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MKT630-International Marketing Mid Term Subjective Questions From Past Papers 2007-2013

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MKT630- International Marketing Mid Term Subjective Questions From

Past Papers 2007-2013

Question (Marks- 3)
List down the subsidies that a government offers to promote exports?
Question (Marks- 3)
During research, international marketing researcher faces some issues, discuss three of
Question (Marks- 5)
International marketers are working in more complex legal system than local
marketer.Indicate those issues that an international marketer faces world wide.
Question (Marks-5)
Compare and contrast closed-end questions and open-end questions for gathering
data.Differentiate these two terms with at least one example
Question (Marks-3)
List down 3 variables of economical environment?
Question (Marks-3)
Difference between direct exporting and indirect exporting
Question (Marks-5)
How marketer can change implication of changing exchange rate?
Question (Marks-5)
Define terms of shipment
1. Ex-works (EXW)
2. Free on Board (FOB)
Question (Marks-5)
What things international marketer should keep in mind before entering in foreign
Question (Marks-5)
In the scenario of international marketing it is necessary to know about the competitor
activities. Make list of the information that an international marketer need to know about
Question (Marks-5)
Now days banking is involve in selling electronic cards, being a branch manager how can
you build customer-relation effectively?
Question (Marks-5)
How exploratory research and descriptive research differ from causal research give
Question (Marks-5)
Rational decision making is impossible without relevant information by marketer.
According to your best knowledge, what kind of information that marketer require with
respect to product?
Question (Marks-5)
List down the most important assumptions of Comparative Advantage Theory
Question (Marks-5)
International marketer always seeks those countries for export that constitute valuable
contribution for his company. To do this what he would consider in preliminary screening?
Question (Marks-5)
Thousands of companies in Pakistan are doing their businesses in international market.
What are the core benefits of doing business internationally?
Question (Marks-5)
Global marketing passes through different evolutionary changes, describe all steps in
Question (Marks-5)
With reference to your course, explain four pillars of international Marketing?
Question (Marks-5)
Write down the core concept of “Mercantilism Classical country based theories” in your
own words?


Q No 1: List down the entire economic risk that an international marketer faces
during worldwide transaction? (3Makrs)
Economic and Political Risk
Two main risk sources need be considered when investing in a foreign country:
Economic risk: This risk refers to a country's ability to pay back its debts. A country with
stable finances and a stronger economy should provide more reliable investments than a
country with weaker finances or an unsound economy.
 Political risk: This risk refers to the political decisions made within a country that
might result in an unanticipated loss to investors. While economic risk is often
referred to as a country's ability to pay back its debts, political risk is sometimes
referred to as the willingness of a country to pay debts or maintain a hospitable
climate for outside investment. Even if a country's economy is strong, if the
political climate is unfriendly (or becomes unfriendly) to outside investors, the
country may not be a good candidate for investment.
 Q No 2: Clarify the term "Culture" and write its characteristics? (3Makrs)
The concept of culture:
• Is the collection of values, beliefs, rules, behaviors, customs, attitudes, institutions and
artifacts that characterize human population
• Characteristics of culture:
– Learned patterns of behavior common to members of a given society
– Elements of culture are interrelated
– – It is adaptive
– Defines membership of the society
Q No 3: "Write a critical note on the process of international marketing
research? (3Marks)
A business research process consists of four steps;
Defining the problem
Developing the research plan
Implementing the research plan
Interpreting and reporting the findings
Q No 4: "National culture influences marketing of product & services." Give your
argument? (5Makrs)
Impact of national cultures on marketing:
Material culture & marketing:
• Types of products suitable for individual markets
• Types of media available
• Distribution systems / storage facilities
Q No 5: How exploratory research and descriptive research differ from causal
research give
justification? (5Markes)
Marketing research project may have one of the three types of objectives;
• Exploratory research - is to gather preliminary information that will help define the
problem and
suggest hypothesis
Descriptive research - is to describe things such as market potential for a product,
or attitudes of customers
• Causal research - is to test hypothesis about cause-and-effect relationships
1:- two majors generic form of Export marketing 03 marks
2. Export marketing:
• Exporting firms fulfill unsolicited / solicited orders from foreign countries.
• For growth in export marketing, however, a company requires physical, financial and
managerial resources.
2:- related to Absolute advantage (comparison of labor cost and production of two
companies Style Inn and fashion House Style Inn produce 1000 T- Shirts within 1
hour with 50 labor and cost bear Rs .50 per piece and other hand Fashion House
produce 700 T-shirts within 1 hour with 60 labor and cost bear Rs.55 per piece
which company have absolute advantage, justify your answer 03 Marks
The ability of a country, individual, company or region to produce a good or service at a
lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service.
Entities with absolute advantages can produce a product or service using a smaller
number of inputs and/or using a more efficient process than another party producing the
same product or service.
3:- about the protectionism, In Pakistan IT Industry in initial stag of Product life
cycle what steps should take the Pakistani Government to protectionism of IT
industry in Pakistan 03 Marks
The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is used to map the lifespan of a product. There are
generally four stages in the life of a product. These four stages are the Introduction stage,
the Growth stage, the Maturity stage and the Decline stage.
Introduction: The Introduction stage is probably the most important stage in the PLC. In
fact, most products that fail do so in the Introduction stage. This is the stage in which
the product is initially promoted. Public awareness is very important to the success of a
product. If people don't know about the product they won't go out and buy it.
4:- International marketers are working in more complex legal system than local
Indicate those issues that an international marketer faces world wide. 05 Marks
The key areas of marketing mix for which information is needing by international
marketers are given as follows;
• Channels of distribution: their shape, functions, evolution & performance.
• Relative pricing, elasticities, and tactics of competitors
• Advertising & promotion: choices available in international markets and their impacts
on customers.
• Service quality perceptions in various international markets and relative positioning of
competing brands/products
• International and domestic logistics networks, their configuration and future change
Compare and contrast closed-end questions and open-end questions for gathering
Differentiate these two terms with at least one (5 marks)
An open question can't be answered with a simple one word answer, such as "yes" or
"no." It forces the person to give a longer, more detailed answer.

