ......................................................................................................... 83
Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) - CSEC .......................................................................... 84
Music – CSEC ....................................................................................................................................... 86
Office Administration - CSEC .............................................................................................................. 88
Performing Arts - Drama - CAPE ......................................................................................................... 90
Performing Arts - Music - CAPE .......................................................................................................... 92
Physical Education - CSEC ................................................................................................................... 93

Physical Education – CAPE - Unit 1 ..................................................................................................... 95
Physical Education – CAPE - Unit 2 ..................................................................................................... 99
Physics - CAPE ................................................................................................................................... 101
Physics - CSEC .................................................................................................................................... 102
Principles of Accounts - CSEC ........................................................................................................... 105
Principles of Business (POB) - CSEC ................................................................................................. 106
Pure Mathematics - CAPE................................................................................................................... 108
Religious Education - CSEC ............................................................................................................... 111
Social Studies - CSEC ......................................................................................................................... 113
Sociology - CAPE ............................................................................................................................... 115
Technical Drawing (TD) - CSEC ........................................................................................................ 117
Textiles, Clothing and Fashion - CSEC............................................................................................... 121
Theatre Arts including Dance - CSEC ................................................................................................ 122
Tourism - CAPE .................................................................................................................................. 124
Visual Arts - CSEC.............................................................................................................................. 126
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................................... 129
Appendix 1: Additional Mathematics – CSEC.................................................................................... 129
CSEC Scoring Rubric: Discussion for Clarification of Rubric Criteria and Alignment of Some
Project Samples. ............................................................................................................................... 129
Guidelines for Interpretation and Marking Project A ...................................................................... 131
Guidelines for Interpretation and Marking Project B....................................................................... 132
Appendix 2: Biology, Chemistry and Physics – CSEC ....................................................................... 133
On-Site Moderation of SBA for CSEC® Biology, Chemistry and Physics ..................................... 133
Appendix 3: Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM) - CSEC .......................... 136
SBA Timeline Document ................................................................................................................. 136
Appendix 4: History - CSEC ............................................................................................................... 137
Teacher’s Checklist .......................................................................................................................... 137
Mark Scheme for Research Projects ................................................................................................ 138
Appendix 5: Office Administration – CSEC ....................................................................................... 140
SBA Timeline Document Office Administration............................................................................. 140
Appendix 6: Pure Mathematics – CAPE ............................................................................................. 141
Module Tests .................................................................................................................................... 141
Guidelines for Module Tests and Presentation of Samples.............................................................. 141
Appendix 7: Technical Drawing - CSEC ............................................................................................ 144
School Based Assessment Mark Scheme ......................................................................................... 144
Appendix 8: Music - CSEC Music ...................................................................................................... 145
SBA Moderation .............................................................................................................................. 145

This document, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) School Based Assessments (SBAs) Frequently Asked
Questions, has been prepared to provide clarification for teachers and students on commonly
encountered issues regarding the implementation of subject-specific SBAs. Issues relating to
timelines, group activities, monitoring of SBAs, resources, mark schemes, submission of SBAs
by students and support for administering of SBAs have been addressed.

SBAs include projects or assignments which contribute to a candidate’s final exit grade for both
CSEC and CAPE. SBAs should be seen as one source of collecting objective, verifiable evidence
of learning by candidates at the school using approved, standardized scoring instruments. The
work is to be done by the student himself/herself as penalties are applied for plagiarism.

SBAs allow candidates to demonstrate their understanding of subject content and application of
skills and competencies. Projects and assignments include quantitative and qualitative studies,
reports of actual events, simulated events, interviews, observations, demonstrations of skills,
performances, pieces to be done in-school and out-of-school settings, visual art pieces, reports
after laboratory experiments, portfolios, teacher-made tests and oral examinations.

From the academic year 2015-2016, CXC has introduced two new subjects at the CSEC Level
with SBA requirements, namely, Integrated Mathematics and Industrial Technology. Also,
CSEC English Language A and B will have an SBA component for the first time which will be
used to contribute to final marks in one or both subjects. Additionally, syllabi revisions have
resulted in changes in the SBA requirements for Home Economics, Geography and Integrated
Science while Building and Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Logistics and Supply Chain
Management which will be offered at the CAPE level by 2017, will also include an SBA

SBAs are also intended to provide timely formative feedback to both teachers and students.
Teachers and students are therefore to use the guidelines provided in this document to ensure that
SBAs are completed on time. This will not only allow students to correct errors and
misconceptions but also enable them to improve their overall grade in the various subjects being

Mr. Harrilal Seecharan

Chief Education Officer
Ministry of Education
Accounting - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Near end of Term 1 or early in Term 2 in Lower 6 (that is,
students begin gathering of information and writing skills etc.).
working on SBAs? • School - Based Assessments (SBAs), Unit 2 - End of each
Module when work is completed.
When should SBAs • By the end of Term 2 of either Upper or Lower Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • By the end of February of Term 2 of either Upper or Lower
deadline date? Form 6.
What is the teachers’ • There should be three developmental drafts for Internal
deadline date? Assessment Unit 1 (there should be constant monitoring at each
stage). For example: SBA deadline dates can be: first draft first
week in December; second draft first week in January and the
final draft just before Carnival and Mock Examinations.
• For Unit 1: first draft, first week in January; second draft just
before Carnival and mock examinations and final draft, at the
teachers’ discretion as this has to be submitted at a later date.
What aspects of the • For Unit 1, students can visit companies in groups. Individual
SBAs can be done as contributions will be marked based on students’ writing skills
group work? (including literature review, citations) and relevant accounting
• For Unit 2, Modular tests set by teachers must be at least 60% of
each module (Note: These can be based on past paper questions
and not the CXC. If questions are taken from textbooks, it must
be acknowledged).
Are students allowed • For Unit 1, an investigative report is required. This must be
to submit their typed and must include other media such as graphs. The use of
projects in their own Excel and statistical software e.g. Statistical Analysis Software
handwriting or can Package (SPSS) should be promoted. This skill is needed for
some form of word tertiary education and the world of work.
processing be used? • For Unit 2, a teacher-prepared, type-written test along with a
table of specification, mark scheme and answer sheet should be
used. Hand written responses from students are acceptable.
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and • Departments should discuss the criteria for assigning marks
clear or is there a (especially when more than one teacher in a Department is
need for preparing students for the exam and the samples are taken from

Questions/Concerns Response
departmental across classes).
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Yes, exposure to and interaction with Chartered Accountants,
on field trips and/or Cost and Management Accountants and finance experts will
be exposed to encourage students to perceive the real-world application of
personnel with theoretical concepts taught.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Additional textbooks, Internet access.
should the school
What help will be • Annual workshops are held by the Technical Vocational
provided to Heads of Education and Training (TVET) Unit, Curriculum Planning and
Department and Development Division, to discuss SBA requirements.
teachers? • Curriculum Officers - Business are available to provide support
as required.
What level of • Internal Monitoring - should be conducted by the Head of
monitoring can Department, Vice Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
Principals expect? • External monitoring - provided by Curriculum Officers,
Curriculum Planning and Development, during ongoing school
visits or upon request.
• Samples of students’ SBAs can be requested from Heads of
Departments and teachers during school visits.
What special time • Teachers and students are expected to conduct all activities
table arrangements during the time recommended by the syllabus.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Additional support can be requested from Curriculum Officers -
information do Business at the Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
Principals need?

Additional Mathematics - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
What kind of projects • One project is selected from a choice of two options - a
can be selected? theoretical project or a practical project.
When should • Term 3 of Form 4.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • The last week in March of Form 5.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • During the CSEC marking period in June/ July.
What is the students’ • First draft - February of Form 5.
deadline date? • Final draft - First week in March of Form 5.
What is the teachers’ • Entry into the CXC’s - Online Registration System (ORS) by the
deadline date? last week in March.
What aspects of the • The same topics can be done in groups, but with individual
SBAs can be done as submissions/responses.
group work?
Are students allowed • Word Processing Output- Charts and Diagrams can be done in
to submit their an Excel Spreadsheet and inserted into the project.
projects in their own • Complex diagrams can be done by hand.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes for Project A and Project B are standardized.
standardized and They can be obtained at:
clear or is there a - http://www.cxc.org/SiteAssets/SBAFORMS2014/CSEC/
need for Additional%20Mathematics/MarkingSchemeforResearch
departmental ProjectA.pdf
discussion to ensure - http://www.cxc.org/SiteAssets/SBAFORMS2014/CSEC/
standardized Additional%20Mathematics/MarkingSchemeforResearch
marking? ProjectB.pd
• For further clarification of the mark scheme, teachers can refer
to the document ‘CSEC SCORING RUBRIC: Discussion for
clarification of rubric criteria and alignment of some project

Should students go • Field Trips are not required.

on field trips and/or
be exposed to

Questions/Concerns Response
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Resources required to ensure effective curriculum
should the school implementation.
What help will be • Curriculum Officers - Mathematics are available to provide
provided to Heads of support as required.
Department and
What level of • Internal Monitoring - should be conducted by the Head of
monitoring can Department, Vice Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
Principals expect? • External monitoring - provided by Curriculum Officers,
Curriculum Planning and Development Division, during ongoing
school visits or upon request.
• Samples of students’ SBAs can be requested from Heads of
Departments and teachers during school visits.
What special time • Teachers and students are expected to conduct all activities
table arrangements during the time recommended by the syllabus.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 1.
information do
Principals need?

Agricultural Science - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • At the beginning of the term, students should be guided to
students begin discuss the format of the SBAs.
working on SBAs? • Assessments should begin by November, Term 1 of Form 4.
When should SBAs • By the end of January, Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • Form 4 - February to March of Term 2.
moderated? • Form 5 - Final moderation in February to March of Term 2.
What is the students’ • Form 4
deadline date? - Deadline date for completion is June 15th of Term
- SBAs to be completed at the end of Form 4:
o Cost Analysis – Crop Science.

Questions/Concerns Response
o 5 Skills.
• Form 5 - Deadline date for completion is January 15th of Term 2.
- SBAs to be completed at the end of Form 5:
o Cost Analysis - Livestock Science.
o 5 Skills.
o Research Project (Double Award candidates only).
What is the teachers’ • Form 4:
deadline date? - Deadline date for marking all SBAs is June 30th of Term 3.
- SBAs to be completed at the end of Form 4:
o Cost Analysis – Crop Science.
o 10 Skills.
• Form 5:
- Deadline date for completion is January 31st of Term 2.
- SBAs to be completed at the end of Form 5:
o Cost Analysis – Livestock Science.
o 10 Skills.
o Research Project (Double Award candidates only).
What aspects of the • Cost Analysis (crop and livestock) (Single Award and Double
SBAs can be done as award) are group activities.
group work? • Students are responsible for their own data collection, analysis
and reporting.
• Research Projects (Double Award only) - Students are required
to submit individual project documents.
Are students allowed • Projects can be submitted in either their own hand writing or
to submit their using some form of word processing.
projects in their own • In cases where it is hand written, the writing must be legible.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Field Trips are encouraged in Agricultural Science.
on field trips and/or • In cases where there are no facilities to conduct the Broiler
be exposed to

Questions/Concerns Response
personnel with Project, students are to be taken to a nearby broiler farm once a
subject expertise week for eight weeks to participate in practical activities related
outside the school? to the project, to observe and collect the necessary data .
• Subject experts are a valuable resource to enhance teaching and
learning and they can function to develop students’ awareness of
the necessary skills.
What resources • The school is expected to supply all resources for all practical
should the school activities.
What help will be • In cases where assistance is required, schools can contact the
provided to Heads of Curriculum Officer - Agricultural Science at the Curriculum
Department and Planning and Development Division using the following
teachers? address: agrisci.curriculum@gmail.com
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be conducted by the Head of Department, Vice
Principals expect? Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
• External Monitoring:
- Provided by Curriculum Officers, Curriculum Planning
and Development Division, during ongoing school visits
or upon request.
• Samples of students’ SBAs can be requested from Heads of
Departments and teachers during school visits.
• The Curriculum Officer - Agricultural Science, will conduct
random checks of schools during the SBA period.
What special time • Teachers and students are expected to conduct all activities
table arrangements during the time recommended by the syllabus.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Schools are assigned Moderators by the CXC in or before
information do January of the academic year and Moderators provide additional
Principals need? support for teachers.

Applied Mathematics - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Statistical Analysis Project – Unit 1
students begin • Mathematics Applications Project – Unit 2
working on SBAs? • At the beginning of Term 1, the format of the SBAs should be
discussed. It is also recommended that students be provided
with assessment criteria before commencing the project.
• The activities for the SBAs are linked to the syllabus and should
form part of the teaching and learning activities to enable the
student to achieve the objectives of the syllabus.
• Class time should be allocated for general discussion of project
When should SBAs • SBAs should be completed in adherence with the school’s
be completed? internal deadline which should be at least one week prior to the
date set for the school’s submission to the Local Registrar.
• In order to meet the CXC’s deadlines, Local Registrars will set
deadline dates for submission of records and samples from
When will SBAs be • Moderation by remarking;
moderated? - Trained examiners remark samples of assignments,
practical work or projects during the marking exercise.
These samples are carefully chosen so as to analyze the
quality of the marking and the consistency with which
the teachers apply the marking scheme.
- Besides providing a moderation procedure, the remarking
of the assignments has another critical purpose. It is
intended to assess whether teachers have understood the
CXC’s procedures.
- The CXC provides moderation feedback reports to
teachers with comments designed to help teachers to
improve their professional expertise in assessment. This
diagnostic concept is a critical feature in the development
of the teachers of the region.
• A sample of assignments must be submitted to the CXC by May
31st of the year of the examination for moderation purposes.
• Additional assignments may be required. These assignments
must be retained by the school for at least three months after
publication of examination results.
• All moderation forms are available from the Local Registrar or

Questions/Concerns Response
can be downloaded from the CXC website at www.cxc.org.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop definite time
deadline date? lines for achieving clearly identified objectives, from project
inception to project completion.
• The SBA should not be implemented as a one-shot assessment
- Encourage students to work on the SBA assignment in
stages. Feedback should be provided as necessary at every
stage of the activity.
- Allow students multiple opportunities to revisit the SBA
tasks and to submit different drafts for review and
feedback for improvement.
- The final SBA product should be the students’ best work.
What is the teachers’ • The completed mark sheets should be submitted to the CXC no
deadline date? later than April 30th of the year of the examination, via the ORS.

• Awareness of the Local Registrar’s deadline as well as the

CXC’s deadline will allow the Principal to determine internal
deadlines that need to be set for the teachers.
What aspects of the • The SBA provides an opportunity to customize a part of the
SBAs can be done as curriculum to meet the individual needs of students and
group work? facilitates feedback to each student at various stages of the
• Students are not expected to work on their own. Group work or
team work should be encouraged and utilized where appropriate
in adherence with the CXC’s guidelines.
• The teacher is expected to give appropriate guidance at all stages
of project work, for example, chapters to read, alternative
procedures to follow and other sources of information.
• The project report must be prepared by each student.
Are students allowed • The project is written work based on personal research or
to submit their investigation involving collection, analysis and evaluation of
projects in their own data.
handwriting or can • Students should be allowed to submit the SBA electronically.
some form of word • Photocopied projects will not be accepted.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Where necessary teachers should ensure a standardized approach
standardized and to their interpretation of the given rubric.
clear or is there a • Where a school may have teachers for separate groups within the

Questions/Concerns Response
need for subject, departments should collaborate to develop standards in
departmental order to ensure that the moderation results are not affected due to
discussion to ensure an obvious lack of standardization across groupings.
Should students go • Site visits and field trips can be conducted to focus on objectives
on field trips and/or included in the syllabus in order to provide students with
be exposed to experiences which expand and reinforce their understanding. -
personnel with Refer to Caribbean Examinations Council SBA Handbook for
subject expertise Teachers, October 2013, pp.12-14, available on the CXC
outside the school? website at www.cxc.org.
• Students may consult with resource persons in addition to the
teacher. However the student’s submission should be his or her
own work.
What resources • The teacher should provide a list of resources that students will
should the school need to complete the SBA.
provide? • The school is expected to supply all resources: access to
computers and scanners, printing facilities and consumables
such as paper and ink for the printers.
What help will be • Workshops and school visits to Heads of Departments and
provided to Heads of teachers are provided on an ongoing basis by Officers of the
Department and Curriculum Planning and Development Division, to assist
teachers? teachers in the design and development of the school based
• Administrators should encourage Heads of Departments and
teachers to develop, participate in and support Mathematics
fraternities in their districts.
What level of • Internal Monitoring - should be conducted by the Head of
monitoring can Department, Vice Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
Principals expect? • External monitoring - provided by Curriculum Officers,
Curriculum Planning and Development Division, during ongoing
school visits or upon request.
What special time • Where possible, schedule class time for students to work on their
table arrangements SBAs. The SBA should not be seen as an activity to be
need to be put in conducted by the student outside of class time only.
place for SBAs? • One period per week of regularly scheduled classes should be
dedicated to discussion on the development of the project.
What additional • Students should read the CXC CAPE syllabi so that they are
information do aware of what is expected of them.

Questions/Concerns Response
Principals need? • Principals should also ensure that:
- Adequate facilities and equipment are available for the
conduct of the SBAs.
- Teachers are using the current syllabus.
- Teachers and Heads of Department receive any
appropriate guidelines.
- Guidelines and criteria for projects should be clearly
documented for students.
- Teachers are aware of the relevant materials, such as
‘Guidelines for the Submission of SBA Samples’ and the
‘Moderation of SBA Form’ required for the
administration of the SBA.
- Teachers offer assistance to students only to the extent
outlined in the syllabus.
- Teachers verify that the work submitted is that of the
- Teachers complete all the relevant information on the
appropriate forms.
- Teachers submit the SBA marks and SBA samples by the
deadline dates provided.
• Principals should encourage teachers to:
- Advise students on the areas suitable for research.
- Assist in the refinement of the research question.
- Approve students' research question and plans.
- Advise students about the deadlines for completing and
submitting the interim drafts and final report.
- Advise students of the nature of the task and the scope and
depth of research required.
- Advise students on the availability of resource materials.
- Monitor students' progress by advising them on the quality
of their work in progress and suggesting ways to improve
- Employ appropriate techniques to establish authenticity of
students’ work including oral questioning and review of
students' progress reports and preliminary drafts.
• All assignments, projects and assessment sheets are part of the
examination records and will be considered the property of the

Art and Design - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Candidates are expected to present production pieces both for
students begin the internal and external assessments. Production pieces are
working on SBAs? based on practicals as well as theory or written, illustrated
• For the production pieces candidates must show evidence of
experimentation with a variety of media and techniques.
Creative projects done by candidates must show evidence of in-
depth exploration of topics. Research papers may present some
new idea on areas of study that are interesting and well-
When should SBAs
conceptualized; journals accompanying projects must also be
be completed?
• Students also submit explanatory notes with each piece of work
as these provide the information used to award marks for Critical
Thinking and Enquiry. In the case of three-dimensional design,
students must also submit photographs of their completed pieces
• School will set internal deadlines as needed.
• Sample of five or less will be moderated by the CXC in June of
When will SBAs be the examination year.
moderated? • Each school must submit through the Local Register to reach the
CXC no later than May 31st of the year of the examination.
What is the students’ • Should be internally set by the Visual Arts teacher in
deadline date? collaboration with the Head of Department.
What is the • Should be internally set at the middle management school level
Teachers’ deadline • Research work may be done in small groups but all aspects of
date? the productions must be individual efforts.
What aspects of the • Handwritten work should be legible. Typewritten work should
SBAs can be done as use the appropriate font, size 12–14, and be double spaced.
group work?
Are students allowed
to submit their
projects in their own
handwriting or can
they use some form
of word processing?
Are mark schemes • It is recommended that all subject teachers preparing candidates
standardized and for the examination collaborate in setting the assignments and
clear or is there a standardizing the scoring of assignments or final products.
need to have

Questions/Concerns Response
departments discuss
what they will be
looking for to assign
Should students go • The School Library should be adequately resourced with
on field trips or be prescribed texts and reading materials as recommended by their
exposed to personnel teachers. Students must also be given ample opportunity to use
with subject the Internet at school to further support e-learning and web
expertise outside the research. The infusion and integration of ICT as an additional
school? tool for improved student learning in Art & Design is highly
• Independent research is also needed to facilitate students’
understanding and exploration of design in both two and three
dimensions. Arrangements should therefore be made on an on-
going basis to provide opportunities for students to meet and
visit local practicing artists and craftsmen for the purpose of
conducting interviews. This activity is crucial for students’ to
begin to give explanations and make decisions about their own
work; they must be able to discuss, critique and express their
thoughts and ideas on other artists’ works during their own
process of art making. Journaling and portfolio review provide
the evidence upon which judgments can be made as to the
content and effectiveness of instruction; ideally a vehicle for
mediated thinking between the teacher and student develops
over time through this process.
• Arrangements can be made for experts from within the
community to lecture or present seminars in school.
• Consumables such as paints, paint brushes, paper, boards, dry
media, fabrics, dyes, printing inks glue etc. should be
requisitioned in a timely manner, at least once per term to cater
What resources to teacher demonstrations and illustrations of key art making
should the school techniques. For the submission of portfolio products however,
provide? students are required to obtain their own SBA materials based on
their chosen options.
• Fixed art room equipment such as but not limited to easels,
laptops, printers, wooden frames, electric stoves, irons, kilns.

What help will be • Access to teacher training and the opportunity for continued
provided to Heads of professional development and support in the form of skills-based
Department and workshops hosted by Curriculum Planning and Development

Questions/Concerns Response
teachers? Division.
• Networking among art personnel is important in this regard;
teachers must be able to collaborate with other schools and
colleagues within and across districts.
What level of • Periodic school visits can be arranged by Principals and Heads
monitoring can of Department so that Curriculum Officers can offer further
Principals expect? guidance and support to both teachers and students as required
What special time • It is recommended that special arrangements may need to be put
table arrangements in place in terms of time-tabling; whole days at least twice a
need to be put in week if needed.
place for SBAs?
• Attention needs to be given to the presentation and binding of
the paper. Teachers need to be vigilant regarding plagiarism,
including the use of information from Internet websites without
acknowledgement of the source(s). A reference page or
bibliography must be properly prepared and included in each
research paper. Footnotes may be added where necessary.
What additional • Where students plan to submit images of Production pieces for
information do moderation in the form of slides, CD’s, DVD’s, video tapes or
Principals need? any other suitable technology, schools must inform the CXC of
the devices (hardware and software) needed to view the work.
This notification must reach the CXC no later than May 31st of
the year of the examination.
• Copies of assignments that are not requested by the CXC must
be retained by the centre until three months after publication of
the examination results by the CXC.

Biology - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Practical activities for the SBAs should begin in Term 1 of Form
students begin 4.
working on SBAs? • At the beginning of Term 1, the requirements of the SBAs
should be discussed. It is also recommended that students be
provided with assessment criteria before commencing each
practical activity.
When should SBAs • End of February to the second week in March.
be completed?

