ES.D.10 Issue 6 Feb 2008
ES.D.10 Issue 6 Feb 2008
ES.D.10 Issue 6 Feb 2008
ES. D. – 10
The above document number will change to ES.0.06.0015 in it’s next revision.
February 2008
Note that the links in the following pages of ES.D.10 are disabled and are
only available from the source CD version of this standard. The CD of
ES.D.10 can be collected from Data Center. Please call either 4401436 or
4401063 to arrange collection.
ES. D. – 10
The above document number will change to ES.0.06.0015 in it’s next revision.
February 2008
This document is confidential. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third
party without the prior written consent of Qatar Petroleum.
All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise)
without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.
ES.D.10 - Engineering Standards – Draughting Uncontrolled Copy When Printed or Transmitted Page 2 of 26
Page No.
1.1 Custodian 4
1.2 Purpose 4
1.3 Application 4
2.1 Abbreviations 5
2.2 Technical Definitions 5
Page No.
ES.D.10 (This document) is QP’s old standard numbering system and will no longer be used in its next
It shall be noted that this standard will change to Technical Services (EE) approved Standard Numbering System
on it’s next revision. The new Number will be ES.0.06.0015. All QP users of this standard and those who
reference it will be notified of this transition at the time of change. All other cross reference standards will be
revised accordingly.
This standard provides guidelines for the draughting and development of Engineering Data for, or on behalf of,
Qatar Petroleum. This standard shall be applied to all 2D draughting. This standard does not cover requirements
for Handover of Final Project Data. For QP Data Deliverables & Compilation of Project Dossiers refer to
Engineering Standard ES.0.06.0021.
The use, acceptance and handover of 3D data shall be subject to approval of the custodian (Head of Data
Center – EED) . However, the use of 3D data does not relieve the users of this standard to provide 2D
draughting data in the latest QP approved version of AutoCAD files in accordance with this standard.
Note that any changes to this document from its last revision are highlighted by a bold vertical bar to the
left of each area of change. A brief description of the changes can be found in this documents change
history log on page 1.
Where cross-references are made, the number of the section or sub-section referred to is shown in parenthesis.
ES.D.10 is issued on CD only and is available from Head of Data Center (EED). Always check with EED to
ensure that the latest issue is issued to Contractors.
At the time of publication of this standard the revisions of the referenced standards, as they cross relate,
were valid. As all references are subject to change from time to time, the user is required to first check with
the custodian (Head of Data Center - EED) of this standard to find out the latest ‘cross reference’ status.
1.1 Custodian
The custodian of this standard guideline is EED, who is responsible for the accuracy and quality of its contents
and for its future revisions, where these are required to reflect industry trend or to QP business practices.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to ensure that all Engineering Drawings are prepared to a single standard. It also
identifies the development process for the production of engineering drawings and the formal way of requesting
engineering information.
1.3 Application
Qatar Petroleum and any Consultant or Contractor responsible for providing design services to Qatar Petroleum
shall adhere to this Standard.
The requirements of this standard shall not relieve the users of the obligation to follow sound Engineering
practice throughout the design. No deviations are allowed without written approval from the Head of Data Center
Note that alternatives or preferred requirements may be implemented by Qatar Petroleum and shall be covered
separately by Qatar Petroleum as appropriate in accompanying specifications or conditions of the Contract.
The Consultant / Contractor should operate a quality system to ensure the requirements of this standard are
achieved. Qatar Petroleum may require demonstration of the quality system. The implementation of such a
quality system may be subject to monitoring by Qatar Petroleum and in addition, may be audited following an
agreed period of notice.
2.1 Abbreviations
As-Built - Data that reflects the true status of the plant, platform or facility at the date of the site verification as
shown in the revision description column.
A drawing used to produce another drawing for further modifications, or a drawing used to create another
drawing of similar content.
An exact copy of the original data used for security. It is physically stored away from the original data.
Compact disc
A collection of rules that maps the elements of one set onto the elements of a second set.
Detailed Design
Detailed Design is the activity which, from the diagrams, layouts and specifications contained in the project
specification, develop the arrangement and detailed drawings and documents necessary to enable, material
procurement, fabrication, construction and commissioning of the associated Plant, Platform, Facility or
Equipment. i.e. Approved For Construction (AFC) Design Package.
