The Ultimate Skill Data Handbook-Final
The Ultimate Skill Data Handbook-Final
The Ultimate Skill Data Handbook-Final
Skill Data
If you’re like most HR, talent, and learning professionals, you’re
looking for new ways to be a business enabler, which means
being more data-driven and strategic about people development.
Organizations that prioritize data-driven decision-making are
twice as likely to have significantly exceeded business goals.
Table of Contents Companies too often view corporate learning, talent, and HR
technologies as an expense rather than an investment in growth.
But that’s an outdated narrative, and it’s changing fast.
What is skill data? 4
On top of their traditional responsibilities, people teams are now also
Where does skill data come from? 6 expected to enable revenue growth and business agility throughout
the employee experience. They’re expected to:
Good vs. bad skill data 8
Where should skill data be stored? 11
Provide career
Reallocate Generate
How can skill data be used? 13 growth and
guidance for people quickly definitive ROI on
individuals, when business investments in
Differentiating skill data technology 15 teams, and
priorities shift people
Identify skill
Develop a Maintain an Decrease
gaps in the
more agile internal talent spending on
workforce and
workforce marketplace external hiring
close them
Skill data can provide visibility into the supply and demand for
your organization’s skills. And it can help you align your workforce
with your business imperatives, save money, and increase
employee engagement.
But it’s not simply about accessing data; it’s about understanding
your data sets to use them correctly, responsibly, and efficiently.
So you can bridge the gap between learning and talent initiatives
and organizational goals.
The field is still emerging — and evolving fast. We’d like to provide
some clarity to help L&D and HR leaders make better informed
Right now, only 37% of companies consider
investments with skill data. However, we know there are not yet
common standards around this topic, so this guide also aims to themselves to be highly insight-driven, according to
provoke debate to advance the state of the art, which is not yet a recent study. Understanding and communicating
meeting the demands of 21st-century businesses. For those with
your skill data needs will be the key to staying ahead
something to add to the subject of skill data, we encourage
feedback and welcome discussion. of disruption and your competitors.
useful to identify and quantify skills. data can tell you where to invest further or
even which providers to cancel.
using a new tool.
Degreed calls these skill signals and User data: This is data about the users — your
Assessment data: Many systems can offer
skill assessments, but the most intelligent
they can include: people — and their work experience. It can be systems will be able to help you identify which
taken from learning profiles, resumes, third skills are changing. You’ll know if a key skill
party networking sites, and applicant tracking is improving across your entire company or
systems (ATSs). Providing a retroactive view, if a cluster of other skills is increasing within
it can offer visibility into people’s past projects individual teams.
and hidden skill sets that wouldn’t ordinarily
surface in their daily work. Maybe one of Much of this information you may currently have
your project managers has a graphic design access to — because your people are already
background that she doesn’t use in her current generating it. But to unlock the real power of this
role but could make her an excellent fit for an data, you’ll need to collect, organize, analyze,
upcoming campaign that needs help. User data and use it.
can tell you that.
Here’s the short answer: everywhere. Let’s go back to the health example. People are
generating all kinds of health data every hour of
daily steps. Your browser search history knows
what recipes you’re downloading. Your financial
every day. The challenge is aggregating all of that statements show what food you buy. Dieting apps
The long answer: Anywhere your data and making sense of it so individuals can
view their health profiles holistically, identify
capture information about your daily nutritional
intake, and personal trainers know how you’re
people interact or input information warning signs, and reach their goals. Skill data training for that upcoming marathon. That’s a lot
has the same challenge. of data, in a lot of different systems.
can be a source of data on their
Many vendors and organizations start with skill If the HCM system is like a doctor, all the other
abilities and experiences. This is data from a human capital management system systems your people interact with are the learning
both good and bad. (HCM). At Degreed, we think of HCMs like doctors.
You might visit your doctor several times each
version of smart watches or workout coaches. Find
some examples of these systems aligned to the
year but certainly not every day. And while doctors employee lifecycle on the next page.
measure your height, weight, family history, vital
signs, and acute health issues, they don’t know No single system can supply all the necessary,
the specifics of your daily diet, sleep, or exercise accurate, and unbiased data you need to make
routine. What your doctor sees is important, but it’s decisions about your workforce. And in the age of
not the entire story. APIs, you don’t need to limit your company to one
system. The most agile companies use all of
Now think of all the data created between your these platforms together by synchronizing skill
doctor visits. A smart watch can tell you about your data for analysis.
sleep patterns, calories burned, heart rate, and
Diversity: The more metrics you track, the more comprehensive your view of your
organization will be. With a wide-angle lens, you can identify patterns and create
early warning systems that alert you to disruption. In other words, you can detect
small ripples before they become disruptive waves.
Is your data updating as quickly as your people’s skills are? Their abilities can
change by the month, week, or even day. Fresh data comes from constant workforce
engagement. So if you’re not capturing data from systems your people use regularly,
your data may be inaccurate or out of date.
4 Focus Skills
133 4 Experiences
Skill Signals
3 Achievements
32 Learning Items
Traditionally, organizations have used two main compliance training. That means that employees And for that reason, a single system of record for
sources as the system of record for skills: learning are likely interacting with HRIS and HCM systems skills — one definitive system for all your skill data
management systems (LMS) and human resource very infrequently — like doctor visits — and that — wouldn’t be useful. That’s why it doesn’t exist.
information systems (HRIS) or their cousins, limited engagement means limited data.
human capital management systems (HCM). Instead, innovative organizations are beginning to
For a comprehensive view of dynamic skill use more open systems that integrate (or better
The LMS, of course, has long been used as the data, this question of storage becomes more yet, translate and synchronize) skill data from
system of record for learning. With access to complicated. The answer requires constant user various systems. And in doing so, they’re distilling
employee names, course titles, completion dates, engagement, a diversity of data, and actionable that data into a structured, common language
assessments, and certifications, an LMS can store insights. Right now, there is no universal system that’s readily accessed for analysis, even in a
reliable reports. And many include a basic, static of record for skills. Skill data can look entirely different talent or business analytics tool. This
list (or taxonomy) of skills that can be used to different between and across systems, vendors, creates a living, evolving map of the relationships
tag content and people. However, these lists are and partners; they all have their own labels and between different representations of skills across
limited in how they can impact the business. definitions for skills. platforms and systems.
HRIS and HCM systems are designed to manage Imagine trying to integrate and manage all that
critical administrative HR functions like payroll, disparate data in a single system. If your system
benefits administration, time and attendance — of record even allows it (few do), it would be
and in some cases, performance management and duplicative, messy, inconsistent, and noisy.
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