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The document discusses the safety, technical specifications, operation, and maintenance of a jet printing device.

Safety instructions include intended use, sources of danger, personal protective equipment, and safety measures at the installation site.

Dimensions, weights, connections, ambient conditions and power parameters are provided in the technical data section.

Group 1 Table of contents Page 1

1.1 Table of contents

1.1 Table of contents ........................................................................................ 1

1.2 Group directory........................................................................................... 8
1.3 Menu level index......................................................................................... 9
1.4 Publisher.................................................................................................. 11
1.5 Introduction.............................................................................................. 13
1.6 Document information ............................................................................... 14
2. Safety .......................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Scope of risks .......................................................................................... 15
2.2 Safety instructions and recommendations .................................................... 15
2.3 Intended use ............................................................................................ 18
2.4 Sources of danger ..................................................................................... 18
2.5 Safety sticker ........................................................................................... 22
2.6 Operating staff ......................................................................................... 23
2.7 Dangers due to electric energy.................................................................... 23
2.8 Personal protective equipment .................................................................... 23
2.9 Protective devices ..................................................................................... 23
2.10 Safety measures at the place of installation ................................................ 24
2.11 Dangers through consumables .................................................................. 24
3. Accident prevention ....................................................................................... 26
3.1 Storage and handling (normal use)............................................................... 26
3.2 First aid measures ..................................................................................... 27
3.3 Fire fighting measures................................................................................ 27
3.4 Measures in the event of accidental release (spillage)..................................... 28
4. Technical data ............................................................................................... 29
4.1 Dimensions, weights, connections............................................................... 29
4.2 Ambient conditions ................................................................................... 29
4.3 System interfaces ..................................................................................... 29
4.4 Power parameters ..................................................................................... 30
4.5 Font forms ............................................................................................... 30
4.6 Forms of printing ...................................................................................... 31
4.7 Font combinations..................................................................................... 31
4.8 Manner of working .................................................................................... 31
4.9 Software.................................................................................................. 32
5. Transport/Start up.......................................................................................... 33

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5.1 Transport, storage, shipping ....................................................................... 33

5.2 Mounting ................................................................................................. 33
5.3 Installation ............................................................................................... 34
5.3.1 Mains connection .............................................................................. 34
5.3.2 Data interface X2 .............................................................................. 35 Transmission protocol for operating system LJOS ............................ 35 Pin assignment plan ..................................................................... 36
5.3.3 Print Go interface X5 ......................................................................... 37
5.3.4 Shaft encoder ................................................................................... 37 Description and pin assignment ..................................................... 37 Mechanic installation ................................................................... 38
5.3.5 Print head......................................................................................... 39
5.4 Start up ................................................................................................... 40
5.4.1 Initial start up in an empty condition .................................................... 40
5.4.2 Initial start up in a full condition .......................................................... 42
6. Operation...................................................................................................... 44
6.1 Construction/Structure............................................................................... 44
6.2 Functional principle ................................................................................... 45
6.2.1 Method of working ............................................................................ 45
6.2.2 Drop creation .................................................................................... 45
6.2.3 Drop charging ................................................................................... 45
6.2.4 Drop deflection ................................................................................. 46
6.2.5 Creation of a character....................................................................... 46
6.2.6 Summary of the individual procedures .................................................. 47
6.3 Operating procedures and operating elements ............................................... 48
6.3.1 LCD touch display ............................................................................. 48 Switching on/switching off procedure ............................................ 48 Interval operation ........................................................................ 50 Status line in normal operation ...................................................... 51 Status line in error condition ......................................................... 51 Software Reset ........................................................................... 52
6.3.2 Ink switch ........................................................................................ 53
6.3.3 Hardware Reset................................................................................. 53
6.3.4 Potentiometer – Display illumination..................................................... 54
6.3.5 Menu structure ................................................................................. 55

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6.4 Interfaces................................................................................................. 58
6.4.1 Data interface ................................................................................... 58
6.4.2 PrintGO interface............................................................................... 58
6.4.3 Shaft encoder interface ...................................................................... 58
6.4.4 Optional outputs................................................................................ 59
6.4.5 Optional inputs.................................................................................. 59
6.5 Description of the device ........................................................................... 60
6.5.1 Electronics cabinet with LCD touch display ........................................... 60
6.5.2 Controller board ................................................................................ 61
6.5.3 DC power supply............................................................................... 63
6.5.4 Hydraulics part.................................................................................. 64 Main pump ................................................................................. 66 Suction pump ............................................................................. 66 Viscosity control ......................................................................... 67 Leak detection ............................................................................ 68
6.5.5 Print head......................................................................................... 68 Drop production unit with oscillator ............................................... 70 Deflector unit.............................................................................. 70 Nozzle plate ................................................................................ 71 Nozzle seal with gutter................................................................. 71
7. Data entry/programming ................................................................................. 72
7.1 General.................................................................................................... 72
7.2 Text administration ................................................................................... 72
7.2.1 Text entry ........................................................................................ 73 Bold print ................................................................................... 74
7.2.2 Font parameters ................................................................................ 76
7.2.3 Text editor........................................................................................ 79
7.2.4 Graphics entry/graphics selection......................................................... 79
7.2.5 Graphics editor.................................................................................. 80
7.2.6 Shift code input ................................................................................ 81
7.2.7 Barcode input.................................................................................... 83 Barcode information..................................................................... 83 Barcode selection ........................................................................ 85 Barcode parameter....................................................................... 86
7.3 Job administration..................................................................................... 87

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7.3.1 Opening job ...................................................................................... 87

7.3.2 Factory setting & default jobs ............................................................. 88
7.3.3 Deleting jobs..................................................................................... 89
7.3.4 Storing and listing jobs ....................................................................... 90
7.4 User-/ Password administration ................................................................... 91
7.4.1 Password levels (User groups) and user rights ....................................... 91
7.4.2 Call up password administration .......................................................... 92
7.4.3 Activate user administration (first password input)................................. 92
7.4.4 User change and password change ...................................................... 93 Login as supervisor or advanced operator ....................................... 94 Change passwords ...................................................................... 94 Logoff as supervisor or advanced operator ...................................... 96
7.4.5 Password forgotten ........................................................................... 97
7.4.6 Deactivate user-/password administration ............................................. 97
7.5 Print start parameters ................................................................................ 99
7.5.1 Print delay and print repetition............................................................. 99
7.5.2 Printgo distance .............................................................................. 100
7.5.3 Droplet flight time............................................................................ 100
7.5.4 Print Go and Print Go Gate................................................................ 101
7.5.5 Meter go function............................................................................ 102
7.5.6 Pre-defined print stop....................................................................... 104
7.6 Function parameters ................................................................................ 105
7.6.1 Expiration time and shift times .......................................................... 105
7.6.2 Replacements and text sources ......................................................... 106 Printing with the function “ex. text” ............................................ 106
7.6.3 Reset counters ................................................................................ 108
7.6.4 Counter settings.............................................................................. 109
7.6.5 Counter programming ...................................................................... 110
7.6.6 Mode normal and reflected ............................................................... 112
7.7 Service/test/system parameters ................................................................ 113
7.7.1 Direct start and time/date ................................................................. 113
7.7.2 Monitoring functions (Control functions) ............................................. 114 Printgo- and strokego monitoring ................................................. 114
7.7.3 Encoder.......................................................................................... 115
7.7.4 Encoder parameters ......................................................................... 115

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7.7.5 Job change..................................................................................... 116 Printing with the function “external job selection”.......................... 116
7.7.6 Service/test- and diagnosis functions ................................................. 118 Summary graph (oscillator voltage curve)...................................... 118 Motor test ................................................................................ 119 Charging voltage test/Piezo test .................................................. 120 Software information ................................................................. 121 Permanent bleeding ................................................................... 121 Hydraulic test & parameters........................................................ 122 Touch screen calibration............................................................. 125 Service interval ......................................................................... 126
8. Trouble shooting .......................................................................................... 127
8.1 General.................................................................................................. 127
8.2 Error notification ..................................................................................... 127
8.3 Error messages ....................................................................................... 128
8.4 Other causes of errors ............................................................................. 132
9. Equipping/maintenance ................................................................................. 133
9.1 Equipping/operation ................................................................................. 133
9.1.1 Refilling of ink and solvent ................................................................ 133 General information ................................................................... 133 TAG reader and TAG identifier .................................................... 135 TAG reading, TAG information, TAG activating and filling the device 135 Consumable medium with elapsed use-by date .............................. 137 TAG Error messages .................................................................. 139 Other TAG messages and Repair TAG .......................................... 139
9.1.2 Refill messages ............................................................................... 141 Messages in the standard operation ............................................. 141 Messages in the “host operation” ................................................ 142
9.2 Guarantee .............................................................................................. 144
9.3 Service/maintenance ............................................................................... 144
9.3.1 Daily servicing work......................................................................... 144
9.3.2 Weekly servicing work ..................................................................... 144 Lubrication ............................................................................... 144 Nozzle sealing ........................................................................... 145
9.3.3 Annual servicing work...................................................................... 147

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 1 Table of contents Page 6 Filter replacement and ink change ................................................ 148

9.3.4 Other servicing work........................................................................ 151 Adjusting the ink jet in the gutter................................................. 151 Replacement of the main pump ................................................... 152 Replacement of the battery and fuse ............................................ 154
9.3.5 Servicing work with more difficult operating conditions ........................ 155
9.4 Cleaning ................................................................................................ 156
9.4.1 Daily cleaning work ......................................................................... 156 Cleaning the print head .............................................................. 156 Cleaning the deflector unit and gutter........................................... 157
9.4.2 Weekly cleaning work ...................................................................... 158 Cleaning of the spindle and guides of the nozzle seal...................... 158
9.4.3 Other cleaning work......................................................................... 159 Cleaning the nozzle.................................................................... 159 Cleaning the suction pump.......................................................... 161
9.5 Further maintenance measures (Service intervals)........................................ 163
9.6 Taking out of operation............................................................................ 164
9.7 Dismantling/disposal................................................................................ 164
10. Replacement parts...................................................................................... 165
10.1 Replacement parts electronics................................................................. 165
10.2 Replacement parts hydraulics.................................................................. 165
10.3 Replacement parts print head SK2........................................................... 166
10.4 Special tools......................................................................................... 166
10.5 Cleaning/servicing accessories ................................................................ 167
10.6 Periphery ............................................................................................. 167
10.7 Data entry devices ................................................................................ 168
11. Consumables ............................................................................................. 169
12. Appendix .................................................................................................. 170
12.1 Hydraulics diagram ................................................................................ 170
12.2 Interface layout plan .............................................................................. 171
12.3 Calculation of the print speed ................................................................. 173
12.4 Fonts................................................................................................... 176
12.5 List of graphics ..................................................................................... 178
12.6 Technical drawings................................................................................ 179
List of keywords/Index ..................................................................................... 182

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List of illustrations ........................................................................................... 189

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Group 1 Group directory Page 8

1.2 Group directory

The group directory serves as a guide through the device manual at hand to be able to
find specific subject areas quickly.

Group Directory Page

1 Overview .................................................................................... 1
Table of contents......................................................................... 1
Group directory ........................................................................... 8
Menu level index.......................................................................... 9
Publisher................................................................................... 11
Introduction .............................................................................. 13
2 Safety ...................................................................................... 15
3 Accident prevention ................................................................... 26
4 Technical data ........................................................................... 29
5 Transport/start up ...................................................................... 33
6 Operation.................................................................................. 44
Construction/Structure ............................................................... 44
Functional principle .................................................................... 45
Operating procedures/-elements................................................... 48
Interfaces ................................................................................. 58
Description of the device ............................................................ 60
7 Data Entry................................................................................. 72
8 Troble shooting/malfunctions ..................................................... 127
9 Equipping/maintenance ............................................................. 133
10 Replacement parts.................................................................... 165
11 Consumables ........................................................................... 169
12 Appendix ................................................................................ 170
Hydraulics diagram................................................................... 170
Interface layout plan................................................................. 171
Calculation of the print speed .................................................... 173
Fonts ..................................................................................... 176
List of graphics........................................................................ 178
Technical drawings .................................................................. 179
Index...................................................................................... 182
List of illustrations.................................................................... 189

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Group 1 Menu level index Page 9

1.3 Menu level index

The menu level index guides you through the manual on hand in order to facilitate the
search for the required information about the individual menu functions.

Group Chapter Menu level no. Page

7 7.1 Menu level 1....................................................... 72

7 7.2 Menu level 2....................................................... 72
7 7.2.1 Menu level 3, 9, 15, 18 ....................................... 73
7 7.2.1 Menu level 50, 51, 52, 60.................................... 74
7 7.2.2 Menu level 3, 11 ................................................. 76
7 7.2.2 Menu level 12 ..................................................... 77
7 7.2.4 Menu level 50 (graphics entry) .............................. 79
7 7.2.5 Menu level 3, 10, 19 ........................................... 80
7 Menu level 3, 9, 17 ............................................. 85
7 Menu level 3, 22 ................................................. 86
7 7.3.1 Menu level 5, 45 ................................................. 87
7 7.3.3 Menu level 5, 47, 49 ........................................... 89
7 7.3.4 Menu level 5, 46, 50 ........................................... 90
7 7.4 Menu level 2, 7................................................... 91
7 7.5.1 Menu level 2, 4 ................................................... 99
7 7.5.5 Menu level 4, 8, 1 (meter go function) ................. 102
7 7.5.6 Menu level 4, (pre-defined print stop)................... 104
7 7.6 Menu level 2, 6, 41, 44 ..................................... 105
7 7.6.2 Menu level 6, 13 ............................................... 106
7 7.6.4 Menu level 6, 42 (counter settings) ..................... 109
7 7.6.5 Menu level 60 (counter programming) .................. 110
7 7.7 Menu level 2..................................................... 113
7 7.7.2 Menu level 8, 31 ............................................... 114
7 7.7.3 Menu level 8, 14 ............................................... 115
7 Menu level 16, 25 ............................................. 118
7 Menu level 16, 37 ............................................. 119
7 Menu level 16, 38, 39 ....................................... 120
7 Menu level 16, 35 ............................................. 121
7 Menu level 16, 34 ............................................. 121
7 Menu level 16, 29 ............................................. 122

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7 Menu level 43, 70 ............................................. 123

7 Menu level 16, 59 ............................................ 125
7 Menu level 16, 64 ............................................ 126

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Group 1 Publisher Page 11

1.4 Publisher

For questions regarding the operation and running of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 as well as in
service case please contact the listed dealer address.

Dealer address

Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG

Special factories for numbering machines
Daimlerstraße 14
D-78532 Tuttlingen
Federal Republic of Germany

Phone +49 74 61/92 86-0

Fax +49 74 61/92 86-1 99
E-mail: vertrieb@leibinger-numbering.com

Service hotline phone +49 74 61/92 86-8 63

Service hotline fax 0 74 61/92 86-8 69
Service hotline e-mail: service@leibinger-numbering.com

American Branch Office

Paul Leibinger
Numbering Machine L.P.
221 Wilson Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854 USA

Phone +1 203 853-0022

Fax +1 203 853-3355
email: info@leibingerusa.com

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 1 Publisher Page 12

We reserve all rights, in particular the right to translate, distribute and reproduce. No
part of this manual must be reproduced or distributed and stored through the use of
electronic data processing systems or made accessible to third parties in any form
(redrawn, photocopied, microfilmed or through any other process) without the written
consent of the publisher.

We reserve the right to make alterations to the scope of delivery at any time in the form
of technology, hardware, software as well as the corresponding materials (and manual
extracts) as a result of innovative further development of our devices.

Texts, illustrations and technical drawings have been compiled with the greatest of
care. Nevertheless errors cannot be excluded. Consequently no guarantee can be
assumed for the correctness of the content of this manual and no claims can be
asserted against Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG.

We shall be grateful for information regarding possible printing errors as well as for
suggestions for the further optimisation of the device manual.

Authoritative for the scope of delivery is not the manual but rather the written order

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Group 1 Introduction Page 13

1.5 Introduction

We are pleased that you have decided in favour of a LEIBINGER-JET 2 device and
welcome you as one of our customers.

You now own a LEIBINGER-JET 2 device that has been developed and constructed on
the basis of many years of experience and using the latest Leibinger technology. This
results in a high degree of quality and the renowned Leibinger reliability.

This manual shows you the fundamental advantages of the Leibinger Jet system
manufactured by us, such as for example the fully automatic working, low maintenance

The manual must be read thoroughly prior to to first start up in order

to ensure that no damage to the device and/or endangering of the
operating personnel results from a defective electrical connection
and/or from incorrect operation.

Please pay particular attention to the safety instructions of the groups

Safety instructions and accident prevention when handling
consumables (ink and solvent).

Our devices are subjected to a quality control in our plant prior to delivery. If despite
this the device or parts of it should be damaged or their function disturbed please advise
us of this as fast as possible.

The guarantee conditions can be seen from the confirmation of order. The warranty
presupposes that the device or the installation is operated correctly in accordance with
the available guarantee manual and any possible additional manuals and descriptions
prepared by us.

It is only through the use of inks and solvents from Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG that
optimum operating characteristics can be achieved. Should other inks and solvents be
used all guarantee claims will expire.

Product liability!

No alterations whatsoever must be carried out on the entire

LEIBINGER-JET 2 device. No liability will be accepted for damage or
dangers resulting from inadmissible alterations.

Caution – risk of explosion!

The device must not be operated in rooms where there is a risk of


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Group 1 Introduction Page 14

1.6 Document information

The instruction Release 3.00 of 17th February 2006 is valid for Leibinger-Jet 2 se+
machines from the software-version V30.1.00.00.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 2 Safety instructions Page 15

2. Safety

2.1 Scope of risks

The high performance printer LEIBINGER- JET 2 has been built in accordance with state-
of-the-art standards and recognized safety requirements and has been equipped with
protective devices.

Operational and safety checks of the installation were carried out before it left the
factory. In case of improper handling or misuse, however, there are dangers for
! the health of the operating staff
! the LEIBINGER-JET 2 and other real assets of the plant operator
! the efficient operation of the high performance printer

All persons entrusted with the putting into service, the operation, the maintenance and
the overhauling of the high performance printer must
! have the necessary qualification and
! strictly comply with this operating manual.

YOUR safety matters!

2.2 Safety instructions and recommendations

This operating manual use the following SYMBOLS with DANGER WARNINGS:

Indicates impending electrical danger!

Failure to observe this instruction can lead to serious injuries or to


Indicates a dangerous situation through pressurised media!

Failure to observe this instruction can cause injuries!

Indicates a dangerous situation!

Failure to observe this instruction can lead to material damage or to


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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 16

Indicates a dangerous situation!

Failure to observe this instruction can cause serious hand injuries!

Indicates a dangerous situation through flammable materials!

Failure to observe this instruction can lead to material damage, to

serious burns or to death!

Indicates a dangerous situation through irritating


Failure to observe this instruction can lead to poisoning

and to irritation of the eyes, the skin as well as of the
respiratory organs!

Indicates the necessity of personal protective clothing!

Sufficient protective equipment must be worn. Failure

to observe this instruction can lead to injury!

Indicates the necessity of observing the device manual

and other instructions!

Failure to observe this instruction can lead to material

damage, the loss of guarantee and to injury!

Indicates service activities!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 17

Indicates important user information

for safe and effective working.

Indicates recommendations for use

and other useful pieces of information.

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 18

2.3 Intended use

The high performance printer LEIBINGER-JET 2 serves exclusively the contact-free

marking, inscribing and coding of surfaces using the continuous ink jet process.

The high performance printer can be used on the most varying materials (e.g. metal,
synthetic material, glass, paper, wood, pressed materials, rubber etc.) with both,
smooth as well as uneven, rough and stepped surfaces.

The intended use of this device also includes the observance of all
instructions in this manual.

Using the installation for other purposes is considered contrary to its

intended use!

For safety reasons conversions and alterations are only admissible

following consultation with the manufacturer. Repairs to the device
must only be carried out with original replacement parts.

The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage resulting from use for
other than the intended purpose or misuse.

2.4 Sources of danger

Protective devices must neither be removed nor put out of operation.

Defects discovered must be rectified immediately.

Mains connection!

The device has no mains switch and must only be connected to a plug
socket in the direct vicinity of the place of setting up!

Installation of the device

The device must be installed in a well ventilated room only and must
be kept away from any source of heat, flame or sparks, e.g. radiant
heater, etc.

Installation of the print head

The operating staff must not be exposed to danger due to the

installation of the device in a production plant. Moving products under
the print head may cause risk of crushing/cutting. The instructions of
the machines directive must be strictly adhered to

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 19

Caution – risk of explosion!

Risk of explosion in the event of incorrect replacement of the battery.

Replace only with an identical battery or with an equal value battery
type in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer!
The instructions of the battery manufacturer must be observed when
disposing of the battery!

Caution – risk of explosion!

The device must not be operated in rooms where there is a risk of


Attention – risk of injury!

Your fingers could get caught between the frictional wheel and the
production line. Keep your hands outside the danger area.

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock! Disconnect

the device from the mains supply prior to opening. Remove mains

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock! The print

head must close automatically. Work on the head must only be carried
out in a closed state!

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Parts of the device are still under voltage after blowing the protecting
device! Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Measurement under voltage has carried out only by electrical experts!

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 20

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could get
caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or during the
opening movement between housing and gutter. Keep your hands
outside of the danger area!

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could get
caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or during the
opening movement between housing and gutter. Only carry out
cleaning and service work with the machine placed idle. Remove mains

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of ignition

must be kept away from the print head!

Dangerous material in the machine!

Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!


Read and understand the device manual before using this machine.
Incorrect operation can lead to injury or damage to the device!

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 21

Dangerous material in the machine!

Read the safety leaflets and the regulations on personal safety


Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the opening
of the device eye protection must be put on!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes can
cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective equipment

is necessary!

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 22

2.5 Safety sticker

Figure 1

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 23

2.6 Operating staff

Only trained personnel must operate the device. The personnel must have appropriate
training to enable them to be able to operate the LEIBINGER-JET 2 high performance
printer professionally.

Within the working area of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 device the operator is responsible with
regard to third parties.

The operator must

! put this operating manual at the operating staff’s disposal and
! make sure that they have read and understood them.

2.7 Dangers due to electric energy

The electrical and electronic components of the high performance

printer are under voltage. The device must only be opened by trained
personnel or by Leibinger service technicians.

Prior to the opening of the device the device must be switched off
and the mains plug removed.

Further information on this subject can be found in the groups Trouble

shooting and Equipping/maintenance.