A data medium and the data recorded on/in it, which generally has permanence and that can be read by man or
AutoCAD drafting tool for QP standard symbols and drawing borders. Available with CD version of this
standard. Refer to section (3.21)
Grass Root Project is the term used to identify a project that involves the design of a completely new plant,
platform or facility. Sometimes referred to as Green Field Project.
Hard Copy
A permanent copy of a display image generated on an output device such as a printer or plotter, and which can be
carried away.
To transfer data for check, approval, use or storage and thereby make it available for reading and distribution.
The master engineering record is Qatar Petroleum’s master controlled record. It should reflect the status of the
plant, platform or facility at the date of the ‘As-Built’ as shown in the revision description column. It is used to
create project drawings for projects involving the design, modification and upgrade of existing facilities.
The material in or on which data can be stored, recovered and from which data can be retrieved.
Referring to an original form. For example, many applications can work with files in a variety of formats, but an
application's native file format is the one it uses internally. For all other formats, the application must first convert
the file to its native format.
The recorded official alteration, modification or correction of data by change from a previous version.
The term given to a visible object representing something which is not shown but realized by association with it.
A document, drawing or file having a standard layout that is used as a starting point for a particular application so
that the format does not change or have to be recreated each time it is used.
Wet Signed
Drawing sheet sizes shall conform to ISO standard ‘A’ sizes as specified in ISO 216 but be limited to the
following sizes:
Native versions (AutoCAD) of the blank drawing borders in model space are available within this standard by use
of Easy Draft (Refer 3.21) by clicking on the applicable link, of which is imbedded in the CD version of this
standard. For listings and pdf samples of these borders refer to section (5) of this standard. Contractors and
Consultants shall use these standard-drawing borders.
Native versions of standard MS Excel templates are available in this standard see section (5.1)
The title block is embedded within the standard borders issued with this standard. (See 3.20) All information shall
be completed within the title block through the Edit Attributes dialog box. The text size, style and position are
already defined by default within the title block attribute.
The title shall define accurately the content of the drawing and should include:
The above principle shall apply to titles on all data regardless of native format i.e. Excel files etc.
The drawing number shall be placed in the title block in the space reserved for it. In addition, for A1 and larger
sizes, drawing numbers shall be placed vertically at the top left hand side of the drawing.
Format AO A1 A2 A3 A4
Height 5 5 4 4 3.5
The minimum height, in mm, of letters and figures within the drawing is recommended as follows:
Format AO A1 A2 A3 A4
*The exception to these heights is annotation text, for example, small bore valve tags in P & ID, where the
minimum height could be 2.0 as the case may be for some of the dense and complex P & IDs. This exception
could also be applied for annotation text appearing in similar situations for other schematic drawings. The further
exception is heights of dimension text for Civil Layouts and Survey Drawings, where the minimum height shall
be 2.5 regardless of drawing format. All printing shall be readable from either the bottom or right hand side of
the drawing. The language shall be in English.
Drawing line thickness shall be constant for each specific purpose. As guidance the following line thickness, in
mm, may be used:
Format A0 A1 A2 A3 A4
Project Drawing Indexes shall utilise Excel template as shown in section 5.1 Refer ES.
Each Engineering Discipline (Refer ES.0.07.0014) shall develop an index as regards to there respective discipline
data produced in a project.
Document and drawing numbers listed in the index shall be arranged by lowest sub group (first) and then
sequentially according to sequence number.
Multi sheet sets utilising Cover Page and Revision Record sheets (See section 3.27) need only be shown once.
The number of sheets contained in the set shall be shown in the appropriate column.
Drawings, if used as back ground in creation of Project drawings (See section 8) shall be quoted in the applicable
space provided. Note that this is only applicable if the back ground drawing used details the subject matter of the
same installation and location related in the Project Drawing.
Note: All Data produced in a project shall make reference to the applicable index number, where it is listed. i.e
For Drawing Index Refer to xxxxx. (xxxxx being the applicable Drawing Index allocated document number)
Where manual drawings exist, including hard copy of CAD drawings and image files, that are required to
be updated for use in a project, then they shall be redrawn electronically by Contractor (or QP project
personnel in case of in-house projects) in latest approved version of AutoCAD even if not clearly defined in
work scopes.
If a drawing print out is folded, it should be done in such a way that the drawing title block is still readable.
Rolled drawings should be transported in a suitable container. The folding of prints is permissible unless the print
is to be converted into an electronic format by image scanning.