Questions/Concerns Response
How is CSEC • CSEC: Form 5:
Biology moderated? - Moderation exercises should commence after the Ministry
of Education’s (MOE) deadline for the upload of marks on
the ORS. That is, in late March/ April in the year of the
examination or as directed by the CXC or MOE
(Examination Section).
- Moderation of five selected candidates (provided by the
CXC after marks are uploaded) in all five experimental
skills is done onsite and involves the conduct of a practical
- The moderator will also examine the laboratory books of
Form 4 students.
- Principals should expect moderators to make a pre-
arranged visits between the end of March to the second
week in April or as directed by the CXC or MOE
(Examination Section).
• See Appendix 2.
What is the students’ • Each practical should be completed by the end of the lab session.
deadline date? Additional time can be allocated by the teacher if necessary.
• Administrators should ensure that practicals are conducted,
preferably on a weekly basis, or as outlined in the teacher’s
scheme of work.
What is the teachers’ • Generally, at the end of February to second week in March.
deadline date?
• The actual activity can be done in groups but the report should
What aspects of the
be done individually.
SBAs can be done as
• Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
group work?
students per group for a large class.
Are students allowed • Each report must be in the student’s handwriting. The procedure
to submit their and general information can be typewritten, but the observations,
projects in their own results, discussion, conclusion, graphs etc. should be hand
handwriting or can written.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Departments should plan and discuss all practical activities and
standardized and standardize all mark schemes.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • Safe and appropriate field trips, relevant to the curriculum can be
on field trips and/or organized for the students. Resource persons can also be sourced
be exposed to from outside the school.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools should consult the recommended material list at the
should the school back of each syllabus and provide any materials and apparatus
provide? required to conduct practical activities.
What help will be • Annual workshops are conducted for new teachers and those
provided to Heads of requiring assistance with SBAs
Department and • School visits to Heads of Departments and teachers are provided
teachers? on an ongoing basis by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
Development Division, to assist teachers in the design and
development of the school based assessment.
• Principals can also request assistance via the Subject Curriculum
Coordinator or Subject Curriculum Officer.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division where
samples of students’ SBAs may be requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers.
What special time • Generally one double period per week (40-minute period) should
table arrangements be allocated for conduct of SBAs.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 2.
information do
Principals need?

Biology - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Practical activities for the SBAs should begin in Term One of
students begin Form 6.
working on SBAs? • At the beginning of Term 1, the requirements of the SBAs
should be discussed.
When should SBAs • End of April of the academic year.
be completed?
How is CAPE • Moderation is offsite and commences after the MOE deadline
Biology moderated? for the upload of marks on the ORS.
• A sample of five laboratory books of selected candidates
(provided by the CXC after marks are uploaded) will be
moderated in five experimental skills.
• See Appendix 2.
What is the students’ • The practical should be completed by the end of the lab session.
deadline date? Additional time can be allocated by the teacher if necessary.
• Administrators should ensure that practicals are conducted,
preferably on a weekly basis, or as outlined in the teacher’s
scheme of work.
What is the teachers’ • End of April of the year of the examination
deadline date?
What aspects of the • The actual activity can be done in groups but the report should
SBAs can be done as be done individually.
group work? • Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
students per group for a large class.
Are students allowed • Each report must be in the student’s handwriting. The procedure
to submit their and general information can be typewritten, but the observations,
projects in their own results, discussion, conclusion, graphs etc. should be hand
handwriting or can written.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Departments should plan and discuss all practical activities and
standardized and standardize all mark schemes.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • Safe and appropriate field trips, relevant to the curriculum can be
on field trips and/or organized for the students. Resource persons can also be sourced
be exposed to from outside the school.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools should consult the recommended material list at the
should the school back of each syllabus and provide any materials and apparatus
provide? required to conduct practical activities.

What help will be • Annual workshops are conducted for new teachers and those
provided to Heads of requiring assistance with SBAs.
Department and • School visits to Heads of Departments and teachers are provided
teachers? on an ongoing basis by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
Development Division, to assist teachers in the design and
development of the school based assessment.
• Principals can also request assistance via the Subject Curriculum
Coordinator or Subject Curriculum Officer.

What level of • Internal Monitoring:

monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division where
samples of students’ SBAs may be requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers.
What special time • CAPE: 3 periods per week (40 minutes per period).
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 2.
information do
Principals need?

Building Technology - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should students • Teachers can start their SBA preparation with students in Term
begin working on 1 of Form 5 (September - December) of the academic year.
SBAs? • However, in the case where students are preparing the
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) portfolio, students
must commence collating their portfolios from Term 1 of Form
When should SBAs • The SBAs should be completed during Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • Term 2 of Form 5.
moderated? • The CVQ portfolios will be moderated at least twice by external
personnel during the two-year period.
What is the students’ • The end of February in Term 2 of the academic year is a
deadline date? reasonable deadline for students.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers’ deadline dates are determined by Principals and
deadline date? should be circa the second week of March of the academic term.
What aspects of the • Both components of the SBA (written and practical work)
SBAs can be done as should be the work of individual students.
group work? • However, students may also work in groups (on large pieces
e.g. partitions, wooden floors and staircases, etc.), but the work
of each student in the group must be clearly documented so that
it can be assessed individually.
• The CVQ portfolio should be the work of each individual
Are students allowed • The written report as it relates to a module from the syllabus,
to submit their must be completed using a word processing document format
projects in their own (1000-1200 words).
handwriting or can • In collating the CVQ portfolio, students can use a combination
some form of word of handwritten pieces as well pieces from any word processing
processing be used? document format.
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are standardized documents (developed and
standardized and clear issued by the CXC).
or is there a need for • These instruments are discussed at the SBA workshops which
departmental are conducted annually by the Curriculum Planning and
discussion to ensure Development Division of the Ministry of Education.
Should students go on • The Building Technology SBA is divided into two components.

Questions/Concerns Response
field trips and/or be • A field trip visit is mandatory to completely satisfy the
exposed to personnel requirements of the written component (written report on the
with subject expertise visit).
outside the school?
What resources • All consumables, materials, tools, and equipment should be
should the school provided by the school to ensure timely and satisfactory
provide? completion of the SBA projects.
What help will be • School visits by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of Development Division can be requested by Principals and
Department and Heads of Department as required, to provide further guidance
teachers? and support to both teachers and students.
• Industrial Technology SBA workshops for Heads of
Department are conducted annually by the Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
What level of • Curriculum Officers will visit schools to monitor conduct of the
monitoring can SBA at least twice before the actual moderation exercise takes
Principals expect? place.
• The actual moderation exercise consists of two visits per centre.
What special time • The syllabus recommends inter alia, a minimum of 10 periods
table arrangements of 35 minutes or 9 periods of 40 minutes as determined by the
need to be put in school’s administration.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Principals must indicate to teachers that proper documentation
information do of all the relevant paperwork is necessary.
Principals need? • Assessment of projects, SBA Sample Sheets from the CXC and
evidence of student’s work must be made available to
moderators. This is critical to ensure a successful moderation
exercise and students’ success at the subject.
• Schools are required to secure all SBAs (projects and written
assignments) for up to three months after the release of CSEC
• The Principal and Head of Department are reminded of the
importance of students’ registration, timely completion and
submission of course marks to the CXC using the on-line

Building Mechanical and Engineering Drawing (BMED) - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should students • Term 1 of Lower 6 and as topics are completed in each module.
begin working on • At the commencement of the exam year for each unit.
SBAs? • Students’ portfolios are an accumulation of the students’
What should the SBA The SBA should contain:
contain? • Unit I:
- Six assignments.
- Two assignments MUST be set on each module.
- At least one of each assignment from each module MUST
be Computer-Aided design (CAD), completed using the
• Unit II:
- A project to solve a problem which must incorporate
processes from the mechanical engineering or building
environment components of the syllabus.
- Students must complete the project on the relevant Option
of the syllabus for which they are registered, for example
Option A: Mechanical Engineering Drawing or Option B:
Building Drawing.
- Projects to solve problems can originate from the teacher
or students.
- Problems must show integration of relevant CVQ Level II

When should SBAs be • SBAs should be marked as required by the school in accordance
completed? with the Ministry of Education’s deadlines for the online
submission of scores.
• CAPE SBAs are to be submitted to the CXC in May of the
examination year.
• Internal deadlines for submission should be at the end of April of
the exam year.
When will SBAs be • SBAs are marked by teachers using mark schemes provided on
moderated? Pages 53- 61 of the current syllabus.
• Half - marks are not allowed.
• A sample would be generated by the Online Registration System
(ORS) and moderated by the CXC at the marking process.
What is the students’ • CAPE students are required to do two SBA assignments per

Questions/Concerns Response
deadline date? module for Unit I.
• Students’ deadlines set by teachers should be a reasonable time
after the completion of the module, but not exceed the end of the
term in which the module was taught.
• The Unit II SBA is a complete project. The project should be
broken into parts with reasonable deadlines which allow the
students to comfortably complete each portion. Periods should
be identified for work on each part of the project.
• It is recommended that teachers give feedback on the SBA
assignment so that adjustments can be made. As such, teachers
may give a deadline prior to the end of the term to allow students
to make modifications where necessary for each assignment.
• During the week of those deadlines teachers can dedicate a
double or triple period to work with students on student
• Note: A copy of the question for each assignment, as given by
the teacher, should accompany the solution.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers’ deadlines by Principals should be the last week of
deadline date? April in the year of the examination.
• Note: Each CAPE Unit is a one-year programme.
Should it be a group • The BMED SBA assignments for Unit I are individual
project and if so how assignments.
should teachers ensure • Unit II SBA project is an individual project but the initial ideas
that individual work for solutions to the problem can be brainstormed in groups
goes on e.g. what can during class sessions and then students can move on to
be supplied as a individualizing the solutions. This makes the SBA less
common submission intimidating to students.
and what should the • Note: Each student must individualize his/her solution to the
student's own problem for the project.
Are students allowed • Students are required to submit:
to submit their • Unit I - a portfolio comprising:
projects in their own - A cover page with student information i.e. student name;
handwriting or can registration number; center number; school name and
some form of word subject name.
processing be used? - Solutions for two assignments from each module, one of
which must be done using CAD software.
- Questions given by the teacher for each assignment
attached to the solutions.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Consequently, three assignments can be done using the
traditional method, while the other three must be CAD based.
• Handwritten or word processing format is acceptable for the
written aspect of the assignments.
• Unit II Project, a portfolio comprising:
- Problem statement.
- Conditions.
- Design justification.
- Design portfolio inclusive of working drawings for the
solution; preliminary sketches and alternate ideas for
- Please refer to pages (55-61) in the syllabus for guidelines
on the Unit 2 project.
• All students must submit a portfolio with a complete project
inclusive of a cover page and the written aspect of the project
along with the working drawings. Either hand written or word
processing document formats are acceptable for the written
aspect of the project.
• Working drawing solutions must be submitted in Computer
Aided Design (CAD) format.
Are mark schemes • The syllabus has standardized and detailed mark schemes (refer
standardized and clear to pages 52-61 of the syllabus).
or is there a need for • The SBA is a composite of the marks derived from the school-
departmental based assessment portfolio pieces; which can be integrated with
discussion to ensure content from units of a relevant CVQ level 2 Occupational
standardized marking? Standard.
• An example of a relevant CVQ Level 2 Regional Occupation
Standard would be Drafting for Construction level II for Option
B (Building Drawing) of the syllabus.
• While the “claiming” of CVQ Units for certification is optional
to the school and student, the integration of activities from the
units are not optional.
• In order to claim the CVQ Level II Units:
- The school must have an approved Facility Audit done by
the National Training Agency (NTA).
- The teacher must have assessor training and certification
up to Level IV.
- Complete units from the Regional Occupational Standards
(ROS) must be claimed with evidence.

Questions/Concerns Response
- Assessment paperwork must be completed for each unit.
Should students go on • BMED students must be exposed to engineering and building
field trips and/or be construction processes, practices and products.
exposed to personnel • Teachers must arrange site visits to agencies of Government,
with subject expertise drafting/architectural firms, fabrication/construction companies
outside the school? and suppliers of drawing equipment, engineering tools and
materials, construction companies and engineering workshops
for students to observe standardized processes; practices; new
products and drawing resources. Students can present their
findings in class or assignments.
• Guest lecturers can be arranged by teachers to compliment
content information.
What • The Principal is required to provide:
resources/consumables • Consumable materials (paper for drawing or printing; ink for
should the school printers for students using CAD).
provide? • Drawing tables for traditional method.
• Computers (with the capability i.e. ram & memory) to use a
CAD program that can respond to drawing commands quickly.
• Flash drives for teachers for the saving/printing of SBAs and
examination papers on exam days.
What help will be • Ongoing curriculum monitoring occurs throughout the process
provided to Heads of and assessment of the SBA and provides feedback to teachers.
Department and • Additionally, Principals/Heads of Departments can contact the
teachers? Curriculum Planning and Development Division to solicit
assistance and provide support for teachers to clarify product,
processes or procedures.
What level of • School visits by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
monitoring can Development Division can be requested by Principals and Heads
Principals expect? of Department as required, to provide further guidance and
support to both teachers and students.
What special • Principals can encourage TD teachers to make arrangements for
arrangements need to the use of the TD room during lunch on certain days, especially
be put in place e.g. 1 just prior to the final deadline.
period a week, 3 hour • An adequate number of periods is required, a minimum of 9-10.
or whole day set The suggested time allocation is nine to ten 40-minute periods
aside? (9-10x40) per week, distributed as either a combination of triple
and double periods.
• Single periods are not recommended.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Unit 1:
- Cover page with student and school information.
- Six assignments with solutions.
• Unit 2 Option A or B (Mechanical Engineering Drawing or
Building Drawing).
- A project portfolio to include:
o Problem statement.
o Conditions.
What must the o Design justification.
portfolio contain? o Design portfolio inclusive of working drawings for
the solution; preliminary sketches and alternate
ideas for solutions. (Please refer to page 53-56 for
guidelines on the Unit 2 project).
What additional • The BMED syllabus besides being subdivided into two units
information do (Unit 1 and Unit 2) also comprises two options: Option A –
Principals need? Building Drawing and Option B – Mechanical Engineering
• Each Unit is further subdivided into modules.
• Unit 1 Module 3 reflects the Options A or B.
• Unit 2 requires the student to first select either Option A –
Building Drawing or Option B – Mechanical Engineering as the
modules are structured differently for each option.
• At registration, students must indicate which Option (either A or
B) they are pursuing for examination.
Note: Failure to indicate a specific option being pursued would mean a
failing or unacceptable result grade if student work and registered
option does not match.

Caribbean Studies - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • SBAs should begin in Term1of the academic year as students
students begin familiarize themselves with the syllabus.
working on SBAs? • Caribbean Studies is a one Unit Course.
When should SBAs • SBAs should be completed in Term 2 of the academic year.
be completed?
What is the students’ • Teachers should set deadlines for students as necessary for the
deadline date? completion of the various tasks.

Questions/Concerns Response
What is the teachers’ • Administrators should set deadlines for teachers as necessary for
deadline date? the marking of the SBAs and submission of marks.
What aspects of the • The SBAs should be the work of the individual student.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • Word processing is recommended to facilitate review of sections
to submit their of the SBA before completion.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and • However, if there is more than one Caribbean Studies teacher at
clear or is there a the school, it is recommended that teachers collaborate and
need for standardize mark schemes for consistency.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Students can be taken on field trips as well as be exposed to
on field trips and/or experts in certain areas.
be exposed to • Caribbean Arts and popular culture, media and communication
personnel with specialists or lecturers from tertiary institutions can be sought
subject expertise from outside the school based on syllabus content, as necessary.
outside the school? • In some instances, a few schools have undertaken field trips to
other Caribbean territories like Suriname to provide
opportunities for students to obtain a greater understanding of
the Caribbean region.
What resources • Materials for research to be conducted in order to complete the
should the school SBA.
What help will be • Teachers can request assistance for clarification of the mark
provided to Heads of schemes, marking of the SBAs and general implementation of
Department and the syllabus from Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
teachers? Development Division.
What level of • Internal Monitoring - should be conducted by the Head of
monitoring can Department, Vice Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
Principals expect? • External Monitoring – provided by Curriculum Officers,
Curriculum Planning and Development Division, during ongoing

Questions/Concerns Response
school visits or upon request.
What special time • Teachers can utilize a few classes e.g. (2 periods) in the
table arrangements beginning of the term to provide a broad overview of the
need to be put in requirements of the various tasks.
place for SBAs? • Time should also be allocated for an overview of the syllabus
and examples of issues and research questions that can be
• Class time can then be allocated for the various tasks with
What additional • Principals should remind teachers that they are NOT to select
information do topics for students, more so the research question for students.
Principals need? • They are to assist students with the identification of an
appropriate research problem and a research question.
• In addition, Module 3 needs to be taught in the same manner as
the other two modules rather than having students acquire the
required knowledge and skills as they conduct their research.
Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
of Caribbean Studies effective 2016:
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.

Chemistry - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Practical activities for the SBAs should begin in Term One of
students begin Form 6.
working on SBAs? • At the beginning of Term 1, the requirements of the SBAs
should be discussed.
When should SBAs • End of April in the year of examination.
be completed?
How is Chemistry • Moderation of five selected students (provided by the CXC after

Questions/Concerns Response
moderated? marks are uploaded) in all four experimental skills is done
What is the students’ • Administrators should ensure that practical exercises are done on
deadline date? a monthly basis as set out in the teacher’s scheme of work.
• Each practical should be completed at the end of the lab session.
A teacher can give more time if necessary.
What is the teachers’ • End of April in the year of examination.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • This is outlined in the syllabus regarding the common
SBAs can be done as submission. However, in Chemistry, the results and
group work? interpretation of the data collected varies.
• The actual activity can be done in groups but the report should
be done individually.
• Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
students can be grouped for a large class.
Are students allowed • It must be in students’ own handwriting. The procedure and
to submit their general info can be in the form of a word processing output but
projects in their own the observations, results, discussions, conclusion, graphs etc.
handwriting or can should be hand written.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • There is a need for departments to discuss all practical activities
standardized and and standardize all mark schemes.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Teachers can take students to safe and appropriate field trips
on field trips and/or relevant to the curriculum. Expertise can also be sourced from
be exposed to outside the school.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools should consult the recommended material list at the
should the school back of the curriculum guides and provide any materials and
provide? apparatus required to conduct practical activities.
What help will be • Annual training is provided by the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of

Questions/Concerns Response
Department and Development Division for new teachers and those requiring
teachers? assistance in School Based Assessments (SBAs). Schools
needing additional support can make requests via the District
Curriculum Coordinator
• Principals can also make requests directly to the Curriculum
What level of • Subject Curriculum Officers and Moderators will monitor the
monitoring can schools.
Principals expect?
What special time • CAPE: 3 periods per week (40 minutes per period).
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?

Chemistry - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Start immediately by discussing the format of the SBAs at the
students begin beginning of the term.
working on SBAs? • Begin in Term 1 of Form 4.
When should SBAs • During the period from the end of February to the second week
be completed? in March in the year of examination.
How is Chemistry • Moderation exercises should commence in March of the year of
moderated? the examination.
• Moderation of five selected students (provided by the CXC after
marks are uploaded) in all four experimental skills.
• Principals should expect moderators from March to 2nd week in
What is the students’ • Administrators should ensure that practical exercises are done on
deadline date? a monthly basis as set out in the teacher’s scheme of work.
• Each practical should be completed at the end of the lab session.
A teacher can give more time if necessary.
What is the teachers’ • During the period from the end of February to the second week
deadline date? in March in the year of examination.
What aspects of the • This is outlined in the syllabus regarding the common
SBAs can be done as submission. However, in Chemistry, the results and
group work? interpretation of the data collected varies.
• The actual activity can be done in groups but the report should
be done individually.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
students can be grouped for a large class.
Are students allowed • It must be in students’ own handwriting. The procedure and
to submit their general info can be in the form of a word processing output but
projects in their own the observations, results, discussions, conclusion, graphs etc.
handwriting or can should be hand written.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • There is a need for departments to discuss all practical activities
standardized and and standardize all mark schemes.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Teachers can take students to safe and appropriate field trips
on field trips and/or relevant to the curriculum. Expertise can also be sourced from
be exposed to outside the school.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools should consult the recommended material list at the
should the school back of the curriculum guides and provide any materials and
provide? apparatus required to conduct practical activities.
• Recommended material list at the back of the curriculum guides
and any materials and apparatus required to conduct practical
What help will be • Annual training is provided by the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of Development Division for new teachers and those requiring
Department and assistance in School Based Assessments (SBAs). Schools
teachers? needing additional support can make requests via the District
Curriculum Coordinator
• Principals can also make requests directly to the Curriculum
What level of • Subject Curriculum Officers and Moderators will monitor the
monitoring can schools.
Principals expect?
What special time • CSEC: a double period per week (40 minutes per period).
table arrangements

Questions/Concerns Response
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 2.
information do
Principals need?

Communication Studies - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Work should begin from Term One of the year in which they are
students begin registered for the subject.
working on SBAs? • The subject has an implementation period of one-year.
When should SBAs • It is recommended that SBAs be completed by the end of March
be completed? of Term 2.
When will SBAs be • The moderation period is determined by the CXC. It is
moderated? customary that moderation occurs during early July.
What is the students’ • The recommended deadline for students is the end of February
deadline date? of Term 2.
What is the teachers’ • The end of March is teachers’ deadline.
deadline date? • Teachers should start working with students from Term 1 since
Communication Studies is a one year programme.
What aspects of the • Individual work is expected of students.
SBAs can be done as • The SBA requires research and selection of primary and
group work? secondary sources of information. Group work may be
conducted with regard to research and sharing of data on a given
theme/topic. All creative pieces however must be individual and
must be the student’s original work.
• Each student must compile an individual portfolio.
• Each student must deliver individually, an oral
Are students allowed • Hand-written SBAs are accepted but Microsoft Word responses
to submit their are preferred. The syllabus does not specify, but schools in
projects in their own Trinidad and Tobago submit word-processed documents.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The rubric is clear and specific.
standardized and • Schools are advised strongly to adhere faithfully to the mark

Questions/Concerns Response
clear or is there a scheme provided in the Communication Studies syllabus. It is
need for unambiguous and specific marks are allotted for the following
departmental categories:
discussion to ensure - General Introduction.
standardized - Exposition.
marking? - Reflection.
- Analysis.
Should students go • Though not compulsory, it will be useful if schools sourced
on field trips and/or persons from other islands who reside in Trinidad and Tobago to
be exposed to address students with regard to other Creoles and dialectal
personnel with variations within the English speaking Caribbean.
subject expertise • Field trips to poetry readings, plays and other related activities,
outside the school? are recommended.
What resources • A functional library is recommended. The Principal is not
should the school required to provide any additional resources necessary for the
provide? SBA.
What help will be • Schools are familiar with the Communication Studies SBA.
provided to Heads of • The change to Paper1, effective June 2015, is that Multiple
Department and Choice replaces the former short response paper.
teachers? • The English Unit, of the Curriculum Planning and Development
Division, will provide support and share information with Head
of Departments as required. A sample Paper 1 is available at the
end of the Communication Studies syllabus.
What level of • English Officers assigned to Districts will monitor the SBA
monitoring can process to ensure it is being treated as formative rather than
Principals expect? summative assessment. They will also monitor how schools are
preparing students for the change to Paper 1.
What special time • At least one period per week is recommended for guidance to
table arrangements students on their SBA tasks.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • The SBA is worth 20%
information do • All students are to be supported by their teachers to get their best
Principals need? work done and to get the best mark possible.
• Principals and Heads of Department are required to monitor
implementation and ensure the integrity of the SBA process.