2.8 Personal protective equipment

Materials are processed in this device that cause irritations and which are under
pressure. In order to avoid injury and damage the personnel must wear the following
personal protective equipment during certain work procedures:
! suitable work clothing
! suitable eye protection
! suitable hand protection

More detailed information can be found in the corresponding chapters of this manual as
well as possibly in information and data leaflets of consumables.

2.9 Protective devices

In an emergency the device is placed idle by removal of the mains plug.

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Group 2 Safety instructions Page 24

2.10 Safety measures at the place of installation

Mains connection!

The device has no mains switch and must only be connected to a plug
socket in the direct vicinity of the place of setting up!

Caution – risk of explosion!

The device must not be operated in rooms where there is a risk of


Installation of the device

The device must be installed in a well ventilated room only and must
be kept away from any source of heat, flame or sparks, e.g. radiant
heater, etc.

A place of setting up must be selected with sufficient load bearing

capacity and stability. When setting up it must be observed that
sufficient movement space is available for the operating and service
personnel. Solvents are processed in the device, sufficient room
ventilation must be ensured!

Prior to assembly the place of setting up must be cleaned of dirt and

contamination (residue of lubricants etc.). The working place
surroundings should be kept clean at all times in order to ensure
unrestricted access to the LEIBINGER-JET 2 device.

2.11 Dangers through consumables

Inks are coloured liquids on a water or solvent basis. The safety instructions on the
containers of the consumables as well as the instructions in the group Accident
prevention must be especially adhered to in order to exclude dangers for persons and
the surroundings. Further instructions can be found in the Safety Data Sheets.

When handling consumables (inks/solvents) the danger instructions

and safety advice on the containers (transport, storage, distribution
and correct disposal) must be observed!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 2 Safety instructions Page 25

In addition we recommend observance of the DIN safety information

leaflets 52900 of the inks and solvents used.

Upon written request we shall be pleased to send you a copy. Please

indicate the Leibinger article no. in all cases.

In the following you will find examples for the marking of inks and solvents.

Figure 2

Examples: Labels for the marking of inks and solvents.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 3 Accident prevention Page 26

3. Accident prevention

The following presentation shows the measures in the event of an accident with ink and
solvent with the danger marking
! slightly ignitable
! irritates the eyes and the respiratory organs.

3.1 Storage and handling (normal use)

GENERAL These products must only used at points that are free from
open flames and other ignition sources. Do not use pressure for
emptying – the container is not a pressure vessel. Good
household practice and regular, safe removal of the waste
materials restrict the danger of self-ignition and other risks of
fire to a minimum. The product can charge statically. When
pouring from one container to another use a mass lead. The
workers must wear anti-static shoes and clothing and the floors
must be conductive.

STORAGE Observe the marking information. Store at 5 to 25°C in a

warm, well ventilated location at a safe distance from heat and
ignition sources and direct sunlight.

Do not smoke! Do not grant access to unauthorised persons.

Open containers must be properly closed and stored upright in
order to avoid leakage.

Smoking, eating and drinking must be forbidden in the storage

and working areas. Always keep in containers from the same
material as the delivery containers.

HANDLING The development of combustible or explosive vapour

concentrations must be prevented and vapour concentrations
avoided that are above the threshold values of the employers
liability insurance association. Keep containers closed tightly.

Keep sources of heat and sparks as well as open flames well


Use only spark-free tools. Electrical devices must be protected

in accordance with the corresponding standard.

Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Do not inhale vapours
and spray mist.

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Group 3 Accident prevention Page 27

3.2 First aid measures

EYES Contact lenses must be removed. Rinse thoroughly with pure,

fresh water for at least 10 minutes, keep eyelids spread and
call a doctor.

SKIN Remove contaminated clothes. Wash skin thoroughly with soap

and water or with a branded skin cleansing agent. DO NOT use
solvents or thinners.

INHALING Take patient into the fresh air and keep warm and calm. In the
event of irregular breathing or of breath being missed
resuscitate artificially. Do not give anything orally, place
unconscious patients on their side and call a doctor.

MISCELLANEOUS In case of doubt or with persistent symptoms call a doctor.

Never give anything orally to unconscious patients.

3.3 Fire fighting measures

EXTINGUISHING Recommended: Alcohol-resistant foam, spray water/mist, CO2

AGENTS or powder

DO NOT use water jets. Cool closed containers exposed to the

fire with spray water.

RISK OF FIRE AND As the product contains combustible organic constituents, a

EXPLOSION thick, black smoke develops in the event of fire that contains
dangerous combustion products. Decomposition products can
constitute a danger to health. Extinguishing waste water must
not enter the waste water channels or waters.

PROTECTIVE If necessary suitable, independent breathing apparatus is

MEASURES required.

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Group 3 Accident prevention Page 28

3.4 Measures in the event of accidental release (spillage)

PRECAUTIONARY Switch off sources of ignition and ventilate room. Keep

MEASURES personnel that is not absolutely necessary away. Do not inhale
any vapour. Observe the protective measures listed.

ENVIRONMENTAL DO NOT allow to enter waste water channels or waters.

MEASURES Should the product enter waste water channels or the drainage
system the local water supply authority must be informed
immediately. In the event of contamination of streams, rivers or
lakes inform the national water authorities. Vapour is heavier
than air and can spread out on the ground. In combination with
air it can form an explosive mixture.
RESTORATION Restrict and suck up spilled substances with a non-combustible
absorbent material (e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite, infusorial
earth) and collect in a suitable container for removal. Preferably
clean areas with spilled substances with a detergent. Avoid

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 4 Technical data Page 29

4. Technical data

4.1 Dimensions, weights, connections

Figure 3
Cabinet: High grade steel
Width 440 mm, depth 280 mm,
height 480 mm
Weight: 22 kg

Print head: High grade steel housing

Length 278 mm, width 42.5 mm,
height 42.5 mm
Length of the print head lead 3 m,
available up to 12 m as an option
Weight: 1 kg

Print head installation position: Any installation position of the print head

Print head securing: Screw thread M4 (2x) in the print head with interval
85 mm

Electrical connection values: 115 - 230 V AC ,47-60 Hz

Power consumption: Max. 50 VA, mains part reactive current


Form of protection: IP 54 (higher form of protection possible on request)

4.2 Ambient conditions

Temperature range: + 5° C to + 45° C

(no rapid change of temperature)

Relative humidity: Max. 90 % relative humidity (non-condensating)

4.3 System interfaces

Product sensor: 5-pole connection bush, 24 V, 100 mA, for optical,

inductive, capacitive proximity switch NPN/PNP types

Pressure synchronisation: Digital incremental shaft encoder with 12-pole bush

(optional) on the rear side of the cabinet (5 V, EIA 422 A)

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Group 4 Technical data Page 30

Potential free inputs: Optional 12 for special functions

Outputs: NPN 24 V, 500 mA, e. g. for device status and error


Data entry: Standard ASCII characters via V 24/RS 232

Data buffering in the event of voltage failure

Transmission speed 38400 Baud

4.4 Power parameters

Printing power Character height: approx.

! min.: 0.8 mm
! max.: 12 mm,
depending on form of font, head distance, nozzle
diameter, ink and product surface
(e.g. 40 prints/sec with 10 characters)

Writing speed max. 2700 characters/s (at 96 kHz)

Character density e.g. 26 characters/80 mm at 140 m/min product

speed (5x5 matrix)
(see calculation of the inscription speed in the group

4.5 Font forms

All type forms can be combined as desired in the
Printing of 1-4 lines or 24 dot matrix
Double spaced type, rapid
Micro type
Chimney type 5x7 matrix
Negative type
Capitals and non-capitals, umlauts, special characters
Matrix forms: 5x5, 7x5, 9x5, 9x7, 16x10, 11x8,
12x8, 14x10, 24x24,
Bern 16 (16x11-matrix),
Bern 24 (24x18-matrix)
Barm 16 (16x12-matrix)
Graphics character record
Graphics 1 to 24 dot
Bold print
Contrast type

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Group 4 Technical data Page 31

Bar code 1 to 24 dot

Bar code 39 without plain type
Bar code 39 with plain type
Bar code 2 from 5 interleaved without plain type
Bar code EAN 8 with plain type
Bar code EAN 13 with plain type
Bar code UPC A with plain type
Bar code UPC E with plain type
Code128 B
Code128 C
Data Matrix
Kanji 7x 8 / italics 7x5, Kanji 9x 9,
Kanji 16x16, Kanji 24x24
Pers 9x 9, Pers 16x11
Double spaced rapid, 7x5
Double spaced: 1st line 7x5, 2nd line 16x10
Double spaced: 1st line 16x10, 2nd line 7x5
Double spaced rapid, 5x5
Double spaced: 1st line 9x5, 2nd line 5x5
Double spaced: 1st line 5x5, 2nd line 9x7

4.6 Forms of printing Double interval

Texts backwards
Symbols mirror inverted
Symbols mirror inverted and upside down
Symbols mirror inverted, upside down and text
Reciprocally legible type matter, reverse
Bold print, inverse

4.7 Font combinations All type forms can be shown in any form desired in
one type matter in the desired matrix.

4.8 Manner of working Fully automatic manner of working through:

! Automatic jet closure, the print head is ready for
writing immediately following starting up
! Automatic, electronic drop call-off regulation for
compensating changing ambient and operating
! Automatic viscosity regulation
! Ability to refill ink and solvent during writing

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Group 4 Technical data Page 32

4.9 Software ! Selectable print delay or print repetition

! Any desired combination of constant and variable
texts within a print line
! Continuous counter numbering with selectable
increment or decrement, starting value, limit value
! Current date and time inscription, original date
! Freely programmable presentation of graphics,
Japanese or Chinese characters with a high
! Job administration allows the storage and the
calling up of texts and of all print relevant
! Bar codes (e.g. bar code 39, EAN 8/13 and code
2/5 interleaved)
! Text organiser
! Counter marking
! Shift operation

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 5 Transport/start up Page 33

5. Transport/Start up (Putting into service)

5.1 Transport, storage, shipping

In order to avoid damage during transport the following instructions must be observed.

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 must only be transported in a standing position. It is packed in a

cardboard box with special polystyrene inserts for safe dispatch during delivery.
Transport of the device must only be made in this packing in order to avoid damage.

Note! Storage temperatures below +5°C and above +50°C as well as storage at
outside are not admissible and can lead to damage!

5.2 Mounting

Caution – risk of explosion!

The device must not be operated in rooms where there is a risk of


Installation of the device

The device must be installed in a well ventilated room only and must
be kept away from any source of heat, flame or sparks, e.g. radiant
heater, etc.

Check device for damage! When determining a suitable place of setting up, the
necessary additional space requirement for the movement room of the operating and
service personnel must be taken into consideration. Solvents are processed in the
device, adequate room ventilation must be ensured!

Figure 4 Movable underframe

54-002 601 KA

weldment seam

For this it is expedient to place the device on a device support.

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 34

The device has four fastening possibilities for secure setting up and should be screw
connected at the place of setting up.

Figure 5

120 mm

M6 (4x) 377 mm

A place of setting up with sufficient load bearing capacity and stability

must be chosen. Prior to assembly the place of setting up must be
cleaned of dirt and contamination (residue of lubricants etc.) .

5.3 Installation

For the adaptation to a production line various work must be carried out prior to
commissioning and operating parameters set.

5.3.1 Mains connection

Mains connection!

The device has no mains switch and must only be connected to a

plug socket in the direct vicinity of the place of setting up!

The LEIBINGER- JET 2 must be connected to alternating current 115 - 230 V AC,
47 – 60 Hz with a corresponding plug. The plug socket should be equipped with a
clear marking (e.g.: LEIBINGER-JET 2).

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 35

5.3.2 Data interface X2

The operation of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 is normally done via the LCD touch display.
The RS 232 input on the rear side of the device (9-pole plug, female, interface X2)
can be used as an external data interface for connection to a PC, notebook or host.
The standard baud rate is 38400 Baud.

For older software versions the baud rate can be reduced to 9600 baud with the
help of a special bridge plug. Further more a special plug to increase the
transmission rate to 115200 is obtainable on request.

The interface enables the downloading/running of software, of jobs and of graphic

symbols. A special connection cable and the Leibinger LJ-FLASH program is
required to use this function.

Further more this interface can be used via a PC for a comfortable programming of
one or more Leibinger-Jet 2. For this you would need additionally the Leibinger-
software Win Jet.

When using a personal computer with RS 232 C interface a

maximum connection cable length of 10 metres should not be
exceeded, with greater transmission distances the use of an RS
422 connection is recommended. Transmission protocol for operating system LJOS

The programming device that is connected to the LEIBINGER-JET 2 must work with
the following transmission protocol:
! Asynchronous Mode ! 1 stop bit
! 8 bit/character ! Parity = no parity, no parity calculation

Figure 6

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 5 Transport/start up Page 36 Pin assignment plan

The RS 232 C / V24 interface has the following connections on the 9-pole SUB-D
! PIN 2 RXD receive Data
! PIN 3 TXD transmit Data
! PIN 5 GND ground, mass
! PIN 9 +5 VDC supply voltage for programming device (max. 0.5 A)

When entering the data the respective description must be observed. Leibinger
offers a correspondingly protected cable for the connection.

Data connection cable PC to LEIBINGER- JET 2: 54-002 295 SA

Figure 7

Pin assignment of connection cable X2

X2-Connection cable (54-002 295 SA)

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 37

5.3.3 Print Go interface X5 (print triggering)

For the creation of the print triggering (print go signal) a 5-pole plug socket X5 is
assembled on the rear side of the device on which an external print go signal can be
fed in.

The signal can be created with a bounce free and potential free contact (inner
resistance ≤ 1 kΩ) or with electronic PNP/NPN proximity switches (observe Pin
assignment in the connection plug).

A supply voltage of 24 V DC, 100 mA for sensors can also be taken from the plug
socket (X5) on the rear side of the device.

The print go signal is created through a signal jump. A shaft encoder must be used
in addition for the synchronisation of the print speed with the product speed (with
variable speed).

Figure 8 Plug X5 for product sensor at the

backside of the electronics cabinet.

Example: Photo cell with connection cable and plug

5.3.4 Shaft encoder Description and pin assignment

With a variable product speed a shaft encoder must be used for the synchronisation
of the print speed with the product speed or for the regulation of the constant type
width. Shaft encoders with 5 volt logic and line drivers as per EIA 485 A or EIA 422
A can be used. The transmission ratio between product and shaft encoder speed
should be selected in such a manner that a maximum output frequency of 150 kHz
is not exceeded.

Shaft encoders with 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10000 impulses/revolution are

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 38

Leibinger ordering number: see group replacement parts

With more difficult operating conditions (dust or humidity) shaft encoders with IP 66
form of protection should be used.

Figure 9 Pin assignment Pin Signal Colour

A +5V BN 0,5mm²
B GND WH 0,5mm²
C free
D A BN 0,14mm²
E A GN 0,14mm²
F B GY 0,14mm²
G B PK 0,14mm²
H ZERO RD 0,14mm²
J ZERO BK 0,14mm²
K free

Example: Shaft encoder with connection cable and plug

Should alternative shaft encoders be used, the minimum impulse issued should be 3
impulses /mm in order to achieve a sufficient resolution! Mechanic installation

With mechanic installation of the shaft encoders in all cases

attention must be paid to ensuring that the encoder is protected
from axial and radial burdening during assembly and in continuous
operation. For this a folding bellows or synthetic material coupling
is used.
If the circumstances allow the shaft encoder can also be adapted to a production
line with a frictional wheel.

Attention – risk of injury!

Your fingers could get caught between the frictional wheel and the
production line. Keep your hands outside the danger area.

Figure 10

Leibinger ordering number: see group replacement parts

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 39

5.3.5 Print head

The print head must be assembled to the product to be inscribed in such a manner
that the opening in the head cover is vertical to the direction of movement of the
product. It can be installed horizontally, vertically, from above or from below.

In the event of installation from below the penetrating of dirt into the print head
must however be prevented (head ventilation – option/article no.: 54-002 322 SA).

The print head assembly unit should be designed in such a manner that rapid
separation of the print head from the machine is possible for cleaning purposes.
Two screw threads M4 x 7.00 deep are available for secure fastening!

Figure 11

1 – Axis of the production line

2 – Print head
3 – Fastening screw thread
4 – Head umbilical

The print head must be secured vibration free. The head umbilical
of the print head must not go statically below a radius of R35 and
dynamically below a radius of R90!

The distance of the print head to the product depends on the print height. The
lower the required print height the smaller the distance of the print head to the
product must be (type quality better with lesser interval). Recommended is a
distance of ≈ 8 mm!

Installation of the print head

The operating staff must not be exposed to danger due to the

installation of the device in a production plant. Moving products
under the print head may cause risk of crushing/cutting. The
instructions of the machines directive must be strictly adhered to.

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 40

5.4 Start up (Putting into service)

5.4.1 Initial start up in an empty condition

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from themains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Check device for dirt! More detailed information on the components described
below can be found in the group Operation in the chapters Structure and description
of the device.

Print head

Remove the head cover. Check the deflector unit as well as the charging electrode
for dirt or transport dust and if necessary blow out with compressed air. Switch on
ink switch (ink on – switch upwards).

Refilling unit

The storage containers were emptied before dispatch so as to prevent the flowing
out of ink and solvent and as a result damage during transport. Consequently the
device must be filled before the initial start up. Details of the filling process can be
found in the group Equipping/maintenance in the chapter Refilling of ink and solvent!

Recreate mains connection and switch on the LEIBINGER-JET 2 with the LCD touch
display. Details on the switching on procedure can be found in the group Operation
in the chapter Operating procedures and operating elements! Following switching on
the device is bled automatically i.e. the ink is automatically pumped from the
storage container into the pressure tank. This procedure can last up to 5 minutes.

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 41

The operating pressure must rise to the value set in the menu level <E43> (“Main
menu ! service/test/system parameter ! /service/test & diagnostics ! hydraulic
test & parameter ! service menu“). The operating pressures are approx. 3
bar/70µm jet or approx. 4 bar/40 mm jet. The pressure achieved can be read in the
menu level <E29>(“Main menu ! service/test/system parameter ! service/test &
diagnostics ! hydraulic test & parameter“).

Display of the achieved


Should the operating pressure not be built up after approx. 30 seconds, if necessary
the function of the main pump and of the compressor must be checked!

In the display the pressure is shown in mbar i.e. a display value of

3000 stands for 3 bar.

An error notification that may possibly be displayed “Ink tank is low level please
refill ink!” must be confirmed by tapping on the status field or ink refilled. The filling
procedure has been concluded when no refill error appears.

Place on the head cover of the print head and press the status field <nozzle
closed>. The jet opens and the status display changes.

If the notification “Print Yes” appears in the status field <print> the LEIBINGER-
JET 2 is ready for operation. The data can now be entered as described in the group
Operation in the chapter Operating procedures and operating elements as well as in
the group Data entry.

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 42

5.4.2 Initial start up in a full condition

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Check device for dirt! More detailed information on the components described
below can be found in the group Operation in the chapters Structure and description
of the device.

Print head

Remove the head cover. Check the deflector unit as well as the charging electrode
for dirt or transport dust and if necessary blow out with compressed air. Switch on
ink switch (ink on – switch upwards).

Recreate mains connection and switch on the LEIBINGER-JET 2 with the LCD touch
display. Details on the switching on procedure can be found in the group Operation
in the chapter Operating procedures and operating elements! Following switching on
the device is bleed automatically i.e. the ink is automatically pumped from the
storage container into the pressure tank. This procedure can last up to 5 minutes.
The operating pressure must rise to the value set in the menu level <E43> (“Main
menu ! service/test/ system parameter ! service/test & diagnostics ! hydraulic
test & parameter ! service menu“). The operating pressures are approx. 3
bar/70µm jet or approx. 4 bar/40 mm jet. The pressure achieved can be read in the
menu level <E29>(“Main menu ! service/test/ system parameter ! service/test &
diagnostics ! hydraulic test & parameter“).

Should the operating pressure not be built up after approx. 30 seconds, if necessary
the function of the main pump and of the compressor must be checked!

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Group 5 Transport/start up Page 43

Display of the achieved


In the display the pressure is shown in mbar i.e. a display value of

3000 stands for 3 bar.

Press the status field <nozzle closed>. The jet opens and the status display alters.
A check must ensue as to whether the ink jet escapes or enters the gutter.
Otherwise switch off ink by pressing the ink switch and clean jet as described in the
chapter Cleaning of the jet.

Place the head cover of the print head back on again.

If the notification “Print Yes” appears in the status field <print> the LEIBINGER-
JET 2 is ready for operation. The data can now be entered as described in the group
Operation in the chapter Operating procedures and operating elements as well as in
the group Data entry.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – Construction/Structure Page 44

6. Operation

6.1 Construction/Structure

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 high performance printer is manufactured from a solid high grade
steelcabinet. It consists of the following main components.

Figure 12

1 – Electronics cabinet

2 – LCD touch display

3 – Hydraulics cabinet

4 – Refill unit

5 – Print head with

head umbilical

The fundamental electronic components of the LEIBINGER- JET 2 such as the mains
part, the LCD touch display and the controller board are accommodated in the
electronics cabinet.

The LCD touch display serves the display of the system conditions of the LEIBINGER-
JET 2 and the operation of the device.

All components that are necessary for the conveying and preparation of the ink are
accommodated in the hydraulics cabinet.

The refill unit serves the supply of the consumables. It contains two separate storage
containers for ink and solvent.

The print head contains all mechanical, electronical and hydraulic components that are
necessary for the creation of an inscription. It is connected to the hydraulics cabinet via
a flexible tube. Screw threads for secure fastening are integrated into the cabinet of the
print head.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – functional principle Page 45

6.2 Functional principle

6.2.1 Method of working

The Leibinger-Jet 2 works in accordance with the continuous ink jet process. In this
a constant ink jet is emitted from a jet nozzle which is broken down into a series of
equal size drops under the influence of mechanical oscillations.

If required these drops are individually charged up electrostatically and deflected

into a constant electrical field depending on the charge. As a result not just one
point but rather a line of points can be applied contact-free with one jet. If the
product used is moved vertically to the drop deflection two-dimensional patterns
(characters) can be created.

The drops that are not required for a programmed inscription are not charged and
flow uninfluenced through the electrical deflection field into a gutter. In the gutter
the drops are sucked up by a suction pump and fed back into the ink tank.
Depending on the application alphanumeric data can be entered with the LCD touch

Data for font and texts are stored in the device (even in the event
of power failure). If required it can be called up, altered or deleted
quickly and easily.