Closed question: "Do you like school?"

Open question: "How do you feel about school?"

define fixed exchange system and flexible exchange system and their characteristics
(5 marks)
• Fixed exchange rate system (the exchange rate is fixed)
• Flexible (floating) exchange rate system (the exchange rate is determined by market
forces and changes
• Managed exchange rate system (the exchange rates are allowed to move only within
limits - if the exchange rate is moving out of the desired limit then central banks buy or
sell the currencies to control the exchange rate)
Fixed exchange-rate system:
• Reduce risk of international trade
• Important anti-inflationary tool
• Wide swings in the values of key currencies can disrupt sound international investment
decision making

Flexible exchange-rate system:

• With BOP equilibrium, domestic policy makers can concentrate on domestic economy
• Represent true state of economy
3 questions were of 3,3,3 marks and based on concepts.there were scenario and then
the solution was required.


Q1: Counterfeiting in international marketing

Counterfeiting is a serious problem besetting an increasing number of industries. It
affects not only products whose brand name is synonymous with its quality or flavour,
but also products which require a high level of research and development, and marketing.
Counterfeit merchandise cuts into profits and harms the brand owner's reputation. To be
effective in eradicating counterfeiting, one also has to understand the consumer's
propensity to purchase counterfeit products

Q2: Research process in International Marketing

Marketing research are the formal studies of specific situations. It is beneficial for the
to conduct exploratory research before going into the international market.
A business research process consists of 4 steps:
Step 1: Defining the problem
Step 2: Developing the research plan
Step 3; implementing the research plan
Step 4: Interpreting and reporting the findings

Long Question (5 Mark each)

Q1: Secondary data collections other sources

Secondary data information sources:
Secondary data may be readily available and may also be cheaper than primary research.
International marketers, however, need to very carefully evaluate the relevance,
objectiveness and timeliness of the secondary data. Following aspects about the
secondary data need to be evaluated for use in any international marketing research:
Secondary data:
• What was the purpose of study?
• Who collected the information?
• What information was collected?
• How was the information obtained?
• How consistent is the information with other information?