A key plan shall be placed in the top right hand corner of all layouts, surveys, site and location plans. The area
covered by the drawing shall be indicated on the key plan by hatching the applicable area.
A North point shall appear on every plan and shall be designated appropriately, e.g. True, Facility, Platform or
Plant North.
The North arrow should preferably point to the top of the drawing sheet, failing this, then to the left of the sheet.
The North arrow should be located in the top left corner of the drawing.
Double north arrows defining the relationship between True and Plant, or Platform/Grid North’s shall be used on
Layouts and Surveys only. For Surveys, the angle of variation should be added.
North arrows on isometrics shall be inclined 30 degrees upward and to the left.
3.14 Stickers
All drawings except Civil Layouts & Survey drawings shall be prepared with dimensions in millimetres only. It is
not required to state this on the drawing nor is it required to abbreviate mm after each dimension. Civil Layouts
and Survey drawings shall have there coordinates, elevations and dimensions in metres. Where
extensions/modifications to existing imperial dimensioned installations are carried out the imperial units shall be
entered in parentheses and the metric equivalents shall be clearly indicated. For Piping GAs, also refer
Dimensioning see section (3.17)
Drawings with more than two scales: Title block shall show AS SHOWN. Scale Bar shall be shown for the scale
of the main body of the detail in question only.
Drawings with two scales only. Title block shall show the Main Scale (normally the larger scale) i.e 1:100 UNO.
Scale Bar shall be shown for the scale 1:100 only.
As the possibility exists for drawings to be reduced or enlarged a Bar Scale shall appear on the drawing. Where
more than one scale is used on the same drawing, the bar scale shall be indicated or referenced to the scale it
applies to. See example in Fig. 1.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Drawings not to scale shall be indicated thus ‘NTS’ in the title block.
Isometrics need not be to scale but should be drawn sufficiently in proportion to ensure clarity of any
Wherever possible, the same scale shall be used for all drawings forming a working set.
The recommended scales for use on technical drawings are specified (refer BSI-8888 and BS EN ISO 5455) in the
following table:
* Piping General Arrangement Drawings may use scale 1:33 1/3 (1:33.3) apart from other reduction scales as
The scale to be chosen for a drawing will depend upon the complexity of the object to be depicted and the
purpose of representation. In all cases, the selected scale shall be large enough to permit easy and clear
interpretation of the information represented.
3.17 Dimensioning
The use of intelligent AutoCAD dimension tools shall be used when creating dimensions in AutoCAD drawings.
There shall be no more dimensions than are necessary to complete the work.
Dimensions shall be given once only. Sufficient dimensions shall be given so that the size and location can be
determined without calculation. If it is deemed necessary to add reference dimensions, then these dimensions
shall be indicated by adding ‘ (REF) ‘ after the dimension.
Dimension lines shall be drawn in a position where they cannot be confused with the subject.
All dimension figures shall be written immediately above and along the dimension lines to which they relate so
they may be viewed from the bottom of the drawing or the right hand edge. They should preferably be towards
the centre of the dimension line and be positioned clear of all other lines.
Figure 2
All dimensions on a drawing shall use the same unit except as stated in section 3.15 paragraph two.
Pipe and valve sizes should be stated in the units used in the base documents, e.g. inch units in the case of ANSI,
API or other non-metric documents.
Dimensions of bolting for pipe flanges shall either be imperial or metric as required by the piping specification.
All other bolting details should normally be in metric.
Fractions of millimetres should be avoided. Obvious exceptions are machining tolerances, sheet thickness and
wire diameters.
Dimensions less than unity shall have zero before the decimal point e.g. 0.25. The ‘thousands’ shall not be
marked or have a space left.
Where a detail continues to another sheet or drawing, suitable match lines shall be given. These match lines shall
be dimensioned to known datum points.
All new drawings shall be produced in AutoCAD. The version of AutoCAD that may be used shall be confirmed
with QP at Tender stage and at the beginning of a project. All CAD draughting shall adhere to the requirements of
this Standard as well as Engineering Standard ES.0.01.0015. The use of other draughting software is subject to
approval from Head of Data Center (EED).
