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CEMS Guidlines

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1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Guidelines for Continuous Emission

Monitoring Systems


Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar,

June, 2018

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Note: Efforts have been made to include all available monitoring

technologies/instrumentation in the document. In case any high end
technology/ instrumentation is not covered or is introduced
subsequently the details be forwarded to CPCB, so that the same
can be incorporated while reviewing this document subsequently.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

1.0 Background : 1

2.0 Genesis of Problem : 2

3.0 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) : 3

3.1 Objectives of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems : 4

3.2 Merits of CEMS : 7

4.0 Technical Options for Sampling of Pollutants in CEMS : 7

4.1 Sampling Location for Particulate Matter : 10

4.2 Analysis of Measurement Techniques : 12

5.0 Measurement Techniques for Particulate Matter and Gaseous : 21


5.1 Techniques/ Instrumentation for online PM Monitoring : 21

5.2 Techniques/ Instrumentation for Online Gaseous Pollutant : 31


6.0 Flue Gas Flow / Velocity Monitoring Techniques : 48

6.1 Ultrasonic Flow Monitors : 48

6.2 Differential Pressure Flow Monitors : 49

6.3 Thermal Flow Monitors : 49

6.4 Infrared Correlation : 49

7.0 Assessment of Monitoring Technologies : 50

8.0 Site Requirement and Preparation for Mounting of Continuous : 75

Emission Monitoring System

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

9.0 Calibration, Performance Evaluation and Audit of CEM : 76

9.1 Recommended Instrumentation/Methodology for Monitoring : 77

9.2 Acceptance of CEMS Until Indigenous Certification System is Placed : 78

9.3 Calibration of Air Analysers (Gaseous Parameter) : 79

9.4 Calibration of Air Analysers (Particulate Matter) : 80

9.5 Emission Monitoring : 81

9.6 Data Consideration/ Exceedance for Violation : 82

9.7 Data Acquisition System (Das) : 83

10.0 Data Acquisition, Management and Reporting : 83

11.0 Summary : 85

12.0 Revised Parameter List (Annexure-I) : 88

13.0 Formulae for Data Reporting (Annexure-II) : 89

References : 90

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Central Pollution Control Board vide its letter No. B-29016/04/06PCI-1/5401
dated 05.02.2014 issued directions under section 18(1) b of the Water and Air
Acts to the State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees for
directing the 17 categories of highly polluting industries such as Pulp & Paper,
Distillery, Sugar, Tanneries, Power Plants, Iron & Steel, Cement, Oil Refineries,
Fertilizer, Chloral Alkali Plants, Dye & Dye Intermediate Units, Pesticides,
Zinc, Copper, Aluminum, Petrochemicals and Pharma Sector, etc., and
Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP),Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs),
Common Bio Medical Waste and Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators
for installation of online effluent quality and emission monitoring systems to
help tracking the discharges of pollutants from these units. The directions
a) Installation of online emission quality monitoring system in 17 categories
of highly polluting industries and in Common Hazardous waste and
Biomedical waste incinerators for measurement of the parameters,
Particulate Matter, NH3 (Ammonia), SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide), NOX (Oxides
of Nitrogen) and other sector specific parameters, not later than by March
31, 2015 and transmission of online data so generated simultaneously to
SPCB/PCC and CPCB as well. The deadline was later extended to June
31, 2015.
b) Installation of surveillance system with industrial grade IP (Internet
Protocol) cameras having PAN, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) with leased line real time
connection for data streaming and transmission of the same in case of
industries claiming Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
c) Ensure regular maintenance and operation of the online system with
tamper proof mechanism having facilities for online calibration (onsite/
offsite; Remote).
d) New Parameter
The G.S.R. 96(E) January 29, 2018 Notified by MoEF&CC under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 mandates installation of CEMS with
the Boilers used in the Industries namely Sugar, Cotton Textile,
Composite Woolen Mills, Synthetic Rubber, Pulp & Paper, Distilleries,
Leather Industries, Calcium Carbide, Carbon Black, Natural Rubber,

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Asbestos, Caustic Soda, Small Boilers , Aluminium Plants, Tanneries,

Inorganic Chemicals & other such industries using boilers, shall adhere
to specified Emission norms.
Parameters required to be monitored in the stack emissions using Continuous
Emission Monitoring system, are industry specific and are specified below: -
a) PM (Particulate Matter)
b) F (Total Fluoride)
c) NH3 (as Ammonia)
d) SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide)
e) NOX (Oxides of Nitrogen as NO2)
f) Cl2 (Chlorine)
g) HCl (Hydro Chloric acid) and HF (Hydro Fluoric Acid)
h) TOC (Total Organic Carbon) / THC (Total Hydro Carbon) / VOC
(Volatile Organic Carbon)- CnHm
i) Process parameters (Mandatory) to be monitored at each stack at
sampling point/plane:
1 Temperature
2 Flow
j) Diluent gas CO2 or O2 as prescribed in the emission standards of
respective processes /industries
k) Carbon Monoxide as prescribed in the emission standards of respective
processes /industries i.e. Incinerators, etc.;
l) The emission values should be corrected for Moisture Content (For In-
situ and Hot extractive analyzer real time moisture monitoring is
m) For normalization of emission values absolute pressure is also required
to be monitored in the sampling plane.


The highly polluting industries such as Power, Cement, Iron & Steel, Chlor-
alkali, Pharmaceuticals, Fertilizers, Refineries, Pesticides, Distilleries, Sugar,
Pulp & Paper, Textile, Tanneries, and other categories of industries emit
particulate matter and other gaseous pollutant into atmosphere. These
industries also release pollutants through effluent discharge.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

The SPCBs and PCCs have prescribed standards for various pollutants
emitted/ discharged by the industries as notified under the
Environment(Protection) Act, 1986.The compliance monitoring needs to be
strengthened to ensure that emissions/ effluent complying with the stipulated
norms are only discharged by the industries.
With rapid industrialization, it is becoming a need and necessity to regulate
compliance by industries with minimal inspection of industries. Therefore,
efforts need to be made to bring discipline in the industries to exercise self-
monitoring & compliance and transmit effluent and emission quality data to
SPCBs/PCCs and CPCB on continuous basis.
For strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self-regulatory
mechanism, online emission and effluent monitoring systems need to be
installed and operated by the developers and the industries on, 'Polluter Pays
Verification, validation and accuracy check of the values indicated by the
online devices needs to be done. For proper interpretation of data measures
need to be taken at the level of SPCBs/PCCs. For regulatory and for purpose
of actions to be taken against non-complying industries/facilities, the existing
method of sampling, analysis and related procedures under the existing statutes
need to be continued, till further direction.
Various technologies are available for monitoring the particulate matter and
gaseous emission from the stack of industries and common treatment
facilities in terms of the parameters specified in the directions issued by
CPCB. However, no guidelines on selection of the Continuous Emission
Monitoring Systems (CEMS) are available. This guideline document has aimed
to help industries and regulator for proper implementation of online emission
monitoring system through proper selection, operation and data transfer in a
transparent self-regulatory mechanism.


In recent years Online Emission Monitoring Technology has received
attention and interest in context of providing accurate and continuous
information on particulate matter/ gaseous emission from stacks. There are
already commercially available systems for monitoring parameters such as

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

PM, HCl, HF, NH3, SO2, CO, O2, CO2, NOx, VOC,etc.

3.1 Objectives of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems

The Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) System comprises of the total
equipment necessary to determine the concentration of gaseous emission
and/or particulate matter concentration and/or emission rate using analytical
measurements and a computer program to provide results in units of the
applicable emission limits or standards. The data recorded/observed is
gathered either through analog outputs to a recording system or send directly
to a DAS (Data Acquisition System) for storage and onward transmission.
Data Acquisition System includes special modules for data treatment and
further transmission to the Central Data Acquisition and Handling System in
SPCB/ CPCB central office. It is important to have properly engineered CEM
i) Compliance with legislation
For any given process, limits have been imposed on the quantum of
emissions that an industry is permitted to release to the atmosphere for
a particular parameter/ pollutant. These limits are expressed as: -
- Maximum concentration in ppm or mg/Nm3 (as specified in standards)
- Maximum mass emission (Kg/Tonne or Kg/unit production)
For calculating maximum mass emissions i.e, Kg/Tonne or Kg/unit
production, values of flow and concentration are also required.
ii) Validity/ Availability of Measured Data
Quality assurance procedures shall be used to validate the quality of
data produced by the CEMS required for determining compliance with
the emission standards on a continuous basis as specified in the Indian
regulation. Reference methods will be defined to substantiate the
accuracy and precision of the CEMS.
Performance Specifications will be used for evaluating the acceptability
of the CEMS at the time of or soon after installation and whenever
specified in the Indian regulations. The CEMS has to include
continuous quality check for Zero and for scale(Span) point, preferably
without human intervention, to ensure continuous data validity and

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Zero check on Gaseous CEMS must be achieved by using zero air supply
(an inert gas like N2) done automatically and periodically. Calibration
check on Gaseous CEMS must be achieved by internal or external
calibration gas supply, preferably using reference gases/ blends with
concentration certified by external body. The use of Certified Zero & Span
Test Gas Cylinders or Gas filled “Calibration Cuvettes/ Cells”, Certified by
leading global Agencies like TUV/ MCERT are also acceptable for CEMS
in India. The Cuvettes/ Cells and are known to have long term stability
compared to cylinders. Ambient air not being a certified gas is not
recommended for calibration.
iii) Basic Requirement
The major prerequisites of efficient Continuous Emission Monitoring
System are:
a) It should be capable of operating unattended over prolonged period
of time.
b) It should produce analytically valid results with precision/
c) The analyzer should be robust and rugged, for optimal operation
under extreme environmental conditions, while maintaining its
calibrated status.
d) The analyzer should have inbuilt features for automatic sample
matrix change adaptation.
e) The analyzer should have inbuilt zero and calibration check capability
f) It should have data validation facility with features to transmit raw and
validated data to central server.
g) It should have Remote system access from central server for
provisional log file access.
h) It should have provision for simultaneous Multi-server data
transmission from each station without intermediate PC or plant
i) It should have provision to send system alarm to central server in
case any changes are made in configuration or calibration.
j) It should have provision to record all operational information in log
k) There should be provision for independent analysis, validation,
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

calibration & data transmission for each parameter.

l) The instrument must have provision of a system memory (non-
volatile) to record data for atleast one year of continuous operation.
m) It should have provision of Plant level data viewing and retrieval with
selection of Ethernet, Modbus & USB.
n) Record of calibration and validation should be available on real time
basis at central server from each location/parameter.
o) Record of online diagnostic features including analyzer status should
be available in database for user-friendly maintenance.
p) It must have low operation and maintenance requirements with low
chemical consumption and recurring cost of consumables and
The analyzer must include the following features (typical characteristics):
a) Continuous measurements on 24X7 basis.
b) Direct Measurement of pollutant concentration.
c) Expression and display of measurements in ppm, mg/m 3 or volume
% as specified in standards.
d) Display of the measurement values as well as all the information
required for checking/maintenance of the analyzer.
e) Display of functional parameters.
f) Lower detection limit:< 0.5% Full Scale.
g) Zero& Span drift:< 1% Full Scale / week.
h) Linearity:< 1% FS.
i) Response time < 200 seconds.
j) Power supply compatible with utilities available on Indian industrial
k) Digital communication with distant computer for data
l) RS232 / RS485 / Ethernet / USB communication ports.
m) Analog Outputs for transmission to Plant’s supervision center.
n) Maximum lifetime of analyzers should be 10 years
o) Type approved according to Indian Certification Scheme (or by
foreign accredited institutes such as TÜV, MCERTS or USEPA).

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

3.2 Merits of CEMS

The major advantages of CEMS over traditional laboratory based and portable
field methods are:
a) CEMS provide continuous measurement of data for long periods of time,
at the monitoring site of interest, without skilled staff being required to
perform the analysis.
b) All the major steps in traditional analysis like sample collection,
transportation, conditioning, calibration and analysis procedures including
QC are usually automated in the sampling systems and on-line analyzers.
c) In case of sudden disturbance in the Production Process/ Pollution
Control system, the on-line analyzers provide timely information for taking
immediate corrective/preventive steps compared to conventional


The sampling technologies are summarized in Figure1. Two types of
systems available for monitoring of particulate and gaseous pollutant are
mentioned below: -
1) In-Situ Systems: - Folded Beam/ Point
- Cross Duct
2) Extractive systems: -
- Hot Extractive Systems with Heated Analyzer (Hot and Wet System)
- Hot Extractive Systems with Sample Cooling and Cold Analyzer (Cold
and Dry System)
- Extractive dilution system (In-stack and out stack)

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Techniques for continuous pollutants releases from stack

Figure 1: Techniques for Continuous Sampling of Pollutant Releases from

The sampling location has major impact on the representativeness and
accuracy of sample collected. Suitable measurement sites and sections are
necessary to obtain reliable and comparable emission measurement results.
Appropriate measurement sections and sites have to be planned while
designing a plant.
Emission measurements in flue gases require defined flow conditions in the
measurement plane, i.e. an ordered and stable flow profile without vortexing
and backflow so that the velocity and the mass concentration of the measured
pollutant being released in the waste gases can be determined. Emission
measurements require appropriate sampling ports and working platforms. The
installation of measurement ports and working platforms should be considered
in the planning phase of a measurement section, refer Figures 1.1& 1.2.
Specifications of regulations along with official requirements if any, should be
considered in selection and specification of measurement site and sections.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

7. Measurement plane for CEMS

2. Measurement port

3. Measurement section

4. Upstream (2D)

500 mm 5. Downstream (8D)

6. Working platform

1. Manual sampling train

(Note: D= Stack Diameter)

Figure 1.1: Measurement Site and Measurement Section

Figure 1.2 : Measurement Site and Measurement Section

The measurement site and measurement section for CEMS is based on EN

15259 criteria for selection of measuring point/ port locations and depends upon
following conditions (For Details refer EN15259 Standards):
a) Whether to monitor concentration alone or gas flow also;
b) Whether the system requires periodic calibration using standard method
or whether the CEMS can be calibrated by other means.
The influence of these factors in determining the positional requirements
is shown in the decision tree in figure 2.
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Figure 2: Selecting a sample location

4.1 Sampling Location for Particulate Matter
The analyser/ systems installed for particulate matter monitoring require
calibration performed by manual isokinetic sampling carried out through either
BSEN 13284-1, IS: 11255 Part 1 (Particulate Matter) or EPA method 17 or EPA
method 5 or BS ISO 9096:2003. The sampling location for the analyser must
be in accordance with the prescribed guidelines (Emission Regulation Part-III).

The sampling plane for PM-CEMS should be 500 mm below manual sampling
plane vertically. In addition to the above, for convenience of CEMS
maintenance and manual sampling, the manual sampling port may be shifted
30-50 cm right or left at horizontal plane of CEMS port. For gaseous CEMS the
same plane can be shared. In case of gaseous plane is to be chosen at different
location due to difficulty then homogenous condition of flue gas to be ensured
by stratification study and the approval of identified location is required through
respective SPCBs/PCCs.