Question: What is exchange rate system and define fixed, variable and manage
exchange rate system 5
Exchange rate systems:
Exchange rate is the price of one country’s currency in terms of another country’s
Three types of exchange rate systems are given in the following:
• Fixed exchange rate system (the exchange rate is fixed)
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• Flexible (floating) exchange rate system (the exchange rate is determined by market
and changes freely)
• Managed exchange rate system (the exchange rates are allowed to move only within
limits -
if the exchange rate is moving out of the desired limit then central banks buy or sell the
currencies to control the exchange rate)

Question: Define Market estimation by analogy? 5 mark

Market Estimation by Analogy
– For countries with limited data, estimating market potential can be a precarious
exercise. Given the absence of hard data, one technique - estimation by analogy - can be
useful in getting better feel for market potential in such countries. This estimation is done
in two ways:
• The cross-section comparison approach involves taking the known market size of a
product in one country and relating it to some economic indication, such as disposable
personal income, to derive a ratio. This ratio (of product consumption to disposable
personal income in above illustration) is then applied to another country where disposable
personal income is known in order to derive the market potential for the product in that
• The time-series approach estimates the demand in the second country by assuming that
it has the same level of consumption that the first country had at the same level of
development (or per capita income) at a different point in time.
Question :Define Legal system and also discuss what legal system needed when a
person want to do business in Canada. 3 marks

Mr. Ahmad launch a new product for cloths washing 1 year ago and then the demand for
that product is much greater but after 1 year many substitutes are available due to
competitors so sale level decreases. Question :Define at what stage of that PLC is that
product launched by Mr. Ahmad 3

Question: Define three stage of analysis in international marketing in export 3

Answer: International marketers may use a three stage analysis to determine which
foreign countries
offers best potential for exports from their companies.
Stage 1: Preliminary screening
Stage 2: Analysis of industry market potential
Stage 3: Analysis of company sales potential

Q: List down the most important assumptions of Comparative Advantage Theory.

Theory of Comparative Advantage:
Forwarded in early 19th century, the theory of Comparative Advantage resolves the
above issue.
A country should produce and export such products where it has comparatively more
and hence can earn better margins. Salient features of this theory are in the following;
• A country should produce & export those goods & services for which it is relatively
productive than other countries
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• Implement concept of opportunity cost (what a country gives up to get / produce a

good) in determining which goods a country should produce

Q: International marketer always seeks those countries for export that constitute
valuable contribution for his company. To do this what he would consider in
preliminary screening?
Preliminary Screening - involves defining the physical, political, economic, and cultural
environment of the countries
Demographic/Physical Environment:
• Population size, growth, density
• Urban and rural distribution
• Climate and weather conditions
• Shipping distance
• Product-significant demographics
• Physical distribution and communications network
• Natural resources
Political Environment
– System of government
– Political stability and continuity
– Ideological orientation
– Government involvement in business
– Government involvement in communication
– Attitudes towards foreign business (trade restrictions, tariffs, non-tariff barriers,
bilateral trade
– National economic and development priorities
Economic Environment
– Overall level of development
– Economic growth: GNP, industrial sector
– Role of foreign trade in economy
– Currency, inflation rate, availability, controls, stability of exchange rate
– Balance of payments
– Per capita income and distribution
– Disposable income and expenditure patterns
Social/Cultural Environment
– Literacy rate, educational level
– Existence of middle class
– Similarities and differences in relation to home market
– Language and other considerations

Q: In the scenario of international marketing it is necessary to know about the

competitor activities. Make list of the information that an international marketer
need to know about competitor.
The Competition:
A firm needs information about its competition in international markets on a continuous
basis to make appropriate decisions. Some key areas in which information is needed
about competition are in the following;
• Relative market shares of competitors
• New product moves of the competitors
• Pricing & cost structure of the competing firms
• Image & brand reputation of competitors in the markets / segments
• Quality: Its attributes and positioning relative to competitors.
• Competitors’ strengths: favorite tactics and strategies.

Q: Thousands of companies in Pakistan are doing their businesses in international

market. What are the core benefits of doing business internationally?
Benefits of doing business in international markets:
A country and its people benefit from selling to or even buying from international
• Propel country’s economic growth as its firms increase sales and profits
• Exports of quality products and services support or create better jobs (average export-
related job pays more than average national job)
• Selling to international markets diversifies a country’s economy and hence hedges
against economic downturns
• Consumers gain from lower costs, better quality and greater variety products on the
• Also create essential competition for local companies which then improve their
products and processes
• Keep levels of prices and hence inflation low as with open imports prices of products in
domestic markets would depend on the lower prices of the products in international