Computer Science - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Lower 6 or Upper 6 – November.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • End of April of the year of examination.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • During the CXC marking exercise in July.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop a project
deadline date? management chart with definite time lines for achieving clearly
identified objectives, from project inception to project
What is the teachers’ • Teachers must be mindful that all SBAs must be marked, ranked
deadline date? and samples submitted to the Local Registrar prior to the CXC’s
deadline date in early May. The students’ deadline therefore
must be set such that time is allowed for teachers to complete
What aspects of the • The project should be individual work and not group projects.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • No, handwritten documents will not be accepted. Students are
to submit their required to use a word processing application.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • The mark scheme is standardized. If there is any doubt on what
standardized and is expected teachers can contact the Computer
clear or is there a Science/Information Technology Unit at the Curriculum
need for Planning and Development Division.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It would be helpful if students are exposed to persons and
on field trips and/or institutions with relevant expertise to gain first-hand knowledge
be exposed to of various processes and concepts.

Questions/Concerns Response
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The school should provide the equipment that is required for
should the school completion of the SBA. This includes the printing facilities and
provide? consumables such as paper and ink for the printers.
• Equipment should also include IBM-compatible computers with
productivity tools software as well as a C compiler. Internet
access should also be provided to facilitate research.
What help will be • Workshops and school visits are conducted by the Curriculum
provided to Heads of Planning and Development Division to provide Heads of
Department and Department and teachers with the appropriate information.
What level of • Principals can expect Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
monitoring can Development Division to visit schools and provide support to
principals expect? teachers. Principals can also request that Curriculum Officers
visit their schools to address concerns.
What special time • The development of the SBA project is a continuous exercise
table arrangements that occurs during scheduled class hours as well as outside class
need to be put in times.
place for SBAs? • Ample time must be allowed for students to complete the
requirements of the SBA.
• Teachers must design project management chart that includes a
time-line with specific dates for completion of components of
the SBA as well as a finite completion date.
What additional • Principals are ultimately responsible for the authenticity of each
information do candidate’s SBA and should take this responsibility seriously.
principals need? Principals should be aware that student’s grades can be withheld
by the CXC when collusion among students is detected.
• Principals should demand regular progress reports on the
conduct of the SBA and measures implemented by the
Department to ensure authenticity.
• Hardcopies and softcopies of the completed SBA project
documents should be kept in a safe place for at least one
academic year after the results are published.

Digital Media - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should students • The SBA project takes on an e-portfolio format requiring digital
begin working on outputs to be uploaded periodically onto an identifiable
SBAs? electronic submission facility (for example, Dropbox or Google
Docs) created by the school and maintained at the school level.
• An early start to planning project work is highly recommended
and the schedule of the dates for submission should be
developed by teachers and students.
• The length of the report of the project should be between 1000
and 1500 words excluding diagrams, graphs, tables and
When should SBAs • End of April of the year of the examination.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • During the CXC marking exercise in July.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop a project
deadline date? management chart with definite time lines for achieving clearly
identified objectives, from project inception to project
• The students’ deadline will be determined by the
teacher/Department. It will however, be a date prior to the
CXC’s deadline date in order to facilitate marking and ordering.
What is the teachers’ • Awareness of the CXC’s deadline will inform the principal of
deadline date? the internal dead line that needs to be set. The deadline
however, must take cognizance of the CXC’s deadline date and
allow ample time for marking and ranking.
What aspects of the • Group work can be done to brainstorm and develop ideas for
SBAs can be done as varying digital media projects. Interview settings, for example
group work? help students in the delivery of an oral pitch that outline their
ideas. Pitches should be done with the support of visual props
(for example, PowerPoint presentation, white board, flip chart).
Students should be encouraged to provide constructive feedback
on each other’s presentations to enhance their inquiry skills.

Are students allowed • Teachers should collect the student’s completed SBA in a digital
to submit their format, since the submission of the samples for moderation must
projects in their own be uploaded to the CXC electronic submission facility.
handwriting or can

Questions/Concerns Response
some form of word
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • Standardized mark schemes are clearly presented in the syllabus.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for departmental
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Arrangements should be made both internally and externally to
on field trips and/or encourage the use of new software and hardware inventions and
be exposed to innovations within the industry.
personnel with • Experts from the field should be invited to demonstrate how
subject expertise digital content can be created.
outside the school? • Lectures and seminars that build awareness of the
entrepreneurial potential in the use of digital media should be
• Students must be able to show how they can market their
products in simulated and or real digital media work place
environments; field trips to the resource person’s work site will
expose students to the process in a real world environment.
What resources • Students must have reliable access to digital media hardware
should the school and software.
provide? • Essential needs:
- Broadband Internet Access.
- Hardware.
- Camcorders, digital/video cameras, Portable Storage
Devices, Stand-alone Microphones, Multimedia
Projectors, CD and DVD Burners, Scanners, Printers,
Desktop Computers (Apple / Windows / Linux) Or
Tablets (Apple iOS/Android) Or Smartphone.
- Software which can be accessed through appropriate
partnership agreements or via stipulated in-school Bring
Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. For example, to
develop students’ skills in video editing, sound editing,
animation and graphic design:
- Blender Audacity, Blender Inkscape, Windows Movie
Maker, Wavepad Sound Editor, Monkeyjam, Pencil,
iMovie, Powersound, Synfig, GIMP, Powtoon.com,

Questions/Concerns Response
- Sketchup, Pixen, Adobe, Sound Forge, Adobe Flash,
Publisher, Apple Final Cut Pro, GoldWave, Autodesk
Maya, Sketch, Sony Vegas, Adobe Audition, NewTek
LightWave 3D, Adobe Illustrator, Paint.NET towards the
development of skills for e-books, photography, mobile
app and web development: google docs, kindle, iauthor,
pixlr, photoscape phonegap, composer, widget sync,
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, GENWI, Adobe
Dreamweaver, Adobe Acrobat, GIMP.
What help will be • Access to teacher training and the opportunity for continued
provided to Heads of professional development and support in the form of skills-
Department and based workshops hosted by Curriculum Planning and
teachers? Development Division.
• Networking among art personnel is important in this regard.
Teachers must be able to collaborate with other schools and
colleagues within and across districts, institutions and other
relevant authorities.
What level of • Periodic school visits can be requested and arranged by
monitoring can Principals and Heads of Department so that Curriculum Officers
principals expect? can offer further guidance and support to both teachers and
students as required.
What special time • The SBA makes up 60% of the total assessment. Block time
table arrangements tabling would be beneficial.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Copies of students’ projects that are not submitted to the CXC,
information do must be retained by the school until three months after
principals need? publication of the examination results by the CXC.

Economics - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should inform students about the requirements of the
students begin SBA during the first week in Term 1 of Lower 6. Students
working on SBAs? should be given a copy of the SBA rubric/mark scheme and
should have an SBA notebook to do sections of the SBA.
Teachers should set timelines for SBA completion.
When should SBAs • The final SBA is to be presented to the teacher by the end of

Questions/Concerns Response
be completed? Term 2.
What is the students’ • The Economic problem to be researched should be identified
deadline date? midway during Term 1 of Lower 6 and the topic stated.
• The Aims and Objectives of the topic and questionnaire should
be formulated by the end of the Term 1 of Lower 6 and
distributed to and collected from the sample population during
the December vacation.
• The first draft of the SBA should be presented by the second
week in Term 2 of Lower 6.
• The teacher should correct drafts and return to students to enable
a second draft to be done midway during the Term 2.
• The final SBA is to be presented to the teacher by the end of the
Term 2.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers should present marks for the first draft of the SBA to
deadline date? their Head of Department midway through the Term 2 of Lower
6. Final SBA marks are due in Term 3 of Lower 6.
What aspects of the • The CAPE Economics SBA is an individual project.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • Since online submission of CAPE Economics SBAs is now
to submit their requested by the CXC, students should become familiar with a
projects in their own word processing document and Microsoft Excel and practice
handwriting or can drawing graphs, tables and producing diagrams using the
some form of word software. Students should have a flash drive for back-up copies.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • The Economics SBA allows for the same general topic to be
on field trips and/or done by all students in the class although each student can have
be exposed to a different questionnaire and sample for research.
personnel with • The sample population can be from a student’s school, class or
subject expertise neighbourhood. There is no need for a field trip.
outside the school?

Questions/Concerns Response
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any consumables by
should the school the school.
What help will be • Workshops are held by the Technical Vocational Education and
provided to Heads of Training (TVET) Unit, Curriculum Planning and Development
Department and Division every year to discuss SBAs and Curriculum Officers -
teachers? Business are available to assist any teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers. Schools can be visited at
any time.
What additional • Contact Business Curriculum Officers at the Curriculum
information do Planning and Development Division if further information is
Principals need? required.

Economics - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should inform students about the requirements of the
students begin SBA during the first week of Term 1 of Form 4. Students
working on SBAs? should be given a copy of the SBA rubric/mark scheme and
What are some of the should have a SBA copybook to do sections of the SBA.
activities and Teachers should set timelines for SBA completion.
timelines involved? • The economic problem to be researched should be identified by
the middle of the Term 2 of Form 4 and topic stated.
• The Aims and Objectives of the topic should be formulated by
the end of the Term 2.
• The questionnaire should be formulated in Term 3 of Form 4 and
distributed to the sample population.
• The questionnaire should be collected by the end of the Term 3
of Form 4.
• The first draft of the SBA should be worked on during the July-
August vacation and presented to the teacher by the first week in
the Term 1 of Form 5.

Questions/Concerns Response
• The teacher should correct and return to students to enable a
second draft to be done by the end of the Term 1 of Form 5.
• This should be corrected and returned to students to allow the
final SBA to be done and presented to the teacher midway
through the Term 2 of Form 5.
When should SBAs • By the end of February of Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
What is the teachers’ • Teachers should present marks for the first draft of the SBA to
deadline date? their Head of Department midway through Term 2 of Form 5.
• Final SBA marks are due by the end of Term 2 of Form 5.
What aspects of the • The Economics SBA is an individual project and student work
SBAs can be done as should be done in a notebook in the class assigned SBA period.
group work? • When all parts are completed they should be compiled to form
the entire project.
Are students allowed • Since online submission of CSEC Economics SBAs is now
to submit their requested by the CXC, students should become familiar with a
projects in their own word processing document and Microsoft Excel and practice
handwriting or can drawing graphs, tables and producing diagrams using the
some form of word software. Students should have a flash drive for back-up copies.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • The Economics SBA allows for the same general topic to be
on field trips and/or done by all students in the class, although each student can have
be exposed to a different questionnaire and sample for research.
personnel with • The sample population can be from a student’s school, class or
subject expertise neighbourhood. There is no need for a field trip.
outside the school?
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any consumables by
should the school the school.
What help will be • Workshops are held by the TVET Unit, Curriculum Planning
provided to Heads of and Development Division every year to discuss SBAs and

Questions/Concerns Response
Department and Curriculum Officers - Business are available to assist any
teachers? teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers. Schools can be visited at
any time.
What additional • Contact Curriculum Officers - Business at the Curriculum
information do Planning and Development Division if further information is
Principals need? required.

Electrical and Electronic Technology (EET) - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Lower Form 6.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • According to deadlines set by the CXC.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • Sample moderated by the CXC according to the CXC’s
moderated? timelines.
What is the students’ • End of March of the academic year.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • Before the end of the Term 2 or as required by the school.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • While students can be placed in groups for the lab exercises and
SBAs can be done as project, both SBA components must be individual submissions.
group work?
Are students allowed • The laboratory log must be kept and done in student’s own
to submit their handwriting and the Project Assignment must be done in
projects in their own Microsoft Word.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Departments should discuss the criteria for assigning marks.
standardized and

Questions/Concerns Response
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • At least 2 field trips should be arranged: one for each Unit.
on field trips and/or
be exposed to
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Electrical/Electronic consumables, tools and equipment,
should the school software, printer, ink and paper.
What help will be • Support to ensure that teachers are carrying out the requirements
provided to Heads of of the SBA.
Department and
What level of • Continuous monitoring to ensure that:
monitoring can • Students’ log books are up to date and entries are being marked
Principals expect? by the teacher.
• Marks are placed in the relevant forms.
• Laboratory assignments are actually done.
What special time • Given a ten period a week allotment for the EET, it is
table arrangements recommended that at least one triple period be dedicated to the
need to be put in Project. The laboratory assignments can be done in another triple
place for SBAs? period, with theory done in the remaining four periods.
What additional • The projects for CAPE EET SBA are in the form of circuits that
information do have to be designed and built by the student. This process is
Principals need? consumable demanding and as such every effort must be made
to facilitate the procurement of same.

Electrical and Electronic Technology (EET) - CSEC
The SBA constitutes 50% of the final mark and each student must submit a portfolio reflecting
all activities done during the 2-year period.

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • As soon as teaching begins in Form 4, portfolio development
students begin commences once an activity has started.
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
be completed? Education deadlines for the online submission of scores.
When will SBAs be • The moderation process is conducted twice; between January to
moderated? March of the examination year.
What is the students’ • As required by the school.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
deadline date? Education deadlines for the online submission of scores.
What aspects of the • While students can be placed in groups for the workshop/lab
SBAs can be done as exercises, individual portfolio submissions must be made.
group work?
Are students allowed • Portfolio submissions can comprise both hand-written and
to submit their electronically formatted documents.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • At present there is no standardized mark scheme for the SBA.
standardized and However, teachers have been guided on procedures for
clear or is there a developing mark schemes for assessing activities.
need for • Departments should discuss the criteria for assigning marks.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It is recommended that at least 2 field trips be arranged: one in
on field trips and/or Form 4 and the other in Form 5 to expose students to industrial
be exposed to principles and practices. Resource personnel could also be used.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Electrical/Electronic consumables, tools and equipment, digital

Questions/Concerns Response
should the school camera, printer, computer and stationery to facilitate portfolio
provide? development: printing paper, ink, folder etc.
What help will be • Support in understanding portfolio development, assessment
provided to Heads of documentation and online submission of scores.
Department and • Assessor/Internal Verifier training.
What level of • At least 2 visits by the Moderator in the year of the examination:
monitoring can one in January and the other in March.
Principals expect? • Additionally, curriculum monitoring is conducted during the
academic year to ensure compliance with syllabus requirements.
What special time • It is recommended that nine 40-minute periods be allocated for
table arrangements the subject, of which at least 2 triple period sessions are set aside
need to be put in for laboratory/workshop activities.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Knowledge of the CVQ Quality Assurance process.
information do • Students’ registration.
Principals need?

Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM) - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
What does the SBA • Assignment 1 (Production assignment) - individual project.
look like? • Assignment 2 (Internet research) - individual project.
• Assignment 3 (Productivity) - individual project.
• Production assignments (10 items) - individual project.

When should students • Teachers should begin working with students during Term 2 of
begin working on Form Four.
SBAs? • This can be initiated via an SBA timeline document which can be
distributed to students. (See Appendix 3). This document would
be useful to track individual student progress.

When should SBAs • Term 2 of Form 5.

be completed?
When will SBAs be • Samples are moderated by the CXC.

What is the students’ • Deadlines must be specified by timeline document. Teachers are
deadline date? required to submit timeline document to Head of Department

Questions/Concerns Response
who will be responsible for tracking completion.
• Consequences must be attached to each element of the timeline.
SBA timeline dates should be combined into Scheme of Work to
enable bi-weekly or fortnightly follow up.
• Parent should sign timeline document.
• Head of Department should communicate progress to
administration via an SBA report.
• Research project and Production Assignments - Must be
conducted individually.
• EDPM assignments must be word processed and submitted in a
soft back folder inclusive of a cover page, table of contents and

What is the teachers’ • All submissions should be completed by Term 2 of the

deadline date? examination year.
What aspects of the • Students should complete SBAs individually and not in groups.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • All projects must be typewritten.
to submit their
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • The mark scheme for EDPM must be developed by the teacher
standardized and using guidelines contained in the syllabus document.
clear or is there a
need for departmental
discussion to ensure
Should students go on • Field trips are not required.
field trips and/or be
exposed to personnel
with subject expertise
outside the school?

Questions/Concerns Response
What resources • Computers, printers, paper, ink, reliable internet access,
should the school networking of computers to facilitate printing of activities,
provide? envelopes.

What help will be • Curriculum Officers are available to provide support as required.
provided to Heads of
Department and

What level of • Internal Monitoring - should be conducted by the Head of

monitoring can Department, Vice Principal and/or Principal using guidelines
Principals expect? from the syllabus.
• External Monitoring - provided by Curriculum Officers,
Curriculum Planning and Development, during ongoing school
visits or upon request.

What special time • As determined by the school.

table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 3.
information might
Principals need?

English - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
What comprises the • The SBA comprises a portfolio on an issue/topic/ theme/event. It
CSEC English SBA? includes the following:
- Plan of Investigation.
- Participation Measure.
- Indicators of Group Activity.
- Reflection.
- Written Report.
- Oral Presentation.
When will the SBA • The SBA is effective for English examinations from 2018. This
be effective? is an innovation in the revised CSEC English syllabus.

Will one SBA suffice • Yes, one SBA will be credited for both.
for both English A

Questions/Concerns Response
and English B? • A single SBA will be required to complete both aspects of the
English syllabus (English A and English B).
When will SBAs be • The moderation period is determined by the CXC. It is
moderated? customary that moderation occurs during early July.
When should • Discussion of the SBA requirements and related research should
students begin begin from Term 1 of Form 4.
working on their • The SBA will be in progress throughout Form Four.
SBAs? • Implementation begins in September 2016 for examinations
from 2018.
When should SBAs • By March of Form 5, all SBAs are to be completed.
be completed?
What is the students’ • The recommended deadline is the end of February of Form Five,
deadline date? for students.
What is the teachers’ • The recommended deadline is the end of March of Form 5, for
deadline date? teachers.
What aspects of the • The SBA is expected to be done by each student working both
SBAs can be done as as an individual and as a member of a small group approved by
group work? the teacher.
• In small groups, students work together to discuss and solve
problems, explain ideas, learn from peers, improve oral skills,
practice social skills and demonstrate leadership.
• The rubric allots specific scores for individual participation as
well as scores for group activities.
Are students allowed • The SBAs can be submitted in either the student’s own hand
to submit their writing or using some form of word processing.
projects in their own • In cases where it is hand - written, the writing must be legible.
handwriting or can • The syllabus does not indicate a preference but schools in
some form of word Trinidad and Tobago submit ‘word-processed’ documents.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Schools are directed to the CSEC English syllabus that provides
standardized and clear assessment criteria and rubrics for each component of the
clear or is there a SBA.
need for
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • Yes both fieldtrips and experts in the field can add value to
on field trips and/or student learning. These are recommended highly but not
be exposed to compulsory.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The SBA requires students to source a variety of texts (print,
should the school audio, visual media). Teachers are required to advise students on
provide? the availability of resource materials.
• A functional library and guidance from the Librarian are
What help will be • The Curriculum Planning and Development Division will
provided to Heads of provide ongoing training for Heads of Department with regard to
Department and the requirements of the SBA.
teachers? • Curriculum Officers (English and Reading) will provide
technical advice and guidance to schools during implementation
of the SBA.
What level of • Internal monitoring should be conducted internally by the Head
monitoring can of Department (English), Vice Principal and/or Principal using
Principals expect? the guidelines in the CSEC English syllabus.
• Principals and Heads of Department are required to monitor
implementation and ensure the integrity of the SBA process.
• External monitoring will be conducted by Curriculum Officers.
Samples of students’ SBAs drafts will be examined and advice
given to Heads of Departments and teachers.
What special time • At least one period per week for in-class work on the SBAs from
table arrangements Form 4, is recommended.
need to be put in • The CSEC English syllabus recommends six (06) sessions for
place for SBAs? English A and four (04) sessions for English B.

What additional • The Principal should be cognizant of the CSEC English syllabus
information might in which the SBA is allotted 21% of the total mark.
Principals need? • Curriculum Officers (English and Reading) will be available to
provide guidance to Heads of Department and teachers as
• It is advisable that the Curriculum Officer be contacted to
provide guidance when a new teacher is assigned to Forms Four
and Five.

Entrepreneurship - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should inform students about the requirements of the
students begin SBA during the first week of Term 1 of Lower 6.
working on SBAs? • Students should be given a copy of the SBA rubric/mark scheme
and guided to follow the rubric as Entrepreneurship topics are
• Teachers should set timelines for SBA completion:
- The Unit 1 SBA which is the Interview Report should be
done in three parts to match each Module in Unit 1.
Questions pertaining to each module should be formulated
and posed to the interviewee on each respective visit. All
three parts must be put together at the end of Term 2 when
the syllabus is completed.
- The Unit 2 SBA should begin between the end of Term 1
and the first month in Term 2.
When should SBAs • By the end of March of Term 2 of Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • March of the Term 2 of Form 6 for the written report for Units 1
deadline date? and 2.
• The class presentation for Unit 1 can be done first week in the
Term 3 of Lower 6.
What is the teachers’ • Final SBA marks are due in Term 3 of both Lower and Upper 6
deadline date? for Unit 1 and 2 respectively.
What aspects of the • The Entrepreneurship SBA for Unit 1 can be done individually
SBAs can be done as or in pairs. However, the class presentation must have input
group work? from both students.
• The Entrepreneurship SBA for Unit 2 must be done individually.
Are students allowed • Since online submission of CAPE Economics SBAs is now
to submit their requested by the CXC, students should become familiar with a
projects in their own word processing document and Microsoft Excel and practice
handwriting or can drawing graphs, tables and producing diagrams using the
some form of word software. Students should have a flash drive for back-up copies.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for

Questions/Concerns Response
discussion to ensure
Should students go • The Entrepreneurship SBA for Unit 1requires visits with an
on field trips and/or entrepreneur. Teachers can give students a letter of introduction
be exposed to bearing the school stamp to present to the entrepreneur. The
personnel with visit can be done privately by the student.
subject expertise • The Entrepreneurship SBA for Unit 2 does not require any field
outside the school? trips.
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any consumables by
should the school the school.
What help will be • Workshops are held by the TVET Unit, Curriculum Planning
provided to Heads of and Development Division annually to discuss SBAs and
Department and Curriculum Officers - Business are available to assist any
teachers? teacher, if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs can be requested from
Heads of Departments and teachers during school visits.
What additional • Contact Curriculum Officers - Business of the Curriculum
information do Planning and Development Division if further information is
Principals need? required.

Family and Resource Management - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • The SBA requires that students produce a portfolio with a
students begin minimum of sixteen practical activities and it is important that
working on SBAs? the compilation of this portfolio commence during Term 1 of
Form 4.
When should SBAs • SBAs should be completed by February Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • The second SBA will be moderated during the end of Term 1 or
moderated? the beginning of the Term 2 of Form 5.