The sampling point or plane should be in a straight length of stack/duct (Figure

3) where;

a) The angle of gas flow is less than 15o

b) No local negative flow is present;
c) The minimum velocity is higher than the detection limit (3 m/ Sec) of the
method used for the flow rate measurement (for Pitot tubes, a differential
pressure larger than 5 Pa);
d) The ratio of the highest to lowest local gas velocities is less than 3:1.
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

If the above information cannot be verified e.g. on a new installation, then the
above criteria is generally fulfilled by siting the ports in sections of duct with at
least eight hydraulic diameters of straight duct down streams of the sampling
plane and two hydraulic diameters upstream hydraulic diameters from the top
of a stack.

1. Sampling line
2d 2. Sampling plane

3. Access port

4. Flow


Figure 3: Sample Plane Requirement for Particulate Matter Measurement

4.1.1 Sampling location for systems with particulate matter and gas analyzers
While selecting a location for installation of in-situ analyzers in large ducts, the
gas profile at the proposed sampling point must be checked for stratification. A
stratification test is undertaken to confirm that the gas composition is
homogenous. Typically, a surrogate gas such as oxygen or carbon dioxide is
measured using a direct reading instrument in order to obtain information on the
gas profile within the duct. The stratification test must take into account
variations of gas composition with time. This can be achieved by using two
continuous analysers each connected to sampling probes. One probe is placed
at a fixed location in the duct; the other is used to obtain samples at grid locations
across the duct traverses. The two sets of data can then be compared in order
to compensate for variations in concentration with time.

4.1.2 Sampling location for gas analysers

Selection of a sampling location for gas analysis alone is less difficult than for
particulate measurement. A location in the duct where the gas is well mixed
and therefore homogenous should be chosen.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

4.2 Analysis of Measurement Techniques

4.2.1 In Situ system:

In-situ is defined as in situation.

Non-extractive (in-situ) systems

In-situ type analyzers may be of two types: point in-situ type or cross stack type.
These are explained below.
o Point in-situ
Point in-situ systems perform measurements at a single point in the stack, as
do extractive system probes. Now a days in the in-situ systems the sensing
optics are contained in a tube fitted with holes or filters to allow flow-through of
stack gases. The sampling path will be relatively short compared to the stack or
duct diameter, so the sampling location must be carefully chosen to ensure that
the sample is representative of the flue gas.

In certain CEMS, the measurement length is extended over the length of a

probe (say 0.05mt to 1.00mt) to increase resolution and provide more coverage
(representative measurement). In any case 1/3rd of the stack cross section
ensures better representation.


Detector Lens

Figure 4.2.1 a: Point in-situ gas analyzer

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Cross stack monitors Cross Stack

Cross stack monitors measure over the entire stack
or duct diameter. They are based on a beam of a
certain wavelength that crosses the duct and is
attenuated proportionately to the concentration of
the target compound. In some systems, a pipe may
be used in the stack for support or calibration
purposes, or to reduce the optical path lengths in
very large stacks or ducts. There are two basic types of path systems: single
pass and double pass where the beam is reflected back across the stack. These
systems can be simpler than extractive systems, however there are additional
challenges associated with making valid zero and span checks and minimizing
interference from other pollutants.

Figure4.2.1 b. Single pass transmissometer /opacity monitor

Figure4.2.1 c. Double pass transmissometer /opacity monitor

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Single beam and double beam principle- Single-beam configuration is simplest

where one light beam from source is passed to receiver. Dual or double-beam
configurations internally split the light emitted from the source into two beams
– one becomes measurement beam and another becomes reference beam.
The measurement beam is projected through the optical medium of interest and
is referenced to the second (reference) beam, which is totally contained within
the instrument. There can be common or separate detectors for both the beam.

Figure4.2.1 d: Double Beam Transmissometer (Measurement)

 Benefits:
 Fast Response time
 Reasonable cost
 Process control
 No sample conditioning required.

 Limitations:
 Two flanges may be needed so an access to both side of stack is
 Systems are subject to stack vibration and temperature variations
 Sensitivity is limited due to the path length (critical for stacks with small
 Limited quantity of gases can be monitored
 Analyzer is subject to cross interferences especially from Water
(Moisture)/ Temperature / Pressure.
 In situ systems are installed outside at top of stack so inconvenient
conditions for maintenance
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

 No absolute method of On Line Calibration using injection of span gases

along the path length.
 Complete Calibration equipment to be installed with analyser on top of
stack platform.
 Calibration checks / After readjustment the equipment has to be brought
down to lab for calibration / validation checks.

4.2.2 Extractive system (Gaseous Pollutant)

Source-level extractive systems are those in which a sample of flue gases is
continuously extracted and conveyed to the analyzer using a sampling line.
Particulate matter may be removed from the gas, and it may be cooled and
dried, but in all other respects the sample is not altered by the sampling
process. Three types of source-level extractive systems are marketed
a. Hot and wet systems and Hot and Wet -Close Coupled Systems
b. Dilution Extractive Systems
c. Cool and dry systems with conditioning at the analyzer enclosure

Heated sample line

320 ppm

Heated pump Heated analyser

Figure4.2.2 a: Hot and wet gas sampling system

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018


Heated inertial

T o pump

Figure4.2.2 b: Close coupled gas analyzer

In some cases, a combination of these systems may be used, for example

when there is a requirement to measure both highly reactive and less reactive
pollutants concurrently.
A source-level extractive system consists of several basic components: probe,
sample line, filters, moisture-removal system and pump. In some source-level
systems the analyzer, for example IR analyzer, O 2 zirconia sensor or TOC
Flame Ionization Detector (FID), is mounted on the stack or duct, after a short
sample line. In this case, analyzer response times are very fast and apart from
particulate filtering, sample conditioning is not required. These systems are
known as close coupled.

 Benefits:
 Sensitivity of the system is not related to stack diameter.
 Varying stack temperature does not affect the measurements
 Can be proven using reference calibration gases.

 Limitations
 Longer response time, however meets the emission requirement.
 The closed coupled systems are subject to stack vibration and
temperature variations requiring higher maintenance as calibration also
mounted on stack, however extractive system (Hot-Wet or Dry Direct
Extractive does not have this issue)

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

4.2.3 Dilution based extractive system

The need is to transport the sample hot, and to filter and dry relatively large
volumes of flue gas. This problem can be largely avoided by using dilution
systems, where gas is drawn into the probe at much lower flow rates than in a
source-level system. Dilution systems are used in conjunction with ambient air
level gas analyzers.
Oxygen must be measured separately for correction purposes (the diluted
sample is ‘swamped’ by dilution air).
There are two types of commercially available dilution systems: dilution
probes, where dilution of the sample gas takes place in the stack, and out-
stack dilution systems, where dilution is carried out external to the stack. The
out-stack dilution sampling is less sensitive to changes in stack gas
temperature, pressure and density. However, heated sample line is required for
out stack dilution system.

Figure 4.2.3 a: Typical in-stack dilution probe

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Figure 4.2.3 b: Typical out-stack dilution probe

Sample gas is extracted from the stack at a known flow rate, mixed with a
known flow rate of dry air / dilutant.
 Benefits:
 It can be used to reduce moisture content so no heated sampling
components are required.
 No power required at the probe so it can be used in hazardous areas.
 Limitations:
 Flow rates are critical and need to be
controlled to avoid varying dilution ratios.
 Sample gas needs to be of high Air

concentration to avoid analyzer

sensitivity issues or use of air quality
 Cannot be used for all gases including
 Careful consideration of probe materials
for high temperature and corrosive applications.
 Needs more maintenance due to presence of dust / ash \ sulfur presence
which effect the micro critical orifice leading to erroneous measurements
/ higher maintenance.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

 The ambient air type analyzer technologies used here are not suitable for
hazardous area and require elaborate care for installation like shelters for
Installation & maintenance.

4.2.4 Hot Wet Extractive system with Heated Analyzer

Sample gas is extracted from the stack and
transported to the analyzer using heated line and
heated sampling components – filters, pumps etc.,
including the analyzer measurement cell.
The temperature of all components in contact with
the sample gas is typically at 180°C to avoid
Heated Pump &
condensation and loss of soluble gases. Analyzers

 Benefits
 Sensitivity of the system is not related to stack
 Varying stack temperature does not affect the
 Use technologies like FTIR that can measure most gases including NH3,
HF, HCl, VOC, H2O and O2.
 Multi gases including specialty gases that are difficult to measure in other
 Limitations
 Costly heated sample lines and components.
 Heated lines not UPS protected due to power Heated line

required- risk of condensation and damage.

 More time required to maintain the system and heat
stressed components. Analyzers

 Online continuous H2O measurement for online
correction of moisture as normalization being a
 hot wet technique.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

4.2.5 Cool and Dry Systems - Hot Extractive System with Gas Cooler and Cold
Sample gas is passed through a cooler to bring the sample gas temperature
down to a low temperature and to remove water so sample is almost dry.
Coolers are typically Peltier or Compressor type with outlet at about 3-4°C.
 Benefits
 Sensitivity of the system is not related to stack diameter.
 Varying stack temperature does not affect the measurements
 Multi gas measurement is possible with flexibility of different principle of
 Can use analyzers operating at low/ambient temperatures so
components are not heat stressed.
 These analyser are versatile as suitable for harsh environments and can
be placed in a clean, dry & temperature controlled environment, so more
stable system and easier to maintain
 Analyzers are running at low temperatures, so systems tend to be
cheaper than heated systems and widely used concept.
 These are also available in hazardous area installation.

 Limitations
 It cannot be used on very soluble/corrosive gases.
 Soluble gases (HCl, HF, NH3) can be lost during the cooling.
 Heated Sample gas line is required to maintain the flue above dew
4.2.6 Extractive sample drying by other method
 Extracted sample may also be dried by applying specific sample line
through selective permeation. Water gets eliminated from the sample
stream to the outer jackets containing dry and cold air.

4.2.7 Gas Sampling and Conditioning

The accuracy, repeatability and response time of the analysers are more
dependent on the sample handling system rather than the analysers only. The
reliability, accuracy, repeatability and response time of the measurement

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

results of extractive analysers are impacted by possible failure of some of the

components of sample handling system for extractive sampling.

Inline filters – used for applications where dust concentration in sample gas is
on higher side, gets frequently chocked and need regular maintenance which
effects percentage availability of measurement. The incorporation of
technology for effective, heated, automatic back flush to clean these filters from
outside can enhance the measurement data availability.

Heated Probe – accommodates heated fine filter, to arrest dust particles in

sample gas to protect sensitive analyzer and provide uniform heating to the
sample coming out from the stack and avoid condensation or cold spots.

For effective filtering, the probe should have more filtering area with automated
back purge and back flush to reduce filter cleaning frequency and increasing
the uptime of measurement.

Heated Filter: the common problem with the heated filter is associated with
ineffective filtering area and selection of right micron size.

Sample Gas Pumps – are running 24x7 for months need to be robust and


5.1 Techniques / Instrumentation for Online PM Monitoring
Particulate Matter Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (PM CEMS)
measure a parameter (e.g. scattered light) which can be correlated to dust
concentration by comparison to a gravimetric sample taken under isokinetic
conditions rather than the mass concentration directly. The performance and
suitability of any particulate monitor is therefore application dependent. A
number of techniques are used in practice which provide a practical and robust
solution for most industrial applications. There are two main types of Particulate
Measurement Techniques:

A. In-Situ Systems (Point or Cross-duct) for application in flue gas stream

with temperature above dew point (>95 °C)
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

B. Extractive Systems for applications with entrained water droplets in the

gas stream

A. In-situ systems
The main cross-duct techniques used for Continuous Monitoring of Particulate
Matter are: -
a) Light Attenuation (Transmissometry): In this method the amount of
light absorbed by particles crossing a light beam is measured and
correlated to dust concentration. In Opacity/Extinction instruments the
amount of light reduction is measured directly, whereas in Ratio-metric
Opacity systems the ratio of the amount of light variation (flicker) to the
transmitted light is measured.

Figure 5.1 : Light Attenuation

As with in-situ path systems for monitoring gaseous pollutants

transmissometers may be single-pass or double-pass design. Double-
pass types use a reflector on the opposite side of the stack or duct so that
the light is transmitted twice through the flue gas. The single pass
transmissometers have become obsolete. Some modern single-pass
transmissometers are designed with two identical senders and receivers
on each side of the stack to alternatively transmit and receive light in order
to increase sensitivity and reduce the effects of fouling of the optical
surfaces. The light sources use includes filament bulbs, light emitting
diodes and lasers.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

The simplest of the transmissometers will produce an opacity that can be

correlated with a smoke colour scale, e.g. the Ringelmann scale. More
sophisticated analysers that are equipped with on-line zero and span
adjustment can be programmed to produce an output proportional to 1.0
mg/m3 based on the results of calibration measurements.
Transmissometers are usually designed for cross duct measurement with
a sender and receiver on opposite sides of the stack for single pass
system. For double pass both light source and receiver are placed in the
same side with a reflector at opposite end to pass the light through the
flue gas twice.

