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UoN Syllabus

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5/8/2018 Course Details / Course Handbook / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Digital and Computer Electronics 2

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC3730

Units 10 units

Level 3000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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The course takes students through various steps involved in designing practical embedded software. It also
introduces the basic building blocks of an embedded system.

2018 Course Timetables

Semester 1 - 2018

PSB Singapore
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Trimester 2 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Understand the building blocks of an embedded system (hardware and software)

2. Perform a functional hardware design for an embedded system

3. Develop software for commonly used peripheral devices

4. Write application software using simple looping executives and real-time operating systems

5. Understand and modify embedded software written by other professional developers


1. ARM processor core

2. Embedded programming in C for the ARM processor core

3. Peripheral devices such as timers, UARTs, A/D converters and PWMs

4. Bus standards such as SPI and I2C

5. Interfacing graphic displays and touchscreens

6. Filesystems

7. Real-time operating systems

8. Common wireless communication interfaces

Assumed knowledge

ELEC2700 Computer Engineering 2 OR ELEC1710 Digital and Computer Electronics 1 AND ENGG1003
Introduction to Procedural Programming or SENG1110 Object Oriented Programming

Assessment items
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Project: Assignments x 3

Formal Examination: Formal Examination

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

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Electronics Design

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC4210

Units 10 units

Level 4000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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This course considers advanced analogue electronics design with a particular emphasis on radio frequency
(RF) electronics. Both theoretical and practical aspects of RF electronic circuits are considered. A major
component of the course is a small group project, where design, testing and construction of an electronic
circuit is required.

2018 Course Timetables

Semester 1 - 2018
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PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Solve complex problems using established engineering methods in RF electronics.

2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the use and application of standard RF electronic test equipment.

3. Design standard RF electronic circuit elements.

4. Build standard RF electronic circuits.


Practical hints on electronics components, Comparators, Noise in Electronic Circuits, Interference Generation,
Transmission, Reception, Grounding & Shielding,Analogue / RF Filters Design, Analogue / RF Amplifiers,
Oscillators, Modulators, Mixers, Phase Locked Loops.

Assumed knowledge


Assessment items

Quiz: Quiz

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Laboratory

Report: Assignments

Project: Group Project

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Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 21 hour(s) per Term Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for 10 Weeks

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for 10 Weeks

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Ethics, Technology and Engineering

 Available in 2018

Course code PHIL3910

Units 10 units

Level 3000 level

Faculty of Education and Arts

School of Humanities and Social Science

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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The engineering profession in Australia aims to facilitate its practice for the common good based on values of
ethical behaviour, competent performance, innovative practice, engineering excellence, equality of opportunity,
social justice and sustainable development. This course integrates values at a senior level so that on
successful completion the student will be able to demonstrate a professional competency embracing all these
values with a specific focus on ethical behaviour and a sustainability ethic. Students will be able to
demonstrate their ability both orally and in writing; individually and in group situations.

The course teaches engineering ethics appropriate to contemporary Western commercial, political and social
contexts of engineering practice. It provides the framework within which social understanding and responsible
behaviours are conveyed to future professional engineers. It also examines the ethical implications of
contemporary technology in its full technical and organizational complexity.

The course meets Engineering Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer (Section
3.1) - Ethical conduct and professional accountability where the professional engineer is to demonstrate

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commitment to ethics, understand the need for accountability, `due-diligence' and an awareness of intellectual

2018 Course Timetables

Semester 1 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Understand the nature and impact of human values when making design decisions, in particular in
engineering, in the context of a complex technological and organisational setting

2. Appreciate critically the technological and organisational complexity of contemporary technology and the
ethical implications of its usage for practicing engineers.

3. Understand the key moral frameworks of engineering ethics and their application to specific ethical
dilemmas encountered in engineering practice.

4. Effectively communicate one's understanding of the impact of human values and technology design in both
verbal presentation and essay format, interact effectively with peers in group tasks, and solve problems in
diverse communal groups.


The course covers

the basic concepts and moral frameworks of engineering ethics

the techniques of normative analysis of technology and engineering practice
effective writing and oral communication skills
the complexity of technology and its implications on market and corporate organisation,
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the ethical implications of the complexity of technology and of the organisations which design, construct,
and operate the technology.

Assumed knowledge

60 units of successfully completed courses

Assessment items

Quiz: Quiz and Tutorial Particpation

Presentation: Group Presentation

Essay: Minor Essay

Essay: Major Essay

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Fortnight for Full Term

In the first tutorial, students will be organized into small groups for group presentations. For more information about the tutorials,
please check the Assessment section on Blackboard.