6.2.2 Drop creation

During the drop creation the ink is pressed through a jet nozzle under pressure and
at the same time modulated in such a way by highly frequent sinus oscillations that
are imposed on the drop that it attaches itself to the nodal points of the oscillations
and breaks down into individual drops at a specific distance lA (please see the
following figure “Creation of a character”) from the jet. The oscillations are created with
an oscillatory system that is excited by a Piezo oscillator.

6.2.3 Drop charging

In order to be able to charge the drops it is necessary for the ink to have electrical
conductivity. This is possible through the use of specific salts that dissociate in the
solvent used. The drop brake-off point of the modulated jet is automatically set in
such a manner that this happens inside the charging electrode.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – Functional principle Page 46

The drops can now be charged up by creation of voltage between jet and charging
electrode, because they are given a negative charge through the charge shift
resulting in the charge electrode gap. A specific charge voltage is clearly allocated
for each drop charge.

6.2.4 Drop deflection

After the drops have left the charging electrode they fly through an electrical field.
Here, those droplets that were previously charged in the charging electrode are
deflected. The drops that have not been charged fly straight ahead into the gutter.
Here they are sucked up and fed back to the circular flow of ink. The charged drops
are only deflected in one direction, the other direction is performed by the product
to be inscribed.

6.2.5 Creation of a character

Each character is defined by a two-dimensional matrix, e.g. 7 x 5. An ink drop can

be assigned to every point of intersection. The character is formed by deflecting the
ink drops in a vertical direction and by moving the product which is to be imprinted
horizontally. The ink drops which are not to be positioned are not given electrostatic
charges in the charging electrode, and pass through the electrical field without
being deflected and on into the gutter tube. The values needed for generating the
charge voltages for each individual character are stored in memory devices
(FPROMS) on the controller board.

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Group 6 Operation – Functional principle Page 47

6.2.6 Summary of the individual procedures

Figure 13

Character height created

by drop deflection
Character width created by the rel.
movement of the description area


Character „E“ build with a

7 x 5 matrix

Rel. movement direction of

the description area

Drop brake-off point


Deflector plate

Charge electrode with deflector

Nozzle (jet)


Creation of a character

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 48

6.3 Operating procedures and operating elements

6.3.1 LCD touch display Switching on/switching off procedure

Figure 14

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 is switched on by

touching any point of the touch display
(1) that is still dark. Contact duration
approx. 2 sec.

The start screen with the software-

version number (2) and the execution
identification (3) are displayed for 3 sec..

Information about execution


64 = Actual frequency 64 KHz

96 = Actual frequency 96 KHz
n = for non-pigmented ink
p = for pigmented ink

The entire control is performed via the 3

touching of the touch fields. The fields
are activated by light touching with the
finger or the touch pen (included in the
scope of delivery) whereby the precision 2
and not the pressure is decisive.

Only fields with bold frames are active 4

and operable. Thinly edged fields
(buttons) are currently not operable.

Now the device starts automatically with

the bleeding of the system. The bleeding
lasts between 1-5 minutes. During the
procedure the notification “BLEED”
flashes in the status line (4). The [E0]
bleeding procedure is ended by pressing
the status line. Following ending or after cancelation of the bleeding the status
display (3) of the device alters (see following figure).

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 49

Figure 15
The touch field <request> (5) calls up
the basis level <E1>.
The device can be switched off with the
touch field <off> (6).


Unintentional touching can trigger undesired device conditions.

After switching off approx. 5 seconds must pass before the device
can be switched on again.

Figure 16
The following functions and displays are
available in the basic level.
The touch field <main menue>(7) opens
the programming level <E2> for the
selection of print jobs etc.. More detailed
information on this subject can be found
in the group Data entry.

In the touch field <product counter> (8)

the current values of the product counter
are displayed. The counter can be
reseted by pressing on this field (8).
<Power off> (9) leads back to the level
<E0>. Switching off of the device is
only possible after carrying out of a print
stop and with the nozzle closed.

With the touch field <printstart> (10) the print order is released for performance. It
is printed as soon as a Print Go is triggered. When a print procedure is running the
display of the field changes to <printstop>. To be able to perform a print order a
text must have been entered or an existing job selected. Further information on this
subject can be found in the group Data entry in the chapters Text administration
and job administration!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 50

The display (11) shows the name of the active job. The text to be printed is shown
in the field (12). The display of the text shown is updated when printing is started
(e.g. when printing counters). Interval operation

The device must be connected to the electricity mains.

The device switches itself on automatically independently of the

ambient conditions!


In the switched off state the integrated interval function activates the LEIBINGER-
JET 2 automatically in accordance with the times set in the menu level <E43>
(“Main menu ! service/test/ system parameter ! service/test & diagnostics !
hydraulic test & parameter ! service menu“).

By means of the circulation of the ink it is ensured that in cases of extended idle
periods no drying of the ink or depositing of ink constituents results. The viscosity
of the ink remains constant.

Further information about the entry of the interval times can be found in the chapter
Hydraulic test and parameters!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 51 Status line in normal operation

Figure 17
In normal operation the status line 1
indicates notifications on device 2
condition and processes, date and time.
The active processes are shown de- 3
posited (inversely). The following status
fields are shown:
Date/time <1> the upper line shows the
time, the lower line the date. [E1]

Print <2> displays the readiness for printing (YES/NO).

Ink <3> displays the position of the ink switch (on/off). The ink switch is installed
on the print head.

Cover <4> signals whether the cover of the print head (open/closed) is closed or

Nozzle <5> indicates the current operating status of the noozle (open/opens/
closes/closed). The field also functions as a touch field for opening and closing the
nozzle (jet). Status line in error condition

The error notifications are shown flashing in the status line of the LCD touch
display. The error notification texts contain the error denomination, the possible
cause of the error or the possible error removal measures. The error is
acknowledged by touching the touch field <Error notification> (status line).

Figure 18

Status line with error notifications

(specimen illustration)


Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 52 Software Reset

Hidden reset button (defined position on the touch screen):

With this hidden reset button a factory setting can be carried out when switching
on the device. The device is started with the standard settings and a default job, i.e.
type height/width, bar code and print start parameters are reseted.

Figure 19

1 – Hidden reset

The consequences of a reset must be observed!

Manner of proceeding:

! On the printer that is switched off, you have to touch the LCD touch display on
the left bottom corner until the printer will switch on (please see figure above).
! After some seconds a small black square will appear exactly under your finger
and will disappear again after some more seconds.
! The finger has to stay in this position until the square has disappeared and must
not taken away before!


Keep the square pressed until it has disappeared.

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 53

6.3.2 Ink switch

The ink switch is installed in the print head and serves the switching on and off of
the ink conveying.

Figure 20

1 – Ink switch

6.3.3 Hardware Reset

Reset switch:

Enables the resetting of the electronics in the event of an error. It is accommodated

in the electronics cabinet.

Figure 21

1 – Reset switch

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 54

6.3.4 Potentiometer – Display illumination

Allows for the adjustment of the display brightness. By means of turning the
adjusting screw the brightness can be adapted to the ambience condition in order to
ensure optimum readability. The potentiometer is located in the electronics cabinet
on the controller board (also see figure in chapter 6.5.2).

Figure 22

1– Potentiometer
- Display illumination

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 55

6.3.5 Menu structure

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 56

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Group 6 Operation – procedures and elements Page 57

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Group 6 Operation – Interfaces Page 58

6.4 Interfaces

The following interfaces are available on the rear side of the electronics cabinet.

Figure 23

X1 – Shaft encoder

X2 – Data RS 232

X3 – Outputs

X4 – Inputs

X5 – PrintGo

6.4.1 Data interface X2

On the 9-pole SUB-D bush an external PC can be connected for data entry using a
corresponding connection cable.

6.4.2 PrintGO interface X5

Figure 24

On the 5-pole diode bush, depending on the PIN

occupation, PNP or NPN product sensor or
potential-free contact can be connected for
triggering the print.

Article no.: see group Replacement parts - Product sensor


6.4.3 Shaft encoder interface X1

Figure 25

On the 12-pole diode bush a shaft encoder can

be connected for the synchronisation of the
product speed with the print speed.

Article no.: see group Replacement parts –

Shaft encoder

Should alternative shaft encoders be used the minimum impulse issue should be 3
impulses/mm in order to achieve an efficient resolution!

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Group 6 Operation – Interfaces Page 59

6.4.4 Optional outputs X3

7 outputs NPN 24 V, 500 mA are available (please see chapter 12.2 "Interface
layout plan").

6.4.5 Optional inputs X4

12 potential-free inputs are available for special functions (please see chapter 12.2
"Interface layout plan").

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 60

6.5 Description of the device

6.5.1 Electronics cabinet with LCD touch display

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the power supply system prior to
opening. Remove mains plug!

The fundamental electronic components of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 such as the mains

part, the LCD touch display and the controller board are accommodated in the
electronics cabinet.

Figure 26

1 – Controller board (54-004 444 S)

2 – Power supply (54-001 949 K)
3 – LCD touch display (54-001 948 S)

For service purposes the housing can be opened from the front. Following undoing
of the securing screws the individual structural components can be replaced.

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 61

6.5.2 Controller board

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

The controller board contains the logic (CPU) and the power switching circuits of

Figure 27

Controller board (conductor plate) LEIBINGER-JET 2 (54-004 444 S)
1 – Data interface RS 232 (RS 422 optional)
2 – Battery, lithium, 3.2 VDC (54-003 032 KA)
3 – PROM for FPGA module
4 – CPU with PROM
5 – Hydraulic processor
6 – RESET button
7 – Potentiometer for display illumination

It is imperative that the instructions on the subject of battery

changing in the group Equipping/maintenance are observed!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 62

Functions of the controller

! Control of the operating process and of the print text issue
! Storage of the job data, via battery buffered memory in the event of mains
power failure
! Regulation of the drop charging (phasing) and of the drop brake-off point
! Storage of the character definition and of the corresponding charging values for
all printable characters
! Drive of the voltage creations
! Data interfaces to the periphery
! Setting of the required character height, character width and type positions
! Synchronisation of the print text issue with variable product speed by means of
shaft encoder
! Control and position monitoring of the automatic nozzle sealing
! Administration of date, time and expiration date with the clock module
! Creation of the oscillator voltage and of the charging voltage
! Drive of the hydraulic components

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Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 63

6.5.3 DC power supply

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

The direct currents of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 are achieved through a power supply
with automatic input voltage recognition. It has "Power Factor Compensation" and
is permanently short circuit resistant or switches off independently in the event of
overload. It is protected by a safety fuse. The output voltages cannot be altered.

The mains part provides the following output voltages:

V1: + 5,0 Volt
V2: + 5,0 Volt (standby supply voltage)
V3: + 18,0 Volt
V4: - 18,0 Volt
V5: + 24,0 Volt
V6: + 2- 8 KV

Figure 28

1 – Main fuses (2x)

F1,6 H
(54-003 339 KA)

Ink jet power supply

(54-001 949 SB)

For service purposes the power supply and the fuses are accessible from the front
side of the device.

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

It is imperative that you observe the instructions on the subject of

fuse changing in the group Equipping/maintenance in the chapter
Other service work!

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Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 64

6.5.4 Hydraulics part

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

All components that are necessary for the conveying and preparation of the ink are
accommodated in the Hydraulics part. This is situated in the rear section of the

Figure 29

1 – Rear wall fastening


2 – Rear wall

The hydraulic parts are made accessible for service purposes through opening of the
fastening screws and removal of the rear wall (see illustration).

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 65

Figure 30





10 12 11 1
1 – Main pump 9 – Suction filter
2 – Compressor 10 – Forward flow valve “Ink”
3 – Pressure tank 11 – Suction pump
4 – Pressure sensor 12 – Bleed valve
(integrated in pressure tank) 13 – Mixing valve “Ink/solvent”
5 – Filter 14 –Storage tank “Ink”
6 – Viscometer 15 – Storage tank “Solvent”
7 – Viscosity pump 16 – Leak sensor
8 – Air discharge (used air) valve
(with choke)

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Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 66

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from themains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and release the pressure!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on! Main pump

Figure 31 In the LEIBINGER-JET 2 a main pump

with geared motor is used to
generate the pressure.

The current operating pressure can

be read in the sub-menu <E29>
“Hydraulics test & parameters”.

Main pump
(54-002 001 S)

The function of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 or the creation of the ink

pressure presupposes the functioning of the compressor. Suction pump

Figure 32 The suction pump is a membrane

pump and is used for sucking up the
ink from the gutter.

The underpressure of the suction

pump is ≥ 0.3 bar.

Suction pump
(54-002 002 S)

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 67 Viscosity control

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

For process-safe functioning of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 it is necessary to keep the

viscosity of the ink constant. During operation the ink gives off solvent into the
ambient air. The dosing of ink or solvent is performed via the refill valve. The
condition of the viscosity is recorded through a drop ball viscometer.

If the viscosity has increased solvent is conveyed from the storage container into
the circular flow of ink via the valve control during the next necessary refilling

Figure 33

2 1


Viskosity pump
(54-002 309 S)
1 – Ink feed 1 – Ink feed
2 – Ink discharge 2 – Ink discharge
3 – Connection 3 – Connection con.
plug Figure 34 4 – Throughflow direc.

Ball drop viscometer

(54-002 900 SA)

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 68 Leak detection

An additional safety measure in the LEIBINGER-JET 2 is the leak detection. To

detect a leak in the hydraulic part i.e. if ink or solvent on the basis of slightly
combustible solvents escape, the operation of the device is aborted and an acoustic
alarm triggered.

Figure 35

Leak detection
1 – Leak sensor (54-003 340 SA)

6.5.5 Print head

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 69

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

The Print head contains all mechanical, electronic and hydraulic components that
are necessary for the creation of an inscription. It is connected to the hydraulics
housing via a flexible tube.

Figure 36

Print head
(without cover)

1 – Drop production unit with oscillator 7 – Ink switch

2 – Deflector unit with deflector plates 8 – Sensor for switching off the high
and charging electrode voltage with open head cover
3 – Nozzle plate 9 – Connection for LED (stroboscope)
4 – Gutter (catcher pipe) 10 – Ink feed tube
5 – Jet fixing screw with bar 11 – Bleeding tube
6 – Head electronic 12 – Head filter

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 70 Drop production unit with oscillator

Together with the oscillator and the jet the drop production unit creates the ink jet
or the ink drops. The oscillator is built into the drop production unit with the
oscillator cover and sealed against the ink with an O-ring.

Figure 37

Drop production unit with oscillator

1 – Drop production unit 4 – Oscillator cover 7 – Clamping plate

2 – Oscillator 5 – Bleeding tube 8 – Nozzle sealing (O-ring)
3 – Nozzle plate 6 – Ink tube 9 – Nozzle stone Deflector unit

The deflector unit is made up of the charging electrode and the deflector plate. The
drops are charged with the charging electrode and deflected with the deflector

Figure 38 1 2

1 – Charge
2 – Deflector

Deflector unit

Replacement and changings at the deflector unit!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 6 Operation – description of the device Page 71 Nozzle plate

The jet is made up of a precious stone with the actual jet bore. The precious stone
is held in a steel plate in order to enable simple replacement and adjustment of the
ink jet. The diameter of the bore is between 40-70 micrometers depending on the
design of the jet.

An O-ring is secured to the nozzle plate with a clamping plate and two slotted
screws to seal the gutter when the jet is closed. The jet is pressed against the drop
production unit with a fixing screw. This produces a liquid-tight and yet movable
connection (see illustration drop production unit with oscillator). Nozzle seal with gutter

The nozzle seal prevents the drying of the ink in the jet, the gutter (catcher pipe)
and the suction pump during operational standstill.

This is achieved with an electrical spindle drive which moves the gutter in the
direction of the jet from the writing position to the jet and in the reverse direction
when switching on. The nozzle seal is a unit which can be completely replaced in
case of need.

Figure 39


Nozzle seal 1 – Drive motor

2 – Guide shaft
3 – Toggle lever for arresting for cleaning purposes
4 – Jet (nozzle) adjustment screw (left/right)
5 – Jet (nozzle) adjustment screw (up/down)

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 72

7. Data entry/programming

7.1 General

Data that is to be printed by the Leibinger-Jet 2 can be entered, called-up, altered and
stored with various programming devices, PC’s etc..

Below is a description of the programming with the LCD touch display.

Figure 40

By means of touching the touch field <main

menue> (1) the programming level <E2> is
called up. During printing the touch field (2)
changes to “take over” instead of “power
off”. New jobs can be created while the
printer is in print mode or when it´s offline.
When a Job was created in print mode, you
have to press “take over”. The new job will
be printed imediately. [E1]
If you edit a job while printing, the
methodology is the same.

The following data entries can be performed:

! Text administration (text management) ! Print start parameters
! Job administration (Jobs menue) ! Function parameters
! Password administration (p. management) ! Service/test/system parameters

7.2 Text administration

Figure 41

With the touch field <text management> 3

(3) the text administration surface <E3> is
called up.

The touch field <ESCAPE> (4) ends the

menu and leads back to the previous 4
operation level. [E2]

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 73

7.2.1 Text entry

Figure 42

The touch field <new text> (5) enables 5

the entry of new texts. The “font menu“
<E9> is now called up.


Figure 43
The desired font can be selected.
Entry; e.g.: 9 x 7 = <9 x 7> (6)
The touch field <more > (7) opens the
menu level <E18> in which you can
choose further fonts and via the touch [E9]
field <graphic > (8) you can choose
given graphic symbols. You will find
further information regarding graphics in
the chapter Graphic input/graphic
The touch field <Barcode> (9) enables
the input of various bar codes. You will
find further information regarding
barcodes in the chapter Barcode entry.

Figure 44

Following the selection of the font, the 10

line menu <E15> is opened. By means
of pressing the corresponding touch field
the number of lines or the desired line
position can be selected.

entry e.g. single line = <one line> (10)


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Group 7 Data Entry Page 74

Figure 45

Following the selection of the line(s), the 11

keyboard field <E50> opens. By means
of pressing the corresponding symbol the
text is entered. In the display field (11) 12
the illustration of the characters entered
is made in capital letters. 13

By means of tapping on or repeated tapping on the <SHIFT> fields (12) further

menus are called up for the entry of non-capital letters, special characters and
extension parameters.

With the touch field <RET> (13) the next line is selected for
several lines (e.g. for a matrix of 5x5 or 7x5).

Using the <ESCAPE> (14) touch field, you can exit the menu and
the entered text is saved.

12 12 12


Non-capital letters [E51] Special characters [E52] Extension parameters E60]

In the extension´s menu <E60> expiration data, shift data, external texts etc. can
be integrated into the texts to be issued. There are two expiry dates available
(expday1...+ expday2...), which can be programmed any way.

If the Leibinger-Jet 2 is used in shift operation the function <shift > (15) will be
available. You will find further information regarding this topic in the chapters Shift
code input and Expiration-and shift times.!

With the field <ex. text> (16) ) place holders are set for the importing of external
text data via the interface. Bold print

To display a text in the imprint bold it has to be marked accordingly during the text
will be entered.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 75

Manner of proceeding:

Example: It should be written „LEIBINGER SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE.

! Press the touch field <Text new> in the menu level <E3>.
! The „font menu“ <E9> will be called up.
! After choosing the font the line menu <E15> either the keyboard field <E50>
will be displayed if necessary.
! Enter the text „LEIBINGER“ and one blank.
! Press the touch field <BOLD> (17). The bold print is activated for the further
! Enter the text „ NOT FOR SALE“.
! Press the touch field <BOLD> (17) again. The bold print is now deactivated.
! Enter one blank and the text „SAMPLE“.
! By the <ESCAPE> -button you can leave the menu and you can change to the
menu level <E1>.
! With the touch field <take over > (18) in the menu level <E1> the data are
taken over to the production.

Figure 46

17 17

[E50] [E50]
Activating the bold print



[E50] [E1]
Taking over to the production

You will find further information regarding set up of the bold value in the chapter
Font parameter.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 76

7.2.2 Font parameters

Figure 47
The touch field <text direction/draft
mode> (20) enables the adaptation of
the position of the font to the “layout” of
the product and to the product
movement. The “selection menu” 20
<E11> is activated. With the touch
field <text dimensions/style parameter> 21
(21) the text layout is controlled in the
menu <E12>. [E3]

Figure 48 24

The following presentation options are 22

available in the menu <E11>. 23


Touch field <invers>(24): Inverse 26

presentation off or on. [E11]

Touch field <horizontal> (22): Normal or reflected (mirrored) presentation.


Touch field <vertical> (23): Presentation normal or reflected (mirrored).


Touch field <revers>(25): The reverse presentation is switched off or on. With
each print-out (Print Go) the text is vertically and horizontally reflected or rotated
through 180°.

Touch field <draft mode> (26): Selection of the draft mode. The draft mode 0
ensures the maximum font quality with the lowest possible print speed. Higher print
speeds are possible in draft mode 1 (up to 16 dot) and in draft mode 2 (up to 9
dot). Draftmode 3 (up to 24 dot) for fast barcode printing and draftmode 4 (24 dot)
for extremley small fonts. Draftmode 5 was specially customized for fast printing of
graphics and fonts with a height of 11 dots (e.g. chineese characters).

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 77

The draftmode 6 has been especially developed for fast printing of graphics and
fonts with a height of 24 dots.

Note: The draftmode 6 allows a higher printing speed by up to 250% for fonts with
the matrix height of 24 dots.

Figure 49

Touch field <edit WYSIWYG> (27):

With this function you can switch on
either off the WYSIWYG-display during
the text input for fonts with a height of ≥
16 dots.

If the WYSIWYG-function will be

switched off the text is displayed in the
matrix 7x5 and therefore you can reach a [E11]
faster display mode on the LCD-touch
display and therefore a faster text input 27
as it would be possible on the WYSIWYG
-display-mode. The display of the text which should be printed in the basis menu
happens in the selected matrix even if the WYSIWYG-function is switched off.

Note: WYSIWYG = What you see is what you get

Figure 50

In the menu <E12> the following text

layout options are available.
Touch field <character width> (28):
Selection of the print width from 0- 255. 31

Touch field <character height> (29): 32

Selection of the print height from 0- 100.
Touch field <bold> (30): [E12]
Selection of the boldness value from 0-7. 30 33

Note! The set-up has only consequences on text elements which

have been pre-defined withe the <BOLD> - function during the
text was entered!

Further informations can be found in the chapter Bold print.

To reach a bold print several drops are placed next to each other, that means e.g. if
the bold value is set to „1“ on the print-out 2 drops will be placed next to each

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 78

Touch field <contrast value> (31): Selection of the font contrast from 0 - 7.