Point in-situ transmissometer type analysers have been developed in

which the light source and detector are carried at opposite ends of a rigid
tube. The tube contains a series of slots which allows the passage of PM-
laden flue gas through the tube and hence between the light source and
detector. This arrangement overcomes some of the problems associated
with the cross duct systems with regard to alignment of sender and
receiver and differential expansion caused by temperature variations, and
stack vibrations.
Limitations of measurement: Transmissometry (Opacity monitors) is
used extensively worldwide to monitor, “Opacity”. This is particularly true
in the utility and power generation industries. Adoption of opacity
monitors for particulate matter monitoring in stacks is less universal due
to their inapplicability to the lower levels of particulate now found in
industrial processes. Industries where Opacity monitors are still well
accepted are the power, cement and steel industries due to their historical
experience in satisfying opacity requirements. There are a number of
Opacity instruments with TUV approvals for particulate measurement.
The certification ranges for opacity monitor are dependent on path length.
The measuring range of 0-1000mg/m3 is suggested for a path length of
0.5 to 15 mt. However, low range i.e. 0 to 10 mg/Nm3 can be monitored
in stack with minimum 5m path length. The limitations of technologies are
widely accepted.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

- It cannot monitor particulate levels below 25mg/m 3 per meter path-

length in general, as at low concentrations the reduction in the light
beam caused by the particles is indistinguishable from the zero drift of
the source/detector (i.e. variation in the intensity of the receiver with no
dust conditions). This limitation makes the instrument unsuitable for
many well abated emission applications (e.g. after a bag filter).
- The system is sensitive to dust contamination on the lens surfaces
since it is not possible to distinguish between the reduction in light
caused by dust in the stack and dust on the lenses. In practice a curtain
of air (provided by a blower) is injected into the transmitter and receiver
heads to keep the lens surfaces clean.
- Systems without retro-reflectors (i.e. non double-pass) are sensitive to
misalignment between the transmitter and receiver.
- The calibration of the instrument changes with changes in the particle
 Particle type and refractive index (mainly changes the amount of
light scattering)
 Particle colour mainly changes the amount of light absorbed
 Particle size and shape (changes the amount of light scattering)
manifests itself in requiring a number of regression curves to be
calculated at differing process conditions and differing fuels used
for combustion.
- Water vapour and water droplets absorb light over the light frequency
range used by opacity monitors and therefore opacity instruments are
not suitable for stacks with flue gas below dew point or containing water
droplets from wet collectors. This makes opacity monitors unsuitable
for monitoring particulate matter emissions from coal fired power plant
applications where Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) plant is not fitted
with stack reheat (wet FGD).
b) Light scattering: In this system the amount of light scattered by the
particles in a specific direction is measured. Forward, side or back scatter
are a function of the angle of scattered light that is measured by the
detector. Light scattering techniques (especially forward scatter) are

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

capable of measuring dust concentrations several magnitudes smaller

than that measured by transmissometers.
When light is directed toward a particle, the particle may both absorb and
scatter the light, deflecting it from its incident path. An opacity monitor or
transmissometer measures the intensity of light that is not scattered.
Other instruments have been developed to measure the scattered light.
The intensity of the scattered light depends on the angle of observation,
the size of the particle, its refractive index and shape, and the wavelength
of the incident light. Both in-situ and extractive analysers of this type have
been developed. A light beam is passed through the Particulate Matter
(PM) laden flue gas. Absorption and scatter attenuate the light. Light
scatter analysers measure the intensity of the scattered light at a
predetermined angle to the beam direction. The amount of light scattered
in any direction is dependent on the size distribution and shape of the
dust particles. Variations in the intensity of the light source and sensitivity
of the detector are compensated for by the use of a reference beam, in
the opposite phase to the measuring beam, onto the photoelectric
Scatter light measurement is a more sensitive measurement method for
low dust loading. Opacity measurement at low loading is limited by the
requirement to measure very small variations in the light received on the
axis from the transmitter. Scatter light analysers measure only the
scattered light and do not have to deal with the small variation in a large
amount of transmitted light.
Instruments can be based on the forward scatter, side scatter or back
scatter principles, and can be in-situ, point in-situ or extractive. This type
of analysers can claimed to be more accurate for measure low PM
concentrations of upto 1mg/m3
Limitations of technology: Side Scatter or Back Scatter instruments are
used in low dust concentration applications, such as those found in Power
plant, Lead Smelters and Incinerators equipped with bag house as
pollution control systems. Their technical limitations are as follows:

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

 The calibration is affected by changes in particle size and type of

particle. For example, with absorbing particles (such as black fly
ash) the response of a Back Scatter device is reduced by a factor
of 20% from peak response when the particle size changes from
0.8µm to 0.7µm. The peak response for non-absorbing particles is
three times greater than for absorbing particles.
 Back and Side Scatter devices are less sensitive than Forward
Scattering devices although can still provide sensitivity of less than
 In-situ light scattering instruments cannot differentiate between
water aerosols and solid particles
c) Probe Electrification (Non-
Optical): The electrical current
produced by particles interacting
with a grounded rod protruding
across the stack/duct is measured
and correlated to dust
concentration. Charge induction
(AC Tribolectric and Electro
Dynamic) and DC Triboelectric
instruments are types of probe
electrification devices in which
different signal and current analysis are performed. The Probe
Electrification techniques are not all the same and should not be confused
by each other. Electro Dynamic systems are used in Europe as
Compliance devices due to their inherent reliability, repeatability and self-
check capability.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Consideration should be taken when selecting Probe Electrification

instruments. It should not be used after Electrostatic Precipitators as the
action of the filter can affect the charge characteristics of the measured
particulate causing errors in the instruments readings. Incase Tribo probe
is mounted above ESP, then a Faraday Shield is placed around the entire
probe length and grounded to negate the charge of flue gas particles
emerging from the ESP field. All three techniques are highly sensitive and
are responsive at low concentrations below 1mg/m3. The stack diameter
may be a limiting factor in probe electrification technique. The probe
length shall cover atleast half diameter to make representative sampling.

Sticky, moist flue gases always pose threat to the performance, as the
surface of the probe gets easily coated and restrict the charge exchange
resulting in poor performance. Frequent cleaning and maintenance is

d. Optical Scintillation
Optical scintillation, like light extinction, utilizes a light source and a
remote receiver that measures the amount of received light. The
difference is that the scintillation monitor uses a wide beam of light, no
focusing lenses, and the receiver measures the modulation of the light
frequency due to the movement of particles through the light beam and
not the extinction of light. The principles at work here are that the particles

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

in a gas stream will momentarily interrupt the light beam and cause a
variation in the amplitude of the light received (scintillation). The greater
the particle concentration in the gas stream the greater the variation in
the amplitude of the light signal received. The scintillation monitor must
be calibrated to manual gravimetric measurements at the specific source
on which it is installed. Little advance against opacity as it reduces zero
and upscale drift with modulated light to eliminate effects of stray or
ambient light. The transmitter and receiver are located on opposite sides
of the duct; therefore, this instrument also measures across-stack PM
concentration. The instrument response increases with PM concentration
and can be correlated by comparison to manual gravimetric data.

Table 1: The advantages and disadvantages Optical Scintillation

Advantages Disadvantages
Low price Measures secondary particles as PM
Easy to install properties of PM
Adversely affected by
Particle size, density, shape change
Low maintenance The cleaning of receiver in a dirty stack is an
Sensitivity to little high Not Sensitive to low PM concentration
Perform better in dry stack Measures liquid drops as PM;

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

B. Extractive systems
The presence of water droplets in saturated gas streams below the dew
point i.e., after wet collectors will affect the monitoring response of all in-
situ technologies to an extent where calibrated results cannot be
guaranteed. In these instances, extractive systems must be used. The two
common methods for measuring in wet stacks are: -
a) Beta Attenuation: The moving gas stream is sampled and the particulate
is collected onto a filter. The filter is advanced periodically (typically every
15 minutes) into a measurement chamber, so that radioactive Beta
particles can be passed through the sample and the amount of Beta
particles transmitted through the sample is measured. The advantage of
this technique is that the absorption of radioactivity is not significantly
affected by the type of particle (although particles with different Nucleonic
density have different responses).

b) Extractive Light Scatter: The flue gas is extracted (recommended under

isokinetic conditions) and then passed into a heater unit to evaporate any
water or water vapour below dew point water before measurement in an
external light scattering chamber. A Forward Light scattering technique is
normally used in the chamber. Extractive systems have been designed to
overcome the problematic issues of sample handling on a continuous

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

5.1.1 Requirements of an efficient on-line PM CEMS

One of the fundamental issues in obtaining good results from particulate
matter measuring instruments is to ensure that the instrument fits for purpose
of the intended application. This means that the instrument: -
1. Must have a stable, reliable response, which can be directly correlated to
dust concentration with limited cross interference from likely changes in
process or flue gas conditions. Certified products provide guidance on the
application suitability of different instruments. Manufacturers should be
contacted for more detailed guidance on the application suitability of a
specific type of instrument. Industry is responsible for the selection of
appropriate technology for measurement of emission as per CPCB
2. Can operate over a long duration in the application without the need for
frequent maintenance or cleaning. The Maintenance Interval as stated in
the certificate can provide guidance on servicing issues. The maintenance
and calibration schedules suggested by manufacturer should be followed
3. The system has sufficient resolution for the intended application. The
systems certificates state the ranges in mg/Nm3 for the instrument which
is the lowest dust range at which the instrument will still meet the required
performance standards.
4. Instrument measuring range selection: The Measuring Range should be
2.5 to 3.0 times of Prescribed Standard value. i.e. if Prescribed Standard

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

for PM parameter is 50 mg/Nm3 then selected Instrumental Measuring

range should be in between 0-125 or 0-150mg/Nm3.
The span calibration (for gaseous parameters) should be performed at 60
to 80% of the selected instrumental measurement range.
5. The minimum detection level of the instrument should be considered in
relation to the normal operating condition of the plant to ensure a
meaningful stable response from the instrument at normal plant conditions
which can then be calibrated.
6. The operating technology should be suitable for the type of Filtration
system (pollution control system) used, the diameter of the stack or duct,
the dust loading and any other additional parameters (like corrosiveness,
stickiness, moisture, etc.) that may affect the operation of the PM CEMS
i.e. for applications with entrained water droplets an extractive PM CEMS
which conditions the wet gas stream to remove the entrained liquid must
be used to obtain quantitative results.

5.2 Techniques/ Instrumentation for Online Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring

The extractive type of emission gas analyzers available are:
1. Non Dispersive Infrared (NDIR)
Many gaseous pollutants absorb light energy in one or more regions of the
spectrum. Sulphur dioxide / Nitric Oxide / Carbon Monoxide and a wide range
of other gases absorb infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation. Each type of
pollutant molecule absorbs light at a characteristic wavelength, and therefore
it can be distinguished from other pollutant species.
Continuous emission monitors using this principle apply the Beer-Lambert
Law, which states that the transmittance of light (i.e., the ratio of the intensities
of the transmitted and incident light) through a medium that absorbs it is
decreased exponentially.
Hetero-atomic gaseous molecules, which contain two or more dissimilar
atoms in the molecule, display unique absorption characteristics in the
infrared region of the spectrum. Homo-atomic molecules containing only one
type of atom within the molecule do not produce characteristic vibrations
when exposed to light in the infrared region; therefore, they cannot be
measured by this technique.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

By using this principle an instrument can be designed to measure pollutant

gas concentrations. Non-dispersive photometry analysers using infrared
(NDIR) have been developed for monitoring a wide range of gases.
Simple non-dispersive infrared analysers use filters or other methods to
measure the absorption of light over a relatively small range of wavelengths
centered at an absorption peak of the molecule of interest. In a simple NDIR
analyser, infrared light is emitted from a source such as a heated coil or other
type of infrared radiator. The light is transmitted through two gas cells: a
reference cell and a sample cell. The reference cell contains a gas such as
nitrogen or argon that does not absorb light at the wavelength used in the
instrument. A sample of the gas is passed through the sample cell of the
instrument. As the infrared beam passes through the sample cell, pollutant
molecules will absorb some of the light. As a result, when the light emerges
from the end of the sample cell it has less energy than when it entered. It will
also have less energy than the light emerging from the reference cell. The
energy difference is detected by a detector. The ratio of the detector signals
from the two cells gives the light transmittance, which can be related to the
pollutant gas concentration.
Simple non-dispersive infrared analysers are still supplied for applications
where only one gaseous species is to be monitored. They are relatively low
cost, reliable and robust. A limitation of analysers based on this principle is
that gases that absorb light in the same spectral region as the gas of interest
will cause a positive interference in the measurement.
Water vapour are strongly absorbing in the infrared region and must be
removed from the sample before the gas enters the analyser. One solution to
this problem is to use absorption cells arranged in series, as in the O2
detector. The NDIR analysers combine with O2 measurement for online
continuous correction / normalization for any diluent of emission gases being
measured by CEMS system.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Figure 5.2 : NDIR System

2. Photoacoustic Detector
A variant of the pneumatic detector technique is the photoacoustic detector.
Analysers based on this principle of operation monitor acoustic waves
resulting from the absorption of chopped light by molecules in a sealed sample
In a light-absorbing molecule, when vibrational-rotational energy dissipates
absorbed light energy into kinetic energy, the pressure will increase in the
sealed chamber in which they are confined. If the light beam is turned on and
off, the pressure will alternately increase and decrease, producing a pressure
pulse or acoustic signal. In practice this is achieved by placing a rotating
chopper between the light source and the measurement chamber. When the
chopper produces pulses between 20Hz and 20 KHz frequency, the pressure
pulse can be detected by sensitive microphones.
By placing different optical filters in a carousel located between the chopper
and measurement chamber, a range of organic and inorganic compounds can
be measured at ppb levels. In the photoacoustic technique light absorption is
measured directly, so if there is no absorbing gas in the measurement cell, no
pressure pulse will be generated. If some gas is present, some sound will be
generated and if more gas is present more sound will be generated.
The technique does not provide continuous analysis, as the sample must be
sealed in the measurement chamber before the analysis sequence can begin.
This cycle typically takes40 seconds to complete five determinants.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

3. Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) NDIR

A type of NDIR technique, which is widely used in in-situ monitors, is also
applied to extractive system analysers. The gas filter correlation (GFC)
technique uses a reference cell that contains a 100% concentration of the
pollutant of interest, instead of the 0% concentration in the techniques
discussed previously. Radiation from an infrared source passes through a
filter wheel, which contains a neutral gas, such as N2, in one cell and the gas
of interest in the other cell. The light is then passed through a modulator that
creates an alternating signal.
When the instrument is operating the filter wheel is continuously rotating.
When light passes through the gas filter it will be attenuated. The gas filter
contains enough of the target gas to remove most of the light at the
wavelength where the target gas absorbs. The gases not absorbed at
selected wavelengths are not removed and are passed on to the detector.
The net result is reduction of light energy reaching the detector. When the
light passes through the neutral cell its intensity is not reduced. If a sample of
gas containing the target pollutant is introduced into the sample cell the
molecules will absorb light energy at the absorption wavelength of the target
gas. Because the gas filter was chosen to absorb energy at the same
wavelengths, the absorption is already complete in the gas filter cell beam,
and the detector will see the same signal as it did when the sample cell
contained zero gas. The beam passing through the N2 side however will carry
less energy because light is absorbed by the target gas in the sample cell.
The difference between the two beams is monitored, and can be related to
the concentration of the gas of interest in the sample. Other gases having
spectral patterns in the same regions as the target gas will not affect the
measurement, as they do not correlate. Moisture has absorption and needs
to be removed and adequate correction is required.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Figure 5.2.a: Gas Filter Correlation NDIR

4. Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS)
Another non-dispersive method measures light absorption at different
wavelengths, those at which the molecule absorbs energy and those that do
not. In this system a reference wavelength is used instead of a reference cell.
The system can monitor SO2, NO2, HCl, HF, CO, CO2 and NH3 in stack
emissions. These parameters are however selective to UV/IR-DOAS
technology. The extractive UV-DOAS system can also measure gaseous
mercury when fitted with heated sample gas probe, heated gas transfer line
and also heated measuring cell after conversion of total gaseous mercury into
elemental mercury.