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Advanced Physics I

 Available in 2018

Course code PHYS1210

Units 10 units

Level 1000 level

Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Physics underpins most aspects of modern engineering, technology, and medicine; developments in physics
often drive social change. Knowledge of physics is therefore vital to understanding the world around us.
Physics is needed to make new materials, monitor our environment, put satellites into orbit, harness energy,
determine the strength of structures, take scans of the human body, develop faster computers, etc. The course
is calculus based and covers topics from mechanics and kinematics, wave mechanics, electricity, particle
physics, cosmology, and thermal physics.

2018 Course Timetables

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Semester 1 - 2018
Semester 2 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)
Trimester 2 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. To enable students to acquire knowledge of the basic principles of physics

2. To teach students how to apply their knowledge of physics to practical everyday situations

3. To assist students to develop their analytic and problem solving skills

4. To enhance student's laboratory and computing skills

5. To develop student's written and communication skills


A calculus based physics course aimed at students who have completed HSC Physics and Mathematics.

Mechanics and Kinematics

Wave Mechanics

Foundations of Electricity

Big Questions in Physics

Foundations of Thermodynamics


This course has similarities to PHYS1150 and PHYS1200 If you have successfully completed either of these
courses you cannot enrol in this course.

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Assumed knowledge

2 Unit Mathematics with a result in Bands 5 or 6 and Physics

Assessment items

Quiz: Class Quizzes

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Laboratory Reports

Quiz: Online Quizzes

Formal Examination: Final Examination

Compulsory Requirements

In order to pass this course, each student must complete ALL of the following compulsory requirements:

General Course Requirements:

Laboratory: Induction Requirement - Students must attend and pass the induction requirements before
attending these sessions. - In order to participate in this course students must complete a compulsory
safety induction.

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for 9 Weeks

This includes the introductory lab session

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for 12 Weeks

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Electrical Engineering Design and

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC3850

Units 10 units

Level 3000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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This course is orientated around a number of major projects where students work in teams to design and
develop a specified product, device or system.

Each project itself involves both management and engineering components. It requires students to utilise
knowledge from a range of disciplines including some or all of: Electrical, Electronics, Communications,
Computing, Software, Signal Processing, Control and Mechanical systems.

2018 Course Timetables

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Semester 2 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Integrate & extend the knowledge gained through their studies.

2. Use library, internet and other resources to research and critically evaluate information about broad
Electrical and Computer Engineering topics.

3. Gain experience in preparing and presenting information to other engineers.

4. Gain experience in working both individually and in a small engineering team to expand and develop time
and resource management skills, and effective team participation.

5. Develop the capacity to critically appraise and apply emerging technologies to solve real-world problems


This course will be conducted largely as individual and team projects performing, under guidance, the
following tasks for the design of a product, device or system.

Perform a literature search to determine the appropriate technical, legislative and marketing requirements
(where applicable).
Perform a detailed technical design of a product, device or system, including specifications, detailed
circuit diagrams (if appropriate), software definitions (if appropriate), detailed parts list, method of
construction, testing and maintenance schedules.
Produce an appropriate report detailing the above design.
Give oral presentations of the project design
To the extent dictated by the nature of the project, pursue the implementation of the design, or conduct
further tests and development as will confirm the adequacy of the design.
Produce a detailed final report including: a) The detailed final design and financial report; b) A users
manual (where applicable).

The projects will include a significant engineering component involving a range of disciplines including some
or all of: Electrical, Electronic, Communications, Computing, Software, signal processing, control, and
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mechanical systems. Example projects might include: The application and control of robotic devices, the
instrumentation and automation of an industrial process, and a multi-user telephone system.

Assumed knowledge

2nd year of either Electrical, Computer or Telecommunications Engineering. 3rd year, 1st Semester of either
Electrical, Computer or Telecommunications Engineering

Assessment items

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Progress Milestones

Report: Conceptual Design Report

Practical Demonstration: Interim Demonstration and Presentation

Report: Critical Technical Review

Report: Final Report

Practical Demonstration: Final Project Demonstration

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 4 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

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Engineering Mathematics

 Available in 2018

Course code MATH2420

Units 10 units

Level 2000 level

Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Introduces key areas of mathematics directly relevant to Electrical, Computer or Telecommunications

Engineering. Provides a sound grounding in the differentiation and integration of functions of complex
variables, as well as essential concepts associated with both discrete and continuous probability spaces.
These topics provide an essential foundation for modern control engineering and signal processing.