To reach an increase of the contrast of the print-out several drops will be placed on
top of each other, that means e.g. if the contrast value is set to „1“ on the print-out
2 drops will be placed on top of each other.

Description examples:

Touch field <ICG> (32): Selection of the gap between the individual characters
from 0 – 7 (calculated in single drops).

With the touch fields <pos1> (33) and <pos2> (34) the items of the first and
second lines can be defined. This function is only available if the option <1 or 2
lines free position> has been selected in the line menu <E15>. For the first line
graphics or text can be selected, in the second line only text can be entered.

In all selection fields the current status or the current values are shown

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 79

7.2.3 Text editor

Figure 51


[E50] [E3]

The touch field <edit current text> (35) enables the alteration of a text module
already entered. The “keyboard field” <E50> is called up for editing.

7.2.4 Graphics entry/graphics selection

Figure 52

After choosing the graphic input in the

menu level <E18> the „line selection
menu“ <E15> and afterwards the “key-
board field” <E50> will be activated for 36

A graphic is defined behind each letter

[A-Z] (36) of the keyboard field. The [E50]
defined graphic is adopted in the print-
out by pressing a symbol. In the display
only the letter is shown. The real graphic will be only shown in the menu level

You will find a list with the saved graphics with it’s reference in the enclosure of
this manual!
The max. height of graphics is 24 dots.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 80

7.2.5 Graphics editor

Figure 53

With the field <graphic editor> (37) the

graphics menu <E19> is superimposed. 37
Graphics are deposited behind each letter
[A-Z]. By means of pressing of a symbol
the deposited graphic is displayed. The
graphic displayed can now be deleted,
altered or stored.

[E10] [E19]

To alter graphics the grid on the corresponding screens is tapped on. As a result
pixels are added or deleted.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 81

7.2.6 Shift code input

With this function the printer can print automatically a predefined text depending on
a predefined time period. This changing text can also combined with a fix text that
will not change depending of the time.

To input a shift code you have to proceed like following:

E.g.: „LJET“ should be written.

In the first shift at 6.00 am „LJET 001“.

In the second shift at 12.00 am „LJET 002“.
In the third shift at 8.00 pm „LJET 003“.

! Press the touch field <new text> in the menu level <E3>.
! The “type face menu (font menu)” <E9> is called up.
! After choosing the font the line menu <E15> either the keyboard field
<E50>will be displayed if necessary.
! Entry the text “LJET”.
! By the touch field <Shift> (40) scroll as long as the menu level <E60>
! Press the touch field <Shift > (41). The Leibinger-Jet 2 changes to the shift
definition mode. To indicate that the shift definition mode is active, the display
background will be colored black.
! Go back to the keyboard field <E50> with the <Shift>-button (40).
! Input 001 followed by; 002 ; 003 (so 001;002;003).
Pay attention! The„;“ causes the seperation between the several shifts. You will
find the „;“ – character (42) on the menu level <E52>.
! Go back to the menu level <E60> again with the <Shift>-button (40) and
confirm the input by pressing the touch field <Shift > (41) again.
! By the <Shift>-button (40) you can leave the menu and you can finish the
process in the next possible menu level by pressing the touch field <ESCAPE>.
! With the touch field <take over > (43) in the menu level <E1> the set ups will
be taken over to the production.


The touch field <take over > will be only displayed if the nozzle is open!

In the menu level <E44> you can input the shift times. Further informations can be
found in the chapter Expiry date and shift times!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 82

Figure 54



[E50] [E60]
Input text Activate the shift


[E60] [E50]
Input shift designation



[E52] [E60]
Input data delimiter Confirm the input


Taking over to the production

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 83

7.2.7 Barcode input Barcode information

Note! The Leibinger-Jet 2 does not carry out any check digit
calculations generally.

This has to be carried out external in advance!

Code 128c:
! is essentially shorter than code 128b
! only numeric characters are valid (no punctuation symbols, letters or
spaces are valid (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! only an even amount of digits is valid

Code 128b:
! is longer than the C-variante
! can display complete ASCII-sentences
! can also display an odd amount of digits

2 of 5 interleaved (Code 25):

! only numerical code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! only an even amount of digits is valid

Code 39:
! alphanumerical code
! (is available with or without Gothic character (clear figure) for the
Leibinger-Jet 2.)

EAN 8:
! (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! has to be always 8-digits (7 performance characters and 1 check digit)
! (is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)

EAN 13:
! numeric code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! has to be always 13-digits (12 performance characters and 1 check digit)
! (is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 84

UPC A: (American equivalent to EAN13)

! numeric code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! has to be always 12-digits (11 performance characters and 1 check digit)
! (is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)

UPC E: (American equivalent to EAN8)

! numeric code (only numbers from 0-9 can be displayed)
! has to be always 8-digits
(6 performance character, 1 check digit and 1 system character)
! (is available with or without clear figure for the Leibinger-Jet 2)

Datamatrix-Code (2D-Code):
! up to 50 numerical numbers can be displayed or up to 36 letters can be
displayed (the combination of numbers and letters is alllowed).
! The form has to be always set that it corresponds with a square.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 85 Barcode selection

Figure 55

To make a choice of the Barcode you 44

have to open the „barcode selection

Manner of proceeding:

By pressing the touch field <new text>

(44) the “font menu” <E9>.will be [E3]
called up in the menu level <E3>.

The touch field <Barcode> (45) acti-

vates the „barcode selection menu“
<E17> in which you can choose the
requested Barcode. 45

The further process corresponds with the

procedure of the text input.

You will find further information in the [E9]

chapter Text entry.


Note! The Leibinger-Jet 2 does not carry out any check digit
calculations generally.

This has to be carried out external in advance!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 86 Barcode parameter

Figure 56

The touch field <barcode parameter>

(46) opens the menu for defining the
bars and gaps (between 01-12) with
barcodes. EAN has 4 bar widths.
In the field <icg> (47) the desired gap
between the elements is set and in the
field <bar hight> (48) the desired height [E3]
entered. The bar height can be selected
as desired between 1 and 24. 47

The touch field <with/without> (49)

activates the barcode display with or 49
without clear figure under the Barcode. 50


Clear figure is only available for the following Barcodes:

EAN 13, EAN 8, UPC A, UPC E, C128 b, C128 c, C39 and 2 of 5


The touch field <normal/inverse> (50) acivates the normal or the inverse print-out
of the Barcode. This enables e.g. the print-out of a Barcode with white ink on dark

Example: 2 of 5 interleaved

normal (print-out with dark ink on

light background)

inverse (print-out with light ink on

dark background)

Calm area Calm area

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 87

7.3 Job administration

Figure 57

With the touch field <jobs menue> (60) the 60

job administration surface <E5> is called

The touch field <ESCAPE> (61) ends the

menu and leads back to the previous 61
operating level. [E2]

7.3.1 Opening job

Figure 58

The touch field <load job> (62) enables 62

the loading (opening) of a job already
stored. The “job administration menu”
<E45> is now called up.


Figure 59

The stored jobs are listed and the desired

job can be selected for a print order.
128 Jobs can be saved. In the job – list
32 jobs are shown per page. The job –
pages can be leafed through with the 64
touch field <next> (64).
Entry; e.g.: LJTEST =<LJTEST>(63)

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7.3.2 Factory setting & default jobs

Figure 60

The touch field <factory setting & 65

default job> (65) resets the device to
the standard settings and a default job
i.e. type height/width, bar code and print
start parameters are reset, is then loaded
into the working storage.


If all jobs deposited have been deleted in advance then all jobs (up to “E”) will
automatically be loaded as illustrated in the job administration menu <E45> (main
menu – jobs menu – load job).

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 89

7.3.3 Deleting jobs

Figure 61

The touch field <delete jobs> (66)

enables the deletion of existing jobs. The
“deletion menu” <E47> is called up.



Figure 62

The touch field <delete all> (67) causes 67

the deletion of all jobs created. The
safety inquiry with the two touch fields 68
<No> and <Yes> (69) is displayed.

The touch field <delete one> (68) 69

enables the selection of one job for
deletion. The menu level <E49> is [E47]
displayed. A job selected for deletion is
shown with a black colored background.

The following options can be carried out:

! A different job can be selected.

! By means of touching the touch field
<Delete> (70) the job is effectively
deleted and the display is updated. 70
! Further jobs can be selected for 71
deletion. [E49]

! By means of touching the touch field

<ESCAPE> (71) the menu can be
ended without making alterations.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 90

7.3.4 Storing and listing jobs

Figure 63

The touch field <save job> (72) serves

the storage of a newly created/entered 72

The <E50> menu is called up to input

the job/memory name. The entry is saved
by means of the <RET> (73) touch
field. [E5]

[E46] [E50]

The touch field <list jobs> (74) The touch field <list jobs> (74) activates a listing
[menu level <E46>] of all jobs present.

The following options can be carried out:

! Further jobs, if available, can be displayed by pressing the touch field <next>
! By means of touching the touch field <ESCAPE> (76) the menu can be ended.

Further more there is also the optional possibility to download all

jobs to a PC for protection of saved data!

For this you will need a special connection cable as well as the
Leibinger program “LJ-Flash”.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 91

7.4 User-/ Password administration

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 offers the possibility to assign different access rights with
different user groups to minimize malfunctions during the production process.

Note! For delivery is no password given therefore all functions are


7.4.1 Password levels (User groups) and user rights

There are three password levels available:

! Password level 1 (Supervisor): Also called Super-User. He has the full access
rights to all functions. A password is required to login as supervisor.
! Password level 2 (Advanced Operator): Also called Master-User. He has only
limited rights. The user has access to the following functions.
1. Print (Start/Stop)
2. Load, change and save jobs
3. Create graphics and texts
! Password level 3 (Operator): He has only limited rights. The user has access to
the following functions:
1. Print (Start/Stop)
2. Load jobs

Figure 64

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 92

7.4.2 Call up password administration

Figure 65
With the touch field <password manage-
ment> (80) the password administration 80
surface <E7> is called up.

The touch field <ESCAPE> (81) ends

the menu and leads back to the previous
operation level.

7.4.3 Activate user administration (first password input)

To activate the user administration the password for the Supervisor has to be
entered. The passwords should have min. 4 characters. The max. amount of the
characters is limited to 10 characters.

Manner of proceeding

Figure 66


[E7] [E50]
Enter password


Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 93

! Press the touch field <change superuser> (82) to commit the password for the
! The keyboard field <E50> opens to enter the password.
! Enter the requested password and confirm it with the touch field <RET> (83).
! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the password administration menu

The device starts always with the password level 3 (operator-

mode)! The device is on the oparator level at first even after the
first input of the supervisor password!

7.4.4 User change and password change

Figure 67

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 94 Login as supervisor or advanced operator

If the user administration is activated the supervisor and the advanced operator
have always to enter the password because the device is on the operator-level at

Manner of proceeding

! Press the touch field <password management> (84) in the menu level <E2>.
! The surface of the password administration <E7> will be called up.
! Press the touch field <enter password> (85).
! The keyboard field <E50> opens to enter one of the given passwords.
! Enter the required password and confirm it with the touch field <RET> (86).
! The selected user will be loged in and the LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the
password administration menu <E7>. Change passwords

To change existing passwords or to award a password for the advanced operator

(masteruser) you have to proceed as following:

! Press the touch field <password management> (84) in the menu level <E2>.
! The surface of the password administration <E7> will be called up.
! Press the touch field <enter password> (85).
! The keyboard field <E50> opens for input. You have to enter the supervisor-
! Enter the required password and confirm it with the touch field <RET> (86).
! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the password administration menu
! Press the touch field <change superuser> (87) or <change masteruser> (88)
to change the certain password.
! The keyboard field <E50> opens to enter a new password.
! Enter the requested password and confirm it with the touch field <RET> (89).
! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the password administation menu
<E7>. The password is now active.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 95

Figure 68


[E2] [E7]




[E50] [E7]
Enter password

Enter new password

The password should have at least 4 characters and should not

exceed 10 characters.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 96 Logoff as supervisor or advanced operator

To log off as supervisor or advanced operator either to reset the LEIBINGER-JET 2

to the operator-mode you have to proceed as following:

! Press the touch field <password management> (90) in the menu level <E2>.
! The surface of the password administration <E7> will be called up.
! Press the touch field <enter password> (91).
! The keyboard field <E50> opens to enter the password.
! Enter the password of the active user again and confirm it with the touch field
<RET> (92).
! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the password administration menu
<E7> and the password level 3 (operator-mode) will be activated.

Figure 69


[E2] [E7]



[E50] [E7]
Enter password again

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 97

7.4.5 Password forgotten

If the password of the supervisor has been forgotten special proceedings are
required. Please contact the dealer address which is listed in the Chapter Publisher.

7.4.6 Deactivate user-/password administration

If the password-/user administration of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 is not required

anymore it can be deactivated any time.

Manner of proceeding

! Press the touch field <password management> (93) in the menu level <E2>.
! The surface of the password administration <E7> will be called up.
! Press the touch field <enter password> (94).
! The keyboard field <E50> opens to enter the password.
! The password of the supervisor (super user) has to be entered and has to be
confirmed with the touch field <RET> (95).
! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes back to the password administration menu.
! Press the touch field <change superuser> (96).
! Enter the text „LEIBINGER“ and leave the menu level with the touch field
<RET> (97).
! The user administration will be deactivated and the LEIBINGER-JET 2 changes
back to the password administration menu <E7>.
! With the <ESCAPE>-button (98) you can get back to the menu level <E2>.
All functions are displayed with a bold frame again because they are available
without password protection.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 98

Figure 70


[E2] [E7]




[E50] [E7]
Enter password


[E50] [E7]
Enter text „LEIBINGER“


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7.5 Print start parameters

Figure 71

With the touch field<printstart parameter> 100

(100) the form of the print-out is deter-
mined. The print parameter administration
surface <E4> is called up.

The touch field <ESCAPE> (101) ends the

menu and leads back into the previous 101
operation level. [E2]

7.5.1 Print delay and print repetition

Figure 72

The touch field <print go delay> (102) 102

enables the delay of the print-out by the
value entered in mm. At the same time
the current value is displayed in the field
in addition.
The higher the value entered the later the
print-out begins. [E4]
print delay
The basic setting, for the entry of the
values in mm, is carried out in the text
programming level <E14> with the PG signal (beginning)
touch field <Pulses per mm>.

The touch field <print repeat> (103) enables the entry of the number of print-outs,
at the same time the current value is also displayed in the field. Values between 0-
255 are admissible.

Example: 000 = single print-out 255 = endless repetition

001 = double print-out

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 100

7.5.2 Printgo distance

Figure 73

The touch field <printgo-distance>

(104) determines the gap between the
individual print-outs by the value set, at 104
the same time the current value is
displayed in addition in the field. Values
between 0 – 99999.9 are admissible.
The entry is done in mm.
The greater the value entered the greater printgo distance
is the gap between the individual print-
outs. text text

7.5.3 Droplet flight time

Figure 74

The touch field <drop flight-time> (105)

causes an alteration to the droplet

Major speed alterations require the

droplet flight time compensation for the
prevention of text item variances. A
precondition is the setting of a greater [E4]
print delay because at higher speeds the 105
droplet loading must start earlier.

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7.5.4 Print Go and Print Go Gate

Figure 75
The touch field <PrintGo> (106) toggles
between “intern” and “sensor” to select
the source of the print go signal.

With the “Sensor” setting the print go 107

signal will be generated through an
external sensor. With the “Internal”
setting the connected sensor is not
queried (the print go signal will be [E4]
generated by the printer).

With the touch field <PG-gate> (107) a further print start condition can be
activated, at the same time the current status “ON” or “OFF” is shown in the field
in addition. With the setting “ON” activated the print procedure is only carried out
for as long as the queried sensor is under voltage.

Example: Endless print-out of pipes with interrupts between the end of the previos
pipe and the beginning of the next pipe.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 102

7.5.5 Meter go function

Figure 76

With the touch field <Meter-Go> (108)

the Leibinger-Jet 2 function will be
activated or deactivated. At the same
time the current status „ON“ or „OFF“ is



The function enables to continue the running production for the printing of
continuous goods during a printing stop and enables to continue the print with the
correct status after the stop.

For this the method steps of the product (entering encoder signals) are displayed in
the background. An internal counter in the background calculates therefore the
current counter status of the length marking.

If a new printing start signal is generated after the print stop by pressing the touch
field <printstart>, you will get automatically the correct counter status of the
length marking.

Typical applications:

! Length marking of continuous cables

! Length marking of continuous tubes.

Note! Already by activating the function <meters go> entering

encoder signals (method steps) will be displayed in the background.
To guarantee the correct start value for the first „printing start“
with the function it is absolutely necessary that all counters are
reset accordingly.

Pay attention! A correct printing can be only guaranteed if the

printer is not switched off during a printing stop/trouble shooting!

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 103

Manner of proceeding:

! Choose the function <With Encoder> (110) in the menu level <E8>.
! Activate the function <meters go ON> (111) in the menu level <E4>. The set
up <PrintGo> (102) changes automatically to the set up „sensor“ and should
be not changed anymore!
! Press the touch field <printgo-distance> (113) to enter the certain value
(distance from printing start to printing start) in mm.
! With the <ESCAPE>-button you can leave the menu and you can go back to
the menu level <E1>.
! With the touch field <take over > (114) in the menu level <E1> the set up
will be taken over to the production.


The touch field <take over > (114) will be only displayed during open nozzle!

Note! To guarantee the correct start value for the first „printing
start“ with the function it is absolutely necessary that all counters
are reset accordingly.

Figure 77




[E8] [E4]



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Group 7 Data Entry Page 104

7.5.6 Pre-defined print stop

Figure 78

With the touch field <stop after x PG>

(115) the amount of print-outs are pre- 115
defined and according to this the
Leibinger-Jet 2 will release an automatic
printing stop. At the same time the
entered value is displayed in the field.


Note! Before the restart of the production the product counter has
to be absolutely reset to get a correct result.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 105

7.6 Function parameters

Figure 79

The touch field <functions parameter>

(120) controls the setting of various function
parameters. The parameter administration
surface <E6> is called up. 120
The touch field <ESCAPE> (121) ends the
menu and leads back to the previous 121
operation level. [E2]

7.6.1 Expiration time and shift times

Figure 80

The touch field <expiry time set-up>

(122) activates the level <E41> for
entry of an expiration time. 122

The touch field <shift time set-up>
(123) activates the level <E44> for
adaptation of the individual shift times.

Expiration time is understood as meaning

the time that elapses until the product is
no longer usable. Enter the desired shelf
life period via the number block. (This is
added to the current date.) Two times
can be entered.

Return <ret>(124)=take over entry
Backspace <bs> (125)=delete the last

By activation of the corresponding

<touch field> (126) the times can be
entered via the number block appearing. 126


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7.6.2 Replacements and text sources

Figure 81

The touch field <ex. text> (130) 130

controls the text source. At the same
time the current status “inactive” or
“active” is displayed in the field.

With the active setting the text is

imported from a connected external data
source. If the status inactive has been [E6]
selected external sources will be ignored.

The touch field <replacements set-up>

(131) activates the selection level
The selection menu <E13> enables the
replacement of the date values entered
by letters or names so as to enable a
company-specific illustration or coding of
the information. The alterations carried
out are saved after the entry. [E13] Printing with the function “ex. text”

By the usage of the function “external text” an easy possibility is provided to send
variable data via the serial interface RS232 without any additional software- or
programming works.

Function principle:
Variable data of a fixed text length (string length/field length) can be sent via the
RS232 which are placed to the predefined wildcards within the text. Within a text
you can define several variable fields of wildcards; ore the wildcards can stand
alone also (without additional text).

The maximum length of all wildcards is 64 characters; that means for each print-out
(PrintGo-signal) you can send and print maximum 64 variable data bytes.

For every print-out (PrintGo-signal) always the constant amount of characters have
to be transferred which have been also defined as the amount of wildcards (e.g. 4
wildcards are defined ! always necessary to send 4 data bytes per print-out).

The characters can include letters and numbers, but should not include control
characters as “carriage return” or “line feed”.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 107

Inside the printer there is a input buffer of totally 256 characters available.

For every “PrintGo” the printer will check, if the amount of characters have been
entered on the input-buffer, which are given by the amount of the wildcard
characters. If enough characters have been received, they will be taken over to the
data-buffer and will be printed.

If not enough characters have been received, the characters are printed which are
taken over to the data-buffer at last (the previous text will be printed again).

Example for text input:

Fix text Variable text/data field Fix text

Content XXXX pieces

The input of the fix text (the non-variable part of the text) can be done as usual.
After the input of the first text part, the definition of the wildcards for the variable
data is carried out:

By touching either several touching of the <SHIFT> button, further menus to enter
small letters, special characters and additional parameters are called-up.
In the menu “Additions” <E60> and with the button <ExText> you can set the
required wildcards to implement the variable external data via the interface
(wildcards can be any alphanumeric characters; in the shown example the “x” has
been used as wildcards).

Print-out of our example:

After pressing the button <Printstart> the first four data bytes have to be sent via
the RS232 interface => e.g. “1000”

After the first “PrintGo”-signal the following text will be printed out:

Content 1000 pieces

Now the second data record has to be transferred via the interface (this
transmission can already happen during the first print-out) => e.g. “2345”

After the next “PrintGo”-signal the following text will be printed out:

Content 2345 pieces

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7.6.3 Reset counters

Figure 82

With the touch fields <reset count. 1> 132

(132) and <reset count. 2> (133) the 133
respective counter is reset.

(Resetting of counters actually printed



The “counter 1” can also be reseted by an external 24V-signal ona pin 15/X4
(please see chapter 12.2 "Interface layout plan")

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 109

7.6.4 Counter settings

Figure 83

With the two touch fields <counter 1

set-up> (134) and <counter 2 set-up>
(135) the basic settings of the respective 134
counters are defined. 135

The setting level <E42> is activated.


Figure 84 136

The touch field <start value> (136) 140

enables the entry of the starting value. 141
Following reaching of the limit value the
counter is reset to the starting value.


With the touch field <end value> (137) the limit value can be defined. The starting
value can be increased to any limit value desired.

The touch field <increment> (138) defines the increase between the individual
print issues. The increase of the counter can be selected between 1-9.

The touch field <repeat count> (139) determines the number of prints to be
repeated. If no repetition is desired “0” must be entered. The counter can print up
to 9999 repetitions.

At the same time the values are displayed in addition in the above mentioned fields.
The touch field <forward/backward> (140) controls the direction of the counting
process i.e. whether the counter is incremented (+) or decremented (-).

