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IS 3836:2000


Indian Standard
(Second Revision )

ICS 13.220.20:91.040.20

0 BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

August 2000 Price Group 4

Fire Safety Sectional Committe, CED 36

This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Fire Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Frequency of the out-breaks of fire in jute mill: and jute godowns would be appreciatively minimized if
predetermined safety measures are adopted in the construction of mill building, installation of machinery arrd
in the storage godown. This safety code has, therefore, been formulated with a view to given necessary guidance
regarding the security measures on fire safety precautions, which if followed would safeguard the mill from
fire-hazard to a large extent. This standard was first published in 1966 and revised in 1979. This revision is
based on developments in the field and comments received subsequently.
In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the
standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in
this country.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules
for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 3836:2000

Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 3.7 Jute Godowns

1.1 This standard covers the essential requirements Godown containing jute fibres, baled or loose.
for the fire safety of jute spinning and weaving and
3.8 Jute Godown, Baled
processing mills; jute rope and carpet making factories. .—.—
Godown containing jute bales only.
1.2 For the purpose of this standard, the term jute shall
be deemed to include flax, hemp, sisal and similar 3.9 Jute Godown, Loose
vegetable tibre other than cotton or 4capok.
Godown containing either loose jute or bundles of jute
“2NORMATIVE REFERENCES which are not baled either by’s hand-powered or a
hydraulically operated press.
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain
provisions which through reference in this text, 3.10 Jute Peel
constitute provision of this standard. At the time of Stacks of jute located in the open.
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
Standards are subject to revision, and parties to 3.11 Motor Alley
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to
Building housing only the electric motor drives of the
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the standards as given in Annex A.
3.12 Processing
Buildings where any finishing operations, such as
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions calendering, folding and baling are carried out.
given in IS 232 and IS 8757 and the following shall
apply. 3.13 Rope Alley

3.1 Batching Oil Building housing only the power driving ropes of the
The mineral oil used in softening machines for
softening ofjute fibres. 3.14 Static Tank

A water reservoir reserved for fire fighting purposes.

3.2 Bitumen Coating and Lining Plant
3.15 Utility Buildings
Machinery used for bitumen coating of hessian and
subsequent lining of the same with paper or polythene. Buildings required for various operational needs of
the mill, namely, boiler house and pump house.
3.3 Caddi
3.16 Waste Recovery Plant
Jute waste
Plant comprising teasers and dust-shakers used for
3.4 Finished Goods Godown recovery ofjute fibre from mill sweepings.
Godown containing hessian and gunny bags in hoop 4 GENERAL
iron bound bales or broad loom cloths or both tightly
packed over steel cores. 4.1 To reduce the frequency and serious occurrence of
fire in a mill building, the premises of the building
3.5 Jute Bales, lfktcha shall be provided with automatic sprinklers and proper
attention shall be paid to house-keeping matters.
Bales packed by hand-powered baling presses.
3.6 Jute Bale% Pucca
5.1 The mills shall be located in an industrial area as
Bales packed by hydraulically operated baling presses. far as possible.
IS 3836:2000