2018 Course Timetables

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)
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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Mathematical knowledge in the areas of complex variable theory and probability theory to support further
engineering studies.

2. An enhanced analytical ability, in particular, improved problem-solving and abstract reasoning skills.


Functions of a complex variable

Differentiation of functions
Cauchy's integral theorem
The calculus of residues - series expansions
Contour integration
Discrete and continuous probability distributions
Probability density functions, expectation, variance and covariance.
Sums of random variables
Hypothesis testing
Generating functions
Central limit theorem
Confidence intervals

Assumed knowledge

MATH1120 or MATH1220, and MATH2310.

Assessment items

Quiz: Quizzes

Formal Examination: Formal Examination: Probability & Statistics

Written Assignment: Assignments

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In Term Test: Class Examination - Complex Analysis

Contact hours

PSB Singapore
Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Week for 11 Weeks

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Advanced Physics II

 Available in 2018

Course code PHYS1220

Units 10 units

Level 1000 level

Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Physics underpins most aspects of modern engineering, technology, and medicine. For example, about 25%
of the world's economy is tied to the quantum mechanics of silicon, and many of the most important practical
advances in chemistry and biology can be traced to the precise understanding of the behavior of atoms and
molecules provided by quantum mechanics. Knowledge of physics is therefore vital to understanding the world
around us. This calculus-based course continues on from PHYS1210 and covers the topics of mathematical
tools, electromagnetism, optics and physics of matter.

2018 Course Timetables

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Semester 2 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Acquired knowledge of the basic principles of physics

2. An awareness of how to apply their knowledge of physics to practical everyday situations

3. Developed their analytic and problem solving skills

4. Enhanced laboratory and computing skills

5. Developed written and communication skills


A calculus based course aimed at students who have completed HSC Physics and Mathematics, and may
wish to continue their study of physics beyond first year.

Integrated Physics - introduction to the key mathematical techniques used in physics:

Optics - Behaviour and properties of light, and its interactions with matter, as well as instruments used to
detect it.

Physics of Matter - Quantum mechanics, atoms, molecules, solids and nuclear physics.

Assumed knowledge

Mathematics Extension 1 with a result in Bands 3 or 4. It is also recommended that students have undertaken
Physics and achieved a result in Band 5 or 6.

Assessment items

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Quiz: Class Quizzes

Quiz: Online Quizzes

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Laboratory Reports

Formal Examination: Formal Examination

Compulsory Requirements

In order to pass this course, each student must complete ALL of the following compulsory requirements:

General Course Requirements:

Laboratory: Induction Requirement - Students must attend and pass the induction requirements before
attending these sessions. - In order to participate in this course students must complete a compulsory
safety induction.

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Computer Lab
Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for 2 Weeks

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for 6 Weeks

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

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Analog and Digital Communications

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC3540

Units 10 units

Level 3000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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This course provides a thorough introduction to the basic principles and techniques used in analog and digital
communications. The course will introduce analog and digital modulation techniques, communication receiver
and transmitter design, baseband and bandpass communication techniques, line coding techniques, noise
analysis, and multiplexing techniques. The course also introduces analytical techniques to evaluate the
performance of communication systems.

2018 Course Timetables


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Semester 1 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 3 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Understand basic elements of a communication system

2. Conduct analysis of baseband signals in time domain and in frequency domain

3. Demonstrate understanding of various analog and digital modulation and demodulation techniques

4. Analyse the performance of modulation and demodulation techniques in various transmission environments

5. Appreciate the importance of synchronisation in communication systems


1. Basic elements of a communication system

2. Deterministic signal characterisation and analysis

3. Review of probability theory, random variables and random processes

4. Analog modulation and demodulation techniques: AM, FM

5. Sampling and quantisation

6. Optimum receiver for binary data transmission

7. Baseband data transmission and line coding techniques

8. Basic digital passband modulation and demodulation techniques: BASK, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK, OQPSK,

9. M-ary signalling techniques

10. Signalling over bandlimited channels

11. Synchronisation

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Assumed knowledge

ELEC2400 and MATH2420

Assessment items

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Laboratory Exercises and Written Assignments

Formal Examination: Examination: Formal

Quiz: Quiz - Class

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Week for 5 Weeks

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for 12 Weeks starting in week 2

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Electrical Systems

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC4100

Units 10 units

Level 4000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Students will familiarise themselves with the operation and behaviour of electrical power systems. The course
introduces participants to the physical and electrical properties of equipment used in power systems, and the
analytical techniques used in their planning, operation and evaluation. The course will provide students with
the opportunity to develop a range of skills necessary to analyse, plan, design and operate the various
equipment used in power systems.