Figure 5.2.b: Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

5. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Infrared-active gases, such as CO2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2, HCl, HF, VOC, H2O,
can be measured simultaneously using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy
(FTIR spectroscopy). Unlike in traditional spectroscopy, the absorption
spectrum is not recorded by means of dispersive elements such as lattices or
prisms, but using an interferometer arrangement.
Most FTIR spectrometers are based on the Michelson interferometer which
has the function of a mono-chromator. The radiation hits a beam splitter which
reflects 50 % of the radiation and transmits the remaining 50%. The reflected
and transmitted beams hit two mirrors which are perpendicular to one another
and are reflected back to the beam splitter. The beam splitter recombines the
two reflected beams into one. The recombined beam is passed through a cell
filled with the gas component to be measured and then focused on an IR
Continuously shifting one of the mirrors opposite the beam splitter produces
differences in the optical path length which the two beams have to cover on
the way back to the beam splitter. This difference (path difference of the
interferometer) produces interference in the recombined beam which results
in the fundamental coding. The shifting makes the interference signal (local
intensity distribution) variable (interferogram). This means the interferogram
contains all the information about the spectrum in encrypted form. The
absorption of the modulated IR radiation in the measurement cell means that
the interferogram contains all the spectral information at the same time.
A mathematical Fourier transformation into the IR range (demodulation) is
then applied to the interferogram recorded. By comparing the IR spectrum
recorded to a reference spectrum, the FTIR spectrometer can quantitatively
detect a number of IR-active measured objects, depending on the software
version used. Once the instrument has been calibrated the calibration data
are stored as a spectral library, which is stored as software. Essentially the
FTIR technique provides a ‘signature’ of the total absorption spectrum of the
sample gas over a broad spectral range. Instruments typically works in
wavelength range from 2.5 to25μm.
This FTIR is an advanced technology and works on Hot Wet Technique
completely heated at 180ºCand has wide applications due to multi gas
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

measurement over the IR spectrum of 2 to 25 μm and can measure CO, CO2,

SO2, NO, NO2, HCl, HF, NH3, H2O, VOC, etc. For monitoring of low
concentration of NH3, HCl and HF extractive system is preferred. Additional
modules of O2& VOC can also be integrated into the online measurement.
Best suited for wet process with high moisture even as high as 50 – 60 Vol%
in background eg. Waste Incineration, waste to power, process like Dry
Cement, process using alternative fuels like pet coke, waste, bio mass, etc.
The minimum detection limit (MDL) is in parts per billion (10-9 ratio at
atmospheres), when resolution is 0.5 cm-1 and optical path is 100m (Table 2).

Table 2: Minimum Detection Limit of FTIR Method for different compounds

Sl. Frequency MDL
Compound Remarks
No (cm-1) (PPB)
1. Carbon 2363 0.4 MDL is 0.4 ppb if no other CO2 is
Dioxide present. In air, the minimum
(CO2) detectable change in CO2 would be
about 50 ppb
2. Carbon 2200-2100 2.0 Array of lines
3. Hydrogen 3050-2700 1.5 Array of lines
4. Nitric Oxide 1920-1870 4.0 Array of lines

5. Nitrogen 2210 1.0 Array of Lines

6. Sulfur 1361 2.0 Spike; water must be carefully
Dioxide (SO2) subtracted

7. Water (H2O) 1700-1400 5.0 MDL is 5 ppb if no other water is

present. In Humid air, the minimum
detectable change in water content
would be 1000 ppb.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

6. Non Dispersive Ultraviolet (NDUV)

The characteristics of light in the ultraviolet (UV) region of the spectrum
(shorter wavelength, higher energy) lead to molecular electronic transitions
when the light is absorbed. Absorption of ultraviolet photons excites the
electrons of the atoms within the molecule to a higher energy state. The
excited electrons quickly loose the energy by returning to the ground state by
one of four methods; dissociation, where absorption of high-energy photons
can cause the electron to leave the molecule completely, causing it to
fragment; re-emission, where an identical photon is re-emitted as the electron
decays back to its ground state; fluorescence, where a photon is emitted at a
lower frequency than the original absorption as the electron decays back to
its ground state, causing the gas to appear to glow.
Analysers that are designed to operate in the UV region typically employ the
differential absorption technique. Analysers designed to measure SO2
measure UV light absorption at a wavelength in the SO2 absorption band
centered at 285nm. This is then compared to the absorption at the wavelength
region of 578nm where there is no SO2 absorption.
Differential absorption NDUV instruments have proven to be very reliable in
source monitoring applications and can also measure both NO & NO2
simultaneously without need of NOX Converter. The technique has lower
interferences but cannot measure other pollutants like CO / CO2.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

7. Ultraviolet Fluorescence
Ultraviolet fluorescence analysers for SO2 are based on the absorption of UV
light at one specific wavelength by the SO2 molecules, and its re-emission at
a different wavelength. Commercially available instruments contain either a
continuous or pulsed source of UV radiation. Filters are used to produce a
narrow waveband around 210nm. The light (photon) emitted from the exited
molecules is passed through a filter and then to a detector photomultiplier
tube. The amount of light received at the specific wavelength is directly
proportional to the number of SO2 molecules and is a measure of
concentration in the measurement cell, provided the sample flow rate is tightly
controlled. A problem with this measurement principle is the 'quench effect'
caused by the capture of the emitted radiation from the SO2 molecules by
other molecules present in the gas e.g. CO2, O2, N2, etc. The quenching effect
varies depending on the molecule involved and it is therefore very difficult to
compensate for this effect when the matrix gas containing SO 2 has a time
variable composition, e.g. a boiler flue gas. This effect has limited the use of
this type of analyser for emission monitoring purposes, however it has found
wide application as an ambient air analyser for SO2 where the matrix gas, i.e.
ambient air, does not vary significantly in composition.
UV fluorescence analysers can be used for emission monitoring purposes at
Large Combustion Plants (LCPs) if a high ratio dilution sampling system as
described earlier is used. In case of measurement ofSO2 concentrations in
the stack gases, the quality of the dilution air significantly affects the
measurement result. Besides inability to measure components like O2, CO,
CO2, etc. is its limitation compared to other techniques like NDIR/NDUV with
capacity for multi gas measurements.

8. Flame Photometry
Flame photometry analysers are specified in Environment Agency Technical
Guidance NoteM2 for the measurement of total sulphur. The technique is non-
selective, and is not specific to SO2. It is therefore rarely used for continuous
monitoring, but is a popular technique for Total Sulfur measurement as an
online ASTM Technique.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

9. Chemiluminescence Analysers
Chemiluminescence is the emission of light energy that results from a
chemical reaction. It was found in the late 1960s that the reaction of nitric
oxide (NO) and ozone (O3) produced infrared radiation from about 500 to
3000nm. It lost its status due to interferences/ Quench Effect of CO2/Moisture
and additional accessories like Ozone generators, pumps etc besides inability
to measure measurement components like SO2, CO, CO2, etc. compared to
other techniques like NDIR/NDUV which can do multi gas measurements.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) does not participate in this reaction and must be
reduced to NO before it can be measured by this method. Most commercial
analysers contain a converter that catalytically reduces NO2 to NO. The NO
(converted from NO2) plus the original NO in the sample is then reacted with
O3 as described above to give a total NO + NO2 (NOx) reading.
Chemiluminescence monitors are well established for the monitoring of NOx.
The method is also well established for ambient air monitoring. These
monitors have very low detection limits (of around 0.1 ppm) and a wide range
(up to 10,000 ppm), plus a short response time of a few seconds. This type of
system has found wide acceptance in Ambient Measurement for very low
concentration levels. In North America the system is used with conventional
sampling systems and also with high ratio dilution samplers. For high
concentration stack gases, the system is not popular in Europe as it requires
dilution technique for diluting the high concentrations in Stack gas by
extractive dilution system.

Figure 5.2.c: Chemiluminescence Analysis

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

10. Derivative/Laser Spectroscopy

Derivative/LASER spectroscopy involves scanning a spectral absorption
peak and obtaining its second derivative or higher derivatives with respect to
wavelength at the peak maxima. The derivative peak is measured, and this
has the effect of increasing the detection sensitivity of the measurement. In
analysers using this technique either the originating light from the light source
is modulated or the light seen at the detector is modulated. This modulation
produces a signal at the detector that is dependent on the shape of the
absorption curve of the molecules.
Scanning over the absorption spectrum produces harmonics of the absorption
line. The second harmonic of the signal is usually used to measure the
concentration of the absorbing gas. The amplitude of the second harmonic is
proportional to the second derivative of the intensity with respect to the
Tunable diode lasers (TDL) have been used in extractive, path in-situ, point
in-situ and close-coupled monitoring designs using second derivative
detection techniques. A simple diode laser system can employ the differential
absorption technique, tuning the laser to different wavelengths by changing
the laser temperature or its driving current.
Large interferences of gases may influence the measured concentration. This
is due to line broadening effect as a result of molecular collisions. Different
types of molecule may broaden the absorption line differently. Modern TDL
analysers automatically compensate for this effect using digital filtering
An interesting aspect of the technique is its ability to measure oxygen
concentration. As mentioned previously, homo-atomic molecules such as
O2do not exhibit unique absorption characteristics in the infrared region of the
spectrum. By using the derivative spectroscopic technique, the spin of
electron is modified can be detected.
If oxygen is to be monitored using this technique, it is important to use pure
nitrogen rather than air to purge the sensor ‘windows’, as the presence of
oxygen in the purge gas will interfere with the measurement. Alternatively, it
may be possible to correct the interference introduced by the purge air by
calculation. In this technique the total path length, the path length containing
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

purge air, the path length containing flue gases and the temperature of the
purge air and flue gases are measured, and the data are used to discriminate
between oxygen present in the purge air and oxygen in the flue gases.
Advance TDL techniques like CRDS (cavity ring down spectroscopy) or ICOS
(Cavity Off-Axis Spectroscopy) are very stable at as low as ppb levels.

11. Flame Ionization Detector

The Flame Ionization Detector (FID) is the standard method for the
measurement of Total Hydro Carbon (THC) / Total Organic Carbon (TOC)/
Total Volatile Organic Carbon (TVOC). The FID is capable of sensing most
organic compounds and because of its relatively high sensitivity; it has
become widely used in environmental applications.
In a typical FID the gas sample enters the base of a combustion chamber,
where it is mixed with either hydrogen or a mixture of hydrogen or O210% and
helium. A mixture of hydrogen and helium is used in order to reduce oxygen
synergistic effects; however, more fuel gas is required with this approach
resulting in shortened operating times. An alternative technique employs
ceramic material to construct the burner nozzle; in this case pure hydrogen
may be used for the fuel gas. The mixture is burned in a jet with oxygen.
The flame produces ions and free electrons. A current is applied between the
burner and a collector plate, and the ions and free electrons increase the
current flow in the circuit, which is sensed by an electrometer. The current is
approximately proportional to the number of carbon atoms entering the flame;
as the response of the detector is slightly different for different types of organic
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

compounds, the detector must be calibrated for the compounds being

analysed to achieve the best accuracy.
The FID is selective and convenient to use in source sampling applications,
since it does not respond significantly to other gases in the sample such as
N2, water vapour, CO, SO2 and NO. However organic compounds that contain
nitrogen, oxygen or halogen atoms may give a reduced response. The FID
based system applicable for CEMS is hot- wet extractive, as a heated

12. Photo Ionisation Detector

In a photo ionisation detector (PID), a light in the UV region of the spectrum
ionises organic molecules. The major components of the flue gas sample
such as O2, CO, N2, CO2 and water vapour are not ionised by the UV source.
A typical PID analyser consists of a UV lamp and a pair of electrodes to
measure the current proportional to the concentration.
Different molecules require different energies to photoionise, and the
frequency of the light used in the PID may not ionise all of the organic species
present in the sample.
PIDs are used in conjunction with gas chromatographs, or alone as portable
analysers, where the technique can be used to produce extremely rugged and
compact instruments. However, as the PID technique can be non-selective,
analysers of this type are usually used as screening devices.

13. Gas Chromatography

Gas Chromatography (GC) is used to isolate the individual components of a
mixture of organic and inorganic compounds from each other for subsequent
identification and quantitative analysis. GC is based on the selective
distribution of compounds between a stationary phase and a mobile phase
(carrier gas). In the process, the moving gas phase passes over a stationary
material that is selected to adsorb the organic molecules contained in the
sample gas depending on polarity. The stationary phase can be either liquid
or solid, and is contained in a long thin tube, commonly known as a ‘column’.
Columns are made from fused silica, glass or stainless steel.
In an ideal column operated under ideal conditions, each molecular species
will exit the column at a different time depending upon molecular weight and
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

polarity. Selecting the appropriate column and operating it under the

appropriate temperature with a suitable carrier gas flow rate will enable
separation of the gas sample into its individual components. It should be noted
that the technique is not truly continuous.
The compounds separated in a chromatographic column must be detected
and quantified using appropriate detectors considering their sensitivity to the
parameter being analyzed. Many types of detectors are available and the
most commonly used for source monitoring applications being TCD, FID, PID,
FPD, etc.
Analysers based on the principle of gas chromatography are complex and
expensive. Although portable versions are available, they are not often used
for the continuous measurement of organic compounds in emissions to
atmosphere from LCPs and waste. Gas Chromatography techniques have
been most popular technique in the Petroleum Refining/Petrochem industry
for process measurements.

14. Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) Analyzer for Oxygen measurement

Analysers using ZrO2 for the measurement of oxygen concentration in flue
gases can either be in-situ, i.e., the measurement cell is in the stack;
extractive on-stack, i.e., the cell is mounted on the stack with a sampling
probe protruding into the flue gas; or extractive with the cell mounted in an
analyser some distance from the stack.
In this method ceramic material, Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) coated with a thin
layer of platinum, acts as an electrolyte to allow the transfer of oxygen from
one side of the cell to the other. In the cell the oxygen concentration in the
reference side is maintained at 21%. When the sample side of the cell is
exposed to flue gases, the oxygen concentration in the sample side will be
less than in the reference side. When ZrO2 is heated to around 600°C, oxygen
ions can migrate through the material, releasing electrons in the process. This
results in the generation of an electromotive force, which is proportional to the
difference in oxygen concentration between the two sides of the cell. If the
reference oxygen concentration is known, the sample concentration can be
calculated. The main characteristics of these analysers are:
 Very accurate and reliable measurement of O2;

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

 A fast response time (for in-situ measurement) makes it ideal for

process control applications;
 It is a well-understood technology with examples at most boiler plants
(for combustion control);
 It has a low capital cost and low maintenance;
 The measurement is on a wet basis. The level of water vapour must be
known to calculate the concentration on a dry basis.

It should be noted that the electrical output of the ZrO2 cell is zero when both
sides of the cell contain ambient air. The output of the cell increases as the
oxygen content in the sample side of the cell is reduced. Thus it is normal
practice to ‘zero’ ZrO2analysers at the ‘air point’, i.e, 21% oxygen.

15. Paramagnetic Analysers for Oxygen measurement

These extractive type analysers make use of the paramagnetic properties of
oxygen for the measurement of concentration. Oxygen has a relatively strong
permanent magnetic moment, which can be used to influence flow patterns
of sample gas within an analyser.
The general characteristics of the extractive paramagnetic analysers are:
 Accurate and reliable measurement;
 Measure on a dry basis as part of an extractive system, therefore
providing correct reference values for other extractive systems;

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

 Can be installed in the same sampling train as other analysers making

use of common components, e.g. coolers, filters etc. This also ensures
that sample contamination by air in-leakage to the sampling system is
taken into account; and
 Usually situated adjacent to other analysers, so can be part of an
integrated monitoring package.

The types of paramagnetic analysers available are:

15.1 Paramagnetic Thermo-magnetic (Magnetic Wind) Analysers for

Oxygen measurement
This method uses the temperature dependence of para-magnetism to
generate a magnetically induced gas flow (magnetic wind), which is then
measured. The sample gas to be analysed flows through a two-chamber
system, consisting of sample and reference chambers. The two chambers
hold temperature-dependent resistors that form part of a wheat stone bridge
having thermodynamically identical conditions. The sample chamber is
located in the field of a permanent magnet, while the reference chamber is
The bridge is connected to a constant current source. When oxygen-free gas
flows through both chambers, the thermodynamic conditions in both
chambers remain identical. If the gas in the sample chamber contains O2, an
enhanced circulatory flow proportional to O2 content is established in the
sample chamber. This disturbs the temperature dependent balance of the
bridge circuit creating a DC signal proportional to O 2 content of the sample
These analysers have a low maintenance requirement and are generally
cheaper than other types of paramagnetic analysers. Because of the
dependence of the principle on the thermal conductivity and specific heat of
the sample gas, the composition of the background gas must be taken into
account during calibration. The response time is also relatively slow.