Questions/Concerns Response
• The CVQ portfolios will be moderated at least twice by external
personnel during the two-year period.
What is the students’ • As stated by the school.
deadline date?
What is the • The students are required to complete three SBA assessments
Teachers’ deadline over the course of two years before the end of Term 2 of Form 5.
date? • One assessment in Term 3 of Form 4, to be marked by the
What aspects of the • One assessment between November and February of Form 5, to
SBAs can be done as be marked by an external moderator and the teacher.
group work? • One assessment in the Term 2 of Form 5, to be marked by the
• Students are expected to be competent in the areas being tested
therefore sufficient practical exercises should be conducted prior
to the SBA period.
• The preliminary practical activities form part of the portfolio.
Are students allowed • Evaluation exercises should be done in the students’
to submit their handwriting. Word processing or students handwriting are
projects in their own accepted for all other aspects.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes for all SBAs are standardized and clear,
standardized and however new teachers will be trained in marking SBAs at
clear or is there a moderation workshops.
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It is advisable that students be taken on field trips e.g. Home
on field trips and/or Care Facility for the Elderly, Government Department
be exposed to responsible for Consumer Affairs.
personnel with
• In some instances personnel with subject expertise should be
subject expertise
invited to the school e.g. Firemen, Health and Safety.
outside the school?
What resources • The school should provide all consumables and equipment
should the school required to complete the SBA exercises.

Questions/Concerns Response
What help will be • Guidance in accordance to the requirements of the SBA e.g.
provided to Heads of interpretation of the question, suggestions on approach and pre
Department and requisites.
• School visits to Heads of Departments and teachers are provided
What level of
on an ongoing basis by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
monitoring can
Development Division, to assist teachers in the design and
Principals expect?
development of the school based assessment.
What special time • On designated dates with agreement from external moderator.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • The Curriculum Officer will be available to provide guidance to
information do teachers where necessary. It is advisable that where a new
Principals need? teacher is given a Form 5 class that the Curriculum Officer be
contacted to provide assistance as necessary.

Food and Nutrition - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Students are expected to complete 2 SBAs in Unit 1 and 2 SBAs
students begin in Unit 2.
working on SBAs?
• SBA 1 should be started during Term 1 and completed by the
start of Term 2.
• SBA 2 should be started by the middle of Term 2 and completed
by the first week of Term 3.
When should SBAs
• SBA 1 is a research paper which may involve the use of
be completed?
questionnaires as well gathering of personal data from
individuals, or general data from institutions.
• Official requests should be made for permission to collect data
from external sources.
When will SBAs be • As agreed between External Moderator and teacher.
• Students usually require a three period session for guidance on
What is the students’ their SBAs and to conduct tests on the product or administer
deadline date? questionnaires.
• The SBAs should be submitted in the form of a word processing

Questions/Concerns Response
• The food items are not submitted for moderation, only the SBA

Food and Nutrition - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
• The SBA requires that students produce a portfolio with a
When should minimum of sixteen practical activities and it is important that
students begin the compilation of this portfolio commence during Term 1 of
working on SBAs? Form 4.

When should SBAs • SBAs should be completed by February of the Form 5 year.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • The second SBA will be moderated during the end of Term 1 or
moderated? the beginning of Term 2 of Form 5.
• The CVQ portfolios will be moderated at least twice by external
personnel during the two-year period
What is the students’ • As stated by the school.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • The students are required to complete three SBA assessments
deadline date? over the course of two years before the end of Term 2 in Form 5.
• One assessment occurs in Term 3 of Form 4, to be marked by
the teacher.
• One assessment between November and February of Form 5, to
What aspects of the be marked by an external moderator and the teacher.
SBAs can be done as • One assessment in the Term 2 of Form 5, to be marked by the
group work? teacher.
• Students are expected to be competent in the areas being tested
therefore sufficient practical exercises should be conducted prior
to the SBA period.
• The preliminary practical activities that forms part of the
Are students allowed • Evaluation exercises should be done in the students’
to submit their handwriting. Word processing or students handwriting are
projects in their own accepted for all other aspects.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Questions/Concerns Response

Are mark schemes • The mark schemes for all SBAs are standardized and clear,
standardized and however new teachers will be trained in marking SBAs at
clear or is there a moderation workshops.
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It is advisable that students be taken on field trips such as
on field trips and/or Restaurants, Industrial kitchens and Processing Plants. In some
be exposed to instances personnel with subject expertise should be invited to
personnel with the school e.g. Firemen to lecture in first aid.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The school should provide all consumables and equipment
should the school required to complete the SBA exercises.
What help will be • Guidance in accordance to the requirements of the SBA,
provided to Heads of including interpretation of the question, suggestions on approach
Department and and pre requisites.
What level of • Curriculum Officer will respond as requested.
monitoring can
Principals expect?
What special time • On designated dates with agreement from external moderator.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
• The Curriculum Officer will be available to provide guidance to
What additional
teachers where necessary. It is advisable that where a new
information do
teacher is given a Form 5 class that the Curriculum Officer be
Principals need?
contacted to provide assistance as necessary.

French and Spanish - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Students need to select a topic by the middle of Term 1 of Lower
teachers begin 6 and Upper 6, have it approved by the teacher and prepare for
working with the examination.
When should SBAs • Practice for the exam takes place throughout the Term 2 and the
be completed? SBA is conducted in April. The school sends the recording of
the exam (either an audio CD or flash drive in MP3 format) by
May 31st of the year of examination.
When will SBAs be • The CXC undertakes the moderation of a sample of the SBA
moderated? assignments marked by each teacher during its annual marking
What is the students’ • Term 2 of Lower 6 and Upper 6.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • Term 2 of Lower 6 and Upper 6.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • Students should be discouraged from group work at every stage
SBAs can be done as of their SBA preparation since the final oral presentation to the
group work? teacher is to be done individually.
Are students allowed • There is no written submission for this CAPE subject. The audio
to submit their of the conversation is generally submitted on a CD or flash drive
projects in their own in MP3 format.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark scheme is standardized and closely guided by the
standardized and CXC. All information and rubrics are found in the CAPE
clear or is there a syllabus document.
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Depending on the topic selected by the student, some
on field trips and/or research/interviews may be advisable. Students generally
be exposed to conduct these on their own time as part of preparation for the
personnel with SBA.
subject expertise • Additionally, exposure to native speakers is always a plus for

Questions/Concerns Response
outside the school? Modern Languages students. Legitimate activity that can
facilitate this is to the student’s advantage.
What resources • Provision of suitable space for the conduct of the exam and
should the school equipment for recording and sending to the CXC (audio CD/
provide? flash drive) are the primary responsibilities of the school.
• Materials pertinent to the topics in the syllabus should also be
accessible to students, together with access to research (Internet
and hardware).
What help will be • Curriculum Officers can offer support to teachers for all parts of
provided to Heads of the process, as may be requested officially.
Department and
What level of • Monitoring of the implementation and assessment of the
monitoring can curriculum by the Curriculum Planning and Development
Principals expect? Division is generally conducted where there are officers
assigned to districts. No specific monitoring of the SBA is
What special • A quiet space for conduct and recording of the exam needs to be
arrangements need to identified. Each student requires approximately 20 minutes for
be put in place e.g. 1 the entire process, so that the entire time for the conduct of the
period a week, 3 hour SBA is dependent on the number of students.
or whole day set
What additional • There is no SBA for Modern languages at the CSEC level.
information do • At CAPE, there are 2 SBAs, one for Module 1 and one for
Principals need? Module 2. The format and requirements for both are identical.
The SBA constitutes Oral Assessment of the student on the
topics and material covered in each of the two modules. The
total time for this assessment activity should average 15 minutes
for each student and contributes 20 % of the total mark. The
teacher conducts the assessment, records marks and submits to
the CXC for moderation by May 31st of the year of the
• There are three components to the oral assessment:
- A topic prepared and presented orally by the student (3
minutes sustained speech - 12 marks).
- Conversation on the prepared topic in which questions are
asked by the teacher and the students responds or asks
questions of the teacher. (5-6 minutes Question and
Answer - 18 marks).

Questions/Concerns Response
- General conversation in which the teacher asks questions
and the students responds or asks questions of the teacher.
(5-6 minutes Question and Answer - 18 marks).

Geography - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • By November of Term 1, the teacher and students should begin
students begin selecting the research project and practical skills to be assessed
working on SBAs? in the School Based Assessment.

What is the students’ • Although it is a work in progress, deadlines may be set for the
deadline date? submission of chapters which will allow the teacher to provide
feedback and the students to be on-task. The following chapters
may be grouped for submission:
- Cover Page, Statement of Purpose of Investigation,
Methodology (design, sampling technique,
apparatus/instruments, data collection techniques and
methods of analysis) and Bibliography.
- Presentation of Data.
- Description of data with analysis, discussion and
- Conclusion, recommendations and bibliography.
- Final Report.

What aspects of the • It is advisable that students work as part of a team during the
SBAs can be done as investigation stage. There are several benefits to this strategy
group work? inclusive of time management, responsibility, diversity of ideas
and development of interpersonal and other related skills.
• On completion of the investigative phase, the findings in the
field will be collated. From this point collaboration ceases and
each student will be required to produce his/her own report.
Are students allowed • Word processing output is required however the student’s
to submit their handwriting may be found in maps and other forms of
projects in their own geographic illustrations.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The criteria for marking the research project is very clear and
standardized and can be located on pages 41 to 42 of the Geography curriculum.

Questions/Concerns Response
clear or is there a As a department however members should double mark scripts
need for to ensure inconsistencies do not exist when the sampled scripts
departmental are moderated by the CXC.
discussion to ensure • Note: The word limit is now one thousand five hundred (1500)
standardized words (excluding bibliography, illustrations and appendices).
marking? The criteria for marking the research project are located on pages
Should students go • Geographic studies may be
on field trips and/or - Field based - collection and analysis of primary data,
be exposed to based on field measurements and questionnaires. In this
personnel with case students will go on field trips or source expertise
subject expertise from outside the school.
outside the school? - Desk Based - in very few instances students have opted to
interpret secondary data such as photographs and maps
What resources • Maps.
should the school • Paper for photocopying handouts.
What help will be • Once a request is made by the school, a Curriculum Officer of
provided to Heads of the Social Sciences Unit, Curriculum Planning and Development
Department and Division will respond. Workshops are also held periodically.
What level of • If a problem exists, the Principal may communicate this
monitoring can information in writing to the Director of Curriculum Planning
Principals expect? and Development Division. Once this information is forwarded
to the Curriculum Officer he/she will strive to resolve the issue.
What special time • It is the teacher’s choice whether or not to allocate a specific
table arrangements number of periods per week or a specific day to completing the
need to be put in SBA.
place for SBAs?
What additional • SBAs must be retained by the school until three months after
information do publication of the examination results by the Caribbean
Principals need? Examinations Council.

Geography - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • By Term 2 of Form 4, the teacher must provide students with the
students begin guidelines for producing a Geography School Based Assessment
working on SBAs? (SBA) and have them reflect on possible areas of study.
Towards the beginning of the Term 3 of Form 4, students must
be provided with the Strategy Sheet. The student may begin the
field study process once the information provided on the
Strategy Sheet has been approved by the Geography teacher. For
approval to be achieved, the study must be:
- Geographical.
- Confined to a small area.
- Enable the collection of primary data.
- The Field visit and data collection may be conducted
during this term.
Note: The revised CSEC Geography syllabus (2015), for first
examinations in 2017, on page thirty-three (33) suggests one way in
which a teacher may complete the exercise in a timely manner.
What is the students’ • It is advised that deadlines should be set for the submission of
deadline date? each section/task. The teacher will be able to provide adequate
feedback to critical areas and ensure that the student remains on-
• Deadlines should be set for the following sections/tasks:
- Strategy Sheet.
- Introduction – briefly provide an overview of the study.
- Aim of Study - must be approved by the teacher to ensure
it is not too general.
- Location of Study Area - to ensure map- making
conventions are applied when creating Territorial and Site
- Methodology inclusive of instruments used to collect data.
- Presentation of Data – to ensure illustrations are
appropriate, accurate, neat, properly labelled and will
generate a comprehensive discussion based on findings in
the “field”.
- Analysis and Discussion – to ensure that points are well
developed and coherent and refer to the illustrations.
- Conclusion.
- Bibliography.

Questions/Concerns Response
What aspects of the • It is advisable that students work as part of a team during the
SBAs can be done as investigation stage. On completion of the investigative phase,
group work? the findings in the field will be collated under the guidance of
the teacher. From this point collaboration ceases and each
student will be required to produce his/her own report.
Plagiarism will be penalized.
Are students allowed • The Field Study Report can be legibly hand written or
to submit their typewritten.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The criteria for marking the research project is very clear and
standardized and can be located on pages 26 - 30 of the CSEC Geography 2007
clear or is there a curriculum. As a department however members should double
need for mark scripts to ensure inconsistencies do not exist when the
departmental sampled scripts are moderated by the CXC.
discussion to ensure
standardized Note: The revised syllabus (2015), for first examinations in 2017, states
marking? that the word limit should be no more than one thousand (1000) words
in length (excluding bibliography, illustrations and appendices) The
criteria for marking the research project is located on pages 36-42.
Should students go • The SBA is a field study report and therefore involves the
on field trips and/or collection and analysis of primary data, based on field
be exposed to measurements and questionnaires. In this case students will go
personnel with on field trips or source expertise from outside the school.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Maps.
should the school • Paper for photocopying handouts.
What help will be • Once a request is made by the school, a Curriculum Officer of
provided to Heads of the Social Sciences Unit, Curriculum Planning and Development
Department and Division will respond. Workshops are also held periodically.
What level of • If a problem exists the Principal may communicate this
monitoring can information in writing to the Director of Curriculum Planning
Principals expect? and Development Division. Once this information is forwarded
to the Curriculum Officer he/she will strive to resolve the issue.

Questions/Concerns Response
What special time • It is the teacher’s choice whether or not to allocate a specific
table arrangements number of periods per week or a specific day to completing the
need to be put in SBA.
place for SBAs?
What additional • SBAs must be retained by the school until three months after
information do publication of the examination results by the Caribbean
Principals need? Examinations Council.

History - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Lower 6.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • As determined by schools and marks uploaded submitted to the
be completed? ORS by the stipulated deadline.
When will SBAs be • Samples will be moderated by the CXC during the July/August
moderated? vacation.

What is the students’ • As determined by schools. Students should be given deadlines

deadline date? for submission of the different parts of the SBA, for example:
the statement of the problem, introduction, historical setting,
discussion and conclusion (the word limit is 1500 words).

• The CXC sets the submission deadline to the Local Registrar for
the submission of marks and then to the CXC.

What aspects of the • For CAPE History individual work is preferred. However, each
SBAs can be done as student can select and research aspects of one topic, e.g. The
group work? Haitian Revolution-one student can look at the social and
political; while another deals with the economic factors and
leadership. Two or more students can look at the same aspect(s),
but what should emerge is variety, if one topic is being

Are students allowed • SBAs are to be uploaded electronically so word processing is

to submit their required.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Questions/Concerns Response
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear, but where there is
standardized and more than one teacher marking the submissions, teachers should
clear or is there a meet to come to a common understanding of the mark scheme.
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • For CAPE History, expertise can be sought from outside the
on field trips and/or school as not all teachers have the content knowledge for all
be exposed to areas. This can be sought from other teachers or lecturers from
personnel with tertiary institutions.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Books etc.
should the school
What help will be • Teachers can seek assistance for internal workshops,
provided to Heads of clarification of the mark scheme, marking of the SBAs, general
Department and implementation of the syllabus.
• Teachers are aware that, apart from school visits, that they can
What level of communicate with the Curriculum Planning and Development
monitoring can Division via email and/or telephone to make requests for
Principals expect? support.

What special time • Teachers can spend a few classes (e.g. 2 periods) in the
table arrangements beginning of the term giving a broad overview of the
need to be put in requirements of the various tasks as well as an overview of the
place for SBAs? syllabus from which the topics will be selected. After that, class
time can be allocated for the various tasks with examples.

What additional • Principals should remind teachers that they are NOT to select
information do topics for students, more so the thesis statement for students.
Principals need? They are to assist students with selecting a relevant topic and
formulating an appropriate thesis statement. (Note the word limit
is now 1500 words).
• Note: The following are the requirements for the electronic
submission of CAPE History effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:

Questions/Concerns Response
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the

History - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers may provide students with the guidelines for SBA at
students begin the end of Term 3 of Form 4. The research project is expected to
working on SBAs? cover one term’s work. Students should be encouraged to select
When should SBAs their topic and do research and preparation during the
be completed? July/August period before the start of Form 5.The SBA may
then be completed during Term 1 of Form 5, or the early part of
Term 2.
What is the students’ • Dates for the following activities should be set.
deadline date? • Submission of research title.
What is the teachers’ • Description of research project (two or more sentences).
deadline date? • Sources of data collection.
• Submission of first draft.
• Research project completion.
What aspects of the • A teacher’s checklist is provided on page 29 of the syllabus
SBAs can be done as effective May 2011. See Appendix 4.
group work? • Students may work individually or in groups to research a
Are students allowed specific topic. However, each student must produce an original
to submit their report. No two reports from the same group should be identical.
projects in their own The report should be 1000 words in length.
handwriting or can • The research project should be neatly hand-written or if typed,
some form of word must be double spaced. Any audio-visual materials used for a
processing be used? project should be submitted as part of the report for that project.
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are very clear and can be found on Page 30
standardized and of the CSEC History Syllabus effective May 2011.
clear or is there a

Questions/Concerns Response
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Resource persons can visit the school and field trips can be
on field trips and/or arranged in the relevant areas.
be exposed to
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Research material.
should the school
What help will be Visit to schools by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of Development Division to clarify issues related to the SBA.
Department and • Conduct SBA training workshops for neophyte and
teachers? inexperienced teachers in each educational district.
• Assist teachers in the standardization of the marking of the

What level of • Internal Monitoring:

monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers. Schools can be visited at
any time.
What special time • The project is worth 21% of the total marks and 21% of the
table arrangements allocated class time should be devoted, therefore, to the project.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • All School-Based Assessment Record of marks be submitted
information do online using the SBA data capture module of the Online
Principals need? Registration System (ORS) by April 30th of the year of the
examination. A sample of assignments will be requested by the
CXC for moderation purposes. These assignments will be re-
assessed by the CXC Examiners who moderate the School-

Questions/Concerns Response
Based Assessment.
• Copies of the students’ assignments that are not submitted must
be retained by the school until three months after publication by
the CXC of the examination results.
• Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic
Submission of CSEC History effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the
• See Appendix 4.

Industrial Technology: Building Technology (BET) Option - CSEC

The SBA constitutes 50% of the final mark and EACH student MUST submit a Portfolio
reflecting ALL activities done during the 2 year period

Questions/Concerns Response
When should students • Students must commence preparing/collating their portfolios
begin working on from Term 1 of Form 4.
When should SBAs • The SBAs should be completed during Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • The SBA’s will be moderated at least thrice by external
moderated? personnel (External Verifiers) during the two-year period.
What is the students’ • The end of February in Term 2 of the academic year is a
deadline date? reasonable deadline for students.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers’ deadline dates are determined by Principals and
deadline date? should be circa the second week of March of the academic term.
What aspects of the • Both components of the SBA (written and practical work)
SBAs can be done as should be the work of individual students.
group work? • However, students may also work in groups (on large items e.g.
partitions, wooden floors and staircases, etc.), but the work of

Questions/Concerns Response
each student in the group must be clearly documented so that it
can be assessed individually.
• However, the CVQ portfolio should be the work of each
individual student.
Are students allowed • The written report as it relates to a module from the syllabus,
to submit their must be completed using any word processing document format
projects in their own (1000-1200 words).
handwriting or can • However, in collating the CVQ portfolios, students can use a
some form of word combination of handwritten pieces as well pieces in any word
processing be used? processing document format.
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are standardized documents (developed and
standardized and clear issued by the CXC).
or is there a need for • These instruments are discussed at the SBA workshops which
departmental are conducted annually by the Curriculum Planning and
discussion to ensure Development Division of the Ministry of Education.
Should students go on • The Building Technology SBA is divided into two components,
field trips and/or be written and practical assignments.
exposed to personnel • A field trip visit is mandatory to completely satisfy the
with subject expertise requirements of the written component (written report on the
outside the school? visit).
What resources • All consumables, materials, tools, and equipment should be
should the school provided by the school to ensure timely and satisfactory
provide? completion of the SBA projects.
What help will be • School visits by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of Development Division can be requested by Principals and
Department and Heads of Department as required, to provide further guidance
Subject Teachers? and support to both Teachers and Students.
• Industrial Technology SBA workshops for Subject Teachers
(Heads of Department can also attend) are conducted annually
by the Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development
What level of • Curriculum Officers and moderators will visit schools to
monitoring can monitor the preparation of the SBA at least twice before the
Principals expect? actual moderation exercise takes place.
• The actual moderation exercise consists of two visits per centre.
What special time • The syllabus recommends inter alia, a minimum of 10 periods
table arrangements of 35 minutes or 9 periods of 40 minutes as determined by the
need to be put in

Questions/Concerns Response
place for SBAs? school’s administration.
What additional • Principals must indicate to Teachers the importance of proper
information do documentation of all the relevant paperwork.
Principals need?
• Assessment of projects, SBA Sample Sheets from the CXC and
evidence of student’s work (portfolios) must be made available
to moderators. This is critical to ensure a successful moderation
exercise and students’ success at the subject.
• Schools are required to secure all SBAs (projects and written
assignments) for up to three months after the release of CSEC
• The Principal and Head of Department are reminded of the
importance of students’ registration, timely completion and
submission of course marks to the CXC using the on-line
registration system.

Industrial Technology: Electrical/Electronic Technology (EET)

Option - CSEC
The SBA constitutes 50% of the final mark and each student must submit a portfolio reflecting
all activities done during the 2-year period.

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • As soon as teaching begins in Form 4, portfolio development
students begin commences once an activity has started.
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
be completed? Education deadlines for the online submission of scores.
When will SBAs be • The moderation process is conducted twice; between January to
moderated? March of the examination year.
What is the students’ • As required by the school.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
deadline date? Education deadlines for the online submission of scores.
What aspects of the • While students can be placed in groups for the workshop/lab
SBAs can be done as exercises, individual portfolio submissions must be made.
group work?
Are students allowed • Portfolio submissions can comprise both hand-written and
to submit their electronically formatted documents.
projects in their own

Questions/Concerns Response
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • At present there is no standardized mark scheme for the SBA.
standardized and However, teachers have been guided on procedures for
clear or is there a developing mark schemes for assessing activities.
need for • Departments should discuss the criteria for assigning marks.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It is recommended that at least 2 field trips be arranged: one in
on field trips and/or Form 4 and the other in Form 5 to expose students to industrial
be exposed to principles and practices. Resource personnel could also be used.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Electrical/Electronic consumables, tools and equipment, digital
should the school camera, printer, computer and stationery to facilitate portfolio
provide? development: printing paper, ink, folder etc.
What help will be • Support in understanding portfolio development, assessment
provided to Heads of documentation and online submission of scores.
Department and • Assessor/Internal Verifier training.
What level of • At least 2 visits by the Moderator in the year of the examination:
monitoring can one in January and the other in March.
Principals expect? • Additionally, curriculum monitoring is conducted during the
academic year to ensure compliance with syllabus requirements.
What special time • It is recommended that nine 40-minute periods be allocated for
table arrangements the subject, of which at least 2 triple period sessions are set aside
need to be put in for laboratory/workshop activities.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Knowledge of the CVQ Quality Assurance process.
information do • Students’ registration.
Principals need?