2018 Course Timetables


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Semester 1 - 2018

PSB Singapore
Trimester 2 - 2018 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Develop a familiarisation with the equipment used in power systems, and knowledge of the physical and
electrical properties of this equipment.

2. Develop the analytical skills used in the planning, design, operation and evaluation of power systems, and
understand the limitations of each analysis tool learned.

3. Develop computer based simulation skills for power system analysis.

4. Develop a broad understanding of issues associated with power systems operation, including technical (e.g
reliability and redundancy) and non-technical (e.g market factors).


The course material will be drawn from the following topic areas:

Review of fundamental knowledge

Steady state system analysis
Voltage control
Fault studies
Frequency control in power systems
Transient and dynamic stability
Protection systems
Power quality and harmonic distortion
Transmission systems
Energy economics

Assumed knowledge

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ELEC2132, ELEC3130

Assessment items

Project: Project

Written Assignment: Written Assignment

Quiz: Quiz

Formal Examination: Formal Examination

Contact hours

Callaghan and PSB Singapore

Computer Lab
Face to Face On Campus 5 hour(s) per Term Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

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Final Year Engineering Project

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC4840

Units 30 units

Level 4000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Final Year Projects represent the culmination of study towards the Bachelor of Engineering degree. Projects
offer the opportunity to apply and extend material learned throughout the program. Assessment is by means of
a seminar presentation, submission of a thesis, and a public demonstration of work undertaken.

In contrast to the majority of courses studied elsewhere in the program, projects are undertaken individually or
in small groups. This necessarily introduces the dimension of workload management into the program to
enable completion of a large, relatively unstructured "assignment" over the course of the semester.

The projects undertaken span a diverse range of topics, including theoretical, simulation and experimental
studies, and vary from year to year. The emphasis is necessarily on facilitating student learning in technical,
project management and presentation spheres.

This course consists of a combination of Part A and Part B which reflects the full year multi term sequence
program. As it is a single course of 30 units in one semester, approval by the Course Coordinator is required
before enrolling in this course.

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2018 Course Timetables

Semester 1 - 2018
Semester 2 - 2018

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.

2. Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.

3. Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.

4. Conduct an engineering project

5. Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.

6. Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.


This course will be conducted largely as an individual or small group project under the direct supervision of a
member of academic staff. The specific project topic undertaken will reflect the common interests and
expertise of the student(s) and supervisor. Students will be required to:1) perform a literature search to review
current knowledge and developments in the chosen technical area; 2) undertake detailed technical work in the
chosen area using one or more of:

theoretical studies
computer simulations
hardware construction;

3) produce progress reports or maintain a professional journal to establish work completed, and to schedule
additional work within the time frame specified for the project; 4) deliver a seminar on the general area of work
being undertaken and specific contributions to that field; 5) prepare an interim report describing the work

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undertaken and results obtained so far; and 6) Present the work in a forum involving poster presentations and
demonstrations of operational hardware and software.

Assumed knowledge

3rd year of Electrical, Computer, Telecommunications or Mechatronics Engineering degree

Assessment items

Project: WH&S Requirements *

Report: Final Report

Presentation: Seminar Presentation *

Presentation: Project Demonstration

* This assessment has a compulsory requirement.

Compulsory Requirements

In order to pass this course, each student must complete ALL of the following compulsory requirements:

Course Assessment Requirements:

Presentation: Pass Requirement - Students must pass this assessment item to pass the course.
- Assessment 3 - Seminar Presentation: Pass Requirement - Students must pass this assessment item to
pass the course.
Project: Pass Requirement - Students must pass this assessment item to pass the course. - Assessment 1 -
WH&S Requirements- Pass Requirement. Students must satisfactorily attempt/submit this assessment item
to pass the course.

Contact hours


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Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

plus regular meetings with designated supervisor.

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Automatic Control

 Not currently offered

Course code ELEC4400

Units 10 units

Level 4000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Course handbook

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This course treats the basic principles of the automatic control of industrial processes and machines. The
emphasis of the subject is on continuous time control, although some introductory material on sequential logic
control (or programmable logic control) is included.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Trimester 1 - 2018 (Singapore).