The touch field <reset> (141) controls the form of the reset. At the same time
the activated status „normal“ or „Prod. C.“ is displayed in the field. If the function
„Prod. C.“ (with product counter) is activated the counter will be reset when the
product counter is reset.

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7.6.5 Counter programming

To programm a counter you have to proceed as following:

(E.g.: A counter with 4 digits should be defined)

! Press the touch field < new text> in the menu level <E3>.
! The “font menu” <E9> is called up.
! After choosing the font the line menu <E15> either the keyboard field <E50>
will be displayed if necessary.
! By the touch field <Shift> scroll as long as the menu level <E60> appears.
! Press the touch field <Counter> (142). The Leibinger-Jet 2 changes to the
counter definition mode. To indicate that the counter definition mode is active,
the display background will be colored black.
! Return with the <Shift>-button (143) to the keyboard field <E50>.
! Input wildcard for the counter. The amount of the wildcards is determined by
the number of digits of the counter. The wildcards are already the so-called
“start value” of the counter (so e.g. 0005).
! Return with the <Shift>-button (143) to the menu level <E60> again and
confirm the input by pressing the touch field <counter> (144) again.
! Escape the menu with the <Shift>-button (143) and you can finish the process
in the next possible menu level by pressing the touch field <ESCAPE>.
! With the touch field <take over> (145) in the menu level <E1> the counter
will be taken over into the production.
! A safety inquiry with which counter you should go on will be faded-in.


The touch field <take over > will be only displayed during open nozzle!

The parameters of the counter can be selected in the menu level <E6>.

The value of the enterd wildcards determines also the “start value” of the counter.
For the first start of the production it will be only once from the “start value”
(wildcard) to the “initial value”. Afterwards it will be only counted recurrently from
the “initial value” to the “end value”.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 111


Start value 00 initial value (parameter) 05 end value (parameter)10

Print: 00;01;02;03;04;05;06;07;08;09;10;05;06;07;08;09;10;05;06.....

If the counter should start counting from the beginning from the initial value (e.g.
05) the wildcard has to correspond with the initial value (wildcard value = 05).

Figure 85


[E60] [E50]
142 Activate counter Input wildcard for counter


[E60] [E1]
Confirm input Taking over to printing process

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 112

7.6.6 Mode normal and reflected

Figure 86

The touch field <Mode> (146) controls 146

the printing direction, that means if the
text should be printed from forward to
behind or from behind to forward.

At the same time the current status

„normal“ or „reflected “ is displayed.

The mode „reflected“ is used if the back movement of the print head or of the
product is used during the printing process.


Note! If the button <mode reflected> is activated, it is cogent

necessary to enter also a <print go delay> (see chapter 7.5.1
(print dely and print repetition)). The necessary length of the print
go delay is depended of the printing speed and has to be find out
by some trials.

Recommended is a default value of 5 mm!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 113

7.7 Service/test/system parameters

Figure 87

With the touch field <service/test/ system-

parameter> (150) the system administration
surface <E8> is called up.

The touch field <ESCAPE> (151) ends the
menu and leads back to the previous 151
operating level. [E2]

7.7.1 Direct start and time/date

Figure 88

With the touch field <direct start>

(152) the independent print start of the 152
device can be switched on and off.

At the same time the current status
“YES” or “NO” is displayed in the field.


I.e. when the print head is opened, the oscillator voltage and the phase set, the ink
jet printer is ready for printing and the LEIBINGER-JET 2 begins the print procedure
independently upon receipt of a print start signal.

The touch field <time/date set-up>(153) enables the import of date and time. The
“entry level” <E40> is called up.

The entry of the current settings of date,

weekday and time can be made.

Return <ret>(154)=take over entry

Backspace <bs>(155)=deletes the last
entry 155


Observation: The postponement of the date setting is done in hourly steps. The
maximum possible postponement is 23 hours.

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Group 7 Data Entry Page 114

7.7.2 Monitoring functions (Control functions) Printgo- and strokego monitoring

Monitoring functions are particularly necessary with high printing speeds.

Examples: A Print Go is triggered and is printed. The next Print Go is triggered.

However if the writing procedure has not yet been ended an error
notification will be made on the display:

„error!!, a printgo occured while a print, was in progress. Prints will be

lost. Check also PG-distance.“

If the print speed is too high with the parameters set, stroke errors can
occur. The following error notification appears on the display:

„error!!, a strokego occured while a stroke, was in progress so strokes

will be lost.“

The speed must be reduced or device parameters altered!

Figure 89

With the touch field<control functions>

(156) various monitoring functions
(control functions) can be activated. The
“activation level” <E31> is called up.


With the touch fields <print go control>

(157) and <stroke go control> (158)
the functions can be activated or

At the same time the current status 157

“OFF” or “ON” is shown in the fields.


Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 115

7.7.3 Encoder

Figure 90

The touch field <encoder> (159) de- 159

activates or activates this.

At the same time the current status

„with“ or „without“ is displayed.

With encoder print is possible in one or in

both directions. [E8]

7.7.4 Encoder parameters

Figure 91

The current status is displayed in all

The touch field <encoder set-up> (160)
controls the basic settings of the
encoder. The “selection level”<E14> is

With the touch field <lock backward>

(161) the return barring is activated or
deactivated. 162
If the return barring is switched on the 161
strokes that are created during any
backwards movement are taken into
consideration in ensuing forwards
movement to control the correct [E14]
insertion of the text print-out.

With the touch field <encoder directi.> (162) a choice can be made between
direction of rotation to the left or to the right. Encoder signals are only evaluated
with a correctly set direction of rotation.

The touch field <width> (163) controls the print width of the print-out. The modes
“normal” and “extra” are available for selection. In the “extra” mode the print width
is doubly wide. Only possible with the “without encoder” setting.

Observation: In the “normal width” mode the device works at a rapid stroke rate,
with “extra width” (extra wide) at a lower stroke rate.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 116

With the touch field <Pulses per mm> (164) the pulses/revolution indicated on the
encoder can be multiplied by the factor 4 and following the multiplication they can
be divided by the distance determined for one revolution.

7.7.5 Job change

Figure 92

By switching over to the touch field 170

<JobChan> (170) from “internal” to
“external” the possibility is given of
changing between 128 jobs during
production by means of an external
signal. If the “internal” mode is activated
external signals for a job change are
ignored. [E8]

Observation: With activated external job change, jobs can only be edited with a
closed noozle. To change a job by external signals the head must be
open. A corresponding signal from the SPC is required.

At the same time the current status “internal” or “external” is displayed in the field. Printing with the function “external job selection”

For the usage of the function “external job selection” the printer has to be prepared
as follows:

1.) Delete all jobs:

Please push the following order of buttons: ! “main menu” ! “job
management” ! “delete jobs” ! “all jobs” ! ”YES”

2.) Create 128 Default-jobs:

Please push the following order of buttons: ! “main menu” ! “function
parameter” ! “replacements” ! “replace figures” ! “ESC” ! “Job
management” ! “Factory setting & default job”.

After these steps 128 default-jobs have been created automatically (see under
“main menu” ! “job management” ! “list all jobs”).
The jobs are numbered all the way through with names from “001” up to “128”
and the function “external job change” is activated in the single jobs.
(This is necessary that no undefined job can be selected by switching over the
inputs and that in every job the function “external job change” is already

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 117

The jobs can be adjusted and overwritten accordingly (= edit and save under the
same name again). They should be saved under a number between “001” and

! If a job is deleted, all other jobs are shifted by one digit ( if e.g.
job 031 is deleted, job 032 would be then on position 031
afterwards!!!). An afterwards insert of a new job on this digit
where job 31 has been is unfortunately not possible anymore;
that means that the arrangement of the job has been always
shifted by the amount of the deleted job.
! As the inputs of the jobselect-lines have a very high priority, the
head has to be always closed during editing of the job.
Otherwise it can happen that the change of a job will be saved
in a wrong job (not in the requested job, but in a job which is
called by the select inputs right now). If the device is operated
by an external software an additional control character can
ignore the select lines (please see “interface description of the
LJ2”). Due to this the head has not to be closed to edit or save
a job as usual.

Overview (Extract) about the signal-state on connector “X4” and the selected
number of the job:

Seljob 6 Seljob 5 Seljob 4 Seljob 3 Seljob 2 Seljob 1 Seljob 0

… …
Job 18 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
Job 17 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Job 16 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Job 15 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Job 14 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Job 13 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Job 12 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
Job 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Job 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
Job 9 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Job 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Job 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
Job 6 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
Job 5 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Job 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Job 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Job 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Job 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 = Optocouppler not activated 1 = Optocouppler activated

For further information about the connection and the pin numbers, please see
group12 chapter Interface layout plan.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 118

7.7.6 Service/test- and diagnosis functions

Figure 93

The field <service/test & diagnostics>

(171) activates the „service menu“

[E8] Summary graph (oscillator voltage curve)

In this menu the control of the oscillator voltage regulation can be read. Its
presentation is made in the form of a summary graph.

Settings and alterations!

This work must only be carried out by Leibinger service


Figure 94

The touch field <curve> (172) activates 172

the presentation.

[E25] [E16]

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 119 Motor test

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 95

The touch field <motortest> (173) 173

enables the manual setting of the gutter.


[E37] [E16]

By means of tapping on <motor step open> (174) or <motor step close> (175)
the gutter motor is driven and the gutter moves forwards or backwards.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 120 Charging voltage test/Piezo test

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Measurement under voltage has carried out only by electrical


This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 96

The touch field <charge test>(176) 177

serves the setting of the charging
voltage, the field <piezo test> (177) the
setting of the oscillator voltage.


[E38] [E39]

Oscillator voltage setting: issue of a constant oscillator voltage that serves

reconciliation with the oscillation voltage booster (Poti TRM 1).

Charging voltage setting: issue of a constant charging voltage for the adjustment of
the charging voltage booster (Offset TRM 2, boost TRM3).

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 121 Software information

Figure 97


[E35] [E16]

The touch field <software information> (178) displays the software statuses and
the operating hours counter (179). Permanent bleeding

Figure 98



[E34] [E16]

The touch field <const. bleed> (180) starts the permanent bleed of the device.
The status field (181) blinks during the procedure and the notification “Bleed” is
displayed. The bleeding can be cancelled at any time by pressing on the touch field
<ESCAPE> (182). During this process the visco pump will be activated for 3 sec.
every minute to guarantee that the pump will be flushed.

The function permanent bleed can be only activated if the device is

working under the following conditions:
! the ink supply is switched on
! the head cover has been removed.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 122 Hydraulic test & parameters

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 99

The touch field <hydrauic test &

parameter>(190) activates the hydraulic
menu <E29>.


If the regulation not inverted is shown,

i.e. is switched off, each individual
component can be driven individually. 192
Storage of the values is only possible in 193
the <service > area (191).
(for further information see the following
page) 194

With the touch field <bleed>(192) the device can be bleeded. The bleeding is only
carried out as long as the button is active.

With the touch field <pressureless> (195) the device can be set in a pressureless
operating mode. The function is only available for a deactivated control!

The touch field <falltime>(193) starts a new measurement of the current fall time.
After approx. 15 seconds the value is updated. The issue of the value is made in

In the <display zone> (194) the current system pressure in mbar, the current
position of the membrane as well as the mix information (values on the addition of
ink and solvent) are shown.

Before exiting with <ESCAPE> it is imperative that the regulation

again be switched on.

Incorrect operation can lead to major disturbances to the device!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 123

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 100 196

The touch field <nom. visko> 198

(196) serves the entry of the target 197 199
fall time in milliseconds, the para- 200
meters are ink and device specific.
The touch field <nom. pressure> 202
(197) the print values can be
changed. The entry is in mbar. [E43]

The touch field <suct.>(198) alters the settings of the suction pump. The standard
values are “144” for devices without head ventilation and “240” for devices with
head ventilation.

Observation: The value must be entered in four digit form (e.g.: “0240”).

The field <viskor>(199) is required for the entry of the viscosity metre correction
value. The entry is necessary following the replacement of the viscosity metre pipe.
The value engraved on the Viskosity meter must be entered here. Viscosity meters
without a engraving have the Value 1000. See group Equipping/maintenance.

Language change-over

In the field (200) the menu language of the device is displayed! The alternative
menu language of the device is displayed in the field (201). If required you can
change to another alternative menu language online (e.g. in case of service) to
simplify the communication with the dealer or the LEIBINGER Service – Hotline. The
change happens by pressing the touch field <english> (201). You can go back to
the standard-menu language with the touch field (200).

Observation: If the device will be switched off after a change of the menu
language the standard-menu language will be loaded automatically if
you switch on the high-speed printer again!

Alterations to the parameters already pre-set can lead to serious

functional disturbances!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 124

The <Intervall time> mode (202) enables the entry of start and limit times at
which the LEIBINGER-JET 2 switches itself on or off automatically for circulation of
the ink (e.g.: at 10.25 hours the device switches on / at 10.40 hours the device
switches off).

This function prevents the drying of the ink and the jets becoming stuck up during
operation interruptions.

At the same time the set values are displayed in all above mentioned fields.

Entry of ink- and solvent number:

For a correct TAG-aquisition it is absolutely necessary to enter the numbers of the

used ink and solvent.

Figure 101



[E43] [E70]


The touch field <Input Ink-Solv. No.> (203) activates the entry menu <E70>.

By activation of the corresponding <touch field> (204 or 205) the ink-no.

respectively the solvent no. can be entered via the number block appearing.

Alterations to the parameters already pre-set can lead to serious

functional disturbances!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 125 Touch screen calibration

Figure 102

The touch field <touch adjust> (220)

opens the calibration menu <E59>.



The display is adjusted with the

<adjust> field (221) and by tapping on
the upper calibration point (222) and by
subsequent tapping on the lower
calibration point (222). The storage is
performed with the touch field <save> 222 223

The calibration points are shown as small [E59]

squares &.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 7 Data Entry Page 126 Service interval

Figure 103

The touch field <service interval> (250)

opens the service interval menu <E64>.



The following parameters are displayed in

the menu: 251
! the max. period between two in- 252
spections in working hours (251)
either as a period of time (252)
! the working hours since the last 254
inspection (253)
! the total amount of working hours [E64]
(254) of the device
255 256
! the date of the last inspection (255)

The touch field <ESCAPE> (256) ends

the menu.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 127

8. Trouble shooting

8.1 General

With the help of the error diagnosis the operating personnel should be given the
possibility of removing lesser defects. Should it not be possible to achieve a satisfactory
result despite the measures carried out or should a lack of clarity prevail please contact
the service department or a service technician of your dealer.

Dangerous material in the machine!

Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!

8.2 Error notification

The error notifications are shown flashing in the status line of the LCD touch display.
The error notification texts contains the error denomination, the possible cause of the
error or the possible error removal measure. The error is acknowledged by means of
touching the touch field <error notification> (status line).

Figure 104

Status line with error notifications

(specimen illustration)


Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 128

8.3 Error messages

Description of the malfunction Trouble shooting activity

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of ignition

must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could get
caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or during the
opening movement between housing and gutter. Keep your hands
outside of the danger area!

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock! The print

head must close automatically. Work on the head must only be carried
out in a closed state!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes can
cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Opening/closing of the gutter not carried out Check closing mechanism. Remove ink
correctly. Closing mechanism could be dirty residue and other contamination with a
or defective. cleaning brush.
Display message:„an error occured when head moved, gutter moved
not correct. Check the mechanics for gutter-movement“
Drop brake-off error! The charging electrode Check charging electrode and clean.
could be dirty. If necessary please clean.
Display message:„not able to adjust drop generation, please check
charge electrode for dirt accumulation. Clean, if necessary“
Charging electrode dirty/defective. Please Check charging electrode and clean or
clean or replace. replace.
Display message:„charge elect. Dirty please check charge electrode
for dirt accumulation, clean, if necessary“

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 129

Phasing error! The charging electrode could Check charging electrode and clean.
be dirty. If necessary please clean.
Display message:„phasing-error, please check charge electrode for dirt
accumulation. Clean, if necessary“

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could get
caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or during the
opening movement between housing and gutter. Only carry out
cleaning and service work with the machine placed idle. Remove
mains plug!

High voltage current too high. Please check Check deflector plates.
the deflector plates for dirt or dampness.
Display message:„hv-current to high check deflection plate for dirt or

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 130

Description of the malfunction Trouble shooting activity

Dangerous material in the machine!

Read the safety leaflets and the regulations on personal safety


Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the opening
of the device eye protection must be put on!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective equipment

is necessary!

It is imperative that the instructions on the subject of handling inks

and solvents (thinners) in the groups Safety instructions and Accident
prevention are observed!

Ink will soon be empty! Please refill. Refill ink.

Display message:„Ink tank is low level please refill ink“

Solvent will soon be empty! Please refill. Refill solvent.

Display message:„Solvent tank is low level please refill solvent“

Ink/solvent not from Leibinger. Please Only use original ink and solvent made
remove bottle! by Leibinger.
Display message:„ Leibinger Ink/Solvent not detected! Please remove
Wrong ink/solvent! Please remove bottle. The selected ink or solvent may not be
used in this device!
Display message:„ Wrong Ink/Solvent! Please remove bottle.
Ink/solvent already decremented on ...., The selected consumable medium has
please activate with new bottle. already been decremented.
Display message:„ Expiration date reached! To activate the
Ink/Solvent, place the bottle to the TAG-Reader and press “Activate”.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 131

Description of the malfunction Trouble shooting activity

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the opening
of the device eye protection must be put on!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Leak in the hydraulics, please check Disconnect device from the mains supply and
hydraulics immediately! check hydraulics for leaks!
Display message:„leakage found in the hydraulic area, please
check hydraulic immediately“
Defective viscosity measurement! Please Disconnect device from the mains supply!
check viscosity pump and metre or call Check the viscosity pump and the
the Leibinger service department. viscometer. Observe the instructions in the
group Servicing!
Display message:„faulty visco-measurement please check visco-
pump and –meter or call our perfect Leibinger service“
Ink conveying defective. Please check Disconnect device from the mains supply!
main pump, pressure tank and their Check the main pump, the pressure tank and
connections. the connections. Check the position of the
ink switch!
Display message:„pressure fault please check air pump and all
Pressure disturbance! Please check Disconnect device from the mains supply!
compressor, pressure tank and all Check the compressor, the pressure tank and
connections. the connections.
Display message:„pressure fault“ please check air pump and all

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 8 Trouble shooting Page 132

Description of the malfunction Trouble shooting activity

Bleeding Carry out bleeding.

Display message:„pressure fault“ please check air pump and all
Blade synchronisation
Display message:„knife-synchronisation“

Printgo error/printgo distance error! No Alter setting parameters.

new print must be started during the
printing process.
Display message:„error!!, a printgo occured while a print was in
progress. Prints will be lost. Check also PG-distance“
Strokego error! Strokes were lost during Alter setting parameters.
the printing process.
Display message:„error!!, a strokego occured while a stroke
was in progress so strokes will be lost.“

8.4 Other causes of errors

The following list illustrates additional possible sources of errors that are not shown in
the display with any error notification.

Description of malfunction Trouble shooting activity

Device cannot be switched on ! Touch display pressed for too short a

time (min. 2 sec.)
! Mains plug not plugged in
! Mains cable or display defective
! Mains fuse(s) defective
(Observe the instructions in the group

Data transmission from PC not possible Connection cable not connected or defective

Print head not working although no error ! Status field <Print> is on “No”
displayed ! No data entry present
! Head cover of the print head not
assembled or incorrectly assembled
! Product sensor not connected or set
! Basic settings incorrect

Suction pump achieving no power ! Value incorrectly set -menu level <E43>
! Cleaning is necessary, see chapter
Miscellaneous cleaning work

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 133

9. Equipping/maintenance

9.1 Equipping/operation

9.1.1 Refilling of ink and solvent General information

Dangerous material in the machine!

Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!

Dangerous material in the machine!

Read the safety leaflets and the regulations on personal safety


Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

The storage containers for ink and solvent are installed beneath the cover flap of the
refill unit (see illustration below).

The containers are always without pressure and can be opened in any condition of
the device including during production. Following refilling the containers must be
closed again carefully.

Important! The containers are monitored by filling level sensors. In

the event of the minimum filling level being under-achieved an
optical and acoustic request to refill is made. If no acknowledge-
ment of the refill alarm is made within 10 minutes, the LEIBINGER-
JET 2 will stop the production and close the jet and the device will
switch off.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 134

Figure 105

Instruction label see inside of the housing cover

Storage containers (view with cover folded back)

1 – Storage container “Ink”
2 – Storage container “Solvent”

The storage containers must not be overfilled!

Only fill up to max. 2/3!

Following filling the containers must again be closed carefully.

For 8 hour operation the storage containers should be at least half filled as with
most applications the ink consumption is low (1 litre enables the printing of up to
100 million characters depending on the matrix and the diameter of the jet).

Depending on the ink, ambient temperature and humidity the consumption of

LEIBINGER solvent can be between 20-100 ml/8 hours. With higher temperatures in
shift operation LEIBINGER solvent should therefore be checked or refilled daily.

At this point we wish to make explicit reference to the fact that it

is only when using solvent and ink from Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co.
KG that the optimum operating characteristics can be achieved. In
the event of use of other inks and solvents all guarantee
entitlements shall cease to apply.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 135 TAG reader and TAG identifier

Inks and solvent made by Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG are identified by TAGs.
The TAG is located below the label of each re-fill bottle (see fig. below).

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 is equipped with a TAG reader to read the TAG codes.

Figure 106

1 – TAG reader
2 – TAG area of the
Re-fill bottle

TAG reader and TAG identifier TAG reading, TAG information, TAG activating and filling the device

Figure 107

TAG reading

1. TAG reading, TAG information and TAG activating:

! Place the re-fill bottle (ink or solvent) with the label side in front of the TAG

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 136

! If necessary, slowly move the re-fill bottle back and forth in front of the TAG
reader until TAG reading is complete.
! After a successful acquisition the following message appears on the LCD-Touch
display. (The following displayed messages refer to the filling up of the
LEIBINGER-JET 2 with ink. For the filling up with solvent the messages are
changed accordingly).


4 5

! The message provides information on the contents of the re-fill bottle:

1. The item no. of the ink or solvent
2. The use-by date of the ink or solvent
3. The delivery date of the ink or solvent
! If the wrong re-fill medium was selected, the procedure can be ended by
pressing the <Not Active> (5) touch field.
! If the selected medium is to be poured in, the <Activate> (4) touch field must
be pressed. For this the bottle has to stay in front of the TAG-reader.
! If the activation has been carried out successfully the TAG of the bottle will be
devaluated. The successful activation is indicated with two short acoustic
signals and the following display message.