Industrial Technology: Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)
Option - CSEC
The SBA constitutes 50% of the final mark and EACH student MUST submit a Portfolio
reflecting ALL activities done during the 2-year period
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • From Term 1 of Form 4, Portfolio Development commences
students begin once an activity has started. Teachers should start their SBA
working on SBAs? preparation with students in Term 1 of the academic year
(September to December) of Form 4.
When should SBAs • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
be completed? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores. This
is usually by the first week in March of the exam year.
When will SBAs be • Two visits are scheduled by the Moderator between January and
moderated? March of the examination year.
What is the students’ • As required by the subject teacher. This is usually at the end of
deadline date? February of the examination year.
What is the teachers’ • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
deadline date? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores. This
is usually the first week of March of the examination year.
What aspects of the • While students can work in groups for the workshop/laboratory
SBAs can be done as exercises, individual portfolio submissions are required.
group work?
Are students allowed • Portfolio pieces/submissions can comprise both hand
to submit their created/written and electronically created and formatted
projects in their own documents as required by the syllabus/activity.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are usually standardized documents
standardized and (developed and issued by the CXC). These instruments are
clear or is there a discussed at the SBA workshops which are conducted annually
need for by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development
departmental Division.
discussion to ensure • Teachers can also use Assessment Instruments included in the
standardized previous syllabus or develop rubrics for assessing activities as
marking? outlined in the syllabus. The syllabus also provides a rubric for
assessment of the portfolio.
Should students go • Field trips, research assignments and use of resource personnel
on field trips and/or are recommended, especially where resources are unavailable.
be exposed to

Questions/Concerns Response
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The Principal/School is required to provide all
should the school Metalwork/Machine Shop materials, consumables, tools and
provide? equipment to enable completion of practical exercises along with
digital camera, printer, computer and stationery to facilitate
portfolio development.
What help will be • Industrial Technology SBA workshops for Heads of Department
provided to Heads of and teachers are conducted annually by the Officers of the
Department and Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
teachers? • Additional support is also provided in understanding portfolio
development, assessment, documentation and on-line submission
of scores.
• Assessor and Internal Verification training is provided by the
National Training Agency (NTA).
• Officers of the TVET Unit of the Curriculum Planning and
Development Division are always ready and willing to support
as necessary.
What level of • Monitoring of schools by Curriculum Officers is done at least
monitoring can once per term to ensure compliance with syllabus requirements.
Principals expect? • Monitoring occurs twice between January and March when the
actual Moderation/Internal Verification exercise takes place.
• The actual moderation exercise consists of two visits per center
by the moderator.
What special time • It is recommended that nine 40 minute or ten thirty-five minute
table arrangements periods be allocated for the subject, of which at least 2 triple
need to be put in period sessions be set aside for laboratory/workshop activities.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Principals must indicate to teachers that proper documentation of
information do all the relevant paperwork, assessment of projects and evidence
Principals need? of student’s work must be made available to
Moderators/External Verifiers. This is critical to ensure a
successful moderation exercise is conducted.
• If Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Units are being
claimed, Principals must be knowledgeable of the CVQ Quality
Assurance process – Facilities and Staff Audit, and ensure that
teachers are trained as Assessors and Internal Verifiers (IVs).
• Finally, schools are required to secure all students SBA

Questions/Concerns Response
materials for up to three months after the release of CSEC

Information Technology - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Lower 6 or Upper 6 – October.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • End of April of the year of the examination.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • During the CXC marking exercise in July.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop a project
deadline date? management chart with definite time lines for achieving clearly
identified objectives, from project inception to project
• The students’ deadline will be determined by the
teacher/Department. It will however, be a date prior to the
CXC’s deadline date in order to facilitate marking and ranking.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers must be mindful that all SBAs must be marked, ranked
deadline date? and samples submitted to the Local Registrar prior to the CXC’s
deadline date in early May. The students’ deadline therefore
must be set such that time is allowed for teachers to complete
What aspects of the • The project should be individual work and not group projects.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • No, handwritten documents will not be accepted. Students are
to submit their required to use a word processing application.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark scheme is standardized and the requirements for the
standardized and project are clearly stated. If there is any doubt on what is
clear or is there a expected teachers can contact the Computer Science/
need for Information Technology Unit at the Curriculum Planning and

Questions/Concerns Response
discussion to ensure Development Division for clarification.
Should students go • It would be helpful if students are exposed to persons and
on field trips and/or institutions with relevant expertise to gain first-hand knowledge
be exposed to of various processes and concepts.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The school should provide the equipment that is required for
should the school completion of the SBA. This includes the printing facilities and
provide? consumables such as paper and ink for the printers. The
equipment should also include IBM-compatible computers (at
most two students per computer) with productivity tools
software. Internet access should also be provided.
What help will be • Workshops and school visits are conducted by Officers of the
provided to Heads of Curriculum Planning and Development Division to provide
Department and Heads of Department and teachers with the appropriate
teachers? information.

What level of • Principals can expect Curriculum Officers to visit schools and
monitoring can provide support to teachers. Principals can also request that
principals expect? Curriculum Officers visit their schools to address concerns.
What special time • The development of the SBA project is a continuous exercise
table arrangements that occurs during scheduled class hours as well as outside class
need to be put in times.
place for SBAs? • Ample time must be allowed for students to complete the
requirements of the SBA.
• Teachers must design project management chart that includes a
time-line with specific dates for completion of components of
the SBA as well as a finite completion date.
What additional • Principals are ultimately responsible for the authenticity of each
information do candidate’s SBA and should take this responsibility seriously.
principals need? Principals should be aware that student’s grades can be withheld
by the CXC when collusion among students is detected.
• Principals should demand regular progress reports on the
conduct of the SBA and measures implemented by the
Department to ensure authenticity.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Hard-copies and soft copies of the completed SBA documents
should be kept in a safe place for at least one academic year
after the results are published.

Information Technology - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 3 of Form 4.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • Term 2 of Form 5, end of February.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • During the CXC marking exercise in July.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop a project
deadline date? management chart with definite time lines for achieving clearly
identified objectives, from project inception to project
What is the teachers’ • The completed mark sheets should be submitted to the CXC no
deadline date? later than April 30th of the year of the examination. Being aware
of the CXC deadline will inform the principal of the internal
dead line that needs to be set.
What aspects of the • The project should be individual work and not group projects.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • No, students are required to use the productivity tools to
to submit their complete their SBA.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark scheme is standardized but some requirements may
standardized and not be readily apparent. If there is any doubt on what is
clear or is there a expected teachers can contact the Computer Science/
need for Information Technology Unit at the Curriculum Planning and
departmental Development Division.
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • It would be helpful if students are exposed to persons and
on field trips and/or institutions with relevant expertise to gain first-hand knowledge
be exposed to of various processes and concepts.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The school should provide the equipment that is required for
should the school completion of the SBA. This includes the printing facilities and
provide? consumables such as paper and ink for the printers. The
equipment should also include IBM-compatible computers (at
most two students per computer) with productivity tools
software. Software must also include a Pascal compiler. Internet
access should also be provided to facilitate research.
What help will be • Workshops and school visits are conducted by the Curriculum
provided to Heads of Planning and Development Division to provide Heads of
Department and Department and teachers with the appropriate information
teachers? regarding the SBA.
What level of • Principals can expect Curriculum Officers to visit schools and
monitoring can provide support to teachers. Principals can also request that
principals expect? Curriculum Officers visit their schools to address concerns.
What special time • The development of the SBA project is a continuous exercise
table arrangements that occurs during scheduled class hours as well as outside class
need to be put in times.
place for SBAs? • Ample time must be allowed for students to complete the
requirements of the SBA.
• Teachers must design project management chart that includes a
time-line with specific dates for completion of components of
the SBA as well as a finite completion date.
What additional • Principals are ultimately responsible for the authenticity of each
information do student’s SBA and should take this responsibility seriously.
principals need? Principals should be aware that students’ grades will be withheld
by the CXC when collusion among students is detected.
• Irregularity reports in the past revealed that students have
colluded in the preparation of the SBA, particularly in the
programming component.
• Principals should demand regular progress reports on the
conduct of the SBA and measures implemented by the
Department to ensure authenticity.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Hardcopies and softcopies of the completed SBA project
documents should be kept in a safe place for at least one
academic year after the results are published.

Integrated Science - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Should begin in Term 1 of the two-year period (Term 1 of Form
students begin 4). Students should become familiar with the assessment criteria
working on SBAs? and the marking scheme through practice assessments
(CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 85).
• The assessments would be conducted during Terms 1-5 of the
two-year period (CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 51).
When should SBAs • SBAs should be completed in the middle of Term 3 (Year 1) for
be completed? the first moderation and the electronic submission of Year 1
marks (CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 51).
• Middle of Term 2 of Year 2 before the moderator makes a
second visit (CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 71).
How is Integrated • On-site moderation of the SBAs will be conducted by visiting
Science moderated? external moderators.
• Term 3 (i.e. Year 1, Term 3 for the first moderation and the
electronic submission of Year 1 marks (CXC23/G/SYLL15,
page 51).
• Middle of Term 2 of Year 2 before the moderator makes a
second visit (CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 71).
• Moderation is done through collaboration between the CXC and
the CXC Local Registrar, following guidelines provided by the
• In Form 5, the moderator will remark the skills and Investigative
Reports for a sample of five students selected as follows:
- Highest total mark.
- Middle total mark.
- Lowest total mark.
- Mark midway between the highest and middle total mark.
- Mark midway between the middle and lowest total mark.
• Teachers’ marks may be adjusted as a result of the moderation,
and feedback will be provided by the moderator to the teachers.
• The moderator will submit the assessment sheets, moderation of
SBA samples and the moderation report to the CXC Local

Questions/Concerns Response
Registrar by April 30 of the year of the examination
(CXC23/G/SYLL15, page 71).
What is the students’ • Practicals should be completed at the end of the each lab session.
deadline date? • The minimum required number of labs should be completed by
the students to be marked by the teacher and be ready for the
moderation date as suggested above.
What is the teachers’ • Labs should be marked by the teacher and feedback given to
deadline date? students on an ongoing basis. The teacher should also have the
marked lab books, the record cards with marks and mark
schemes for each SBA lab readily available before the due dates
of each moderation.
What aspects of the • As far as possible labs should be done individually by students.
SBAs can be done as • When apparatus and equipment are limited the actual activity
group work? can be done in groups However, each student must be directly
involved in the activity, record his/her own results and the
write- up should be done individually.
• When students are working in groups, the task must be done so
that each student is directly involved and acquire the required
skill/competency especially Manipulation/Measurement (M/M)
skills. Group work must be done in pairs; a maximum of 3
students can be grouped for a large class.
Are students allowed • The syllabus is silent on this. However, in Integrated Science,
to submit their since students are required to keep a notebook, their
projects in their own Investigative Project should be hand written in their lab
handwriting or can notebook.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • When there is more than one teacher conducting the SBAs, there
standardized and is a need for departments to discuss all practical activities and
clear or is there a standardize the practical activities and the mark schemes.
need for • When only one teacher is conducting the SBAs, the Head of
departmental Department should discuss the practical activities and mark
discussion to ensure schemes with that teacher.
Should students go • Teachers can take students on safe and appropriate field trips
on field trips and/or relevant to the curriculum. Expertise can also be sourced from
be exposed to outside the school. However, in using these activities as SBAs,
personnel with the guidelines for each practical activity must be adhered to and
subject expertise the relevant skills must be attained.

Questions/Concerns Response
outside the school?
What resources • Any material from the recommended material list at the back of
should the school the curriculum guides and any materials and apparatus required
provide? to conduct practical activities should be available on a timely
What help will be • Initial and ongoing training and guidelines must be given to both
provided to Heads of the teachers and the Heads of Departments. New teachers should
Department and be effectively trained.
teachers? • The feedback given to the teachers by the moderators should be
immediately discussed by the Head of Department, the
Principal/Vice Principal and teacher, especially if there are
concerns. Help should be sought from the Curriculum Planning
and Development Division if and when needed, following the
correct protocol.
What level of • Monitoring should be done by Principals and/or any delegated
monitoring can person, Head of Department, Subject Curriculum Officers and
Principals expect? Moderators. All information communicated must be clear and
What special time • At least one double period per week (40 or 45 minutes per
table arrangements period) should be assigned for each class.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Guidelines for SBAs (Page 49) and Appendix 1 of the CSEC
information do Integrated Science Syllabus 2015.
Principals need?

Law - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Research topics should be assigned in the Term 1 of the Lower 6
students begin year. This will give students sufficient time to decide on a topic
working on SBAs? and begin research.
When should SBAs • By the end of Term 2 of Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • April of the year of the examination.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • The topic should be handed in by December, with a Literature
deadline date? Review. The first part should be submitted by the middle of
February for feedback, so there would be sufficient time by

Questions/Concerns Response
April to do the discussion of findings and make
What aspects of the • The subject allows for group work but individual work is
SBAs can be done as recommended so as to minimize the opportunities for students to
group work? repeat the findings and recommendations of other students.
Are students allowed • Word processing is recommended so that research will be saved
to submit their on the computer which will make editing and revisions easier.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Yes, students can visit the law libraries at the Hall of Justice or
on field trips and/or Caribbean Court of Justice as well as the various courts. In
be exposed to addition permission can be granted to students as well to conduct
personnel with interviews with members of the judiciary and attorneys.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Additional textbooks, Internet access.
should the school
What help will be • Workshops are held by the Curriculum Planning and
provided to Heads of Development Division based on feedback from the subject
Department and reports. The Curriculum Officer is also available to assist any
teachers? teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be conducted by the Head of Department, Vice
Principals expect? Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
• External Monitoring:
- Provided by Curriculum Officers, Curriculum Planning
and Development, during ongoing school visits or upon
• Samples of students’ SBAs can be requested from Heads of

Questions/Concerns Response
Departments and teachers during school visits.
What additional • Communicate with the Curriculum Officer if further information
information do is required.
Principals need? Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
of CAPE Law effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the

Literatures in English (LIE) - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • From Term 1, teachers should guide students using the syllabus
students begin which should inform the learning activities that enable students
working on SBAs? to achieve the objectives of the syllabus.
• Students should be familiar with the SBA rubric and directed to
the Literature in English Reports on the CXC website.
When should SBAs • It is recommended that SBAs be completed by the end of March
be completed? of Term 2.
When will SBAs be • The moderation period is determined by the CXC. It is
moderated? customary that moderation occurs during early July.
What is the students’ • The recommended deadline for students is end of February.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • The recommended deadline for teachers is the end of March.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • Individual work is expected of students. The SBA requires a
SBAs can be done as personal response to a work of fiction or a critique of a review or
group work? a reinterpretation or a response in dramatic, poetic or prose form
or a model or cartoon or painting.
Are students allowed
to submit their • Microsoft Word documents as well as handwritten responses are

Questions/Concerns Response
projects in their own accepted. The syllabus does not indicate a preference.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The rubric is clear and specific. Schools are advised strongly to
standardized and adhere to the given mark scheme provided in the Literatures in
clear or is there a English syllabus. It is unambiguous and specific marks are
need for allotted for the following categories:
departmental - Knowledge and Understanding.
discussion to ensure - Application of Knowledge.
standardized - Organization of Information.
Should students go • This is not compulsory for Literatures in English in general but
on field trips and/or schools are advised to take students to plays and film adaptation
be exposed to of texts since these opportunities can be enriching and can
personnel with contribute to students’ understanding and response to the SBAs.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • A functional library and guidance from the Librarian are
should the school recommended.
provide? • School Principals are not required to provide any additional
resources necessary for the SBA.
What help will be • The English Unit of the Curriculum Planning and Development
provided to Heads of Division provides advice to Heads of Department. If the syllabus
Department and changes, the English Unit will provide training and opportunities
teachers? to share information among Heads of Departments.
What level of • Internal monitoring by the Head of Departments and Vice
monitoring can Principal/Principal is highly recommended.
Principals expect? • External monitoring will be conducted by Curriculum Officers
assigned to Districts. They will monitor the SBA process to
ensure it is being treated as formative rather than summative
What special time • At least one period per week is recommended for guidance to
table arrangements students on their SBA tasks.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • The Principals should be cognizant of the CAPE Literatures in
information do English syllabus.
Principals need? • The SBA is worth 20%.

Questions/Concerns Response
• All students are to be supported by their teachers to get their best
work done and to get the best mark possible.
• Principals and Heads of Department are required to monitor
implementation and ensure the integrity of the SBA process.

Management of Business - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should inform students about the requirements of the
students begin SBA during the first week in Term 1 of Lower 6.
working on SBAs? • Students should be given a copy of the SBA rubric/mark scheme
and be told to follow the rubric as Management of Business
topics are taught.
• Teachers should set timelines for SBA completion: The
December vacation should be used to produce a first draft which
must be presented to the teacher by the first week in Term 2.
When should SBAs • By the end of February of Term 2 of Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • By February of Term 2 of Lower 6.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • Final SBA marks are due in Term 3 of Lower 6.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • The Management of Business (MOB) SBA is an individual
SBAs can be done as project.
group work?
Are students allowed • Since online submission of CAPE Economics SBAs is now
to submit their requested by the CXC, students should become familiar with a
projects in their own word processing document and Microsoft Excel and practice
handwriting or can drawing graphs, tables and producing diagrams using the
some form of word software. Students should have a flash drive for back-up copies.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • The MOB SBA requires a visit to an established business.
on field trips and/or Teachers can give students a letter of introduction bearing the
be exposed to school stamp to present to the business being researched. The
personnel with visit can be done privately by the student.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any consumables by
should the school the school.
What help will be • Annual workshops are held by Officers of the TVET Unit,
provided to Heads of Curriculum Planning and Development Division to discuss
Department and SBAs.
teachers? • Curriculum Officers - Business are available to assist any
teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done by the Head of Department, Vice
Principals expect? Principal and/or Principals using the suggested guidelines.
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division where
samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads of
Departments and teachers.
What additional • Additional support can be requested from Curriculum Officers -
information do Business at the Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
Principals need?

Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) - CSEC

The SBA constitutes 50% of the final mark and each student must submit a portfolio reflecting
ALL activities done during the 2-year period.

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • From Term 1 of Form 4, portfolio Development commences
students begin once an activity has started. Teachers should start their SBA
working on SBAs? preparation with students in Term 1 of the academic year
(September to December) of Form 4.
When should SBAs • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
be completed? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores. This
is usually by the first week in March of the exam year.
When will SBAs be • Two visits are scheduled by the Moderator between January and

Questions/Concerns Response
moderated? March of the examination year.
What is the students’ • As required by the subject teacher. This is usually at the end of
deadline date? February of the examination year.
What is the teachers’ • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
deadline date? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores. This
is usually the first week of March of the examination year.
What aspects of the • While students can work in groups for the workshop/laboratory
SBAs can be done as exercises, individual portfolio submissions are required.
group work?
Are students allowed • Portfolio pieces/submissions can comprise both hand
to submit their created/written and electronically created and formatted
projects in their own documents as required by the syllabus/activity.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are usually standardized documents
standardized and (developed and issued by the CXC). These instruments are
clear or is there a discussed at the SBA workshops which are conducted annually
need for by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development
departmental Division.
discussion to ensure • Teachers can also use Assessment Instruments included in the
standardized previous syllabus or develop rubrics for assessing activities as
marking? outlined in the syllabus. The syllabus also provides a rubric for
assessment of the portfolio.
Should students go • Field trips, research assignments and use of resource personnel
on field trips and/or are recommended, especially where resources are unavailable.
be exposed to
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The Principal/School is required to provide all
should the school Metalwork/Machine Shop materials, consumables, tools and
provide? equipment to enable completion of practical exercises along with
digital camera, printer, computer and stationery to facilitate
portfolio development.
What help will be • Industrial Technology SBA workshops for Heads of Department
provided to Heads of and teachers are conducted annually by the Officers of the
Department and Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
teachers? • Additional support is also provided in understanding portfolio

Questions/Concerns Response
development, assessment, documentation and on-line submission
of scores.
• Assessor and Internal Verification training is provided by the
National Training Agency (NTA).
• Officers of the TVET Unit of the Curriculum Planning and
Development Division are always ready and willing to support
as necessary.
What level of • Monitoring of schools by Curriculum Officers is done at least
monitoring can once per term to ensure compliance with syllabus requirements.
Principals expect? • Monitoring occurs twice between January and March when the
actual Moderation/Internal Verification exercise takes place.
• The actual moderation exercise consists of two visits per center
by the moderator.
What special time • It is recommended that nine 40-minute or ten 35-minute periods
table arrangements be allocated for the subject, of which at least 2 triple period
need to be put in sessions be set aside for laboratory/workshop activities.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Principals must indicate to teachers that proper documentation of
information do all the relevant paperwork, assessment of projects and evidence
Principals need? of student’s work must be made available to
Moderators/External Verifiers. This is critical to ensure a
successful moderation exercise is conducted.
• If Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Units are being
claimed, Principals must be knowledgeable of the CVQ Quality
Assurance process – Facilities and Staff Audit, and ensure that
teachers are trained as Assessors and Internal Verifiers (IVs).
• Finally, schools are required to secure all students SBA
materials for up to three months after the release of CSEC

Music – CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Form 4. During each term, at least two performance
students begin pieces should be completed as well as the accompanying scale
working on SBAs? and arpeggios.
• The Listening and Appraising (LIAP) Project should also be
approached, one component of the project per term.
When should SBAs • End of Term 1 of Form 5.

Questions/Concerns Response
be completed?
When will SBAs be • Moderation will be done by external moderators following the
moderated? CXC’s timelines.
What is the students’ • Students should submit all SBAs no later than the middle of
deadline date? February.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers should submit marks no later than the last working day
deadline date? in February.
What aspects of the • The performance of ensemble pieces and the study of
SBAs can be done as performance pieces should be done in groups.
group work? • The development of LIAP skills should be done in groups and
individual work.
Are students allowed • The SBAs can be submitted in either the student’s own hand
to submit their writing or using some form of word processing.
projects in their own • In cases where it is hand-written, the writing must be legible.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • All mark schemes should be standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Students are encouraged to develop their listening skills through
on field trips and/or exposure to professionals outside the school.
be exposed to • As part of their SBA students are required to interview a
personnel with prominent artiste or attend a live performance.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools are required to provide instruments for students to play
should the school and have these instruments tuned or repaired where necessary
provide? e.g. steelpan.
What help will be • Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development Division
provided to Heads of are always willing to visit schools and have one on one sessions
Department and with Heads of Departments, teachers and groups of students.

Questions/Concerns Response
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be conducted by the Head of Department, Vice
Principals expect? Principal and/or Principal using guidelines.
• External Monitoring:
- Provided by Curriculum Officers, Curriculum Planning
and Development, during ongoing school visits or upon
• Samples of students’ SBAs can be requested from Heads of
Departments and teachers during school visits.
What special time • Students should submit parts of their SBA every term and have it
table arrangements marked by the teacher. A copy of the submissions should be
need to be put in retained by the teacher to aid in compiling the SBA.
place for SBAs? • Each term students should have studied and performed at least
two of the practical requirements of the syllabus as well as the
related scales and arpeggios or technical exercises.
What additional
information do • The process and products needed are clearly indicated in the
Principals need? syllabus.
• See Appendix 8.