5.2 When a mill islocated near arailwayline, the 7.4 Buildings housing beaming, dressing, weaving and
working blocks and storage areas shall be not less than calendering processes shall have a fire resistance of
30 m away from the railway line. not less than that of Type 2 structmes as specified in
IS 1641.
5.3 The mill shall abutt on a street and width of such
street shall not be less than 10 m. 7.5 Buildings housing electrical power generators,
transformers and substations shall comply with
5.4 No waste shall be dumped within 30 m of the
provisions laid down in IS 3034.
boundary of the mill.
7.6 Buildings housing offices, engine house, pump
6 COMPOUND houses and other utility services .as also motor and
6.1 The compound shall be sufficiently spacious to rope alleys shall have fire resistance of not less than
enclose the processing, manufacturing, storage and that of Type 3 structures as specified in IS 1641.
other subsidiary buildings in such a manner as to 7.7 Buildings housing manufacturing and processing
comply with the provisions of 9 of this standard. sections shall be single storey structures unless the
6.2 The compound shall be kept free of unnecessary construction of the intermediate flooring and separa-
accumulation of combustible materials and the tion of horizontal and vertical opening comply with
immediate vicinity of all buildings and open storage provisions for Type I structure as laid down in IS 1641.
sites shall be kept clear of grass, weeds of any sort of 7.7.1 In no case shall such buildings be more than
rank vegetation. two storeys in height; nor shall the highest point of
6.3 Paved or pucca roads of not less than 6 m width the roof be more than 15 m above ground level.
. Shall be provided within the compound to facilitate 7.8 Jute godowns as also finished goods godowns shall
the passage of tire engines and particularly to give preferably be well ventilated single storey structures.
easy access to the static tanks.
7.9 The construction of godowns containing materials
6.4 At least two gateways of 6 m width and minimum other than jute or jute goods shall comply with
headroom of 5 m shall be provided for entry into the provisions laid down in IS 3594.
compound. In addition it is preferable to have one
more exit of not less than 6.5 m width which may be 7.10 The roofs of the jute godowns shall be provided
used during emergency. with smoke ventilating hatches preferably of automatic
type of the extent of lm2 per 50 m2 of floor area. The
6.5 The road giving access to static tanldreservoir shall size of the individual hatches shall be about 2.5 m2.
also provide space for fuming circle of tire fighting
appliances and shall have a minimum width of 6 m. 7.11 No independent/individual jute godowns shall
exceed 500 m2 in floor area.
6.6 No part of the compound within the mill shall be
utilized for salvaging burnt jute and also for drying 7.12 Where the area of the godown exceeds the
loose jute/or bales unless it is separated by a clear space prescribed limit (see 7.1 1) the godown shall be
subdivided by a separating wall from the floor to at
of22.5 m.
least one metre above the ceilinghoof to make it fire
6.7 No jute or combustible material dump shall abutt resisting for 4 hours.
the compound wall. Height of compound wall shall
7.13 No point within a godown shall be more than
beat least 2 m more than the maximum height of any
20 m away from an external door or fire exit or an
dump located within 8 m of the wall.
emergency exit. The floors of every godown shall be
7 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION adequately sloped towards.the external door to ensure
proper drainage to avoid water logging during fire
7.1 The constructional features of all the buildings fighting operation.
within the compound shall comply with the
requirements of IS 1641. 7.14 Every external wall of a jute godown shall be
provided with one doorway of at least 3 x 2 m size per
7.2 Buildings housing spinning and process pre- every 10 m of its length or part thereof, with a
paratory thereto, sack sewing and bitumen coating minimum of one doorway to each wall.
sections shall have a fire resistance of not less than
that of a Type I structure as specified in IS 1641. 8 SEPARATING WALLS

7.3 All godowns and storage buildings shall also have 8.1 Separating walls complying with 6.1.2 of IS 1642
a tire resistance of not less than that of Type I structure shall be provided to segregate the following sections
as specified in IS 1641. of the mill from one another:

IS 3836:2000


b) Finished goods godowns; 10.1 Not more than two days requirement of jute shall
c) Rooms for waste recovery plant; be brought inside manufacturing and processing
d) Rooms for baling of jute, jute cutting and buildings.
10.2 The flash point of the batching oil used shall not
e) Rooms housing bitumen coating and be less than IOO”C.
polythene linin~
10.3 The batching oil tanks shall be located outside
o Jute selecting and assorting room;
the mill building and the capacity of the tank shall
g) The main-mill and factory building housing not exceed the daily requirements.
softening, carding, roving, drawing,
spinning, beaming, dressing, weaving, sack 10.4 A clear space of at least8 m be provided between
sewing and calendering machinery; and the soflening machines and the breaker cards. -..—
h) Rope and motor alleys. 10.5 The cards shall be spaced at intervals of not less
8.2 Separating walls complying with 6.1.2 of IS 1642 than 2 m from each other.
shall also be provided between the followrng godowns: 10.6 The floor area occupied by machinery subsequent
a) Baled jute godowns; to carding and up to weaving be transverse by clear
b) Loose jute godowns; passageways of at least 3 m width at 50 m interval.
c) Finished goods godowns; 10.7 Steam piping of the dressing and calendering
d) Jute waste (caddi) godowns, machines shall be thoroughly lagged with incombus-
e) tible insulation and the same maintained in proper
Oil godowns;
order. It should not come in contact with any other
f) Stores for non-hazardous goods; and flammable material.
@ Stores for hazardous goods.
10.8 No combustible material shall be used in the
8.3 Separating walk complying with 6.1.2 of 1S 1642 construction of totally enclosed dressing machinery.
shall also be provided between the following sections: These machinery shall also be provided with
a) Pumps house, thermostatic controls so that steam supply would
b) Boiler house, be automatically cut off at a predetermined safe
c) Transformer house, and
d) Electrical generating station and sub-station. 10.9 A clear space of at least 6 m shall be provided
between the weaving looms and calendering machines
and between the calendering machines and the sack
sewing machines.
9.1 A minimum distance of 15 m shall be maintained
10.10 The twine carrying trays over the sewing ma-
between jute and caddi godowns and manufacturing
chines should preferably be of incombustible constmc-
and processing sections of the mill.
tion and separate trays shall be provided for a group
9.2 A minimum distance of 7.5 m shall be maintained of machines not exceeding 6 in number.
between finished goods godown and other godowns
10.10.1 A minimum clear space of 1 m shall be pro-
and the manufacturing and processing sections of the
vided between the trays and each group of machines.
mill, unless such godowns forma part of the mill block
and segregated therefrom and other godown by 10.11 Not more than daily out-turn of finished goods
separating walk. shall be allowed to accumulate in the sack sewing,
calendering and baling sections.
9.3 No building shall be within 7.5 m of the manufac-
turing and processing sections of the mill, unless it 10.12 The bitumen melters for the bitumen coating
forms a part of the same block and is properly segre- and paper or polythene lining machinery shall be
gated therefrom by separating walls. Open spaces located in the open outside the mill building. They
between the manufacturing/process buildings shall be shall fhrther be segregated, therefrom, by a separating
connected to a road or yard of sufficient width to al- wall without any opening barring that required for
low the fire appliance an easy access. passage of the pipe line for conveying the molten
bitumen to the coating machinery.
9.4 Peels shall not be located within 30 m of a boiler
house or bitumen melting furnace or other storage in 10.13 A stop valve shall be provided on the incoming
the open and within 20 m of any other building. molten bitumen pipe line in a position which would