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 137

2. Filling the device with solvent:

! Carry out the filling up of the solvent reservoir as described in chapter
Refilling of ink and solvent (General information) and confirm the filling up with
the touch field <OK> (6).

Note! For the solvent you have absolutely to fill in the complete
bottle because the bottle will be devaluated and can be not
activated anymore !

3. Filling the device with ink:

! Carry out the filling up of the ink reservoir tank as described in the chapter Refilling of ink and solvent (General information) and confirm the filling
up with the Touch field <OK> (6). You have to fill in only the half of the bottle.

Note! To fill up the ink you should only fill in the half of the bottle
because the content of the ink reservoir is lower than the content
of the ink bottle. Due to this the ink reservoir tank could overflow! Consumable medium with elapsed use-by date

! If the expiry date of a consumable medium has been reached the following
message appears on the LCD-Touch display. (The following displayed message
refers to the filling up of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 with ink. For the filling with
solvent the message is changed accordingly).
! The message provides information on the contents of the re-fill bottle:
1. The item no. of the ink or solvent
2. The use-by date of the ink or solvent
3. The delivery date of the ink or solvent

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 138

nozzle cover ink print 11: 05: 32

closed open off No 16. 02. 04

Ink Nr.: 70000-00001 1

2 Expiration date: 20.12.2003
Distribution date: 01.02.2002 3
Expiration date reached!
To activate the Ink/Solvent,
hold bottle to the TAG-Reader
and press „Activate“.

4 Activate
Activate 5

! If a different re-fill medium is to be used, the procedure can be ended by means

of the <Not Active> (5) touch field.
! If the selected medium should be filled in even if the expiry date has been
reached you have to press the touch field <Activate> (4). For this the bottle
has to stay in front of the TAG-reader.
! The bottle will be now activated and the TAG devaluated. The following
message is indicated on the display.

! Carry out the filling up of the reservoir tank as described in the chapter
Refilling of ink and solvent (General information) and confirm the filling with the
touch field <OK> (6).


To fill up solvent you have to fill in the complete tank because the
bottle will be devaluated and can be not activated anymore!

To fill up ink you have to fill in only the half of the bottle because
the content of the ink tank is lower than the content of the bottle!

Filling the device with elapsed ink or solvent can lead to poor
printing results and production down-time!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 139 TAG Error messages

More detailed information on this subject can be found in the chapter entitled Error
messages/error notifications. Other TAG messages and Repair TAG

1. Refilling without TAG activation:

! If ink or solvent has been filled in without activating the bottle the following
message appears on the LCD-Touch display.

Ink Solvent

! If the subsequent activation should not be carried out you can finish the process
by pressing the button <Not Activate> (1). If ink has been filled in of an
already used or activated bottle no further activation is required !
Note: If a required activation will be not carried out the LEIBINGER-JET 2 carries
on working at the moment but will be shut down after process of given
criterions. This consequences should be noted!
! If the activation should be carried out the used bottle should be put in front of
the TAG-reader.
! The certain bottle will be activated subsequently and the TAG will be
devaluated. The succesful activation is indicated by two short acoustic signals
and the certain display message.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 140

2. Devaluated refill bottle:

! If ink or solvent has been filled in without activating the bottle the following
message appears on the LCD-Touch display. (The following displayed message
refers to a bottle with ink. For a bottle of solvent the solvent No. is indicated
instead of the ink No.).

3. Repair-TAG:

A repair-TAG will be available if a bottle has been devaluated by mistake or if the

LEIBINGER-JET 2 has been shut down. You find the repair-TAG under the cover flap
of the refilling unit by delivery of the device.

Note! The repair-TAG can only be activated once!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 141

9.1.2 Refill messages

The refill tanks of the LEIBINGER-JET 2 are checked by level sensors. If the minium
level is remained an optical and acoustic signal ask you to refill. Messages in the standard operation

If a refill message has been generated the production menu will be called up
automatically and the refill message is shown flashing in the status line of the
display (1).

Solvent Ink

After acknowledgement of the message additional information is indicated on the

display. By pressing the Touch-field <ESCAPE> (2) the production menu is
indicated again.

You will find further information regarding the TAG-handling, filling

the reservoir tanks as well as regarding further TAG-messages in
the chapter 9.1.1 Refilling of ink and solvent and so on.


To refill the solvent you have to fill in the complete bottle because
the bottle is devaluated and can be not activated anymore!

To refill the ink you have to fill in only the half of the bottle
because the content of the ink tank is lower than the content of
the bottle!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 142 Messages in the “host operation”

If the LEIBINGER-JET 2 is in the “host operation” (external control via the interface
RS232) the refill messages are different because no TAG-activation has been carried
out in this operating mode. That means the user can only refill ink or solvent but
cannot carry out any activation of the refill tank(s). This process will be identified
and saved.
If a refill message has been generated it is indicated flashing in the status line of the
display (1).

Example view: Ink refilling message

1 nozzle
11: 05: 32
16. 02. 04

!!! Attention !!!

Please fill in the half bottle,
into the ink tank. During the
production the activation of a new
bottle is not possible. To activate
the bottle, the printer has to be offline.

2 OK

After acknowledgement of the message an additional information is indicated on the

display. By pressing the touch field <OK> (2) you can change again to the host

If the device will be started again after such refilling process a certain message to
activate the TAG will be indicated.

You will find further information regarding TAG-handling, refilling

the reservoir tank as well as regarding further TAG-messages in the
chapter 9.1.1 Refilling of ink and solvent and so on.

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 143


If ink of an already used and activated bottle has been filled in no

further activation is required!

To refill solvent you have to fill in the complete bottle because the
tank is devaluated and can be not activated anymore!

To refill ink you have only to fill in the half of the bottle because
the content of the ink tank is lower than the content of the bottle!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 144

9.2 Guarantee

The guarantee conditions for the LEIBINGER-JET 2 can be seen from the order

At this point we wish to make explicit reference to the fact that it is only when using
solvent and ink from Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG that the optimum operating
characteristics can be achieved. In the event of use of other inks and solvents all
guarantee entitlements shall cease to apply.

9.3 Service/maintenance

Dangerous material in the machine!

Read the safety leaflets and the regulations on personal safety


9.3.1 Daily servicing work

The daily servicing work includes the checking of the print head and in particular of
the deflector unit, the charging electrode as well as of the guides for dirt. If
necessary the components must be cleaned as described in the chapter Cleaning.

Likewise the filling level of the two storage containers for LEIBINGER ink and
LEIBINGER solvent must be checked. Information on the Refilling of ink and solvent
can be found in the chapter Equipping.

9.3.2 Weekly servicing work

The weekly servicing work includes the checking of the spindles and of the guides
of the nozzle seal for dirt. If necessary the components must be cleaned as
described in the chapter Cleaning. Likewise the nozzle seal must be checked. Lubrication

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 145

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

The lubrication of the spindles and of the guides of the nozzle seal is not absolutely
necessary, however it ensures easier movement of the gutter. Lubrication with oil
also prevents the depositing of ink that can block the gutter during opening or
closing of the nozzle seal. A commercially available oil can be used for lubrication.
Oil must not get into the cgutter (back absorption)! Nozzle sealing

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 146

The sealing point between nozzle and gutter should be checked in particular before
extended idle periods. A non-tight nozzle seal leads to blocking of the suction
extraction lead during extended idle periods.

Testing procedure

With the nozzle seal closed, apply a couple of drops of solvent to the sealing point
with the spray bottle. If the seal is not tight, the solvent will be sucked into the
suction extraction lead. In this case damage to the O-ring must be assumed. To
replace the O-ring the cross head screws of the clamping plate must be loosened.
Subsequently the screws must be tightened again and the tightness must be
checked again as described above.

Figure 108

1 –
Nozzle plate
2 –
Knurled screw
3 –
4 –
Drop production
5 – Clamping plate
6 – O-ring
Removal and installation or replacement of the nozzle plate

You should proceed as follows when removing or installing the nozzle:

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could
get caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or
during the opening movement between housing and gutter. Keep
your hands outside of the danger area!

! Close the nozzle.

! Switch off the ink using the ink switch in the print head (switch downwards).
! Swivel deflector unit upwards and secure with toggle lever.
! Open the nozzle (move gutter forwards).
! The nozzle plate can be removed following undoing of the knurled screw and
swivelling away of the bar.

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! Cleaning of the nozzle only with LEIBINGER solvent against and in the direction
of the current or with the help of an ultrasound bath and subsequent blowing
out with compressed air. Further information on this subject area can be found
in the chapter Cleaning.
! Installation of the cleaned or new nozzle plate.
! The bar that fixes the nozzle plate must be swivelled downwards so that the
nozzle plate is fixed centrally.
! The knurled screw can be tightened as far as the stop (by hand only, without
! The ink can be switched on with the ink switch (switch upwards). When so
doing, attention should be paid to the fact that in the event of incorrect
installation ink can spray out. Observe safety instructions!
! If the ink jet enters the gutter, the correct position of the jet in the gutter must
be checked and if necessary a fine adjustment must be done with the adjusting
screws. Insufficient or incorrect cleaning leads to jet jumping with repeated
switching on and off of the ink switch. Only if the cleaning has been carried out
correctly will the ink jet always enter the gutter at the same point. Further
information on the adjustment of the ink jet can be found in the chapter Other
servicing work.
! Following the check of the above mentioned points the gutter can be closed and
the deflector unit swivelled downwards carefully by release of the toggle lever.
! Prior to starting the print operation the print head should be checked once again
and possibly cleaned. Further information on this subject area can be found in
the chapter Cleaning. Following an extended idle period it is expedient to switch
the device on and off again in order to trigger a bleeding procedure.

9.3.3 Annual servicing work

The manufacturer recommends a regular servicing interval of 6–12 months. Integral

parts of this servicing are:

! Replacement of filter elements and ink

! Replacement of the O-rings for filter and nozzle seal

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 148 Filter replacement and ink change

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Dangerous material in the machine!

Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

With non-pigmented inks the filter insert must be replaced annually, with pigmented
inks every six months.

Filter insert, order no: 54-002326 KA

With the filter change the entire ink content of the device must be replaced and
disposed of properly. The corresponding safety information leaflets DIN 52900 and
the country specific disposal regulations must be observed!

Manner of procedure:

! Place the LEIBINGER- JET 2 in operating mode “Nozzle closed” (1) and “Ink
switch on” (2).
! Deactivate the regulation (3) in the menu level <E29> (main menu !
service/test/system parameter ! service/test & diagnostics ! hydraulic test &
! Press the button “pressureless” (4) in the menu level <E29> and wait for a
while until the values for the “membrane” and “pressure” (5) moving towards

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 149


! The LEIBINGER- JET 2 is without pressure and must be disconnected from the
mains supply. Remove mains plug!

Figure 109

Unscrew only the continuous allan screws!

! Undo the 2 Allan screws and remove the entire pressure tank if the tube
connections allow this (picture sequence 1).
! Place the collection tub underneath the tank and remove both connections for
the viscosity regulation. The ink will run out. If necessary all hydraulic
connections can be removed.
! Unscrew the 8 continuous Allan screws that hold the pressure tank together
(picture sequence 2) and remove the lower half of the housing downwards. The
membrane flange must not be loosened!
! Pull off the filter and slide on the new filter (picture sequence 3).
! Clean any possible dirt in the filter housing with thinner. Examine the O-ring for
damage and clean. If necessary replace.

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! Before closing pay attention to the correct seat of the O-ring and check whether
the agitator rod in the lower part is lying on the floor (picture sequence 4).
! Close pressure housing and tighten with the corresponding screws.
! Again insert the pressure tank and attach the tube connections.
! The further steps are carried out in an empty condition as with the initial
commissioning. Further information can be found in the chapter Start up!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 151

9.3.4 Other servicing work Adjusting the ink jet in the gutter

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

If you use a new nozzle, it is necessary to readjust the ink jet. This can be carried
out with adjusting screws (cross head) located on the holder of the deflector unit by
screwing in or out (swivelling upwards or downwards or to the left or right) (see
following illustration). In order to achieve a better contrast in poor light it is helpful
if you first of all clean the guttere and the print head chassis with Leibinger solvent
and hold white paper behind or below the gutter. Further information on this subject
area can be found in the chapter Cleaning.

The adjustment of the ink jet must first of all be performed

vertically then horizontally!

The correct jet position can be seen from the following illustration!

The correct position of the ink jet must be checked in order to ensure that no
deposits develop in the gutter.

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Figure 110
Jet position in the gutter Jet adjusting screw
(seen from the direction of the jet) (up/down)

Jet adjusting screw


(Jet position)


Should deposits develop on the gutter without print operation, the ink jet is too tight
against the outside of the gutter in the horizontal direction.

Should deposits develop on the gutter with print operation, the ink jet is too far in
the middle of the gutter in the horizontal direction.

With special applications, e.g. very small fonts, the position can be readjusted
following consultation with the manufacturer. Replacement of the main pump

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Dangerous material in the machine!

Danger of serious damage through burns, skin irriation and poisoning!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 153

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 111

Main pump (54-002-001 S)

! Place the LEIBINGER-JET 2 in the operating mode “Nozzle closed” (1) and “Ink
switch on” (2).
! Deactivate the regulation (3) in the menu level <E29> (main menu ! service/
test/system parameter ! service/test & diagnostics ! hydraulic test &
! Press the button “pressureless” (4) in the menu level <E29> and wait for a
while until the values for the “membrane” and “pressure” (5) moving towards


! The LEIBINGER-JET 2 is now without pressure and must be disconnected from
the mains supply. Remove mains plug!
! Place a collection tub underneath and detach the tube connections. Escaped ink
must be disposed of properly. The corresponding safety leaflets DIN 52900 and
the country specific disposal regulations must be observed!
! Detach electrical connection cable and remove main pump.
! Place the new main pump in again and attach the tube connections as well as
the electrical connection cable.
! As with the initial commissioning the further steps are performed in the empty
condition. Further information can be found in the chapter Start up!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 154 Replacement of the battery and fuse

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Parts of the device are still under voltage after blowing the
protecting device! Disconnect the device from the mains supply
prior to opening. Remove mains plug!

Caution – risk of explosion!

Risk of explosion in the event of incorrect replacement of the

battery. Replace only with an identical battery or with an equal
value battery type in accordance with the recommendations of the
manufacturer! The instructions of the battery manufacturer must be
observed when disposing of the battery!

Replacement of the battery!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

The battery and the fuse are situated in the electronics housing on the controller
board or on the mains part. If necessary the fuse and the battery must be replaced.
When changing the battery it is imperative that the Safety instructions as well as
the Disposal instructions of the battery manufacturer are observed!

Figure 112

1 – Battery, 2
lithium, 3.2 VDC
(54-003 032 KA)

2 – Fuse 1,6 H
(54-003 339 KA)

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9.3.5 Servicing work with more difficult operating conditions

With more difficult operating conditions such as extremely high or low ambient
temperature, heavy dust levels or high humidity etc., some servicing work should be
carried out earlier. The time must however be estimated on the basis of experience
values. This applies above all for:

! Changing the ink (high water content or destruction of the binding agent)
! Replacement of the filter insert

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 156

9.4 Cleaning

9.4.1 Daily cleaning work Cleaning the print head

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

The print head must be checked daily and cleaned in the event of recognisable dirt
through penetrating dust or ink. In this respect high release of solvent vapours
should be avoided through the economical use of Leibinger solvent (corresponding
to the Leibinger ink). This is achieved through applying the Leibinger solvent to fluff-
free paper with the spray bottle and wiping off the parts to be cleaned with this.
Direct spraying off of the print head with solvent should only be carried out with
very major dirt and should be limited to the front part of the print head. Following
intensive cleaning the nozzle seal must be lubricated with a commercially available
oil (spindle and guide). Oil must not get into the gutter (back absorption)! Solvent
dropping down must be collected using a solvent resistant metal vessel and
disposed of properly.

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 157 Cleaning the deflector unit and gutter

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

Figure 113 1 2

1 – Charging
2 – Deflector
3 – Gutter

Deflector unit 3
Clean gutter (3) carefully with solvent! The deflector unit consists of a charging
electrode (1) and a deflector plate (2). To clean the deflector plate the gutter must
first of all be closed in order to prevent damage to the nozzle seal. Only close head
with clean gutter!

Risk of crushing/piercing!

During the closing movement of the print head your fingers could
get caught between deflector unit or nozzle plate and gutter or
during the opening movement between housing and gutter. Keep
your hands outside of the danger area!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 158

After this the deflector unit can be swivelled upwards and secured with the toggle
lever. The cleaning of the deflector unit can then be started. In this respect it is
helpful to first of all position the dry cleaning cloth between the parts to be cleaned
and only then to spray with LEIBINGER solvent. After cleaning dry the deflector unit
(e.g. with compressed air). Subsequently the deflector unit can again be swivelled
carefully downwards following release of the toggle lever. It is not necessary to use
tools for this.

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

9.4.2 Weekly cleaning work Cleaning of the spindle and guides of the nozzle seal

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 159

The spindle (1) and the guides (2) of the nozzle seal should be cleaned at least once
per week with the corresponding solvent.

Figure 114
1 2

1 – Spindle
2 – Guides

9.4.3 Other cleaning work Cleaning the nozzle

Dangerous electrical voltage!

Contact causes serious damage through an electric shock!

Disconnect the device from the mains supply prior to opening.
Remove mains plug!

Risk of fire!

Combustible gases and liquids cause serious burns. Sources of

ignition must be kept away from the print head!

Risk of injury!

Ink escapes from the head aperture. Spraying of ink into the eyes
can cause blindness. Eye protection is necessary!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 160

Should ink dry in the nozzle as a result of operating errors or should the nozzle be
blocked with dirt particles or the ink jet not enter the gutter, the nozzle must be
dismantled and cleaned.

Experience shows that the cleaning of the nozzle with LEIBINGER solvent and
blowing out with compressed air against the direction of the current is sufficient to
free the nozzle. Should this not be possible, the nozzle must be cleaned in an
ultrasound bath (covered with LEIBINGER solvent) for at least 5 minutes and
subsequently again blown out with LEIBINGER solvent and compressed air.

Ultrasonic bath, order no: 54-002 347 K

In this respect it should be noted that the adjusted position of the ink jet cannot
alter suddenly. If the ink jet no longer enters the gutter this is usually due to the
fact that dirt particles or dried ink are situated in the nozzle intake.

Figure 115

1 – Nozzle sealing (O-Ring)

2 – Nozzle stone
3 – Nozzle plate
4 – Clamping plate

In case of stubborn ink residue it can be permitted to remove the residue with a
tooth-pick (wooden only).

Caution: Risk of damage!

For this the nozzle is first of all rinsed out with LEIBINGER solvent and the jet is
blown dry from both directions with compressed air. Thereafter you move to the
nozzle stone (2) from both sides with a tooth-pick (wooden only). By means of light
pressure and turning the ink remains are detached from the nozzle stone.
Subsequently the nozzle is again rinsed with LEIBINGER solvent and blown out with
compressed air.

Nozzle adjustment: once set correctly the nozzle retains its


In the event of the jet varying from the normal position: Clean
nozzle until old position sets itself again automatically.

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Checking of the jet cleaning carried out

With repeated switching of the ink flow valve (by pressing of the ink on/off switch)
the ink jet must always assume the same position. If this is not the case, renewed
cleaning is necessary. Cleaning the suction pump

The content is under pressure even if the device has been

disconnected from the mains supply!

Ink under pressure can spray out. Prior to opening disconnect the
device from the mains supply and let off the pressure!

Risk of injury!

Spraying of ink into the eyes can cause blindness. Prior to the
opening of the device eye protection must be put on!

Risk of injury!

Upon contact the contents causes skin irritation. Protective

equipment is necessary!

This work must only be carried out by trained personnel or by

Leibinger service technicians!

Figure 116 The suction pump works with an

underpressure > 0.3 bar. If this is
not achieved, dirtying of the valve
reeds or damage to the working
membrane can be present.

Suction pump
(54-002 002 S)

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Manner of proceeding:

! Place the LEIBINGER-JET 2 into the operating mode “Nozzle closed” (1) and “Ink
switch on” (2).
! Deactivate the regulation (3) in the menu level <E29> (main menu !
service/test/system parameter ! service/test & diagnostics ! hydraulic test &
! Press the button “pressureless” (4) in the menu level <E29> and wait for a
while until the values for the “membrane” and “pressure” (5) moving towards

! The LEIBINGER- JET 2 is now without pressure and must be disconnected from
the mains supply. Remove mains plug!
! Detach tube connections and connection cable and dismantle suction pump.
! Rinse out suction pump with solvent.
! Assemble pump again, create tube connections and electrical connection.
! As with the initial commissioning the further steps are performed in the empty
condition. Further information can be found in the chapter Start up!
! If the measure is not successful, the working membrane may be damaged and
the suction pump must be replaced.

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9.5 Further maintenance measures (Service intervals)

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 has to be subjected additional to the normal maintenance- and

service works to an inspection in regular intervals by authorized qualified personnel to
guarantee a safe and trouble-free operation.

For this the printer is equipped with a service-interval counter. If the following message
is shown in the status line of the LCD-touch display, an inspection of the device is

Figure 117

In this case please contact the dealer address which is listed in the Chapter Publisher.

You will find further information regarding this topic service interval
also in the group 7 in the chapter Service interval.

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Group 9 Equipping/maintenance Page 164

9.6 Taking out of operation

Switch off the high performance printer and disconnect from the electricity mains as
well as the connections of any possible additional devices connected. The connection
facilities are to be found on the rear side of the device. Observe the instructions of the
individual devices!

Dangerous material in the machine!

Read the safety leaflets and the regulations on personal safety


Remaining ink and solvent must be removed from the device. More detailed information
on this subject matter can be found in the chapter Filter replacement and ink change.
The corresponding safety information leaflets DIN 52900 and the country specific
disposal regulations must be observed!

The device must be cleaned of dirt, ink residue etc. as described in the chapter

9.7 Dismantling/disposal

The LEIBINGER-JET 2 has been developed and built with materials that ensure problem-
free dismantling and disposal. When dismantling, the information in the chapter Taking
out of operation as well as the respective country specific disposal regulations (e.g. for
inks and solvents) must be taken into consideration.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 10 Replacement parts Page 165

10. Replacement parts

The construction condition list attached to each LEIBINGER-JET 2 is

authoritative for the most important components and structural
components used.

Whenever ordering replacement parts please quote the series number

of the device.