Office Administration - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should begin working with students during Term 2 of
students begin Form 4. This can be initiated via an SBA timeline document
working on SBAs? which can be distributed to students. (See Appendix 5). This
document would be useful to track individual student progress.

When should SBAs • Term 2 of Form 5.

be completed?
When will SBAs be • Samples moderated by the CXC following the CXC’s timelines.
What is the students’ Student Teachers
deadline date? Deadlines must be specified by Teachers are required to submit
What is the teachers’ timeline document. timeline document to the Head of
deadline date?

Questions/Concerns Response
Department who will be
responsible for monitoring
Consequences for non- SBA timeline dates should be
compliance must be attached to combined into Scheme of Work to
each element of the timeline. enable bi-weekly or fortnightly
follow up.

Parent should sign timeline Head of Department should

document. communicate progress to
administration via an SBA report.
• Research project - can be conducted individually or in groups. If
What aspects of the the latter is pursued, the teacher must instruct students to utilize
SBAs can be done as different organizations to ensure that duplication does not occur.
group work?
Are students allowed • Office Administration assignments must be word processed and
to submit their submitted in a soft - back folder inclusive of the following:
projects in their own - Cover Page
handwriting or can - Table of Contents
some form of word - Bibliography.
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • The mark scheme for Office Administration is clearly specified
standardized and in the syllabus.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Office Administration requires students to visit organizations to
on field trips and/or conduct investigation into specific aspects of the business
be exposed to organization.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Reliable internet connection, computers, printers.
should the school

Questions/Concerns Response
What help will be • Teachers can request assistance for clarification of the mark
provided to Heads of schemes, marking of the SBAs and general implementation of
Department and the syllabus from Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
teachers? Development Division.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum Monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
during school visits.
What special time • SBA timeline dates should be combined into Scheme of Work to
table arrangements enable bi-weekly or fortnightly follow up.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 5.
information might
Principals need?

Performing Arts - Drama - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 2 of Form 6.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • By the end of Term 2 of Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • By the end of March of Term 2 of Form 6.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • By the end of April of Form 6.
deadline date?
What aspects of the • Group discussion with the teacher and /or peer discussion about
SBAs can be done as the meaningfulness of the process.
group work?
Are students allowed • Students may submit their journals in their own handwriting.
to submit their However, projects should be submitted in typewritten format.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word

Questions/Concerns Response
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.

standardized and • There is a need to have departmental discussion about the
clear or is there a criteria for assigning marks (especially when there is more than
need for one teacher in a department preparing students for the exam and
departmental the samples are taken across classes).
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Apprenticeship with practitioners.
on field trips and/or • Fieldtrips to view dramatic productions.
be exposed to • Perform in spaces outside of the school.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Textbooks, Internet access and theatre software.
should the school
What help will be • Workshops will be held as necessary by the Visual and
provided to Heads of Performing Arts Unit (VAPA) of the Curriculum Planning and
Department and Development Division to provide support for SBAs. Curriculum
teachers? Officers are available to assist any teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division where
samples of students; SBAs may be requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers.
What additional • Curriculum Officers of the VAPA Unit, the Curriculum
information do Planning and Development Division can be contacted if further
Principals need? information is required.

Performing Arts - Music - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 of Form 6.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • By the end of Term 2 of Form 6.
be completed?
What is the students’ • By the end of March of Term 2 of Form 6.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • By the end of Term 2 of Form 6.
deadline date?
• Perform on their instrument in an ensemble performance where the
What aspects of the
candidate has a clear and distinguishable role in the performance.
SBAs can be done as
Ensemble pieces must be Caribbean or arranged in a Caribbean
group work?
Are students allowed • Students can submit their projects in their own handwriting however
to submit their music software is available for composing and arranging of pieces.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
they use some form
of word processing?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and • There is a need to have departmental discussion about what they
clear or is there a will be looking for to assign marks (especially when there is more
need for than one teacher in a department preparing students for the exam
departmental and the samples are taken across classes.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Have students perform with instrumental groups that read Music e.g.
on field trips and/or Community orchestras, military and police bands, church
be exposed to ensembles.
personnel with • Invite local classical artistes to give workshops to the students on
subject expertise their activity.
outside the school? • Visit local orchestra rehearsals and concerts to examine rehearsal
and performance practice.

What resources • Additional textbooks, Internet access and instruments.

should the school

Questions/Concerns Response
What help will be • Workshops will be held when and where necessary by the VAPA
provided to Heads of Unit, Curriculum Planning and Development Division to discuss
Department and SBAs and Curriculum Officers are available to assist any teacher if
teachers? needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
during school visits.
What additional • Contact Curriculum Officers - Visual and Performing Arts,
information do Curriculum Planning and Development Division if further
Principals need? information is required.

Physical Education - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 1 - Theory.
students begin • Preparation for first Sport Option and Assessment of sport skills.
working on SBAs? • Term 2 - Theory.
• Preparation for first and second Sport Options and Assessment
of sport skills.
• Class Project: Introduction of the Class Project.
• Term 3 - Theory.
• Preparation for second and third Sport Options and Assessment
of sport skills.
• Class Project: Introduction of the Class Project.
• Term 4 - Theory.
• Preparation for third Sport Option and Assessment of Sport
• Continue Class Project.
When should SBAs • Term 5 - Theory.
be completed? • Assessment of third Sport Option.
• Preparation for External.
• Examination (Practical).
• Completion of Class Project.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Term 6 – Theory.
• Revision and External Examination (Paper 01 - Theory).
• External Examination (Paper 02 - Practical).
• Completion of Class Project.
What is the students’ • Teacher and students determine deadlines.
deadline date?
What is the • Principal and teacher determine deadlines in keeping with the
Teachers’ deadline CXC’s deadlines.
What aspects of the • The practical skills are assessed individually.
SBAs can be done as • The entire class plans and executes the project. Each student has
group work? an individual role to perform from 9 possible roles. In large
classes, more than one student may have the same role but must
work independently to collect relevant data and prepare written
reflections on the activities of the project to be submitted in a
Are students allowed • Students can submit either hand – written work that must be
to submit their legible or use some form of word processing.
projects in their own
handwriting or can
they use some form
of word processing?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear. However, to maintain
standardized and standards, teachers should have opportunities for ongoing
clear or is there a training, through workshops, in assessing the wide range of
need to have practical skills that students may choose.
departments discuss
what they will be
looking for to assign

Should students go • In Physical Education students are advised to liaise with coaches
on field trips or be or join Sports Clubs to enhance skills for the Paper 2 option.
exposed to personnel
with subject
expertise outside the
What resources • All equipment and resources for teaching and assessment
should the school purposes should be provided, except for the options that students
provide? choose which are offered by the CXC but are not within the

Questions/Concerns Response
national curriculum e.g. Golf, Boxing, and Martial Arts.

What help will be • Workshops on School - Based and Practical Assessments are
provided to Heads of done annually for new and beginning teachers.
Department and
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers during school visits.
What special time • Three hours per week is recommended.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
• To ensure that students develop the various skills that may be
What additional
acquired through involvement in CSEC Physical Education, the
information do
programme should cover a two-year period.
Principals need?

Physical Education – CAPE - Unit 1

Questions/Concerns Response
Who is eligible to • Any student with the minimum qualifications of 5 CXC subjects.
write the CAPE
Physical Education
Does the child have • No.
to possess a pass in
Physical Education at
the CXC level?
When should • The students should begin the SBA at the start of Term 1 with
students begin guidance in theory and practice from the teacher.
working on SBAs?
What might be a • An integrated approach in which the theory from Unit 1
good approach to use Anatomy and Physiology is used in conjunction with the

Questions/Concerns Response
when guiding practical activities.
students through the
How many periods • At least two periods per week.
per week should be
allocated to the
Are candidates • This is not necessary as the practical proficiency of the students
required to be highly will not be assessed. However, it is desirable that they attain
proficient in terms of adequate levels of competency.
skills/tactics related
to the practical area
chosen for the SBA?
What form • Students should be allowed to submit the written aspect in their
candidates can own handwriting or using a word processor.
present the written • Photocopied projects will not be accepted.
aspect of their SBA?
What sporting areas • Any sporting area which forms part of the syllabus either for
can a candidate Year 1 or 2.
choose to develop
his/her coaching
programme / lesson?
Can two or more • Two or more candidates can choose similar activities and
students choose lessons, provided that they are done individually and are not
similar sporting essentially the same. However, teachers should be vigilant to
activities and/or guard against plagiarism.
lessons for
assessment and
Can aspects of the • These aspects can be taught using collaborative strategies but for
SBA such as the SBA it must be strictly individual work.
Programme / Lesson
Planning be done as
a group or
Do students need to • Students are encouraged to deliver several lessons as practice but
deliver more than only 1 must be selected for assessment.
one lesson for
assessment purposes?
When does the • At the beginning of May after internal marks are entered on the

Questions/Concerns Response
moderation period Online Registration System (ORS).
What happens if the • Teachers should guide the students so that this should not occur.
teacher assessment However, the teacher must advise the moderator about any
conditions cannot be variation which should be considered.
replicated for the
moderation in terms
of venue,
equipment, weather
What should be done • Ensure that the other students are present and select the
if a student selected candidate with the ranking closest to the student who is unable to
by the ORS is unable participate.
to participate in the
moderation process
on the assigned day?
What is the role of • The teacher facilitates the administrative aspects of the process
the teacher during the for the students in terms of access to equipment facilities etc.
moderation process he/she provides the moderator with data and engages in
re: assistance to discussions related to the moderation.
student for access to
facilities, equipment
Can a candidate • No. The candidate must deliver the same lesson that was
change the sporting assessed by the teacher.
activity or lesson
which was assessed
by the teacher for the
Can the moderator • The moderator should not communicate directly with the
communicate with or candidate but can do so through the teacher if necessary.
question the students
during the
moderation process?
How should one • The moderator and teacher should discuss how they are going to
assess the officiating modify the rubric to suit the unique circumstance and use the
aspect in sporting adjusted rubric for internal assessment and moderation.
areas which do not
lend themselves

Questions/Concerns Response
readily to the
demands of the
rubric? E.g. Dance
and Swimming.
How should the • Allow the first candidate to break down the area after his/her
marking proceed in lesson. Give the second candidate an opportunity to set up the
situations where area as he/she sees fit.
students are doing
activities in the same
sporting area and the
first candidate would
have set up the area,
equipment etc.?
Are candidates • They may do so if they realize that the situation requires such an
allowed to divert intervention. This should be viewed in a positive light if it
from the stated contributes to pedagogical strength.
activities in their
lesson plan so as to
enhance the delivery
of the lesson?
Who is responsible • The centre or school is responsible for meeting the MOE and
for all administrative CAPE standards for an activity held outside of a school facility.
arrangements when
the moderation
exercise must be
completed off site?
What should occur if • If no compromise can be reached, the moderator’s mark should
the moderator and prevail.
the teacher cannot
agree on a mark for a
specific aspect of the
candidate’s work?
What information • The moderator should use the feedback form to discuss the
pertaining to the moderation process. Also, informal discussions related to
moderation process enhancing the programme should follow at the end of
is the school entitled moderation.
to receive? When and
from whom?

Physical Education – CAPE - Unit 2
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • At the beginning of Term 1, the format of SBA should be
students begin discussed. It is also recommended that candidates be provided
working on SBAs? with assessment criteria before commencing the project, as
students are required to host an event and produce a written
• Some time in class should be allocated for general discussion of
project work.
What might be a • Teachers can start with the Sports Management Module of the
good approach to use Unit as the SBA relies heavily on this module. The teacher
when guiding should work with students in producing the questionnaire and
students through the other aspects of the research.
When is the deadline • The teacher should work with students to develop definite time
for students’ lines for achieving clearly identified objectives, from project
submission of the inception to project completion.
written product? • The SBA should not be implemented as a one - shot assessment
• Encourage students to work on the SBA assignment in stages.
Feedback should be provided as necessary at every stage of the
• Allow students multiple opportunities to redo the SBA tasks and
to submit different drafts of the SBA for review.
• On each draft, provide the student with feedback that will allow
him/her to improve on other drafts.
• The final SBA product should be the students’ best work.
In what form • The project is written work based on research or investigation
candidates can involving collection, analysis and evaluation of data.
present the written • Students should be allowed to submit the SBA electronically.
aspect of their SBA? • Photocopied projects will not be accepted.
What areas can a • The SBA can take the format of a sporting event, a conference, a
candidate choose to fair or workshop.
develop his/her event
Can two or more • The Unit 2 SBA can be done in groups to share the workload of
students work on an the project.
event together?
Can aspects of the • The written product to be moderated can be done in a group.

Questions/Concerns Response
SBA such as the
written product be
done as a group or
When does the • The Moderation period for Unit 2 begins at the end of February
moderation period and continues in March as the unit must be moderated in the
begin? presence of the moderator.
What is the role of • The teacher during the SBA moderation must also mark the
the teacher during the students’ work in the presence of the moderator. The event must
moderation process be set up beforehand without the assistance of the teacher.
re: assistance to
student for access to
facilities, equipment
Can the moderator • The moderator should keep all communication between the
communicate with or teacher and him/herself during the moderation period.
question the students
during the
moderation process?
What type of • The teacher should provide a list of resources to the
resources will be administration that students will need to complete the SBA.
provided for the • The school is expected to supply all resources: access to
SBA? computers and scanners; printing facilities; practical equipment
and multi-media for the event.
How should the • The teacher should create his/her own internal rubric to assess
marking proceed in each student individually so that differentiation in marking can
situations where be obtained.
students are
producing the same
written document in
a group?
Who is responsible • The centre or school is responsible for meeting the MOE and the
for all administrative CXC CAPE standards for an activity held outside of a school
arrangements when facility.
the moderation
exercise must be
completed off site?

Physics - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers should begin students’ practical activities from Term 1
students begin of Unit 1 and 2.
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • At the end of April of the year of the examination.
be completed?
What aspects of the • The CXC recommends that a maximum of three students should
SBAs can be done as be assigned to group work.
group work? • In cases where students work in a group and obtain similar
results, the lab report submitted must be done individually by
each member of the group and only the Aim, Apparatus and
Materials, Diagrams and Results reported are expected to be
• All other formats of the lab report such as Method, Calculations,
Graphs, Sources of Error, Precautions, Discussion, Reflection
and Conclusion are expected to be different as the lab report is
written up individually by each member of the group.
• Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
students can be grouped for a large class.
Are students allowed • A bounded Laboratory Book should be used for recording and
to submit their reporting activities where applicable.
projects in their own • The lab report should be done in students’ handwriting, in
handwriting or can addition to graphs and diagrams that are also drawn.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • There should be departmental discussion on all practical
standardized and activities to be conducted.
clear or is there a • All mark schemes to be used should be standardized.
need for • SBA marks are not uploaded to the CXC’s ORS as individual
departmental classes, but as a group, so it is imperative that standardized mark
discussion to ensure schemes be used for SBA grading.
Should students go • Field trips are recommended for students pursuing CAPE
on field trips and/or Physics to promote interest and develop the students’
be exposed to understanding of theoretical concepts, principles and laws to the
personnel with “real world”.
subject expertise • Persons whose jobs typically involve Principles and
outside the school? Applications of Physics such as Pilots and Engineers should be

Questions/Concerns Response
sourced and encouraged to relate their “real world” Physics
experiences and insights to the students.
What resources • Heads of Department should provide to their Principal, adequate
should the school and timely requisitions for essential material and apparatus
provide? needed to conduct laboratory activities.
• The Recommended Minimum Equipment List can be found on
pages 76 – 77 of the CAPE Physics CXC A16/U2/07 syllabus.
What help will be • Workshops for new teachers are to be conducted throughout the
provided to Heads of academic year by the Curriculum Officers - Science of the
Department and Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
teachers? • Online support through the Physics Educators’ Network of
Trinidad and Tobago (PENTT) is expected to facilitate effective
What special time • CAPE: 3 periods per week (40 minutes per period).
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • See Appendix 2.
information do
Principals need?

Physics - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Practical activities should begin in Term 1 of Form 4.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • During the period from the end of February to the second week
be completed? in March in the year of examination.
How is Physics • For CSEC Physics moderation, the exercise would commence in
moderated? February of Form 4, and is expected to be completed by the end
of March in the year of the examination.
• Moderation of the five selected students would also include the
four experimental skills i.e. ORR, AI, MM and PD. During
moderation a practical activity would be conducted by the
students whose books were chosen for sample.
• The assigned moderator would observe these students perform
the activity among their peers, and the skill assessed at that point
in time would include Manipulation/Measurement (MM).

Questions/Concerns Response
• This skill of MM and another, would then be marked by the
assigned moderator and completed in the corresponding
Moderation forms available for download from CXC.org
• Principals should expect moderators from March to second week
in April.
• See Appendix 2.
What is the students’ • The deadlines should facilitate the onsite moderator visits in
deadline date? Term 3 of Year 1 for the Form 4 and during Term 2 of Year 2 in
Form 5 for a second visit.
• Administrators should set their deadline to their Heads of
Departments in relation to when the assessment sheets are
submitted by the onsite moderator to the Local Registrar by
April 30th of the year of the examinations.
What is the teachers’ • The suggested teacher’s/school’s internal deadline date, should
deadline date? be at least three weeks prior to Ministry of Education’s final
deadline date. This date is based on the particular needs of the
individual school and would be determined by the Principal.
What aspects of the • The CXC recommends that a maximum of three students should
SBAs can be done as be assigned to group work concerning the Investigative project.
group work? • In cases where students work in a group and obtain similar
results, the lab report submitted must be done individually by
each member of the group and only the Aim, Apparatus and
Materials, Diagrams and Results reported are expected to be
• All other formats of the lab report such as Method, Calculations,
Graphs, Sources of Error, Precautions, Discussion, Reflection
and Conclusion are expected to be different as the lab report is
written up individually by each member of the group.
• Any group work must be done in pairs - a maximum of 3
students can be grouped for a large class.
Are students allowed • A bounded Laboratory Book should be used for recording and
to submit their reporting activities where applicable.
projects in their own • The lab report should be done in students’ handwriting, in
handwriting or can addition to graphs and diagrams that are also drawn.
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • There should be departmental discussion on all practical
standardized and activities to be conducted. This is especially important when
clear or is there a different Physics teachers are teaching the same Form level i.e.

Questions/Concerns Response
need for Form 4 or 5.
departmental • All mark schemes to be used should be standardized.
discussion to ensure • SBA marks are not uploaded to the CXC’s ORS as individual
standardized classes, but as a group, so it is imperative that standardized mark
marking? schemes be used for SBA grading.
Should students go • Field trips are recommended for students pursuing CAPE
on field trips and/or Physics to promote interest and develop the students’
be exposed to understanding of theoretical concepts, principles and laws to the
personnel with “real world”.
subject expertise • Persons whose jobs typically involve Principles and
outside the school? Applications of Physics such as Pilots and Engineers should be
sourced and encouraged to relate their “real world” Physics
experiences and insights to the students.
What resources • Heads of Department should provide to their Principal, adequate
should the school and timely requisitions for essential material and apparatus
provide? needed to conduct laboratory activities.
• The Recommended Minimum Equipment List can be found on
pages 78 – 80 of the new CSEC Physics CXC 22/G/SYLL 13
What help will be • Workshops for new teachers are to be conducted throughout the
provided to Heads of academic year by the Curriculum Officers - Science of the
Department and Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
teachers? • Online support through the Physics Educators’ Network of
Trinidad and Tobago (PENTT) is expected to facilitate effective
What level of • For CSEC Physics, Form Four (4) Monitoring exercises would
monitoring can commence in February and would be completed by the end of
Principals expect? March in the year of the examination.
• In the case of Form Four monitoring, Monitors will: Check the
lab books of the fourth form students, and at least ten 10 lab
practical activities should have been marked by the teacher at
that point in time. They might speak with a few of the fourth
form students to get a sense of their lab experience and finally
complete the Moderator’s report form FRM/EDPD/0296 or 0297
or 0298.
What special time • A minimum of five 40-minute periods per week, including one
table arrangements double period, be allocated to the subject over a two-year period.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?

Questions/Concerns Response
What additional • See Appendix 2.
information do
Principals need?

Principles of Accounts - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Term 3 of Form 4.
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • SBA deadline dates can be: First draft first week in December,
be completed? second draft first week in January and the final draft just before
Carnival and mock examinations.
What is the students’ • By the end of February of Term 2 of Form 5.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • Teachers should present marks for the first draft of the SBA to
deadline date? their Head of Department midway through Term 2 of Form 5.
Final SBA marks are due by the end of Term 2 of Form 5.
What aspects of the • The SBA can be a simulated exercise designed by teacher or by
SBAs can be done as students working in groups. Each student must present an
group work? individual report and display knowledge and skills in his/her
own words.
Are students allowed • Use word processing for the description, analysis etc. (and
to submit their manually for ledgers, day books etc.).
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?

Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are clarified through use of moderation sheet and
standardized and further clarification sought through departmental discussions.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Field trips are not required.
on field trips and/or

Questions/Concerns Response
be exposed to
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The teachers/students choice of activity will determine the kind
should the school of resources needed.
What help will be • Workshops are held by the TVET Unit, Curriculum Planning
provided to Heads of and Development Division every year to provide support for
Department and SBAs. Curriculum Officers - Business are available to assist any
teachers? teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers during school visits.
What additional • Contact Business Curriculum Officers at the Curriculum
information do Planning and Development Division if further information is
Principals need? required.

Principles of Business (POB) - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Inform students about the requirements of the SBA during the
students begin first week Term 1 of Form 4. Students should be given a copy
working on SBAs? of the SBA rubric/mark scheme and be advised to follow the
rubric as POB topics are taught. Students should have a SBA
notebook to do sections of the SBA as the relevant topic is
taught in class. Teachers should set timelines for SBA
• For SBA based on Production module, students can start SBA
from Term 1 of Form 4. A first draft of the complete SBA can
be submitted by the first week in the Term 1 of Form 5. A
second draft can be submitted midway through Term 1 and the
final by the first week in Term 2 of Form 5.
• For SBA based on the Marketing module, students can start SBA

Questions/Concerns Response
at the end of Term 3 of Form 4.
• For SBA based on the Finance module, students can start during
the Term 1 of Form 5.
When should SBAs • By the end of February of Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?
What is the students’ • For Production SBA, a first draft of the complete SBA can be
deadline date? submitted by the first week in the Term 1 of Form 5. A second
draft can be submitted midway through Term 1 and the final by
the first week in Term 2 of Form 5.
• For the Marketing SBA, the first draft must be presented first
week in Term 2 of Form 5 for marking. Midway through the
term a second draft should be presented to the teacher for
marking and the final SBA must be presented before the end of
the Term 2.
• For the Finance SBA, students can start during the Term 1 of
Form 5. A first draft must be presented midway during the Term
1 of Form 5. A second draft must be presented midway during
the Term 2 of Form 5 and a final SBA before the end of Term 2.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers should present marks for the first draft of the SBA to
deadline date? their Head of Department midway through Term 2 of Form 5.
Final SBA marks are due by the end of Term 2 of Form 5.
What aspects of the • The POB SBA is an individual project and student work should
SBAs can be done as be done in a notebook in the class assigned SBA period.
group work? • When all parts are completed then the parts should be put
together to form the entire project.
Are students allowed • Since online submission of CAPE Economics SBAs is now
to submit their requested by the CXC, students should become familiar with a
projects in their own word processing document and Microsoft Excel and practice
handwriting or can drawing graphs, tables and producing diagrams using the
some form of word software. Students should have a flash drive for back-up copies.
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are standardized and clear.
standardized and
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • The POB SBA is a business plan and students are required to
on field trips and/or start their own businesses. They can visit a similar type business
be exposed to to aid in the final presentation. This can be done privately by the
personnel with student.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any resources by the
should the school school.
What help will be • Workshops are held by the TVET Unit, Curriculum Planning
provided to Heads of and Development Division every year to discuss SBAs and
Department and Curriculum Officers - Business are available to assist any
teachers? teacher if needed.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Curriculum Officers
where samples of student SBAs are requested from Heads
of Departments and teachers during school visits.
What additional • Contact Curriculum Officers - Business at Curriculum Planning
information do and Development Division if further information is required.
Principals need?