CAD layers and line types shall be in accordance with Engineering Standard ES.0.01.0015. Note that all standards
layers and line types are available by use of EasyDraft see section (3.21)
EasyDraft is a Tool Palette which includes all QP Standard AutoCAD discipline Symbol libraries and AutoCAD
Templates. To launch the installation of this tool please click on the applicable icon below i.e 2006 for AutoCAD
2006 users and 2007 for AutoCAD 2007 users. This will automatically install the Tool Palette into your
AutoCAD application.
For descriptive and reference purposes the Standard Symbols are shown on the Standards in the table below. To
open these standards please click on the drawing number to launch the applicable standard. Note that the below
standards will, be launched in pdf version for reference purposes only. For AutoCAD format symbols refer to
section 3.21) above
Some drawing symbols will contain an attribute dialog box. Users will be prompted with this dialog box when
inserting a symbol from EasyDraft on a drawing. The attributes fields shall be completed with the information
related to the symbol specific to its use.
In some instances additional symbols may be required. If so, the proposed symbol(s) shall be issued to the Head
of Data Center (EED) for approval. The proposal shall include representation, symbol name and types (i.e. size,
block name(s), shape etc.) and any references to international standards. The proposal shall be supplied in both
electronic and hard copy form.
All drawings containing features with geographic locations such as plot plans, layouts, GA’s, topographic
drawings, location plans, etc. shall be drawn in the model space of the AutoCAD drawing files in geographic
coordinates. The coordinate system for onshore drawings shall be Qatar National Grid 95, where as that for
offshore areas shall be Qatar Nahrwan Coordinate system. The parameters of these two systems are shown in
section (3.24) and section (3.25) respectively.
Units Metres
Origin Latitude N 240 27’ 00”
Origin Longitude E 51 13 00
False Northing 300,000.0 m
False Easting 200,000.0 m
Scale Factor at Origin 0.99999
QNVD is defined as the Mean Sea Level 1970-1972 being 8.0036 meters below private mark Fundamental Bench
Mark B (FBM B) located at the north end of the runway at Doha International Airport
Units Metres
Origin Latitude N 000 00’ 00”
Origin Longitude E 510 00’ 00”
False Northing 0.0 m
False Easting 500,000.0 m
Scale Factor at Origin 0.9996
All elevations for offshore platforms shall be drawn using Admiralty Chart Datum (ACD)
Certain ‘data’ may be made in the format of a ‘drawing, schedule, list’ etc and consist of a large number of sheets,
consisting typically of :
• *A cover sheet
• Revision record sheet(s), (For AutoCAD drawings only) giving the applicable revision indicator of each
sheet contained in the multi-sheet set. For revision requirements to Multi Sheet Data refer to section (7.3)
• A legend sheet if applicable.
• The detailed sheets as indicated on the revision record sheet.
*The cover sheet shall indicate the total amount of sheets contained in the multi-sheet set. The following list
shows examples of data (but not limited to) that constitute as multi-sheet Data.
• Equipment Lists
• Material take off(s)
• Hook-up sketches
• Package Drawings
• Pile and conductor Make-up
• Log of soil boring for pile and conductor penetrations
• Summaries
• Schedules
• Indexes
• Line lists
• Pipe support details
• Loop sheets (To include index of Loop Numbers and corresponding sheet number)
• Functional logic diagrams
• Cause and effects (Process & Fire and Gas)
• Set route diagrams
• Utility Data Sheets (Electrical)
• Alarm and Trip Setting List
Multi-sheets are restricted to ‘Original Format” A4 and A3 size only. All sheets of a multi-sheet set shall have the
same size; mixing of different sizes in one multi-sheet set is not allowed.
Drawing sizes above A3 may be used as Multi Sheet Sets but don’t fall under the requirements of section (3.27)
above i.e No cover sheet or revision record sheet is required. Examples of such drawings are location orientated
drawings (Area specific), UEFD’s, P&ID’s (Unit or System Specific), Single Line Diagrams (etc, where in cases
the detail can not be fully arranged entirely on one sheet the subject will continue on the next sheet with proper
cross references and demarcation points. The amount of sheets contained in these sets should be kept to a
For procedural guidance on Obtaining Engineering Information please refer to QPR-EE-12. To open this
procedure please click on the procedure number. Note you must have Adobe Reader installed on your PC to open
the procedure.
• Project Numbers
• Master Engineering Record Codes
• Copies of Engineering Data
• Loaning of Engineering Documents and Drawings
• Plant Equipment Tag numbers
• GIS Mapping Services
The Standard AutoCAD templates have been created to ensure data is presented to QP in a consistent and
standardised manner. The following lists the available Standard Templates which are available from Easy Draft
(3.21). These templates shall not be modified under any circumstances without written approval from Head of the
Data Center.