10.1 Replacement parts electronics

Controller 54-004 444 S

Power supply unit 54-001 949 SC
Battery lithium, 3.2 VDC 54-003 032 KA
Fuse F 1.6 H, 250 V for power supply unit 54-003 339 KA
Touch display 54-001 948 KB

10.2 Replacement parts hydraulics

Air release valve with choke 54-001 998 SC

Pressure tank, complete (with filter) 54-001 404 SE
Air discharge valve 54-002 325 SA
Filter element short, 10 µm for all types of ink (for pressure tank) 54-002 326 KA
Main pump, complete 54-002 001 SB
Compressor 54-001 997 SA
Ball drop viscosimeter 54-002 900 SB
Refill valve, complete 54-001 999 SA

Suction pump, complete 54-002 002 SA

Tube ∅2/4 Teflon/PTFE 54-002 328 KA
Tube ∅4/6 PE 54-002 330 KA
Tube ∅4/6 Teflon/PTFE 54-002 332 KA
Tub adapter ∅2 mm to ∅4 mm 54-002 329 TA
Ink tank complete, 1.0 l 54-002 281 SA
Flow control valve, complete (ink) 54-002 003 SA
Viscosity pump, complete 54-002 309 SA
Solvent tank, complete 1.0 l 54-002 278 SA
Screw kit for LJ2 machines without print head 54-002 799 SA

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Group 10 Replacement parts Page 166

10.3 Replacement parts print head SK2

Deflection plate complete 54-000 059 SE

Shaft for deflection unit 54-000 108 SB
Outer cover, complete with magnet 54-000 955 SA
Compression spring for tensioning bolt 54-000 190 KA
Nozzle complete, 50 µm 54-000 209 SD
Nozzle complete, 60 µm 54-001 158 SB
Nozzle complete, 70 µm 54-000 815 SD
Automatic nozzle seal cpl. with motor and control shaft 54-000 297 SB
Screw-in cover for head filter 54-000 017 TB
Filter insert for head filter 54-000 016 TA
Mounting plate for O-ring for nozzle plate 54-000 206 TG
Toggle lever for swivel plate 54-000 622 SA
Head electronic board, complete 54-000 311 SC
Charging electrode complete 54-000 140 SC
LED complete with connector 54-000 394 SA
O-ring for nozzle 54-000 771 KA
O-ring for head filter 54-000 019 KA
O-ring for oscillator 54-000 161 KA
Leg spring for swivel plate 54-000 547 TA
Screw for nozzle plate M1.6x2.5 (flathead) 40025-00009
Swivel plate deflector unit 52-000 100 TE
Oscillator 64 kHz with bush 54-000 702 SB
Oscillator 96 kHz with bush 54-000 612 SB
Swivel screw for O-ring nozzle plate 54-000 295 SA
Drop production unit, complete 64 kHz, with oscillator 54-000 707 SA
Drop production unit, complete 96 kHz, with oscillator 54-000 300 SB
Drop production unit housing, complete 64 kHz 54-000 708 SA
Drop production unit housing complete 96 kHz 54-000 198 SA
Assorted fastener kit print head SK2 54-002 798 SA

10.4 Special tools

Wrench set, consisting of:

8 / 13 / 4.5 / 5.5 / 6 / 7 54-002 331 SA

Angled screwdriver for TORX screws 54-002 333 KA

Set of hexagon socket screw keys, 4mm and 5 mm 54-002 360 SA

Set of Screwdrivers, solvent resistant 54-002 361 SA

consisting of:
PH 1 x 60 cross, PH 00 x 40 cross, PH 3.0 x 50 blade

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Group 10 Replacement parts Page 167

10.5 Cleaning/servicing accessories

Cleaning set for LJ 2 54-002 335 S

Consisting of:
Disposable syringe 50 ml 54-002 336 KA
Hand washing paste 250 g tin 54-002 338 KA
Magnifying glass (6-times enlargement) 54-002 339 KA
Cleaning paper, 50 sheets 54-002 083 KA
Wash tray 54-002 340 KA
Commercially available oil 77006-00001
Cleaning bottle, 500 ml 54-002 341 KA
Gloves (100 pieces) MEK resistant 54-002 342 KA
Rubber bulb 54-002 343 KA
Universal vise 54-002 334 KA
Cleaning paper, box with 1000 sheets 54-002 082 KA
Pocket microscope (50 times enlargement) 54-002 346 KA
Ultrasonic bath 54-002 347 KA
Special oil 77006-00001

10.6 Periphery

Sliding table, manual 54-002 350 SA

Sliding table, automatic 3 axes with stepper motor drive On request
Shaft encoder with mounting device, 54-002 348 SA
weight adjustment/m. wheel/coupling
Shaft encoder, 10000 pulse., with 6 m cable, with straight plug 54-002 307 KA
Shaft encoder, 5000 pulse, with cable 6 m, with straight plug 54-002 351 KA
Shaft encoder, 2500 pulse, with cable 6 m, with straight plug 54-002 352 KA
Shaft encoder coupling 54-002 349 KA
Further mountings for shaft encoder On request
Product sensor, optical, plug with 5 m cable 54-002 353 SA
Product sensor, inductive, with 5 m cable and plugable 54-002 354 SB
Other holders for product sensors On request
Cable guide unit for cable diameter 2-10 mm 54-000 120 SC
Adjusting slide cpl. 2-axis (XY) LJ2 with quick separation and 54-000 903 SA
precise adjust
Universal bottom stand 54-000 605 SB
PC# LJ2 connection cable 54-002 295 SA
Moveable underframe 54-002 601 KA

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 10 Replacement parts Page 168

10.7 Data entry devices

Win Jet data entry software for windows® 95/98/NT 4.0/ On request
LJ-Flash Software for Windows® On request
Personal Computer with data entry software On request
Laptop with data entry software On request
Industrial PC, 19" version On request

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 11 Consumables Page 169

11. Consumables (Extract of our ink product range)

Item Ordering number Ordering Description Basis Use with Characteristics

ink number of

1. 70000-00101 77001-00030 Ink, black, ketone, Ketone Plastic, PTFE paper, metal, Quick drying good
black NPI, quick drying aluminium, PET, PU, adhesion, good contrast.
non pigmented ceramic.
2. 70000-00108 77001-00030 Ink, black, ketone, Ketone Rubber, Hytiel, PUR, PVC, Alcohol resistant
black NPI, glass.
non pigmented alcohol resistant
3. 70000-00031 77001-00030 Ink, black, ketone, Ketone Metal, synthetic material, Very good adhesion,
black NPI, adhesive ink PP, PE, glass very good contrast, sharp
non pigmented drop image.
4. 70000-00115 77001-00114 Ink, black, MEC free, MEK Paper, plastics, metals, Good adhesion,
black NPI, free glass. good contrast.
non pigmented Black MEK free
5. 70000-00118 77001-00030 Ink, black, ketone, PI, Ketone Cable, metals, synthetics, Very good resistance to
black UV drying paper. various chemicals.
pigmented Only dries with UV light.
6. 70000-00119 77001-00123 Ink, black, ketone, Ketone/ Metal, synthetic material, can be washed off with
black NPI, can be washed alcohol paper. water
non pigmented off with water
7. 70000-00120 77001-00103 Ink, black, ketone, Ketone Paper, PVC, steel. Transfer printing resistent,
black NPI, transfer printing quick drying, good
non pigmented resistant adhesion, light fast.
8. 70000-00121 77001-00117 Ink, black, ethanol, Ethanol Paper, plastics, metal, ABS. MEK free, resistant to
black NPI. steam sterilisation.
non pigmented
9. 72000-00102 77001-00030 Ink, red, Ketone Paper, metals, synthetics, Ink red, fast drying.
red ketone, NPI, quick steel.
non pigmented drying
10. 73000-00101 77001-00030 Ink, orange, ketone, Ketone PVC, ABS, paper, Very good contrast,
orange PI, quick drying polystyrene, cable, tubes. optimum for black and
pigmented white products.
11. 76000-00101 77001-00030 Ink, blue, ketene, Ketone Paper, plastic, metals, Quick drying, good
blue NPI, aluminium, PE, PVC, PU, adhesion.
non pigmented PVC blue glass.
12. 76000-00103 77001-00030 Ink, blue, ketone, Ketone Paper, plastic Fluorescent blue, only
blue NPI, fluorescent visible under UV light.
non pigmented
13. 76000-00109 77001-00121 Ink, blue-green, Alcohol Food packaging, eggs, Food genuine
blue-green alcohol, NPI, food chesse postage stamps.
non pigmented genuine
14. 76000-00110 77001-00122 Ink, medium blue, MEK ABS, rubber, plastic, Very good adhesion, good
medium blue MEK-freei, NPI, free synthetics, metals, paper. contrast.
non pigmented adhesive ink
15. 76000-00111 77001-00121 Ink, blue, alcohol, Alcohol Food packaging, eggs, Food genuine, very good
blue NPI, food genuine chesse postage stamps. contrast.
non pigmented
16. 79000-00102 77001-00102 Ink, white, Ketone/ PVC, plastic, PE. Transfer print resistant
white ketne/acetone, PI, acetone
pigmented PVC white transfer
print resistant
17. 79000-00104 77001-00030 Ink, white, ketone, Ketene Synthetics, metals, Very good contrast
white PI, aluminium
pigmented PVC white
18. 79000-00105 77001-00030 Ink, white, ketone, Ketene Silicone, rubber. Good contrast
white PI, silicone/rubber
19. 79000-00106 77001-00107 Ink, white, MEK Rubber, PVC, ABS, PA. Good contrast
white MEK-free, PI, free
pigmented white MEK-free
20. 79000-00108 77001-00030 Ink, white, Ketone PVC, ABS, CAB, PVdC, Good contrast
white ketone, PI, metals
pigmented white contrast

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 170

12. Appendix

12.1 Hydraulics diagram (modular mimic display) Figure 118

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 171

12.2 Interface layout plan Figure 119

Interface layout plan part no. 1

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 172

Figure 120

Interface layout plan part no. 2

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 173

12.3 Calculation of the print speed

Calculation of the maximum possible print speed VP depending on character width, font
form, number of lines, 64 and 96 kHz drop frequency and various draft modes. The
various draft modes are to be understood as meaning the use of various drop loading
sequences which has a qualitative influence on print quality. The best print quality is
achieved with the draft mode 0 (with the lowest character height), on the other hand
the maximum print speed based on the font width is lower based.

The draft mode 2 enables the highest print speed (up to 9 dot character height),
however it does not have the optimum drop distribution. The character height must be
set up to 100. The draft mode 1 constitutes a compromise for for faster print speed (up
to 16 dot, character height variably)

The Draftmode 3 is for fast barcode printing up to 24 dot. The character height is

The Draftmode 4 (up to 24 dot) is for extremely small fonts. Character height variably.

Figure 121 a a = stroke gap in mm on the character <E> in

the 7x5 matrix

The achievable character height is of no significance for the calculation but rather must
only be observed in the choice of font and for good legibility in accordance with the

The maximum and in particular the minimum character height depend to a very great
extent on the ink used, the material and the surface.

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 174

96 KHz 64 KHz
Number Stroke V max V max Factor Number Stroke V max V max Factor
Matrix Draft CPI Matrix Draft CPI
of lines distance in m/min in m/s T=a/V of lines distance in m/min in m/s T=a/V
5x5 0 1 10 0,4305 178,869 2,981 0,144 5x5 0 1 10 0,4305 166,798 2,780 0,155
5x5 0 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 49,381 0,823 0,523 5x5 0 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 43,894 0,732 0,588
5x5 0 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 46,089 0,768 0,560 5x5 0 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 40,602 0,677 0,636
5x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 5x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
5x5 0 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 5x5 0 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
5x5 0 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 5x5 0 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
5x5 1 1 10 0,4305 249,100 4,152 0,104 5x5 1 1 10 0,4305 166,798 2,780 0,155
5x5 1 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 71,328 1,189 0,362 5x5 1 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 44,992 0,750 0,574
5x5 1 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 65,841 1,097 0,392 5x5 1 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 41,700 0,695 0,619
5x5 2 1 10 0,4305 365,420 6,090 0,071 5x5 2 1 10 0,4305 271,047 4,517 0,095
5x5 2 2 schnell 10 0,4305 151,870 2,531 0,170 5x5 2 2 schnell 10 0,4305 101,240 1,687 0,255
5x5 3 1 10 0,4305 249,100 4,152 0,104 5x5 3 1 10 0,4305 166,798 2,780 0,155
5x5 3 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 71,328 1,189 0,362 5x5 3 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 44,992 0,750 0,574
5x5 3 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 65,841 1,097 0,392 5x5 3 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 41,700 0,695 0,619
5x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 47,186 0,786 0,547 5x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 41,700 0,695 0,619
5x5 3 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 47,186 0,786 0,547 5x5 3 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
5x5 3 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 46,089 0,768 0,560 5x5 3 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
5x5 4 1 10 0,4305 177,772 2,963 0,145 5x5 4 1 10 0,4305 166,798 2,780 0,155
5x5 4 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 49,381 0,823 0,523 5x5 4 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 44,992 0,750 0,574
5x5 4 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 46,089 0,768 0,560 5x5 4 3 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 41,700 0,695 0,619
5x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 28,531 0,476 0,905 5x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
5x5 4 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 5x5 4 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
5x5 4 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 5x5 4 4 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872

7x5 0 1 10 0,4305 127,294 2,122 0,203 7x5 0 1 10 0,4305 118,515 1,975 0,218
7x5 0 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 49,381 0,823 0,523 7x5 0 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 40,602 0,677 0,636
7x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 7x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
7x5 0 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 7x5 0 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
7x5 1 1 10 0,4305 178,869 2,981 0,144 7x5 1 1 10 0,4305 118,515 1,975 0,218
7x5 1 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 69,134 1,152 0,374 7x5 1 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 40,602 0,677 0,636
7x5 2 1 10 0,4305 310,552 5,176 0,083 7x5 2 1 10 0,4305 203,011 3,384 0,127
7x5 2 2 schnell 10 0,4305 136,500 2,275 0,189 7x5 2 2 schnell 10 0,4305 91,000 1,520 0,284
7x5 3 1 10 0,4305 177,772 2,963 0,145 7x5 3 1 10 0,4305 118,515 1,975 0,218
7x5 3 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 69,134 1,152 0,374 7x5 3 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 40,602 0,677 0,636
7x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 47,186 0,786 0,547 7x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
7x5 3 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 46,089 0,768 0,560 7x5 3 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
7x5 4 1 10 0,4305 127,294 2,122 0,203 7x5 4 1 10 0,4305 118,515 1,975 0,218
7x5 4 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 49,381 0,823 0,523 7x5 4 2 / 16 Dot 10 0,4305 40,602 0,677 0,636
7x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 7x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872
7x5 4 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 7x5 4 3 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872

9x5 0 1 10 0,4305 94,373 1,573 0,274 9x5 0 1 10 0,4305 91,081 1,518 0,284
9x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 9x5 0 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
9x5 1 1 10 0,4305 136,072 2,268 0,190 9x5 1 1 10 0,4305 92,178 1,536 0,280
9x5 2 1 10 0,4305 249,100 4,152 0,104 9x5 2 1 10 0,4305 162,409 2,707 0,159
9x5 3 1 10 0,4305 136,072 2,268 0,190 9x5 3 1 10 0,4305 91,081 1,518 0,284
9x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 48,284 0,805 0,535 9x5 3 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841
9x5 4 1 10 0,4305 94,373 1,573 0,274 9x5 4 1 10 0,4305 91,081 1,518 0,284
9x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 29,629 0,494 0,872 9x5 4 2 / 24 Dot 10 0,4305 30,726 0,512 0,841

9x7 0 1 8 0,4032 88,886 1,481 0,272 9x7 0 1 8 0,4032 85,594 1,427 0,283
9x7 0 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 27,434 0,457 0,882 9x7 0 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 28,531 0,476 0,848
9x7 1 1 8 0,4032 130,586 2,176 0,185 9x7 1 1 8 0,4032 85,594 1,427 0,283
9x7 2 1 8 0,4032 229,348 3,822 0,105 9x7 2 1 8 0,4032 151,435 2,524 0,160
9x7 3 1 8 0,4032 130,586 2,176 0,185 9x7 3 1 8 0,4032 85,594 1,427 0,283
9x7 3 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 43,894 0,732 0,551 9x7 3 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 28,531 0,476 0,848
9x7 4 1 8 0,4032 88,886 1,481 0,272 9x7 4 1 8 0,4032 85,594 1,427 0,283
9x7 4 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 27,434 0,457 0,882 9x7 4 2 / 24 Dot 8 0,4032 28,531 0,476 0,848

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 175

96 KHz 64 KHz
Number Stroke V max V max Factor Number Stroke V max V max Factor
Matrix Draft CPI Matrix Draft CPI
of lines distance in m/min in m/s T=a/V of lines distance in m/min in m/s T=a/V

11x8 0 1 7 0,4097 68,036 1,134 0,361 11x8 0 1 7 0,4097 61,452 1,024 0,400
11x8 0 1 / 16 Dot 7 0,4097 47,186 0,786 0,521 11x8 0 1 / 16 Dot 7 0,4097 46,089 0,768 0,533
11x8 0 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 28,531 0,476 0,862 11x8 0 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 27,434 0,457 0,896
11x8 1 1 7 0,4097 93,275 1,555 0,264 11x8 1 1 7 0,4097 61,452 1,024 0,400
11x8 3 1 7 0,4097 93,275 1,555 0,264 11x8 3 1 7 0,4097 61,452 1,024 0,400
11x8 3 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 40,602 0,677 0,605 11x8 3 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 27,434 0,457 0,896
11x8 4 1 7 0,4097 68,036 1,134 0,361 11x8 4 1 7 0,4097 61,452 1,024 0,400
11x8 4 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 28,531 0,476 0,862 11x8 4 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 27,434 0,457 0,896

12x8 0 1 7 0,4097 52,673 0,878 0,467 12x8 0 1 7 0,4097 46,089 0,768 0,533
12x8 0 1 / 16 Dot 7 0,4097 40,602 0,677 0,605 12x8 0 1 / 16 Dot 7 0,4097 37,310 0,622 0,659
12x8 0 2 /24 Dot 7 0,4097 24,142 0,402 1,018 12x8 0 2 /24 Dot 7 0,4097 23,045 0,384 1,067
12x8 1 1 7 0,4097 68,036 1,134 0,361 12x8 1 1 7 0,4097 46,089 0,768 0,533
12x8 3 1 7 0,4097 68,036 1,134 0,361 12x8 3 1 7 0,4097 46,089 0,768 0,533
12x8 3 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 35,115 0,585 0,700 12x8 3 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 23,045 0,384 1,067
12x8 4 1 7 0,4097 52,673 0,878 0,467 12x8 4 1 7 0,4097 46,089 0,768 0,533
12x8 4 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 25,239 0,421 0,974 12x8 4 2 / 24 Dot 7 0,4097 23,045 0,384 1,067

14x10 0 1 6 0,3908 41,700 0,695 0,562 14x10 0 1 6 0,3908 36,213 0,604 0,648
14x10 0 1 / 16 Dot 6 0,3908 39,505 0,658 0,594 14x10 0 1 / 16 Dot 6 0,3908 36,213 0,604 0,648
14x10 1 1 6 0,3908 54,868 0,914 0,427 14x10 1 1 6 0,3908 36,213 0,604 0,648
14x10 3 1 6 0,3908 54,868 0,914 0,427 14x10 3 1 6 0,3908 38,408 0,640 0,611
14x10 4 1 6 0,3908 41,700 0,695 0,562 14x10 4 1 6 0,3908 38,408 0,640 0,611

16x10 0 1 6 0,3908 38,408 0,640 0,611 16x10 0 1 6 0,3908 30,726 0,512 0,763
16x10 0 1 / 16 Dot 6 0,3908 38,408 0,640 0,611 16x10 0 1 / 16 Dot 6 0,3908 31,823 0,530 0,737
16x10 1 1 6 0,3908 52,673 0,878 0,445 16x10 1 1 6 0,3908 31,823 0,530 0,737
16x10 3 1 6 0,3908 52,673 0,878 0,445 16x10 3 1 6 0,3908 30,726 0,512 0,763
16x10 4 1 6 0,3908 38,408 0,640 0,611 16x10 4 1 6 0,3908 31,823 0,530 0,737

24x24 0 1 3 0,3432 24,142 0,402 0,853 24x24 0 1 3 0,3432 21,947 0,366 0,938
24x24 3 1 3 0,3432 37,310 0,622 0,552 24x24 3 1 3 0,3432 21,947 0,366 0,938
24x24 4 1 3 0,3432 24,142 0,402 0,853 24x24 4 1 3 0,3432 21,947 0,366 0,938

BC 16 0 2 aus 5 0,3432 39,505 0,658 0,521 BC 16 0 2 aus 5 0,3432 37,310 0,622 0,552
BC 16 1 2 aus 5 0,3432 54,868 0,914 0,375 BC 16 1 2 aus 5 0,3432 37,310 0,622 0,552
BC 16 3 2 aus 5 0,3432 54,868 0,914 0,375 BC 16 3 2 aus 5 0,3432 38,408 0,640 0,536

BC 24 0 2 aus 5 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782 BC 24 0 2 aus 5 0,3432 29,629 0,494 0,695
BC 24 4 2 aus 5 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782 BC 24 4 2 aus 5 0,3432 29,629 0,494 0,695
BC 24 3 2 aus 5 0,3432 40,602 0,677 0,507 BC 24 3 2 aus 5 0,3432 29,629 0,494 0,695

G 16 0 1 0,3432 27,434 0,457 0,751 G 16 0 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782

G 16 1 1 0,3432 41,700 0,695 0,494 G 16 1 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782
G 16 3 1 0,3432 39,505 0,658 0,521 G 16 3 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782
G 16 4 1 0,3432 27,434 0,457 0,751 G 16 4 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782

G 24 0 1 0,3432 27,434 0,457 0,751 G 24 0 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782

G 24 3 1 0,3432 39,505 0,658 0,521 G 24 3 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782
G 24 4 1 0,3432 27,434 0,457 0,751 G 24 4 1 0,3432 26,337 0,439 0,782

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Examples (The fonts are described as matrix)

(Matrix 5x5 single line)

Group 12

12.4 Fonts

(Matrix 7x5 single line)

Release 3.00
(Matrix 9x5 single line)

(Matrix 9x7 single line)

(Matrix 11x8 single line)

(Matrix 12x8 single line)

(Matrix 14x10 single line)

(Matrix 16x10 single line)

(Matrix 16x10 single line (Bern 16))

(Matrix 16x12 single line (Barm 16))


(Matrix 24x12 single line (Bern 24))