Pure Mathematics - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Three Module Tests - Unit 1.
students begin • Three Module Tests - Unit 2.
working on SBAs? • The module tests must be administered under examination
conditions at the school. They are not to be done as homework
When should SBAs • The module tests should be completed in adherence with the
be completed? school’s internal deadline which should be at least one week
prior to the date set for the school’s submission to the Local
• In order to meet the CXC’s deadlines, Local Registrars will set
their own deadline dates for submission of records and samples

Questions/Concerns Response
from schools.
When will SBAs be • Moderation by remarking:
moderated? - Trained examiners re- mark samples of assignments,
practical work or projects during the marking exercise.
These samples are carefully chosen so as to analyze the
quality of the marking and the consistency with which the
teachers apply the marking scheme.
• Besides providing a moderation procedure, the remarking of the
assignments has another critical purpose. It is intended to assess
whether teachers have understood the CXC’s procedures. The
CXC provides moderation feedback reports to teachers with
comments designed to help teachers to improve their
professional expertise in assessment. This diagnostic concept is a
critical feature in the development of the teachers of the region.
• All moderation forms are available from the local registrar or
can be downloaded from the CXC website at www.cxc.org.
What is the students’ • The teacher should work with students to develop definite time-
deadline date? lines for completing all three module tests.
• The module tests should be administered after the teacher has
completed the syllabus objectives defined in the respective
What is the teachers’ • The completed mark sheets should be submitted to the CXC no
deadline date? later than April 30th of the year of the examination, via the
Online Registration System (ORS).
• Awareness of the Local Registrar’s deadline as well as the
CXC’s deadline will inform the Principals of the internal dead
line that needs to be set for the teachers.
What aspects of the • Preparation for the module tests can be done collaboratively
SBAs can be done as using a study group.
group work? • The module tests must be done independently under normal
examination conditions.
Are students allowed • The module tests are in the form of pencil and paper tests,
to submit their therefore they should be handwritten using dark blue or black
projects in their own ink.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Where necessary teachers should ensure a standardized approach
standardized and to their interpretation of the given guidelines.

Questions/Concerns Response
clear or is there a • Where a school may have teachers for separate groups within the
need for subject, departments should collaborate to develop and
departmental implement standards, in order to ensure that the moderation
discussion to ensure results are not adverse due to an obvious lack of standardization
standardized across groupings.
Should students go • Site visits and field trips must focus on objectives included in the
on field trips and/or syllabus in order to provide students with experiences which
be exposed to expand and reinforce their understanding.
personnel with • Refer to Caribbean Examinations Council SBA Handbook for
subject expertise Teachers, October 2013, pp.12-14, available on the CXC
outside the school? website at www.cxc.org.

What resources • The teacher should provide a list of resources that students will
should the school need to complete the SBA.
provide? • The school is expected to supply the module tests and writing
paper on the day of the test.

What help will be • Workshops and school visits to Heads of Departments and
provided to Heads of teachers are provided by Officers of the Curriculum Planning
Department and and Development Division, to assist teachers in the design and
teachers? development of the module tests, if necessary.
• Administrators should encourage Heads of Department and
teachers to develop, participate in and support Mathematics
fraternities in their districts.

What level of • Internal monitoring can be done by officers of the Curriculum

monitoring can Planning and Development Division at the request of the
Principals expect? Principals.
What special time • One hour to one and a half hours of class time should be
table arrangements scheduled for each module test.
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • The CXC CAPE Syllabi are comprehensive and should be read
information do thoroughly by students so that they are aware of what is
Principals need? expected of them.
• Principals should also ensure that:
- Teachers are using the appropriate syllabus.
- Teachers and Heads of Department receive the appropriate
- Teachers are aware of the relevant materials, such as

Questions/Concerns Response
Guidelines for the submission of SBA samples and the
Moderation of SBA Form required for the administration
of the SBA.
- Teachers offer assistance to students only as permitted in
the syllabus.
- Teachers complete all the relevant information on the
appropriate forms and submit the SBA marks and SBA
samples by the deadline dates.
• Principals should encourage teachers to monitor students'
progress by advising them on the quality of their work in
progress and suggesting ways to improve quality.
• All assessments and assessment sheets are part of the
examination records and will be considered the property of the
• See Appendix 6.

Religious Education - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • All research must be completed and the paper written prior to
students begin Term 2 of the final school year (The CXC syllabus guidelines).
working on SBAs? • It is recommended that work begins in Term 2 of Form 4 to
When should SBAs allow students time to select and investigate their topics.
be completed?
When will SBAs be • Samples will be moderated by the CXC.
What is the students’ • The deadlines should consider the following:
deadline date? - Selection of a topic: Term 2 of Form 4.
What is the teachers’ - Researching the topic: Terms 2 and 3 of Form 4.
deadline date? - Writing of the paper: Term 3 of Form 4
What aspects of the - Submission of the final paper: Term 1 of Form 5.
SBAs can be done as • The Religious Education SBA, is an individual project subject to
group work? selection of a topic by the student.
Are students allowed • The paper should be typed.
to submit their • The narrowing down of the topic and the formulation of the aims
projects in their own of the research can be done using a group work approach.
handwriting or can • Students must submit their work in typewritten format.
some form of word
processing be used?

Questions/Concerns Response
Are mark schemes • The mark scheme is standardized by the CXC and is clearly set
standardized and out in the Religious Education Syllabus.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • The Religious Education paper requires expert knowledge from
on field trips and/or resource persons external to the school which students can
be exposed to gather on their own under parental supervision and teacher
personnel with guidance. Field trips can be an integral part of the process
subject expertise depending on the perspective of the students’ topic(s).
outside the school?
What resources • Access to the computer lab and printing facility.
should the school
What help will be • Monitoring of the process to ensure that students and teachers
provided to Heads of are on track.
Department and
What level of • Visits by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development
monitoring can Division upon request once feasible.
Principals expect?
What special time • A minimum of 2 periods per week.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Ensure that the papers are properly edited and of a high quality.
information do • Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic
Principals need? Submission of Religious Education effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.

Questions/Concerns Response
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.

Social Studies - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers can begin task in Term 2 of Form 4 or for the latest
students begin Term 3 of Form 4. This will allow for some syllabus coverage
working on SBAs? and some options for selection of SBA topics.
• Deadlines should be set for each of the nine tasks.
• Submission of first draft should be by end of Term 1 of Form 5.
When should SBAs • Submission of first draft should be by end of Term 1 of Form 5.
be completed? • Submission of first draft should be by end of Term 1 of Form 5.
Final draft should be by February of Term 2.
What aspects of the • Teachers should brainstorm ideas with students after which a list
SBAs can be done as of social/economic/political concerns can be compiled. If more
group work? than one student chooses a particular topic then a group can be
configured. Clear guidelines should be given for the actual
writing - up of group SBAs. Whilst similarities may be allowed
up to the questionnaire, all ensuing tasks must reflect individual

Are students allowed Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
to submit their of Social Studies effective 2016.
projects in their own • Student and teacher access to:
handwriting or can - Internet.
some form of word - Computer with related software.
processing be used? • Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.
Are mark schemes • While there are standardized mark scheme, teachers should be
standardized and clear on the expectations for each task before proceeding to
clear or is there a assign marks. Department meetings should be arranged so that
need for all ambiguities are erased and marking can be done
departmental collaboratively.
discussion to ensure

Questions/Concerns Response
Should students go • Some topics may require a field trip (e.g. Geography based -
on field trips and/or focusing on an environmental issue).
be exposed to • Resource material can be used to support analysis- archives,
personnel with internet sites (Caribbean based), books, newspapers, magazines,
subject expertise etc.
outside the school?
What resources Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
should the school of Social Studies effective 2016.
provide? • Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.
What help will be • Workshops.
provided to Heads of • Identification of teacher training needs in teaching strategies,
Department and assessment.
teachers? • The CXC update on any syllabus change.
What level of • Termly monitoring of teaching practices and SBAs. Termly
monitoring can monitoring of teaching practices and SBAs.
Principals expect?
What special time • Where there are double periods teachers can choose to teach
table arrangements lesson content for 1 period and SBA research methods/tasks in
need to be put in another period.
place for SBAs?
What additional Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
information do of Social Studies effective 2016.
Principals need? • Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.

Questions/Concerns Response
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.

Sociology - CAPE

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers can begin task in Term 1.
students begin • Sufficient time should be allowed for teaching the research
working on SBAs? skills.
When should SBAs • Planning for the research paper can begin as early as Term 1.
be completed? • Research should begin after sociological concepts, perspectives
and methods have been taught.
When will SBAs be • Samples will be moderated within the CXC’s timelines.
What is the students’ • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
deadline date? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores.
What is the teachers’ • Group work should be encouraged and employed where
deadline date? appropriate. However, students are expected to submit individual
What aspects of the assignments.
SBAs can be done as • Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic
group work? Submission of CAPE Sociology effective 2016.
Are students allowed Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
to submit their of Social Studies effective 2016.
projects in their own • Student and teacher access to:
handwriting or can - Internet.
some form of word - Computer with related software.
processing be used? • Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.
Are mark schemes • While there are standardized mark schemes teachers should be
standardized and clear on the expectations of each task before proceeding to
clear or is there a actually assign marks. Department meetings should be arranged
need for so that all ambiguities are erased and marking can be done

Questions/Concerns Response
departmental collaboratively.
discussion to ensure • Effective May- June 2014 the School - Based Assessment for
standardized each Unit consists of a research paper of 1300-1500 words.
Should students go • Some topics may require a field trip. Resource material can be
on field trips and/or used to support analysis- archives, internet sites (Caribbean
be exposed to based), books, newspapers, magazines etc.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic
should the school Submission of CAPE Sociology effective 2016.
provide? Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
of Social Studies effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.
What help will be • Workshops: Identification of teacher training needs in teaching
provided to Heads of strategies, assessment. CXC’s update on any syllabus change.
Department and
What level of • Termly monitoring of teaching practices and SBAs.
monitoring can
Principals expect?
What special time • 2 - 4 periods per week.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic
information do Submission of CAPE Sociology effective 2016.
Principals need? • Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.

Questions/Concerns Response
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.
Effective May- June 2014 the school based assessment for each unit
consists of a research paper of 1300-1500 words.

Technical Drawing (TD) - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should teachers • As soon as teaching begins in Form 4, as portfolio development
begin working with commences once an activity has started.
students on the SBAs? • Teachers should start their SBA preparation with students in the
Term 1 of Form 4
• Since the portfolio is an accumulation of the students’ ongoing
learning across the course of the two-year programme, it must
be started at the commencement of the Technical Drawing
What should the SBA • The SBA assessment will contain:
assessment contain? - At least Five pieces of evidence from Section 1
(Fundamentals of Technical Drawing): - Two from
Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment (OHS
and E) and three from the remaining section.
- Checklist of evidence of site visit (for example, name of
company, contact person, summary of organisation’s
health and safety practices, safety practice deficiencies
identified, environmental practices, photographs or other
forms of evidence).
- Project on various types of lines, symbols, drawing
conventions and codes.
- Project on drawing equipment and instruments.
• Six pieces from Section 2 - (Geometrical Construction):
- At least six pieces of evidence: 3 from Plane Geometry
and 3 from Solid Geometry.
The evidence must be derived from different topics within the
• Section 3A (Building Drawing) or 3B (Mechanical Engineering

Questions/Concerns Response
Evidence of these sections will take the following format:
- Design/redesign a Building component or Mechanical
Engineering device/gadget to solve a simple functional
problem in one of fourteen categories.
When should SBAs be • As required by the school in accordance with the Ministry of
completed? Education’s deadlines for the online submission of scores. This
is usually by the first week in March of the exam year.
When will SBAs be • Samples will be moderated by the CXC.
What is the students’ • Students’ deadlines by teachers should be the end of February of
deadline date? Term 2. (The school’s deadline for SBA submission is set by
Examination Section and schools in turn set their internal
deadlines. TD teachers should set a deadline two weeks prior to
the school deadline to accommodate the student that is late or
requires adjustments to their project).
• It is recommended that teachers break up the project in parts and
set perhaps two week deadlines for each part. The week of those
deadlines teachers can dedicate a double or triple period to work
with students on each part that is due.
What is the teachers’ • Teachers’ deadlines by Principals should be the second week of
deadline date? March in Term 2.
Should it be a group • The TD SBA is an individual project but the initial ideas for
project and if so how solutions to the problem can be brainstormed in groups during
should teachers ensure class sessions. Students can then move on to individualizing the
that individual work solutions. This makes the SBA less intimidating to students.
goes on e.g. what can
be supplied as a
common submission
and what should the
student's own
Are students allowed • Students are required to write a:
to submit their - Problem statement.
projects in their own - Conditions.
handwriting or can - Design justification.
some form of word - Design a portfolio.
processing be used? • All students must submit a portfolio where their cover page and
the written aspects can be showcased in a file along with the
working drawings. However, hand written or word processing

Questions/Concerns Response
document formats are acceptable.
Are mark schemes • The syllabus has a standardized and detailed mark scheme.
standardized and clear • The SBA is a composite of the marks derived from the School -
or is there a need for Based Assessment portfolio pieces which show a clear
departmental integration of the recommended units for the integration of the
discussion to ensure CVQ drawing units. The selected standards and units for
standardized marking? integration are:
- General Construction (CCBCG10102), Draw and interpret
simple drawings (BCGCOR0031A).
- Furniture Making (CCLMF10103, Read and interpret work
documents (LMFCOR0071A).
- Electrical Installation (CCMEM11002, Draw and interpret
sketches and simple drawings (MEMCOR0091A) or
- Metal Work Engineering (CCMEM10302), Draw and
interpret sketches and simple drawings
Should students go on • TD students must be exposed to work attachments (job
field trips and/or be placement, work experience, job shadowing or apprenticeship)
exposed to personnel with agencies of Government, drafting/architectural firms,
with subject expertise fabrication/construction companies. This is to give students an
outside the school? opportunity to observe the application of the various standards
and compare the practices observed with the documented
standards and expectations. Students can present their findings
in class.
• Teachers must arrange site visits to agencies of Government,
drafting/architectural firms, fabrication/construction companies
and suppliers of drawing equipment, tools and materials for
students to observe standardized processes and interact with
new drawing resources. Students can develop an instructional
manual complete with safety precautions for the tools and
equipment to which they were exposed on the visit.
What • The Principals is required to provide:
resources/consumables - Consumable materials (paper for drawing or printing; ink
should the school for printers for students using Computer Aided Design
provide? (CAD).
- Drawing tables for traditional method.
- Computers (with the capability i.e. RAM and memory) to
use a CAD program that can respond to drawing
commands quickly.
What help will be • Curriculum monitoring throughout the process, assessment of

Questions/Concerns Response
provided to Heads of the SBA process and provide feedback to teachers.
Department and • Additionally, Principals/Heads of Departments can contact the
teachers? Curriculum Planning and Development Division to solicit
assistance to provide support for teachers and aid in clarity in
product, processes or procedures.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
What special • Principals can encourage TD teachers to allow students to use
arrangements need to the TD room during the lunch period or make arrangements for
be put in place e.g. 1 the use of the TD room during the lunch period on certain days,
period a week, 3 hour especially just prior to the final deadline.
or whole day set • Adequate periods, a minimum of 6. The suggested time
aside? allocation is six 40-minute periods per week, distributed as 2 x 3
periods or 3 x 2 periods. Single periods are not recommended.
What additional • The syllabus is divided into four sections:
information do - Section 1 - Fundamentals of Technical Drawing
Principals need? - Section 2 - Geometrical Construction
o Plane Geometry.
o Solid Geometry.
- Section 3 - Building Drawing.
- Section 4 - Mechanical Engineering Drawing.
• Students are expected to undertake:
- Section 1: Fundamentals of Technical Drawing.
- Section 2: Geometrical Construction and either
- Section 3: Building Drawing or
- Section 4: Mechanical Engineering Drawing.
• Schools are required to secure all SBA (Projects and written
assignments) three months after the release of CSEC results to
enable queries to be entertained and investigated.
• See Appendix 7.

Textiles, Clothing and Fashion - CSEC
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • The SBA requires that students produce a portfolio with a
students begin minimum of sixteen practical activities and it is important that
working on SBAs? the compilation of this portfolio commence during Term 1 of
When should SBAs Form 4.
be completed? • SBAs should be completed by February of Form 5.
When will SBAs be • The second SBA will be moderated during the end of Term 1 or
moderated? the beginning of Term 2 of Form 5. The CVQ portfolios will be
moderated at least twice by external personnel during the two
year period.

What is the students’ • As stated by the school.

deadline date? • The students are required to complete three SBA assessments
over the course of two years before the end of Term 2 of Form 5.
What is the teachers’ - One assessment in the Term 3 of Form 4 to be marked by
deadline date? the teacher.
What aspects of the - One assessment between November and February of Form
SBAs can be done as 5, to be marked by an External Moderator and the teacher.
group work? - One assessment in the Term 2 of Form 5, to be marked by
Are students allowed the teacher.
to submit their • Students are expected to be competent in the areas being tested
projects in their own therefore sufficient practical exercises should be conducted prior
handwriting or can to the SBA period.
some form of word • The preliminary practical activities that forms part of the
processing be used? portfolio.
• Evaluation exercises should be done in the students’
handwriting. Word processing or students handwriting are
accepted for all other aspects.
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes for all SBAs are standardized and clear.
standardized and However, new teachers will be trained in marking SBAs at
clear or is there a moderation workshops.
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • It is advisable that students be taken on field trips to various
on field trips and/or stakeholders e.g. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards to
be exposed to

Questions/Concerns Response
personnel with view various laboratory techniques.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • The school is responsible for providing the consumables for the
should the school students SBA assignments therefore teachers are required to
provide? submit their requisition lists in a timely manner.

What help will be • Guidance in accordance with the requirements of the SBA such
provided to Heads of as - interpretation of the question, suggestions on approach and
Department and pre requisites will be provided.
What level of • Internal Monitoring:
monitoring can - Should be done internally by the Head of Department,
Principals expect? Vice Principal and/or Principals using the suggested
• External Monitoring:
- Curriculum monitoring is done by Officers of the
Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
What special time • On designated dates with agreement from external moderator.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • The Curriculum Officer will be available to provide guidance to
information do teachers where necessary. It is advisable that where a new
Principals need? teacher is given a Form 5 class that the Curriculum Officer be
contacted to provide assistance as necessary.

Theatre Arts including Dance - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • From Term 2 of Form 4 and ongoing
students begin
working on SBAs?
When should SBAs • Term 3 of Form 4 - May/June (Practical 1).
be completed? • Term 1 of Form 5 - November (Practical 2).
• Term 2 of Form 5 - March (Practical 3).
• Written SBA - Critique of a Play - June of Form 4.
• Written SBA - Research Paper - December of Form 5.
When will SBAs be • Moderation by the CXC.

Questions/Concerns Response
What is the students’ • Term 3 of Form 4 - May/June (Practical 1).
deadline date? • Term 1 of Form 5 - November (Practical 2).
• Term 2 of Form 5 - March (Practical 3).
• Written SBA - Critique of a Play – April of Form 4.
• Written SBA - Research Paper - November of Form 5.
What is the teachers’ • Term 3 of Form 4 - May/June (Practical 1).
deadline date? • Term 1 of Form 5 - November (Practical 2).
• Term 2 of Form 5 - March (Practical 3).
• Written SBA - Critique of a Play - June of Form 4.
• Written SBA - Research Paper - December of Form 5.
What aspects of the • All practical SBAs are group SBAs. Students are required to
SBAs can be done as journal their process individually.
group work?
Are students allowed • Word documents are recommended for the written SBAs.
to submit their
projects in their own
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • Mark schemes are clear. Workshops are arranged annually for all
standardized and Theatre Arts teachers in order to standardize mark schemes.
clear or is there a
need for
discussion to ensure
Should students go • Theatre Arts requires students to go on field trips to view live
on field trips and/or plays or Dance productions, some of which are at night.
be exposed to • Also, the Research Paper requires students to conduct a physical
personnel with interview with a Theatre /Dance practitioner.
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Payment of cost to attend two productions per academic year for
should the school all students of Theatre Arts.
provide? • The school should provide transport and the cost of at least half
of admission per student, and payments in full for the Theatre
Arts teacher.

Questions/Concerns Response
• The written SBA (Critique) is based on live viewing of a
What help will be • Workshops for teachers are scheduled twice per year. Visits to
provided to Heads of schools by Officers of the Curriculum Planning and
Department and Development Division, either by request or routine, will offer
teachers? support to Heads of Department and teachers.
What level of • Monitoring of the CSEC results will inform the Officers of the
monitoring can Curriculum Planning and Development Division of the areas of
Principals expect? concern.
- Working with Principals to monitor posts, time-tabling,
allocation of space and resources, student performance
What special time • Three periods per week should be allocated for SBA preparation.
table arrangements
need to be put in
place for SBAs?
What additional • Theatre Arts at CSEC comprises 3 options – Drama, Dance,
information do Stagecraft
Principals need? • Each option has 3 practical SBAs and 2 written SBAs
• Practical SBAs are scheduled by the CXC as follows:
- Term 3 of Form - May/June Practical 1.
- Term 1 of Form 5 - November Practical 2.
- Term 2 of Form 5 - March Practical 3.
• An External Examiner will visit the school on scheduled days to
conduct external examination of the practical SBAs, along with
the teacher.
• Focus on the Theatre Arts curriculum as a performance-based

Tourism - CAPE
Questions/Concerns Response
When should • Teachers must provide students with the requirements of the
students begin School Based Assessment (one per Unit) within the first week of
working on SBAs? Form Six.
• By October/November of the year level, students must begin
working on the SBA.
When should SBAs • The SBA must be completed by the end of March of Term 2 of
be completed? Form 6.

Questions/Concerns Response
What is the students’ • Deadline dates must be set for students to complete the SBA for
deadline date? Units 1 and 2.
• Teachers must monitor the various stages to ensure the work is
authentic and to prevent plagiarism.
What is the teachers’ • Administrators must set deadlines for the marking of the SBAs
deadline date? and submission of marks to meet the deadline of the CXC.