For descriptive and reference purposes the Standard Template are shown on the Standards in the table below. To
open these standards please click on the drawing number to launch the applicable referenced standard. Note that
the below standards will, be launched in pdf version for reference purposes only. For AutoCAD format Templates
refer to section 3.21) above
AutoCAD Templates
Standard Number Template Description
ES.0.08.0041 Template Drawing Borders - A4 Landscape
ES.0.08.0041M Template Drawing Borders - A4 Landscape Multi -Sheet Dwg’s Only
ES.0.08.0042 Template Drawing Borders - A4 Portrait
ES.0.08.0042M Template Drawing Borders - A4 Portrait Multi -Sheet Dwg’s Only
ES.0.08.0043 Template Drawing Border – A3
ES.0.08.0043M Template Drawing Border – A3 Multi-Sheet Dwg’s Only
ES.0.08.0044 Template Drawing Borders - A1
ES.0.08.0045 Template Drawing Borders - A0 Horizontal
ES.0.08.0046 Template Drawing Borders - A0 Vertical
ES.0.08.0047 Template Drawing Borders - A1 Process Engineering Flow Diagram
ES.0.08.0048 Template Drawing Borders - A4 Portrait Revision Record Sheet
ES.0.08.0049 Template Drawing Borders - A4 Landscape Record Sheet
ES.0.08.0050 Template Drawing Border – A3 Revision Record Sheet
ES.1.08.0100 Template Schedule – Bar Bending
ES.4.08.0103 Template Instrument Hook-up
ES.4.08.0104 01 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 1)
ES.4.08.0104 02 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 2)
ES.4.08.0104 03 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 3)
ES.4.08.0104 04 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 4)
ES.4.08.0104 05 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 5)
ES.4.08.0104 06 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 6)
ES.4.08.0104 07 Template Instrument Name Plates (Sheet 7)
ES.5.08.0100 Template Drawing Sheet – Isometric
The Standard MS Excel Templates in the table below can be launched by clicking on the applicable standard
number. It shall be noted that the templates below show the minimum requirements as regards to the information
fields. Users may use other means of creating this information i.e external databases, Autodesk add on’s,
ISOGEN etc. However the final native files shall be either MS Excel or MS Access.
MS Excel Templates
Standard Number Template Description
ES.0.00.0001 Project Drawing Index
ES.1.08.0100 Civil Structural Bulk Material Take Off.
ES.2.08.0100 Electrical Cable Schedule
ES.2.08.0101 Electrical Bulk Material Take Off
ES.2.08.0102 Distribution Board Schedule
ES.2.08.0103 Electrical Utility Data Sheets
ES.3.08.0100 Safeguarding Process Cause & Effects
ES.3.08.0101 Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects – Halul, PS/2 & PS/3
ES.3.08.0102 Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects – NFA PS/4
ES.3.08.0103 Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects- HVAC Fire Zones NFA PS/4
ES.4.08.0100 Instrument Cable Schedule
ES.4.08.0101 Instrument Alarm and Trip Settings
ES.4.08.0102 Instrument Installation Schedule
ES.4.08.0103 Instrument Bulk Material Take Off
ES.5.00.0002 Valve Index
ES.5.00.0003 Special Piping Index
ES.5.08.0100 Tie in Schedule
ES.5.08.0101 Mechanical Bulk Material Take Off
ES.5.08.0102 Line Designation Table
ES.5.08.0103 Mechanical and Piping Equipment List
All plant change requests (PCR’s), miscellaneous work requests (MWR’s) and work scopes involving upgrade to
existing facilities shall request a project number. (Refer section 4). A single contract may involve design work in
separate areas of a facility or the design of separate facilities. In such instances, each area or facility shall have its
own project number. This will ensure logical project drawing groups under a single overall plant-drawing index.
Project numbers form the first four digits of the project numbering system. For detailed structure of the project
numbering system refer to ES.0.07.0014 .
The Master Engineering Record numbering system shall be used for designs of completely new facilities (grass
root projects) see section (10). The Master Engineering Record Numbering system shall be in accordance with
Each drawing shall have an alpha or numeric revision code indicator, identifying the drawing status. Each
numbered sheet shall have its own revision status indicator and shall be changed whenever an approved alteration
or modification is made from the previous issue/revision.