(Matrix 24x18 single line)

(Matrix 24x24 single line)

(Matrix 9x7 an 5x5 / 5x5 and 9x7)

(Matrix 7x5 and 16x10 / 16x10 and 7x5)

Leibinger-Jet 2 se+
Page 176
Examples (The type forms are described as matrix)
Group 12

Release 3.00
(Matrix 5x7 chimney type single line, twin line,
tri line)

(Graphic 24 dots)

(Matrix 5x5 single line, twin line, tri line, four line)

(Combination: 24x24 single line / 7x5 tri line

9x7 twin line)

(Bold print (all fonts can be combined with black


(Contrats print (all fonts can be combined with


(Barcode EAN 8 + EAN 13 with clear figure)

(Barcode 39 with/without clear figure)

Leibinger-Jet 2 se+
Page 177
Group 12 Appendix Page 178

12.5 List of graphics (standard)









Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 179

12.6 Technical drawings Figure 122

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 1 Table of contents Page 180

Print head SK2

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 181

Figure 123

Cabinet LJ 2

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Group 12 Appendix Page 182

List of keywords/Index

control......................................... 122
A control functions........................... 114
controller ....................................... 62
accessories .................................. 167
controller board ........................ 60, 61
accident prevention ......................... 26
accidental release......................... 28
direction.................................... 109
environmental protection............... 28
increment .................................. 109
extinguishing agents ..................... 27
limit value ................................. 109
fire fighting ................................. 27
programming ............................. 110
first aid ....................................... 27
repetitions ................................. 109
handling...................................... 26
reset......................................... 109
spillage ....................................... 28
start value ................................. 109
storage ....................................... 26
counter programming..................... 110
adjusting the ink jet....................... 151
counter reset ................................ 108
alternative menu language.............. 123
counter settings.................... 109, 110
counters .............................. 109, 110
creation of character ....................... 46
barcode ......................................... 83 curve........................................... 118
barcode with clear figure ................. 86
battery .................................. 61, 154 D
bleed............................................. 48
danger warnings ............................. 15
bleeding....................................... 121
dangers ................................... 15, 18
bold print ................................. 74, 77
data entry ...................................... 72
data entry devices......................... 168
data storing.................................... 45
calculations.................................. 173 date roll over time ......................... 113
character ....................................... 46 dealer adress .................................. 11
character height............................ 173 deflector unit.................................. 70
charge electrode ............................. 70 description of the device .................. 60
charging voltage ........................... 120 detaching..................................... 164
cleaning....................................... 156 devulatated TAG........................... 140
deflector unit ............................. 157 dimensions..................................... 29
guides ...................................... 158 direct start ................................... 113
gutter ....................................... 157 direction of counting ..................... 109
nozzle....................................... 159 dismantling .................................. 164
print head ................................. 156 display..................................... 48, 60
spindle...................................... 158 display illumination .......................... 54
suction pump............................. 161 disposal ....................................... 164
cleaning set.................................. 167 distance between prints ................. 100
components ................................... 44 document information...................... 14
conductor plate .............................. 61 draft mode ..................................... 76
connection values ........................... 29 drawings...................................... 179
construction ................................... 44 drop charging ................................. 45
consumables .......................... 24, 169 drop creation .................................. 45
consumption ................................ 134 drop deflection ............................... 46

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

Group 12 Appendix Page 183

drop production unit ........................ 70
handling......................................... 26
droplet flight time ......................... 100
hardware reset ............................... 53
host operation .............................. 142
hotline ........................................... 11
encoder ....................................... 115 hydraulic...................................... 122
environmental protection ................. 28 hydraulic processor ......................... 61
equipping..................................... 133 hydraulic test ............................... 122
ink/solvent ................................ 133 hydraulics ........................ 64, 65, 170
error messages ............................. 128 diagram..................................... 170
error notification ........................... 127 hydraulics housing .......................... 64
execution identification.................... 48
expiration date ............................. 137 I
expiration times ............................ 105
ink .................................24, 133, 135
external job selection..................... 116
ink change ................................... 148
external text........................... 74, 106
ink consumption ........................... 134
extinguishing agents........................ 27
ink no.......................................... 124
ink switch ................................ 53, 69
inputs............................................ 59
factory setting................................ 52 installation ..................................... 34
filling........................ 40, 42, 133, 137 interfaces .............................. 35, 37
filter replacement .......................... 148 mains connection ......................... 34
fire fighting .................................... 27 print head.................................... 39
first aid.......................................... 27 shaft encoder .............................. 37
font combinations ........................... 31 intended use................................... 18
font forms ..................................... 30 interface layout plan ...................... 171
fonts ........................................... 176 interfaces................................. 29, 58
forms of printing ............................. 31 data interface X2 ......................... 58
function parameters ...................... 105 inputs X4 .................................... 59
functional principle outputs X3 .................................. 59
creation of character .................... 46 PrintGo interface X5 ..................... 58
drop charging .............................. 45 shaft encoder interface X1 ............ 58
drop creation ............................... 45 interval operation ............................ 50
drop deflection............................. 46 interval time ................................. 124
method of working ....................... 45 Introduction.................................... 13
summary..................................... 47
functionial principle ......................... 45 J
fuse ............................................ 154
job administration ........................... 87
deleting jobs ................................ 89
factory setting ............................. 88
general reset .................................. 52 listing jobs................................... 90
graphic list ................................... 178 opening job ................................. 87
graphics editor................................ 80 storing jobs ................................. 90
graphics entry ................................ 79 job change ................................... 116
graphics selection ..................... 79, 80
guarantee .............................. 13, 144 L
gutter ............................................ 71
language ...................................... 123

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menu level 47................................. 89

LCD touch display........................... 60 menu level 49................................. 89
leak............................................... 68 menu level 5 ...................... 87, 88, 89
leak detection................................. 68 menu level 50................... 79, 81, 110
leak sensor..................................... 68 menu level 51................................. 74
list of illustrations ......................... 188 menu level 52................................. 74
lubrication.................................... 144 menu level 59............................... 125
menu level 6 ................................ 105
M menu level 60................... 74, 81, 110
menu level 64............................... 126
main pump............................. 66, 152
menu level 7 .................................. 91
mains connection............................ 24
menu level 70............................... 124
mains part ............................... 60, 61
menu level 8 103, 113, 114, 115, 116,
mains plug ..................................... 23
mains switch.................................. 24
menu level 9 .................................. 85
maintenance......................... 144, 163
menu level index ...............................9
manner of working .......................... 31
menu structure ............................... 55
menu language
meter go function ......................... 102
alternative ................................. 123
monitoring functions...................... 114
standard ................................... 123
motor test.................................... 119
menu level 0 .................................. 48
mounting ....................................... 33
menu level 1 ............. 49, 72, 103, 110
menu level 10 ................................ 80
menu level 11 .......................... 76, 77
menu level 12 ................................ 77 nozzle plate .................................... 71
menu level 13 .............................. 106 nozzle seal ..................................... 71
menu level 14 .............................. 115 nozzle sealing ............................... 145
menu level 15 ................................ 78
menu level 16 .............................. 118 O
menu level 17 ................................ 85
operating hours counter ................. 121
menu level 19 ................................ 80
operating staff ................................ 23
menu level 2 . 72, 87, 91, 99, 105, 113
operator......................................... 23
menu level 22 ................................ 86
oscillator........................................ 70
menu level 25 .............................. 118
oscillator voltage................... 118, 120
menu level 29 .............................. 122
outputs.......................................... 59
menu level 3 ........... 73, 76, 79, 85, 86
menu level 31 .............................. 114
menu level 34 .............................. 121
menu level 35 .............................. 121 password ........................... 92, 94, 97
menu level 37 .............................. 119 password administration
menu level 38 .............................. 120 activate....................................... 92
menu level 39 .............................. 120 deactivate ................................... 97
menu level 4 ................................ 103 first password input...................... 92
menu level 40 .............................. 113 general........................................ 91
menu level 41 .............................. 105 levels.......................................... 91
menu level 42 .............................. 109 password change ......................... 94
menu level 43 ...................... 123, 124 password forgotten ...................... 97
menu level 44 .............................. 105 user change........................... 94, 96
menu level 46 ................................ 90 password levels .............................. 91

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room ventilation.............................. 24
periphery devices .......................... 167
personnel....................................... 23 S
piezo test..................................... 120
safety instructions .................... 13, 15
place of installation ......................... 24
safety sticker ................................. 22
potentiometer – display illumination .. 54
scope of risks ................................. 15
power consumption......................... 29
sensor queries .............................. 101
power failure .................................. 45
service......................................... 144
power supply ........................... 60, 63
adjusting the ink jet .................... 151
precautions .................................... 15
battery...................................... 154
pre-defined print stop .................... 104
difficult operating conditions ........ 155
print .............................................. 49
filter replacement ....................... 148
print delay ..................................... 99
fuse.......................................... 154
print direction ............................... 112
guides....................................... 144
print go ....................................... 101
ink change................................. 148
print go gate ................................ 101
nozzle sealing ............................ 145
print head ................................ 39, 68
replacing the main pump ............. 152
print repetition................................ 99
spindle ...................................... 144
print speed................................... 173
service adress................................. 11
print start .................................... 113
service interval ..................... 126, 163
print start parameters ...................... 99
service parameters ........................ 113
print start queries.......................... 101
shaft encoder ................................. 37
print stop..................................... 104
shift codes ..................................... 81
product counter ...................... 49, 109
shift date conversion ..................... 113
product liability............................... 13
shift times.................................... 105
programming .................................. 72
shipping......................................... 33
protective devices ........................... 23
software ........................................ 32
protective equipment....................... 23
software reset ................................ 52
putting into service ......................... 33
software version ............................. 48
solvent ...........................24, 133, 135
solvent consumption ..................... 134
refill messages...................... 141, 142 solvent no.................................... 124
refilling ................................ 133, 137 sources of dangers .......................... 18
refilling without TAG activation ...... 139 special tools ................................. 166
remedy ........................................ 128 spillage .......................................... 28
repair-TAG ................................... 140 start up
replacement parts ................. 165, 166 empty condition ........................... 40
electronics ................................ 165 full condition................................ 42
hydraulics ................................. 165 status fields ................................... 51
print head ................................. 166 status notification ........................... 48
replacements................................ 106 storage .................................... 26, 33
replacing the battery ..................... 154 storage container level................... 134
replacing the fuse ......................... 154 suction pump ..................66, 123, 161
replacing the main pump ................ 152 summary graph............................. 118
reset ..................................... 52, 108 switch off ...................................... 49
RESET- button ................................ 61 switch on....................................... 48
reset switch ................................... 53 symbols ......................................... 15
return barring ............................... 115 system administration

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graphics editor ............................. 80

control functions ........................ 114 graphics entry.............................. 79
diagnosis functions..................... 118 shift codes .................................. 81
direct start ................................ 113 text editor ................................... 79
encoder .................................... 115 text entry .................................... 73
encoder parameters .................... 115 text alteration ................................. 79
job change ................................ 116 text display .................................... 74
monitoring functions................... 114 text editor ...................................... 79
printing with external job selection 116 text layout ......................... 76, 77, 78
service functions 118, 121, 122, 125, text position divergence ................. 100
126 text presentation............................. 76
test functions ............. 118, 119, 120 text sources ................................. 106
time/date .................................. 113 touch field
system parameters........................ 113 1 or 2 lines free position ............... 78
1or 2 lines free position ................ 73
T Activate ............................ 136, 138
bar hight ..................................... 86
barcode....................................... 73
activating .......................... 136, 142
Barcode ...................................... 85
aquisition .................................. 124
barcode parameter........................ 86
devulated .................................. 140
bleed ........................................ 122
error messages .......................... 139
bold............................................ 77
information................................ 136
bs .................................... 105, 113
messages................... 136, 138, 139
change masteruser ....................... 94
reading ..................................... 135
change superuser ............. 92, 94, 97
TAG area ..................................... 135
character height ........................... 77
TAG identifier............................... 135
character width............................ 77
TAG reader .................................. 135
charge test ................................ 120
taking out of operation .................. 164
const. bleed............................... 121
technical data................................. 29
contrast value .............................. 78
ambient conditions ....................... 29
control functions ........................ 114
connection values ........................ 29
counter 1 set-up......................... 109
dimensions .................................. 29
curve ........................................ 118
font combinations ........................ 31
delete ......................................... 89
font forms................................... 30
delete all ..................................... 89
forms of printing .......................... 31
delete jobs................................... 89
interfaces.................................... 29
delete one ................................... 89
manner of working ....................... 31
direct start ................................ 113
power consumption ...................... 29
draft mode .................................. 76
software ..................................... 32
drop flight-time .......................... 100
unit power .................................. 30
edit current text ........................... 79
weights ...................................... 29
edit WYSIWYG ............................ 77
test parameters ............................ 113
encoder..................................... 115
text administration .......................... 72
encoder directi. .......................... 115
barcode ...................................... 83
encoder set-up ........................... 115
barcode parameter ....................... 86
end value .................................. 109
barcode selection ......................... 85
english ...................................... 123
bold print .................................... 74
enter password ................ 94, 96, 97
font parameters ........................... 76
error notification......................... 127

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pos1........................................... 78
ESCAPE .72, 74, 87, 92, 97, 99, 105, pos2........................................... 78
113, 141 power off .................................... 49
ex. text....................................... 74 pressureless .............................. 122
expiry time set-up ...................... 105 print go control .......................... 114
exText ...................................... 106 print go delay .............................. 99
factory setting ............................. 88 print repeat.................................. 99
falltime ..................................... 122 PrintGo ..................................... 101
forward/backword ...................... 109 printgo-distance ......................... 100
functions parameter.................... 105 printstart ..................................... 49
graphic ....................................... 73 printstart parameter ...................... 99
graphic editor .............................. 80 printstop ..................................... 49
hidden reset button ...................... 52 product counter ........................... 49
horizontal .................................... 76 pulses per mm ..................... 99, 116
hydraulic test & para. ................. 122 repeat count .............................. 109
icg ............................................. 86 replacements set-up ................... 106
ICG ............................................ 78 request ....................................... 49
increment.................................. 109 reset......................................... 109
ink no. ...................................... 124 reset count. 1 ............................ 108
invers ......................................... 76 reset count. 2 ............................ 108
JobChange ................................ 116 ret.................................... 105, 113
jobs menue.................................. 87 RET ...................................... 74, 90
list jobs....................................... 90 revers ......................................... 76
load job....................................... 87 save ......................................... 125
lock backward ........................... 115 save job ...................................... 90
main menue........................... 49, 72 service ...................................... 122
meters go.................................. 102 service interval........................... 126
Mode........................................ 112 service/test&diagnostics.............. 118
more .......................................... 73 service/test/systemp................... 113
more lines 16dot .......................... 73 SHIFT ......................................... 74
more lines 24dot .......................... 73 shift time set-up......................... 105
motor step close ........................ 119 software informations ................. 121
motor step open......................... 119 solvent no. ................................ 124
motortest .................................. 119 start value ................................. 109
new text ..................................... 73 stop after x PG .......................... 104
next ........................................... 90 stroke go control ........................ 114
NO ............................................. 89 suck ......................................... 123
nom. pressure............................ 123 take over..................................... 72
nom. visko ................................ 123 text dimensions/style parameter ..... 76
normal/inverse ............................. 86 text management ......................... 72
Not Activate...................... 136, 138 text parameter ............................. 72
nozzle closed ............................... 51 time/date set-up ......................... 113
nozzle open ................................. 51 touch adjust .............................. 125
off ............................................. 49 vertical ....................................... 76
OK ............................ 137, 138, 142 viskor ....................................... 123
one line....................................... 73 width........................................ 115
password management 92, 94, 96, 97 with/without................................ 86
PG-gate .................................... 101 YES ............................................ 89
piezo test .................................. 120 touch screen calibration ................. 125

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transport........................................ 33
ventilation ...................................... 24
version number ............................... 48
viscometer ..................................... 67
unit power ..................................... 30 viscosity control ............................. 67
use-by date .................................. 137 viscosity pump ............................... 67
user groups .................................... 91
user rights ..................................... 91 W
weights ......................................... 29
WYSIWYG display........................... 77

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List of illustrations
Figure 1 – Safety sticker 22
Figure 2 – Labels for marking (ink/solvent) 25
Figure 3 – Dimensions 29
Figure 4 – Movable underframe 33
Figure 5 – Unit fastening possibilities 34
Figure 6 – Transmission bandwidth interface X2 35
Figure 7 – Pin assignment X2-Connection cable (54-002 295 SA) 36
Figure 8 – Assignment interface X5 37
Figure 9 – Assignment shaft encoder 38
Figure 10 – Measures shaft encoder 38
Figure 11 – Print head installation 39
Figure 12 – Unit construction/total view 44
Figure 13 – Creation of a character 47
Figure 14 – Switching on and bleeding procedure 48
Figure 15 – Menu level 0 (standard) 49
Figure 16 – Menu level 1 49
Figure 17 – Status fields/Normal operation 51
Figure 18 – Status line/Error notifications 51
Figure 19 – Hidden reset button (/Software reset/General reset) 52
Figure 20 – Ink switch 53
Figure 21 – Reset switch 53
Figure 22 – Display illumination 54
Figure 23 – Interfaces 58
Figure 24 – Product sensor 58
Figure 25 – Shaft encoder 58
Figure 26 – Electronics cabinet with touch display 60
Figure 27 – Controller board 61
Figure 28 – Power supply 63
Figure 29 – Hydraulics cabinet rear wall 64
Figure 30 – Hydraulics part 65
Figure 31 – Main pump 66
Figure 32 – Suction pump 66
Figure 33 – Viscometer 67
Figure 34 – Viscosity pump 67
Figure 35 – Leak detection 68
Figure 36 – Print head 69
Figure 37 – Drop production unit with oscillator 70
Figure 38 – Deflector unit 70

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Figure 39 – Nozzle seal 71

Figure 40 – Menu level 1 72
Figure 41 – Menu level 2 (text administration) 72
Figure 42 – Menu level 3 (new text) 73
Figure 43 – Menu level 9, 18 73
Figure 44 – Menu level 15 73
Figure 45 – Menu level 50, 51, 52, 60 74
Figure 46 – Menu level 50, 1 (bold print)) 75
Figure 47 – Menu level 3 (font parameters) 76
Figure 48 – menu level 11 76
Figure 49 – Menu level 11 (WYSIWYG display) 77
Figure 50 – Menu level 12 (text editor) 77
Figure 51 – Menu level 3 (text editor) 79
Figure 52 – Menu level 50 (graphics selection) 79
Figure 53 – Menu level 3, 10, 19 (graphics editor) 80
Figure 54 – Menu level 60, 50, 52, 1 (shift code input) 82
Figure 55 – Menu level 3, 9, 17 (barcode selection) 85
Figure 56 – Menu level 3, 22 (barcode parameter) 86
Figure 57 – Menu level 2 (job administration) 87
Figure 58 – Menu level 5 (opening job) 87
Figure 59 – Menu level 45 87
Figure 60 – Menu level 5 (factory setting) 88
Figure 61 – Menu level 5 (deleting jobs) 89
Figure 62 – Menu level 47, 49 89
Figure 63 – Menu level 5 (storing and listing jobs) 90
Figure 64 –User change diagram 91
Figure 65 – Menu level 2 (password administration) 92
Figure 66 – Menu level 7, 50 (First password input) 92
Figure 67 –User change diagram 93
Figure 68 – Menu level 2, 7, 50 (User-/password change) 95
Figure 69 – Menu level 7, 50 (User change) 96
Figure 70 – Menu level 2, 7, 50 (password management deactvation) 98
Figure 71 – Menu level 2 (print start parameters) 99
Figure 72 – Menu level 4 (print delay and repetition) 99
Figure 73 – Menu level 4 (printgo distance) 100
Figure 74 – Menu level 4 (flight time) 100
Figure 75 – Menu level 4 (print go/print go gate) 101
Figure 76 – Menu level 4 (meter go function) 102
Figure 77 – Menu level 4, 8, 1 (meter go settings) 103

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Figure 78 – Menu level 4 (stop after x PG - function) 104

Figure 79 – Menu level 2 (function parameters) 105
Figure 80 – Menu level 6 (expiration-/shift times) 105
Figure 81 – Menu level 6 (replacements/text sources) 106
Figure 82 – Menu level 6 (reset) 108
Figure 83 – Menu level 6 (counter parameters) 109
Figure 84 – menu level 42 109
Figure 85 – Menu level 60, 50, 1 (counter programming) 111
Figure 86 – Menu level 6 (print direction) 112
Figure 87 – Menu level 2 (service/test-/system parameters) 113
Figure 88 – Menu level 8 (direct start/time/date) 113
Figure 89 – Menu level 8 (monitoring/control functions) 114
Figure 90 – Menu level 8 (encoder) 115
Figure 91 – Menu level 8 (encoder parameters) 115
Figure 92 – Menu level 8 (job change) 116
Figure 93 – Menu level 8 (service/test/diagnosis) 118
Figure 94 – Menu level 16 (service level) 118
Figure 95 – Menu level 37 (motor test) 119
Figure 96 – Menu level 38, 39 (charging-/oscillator voltage) 120
Figure 97 – Menu level 35 (software informations) 121
Figure 98 – Menu level 34 (permanent bleeding) 121
Figure 99 – Menu level 29 (hydraulic test) 122
Figure 100 – Menu level 43 (hydraulic test/service) 123
Figure 101 – Menu level 43, 70 (Entry of the ink-/solvent-no.) 124
Figure 102 – Menu level 59 (touch screen calibration) 125
Figure 103 – Menu level 64 (service interval) 126
Figure 104 – Presentation of error notifications 127
Figure 105 – Storage containers 134
Figure 106 – TAG reader and TAG identifier 135
Figure 107 – TAG reading 135
Figure 108 – Nozzle sealing 146
Figure 109 – Filter replacement 149
Figure 110 – Jet adjusting/-position 152
Figure 111 – Main pump 153
Figure 112 – Battery and fuse 154
Figure 113 – Deflector unit 157
Figure 114 – Spindle of the nozzle seal 159
Figure 115 – Nozzle sealing 160
Figure 116 – Suction pump 161

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Figure 117 – Service interval message 163

Figure 118 – Hydraulics diagram 170
Figure 119 – Interface-Layout-Plan Part No. 1 171
Figure 120 – Interface-Layout-Plan Part No. 2 172
Figure 121 – Stroke gap 173
Figure 122 – Technical drawing print head SK2 179
Figure 123 – Technical drawing cabinet LJ2 181

Release 3.00 Leibinger-Jet 2 se+

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