What aspects of the • The Tourism SBA for Unit 1 involves ‘Evaluating the
SBAs can be done as sustainability of a Tourism Business’.
group work? • Students are required to produce a research project. The site visit
to the business may be done as a group. However, individual
evaluations are to be completed.

• The Tourism SBA for Unit 2 requires students to produce a

portfolio which involves an outline for ‘Developing a Business
Plan for a Tourism Product/Service/or Activity.’ Individual
work is expected in completing the SBA for Unit 2.

Are students allowed • Students are allowed to submit the SBAs in the form of a word
to submit their processing output or in their own handwriting, provided it is neat
projects in their own and legible.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The criteria used for marking the research project is very clear
standardized and and can be located on pages 43 to 50 of the CAPE Tourism
clear or is there a curriculum (2013). As a department, teachers must collaborate
need for and standardize the marking exercise for consistency.
discussion to ensure
Should students go • The Tourism SBA for Unit 1 requires the visit to a business
on field trips and/or place/site involved in tourism. Teachers may provide assistance
be exposed to to the student in gaining access to the selected business. The
personnel with visit can be done privately by the student or as a group.
subject expertise • The Tourism SBA for Unit 2 does not require any field trips.
outside the school?
What resources • This SBA does not require the provision of any consumables by
should the school the school.

Questions/Concerns Response
What help will be • Once a request is made by the school, Officers of the Social
provided to Heads of Sciences Unit of the Curriculum Planning and Development
Department and Division will respond. Workshops are held periodically and on a
teachers? needs basis.
What level of • If a problem exists, the Principals may communicate this
monitoring can information in writing to the Director, Curriculum Planning and
Principals expect? Development Division. Once this information is forwarded to
the Curriculum Officers, assistance will be provided to resolve
the issue.
What special time • An integrated approach is important towards the completion of
table arrangements the project. The project should be integrated in the teaching of
need to be put in the subject to allow for the reinforcement of key components
place for SBAs? pertinent to its completion.
What additional • Students should be guided in selecting the appropriate
information do methodology and data collection technique.
Principals need?
Note: The following are the requirements for the Electronic Submission
of CAPE Tourism effective 2016.
• Student and teacher access to:
- Internet.
- Computer with related software.
• Submission of SBA:
- Files must be submitted in PDF.
- Teacher must have a Flash drive to back up documents.
- Flash drive must be kept for 1 year.
• SBA documentation :
- Print screen to verify information was sent to the CXC.
- Print screen to verify information was received by the CXC.

Visual Arts - CSEC

Questions/Concerns Response
When should • It is recommended that teachers start working with students by
students begin Term 2 of Form 4. Term 1 should be used for students to select
working on SBAs? their two productions which their SBAs and exam will be based
When should SBAs • Term 2 of Form 5.
be completed?

Questions/Concerns Response
When will SBAs be • Samples will be moderated by the CXC.
What is the students’ • Term 2 of Form 5.
deadline date?
What is the teachers’ • The deadline for final submission of SBA marks (Form 5) to the
deadline date? school’s administration should be no later than the end of
February. This however, can be adjusted based on the deadline
set by the CXC/ Exams Section of Ministry of Education for
upload and submission of marks. There are no marks required
for submission for Form 4 students.
What aspects of the • As much as possible individual work/ project is recommended.
SBAs can be done as
group work?
Are students allowed • Projects can be submitted in either the student’s own hand
to submit their writing or using some form of word processing.
projects in their own • In cases where it is hand-written, the writing must be legible.
handwriting or can
some form of word
processing be used?
Are mark schemes • The mark schemes are standardized and clearly laid out in the
standardized and syllabus. Due to the nature of the subject where there is a lot of
clear or is there a room for subjectivity it is recommended that in schools where
need for there is more than one teacher that all teachers in the subject area
departmental come together for the marking process. In the schools with one
discussion to ensure teacher it is recommended that there be collaboration with the
standardized neighboring schools for the marking process. This will assist in a
marking? better standardization of marks.
Should students go • There will be the need for students to go on field trips to meet
on field trips and/or artists, visit exhibitions and in some cases visit historical and
be exposed to natural sites based on their areas of study.
personnel with
subject expertise
outside the school?
What resources • Schools are required to provide all consumables, tools and
should the school equipment necessary for students to complete their SBAs and
provide? exam pieces. This list will vary for the various options that
students will choose to study.
What help will be • Officers of the Curriculum Planning and Development Division,
provided to Heads of are ready to assist in any way necessary. This can be in the form
Department and of workshops, individual consultations, practical demonstrations,

Questions/Concerns Response
teachers? etc.
What level of • Monitoring will be done in the first instance on a needs basis.
monitoring can • Schools have also been identified based on 2014 results and also
Principals expect? results trend over the years for monitoring.
• Schools have also been identified for implementation of the
subject and in some cases to improve the number of student
entries as well as number of students completing the exam.
What special time • Visual Arts at the CSEC level requires at least six periods per
table arrangements week. This can be broken up into 3 double periods or 1 triple,
need to be put in one double and a single period.
place for SBAs?
What additional • Students should be given a fair chance at selecting the subject.
information do • It is of utmost importance that adequate tools and materials be
Principals need? supplied for students in a timely manner.
• Submission and selection of SBA samples must follow the
guidelines set out by the CXC and packaged carefully based on
the options submitted.
• SBAs should be kept at the school at all times and must be
accessible in the event of an audit by the CXC or the Ministry of
Education. No SBAs pieces are to be returned to students until
end of October of the Exam year.
• Ensure that all SBAs and journals do not show any evidence of
• Parents should be called in in a timely manner with respect to
non-submission of assignments and SBAs. This will assist in
students’ completion of the exams.


Appendix 1: Additional Mathematics – CSEC

CSEC Scoring Rubric: Discussion for Clarification of Rubric Criteria and Alignment of Some
Project Samples.


Project Title Clear and concise • The phrase “relates to real-world problems” is to be
Relates to real- interpreted as “in a real-world context.”
world problems • The variables in the project title must be measurable
• The project title must be specific and not have room for
A. Use of statements for project titles e.g.
1. “To prepare a detailed plan of a poolside
landscape area including lighting with
precise costing of materials needed.”
San Fernando West Secondary.
2. “To determine the minimum capacity of
packing material needed for packaging
lampshades of various designs.”
Vessigny Secondary.
3. “To test the truth of advertisements that
the volume of bottled water stated on
labels is the correct volume obtained by
4. “To determine the fairness of a
homemade spin wheel constructed for
use in a school fundraiser game.” ASJA
Girls’ Barrackpore.
B. Use of Question formats for the project
titles e.g. “Do Form Four students of
Sunshine Vale Secondary School spend too
much time on Face book on week nights?”
C. Use of hypothesis statements e.g. “Are girls
between 14 and 18 years generally shorter

than boys at the same age?” (Tabaquite
Purpose of Purpose clearly Content should reflect Topics/ Specific Objectives of CSEC
Project stated, Additional Mathematics Syllabus.
appropriate in • Some students are writing Background information
level of difficulty. which closely resembles Literature Reviews in this
section of their projects or simply repeating titles of
project. This should be discouraged.
• Students are not stating variables, units of
measurement, and instruments (where applicable) in
the purpose.
• The “why” in terms of real life use is often neglected in
the purpose.
Methods of Data collection This section of the projects is generally well done. However,
Data method clearly students should be encouraged to use the language of the
Collection described and subject in their descriptions e.g. Project B: sample size, mean,
appropriate and range, method of sampling.
without flaws
Presentation At least one table This section of the project is generally well done.
of Data and one graph • Students should be encouraged to use stem and leaf
used diagrams and box and whisker plots to display data.
Data clearly • Greater accuracy of the data collected and displayed is
written, labelled, needed.
unambiguous and • Data collected must be valid and reliable. If the data
systematic presented appears too varied, the student should
Graphs, figures, explain it in the discussion.
tables and Raw data can be placed in the Appendix.
atical symbols
Mathematical Appropriate use “Analysis is coherent” means “Analysis must be aligned with
Knowledge/ of mathematical the purpose”
Analysis of concepts. Analysis was generally a weak area of the project. Students
Data Accurate use of were awarded 1 mark for some analysis attempted.
mathematical • Greater student guidance by teachers is needed. Use of
concepts summary data may enhance students’ ability to
demonstrated. interpret and analyze data in more coherent manner.
Some analysis • For modelling projects, a flowchart outlining steps of
attempted. the problem being investigated and a guide to
Analysis is appropriate formulae could be helpful to students.

Analysis used a
variety (two or
more) of

Discussion of Statements of The format of the analysis and discussion sections must be
findings findings are kept simple, relevant to the data collected and the purpose
Conclusions clearly identified and be reader friendly to the examiner.
Statements The language of the subject must be reflected in the writing.
follows from data If paragraphs are used, these must be clearly defined for each
gathered/ solution part of the explanation.
of problem
Conclusions The conclusion must be in sync with the investigations carried
based on findings out.
and relate to
purposes of Students frequently fail to score in this area.
project A suggestion for future analysis, is interpreted to mean how
projects could be extended for future use. Internet research can
Conclusion is be utilized where applicable.

Suggestions for
future analysis

Guidelines for Interpretation and Marking Project A

Project Descriptors Description

Project title The title must clearly state WHAT the project is about. It can be a
statement or question. It must be both clear and concise.
Purpose The purpose explains WHY the project is being done. What
real-world problem is going to be solved?
Mathematical formulation This details HOW the problem described in the purpose is going
to be solved.
The Problem solution Following the instructions in the mathematical formulation, the
problem solution is derived in this section of the project i.e. the
problem is SOLVED.

Application of solution Here the solution derived is applied to the real-world context.
How does the solution solve the problem?
Discussion of Findings/ The discussion explores and interprets the solution obtained in
Conclusion light of the project's objectives. It also presents an evaluation of
the particular method used. For example: Based on the results,
how could the project be improved? What additional, future use
or analysis is possible? What recommendations can be made?
Overall Presentation This is an assessment of the entire written report.

Guidelines for Interpretation and Marking Project B

Project Descriptors Description

Project title The title must clearly state WHAT the project is about. It can be a
statement or question. It must be both clear and concise.
Purpose The purpose explains WHY the project is being done. What real-
world problem is going to be investigated?
Method of Data Collection This details HOW data will be collected, indicating the variables of
the problem.
Presentation of Data In this section data collected is organized and visually represented in
labelled tables, graphs/ charts. Appropriate statistical/mathematics
symbols are used where appropriate.
Mathematical knowledge/ Here the data collected is analyzed. This process involves both
Analysis quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate the data in
relation to the purpose of the study/ investigation.

Discussion of findings/ The discussion explores and interprets the solution obtained in light
Conclusion of the project's objectives. It also presents an evaluation of the
particular method used so limitations are identified.
The conclusion provides a summary of the results/findings as it
relates to the purpose of the project.
Overall Presentation This is an assessment of the entire written report.

Appendix 2: Biology, Chemistry and Physics – CSEC


On-Site Moderation of SBA for CSEC® Biology, Chemistry and Physics


Purpose of Moderating School-Based Assessment
1. To ensure that the teachers’ marks are fair, that is, a true reflection of the students’ work/ability
2. To ensure consistency of the marking – from student to student within a school; from teacher to
teacher within a school; from teacher to teacher across schools
3. To ensure that the standards set by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) are understood
and implemented; thus providing accountability
4. To provide guidelines to all involved in the marking process
5. To assist teachers in the implementation of the curriculum
6. To contribute to the reliability and validity of the assessment product and process

1. Moderators are selected by the respective Ministries of Education based on guidelines set by
CXC. These guidelines include academic qualifications, experience, knowledge of the
curriculum and expertise.
2. CXC issues contracts to the Moderators via the Local Registrar.
3. The moderation exercise should commence in February be completed by the end of March in the
year of the examination.
4. Only fifth form students are to be moderated.
5. Moderated marks and a moderation report are to be sent to CXC via the Local Registrar.
6. For 2014 only, Moderators are required to visit the fourth form students and send a report to
7. Each year Moderators should meet to standardize on the mark scheme, under the guidance of a
Chief Moderator/Curriculum Officer/Education Officer. Consensus must be arrived at, after
discussion. Standardization should be done as follows:
- A sample of students’ lab practical is selected based on a range of marks.
- All Moderators mark a few of the same tasks and discuss the marks awarded. Again,
consensus must be arrived at, after discussion.

When assigned to a centre, the Moderator should
1. Contact the teacher through the Principal and Head of Department
2. Agree with the teacher on the date and time for the moderation exercise

3. Remind the teacher to have available his/her mark sheet and the lab books of all the fifth form ,
as well as all the fourth form students.
4. Remind the teacher to have name tags on all on students.
5. Remind the teacher to make a copy of the procedure for the lab practical.

On the Day of Moderation

1. Meet the Principal, Head of Department and teacher.
2. Spend some time to determine the five students to be moderated, based on the teacher’s mark
sheet, and following CXC’s guidelines (FRM/EDPD/029 or 052 or 145).
3. Have the teacher complete the Moderation form (FRM/EDPD/031 or 054 or 147).
4. Inform the teacher of the skills that you will be assessing during the lab practical.
5. Get a copy of the procedure for the lab and the teacher’s mark scheme.
6. Clarify the mark scheme with the teacher. Make sure that you understand the criteria as written
by the teacher.
7. Note positive and negative points (inconsistencies) about the procedure or mark scheme. These
are to be discussed after you mark the lab practical. Note: You are required to provide
guidelines/assistance/coaching to the teacher, NEVER to demean or be punitive.
8. In the laboratory, before the start of the exercise address the students, putting them at ease with
the procedure.
9. Mark the five students – you may have to move around the lab to do so. Do not assist or provide
corrective feedback to the students during the exercise. However, for clarification, you may ask a
student the reason for a particular action/activity that you observed.
10. Thank the students at the end of the lab practical.
11. Re- mark the lab books of the same five students and complete Form FRM/EDPD/031 or 054
or 147.
12. Check the lab books of the fourth form students – four to six lab practicals must have been
marked by the teacher. Speak with a few of the fourth form students to get a sense of their lab
13. Complete the Moderator’s report form (FRM/EDPD/0296 or 0297 or 0298).
14. Have an informative cordial discussion with the teacher.
15. Have the forms signed by the relevant persons.

Points to note
1. This exercise is Centre moderation – there must be cooperation among the teachers.
2. The five students must be chosen from among all the students writing the particular CSEC
3. If any student selected for the sample is absent, then select another student within the same range
of marks.
4. This is NOT a punitive exercise but an exercise to lift the standard of science in the school, and
by extension, in the Caribbean region.

5. Where there is a need to assist teachers (outside of the moderation exercise) please let the
Education /Curriculum Officer know.
6. Irregularities must be reported to CXC on the External Moderator’s report form. If there is need,
please send the lab books to CXC through the Local Registrar, clearly outlining the irregularity.

Ms Cyndra Ramsundar
1 246 243 9406 (m)
1 246 227 1846 (w)

Appendix 3: Electronic Document Preparation and Management

SBA Timeline Document

Name of Student…………………………………………………………………………………...

Name of Teacher ………………………………………………………………………………….

Class……………………………. Year……………………….

Element Date Started Date Completed Comments

SBA Assignment 1
SBA Assignment 2
SBA Assignment 3
Two page indented
or blocked style
A circular letter
with tear off slip
Tabular Work
Meeting document
Meeting document
Display 1
Display 2
Legal work 1
Legal work 2

Parent Signature

Appendix 4: History - CSEC
Teacher’s Checklist

Criteria Nature of the Project/Assignment Yes No

VALIDITY OF THE 1. I had a brainstorming session with my class to
PROJECTS share information on topics available from the
Core, Theme or Local History that could be used for
2. I approved all my students’ research proposals.
3. I monitored students’ progress by giving them
feedback as to the quality of their work and
availability of resource materials.
4. I advised students of dates for completion of their
5. I collected and marked the projects, took copies as
records and submitted samples in keeping with CXC
TEACHING 6. I collaborated with students on the objectives of the
STRATEGY investigation, the content required, the primary and
secondary sources available, and the type of
evidence required for answering the question.
7. I motivated students by triggering relevant prior
knowledge about the topic they were investigating.
8. I guided them as needed and gave feedback before
assessing performance.
ASSESSMENT 9. I marked the projects, following the mark scheme in
the syllabus.
PRESENTATION 10. Candidates’ reports are submitted in SIMPLE soft-
backed folders of “Quarto” or “A4” size.
11. The candidates’ name and registration number, title
of the study and the name of the school are clearly
written on the outside of the folder AND on the
FIRST page.
12. A table of contents is included at the beginning of
the research project.
13. The presentation, handwritten or typed, is neat and
14. All illustrations are placed appropriately in the
body of the text.

15. Candidates have a bibliography which represents
an alphabetical list of the sources consulted for the
research project.
16. In cases where greater detail cannot fit in the body
of the work, candidates have used an appendix at
the end of the project.

Mark Scheme for Research Projects

The project, which is expected to cover one term’s work, should be marked out of 35.

Criteria P2 (UK
+ EC)
Identify an Area of Research (2 marks)
Area of research clearly identified 2 marks
Area of research not clearly identified 1 mark
Develop a Rationale (3 marks)
Rationale for selecting area of research fully developed 3 marks
Satisfactory development of rationale 2 marks
Limited development of rationale 1 mark
Collection of Data (8 marks)
Excellent use of sources 7-8 marks
Good use of sources 5-6 marks
Satisfactory use of sources 3-4 marks
Weak use of sources 1-2 marks
Analysis and Interpretation (6 + 4 = 10 marks)
(a) - Excellent analysis of data 5-6 marks
- Satisfactory analysis of data 3-4 marks
- Weak analysis of data 1-2 marks
(b) - Conclusions are fully supported by the data 4 marks
- Conclusions are partially supported by the data 2-3 marks
- Conclusions are minimally supported by the data 1 mark
Presentation and Documentation (6+ 6 = 12 marks)
(a) - Excellent language skills 5-6 marks
- Satisfactory language skills 3-4 marks
- Weak language skills 1-2 marks
(b) - Excellent use of the conventions for writing a research paper 5-6 marks
- Satisfactory use of the conventions for writing a research paper 3-4
- Weak use of the conventions for writing a research paper 1-2 marks

Total 35 marks

Appendix 5: Office Administration – CSEC

SBA Timeline Document Office Administration

Name of Student…………………………………………………………………………………

Name of Teacher…………………………………………………………………………………..

Class………………………. Year………………………………...

Element Date Started Date Completed Comments

Title Page
Table of contents
Title of the project
Two aims of the project
Two functions of the
relevant department
Five questions asked of
personnel of the firm
Schedule of activity
Regulations and Policies
governing the firm
Impact of office

Parent Signature

Appendix 6: Pure Mathematics – CAPE
Module Tests
(i) Design a separate test for each Module. The Module test MUST focus on objectives from that
(ii) In cases where several groups in a school are registered, the assessments should be coordinated,
common tests should be administered and a common marking scheme used.
(iii) One sample of FIVE students will form the sample for the centre. If there are less than five
students ALL scripts will form the sample for the centre.

Guidelines for Module Tests and Presentation of Samples


The following information is required on the cover of each Module test.
• Name of school and territory, Name of teacher, Centre number.
• Unit Number and Module Number.
• Date and duration (1 - 1 hours) of Module test.
• Clear instructions to candidates.
• Total marks allotted for Module test.
• Sub-marks and total marks for each question MUST be clearly indicated.


• The number of questions in each Module test must be appropriate for the stipulated time
of (1 - 1 hours).
• CAPE past examination papers should be used as a guide ONLY.
• Duplication of specific objectives and questions must be avoided.
• Specific objectives tested must be from the relevant Unit of the syllabus.

• Unitary mark schemes MUST be done on the detailed worked solution. (i.e., one (1)
mark should be allocated per skill assessed, not 2, 3, 4 etc. marks per skill)
• The total marks for Module tests MUST be clearly stated on the teacher’s solution sheets.
• A student’s mark final mark out of 20 MUST be entered on the front page of the
student’s script.
• Hand written mark schemes MUST be NEAT and LEGIBLE. The unitary marks MUST
be written on the right side of the page.
• Diagrams MUST be neatly drawn with geometrical/mathematical instruments.

• Student’s responses MUST be written on letter sized paper (8 × 11).
• Question numbers MUST be written clearly in the left hand margin.
• The total marks for EACH QUESTION on students’ scripts MUST be clearly written in
the left or right margin.
• ONLY ORIGINAL students’ scripts MUST be sent for moderation.
• Photocopied scripts WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
• Typed Module tests MUST be NEAT and LEGIBLE.
• The following are required for each Module test:
 A question paper.
 Detailed solutions with detailed unitary mark schemes.
 The question paper, detailed solutions, unitary mark schemes and five (5)
students’ samples should be batched together for each Module.
• Marks recorded on PMath1 – 3 and PMath2 – 3 forms must be rounded off to the nearest
whole number. If a student scored zero, then zero must be recorded. If a student was
absent, then absent must be recorded.
• Form PMaths 2-4 is for official use ONLY and should not be completed by the Teacher.
However, teachers may complete the relevant information: Centre Code, Name of Centre,
Territory, Year of Examination and Name of Teacher(s).
• Teachers are asked to note the following:
(a) The relationship between the marks for the assignment and those submitted to the
CXC on the School-Based Assessment form should be clearly shown;
(b) The teacher is required to allocate one-third of the total score for the School-Based
Assessment to each Module. Fractional marks should not be awarded. In cases where
the mark is not divisible by three, then:
(i) When the remainder is 1 mark, the mark should be allocated to Module 3;

(ii) When the remainder is 2, then a mark should be allocated to Module 3 and the
other mark to Module 2; for example, 35 marks would be allocated as follows:
35/3 = 11 remainder 2 so 11 marks to Module 1 and 12 marks to each of
Modules 2 and 3.
(c) The standard of marking should be consistent.

Appendix 7: Technical Drawing - CSEC


School Based Assessment Mark Scheme
YEAR…………………. CENTRE #..........................................

CANDIDATE #........................................
TERRITORY…………………………………………………… NAME OF

Appendix 8: Music - CSEC Music

SBA Moderation
On the day of the SBA Moderation students selected to be moderated should be present from 9am on the
day of the moderation.
On the day of the moderation the following documents should be prepared.
• A copy of the generated sample of students to be moderated. This can be obtained from the ORS.
• The written LIAP SBA project and accompanying CD for each of the sample students.
• Two copies of the Moderation Feed Back Report.
• One completed “Records of Marks for School Based Assessment” form.
 This form MUST be signed and stamped by the Principal.
 If the students of the school are no longer doing the examination this form must still be
completed and presented to the examiner on the day of the exam.
• One copy of “Moderation of School Based Assessment” form.
• One copy per student of the following forms.
 “School Based Assessment Performing” – (Profile 2) form.
 “Performance Portfolio Data” Form (Completed please)
• Students must also have their portfolio of the music pieces which they performed over the two-
year course of study. They should also have a copy of the solo piece and the ensemble piece for
the moderator on the day of the examination.


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