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Food Exchanges

Food Exchange US Unit Metric Comments

Starches 80 Calories 15 g Carb., 3 g Protein, 1 g Fat
 bread 1 slice 1 slice  Most starches are a good source
 breads, other 1 oz 30 g of B vitamins
 tortilla 1 (6") 1 (15 cm)  Choose whole grain foods such
 crackers 4-6 (3/4 oz) 4-6 (20 g) as 'all natural, 100% whole
 cooked cereals 1/2 cup 125 ml wheat' bread, pasta, tortillas, and
 dry cereals, unsweetened 3/4 cup 175 ml brown rice, etc. for nutrients and
1/2 cup 125 ml fiber.
 dry cereals, sweetened
3 Tbsp 45 ml  Combine beans (starch & meat)
 dry flour or grain
1/2 cup 125 ml with grains (starch) for their
 pasta 1/3 cup 80 ml complimentary proteins and fiber
 rice 1/2 cup 125 ml  Combine grains (starch) with milk
 corn 3 cups 720 ml (milk) or cheese (meat) to
 popcorn 1 (3 oz) 1 (85 g) compliment proteins.
 potato (small) 1/2 cup 125 ml  Add additional fat exchanges for
 potato, mashed 1/3 cup 80 ml starchy foods prepared with fat.
 sweet potato 1 cup 250 ml
 squash, winter 1/2 cup 125 ml
 cooked beans, peas, lentils
(add 1 meat exchange)

Vegetables 25 Calories 5 g Carb., 2 g Protein

 raw vegetables 1 cup 250 ml  Choose more dark green leafy
 cooked vegetables 1/2 cup 125 ml and deep yellow vegetables such
 tomato or vegetable juice 1/2 cup 125 ml as spinach, broccoli, carrots, and

Fruit 60 Calories 15 g Carb.

 fresh fruit 1 small 1 small  Choose whole fruits for fiber
 melon (cubes) 12 oz (1 cup) 360 g (250 ml)  Choose citrus fruits such as
 canned fruit 1/2 cup 125 ml oranges, grapefruits, or
 dried fruit 1/4 cup 60 ml tangerines
 fruit juice 1/2 cup 125 ml

Meat & Substitutes 35-145 Calories 7 g Protein, 0-13 g Fat

 meat, poultry, fish 1 oz 30 g  Choose leaner meats such as
 cheese 1 oz 30 g chicken, fish, and lean cuts of
 cottage cheese 1/4 cup 60 ml meat; add fat exchange for
 egg 1 1 higher fat meats and substitutes.
 peanut butter 1.5 Tbsp 22 ml  Remove skin from poultry.
 tofu 4 oz (1/2 cup) 115 g (125 ml)  Limit frying or adding fat.
1/2 cup 125 ml  Have 2 servings of fish per week
 cooked beans, peas, lentils
(add 1 starch) for Omega 3 fatty acid.

Milk 80-150 Calories 12 g Carb., 8 g Protein, 0-8 g Fat

 milk 1 cup 250 ml  Choose lower fat milks; add fat
 yogurt 1 cup 250 ml exchange for higher fat milk.

Fat 45 Calories 5 g Fat

 oil 1 tsp 5 ml  Eat less saturated fat such as
 mayonnaise 1 tsp 5 ml animal fat found in fatter meat,
 cream cheese 1 Tbsp 15 ml cheeses, butter, and tropical oils
 salad dressing 1 Tbsp 15 ml (eg: palm). Also eat less
 peanuts 10 10 hydrogenated fat, or trans-fats.
 avocado 1/8 1/8  Consume mono-unsaturated fat
 butter or margarine 1 tsp 5 ml and moderate poly-unsaturated
1 exchange 1 exchange fat.
 higher fat exchange
(additional)  Check Nutrition Facts on food
labels; 5 g Fat = 1 Fat exchange.

Sweets Calories vary 15 g Carb., Protein & Fat varies

 ice cream 1/2 cup 125 ml  Choose sweets sparingly
 cookies 2 small 2 small because they are high in sugar,
 syrup 1 Tbsp 15 ml saturated fats or trans fats.
 jam or jelly 1 Tbsp 15 ml  Can be substituted for a 1
 sugar 2 Tbsp 30 ml Starch, Fruit, or Milk exchange.
 pudding 1/4 cup 60 ml  Add 1 or 2 Fat exchanges for
1/2 small 1/2 small sweets containing fat.
 muffin or cupcake

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