15.2 Paramagnetic Automatic Null-Balance Analysers

The oxygen molecules in a flowing gas sample will establish a partial pressure
gradient in a magnetic field. This gradient can be used to exert a force on a
small dumbbell shaped body located within the field. The torque on the

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

dumbbell causes a displacement that is detected by a mirror and photocell

assembly, which measures its angular position. Compensation current
produced as a function of this position results in an electromagnetic torque
counter acting the measurement torque and tries to restore the dumbbell to
its original position. This compensation current is proportional to the O2
content of the sample gas.
This measurement principle can achieve high sensitivity and accuracy.
Analysers of this type have become a standard for flue gas analysis and are
also type approved for emission monitoring.

Figure 5.2.d: Magnetic Null-Balance Analysis

16. Electrochemical Fuel Cells for Oxygen Measurement

In recent years a wide range of portable flue gas analysers based on
electrochemical fuel cell technology are available. In certain multi-component
analyser applications, O2measurement is made using these cells. A typical
cell used for the measurement would be of the metal air battery type
comprising an anode, electrolyte and an air cathode.
Reaction takes place at the anode and cathode. During reaction, current is
generated which is proportional to the oxygen content of the sample gas. The
cross sensitivities of this cell are minimal and the use of gas filters, as used
for CO or SO2 measurement with electrochemical cells, is not normally
required. Additionally, the problem of overloading (where the concentration is
well above the measurement range) that causes problems for other sensors

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

is not a problem for the O2 cell due to the nature of the combustion process,
as O2 concentration in excess of 21 % are not possible.
Recent advances have led to O2 cells designed for continuous use that have
been incorporated into the continuous analysers discussed above.
Measurement of O2 would appear to be the most reliable and accurate
measurement that can be made with flue gas analyser using fuel cell
technology. This is approved technique with TUV/MCERT for O2
measurement for normalization of CEMS measurement as it does not monitor
pollutant but O2 as a diluant for normalization.


Most commercially available flue gas flow monitors operate using one of the
five principles for measuring velocity and volumetric flow: ultrasonic pulse
detection, differential pressure, thermal detection (convective cooling),
audible acoustic detection and optical scintillation. The five varieties of flow
monitors are stack or duct mounted and operate as a component (including a
microcomputer, pressure transmitters, and temperature transmitters) of a
system. Other types of flow monitoring systems are available:

6.1 Ultrasonic Flow Monitors

The volumetric flow rate of stack gas is measured by transmitting ultrasonic
pulses across the stack in both directions. Ultrasonic flow monitors are also
available in probe design with the instrument being installed on one side of
the stack only, while having a shorter measurement length to cross stack
instruments; these instruments have the advantage of not needing mounting
and platforms at two different heights on the stack.




Figure 6.1: Ultrasonic Flow Monitor

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

The tone pulses are accelerated or retarded due to the gas velocity in the
stack. The time required for traversing the distance of the stack with and
against the flow is a function of the sound velocity and the effluent velocity.
Stack flow can be calculated based on the difference in the time required to
traverse the stack in both directions. The ultrasonic pulses must traverse the
stack or duct at a minimum angle of 10 degrees; however, traverses between
angles of 40 and 70 degrees tend to provide the best results, as long as the
traverse path length is not so long that the ultrasonic pulses become difficult
to detect.

6.2 Differential Pressure Flow Monitors

The S-type Pitot tube is designed as per the design of Stausscheibe or
reverse type Pitot. The probe is constructed of two in-line tubes. The
sampling point of the probe consists of two opposing open faces
perpendicular to the traverse axis. A side view of the probe resembles two
stacked tubes with the ends tapered away from one another and the
openings planed parallel to the horizontal axis. The Fechheimer Pitot probe
consists of flow sensors mounted on two multipoint averaging manifolds. The
probe design consists of two manifolds (tubes) welded together with a truss
plate. The truss maintains a distance between the manifolds in a plane
perpendicular to the flow and the stack wall. One manifold averages multiple
points of impact pressure, and the other averages multiple points of wake
pressure. The impact and wake pressure averages are registered by the flow
transmitter. This technology is used in numerous gas flow monitoring
applications other than flue gas. Other types of noncontact flow monitors are
also available in market.

6.3 Thermal Flow Monitors

Thermal flow monitors measure the electric power required to maintain a
constant temperature of approximately 24 to 38ºC above the exhaust gas
temperature in a flow sensor. The monitors are available for both single-point
and multipoint analysis, and non- sensing components of the systems can
be constructed from various corrosion- resistant metals.

6.4 Infrared Correlation

Light based noncontact devices are also suitable for velocity measurement
in flue gas.
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table 3: Flow Meter Selection Matrix

Types of Flow (Velocity meter)
Parameters Impact Differential
Thermal Bi-directional Infrared
Pressure (Pitot Tube)
Irregular Flow Single point Multiport anemometer1 ultrasonic correlation
Wet stack ×    
Max Flue Gas Up to Up to 200 – 300 ºC 450° C - 850°C Up to 1000 ºC
Temperature 1200°C 12000°C (model specific) (model specific)
Low speed × 3 m/s ×  
High Speed × 35 - 50 m/s   
Calibration Factory Factory / Factory / Site Factory / Site Factory / Site
/ Site Site
1. Pressure Transmitter (PT) and Temperature Transmitter (TT) are not installed with a
Thermal Anemometer as it directly measures Mass Flow which is usually the required
quantity. However, for the purpose of ETS in Type 2 CEMS configuration, Volumetric Flow
is required and hence PT and TT are necessary to calculate density and convert mass flow
calculated by the anemometer to volumetric flow.
2. Can be accounted for by using multiple probes/sensors
3. Calibration depends on physical properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat) of the gas
whose flow is to be measured. Thus variation in properties of stack gas from factory
calibrated values can result in inaccurate measurement.


The suitability of the technologies/instrumentation for monitoring the stack
emission quality in different matrices, considering the limitations of the
technologies, the varying Indian environmental conditions were assessed.
Issues related to the utilities and maintenance required, operating costs, etc.,
wherever available were also considered. The parameters for online
monitoring for various sectors of industries are specified at Annexure-I. The
comparative chart depicting working limitations, including, specifications of
above said technologies for measurement of particulate matter and gaseous
pollutant is depicted in Table-4 and 5.

Table-6 depicts the composition analysis of available technologies for

measurement of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants, while Table-7
depicts CEMS technologies suitable for different categories of Industries.

The prevailing industry specific emission standard and stacks in industries

where CEMS are to be installed along with the CEMS options available for
monitoring are presented in Table-8.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table 4: PM CEMS Technology Applications and Limitations

Notes: (1) Concentration dependent (5) No water droplets (9) Using extractive wet stack monitoring system
(2) Representative Flow dependent (6) No filter-not advised (10) Advised with Faraday Shield/edge
(3) Application specific (7) Model specific
(4) Stack diameter dependent (8) Varing velocity range 8-20 m/sec
All Transmissometry and Scattered Light Instruments Must be provided with constant clean air purge supply

This information is meant as a guide and reflects the majority of technology limitations of instruments currently commercially available, however
specific models may offer decreased or increased capability the actual stack conditions will dictate instrument suitability
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table 5: Overview on Technical Selection & Suitability for Gaseous CEMS

Technique Type Comments& Limitations
Chimiluminescence Dilution NO, NOx, NO2* - Indirect method for NO2 measurement.
Extractive NO and NOX (NO + converted other
(Technology not Nitrogen oxides) measured in two cycles
suitable for other
*NO2 estimated as calculated (NOx -
parameters like
SO2, CO2, CO
- Used for stack emission measurement
with additional accessories like dilution
probe, sample transfer line, dilution air,
pumps and ozone generator.
Advantageous in industries where
heating probe and transfer lines are
avoided. i.e. refinery, Petro chemicals.
- Requires efficient purification system
for dilution air.
- Quench Effect of CO2/water vapour,
etc. maintaining Low Pressure becomes
UV Fluorescence Dilution SO2, H2S*, TRS* * H2S, TRS Cannot be measured
Extractive (Total Reduced simultaneously with SO2.
Sulphur) - Direct method for SO2
-Used for stack emission measurement
(Technology not with additional accessories like dilution
suitable for other probe, sample transfer line, dilution air,
emission pumps etc.
parameters like - Advantageous in industries where
NOx, CO2, CO heating probe and transfer lines are
etc.) avoided. i.e. refinery, Petro chemicals.
- Quench Effect of CO2/Moisture, etc.
maintaining Low Pressure becomes
NDIR (IR GFC, In-Situ CO, CO2, SO2, - A direct method for continuous
CFM-NDIR and &Extractive NOx,CH4, HCl, monitoring of multiple gases without any
NDIR) H2O etc. dilution.
- Suitable for high concentrations
Basic principle
follows IR (Infra- The IR technology has limitation that it
Red) spectroscopy can measure only NO. For
GFC or CFM are measurement of NOx a convertor to
applied techniques reduce other oxides of nitrogen to NO is
only. required.

- In-situ NDIR analyser uses Internal

optical filters (GFC) for removal of
interferences of other gases.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Technique Type Comments& Limitations
- In extractive NDIR Issue of disolution
and stripping of CO2/ SO2 can under
estimate the measured concentration, in
case calibration does not follow the
same system of sample transfer.
Maintaining Low Pressure becomes
NDUV In-situ and SO2, NO, NO2, - A direct method for continuous
Extractive NH3,Cl2, CS2, etc. monitoring of multiple gases suitable
upto2-3gas measurements without any
- Popular in harsh applications in wide
spectrum of Industrial process.
- For NH3 only Hot wet extractive system
is suitable.
Fourier Transformed Extractive CO, CO2, SO2, - A direct method for continuous
Infra-Red (FTIR) NO, NO2, N2O, monitoring of multiple gases up to 5 - 12
NH3,HF, HCl, gases using high end spectroscopy
CH4, Moisture technique.
(H2O), VOC, etc. - H2O measurement in FTIR
spectroscopy is necessary for moisture
- Uses Hot Wet Preferred technique for
complex stack gas matrix like waste
Incinerators or waste to power plants,
alternative fuels fired Cement Plants,
with high moisture and soluble gases.
- High Price, however, with multi
complex gases and integrated modules
like VOC, O2 makes it cost effective over
all solution.
- Ideal for very low concentration of NH3,
Differential Optical Open Path NO, NO2, SO2 - Suitable of monitoring of multiple
Absorption cross duct NH3, Hg with gases.
Spectroscopy DOAS- UV - Suitable for trace measurements
(DOAS) - Indirect measurement technique.
CO, CO2, HCl, - Stable, comparatively low calibration
CH4, VOC, H2O, requirements.
HF etc. - Measurement of Hg requires its
DOAS-IR conversion to elemental form for UV
DOAS for which the system is required
to be equipped with heated gas probe,
heated sample transfer line and heated
measurement cell. Removal of SO2
interference is essential in case of UV
measurement of mercury.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Technique Type Comments& Limitations
Flame Ionization Extractive Total HC (VOC) -Very selective technique for Total HC/
Requires H2 gas for flame and carrier
-Integrated with extractive Hot wet / cold
dry techniques.
Tunable Diode Laser Path CO, CO2, NH3, Usually selective laser techniques are
Moisture (H2O), not cost effective for single component.
HCl, HF, CH4, - Limitation in measuring SO2 and NOx
O2& H2S etc. due to lack of selectivity.
- Measurement of H2O for moisture
correction is necessary.
Electrochemical Extractive O2, CO/CO2, etc. -Not accepted for online stack emission
monitoring in Industries.

-Electrochemical sensor is a
consumable sensor, requires regular
replacement and gets influenced by
process stack background gas matrix.

- Also gets influenced by moisture, dust,

temperature, etc.
Zirconium Oxide / In-situ& O2 Widely used for boiler/ Stack O2
O2Cell Extractive correction/ Normalisation.
Paramagnetic Extractive O2 Stable and accurate.
(a) CEM Systems must have Flow (Velocity) measurement device installed
(b) Direct measurement systems for O2or CO2 as prescribed in respective standards
shall be installed.
(c) For hazardous waste incinerator and Biomedical waste incinerator O2, CO2, and CO
are important parameters to be monitored online.
(d) Any dilution extractive system must have CO2 measurement facility at source and
measuring point to prove the correctness of the selected dilution ratio.

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table 6: Comparative analysis of technologies available for measurement of Gaseous pollutant

Extractive NDIR/ IR DOAS (Differential TDLS FTIR
Type of In-situ NDIR & IR
Technology GFC
NDUV Spectroscopy)
How it works Gas is extracted Optical head is Emitter, Receiver Very small amount of gas Derivative Laser This methodology
from stack, directly mounted on mounted across the Extracted (Diluted) from spectroscopy which is strictly hot wet
transported to the stack, by stack. Xenon lamp stack to the analyser. scan the spectral extractive. FTIR is
sampling system, measuring light emits light, amount of Analyser normally used absorption peak a special type of
gas is conditioned absorbed the light absorbed at for AQM can be used and measure the spectroscopy in
and analyzed with a analyzer measures receiver sent to here. derivative peak which spectrum is
multi-gas NDIR the gases analyser through Optic respective to be further analysed
analyzer Fibre cable measurable through an
parameters. It may interferometric
be path insitu, close algorithm.
coupled, extractive
Advantage -Suitable for high -Suitable for high -can measure low and -can measure low and -Multi-parameter -It is multi
level of levels of high concentrations high concentrations monitoring is parameter
concentration. concentrations. -No sampling -sample is easy to dry possible monitoring
-Low failure rates as - Proper purging requirement, except for - Tuneable diode technique suitable
-Ambient analysers for most
analyzer is not system is mandatory mercury. technologies deployed. laser system is
exposed to outside sensitive and can parameters
-Difficult to maintain -Low maintenance as -Dilution ratio can be except O2.
conditions, at height there is no moving part. work in wet
varied to reduce the condition also. -suitable for most
-easy to maintain -Addition is very -Works well in harsh interferences.
when analyser is at - Advantageous for of the industries
simple, just new conditions like High except for those
ground, parameter moisture. Ammonia, HF, HCl
monitoring such as
-addition of new monitoring -Provide High Data petrochemical,
analyzer at a later arrangement alongwith H2O
capture rate. refineries etc.
date is easy. required. where possibility
-Single analyser can be
-usually requires -Usually requires of explosion and
used for multiparameter
more calibration more calibration safety is a
checks checks as the concern.
system works in -Requires less
-widely used calibration because of
technique in harsh harsh/rough
condition. low drift.
process applications
-useful with close
coupled technique

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Extractive NDIR/ IR DOAS (Differential TDLS FTIR