IS 3836:2000

remain accessible in case of a tire in the coating jute bales shall be parked on any passage or paved
machine. road approaching any godown or between godown and
10.14 The bitumen coating and the lining (paperer approaches to the static water tanldreservoir.
polythene) machines shall be bonded and electrically 11.2.13 Every godown containing jute/jute bales shall
earthed. provide a board on the doorway of the godown stating
10.15 ‘The capacity of the molten bitumen vat of the the number of jute bales and total quantity of jute
coating machine shall not exceed 50 litres. stored.

11 STORAGE CONDITIONS 11.3 Finished Goods Godowns

11.1 General 11.3.1 Not more than20 000 quintals of finished goods
shall be stored in any one godown.
Storage of materials other than jute or finished goods
shall comply with IS 3594. 11.3.2 The height of stacks shall not exceed 8 m.

11.2 Jute Godowns 11.4 Caddi Godown

11.2.1 No baled jute godown shall contain more than Stacking of bales of caddi shall comply with provisions
4000 quintals of jute. laid down for jute bales.
11.2.2 No loose jute godown shall contain more than
11.5 Jute Peels
1000 quintals of jute
11.5.1 No jute peel shall be put up within 20 m of any
11.2.3 Jute bales shall be piled so that the stacks lean
building nor within 30 m of a boiler house or a bitumen
slightly away from the aisles separating individual
melter in the open.
stacks. Bales shall be placed as close to each other as
possible so that no air passage or pockets are formed 11.5.2 No jute peel shall contain more than 15000
within a stack. quintals of jute, nor shall it be more than 6 m in height.
11.2.4 Jute bales shall not be stacked directly on 11.5.3 A minimum clear space of at least 25 m shall
godown floor but on wooden sleepers or masonry or be provided between any two jute peels.
concrete plinths of at least 22.5 cm in height.
11.5.4 The peels shall be put up over cemented
11.2.5 No stack of jute bales shall have its length or platforms and shall be surrounded by a fencing so that
breadth more than 15 r.~. no unauthorized person may gain access to the same.
11.2.6 The maximum height for stacks ofpucca bales
ofjute shall not be more than 6 m while that for stacks
of kutchu bales shall not be more than 5 m. In no case 12.1 General
shall the clearance between the roof (or sprinkler head
in case of sprinkler protected building) and the top of 12.1.1 The electrical installation shall conform to
the stacks be less than 2 m. IS 1646.

11.2.7 Every stack of jute bales shall be separated from 12.1.2 All motors shall be of the totally enclosed type
its neighboring stack by longitudinal and cross aisles. (except in wet locations where they shall be of drip
proof type) and conform in all other respects, to the
11.2.8 Pucca bales shall not be stacked within 1 m or
relevant Indian Standards for textile motors.
godown walls or within 0.5 m of supporting columns
or pillars. 12.1.3 All equipment shall be of metal clad construc-
tion, dust tight and of adequate capacity.
11.2.9 No jute bales shall be stacked within 2 m of
doorways of the godown. 12.1.4 Lamp fittings within the manufacturing and
process areas shall be of dust-tight type and the wiring
11.2.10 Every stack of jute shall be so arranged that a
including the lead to the fitting shall be enclosed in
clear 2 m passage is kept from doorway to the end of
opposite wall terminating to another doorway at not steel conduits.
more than 20 m.
12.2 Jute Godown Lighting
11.2.11 As far as possible no loose jute/bales shall be
“12.2.1 The supply of electricity shall be at low voltage,
kept outside the godown after the daily closure of
that is, not exceeding 250 V.
godown or mill.
12.2.2 All wiring shall be enclosed in a heavy gauge
11.2.12 As far as possible no vehicle loaded with jute/
screwed steel conduits or shall be of mineral insulated