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

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1. Formulate quantitative models of feedback control systems built from mechanical, chemical, electrical and
electronic components described by linear, ordinary differential equations

2. Analyse single input, single output feedback control systems for stability, steady state and transient

3. Understand the scope and limitations of fundamental control strategies, and be able to design simple
compensation schemes for improved control; and

4. Understand the basics of using programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in implementing switching control


Dynamic models: Differential equations, Modelling, Linearisation

Mathematical background: Review of complex numbers, Laplace transform, Initial and Final value
Transfer Functions: Open-loop stability, Poles, Zeros, Time response, Transients, Steady-state, Block
Feedback principles: Open versus Closed-loop control, High gain control, Inversion, On-off control,
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
Stability of closed-loop systems: Routh's method, Root locus
PID control: Structure, Design using root locus, Empirical tuning, Anti-windup protection
Pole assignment: Sylvester's theorem, PI and PID synthesis using pole assignment
Frequency Response: Nyquist plot, Bode diagram, Nyquist stability theorem, Stability margins, Closed-
loop sensitivity functions, Model errors, Robust stability
Controller design using frequency response: Proportional control, Lead-lag control, PID control revisited
Structures of automatic control: Smith predictor, Feedforward control, Cascade control, Decentralised
control of MIMO plants, Control schemes in process control

Assumed knowledge

MATH2310 AND (ELEC2400 OR MCHA2000)

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Individual Assignment

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Report: Laboratory Report (Group)

Formal Examination: Formal Examination

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Electric Machines and Power Systems

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC3130

Units 10 units

Level 3000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Analyses the steady state of performance of D.C. and A.C. (single and polyphase) machines in the context of
their application. Space vector theory is introduced. Fundamental power system topics are introduced
including transmission line parameters and steady state operation and power system representation.

2018 Course Timetables

Semester 1 - 2018

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5/8/2018 Course Details / Course Handbook / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Solve Electrical Engineering problems associated with electric machines and power systems.

2. Write technical reports associated with the laboratory exercises

3. Perform experiments, collect data using appropriate measurement equipment and analyse these data so
that reasonable conclusions can be made.

4. Perform as a member of a team in performing laboratory tasks in a setting which approximates an industrial

5. Perform work safely and be aware of the workplace health and safety implications of the tasks carried out.


The course content may include the following topics:

DC machines
AC machine windings
Space vector theory
Steady state analysis of AC machines (polyphase and single phase)
Transmission lines
Power system representation
Power flow

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5/8/2018 Course Details / Course Handbook / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Advanced Drives and Power Electronics

 Available in 2018

Course code ELEC4160

Units 10 units

Level 4000 level

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

2018 Course Timetables

Course handbook

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Analyses the dynamic behaviour of D.C. and A.C machines in the context of their application. Space vector
theory is utilised to develop control strategies for these machines especially vector control and torque and flux
control. Advanced topics in power electronics, including design of gate and base circuits, multilevel converters,
and electric utility applications are investigated.

2018 Course Timetables

Semester 2 - 2018
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5/8/2018 Course Details / Course Handbook / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Solve electrical engineering problems associated with electric drive systems and electric machines.

2. Solve electrical engineering problems associated with grid connected power electronics.

3. Perform experiments on AC and DC drives, collect data using appropriate measurement equipment and
analyse this data so that reasonable conclusions can be made.

4. Perform as a member of a team in carrying out laboratory tasks.

5. Perform as a member of a team in a high level engineering project making engineering design; resource
allocation; component selection and algorithm applicability decisions.

6. Perform work safely and be aware of the workplace health and safety implications of the tasks carried out.


Topics may include but are not limited to:

DC drives
AC drives - a) Field orientated control b)Torque and flux control
Gate and Base drives
Static V Ar compensators
Active filters
High voltage DC converters
Grid interconnection of renewable energy sources

Assumed knowledge

ELEC3130, ELEC3250, ELEC4400

Assessment items

Formal Examination: School Exam

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5/8/2018 Course Details / Course Handbook / The University of Newcastle, Australia

Tutorial / Laboratory Exercises: Laboratories

Project: Project

Quiz: Mid Semester Quiz

Contact hours

Face to Face On Campus 6 hour(s) per Term Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 3 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Face to Face On Campus 1 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

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