Type of In-situ NDIR & IR
Technology GFC
NDUV Spectroscopy)
Limitations -Installation takes -The complete - High Initial cost -More time required for - High cost - High cost
more time analyser system - Requires converter for calibration as the -Cannot measure
-slightly more along with calibration Hg for which only calibration gases will pass SO2 and NOx
expensive equipment needs to extractive system the complete system from
be installed at stack analyser till probe. .
should be used.
and would require - Nature of dust/ higher
adequate -Calibration frequency
requirement is low but dust concentration can
arrangement for impact the performance
maintenance and needs a separate
calibration bench. of critical orifice
-Maintaining dilution gas
-Cannot measure quality is challenging.
low levels,
-Individual analyser
-No expansion required for each
possible beyond the parameter.
capacity of one
device (Number of - Needs Air conditioned
filters in the system), room for instruments.
comparatively more
calibration gas,
-stack gas may
corrode the probe
and optics,
-water interference is
-Measures NO not
List of gases CO, CO2, NO. So2, CO, CO2, NO, So2, UV analyser- SO2, NO, SO2, NO, NO2 (NOx), CO CO,CO2,NH3,H2O, SO2,NO,NO2,CO,
that can be CH4, etc, Moisture CH4, HCl, Moisture NO2 Phenol, Cl2, HCL, HF,O2 a nd CO2, NH3,H2O,
measured (number of gases (Note IR based Formaldehyde, H2S HCL, HF and O2
limited to number of system does not Benzene, Hg
filters fitted in measure NO2 only
analyzer. calculates) IR analyser- CO, CO2,
(Note IR based NO2 monitoring HCL, HF, H2O, SO3,
system does not possible when NH3, N2O, CH4
measure NO2 only convertor is used

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Extractive NDIR/ IR DOAS (Differential TDLS FTIR

Type of In-situ NDIR & IR
Technology GFC
NDUV Spectroscopy)
NO2 monitoring
possible when
convertor is used
Approvals TUV / MCERT US EPA does not TUV, MCERTS and Only conforms to USEPA EU-TUV/MCERT EU-TUV/MCERT
approvals and recommend In-situ meets USEPA -Not approved / preferred
conforms to US system calibration protocols by EU-TUV/MCERT
Multiplexing NOT allowed as of NOT allowed as of NOT allowed as of now NOT allowed as of now NOT allowed as of NOT allowed as
possible Y/N now now now of now
Remote YES YES YES Yes Yes Yes
calibration Possible with Dilution mechanism has
Y/N installation of to be compatible
calibration bench at site
Manual YES YES YES YES Yes Yes
Effect of dust Higher effect but can Higher effect but can Low Low - -
be controlled at be controlled with Dilution probe clogging to
sampling point inbuilt mechanism be tackled
Effect of - Limited Temperature - Less than - -
temperature Works upto 500 400oC
Effect of - Limited Pressure - - - -
Effect of Nil as removed or Very much affected, If moisture over 40%, Gets affected at high - -
moisture Hot Wet need to measure instrument gets moisture conditions. Can
H2O online effected be controlled through
Cannot work below properly dried dilution air
dew point (below 95
Adjustment Not allowed Not allowed - Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
during Zero Zero and span Zero and span Zero and span check Zero and span check Zero and span Zero and span
and Span check data needs to check data needs to data needs to be data needs to be check data needs check data needs
Check be transferred at be transferred at real transferred at real time transferred at real time to be transferred at to be transferred
real time time real time at real time

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Extractive NDIR/ IR DOAS (Differential TDLS FTIR

Type of In-situ NDIR & IR
Technology GFC
NDUV Spectroscopy)
Calibration -Daily ZERO Check -Daily ZERO Check -Diagnostic check in -Daily ZERO Check -Diagnostic check -Daily ZERO
frequency -Weekly ZERO and -Weekly ZERO and every cycle -Weekly ZERO and in every cycle Check
SPAN Check SPAN Check -Quarterly ZERO and SPAN Check -Quarterly ZERO -Weekly ZERO
-Quarterly Linearity -Quarterly Linearity SPAN Check -Quarterly Linearity and SPAN Check and SPAN Check
Check Check -Yearly Linearity Check Check -Yearly Linearity -Quarterly
--After Major --After Major -After Major -After Major maintenance Check Linearity Check
maintenance Zero maintenance Zero maintenance Zero and Zero and SPAN -After Major -After Major
and SPAN and SPAN SPAN Calibration Calibration maintenance Zero maintenance Zero
Calibration Calibration and SPAN and SPAN
Calibration Calibration

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table7: Suitability of Gas CEM Technologies for Different Categories of Industries

Common Bio
Iron Hazardou
Categories of Chlor Oil Petroche Power Medical
Aluminium Cement Distillery Fertilizers & Zinc Copper s Waste
Industries Alkali Refinery mical Plants Waste
Steel Incinerato

Emission Gas
Parameters as per CO, HCl, TOC,
NOx, Cl2, CO, NOx, NOx,
CPCB HF - F, NH3 SO2 NOx, SO2 SO2 SO2, NOx, HCl, NOx
SO2 HCl SO2 SO2,Hg

Hot / Dry /Cold

(with Gas Cooler)

Hot / Dry
(with Gas Dryer)


Hot Extractive
Systems with BRT for
Heated Analyzers ration

Dilution Sampling
+ Ambient

For CO2 & CO monitoring NDIR is BRT; For O Zirconium Cell or Paramagnetic methods are BRT.
For Hg in Power Plants: Flue gas sampling through heated line using absorption media/ gold amalgamation of gaseous mercury followed by thermal/
chemical desorption and measured by either Cold vapour atomic fluorescence / Cold Vapor atomic absorption / UV DOAS / UV measurement (after
removal of SO2 interference) are acceptable. Cold vapour atomic fluorescence / Cold Vapor atomic absorption are BRT for mercury. For atomic
absorption, Mercury lamp (NO UV LAMP) should be used as energy source.
BRT = Best Recommended Technique
OPT = Other Possible Technique
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Table 8: Parameter specific Emission Standards for industries need to install CEMS

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
1 Aluminum Raw Material PM PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Handling Table no:4
Calcination PM, CO PM 250 mg/NM3 and CO 1% (Max) PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
Green Anode PM PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Shop Table no:4
Anode Bake PM PM 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Oven Table no:4
Total fluoride 0.3 Kg/MT of Al Extractive FTIR
(F) In-situ IR-DOAS,TDLS
Pot room PM PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
Total Fluoride Vertical Stud Soderberg (VSS) 4.7 Kg/MT Extractive FTIR
(as F)
Horizontal Stud Soderberg (HSS 6.0 Kg/MT In-situ IR-DOAS,TDLS

Prebacked Side Worked (PBSW) 2.5 Kg/MT Extractive FTIR

Prebacked Centre Worked PBCW) 1.0 Kg/MT In-situ IR-DOAS,TDLS
2. Cement Plant Rotary Kiln – Parameter Date of Location Emission Limits CEMS Options
(without co without co Commissioning mg/Nm3
processing), processing
Clinker PM on or before or anywhere in 30 mg UV- PM CEMS as per matrix
Grinding Plant after the date of the country Fluorescence Table no:4
or, Blending notification /Nm3
Plant (25.8.2014)
SO2 Irrespective of Anywhere in 100, 700 and 1000 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
date of the country mg/Nm3 when DOAS
commissioning pyritic sulphur in Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
the limestone is IR-GFC / IR-CFM
less than 0.25%,
0.25 to 0.5% and Dilution extractive
more than 0.5%

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
NOx After the date of Anywhere in 600 mg/Nm3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
notification the country GFC
(25.8.2014) Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
Before the date Anywhere in (a) 800 for rotary In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
of notification the country kiln with In Line GFC
(25.8.2014) Calciner (ILC) Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, IR
technology. GFC, NDIR-CFM
(b) 1000 for rotary Dilution Extractive -
kiln using mixed Chemiluminescence
stream of ILC,
Separate Line
Calciner (SLC) and
technology or SLC
technology alone or
without Calciner.
Cement Plant Rotary Kiln – Parameters Date of Location Emission Limits CEMS Options
with co- with co- Commissioning mg/Nm3
processing of processing of
wastes Wastes PM on or after the Anywhere in 30 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
date of the country Table no:4
before the date critically 100, 700 and 1000 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
SO2 of notification polluted area mg/Nm3 when DOAS
(25.8.2014) or urban pyritic sulphur in
centres with the limestone is Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
population less than 0.25%, IR-GFC / IR-CFM
above 1.0 0.25 to 0.5% and
lakh or within more than 0.5%
its periphery respectively Dilution extractive UV-
of 5.0 Fluorescence

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
After the date of Anywhere in 600 mg/Nm3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
NOx notification the country GFC
(25.8.2014) Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
NOx before the date anywhere in (a) 800 mg/Nm3 for In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
of notification the country rotary kiln with In GFC
(25.8.2014) Line Calciner (ILC) Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
technology. GFC, NDIR-CFM
(b) 1000 mg/Nm3 Dilution Extractive -
for rotary kiln using chemiluminescence
mixed stream of
ILC, Separate Line
Calciner (SLC) and
technology or SLC
technology alone or
without calciner.
Parameters Implementation Location Emission Limits CEMS Options
HCl (mg/NM3 NA Anywhere in 10 mg/Nm3 In-situ IR DOAS, TDLS,
the country
Hot Extractive FTIR
HF (mg/NM3) NA Anywhere in 1 mg/Nm3 In-situ IR DOAS, TDLS,
the country Hot Extractive FTIR
Anywhere in
TOC (mg/NM3) NA the country 10 mg/Nm3 Hot Ext. FID
3 Distillery Boiler Stack PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
4 ChlorAlkli (Hyper tower) Cl2, HCl Cl2-15 mg/NM3 IR DOAS, TDLS,
(HCl Plant)
Hot Extractive FTIR

5 Fertilizers Phosphate PM PM-150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix

Table no:4
Fluoride Total Fluorides-25 mg/NM3 Extractive FTIR
Urea (Old PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Plants) before Table no:4
Urea (New PM 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Plants) after Table no:4
6 Integrated Iron Coke oven plant PM 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
& Steel Plants New Batteries at Table no:4
GF sites Rebuild SO2 800 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
Batteries DOAS
Existing Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Batteries IR-GFC / IR-CFM
Dilution extractive UV-
NOx 500 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
Sintering Plant PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
Blast Furnace Existing Units New Units (after 31
March 2012)
PM 50 mg/NM3 30 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
SO2 250 mg/NM3 200 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive
NOx 150 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
CO 1% (Max) 1% (Max) NDIR Insitu
Extractive FTIR
Steel making Parameters Existing Units New Units (after 31
shop-basic march 2012)
oxygen furnace
Blowing/lancing PM 300 mg/NM3 Should be with gas PM CEMS as per matrix
operation recovery Table no:4

Normal PM 150 mg/NM3 Should be with gas PM CEMS as per matrix Table
operation recovery no:4

Dedusting of PM 100 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix

desulphurisation Table no:4
Rolling mill PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
Re-heating PM Sensitive Areas Other Areas PM CEMS as per matrix
(reverberatory) Table no:4
150 mg/NM3 250 mg/NM3
Arc furnaces PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Induction PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Furnace Table no:4
Cupola Foundry < 3 MT / hr Melting > 3 MT / hr Melting
capacity capacity
PM 450 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
300 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/
SO2 Corrected to 12 % CO2 UV-DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
Capacity upto 40 Tonne / Capacity above 40
day Tonne / day
Calcination PM 500 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
plant/lime kiln / Table no:4
dolomite kiln
Refractory unit PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4

Sponge Iron Rotary Kiln PM 100 mg/NM3 (Coal based) PM CEMS as per matrix Table
Plants no:4
50 mg/NM3 (Gas based) PM CEMS as per matrix
Table no:4
7 Oil Refinery Furnace boiler Before 2008 After 2008
and captive
PM 10 mg/NM3 5 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as pe matrix Table
power plant gas
SO2 50 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
NOx 350 mg/NM3 250 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV/ FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
CO 150 mg/NM3 100 mg/NM3 NDIR Insitu

Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /

H2S 150 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 TDLS/FTIR/IR DOAS However
H2S and SO2 can not be
measured simultaneously.
Furnace boiler Before 2008 After 2008
and captive PM 100 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as pe matrix Table
power plant no:4
liquid Fuel SO2 1700 mg/NM3 850 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
based DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
NOx 450 mg/NM3 350 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
CO 200 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 NDIR In situ
Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed

Sulphur Parameters Existing SRU New SR (after 1.1.2008)

Recovery Unit
(SRU) H2S 15 mg/NM3 10 mg/NM3 TDLS/FTIR/IR DOAS However
H2S and SO2 cannot be
measured simultaneously.
NOX 350 mg/NM3 250 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive –
CO 150 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 NDIR In situ
Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /
8 Petrochemical Furnace, Boiler, Existing Plant New / Expansion
Heater, (after 9th Nov. 2011)
Vaporizer Liquid
Fuel based PM 100 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
SO2 1700 mg/NM3 850 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
NOX 350 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
450 mg/NM3 GFC
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
CO 200 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 NDIR In situ
Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Furnace, Boiler, Existing Plant New / Expansion
Vaporizer Gas PM 10 mg/NM3 5 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
based no:4

SO2 50 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-

Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
NOx 250 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
350 mg/NM3 GFC
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
CO 200 mg/NM3 150 mg/NM3 NDIR In situ
Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /
9 Power Plant TPP installed Less than 500 MW More than 500 MW
31/12/2003 PM 100 mg/NM3 100 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table

SO2 600 mg/NM3 200 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-

Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
NOx 600 mg/NM3 600 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive –

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Hg 0.03 mg/NM3 0.03 mg/NM3 Total Gaseous Mercury. Always
Hot extractive system
A) Pre-treatment options Gold
amalgamation Followed by
chemical/ thermal desorption
(B) Adsorption in other media
followed by Thermal desorption
and measured by either Cold
vapour atomic fluorescence /
Cold Vapor atomic absorption /
UV DOAS / UV measurement
(after removal of SO2
interference) are acceptable.
For atomic absorption, Mercury
lamp (NOT UV LAMP) should
be used as energy source
TPP Installed on Less than 500 MW More than 500 MW
& after
01/01/2004 upto PM 50 mg/NM3 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
31/12/2016 no:4

SO2 600 mg/NM3 200 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-

Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /

Dilution extractive UV-


NOx 300 mg/NM3 300 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR

Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive –

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Hg 0.03 mg/NM3 0.03 mg/NM3 Total Gaseous Mercury, Always
Hot extractive system
A) Pre-treatment options Gold
amalgamation Followed by
chemical/ thermal desorption
(B) Adsorption in other media
followed by Thermal desorption
and measured by either Cold
vapour atomic fluorescence /
Cold Vapor atomic absorption /
UV DOAS / UV measurement
(after removal of SO2
interference) are acceptable.
For atomic absorption, Mercury
lamp (NO UV LAMP) should be
used as energy source
TPP to be PM 30 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
installed from no:4
01/01/2017 SO2 100 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /

Dilution extractive UV-


NOx 100 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR


Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR


Dilution Extractive –

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Hg 0.03 mg/NM3 Total Gaseous Mercury, Always
Hot extractive system
A) Pre-treatment options Gold
amalgamation,followed by
chemical/ thermal desorption
(B) Adsorption in other media
followed by Thermal desorption
and measured by either Cold
vapour atomic fluorescence /
Cold Vapor atomic absorption /
UV DOAS / UV measurement
(after removal of SO2
interference) are acceptable.
For atomic absorption, Mercury
lamp (NO UV LAMP) should be
used as energy source
10 Zinc Smelter, SRU Existing Units New Units (after 2nd May CEMS options available
PM 100 mg/NM3 75 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
SO2 (for upto 1370 mg/NM3 1250 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
300 T /day) DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
SO2 (for > 300 1250 mg/NM3 950 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
T /day) DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
11 Copper Smelter, SRU Parameters Existing Units New Units (after 2nd May CEMS options available
PM 100 mg/NM3 75 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
SO2 (for upto 1370 mg/NM3 1250 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
300 T /day) DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive
SO2 (for > 300 1250 mg/NM3 950 mg/NM3 In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
T /day) DOAS
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-

12 Biomedical Incinerator PM 50 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table

waste Stack no:4
Incinerator NOx, 400 mg/NM3 In-situ UV-DOAS
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive –
HCl 50 mg/NM3 IR DOAS, TDLS,

Temp. P.C.C. 800 ºC Temperature probe

Temp. S.C.C. 1050 ± 50 ºC Suitable Temperature Probe
Combustion 99% Extractive NDIR
CO and CO2
13 Common Incinerator PM 50 mg/Nm3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
Hazardous Stack no:4
Waste HCl 50 mg/Nm3 In-situ IR DOAS, TDLS
Incinerator Hot Extractive FTIR, IR
SO2 200 mg/Nm3 -30 minute average In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

S. Industries/ Units of Parameters Emission Limits Options available for CEMS

No. Facilities Operation Prescribed
Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Dilution extractive UV-
NOx 400 mg/Nm3 In-situ UV-DOAS
Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Dilution Extractive -
HF 4.0 mg/Nm3 In-situ IR DOAS, TDLS
Hot Extractive FTIR
TOC 20 mg/Nm3 Hot Extractive FID
CO 100 mg/Nm3 -30 minute average
NDIR In situ
50 mg/Nm3 -24 Hrly average
Extractive FTIR, NDIR GFC /
14 Sugar Boiler PM 150 mg/NM3 PM CEMS as per matrix Table
15 Sugar, Cotton Boiler SO2 600 mg/NM3 at 6% dry O2, for solid fuel and 3% dry In-situ NDIR / IR GFC/UV-
Textile, (Other fuels) O2 for liquid fuel DOAS
Composite Extractive NDUV / FTIR / NDIR /
Woolen Mills, IR-GFC / IR-CFM
Synthetic Dilution extractive UV-
Rubber, Pulp & Fluorescence
Distilleries, NOx 600 mg/NM3 at 6% dry O2, for solid fuel and 3% dry In-situ UV-DOAS, NDIR, IR
Leather O2 for liquid fuel GFC
Industries, Extractive – NDUV / FTIR, NDIR
Carbide, Dilution Extractive –
Carbon Black, Chemiluminescence
Caustic Soda,
Small Boilers ,

1st Revised Guidelines for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems June 2018

Chemicals &
other such
using boilers

 Flue gas velocity/Flow, Temperature measurement and reporting are compulsory for all installations.
 CO2 and or O2 as prescribed in notified standards for respective sectors and processes to be monitored. 12% CO2 is
equivalent to 6% O2.
 Installation using dilution techniques must have CO2 measurement & continuous reporting facilities at stack and at the
instrument end.
 All the data has to be corrected to mass/volume at STP (760mm Hg Pressure and 25 degreeC temperature in dry condition).
 All In-situ and Dilution extractive and Hot Wet Extractive systems shall monitor and report Moisture to correct the results in dry
 NDIR based NOx analyzer ideally converts all NOX to NO for measurement purpose. 5% of total converted NO represents
NO2. NDIR based In-situ Analyzers without converters are measuring NO and considering upto 5% of NO values as NO2
resulting under reporting of NOx. Hence, in order to correct the data special calculation as given below will be applied.
 The reported NO values will be multiplied by 1.05 and then 95% of the product will be considered as NO and 5% of the
product will be considered as NO2. Final reporting shall follow the equation NOx = NO + NO2 = NO X 1.53+ NO2= NOx as NO2
 In other cases NOx values are required to be reported as NO2mg/NM3:NOx = NO + NO2 = NO X 1.53+ NO2= NOx as NO2
 De NOx (SCR/SNCR)- Recommended to go for NO + NO2 measurement for correct reporting as NO2
 Ammonia slip after De-NOx control to be monitored using available technologies like TDLS/FTIR/IR-DOAS etc.
 Formulae for data reporting are given in Annexure-II.

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems


1. Infrastructure and mounting
a. All measurement ports in the stack / duct, etc. will have to be made
available as per CEMs system requirement and confirming the regulatory
b. CEMs analyser mounting flanges needs to be welded/grouted as per the
mounting guidelines furnished by the vendor.
c. Industry to ensure availability of permanent, strong & reliable platforms
at CEMs analyser mounting location with safe approach ladders or stair
case (spiral) or elevator. Vertical ladders if provided, should have back
guard, stair case if provided, should be with proper hand rail, steps
should be evenly distributed with adequate height, length & width.
Monkey ladder is not preferred in case the height of platform is more than
30 meter from the ground.
d. For ease of maintenance work, the stack platform width for metallic
stacks should be 800mm minimum & for concrete stack platform width
should be minimum of 1000mm. All platforms should have hand rails.
e. All the power cables, signal cables, instrument air tubing’s should be
properly laid & clamped so that should not be an obstacle for personnel
2. Utilities
a. Uninterrupted power supply - single phase, 110/ 230 VAC as applicable
should be supplied up to the analyser mounting location
b. Power supply should be properly earthed; lightning arrestor wire line &
earthing cable wire line should be separate.
c. Instrument air connection – Clean and dry compressed air will have to
be supplied by end user upto the analyser probe mounting location.
d. Quality of instrument air shall depend upon the specific demand of
parameter being measured.

3. Safety
With respect to instrument safety, all the instructions in the vendor specific
CEMs manual shall be followed. All flanges, ports must be well supported
Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

and welded as per required standards. Mounting bolts, etc. must be fully tight
before commissioning. All personnel safety standards and procedures for
working at height must be adhered to at site.
a. If the approach to platform is by using vertical ladder’s, then at every 10-
12 mtrs landing platform should be provided. The entire length of ladder
must have protective back guard/cage.
b. Ladder must continue through platform approach to some distance above
such that landing on platform is easy.
c. Ladder must be well maintained with all fasteners rigidly fixed in the stack
d. The completed ladder network and stack has to be regularly inspected
for corrosion and must be painted periodically.
e. Platform railing must be rigid at least reach 1.2 mtr in height from platform
f. If analyser mounting location is above 45meter elevation then for ease of
maintenance and personnel safety, proper stair case or lift/elevator
should be provided
g. Industry to ensure removal of bee hive from stack or stack nearby location
before proceeding for any CEMs mounting/maintenance work on stack


The calibration process for CEMS is well established in European Union and
USA. The European Union follow EN 14181 which specifies procedures for
establishing Quality Assurance level in terms of QAL 2, QAL 3 and Annual
Surveillance Test (AST) for CEMS (CEMS is also called Automated
Measurement Systems (AMS) in Europe) installed at industrial plants for
determination of flue gas components and other glue gas parameters. In the UK
QAL 1 procedures are covered by certification under MCERTS Scheme for
Continuous Monitoring System. The suitability evaluation of CEMS and its
measuring procedures are described in EN ISO 14956 (QAL 1), which
subsequently became EN 15267-1.

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

The USEPA follows a different route by using Relative Accuracy Test Audit
(RATA) for gases and Relative Response Assessment (RRA) for Particulate.
The difference between the European System and that followed in USA for
Quality Assurance of CEMS is given in Table 8.

Table 8: Difference between the two QA systems followed in European Union &USA
Stability Valid Ongoing Ongoing
Selection of Installation
before calibration instrumental calibration
calibration stability stability
EU QAL1 EN15259 QAL3 Functional QAL3 plus Functional test
(EN15267 test and annual and annual
parts 1 to 3) QAL2 linearity surveillance
with tests (AST)
USA None but legal Field 7‐day drift Correlation Zero and Annual
onus on the Performance test tests over 3 Span correlation test
operator to Test days plus, and Relative
provide valid quarterly Accuracy Test
data linearity test Audits (RATA)
for gases and
(RRA) for

The system for Quality Assurance followed in European Union as well as in EPA
requires a well-established infrastructure for calibration of the systems, for
uncertainty calculations and performance evaluation besides requiring skills and
expertise to support each CEM, since the CEM is specifically characterized and
calibrated for the individual application.

9.1 Recommended Instrumentation/Methodology for Monitoring

a. The USEPA TUV & MCERTS certified analysers for emissions alone are
recognised for use as CEMS. Any alteration invites invalidation of the
b. All indigenous and foreign Manufacturers of analysers/ instruments for real
time monitoring of industrial emissions shall obtain certificate for their system
within six months after the Indian certification system is in place.
c. The analysers/ instruments will not be considered for installation; in case
their manufacturer fails to obtain the required certification from the Indian

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

Certification Agency/ agencies within 12 months of the establishment of

Indian Certification System.
9.2 Acceptance of CEMS Until Indigenous Certification System is Placed
A CEMS to be used at installations covered by CPCB direction shall have to be
proven suitable for its measuring task (parameter and composition of the flue
gas) by use of the procedure equivalent to international standards (EPA PS or
EN QAL Standards). It shall prove performance in accordance to the set
performance characteristics during the field-testing.

The performance testing procedures involve all concerned including plant

operator, vendor and testing laboratories. The industries shall submit details of
the CEMS installed and operationalized as specified in CPCB’s Compliance
Reporting Protocol (CRP).

Field-testing is a procedure for the determination of the calibration function and

its variability and a test of the variability of the measured values of the CEMS
compared with the data quality objectives specified. A calibration function is
established from the results of a number of parallel measurements performed
with a Standard Reference Method (SRM). The variability of the measured
values obtained with the CEMS is then evaluated against the required criteria to
satisfy the Data Quality Objective.

Table 9: Performance Specification for SO2, NOXand CO

S.No. Specification Tolerance ranges/values
1 Zero Drift/Weekly ≤ ± 1 % of Span
2 Span Drift /Weekly ≤ ± 1 % of Span
3 Analyzer’s Linearity ≤ ± 1 % of Span from calibration curve
4 Performance Accuracy ≤ ± 10 % of compared Reference

Table 10: Performance Specification for O2, and CO2

S.No. Specification Tolerance ranges/values
1 Zero Drift /Weekly ≤ ± 1 % of O2
2 Span Drift /Weekly ≤ ± 1 % of O2
3 Analyzer’s Linearity ≤ ± 1 % of O2
4 Performance Accuracy ≤± 10 % of compared Reference
measurement or within 1% of O2

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

Table 11: Performance Specification for PM CEMS

S.No. Specification Tolerance ranges/values
1 Zero Drift between two ≤ ± 2 % of Full Scale range
servicing intervals
2 Reference point Drift between ≤ ± 2 % of Reference value range
two servicing intervals
3 Analyzer’s Linearity The difference between the actual value and
the reference value must not exceed ±2
percent of full scale (for a 5 point check).
4 Performance Accuracy ≤ ± 10 % of compared Reference

Table 12: Specification for Analyser

S. No. Specification Tolerance ranges or values

1 Zero Drift /Weekly ≤1%

2 Span Drift /Weekly ≤1%

3 Analyzer’s Linearity < 1 % of full scale

≤ ± 10 % of compared reference
4 Performance accuracy

The performance test procedures are repeated periodically, after a major change
of plant operation, after a failure of the CEMS or as demanded by regulators.

9.3 Calibration of Air Analysers (Gaseous Parameter)

a. The instruments/analysers for real time monitoring of gaseous emissions
shall be calibrated with respect to their functioning, drift, linearity, detection
limit, output, operating temperature and other relevant parameters before
b. The calibration for certified CEMS and full performance demonstration of
uncertified CEMS (which involves calibration) must be performed while being
c. After six months of operation, the system shall be rechecked for its health
and data accuracy and reliability, following multi point calibration (at least 03
span concentrations) using standard methods and certified reference

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

d. The data comparison and calibration verification shall be done once in 06

months by empaneled laboratories following standard procedures and using
certified reference standards.
e. The health of the instruments/analysers shall be assessed on daily basis at
fixed time (10.00 a.m.) by checking the zero drift. No adjustment is allowed.
f. In case the daily zero drift is more than the acceptable limit as specified in
the catalogue/brochure of the instrument/analyser manufacturer and persists
continuously for five days, the instrument/ analyser shall be recalibrated
following procedure laid down at point (c) above.
g. The instruments/analysers shall be checked for zero and span every Friday
at fixed time (10:00 a.m.) using standard methods and standard reference
materials. The drift needs to be recorded and suitably incorporated in the
data collected over the period.
h. For Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS), Non Dispersive
Ultra Violet (NDUV)/Non Dispersive Infra-Red lamp/laser based
systems/FTIR based systems, the calibration shall be revalidated once in 03
months, and after replacement of lamp.
i. The instrument/ analyser shall be recalibrated after any major
repair/replacement of parts/lamps or readjustment of the alignment using
standard methods and certified reference materials.
j. The instrument/analyser system shall have provision of remote calibration,
for verification of the system performance by SPCBs/PCCs whenever, felt
k. The intensity of the lamp shall be checked once every fortnight.
l. Data capture rate of more than 85% shall be ensured.
m. Using Ambient Air for Zero/Span calibration is not acceptable, Zero air, Span
Gas/Gas filled Cuvette can be used with required certifications.