Q: Global marketing passes through different evolutionary changes, describe all

steps in detail.
Evolution of Global Marketing:
Firms, depending on their level involvement in foreign markets, pass through following
evolutionary phases.
1. Domestic marketing:
• Domestic marketers tend to be ethnocentric (focus is solely on domestic market) & pay
little attention to changes taking place in the global market place.
• Such firms produce and sell products and services only in their home country.
• Firms that keep focus only on their domestic markets may be vulnerable to the sudden
changes forced on them from foreign competition, when foreign firms enter the markets
or even when foreign firms develop better or cheaper products.
2. Export marketing:
• Exporting firms fulfill unsolicited / solicited orders from foreign countries.
• For growth in export marketing, however, a company requires physical, financial and
managerial resources.
• When a firm attempts to export it faces many issues that include difficulties in
import/export restrictions, cost and availability of shipping, exchange rate fluctuations,
collection of money, development of distribution channels etc.
• Export marketers still tend to take ethnocentric (a belief in or assumption of the
superiority of the social or cultural group that a person belongs to) approach, since they
mostly make products in their home countries and have no direct involvement in the
foreign markets.
3. International marketing:
• An international marketing firm has polycentric orientation with emphasis on product
and promotional adaptation in foreign markets whenever necessary.
• They make strategic decisions that are tailored to suit the cultures of the foreign
• The company may establish an independent foreign subsidiary in each and every
foreign market it services – such efforts are also called multi-domestic marketing.
4. Multinational marketing:
• More involvement than international marketing many international marketing in
multinational marketing
• Multinational firms are those that sell products or services in many countries.
• Economies of scale in product development, manufacturing, and marketing are achieved
by multinational firms by consolidation of some of their activities on regional basis.
• In this regiocentric approach product planning may be standardized within a region (e.g.
a group of contiguous and similar countries).
5. Global marketing Emphasizes:
• Global marketing firms sell products and services in most countries around the world.
• Through global operations firms achieve reduction of cost inefficiencies and duplication
of efforts among their national and regional subsidiaries.
• Global operations allow opportunities for the transfer of products, brands, and other
ideas across subsidiaries.
• Opportunities to operate worldwide are supported by the emergence of global
customers, and
• Improved linkages among national marketing infrastructures leading to the development
of a global marketing infrastructure.

Q: Write down the core concepts of “Mercantilism classical country based theories”
in your own words.
This is an old 16th century economic philosophy that attempted to explain how countries
may become prosperous and strong. Salient points of this philosophy are in the following;
• Country’s wealth is measured by its holdings of gold & silver (reserves of modern era)
• Country’s goal should be to enlarge those holdings
• To do this a country should maximize difference between its exports & imports
• A country should then promote exports & discourage imports - if exports are more than
imports foreigners have to pay the difference in gold & silver
• Today’s “unfavourable balance of trade” when exports of any country are less than its
exports, is the extension of the same idea
• With larger holdings of gold and silver kings could have more wealth – and hence could
afford larger armies to expand kingdoms
• This approach would make exporters.
Q: Make list of those subsidies that a government offers for exporter to promote
export. Answer:
Promotion of exports by governments:
Export subsidies:
• Tax breaks
• Direct payments to producers
• Product price support
• Cheaper resources (i.e. land, utilities)
• Public services provided at lower cost
Establishment of export trade / processing zones
Export financing programs
Training / assistance programs
Other governmental assistance

Q: During research, international marketing researcher faces some issues, discuss

three of them.
Issues Faced By international researcher During Research:
• A major problem is the unfamiliarity with the foreign environment - lack of familiarity
may lead to false assumptions, poorly-defined research problems, and, ultimately
misleading conclusions about the foreign market
• To reduce part of the uncertainty, some exploratory research at the early stage of the
research process is often fruitful
• A useful vehicle for such preliminary research is an omnibus survey - conducted by
research agencies at regular intervals.