The date and description of the revision or reason for issue shall be given in the identified space within the Title
Block. The first revision shall be listed on the bottom line and each subsequent issue/revision indicator and
issue/revision description will be identified on the next succeeding line.
When the title of the drawing is altered it shall be mentioned in the revision description.
When a drawing number is changed, it shall maintain the same revision history and the number change shall be
identified in the revision description. This is not applicable when creating a project drawing from background
drawing. (See Section 8.0)
The revisions for Multi Sheet Data utilising Cover Sheet and Revision Record Sheets shall be for each sheet. For
each revision, the cover sheet and revision record index sheet shall be revised along with each particular revised
sheet(s). All the revised sheets shall bear the same revision indicator irrespective of the last revision indicator on
the individual sheet, i.e. all revised sheets shall bear the same revision indicator as the cover and revision record
Where Signatures are applied for approval or checking purposes then only the cover sheet and revision record
sheet shall be signed. This will indicate approval or checked of the sheets contained (or revised) within the multi
sheet set.
Note that only revised sheets within the multi sheet set shall be issued and shall be accompanied with its Cover
sheet and revision record sheet.
When creating drawings it will be necessary to carry out certain review issues in accordance with the
Corporation’s scope and contract requirements.
Each review issue will be monitored on the drawing by using a numerical revision code in the revision box.
Only when a drawing is Approved For Construction (AFC) will it receive an alphabetical revision code. When
project ‘As- Built’ drawings are translated onto the Master Engineering Record the revision indicator shall be the
next available letter.
All projects involved in design and upgrade of existing plants shall use revision code Z regardless of previous
revision to indicate project As-Built. It shall be noted that three revisions shall be constant; namely:
The above revisions 0 & A also apply for Grass Root Projects. However the final As-Built revision shall be the
next available revision letter.
All technical changes after ‘Approved For Detailed Design’ require QP approval. Approved changes shall be
recorded using the next revision number indicator. The Project Engineer must maintain a log of all changes.
All technical changes after ‘Approved For Construction’ shall be approved by the appropriate Discipline Engineer
and Project Engineer.. Both approval boxes at the title block shall be signed. Approved changes shall be recorded
using the next revision letter indicator i.e subsequent revsions on AFC drawings will sue Rev B, C, D…Y. The
Project Engineer must maintain a log of all changes.
Every revision to the drawing shall be highlighted by 'clouding' the affected area(s). A triangle containing the
revision indicator shall be placed outside the revision cloud with one corner of the triangle touching the cloud.
See example in Fig 3.
A Changes.
Fig. 3
To differentiate the rev cloud from the cloud that shows the extent of the project (see section 8.4) the rev cloud
will use layer Rev 1 and cyan colour. Refer to ES.0.01.0015.
The number of copies required, and the procedures for commenting, review and/or approval, shall be in
accordance with requirements of the contract and project specification, which will be stated by QP.
Before any documents and drawings are issued for review they must be checked and signed by qualified
personnel at the originating design source.
Documents and drawings for review shall be issued in logical batches sufficient in scope and detail to provide the
recipient(s) with an overview, including interface of the aspect or unit under consideration.
All document and drawing issues shall be accompanied with a drawing index and submitted using a transmittal
If documents and drawings are issued with ‘holds’, the hold must be clearly identified by surrounding the relevant
area(s) with an inverted cloud. The cloud must refer to a note on the document or drawing explaining the exact
reason for the hold.
‘Issued For Information’ shall be shown on documents or drawings issued for this purpose. (See Section 8.2)
To ensure efficiency in the review activities, the originators of comments are required to explain any comments of
a fundamental nature.
It is important to consult originators of comments when their comments have not been included on the revised
drawing, and where there are contradictory views.
The CAD Signatures shall only be added to the drawings when proof of the wet signed drawing exists.
Master engineering records if available, must be used for background information when producing a project
However, it must be noted that due to potential ongoing plant improvements, a master engineering record does not
necessarily accurately reflect the true site status. Therefore, all drawings must be site verified prior to
commencement of detailed design.
A master engineering record in some cases may not be available as a background drawing. In such cases an As-
built project drawing may be used as a background drawing.
The request for background drawings shall be submitted using form ES.0.08.0002 (See QPR-EE-012). All such
requests require authorization from the applicable QP issuing authority.