9.4 Calibration of Air Analysers (Particulate Matter)

The PM CEMS device is ready for calibration only after performing all of the
required installation, registration, and configuration steps. Details of Particulate
Matter CEMS calibration are given below.

a. The continuous Particulate Matter monitoring system (PM-CEMS) shall

ideally be calibrated at different operational loads against isokinetic sampling

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

method (triplicate samples at each load) Nine samples in three loads at the
time of installation and thereafter, every six months of its operation.
b. The results from the Particulate Matter monitoring system shall be compared
on fortnightly basis i.e. second Friday of the fortnight, at fixed time (replicate
sample) starting 10.00 am. with standard isokinetic sampling method.
c. In case, deviation of the comparison values for 02 consecutive monitoring is
more than 10%, the system shall be recalibrated at variable loads against
isokinetic sampling method (replicate samples).
d. No adjustment of Calibrated Dust Factor (CDF) is allowed unless full-scale
calibration is performed for PM CEMS. Change of CDF should be permitted
only if it is approved by SPCB/ PCC.
e. After any major repair to the system, change of lamp, readjustment of the
alignment, change in fuel quality, the system shall be recalibrated against
isokinetic sampling method. (triplicate samples at each load)
f. The data capture rate of more than 85% shall be ensured.
g. The intensity of lamp shall be checked once every fortnight.
h. The data comparison/calibration verification shall be done by laboratories
empaneled by CPCB using standard reference methods and at a frequency

9.5 Emission Monitoring

a. To ensure laminar flow the Particulate Matter monitoring systems (CEMS)
shall be installed at a distance at least at Eight times the stack diameter
downstream and Two times stack diameter upstream from any flow
In rare cases, when the PM CEMS analyzers are installed at a distance
atleast four times the stack diameter downstream from any flow disturbance;
however, correction for stratification (pl. refer para 4.1.1) shall be made. The
full scale calibration shall cover all working loads and atleast 12 (triplicate
sample at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% load) sampling shall be carried out for
dust factor.
b. CEMS devices shall be installed at minimum 500mm below from the port hole
designed for manual sampling.
c. All measurement ports into the stack shall be as per CEMS system
Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

d. Particulate CEMS devices (Cross Duct) or probe shall be installed in

horizontal plane;
e. Probe / sampling device for gaseous CEMS shall be installed protruding
downwards with suction system facing the direction of flow of flue gases.
f. The construction of chimney shall adhere to CPCB publication, “Emission
Regulation Part III” (COINDS/20/1984-85) unless otherwise specified by

9.6 Data Consideration/Exceedance

a. Any exceedance of values over the prescribed standards or norms shall be
considered as violation. However, time average value (as decided by CPCB)
will be used for compliance check.
b. Instantaneous elevated data i.e. spikes with duration less than one minute shall
be dealt separately and not considered for data averaging.
c. In case of loss of data for more than 10 minutes per half hour, one half hourly
value is lost and in case the loss is more than 5 half hourly data per day, a
day’s data is lost.
d. Any day in which more than three hourly average values are invalid due to
malfunction or maintenance of the automated measuring system shall be
considered lost date for the day 85% date capture in based on available daily
e. In the case of a breakdown of the RTMS, the operator shall reduce or close
down operation if the problem is not rectified within 24 hours.
f. Operating hours – means the time expressed in hours during which the plant
in whole or in part is operating and discharging emission into the air, excluding
start up and shut down periods.
g. Any exceedance of the monitored values against the standards shall invite
SMS & email to the industry from SPCBs/PCCs, requiring immediate feedback
on the corrective action initiated/taken.
h. The values recorded during calibration or during preventive maintenance shall
not be considered for exceedance and assessing the data capture rate.
i. Plant start-up or batch process starting emissions shall not be considered for
averaging for the initial, 30 minutes’ period in case of batch processes or small
furnaces/ boilers not operating continuously as per the schedule specified in
the Compliance Reporting Protocol.
Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

j. Plant shut down period shall be excluded while calculating data capture rate.

9.7 Data Acquisition System (DAS)

a. DAS (Data Acquisition System) defines the logging of digital data from the
b. The data shall be transferred directly from the analyser (no in between logic) to
the server at CPCB/ SPCBs or PCCs via Data Acquisition System.
c. Data should be in encrypted format (tamper proof)
d. DAS to automatically and seamlessly transfer data to Data Acquisition &
Handling System (DAHS).
e. Data dissemination to stakeholders from web server linked to DAHS.
f. The system shall operate on Open Application Programme Interface (API)
protocol based on REST based technology.
g. The system shall record all the monitored values and transfer 30 min. average
value to DAHS. The system shall have provision to assess the momentarily
values as and when required.
h. Data validation protocol inbuilt with data quality codes to defined specification
i. Web server to meet the needs of local PCBs, Industry and CPCB.


Considering the heterogeneity of real time monitoring systems industries are
required to submit real time data through their respective instrument suppliers.
This mechanism shall help in consolidating the data avoiding the complexity of
different technologies and availability of monitored data in different data formats
while involving the instrument suppliers in data transferring mechanism. The
system enables two ways communication required to manage such real time

The functional capabilities of such software systems shall include:

a. The system should be capable of collecting data on real time basis

without any human intervention.
b. The data generation, data pick up, data transmission; data integration at
server end should be automatic.
Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

c. The submitted data shall be available to SPCBs/PCCs and CPCB for

immediate corrective action.
d. Raw data should be transmitted simultaneously to SPCBs /PCCs and CPCB.
e. In case of delay in collection of data due to any reason, the data
transmission should be marked delayed data and reports of delayed data
should by displayed on the portal
f. At no point of time, manual data handling shall be permitted. Data validation
should be permitted only through the administrator and data changes
recorded with date and time stampings.
g. Configurations of the systems once set up (through remote procedure) and
verified, should not be changed. In case any setting change is required it
should be notified and recorded through the authorized representatives only.
h. The data submitted electronically shall be available to the data generator
through internet, so that corrective action if any required due to submission
of erroneous data can be initiated by the industry.
i. The software should be capable to verify the data correctness which means
at any given point of time the regulatory authorities/data generator should be
able to visualize the current data of any location’s specific parameter.
j. A system for data validation shall be incorporated in the software with two
stage/three stage validation and fixed responsibilities of stakeholders;
 Data Generator



k. Change Request Management: window for requesting data changes

due to actual field conditions shall be provided by the industry in line to
SPCBs/ PCCs to consider the request or not. The environmental conditions
around the site surrounding shall also be recorded along with other
environmental parameters, as these have the potential to affect the
monitoring system adversely and corrupt the data generated.
l. System should have capability to depict data at the actual location of
industry over the map. CPCB and or SPCBs/ PCCs shall develop a map
based system for data integration at a single location.
m. The software should be capable of analyzing the data with statistical tools
Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

and shall have the following capabilities:

 Statistical data analysis (customizable) for average, min., max., diurnal
variation, RSD, correlation, covariance, etc.
 Comparison of parameters of different locations in user selectable time
formats i.e. in graphical and tabular formats compatible to MS Excel, MS
Word, *.txt etc.
 Capability of comparison of data with respect to standards/threshold
 Auto report and auto mail generation etc.
 Providing calibration database for further validation/correction of data.
 Transmitting data to different locations as per EC, CTE/CTO, and other
directives in force.
 Channel configuration for range, units, etc. as required for specific
parameters and facility.
 Providing data in export format on continuous basis through
central/station computer system to other system.
n. Data transmission through Leased Line (1Mbps) and Broadband with two
medias supported which can be alternately used for data submission without
o. Data Storage for next five years.
p. System should be connected to a backup power source with adequate
capacity to avoid any power disruption.


a. The industries falling in 17 categories of highly polluting industries,

Common Bio Medical waste and Common Hazardous waste incinerators
have to install Continuous Emission Monitoring System.
b. The G.S.R. 96(E) January 29, 2018 Notified by MoEF&CC under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 mandates installation of CEMS with the
Boilers used in the Industries namely Sugar, Cotton Textile, Composite
Woolen Mills, Synthetic Rubber, Pulp & Paper, Distilleries, Leather Industries,
Calcium Carbide , Carbon Black , Natural Rubber, Asbestos, Caustic Soda,

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

Small Boilers, Aluminium Plants, Tanneries, Inorganic Chemicals & other

such industries using boilers, shall adhere to specified Emission norms.
c. The responsibility of data submission lies with the Individual units. The
instrument supplier will facilitate data transmission on behalf of industries.
Industry will ensure at least 85% data availability from the system installed.
d. The Technology providers shall install their server in cloud and should
send the real time data to CPCB, SPCBs servers or any Govt. bodies
servers in consultation.
e. The vendor/instrument supplier shall make provisions to provide data
continuously at least at 04 locations in SPCBs/PCCs, RO/DO of SPCBs,
CPCB, and industry directly from the analyzers.
f. The plausibility control of data received shall be done. The team members will
be responsible for validating, interpreting and interpolation of data on periodic
g. The vendor/instrument supplier will regularly cross check the data obtained
from CEM system with that of the samples collected manually and analyze
using approved laboratory techniques and revalidate the calibration factor
essential for generating better quality data.
h. The industries shall ensure that the monitoring systems are covered
under Maintenance Contract with the vendors/ authorized Indian service
partners of the instrument manufacturer after installation.
i. The authorized Indian service partner/instrument manufacturer shall
ensure that any problem in monitoring system/data acquisition and
transfer system does not persist beyond 72 hours.
j. The Technology Provider /instrument manufacturers shall ensure
availability of spare parts for at least 07 years after installation of the
k. Role of manufacturers/supplier authorized Indian Service Partner:

 Supply and install equipment suitable to monitor the emission in the

available matrix
 Supply all the supporting equipment, analyzers and software
 Supply equipment/instruments capable of monitoring/measuring the
parameters identified in the range of occurrence in the industrial unit

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

 Supplied software should establish two-way communication sending

diagnostics of instruments on demand, with central servers at
 The software should be capable of transmitting the data along with
diagnostics of the instrument
l. CPCB empaneled laboratories shall only be engaged as third party agency
for all activities related to assessment of installation, calibration of CEMS,
validation of data, etc.

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

12. Parameters for online monitoring as per Guidelines

Sl. Category Effluent Parameters Emission Parameters

1 Aluminium pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Flow PM, Fluoride, Flow
2 Cement - PM,NOx,SO2, Flow

3 Distillery pH, BOD,COD,TSS, Flow PM, Flow

4 Dye and pH, BOD,COD, TSS, Cr, -
dyeintermediate Flow
5 Chlor Alkali pH, TSS, Flow Cl2, HCl, Flow

6 Fertilizers pH, flow, Ammonical Nitrogen, PM, Fluoride, Ammonia, Flow

7 Iron&steel pH, Phenol, cyanide, flow PM,SO2, Flow

8 Oilrefinery pH, BOD,COD,TSS, flow PM,CO,NOx,SO2, Flow

9 Petrochemical pH, BOD,COD,TSS, flow PM,CO,NOx,SO2, Flow

10 Pesticides pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Cr, As, -

11 Pharmaceuticals pH, BOD, COD, TSS ,Cr ,As, -
12 Power Plants pH, TSS, Temperature PM, NOx, SO2, Flow
Thermal Power Plants pH, TSS, Temperature PM, NOx, SO2, Total Mercury(Gaseous),
13 Pulp&paper pH, BOD, COD,TSS ,AOx, -
14 Sugar pH, BOD,COD,TSS, flow -

15 Tannery pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Cr, Flow -

16 Zinc pH, TSS, flow PM, SO2, Flow

17 Copper pH, TSS, flow PM, SO2, Flow

18 Textile(GPI) pH, COD, TSS, flow -

19 Dairy(GPI) pH, BOD,COD,TSS, flow -

20 Slaughter House pH, BOD,COD,TSS, flow -

21 Boiler - SO2, NOx, Flow

(a) CEM Systems must have Flow (Velocity) measurement device installed
(b) Direct measurement systems for O2 or CO2 as prescribed in respective
standards shall be installed.
(c) For hazardous waste incinerator and Biomedical waste incinerator O2, CO2, and
CO are important parameters to be monitored online.
(d) Any dilution extractive system must have CO2 measurement facility at source
and measuring point to prove the correctness of the selected dilution ratio.

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

13. Formulae for Data Reporting
SN Parameters Units of Standard Algorithm Remarks
Expression values
01 Barometric Pressure mm of Hg
02 Standard Pressure mm of Hg 760
03 Actual Pressure (Pactual) mm Hg
04 Stack Temperature (TS) Kelvin x º C + 273.15
05 Temperature at Kelvin x º C + 273.15
Analyser (Tm)
06 Standard Temperature Kelvin 298 25 º C + 273.15 = 298
07 Moisture (M) %
08 Moisture Fraction (Mw) Ratio (M) /100
09 Wet m3 to Wet Nm3 Wet Nm3 x m3 * {(Pactual)/ (Pstd)}{™/
10 Wet Nm3 to Dry Nm3 Dry Nm3 x m3 * {(Pactual)/ (Pstd)}*{™/
(Tstd)}*{1 / (1 – Mw)}
11 Conversion of ppmw of mg/Nm3 (x ppm) * (molecular All the
any gas to mg/Nm3 weight) / 24.45 instantaneous
values required
to be corrected in
12 Conversion of ppmv of mg/Nm3 {( x This is not
any gas to mg/Nm3 ppmv)}*{(12.187)}*{(MW)} applicable for
/ {(273.15 + 25 °C)} CEMS as
correction is not
13 CO2 Correction 12 % {x mg/Nm3} * {(12 / All the
Measured CO2)} instantaneous
values required
Correction not needed to be corrected in
wherever CO2 is > 12% CEMS wherever
14 O2 Correction 11% Cr = {x mg/Nm * (20.9 - All the
11 )} /{ ( 20.9 - Measured instantaneous
O2)} values required
to be corrected in
Correction not needed CEMS wherever
wherever O2 is < 11% applied
15 O2 Correction 3% Cr = {x mg/Nm3 * (20.9 - 3 Applicable for
)} /{ ( 20.9 - Measured gas and liquid
O2)} fuel in
Correction not needed industries
wherever O2 is < 3%
16 Combustion Efficiency {(%CO2)*100} / {(% CO2 Applicable for
+ %CO)} Biomedical

Guidelines for Real-time Emission Monitoring Systems

S. References
1.0 CPCB’s CEMS related Documents
i) Direction for installation of CEMS and CWQMS in 17 Categories Industries, CETP,
ii) Draft Notification on CEMS and CWQMS
iii) Minutes of Meeting with Industries on Online Monitoring
iv) List of Parameters for CEMS and CWQMS
v) First hand information on list of suppliers
vi) CPCB/e-PUBLICATION/2013-14 on “Specifications and Guidelines for Continuous
Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) for PM Measurement With Special Reference to
Emission Trading Programs”
2.0 USEPA Documents related to CEMS
a) Continuous Monitoring Manual
b) 40 CFR Part 75: CEMS Field Audit Manual
c) USEPA CEMS Performance Specification
i) PS – 2 : Performance Specification for SO2 and NOX
ii) PS – 3 : Performance Specification for O2 and CO2
iii) PS – 4 : Performance Specification for CO
iv) PS – 4A: Performance Specification and Test Procedure for CO
v) PS – 4B: Performance Specification and Test Procedure for CO and O2
vi) PS – 6: Performance Specification and Test Procedure for Emission Rate
vii) PS – 8A: Performance Specification and Test Procedure for Hydrocarbon (TOC)
viii) PS – 11: Performance Specification and Test Procedure for PM CEMS
ix) PS – 15: Performance Specification for Extractive FTIR CEMS
x) PS – 18: Performance Specification for HCl – CEMS
d) Quality Assurance (QA) Documents
i) Procedure 1: QA Requirement for Gaseous CEMS
ii) Procedure 2: QA Requirement for PM CEMS
iii) Procedure 5: QA Requirement for Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) CEMS and Sorbent
e) 40 CFR part 180
f) COMS (Continuous Opacity Monitoring System)
3.0 EN Documents
i) EN 15267 – Part 1: Certification of AMS (CEMS)
ii) EN 15267 – Part 2: Certification of AMS (CEMS)
iii) EN 15267 – Part 3: Certification of AMS (CEMS)
iv) EN 14181 – Quality Assurance of AMS (CEMS)
v) EN 14884 – Test Method AMS (CEMS) for TGM
4.0 UK Documents
a) RM:QG-06: Calibration of PM CEMS ( Low Concentration)
b) MCERTS : BS EN 13284: PM CEMS
5.0 Standard Operating Procedure for Compliance Monitoring using CEMS – Abu Dhabi


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