Q: International marketers are working in more complex legal system than local
marketer. Indicate those issues that an international marketer faces world wide.
Legal issues faced by marketers in international markets:
Variations in legal environments, rule of law, laws, and legal systems affect foreign
business firms in a Number or areas. Key areas of business that are affected by legal
environments are
listed below;
• Laws concerning employment and labor affect managing of workforce in international
• Different laws in foreign countries regulate financing of operations by foreigners. In
some countries foreign firms are restricted access to local deposits / funds.
• Various countries around the world have different laws concerning marketing of
products, especially food products, pharmaceuticals, hazardous materials and strategic
products to a nation.
• Countries also control and regulate developing and utilizing of technologies through
various laws and regulations.
• Many countries also have different laws and regulations that affect ownership of
businesses by foreigners.
• Countries also regulate / restrict remittances to foreign countries and repatriation of
• Some countries regulate closing of operations and in some countries businesses are not
allowed to close shop especially when they have sold products that have guarantees and
warranties from the foreign firms.
• Various countries around the world have implemented different trade and investment
• Countries also have their own taxation requirements, systems and laws.
• Countries also differ on the accounting reporting requirements from various categories
of firms.
• Legal environments of countries vary that also affect dispute resolution situations and
contractual relationships.
• Countries around the world have also actively implemented environmental regulations
that affect businesses.
Q: Compare and contrast closed-end questions and open-end questions for
gathering data. Differentiate these two terms with at least one example.
Open-ended questions usually have no real 'right' or 'wrong' question. It's what you think
(like an opinion question). Close-ended questions have a definite 'correct' answer.
Open-ended questions Open ended questions allow respondents to answer them in any
way they choose. An example of an open-ended question is asking the respondent to state
five things that are interesting and
challenging in the job.
Another example is asking what the respondents like about their supervisors or their work
environment. A third example is to invite their comments on the investment portfolio of
the firm.
Closed-ended questions
A closed question in contrast would ask the respondents to make choices among a set of
alternatives given by the researcher. For instance instead of asking the respondent to state
any five aspects of the job that she finds interesting and challenging, the researcher might
list 10 or 15 aspects that might seem interesting or challenging in jobs and ask the
respondents to rank the first five among these in order of their preference. All items in a
questionnaire using a nominal, ordinal or like or ratio scale are considered closed.
Closed questions help the respondents to make quick decisions to choose among the
several alternatives before them. They also help the researcher to code the information
easily for subsequent analysis. Care has to be taken to ensure that the alternatives are
mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. If there are overlapping categories or if
all possible alternatives are not given the categories are not exhaustive, the respondent
might get confused.

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 3 )

List down the subsidies that a government offers to promote exports. Page 34
Export subsidies:
• Tax breaks • Direct payments to producers • Product price support
• Cheaper resources (i.e. land, utilities) • Public services provided at lower cost
Establishment of export trade / processing zones
Export financing programs
Training / assistance programs
Other governmental assistance
Question No: 30 ( Marks: 3 )


n international economics, international factor movements are movements
of labor, capital, and other factors of production between countries. International factor
movements occur in three ways: immigration/emigration, capital transfers through
international borrowing and lending, and foreign direct investment.[1] International
factor movements also raise political and social issues not present in trade in goods and
services. Nations frequently restrict immigration, capital flows, and foreign direct
Religious law - (Theocracy): When the cases are adjudicated based on religious
knowledge and beliefs.
Bureaucratic law: When officials adjudicate cases, such as in communist countries. This
results into lack of consistency, predictability & appeal procedures


demand Pattern Analysis – Industrial growth patterns provide an insight into market
demand. Because they generally reveal consumption patterns, production patterns and are
helpful in assessing market opportunities. Additionally, trends in manufacturing
production indicate potential markets for companies that supply manufacturing inputs. At
the early stages of growth in a country, when per capita incomes are low, manufacturing
centers on such necessities as food and beverages, textiles, and other forms of light
industry. As incomes rise, the relative importance of these industries declines as heavy
industry begins to develop. Countries at different levels of per capita income, thus, have
diverse patterns of consumption & production. Such data can be gathered on macro levels
for most countries. This simple technique, known as multiple-factor index approach,
allows insights into consumption-production profiles of many countries. Though
relatively crude, it gives a clue both to a country’s present position and the direction it is
going. This in turn helps the firm identify possibilities for export or local production in
that market.
Q # 4. Explain sale term 1. EX-WORK 2. FREE ON BOARD MARKS 5
free on Board (FOB) - at a named port of export – In addition to FAS, the exporter
undertakes to load the goods on the vessel to be used for ocean transportation and the
price quoted by the exporter reflects this cost.
Question: Give alt least three substitutes of judicial litigation. (3 Marks)
Question: International marketers idealize economical stability and business
friendly policies in home and host countries those would be profound for their
business. Do you agree with statement? Give at least three reasons. (3 Marks)
Question: Give at least five reasons of weak rule of law in Pakistan. (5 Marks)

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