The user is responsible for removing from the title block all information pertaining to the background drawing.
The user shall give the drawing a project drawing number (See Section 6.1) before the specific project
information is added. Note that existing documents and drawings required to be ‘Issued For Information’
(See 7.6) shall not be classed as Background data. As such they shall not be converted into project drawings
as defined in this section 8.0. This pertains to Project Documents and Drawings, Master Engineering
Records and Engineering Standards, all of which may be required to be issued for information.
The user will be assigned a project number, (See Section 6.1) which will form the first part of the project drawing
number. The remainder of the number shall be allocated by the project/contractor/consultant in accordance with
ES.0.07.0014. This number shall remain on the drawings throughout the project life.
When a project drawing is prepared from a background drawing, the entire area of the project shall be clouded.
This is to indicate, at a glance, the extent of the work. Any revision indicators shall be within this clouded area.
This cloud shall remain on the drawing throughout its project life.
Any subsequent revision indicators shall be shown within this clouded area.
A note shall be added to the drawing to indicate the project extent of work. See Fig. 4 below.
Fig. 4
To differentiate this cloud from a Rev cloud this cloud will use layer PROEXT and colour dark blue. Refer to
When a background drawing is used to create a project drawing, reference must be made to background drawing
and revision status from which it was made. This information shall also be shown on the applicable Drawing
With the exception of Grass Root Projects (See 7.4) all project drawings shall be revised to reflect the 'As- Built'
status after commissioning using Revision indicator letter Z regardless of previous revision. It shall be noted that
all documents and drawings bearing a project number shall be certified ‘As-Built’ regardless of changes or not
during the construction and commissioning stage and this status shall be reflected in the applicable document and
drawing registers. The drawings shall be signed accepted as 'As-Built' by the following:
It is the responsibility of the Installation Contractor, to ensure that the 'As- Built' mark up is completed after the
commissioning phase. One copy of the 'As- Built' mark up shall be left with the QP’s Authorized Site Supervisor
for maintenance purposes. The marked up copies shall be inserted into the Project Dossiers as defined in
ES.0.06.0021 after the original project drawing has been updated.
Unless otherwise specified by QP’s scope and contract requirements, one copy of the 'As- Built' mark up shall be
returned to the original design source who is responsible for updating the original project drawing to reflect the
'As- Built' status of the project involved.
Once Project ‘As-Built’ drawings have been completed and approved, the relevant Project Engineer is responsible
for informing the Applicable Contractor to prepare section 9.0 of ES.0.06.0021.
Unless otherwise specified by the project scope and contract requirements QP is responsible for transferring the
As-Built project information onto the Master Engineering Record, should one exist. The next available revision
indicator on the Master Engineering Record shall be used to identify this work.
A Grass Root Project is a project that involves the design of a completely new plant, platform or facility.
Grass root projects shall use the Master Engineering Records numbering system in accordance with ES.0.07.0014,
(See section 6.2).
ISO 216 Writing paper and certain classes of printing matter - Trimmed sizes A & B series.
BSI BS 8888 Technical Product Documentation (TPD) specification for defining, specifying and graphically
representing products.
ES.2.07.0103 01 Electrical Symbols – Lighting and Small Power Layouts (Sheet 1).
ES.2.07.0103 02 Electrical Symbols – Lighting and Small Power Layouts (Sheet 2).
ES.4.07.0102 03 Instrument Symbols – Instrument Layouts – Fire Safety/Life Support Escape Routes.
ES.3.08.0101 Template - Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects. – Halul, PS/2/3 (Onshore)
ES.3.08.0102 Template - Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects. – NFA PS/4
ES.3.08.0103 Template - Safeguarding Fire & Gas Cause and Effects. – HVAC Fire Zones NFA PS/4
In addition to the referenced standards, the following International standards are also recommended.
ISO/R 1101 Technical drawings - Tolerances of form and of position Part 1 : Generalities, symbols,
indications on drawings.
BSI BS EN ISO 1660 Technical drawings - Tolerances of form and of position Part 111 : Dimensioning and
tolerancing of profiles.
As all references are subject to change from time to time, the reader is required to first check with the
custodian of this document to find out the latest “cross-revision” status with respect to the above
bibliographic list.
Any suggestions or modifications approved by the custodian after the issue of the standards, shall appear
in the next revision.
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