MBA Programme: Empower Your Future
MBA Programme: Empower Your Future
MBA Programme: Empower Your Future
1018 29yrs
Students Average age
(two intakes: Jan & Sep)
90 35%
Nationalities Women
6yrs 710
Average work experience Average GMAT score
Geographical Diversity
Europe 38%
Asia Pacific 33%
North America 12%
South America 6%
Middle East 6%
Africa 4%
The INSEAD MBA Advantage
Consistently ranked as one of the top MBA programmes in the world by the Financial Times, there is
a myriad of reasons why INSEAD’s accelerated 10-month MBA programme stands out from every
other programme in the world:
Global World-class
Community Faculty & Research
The bonds fostered with one With a combination of
another during the programme often experience and talent, our faculty
translate to lifelong friendships and creates top-notch programmes
business opportunities. You will join and cutting-edge research that
the INSEAD family of over 57,000 influence businesses around
influential alumni in more than the world.
170 countries.
One Year to Challenge Your Perspectives
0 1 2
Business Financial Markets
Foundations Week & Valuation Leadership
Exploring Introduction to Foundations
Management Strategy
Challenges: Managerial
BlaBlaCar (online) Organisational Accounting
Behaviour I
Language classes Managing
Prices & Markets Customer Value
Uncertainty, Data Organisational
& Judgement Behaviour II
interpersonal skills and effective communication. examples of field trips that give you the opportunity to
You will need to prepare a Personal and Professional meet a variety of alumni, entrepreneurs and executives in
Identity Narrative essay and complete your 360-report different countries, creating a unique hands-on experience.
before Period 1 starts.
Starting in January (graduating in Dec the same year) & September (graduating in Jul the following year)
3 4 5
• Political Environment Your First 100 Days
• Public Policy
• Ethics*
Macroeconomics in the
Global Economy
You will have the opportunity to spend at least one CEIBS – available only to January starters – offers
Period on another INSEAD campus from Period 3 an inside view of the world’s most dynamic economy
onwards. Depending on your intake (Jan or Sep), you may and a head start for anyone looking to do business
also choose to spend Period 4 or 5 at one of our partner in China.
MBA programme
Employment Statistics
Class of 2018
Median annual salary
Median sign-on bonus
Countries of employment post-graduation
78% 26%
Changed their country of Changed all three
work, sector or job function dimensions
upon graduation
Prior to your arrival, you will have During Period 1 and Period 2, CDC Over the remaining three periods,
an opportunity to engage with CDC offers six core courses, eight industry CDC offers a variety of career electives
through a series of live webinars overviews, and Practice & Perfect covering a range of subjects. Students
covering CDC basics, CV creation, sessions to equip you with the skills have the freedom and flexibility to
and relationship building fundamentals. and competencies to find your first pick and choose what is most relevant
These webinars best position you to post-MBA job, capitalise on your to their career paths and job
arrive at INSEAD ready to engage with current employment status, and search focuses.
CDC and take ownership of the world manage your long-term career.
of opportunities that INSEAD provides.
The underrepresentation of women in leadership positions Today, we continue to build on this strong legacy and are
has garnered increasing attention in recent years, yet the working towards a future in which businesses across all
pace of women’s advancement as global leaders remains cultures engage the full potential of women for improved
slow. This is a complex problem reinforced by many social business success and a positive impact on society.
and cultural factors, but we believe that education can play These efforts are managed in an integrated way through
a critical role in developing gender diversity in leadership. the INSEAD Gender Initiative.
INSEAD is committed to being a key player in this space.
The Gender Initiative is an evidence-based, innovative and
In 1967, INSEAD became one of the first business schools rigorous strategy involving male and female faculty, staff
in the world to admit women to its MBA programme when it and alumni. As a school, we aim to be a model for great
welcomed Hélène Ploix, MBA’68, and Solange Perret, MBA’68, gender balance and leverage our strong research base,
to the Fontainebleau campus. our innovative teaching approaches and our deeply diverse
community to develop the next generation of female and
By doing so, INSEAD made a strong statement about gender male business leaders who are inspired and equipped to
parity in education, at a time when business schools were address gender balance throughout their careers.
largely exclusive to men. Both women went on to become
highly successful leaders in finance and international Find out more about Women at INSEAD at
business, respectively, paving the way for future generations
of women at INSEAD.
Financial inclusion has advanced
tremendously in recent years,
yet two billion people globally
remain unbanked. As a leader
in digital financial services and
Fintech, I am able to pioneer
efforts that democratise access
to financial services, which
significantly contribute to socio-
economic empowerment for the
underserved, particularly women.
Topyster Muga
FinTech Expert, Thought Leader,
Volunteer Mentor
Your Journey Starts Here
Admissions Criteria
Admissions Process
1 Online Application
and Video Interview 3 Interview
Decision 5
2 4 6
First Interviews Final
Selection with Alumni Decision
financial information.
2 14 Nov 2018 17 Apr 2019
• Non-need-based: usually allocated on the basis of
3 09 Jan 2019 05 Jun 2019
academic merit, nationality, gender or educational,
4 06 Mar 2019 24 Jul 2019 or professional achievements.
Meet Us
We would be delighted to meet you at one of our regular information sessions and campus tours
which are held on Friday afternoons at 2pm on both the Fontainebleau and Singapore campuses.
We also host events regularly in different cities around the world.
Fontainebleau, France
Middle East
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
INSEAD does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, or infirmity.
INSEAD | Registration Number 199901016K | CPE Registration 21 June 2017 to 20 June 2023
INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
T +33 (0)1 60 72 41 90