IS 3836:2000

copper or aluminium sheathed cables with or without 13.2 The extent of the protection arrangements to be
PVC sleeving. provided will depend on various factors like size of
the factory, risk involved, availability of outside help
12.2.3 The conduit shall be aflkwdto(not recessed
for major fire fighting and so on. However, all factories
into) the external side of the walls of the godowns
irrespective of their size shall employ at least one
excepting the lengths required to carry the cables to
whole time supervisory officer assisted by a few
the light fittings. The Latter portions of conduit run
firemen .to look after the day to day fire prevention
shall be at least 1 m above highest stacking level and
and first air fire fighting arrangements.
shall be of minimum length required for this purpose.
13.3 Adequate fire prevention measures in consul-
12.2.4 No jointing of cable inside the godown shall
tation with local fire authority shall be laid down for
be permitted. -
all fire risk areas and these measure checked at least
12.2.5 Only bulkhead lighting fittings shall be once every month. Any irregularities observed shall
installed inside the godown. The glass cover of the be brought to the notice of the top manage~ent and —.—
fitting shall be protected by steel wire guards. remedial action taken immediately.
12.2.6 Each lighting fitting shall be fixed to the wall 13.4 Fire fire aid fire fighting appliances of appropriate
or roof not more than 45 cm below roof of godown. type and size as specified in IS 2190 shall be provided
In no case shall the fittings be installed below the level in all parts of the factory.
of the sprinkler heads nor shall there be a clearance
13.5 First aid fire appliances shall be properly
off less than 1 m between the fitting and the top of the
maintained, -checked, tested and refilled as specified
highest stack.
in IS 2190 and proper records maintained.
12.2.7 The controlling switch(es) of the lighting
13.6 All workers shall be periodically trained in
system and all fuses or cut-out shall be situated outside
the godown in a convenient place and effectively observing the fire prevention measures and proper use
protected from weather. of first aid fire appliances provided near their place of
work. They shall be made fire conscious by repeated
12Q.8 A pilot lamp controlled by the switch(es) shall lectures, demonstrations, display of posters and other
be provided on the switch panel to indicate whether methods. ‘No Smoking’ boards shall be displayed at
the lights inside the godowns are on or off when the regular intervals throughout the premises.
godown is closed and locked.
.13.7 Clearly audible tire alarm shall be provided in
12.2.9 The control switch(es) shall be provided with all areas of the factory to alert the workers so that
locking arrangement to prevent unauthorized use. they can evacuate themselves and also engage in tire
12.2.10 All perimeter, street and year lighting shall fighting operations immediately.
be on separate electric circuit independent of building 13.8 For high fire risk processes and storage areas
light circuit and shall be provided with separate specially those which -remain unattended for consi-
switches and main switches. derable period an automatic detection and alarm
12.3 Fi?ished Goods, Godmvns Lighting system or an automatic sprinkler system shall be
installed. These systems shall be connected to a
The wiring shall be enclosed in screwed steel conduits Central Control Room. All other risk areas shall be
or shall be of mineral insulated copperor aluminium periodically visited for fire watching. Suitable
sheathed cable with or without PVC sleeving and communication systems from different areas to a
fittings shall be of bulkhead type fitted directly on the Central Control Room operatable both during working
roof. and non-working hours shall be provided.
12.3.1 The circuit(s) shall be controlled by a linked 13.9 All factories irrespective of their size and risk
switch and cut-out which shall be placed outside the shall make suitable provision for water supplies for
godown in a convenient position. fire fighting. The requirement of water will vary
according to the size and risk. However, generally
the minimum requirement for water for a medium size
13.1 Jute being a highly combustible material its factory will be 1800 l/rein for process area and 3600
spinning, weaving, and other manufacturing process l/rein for storage areas. The total provision of water
and storage in large quantities is of considerable tire always available shall be for four hours at the above
risk. To guard against this risk suitable fire prevention, rates. In case there is replenishment of water, the
first aid fire fighting and major fire fighting total provision for water may be reduced to 2 hours at
arrangement shall be provided. the above rates.

IS 3836:2000

13.1”0Arrangements for water supplies for fire fighting Lux

shall be in form of firs hydrants and static water tanks. Weaving, spinning, flat, jacquard carpet 200
At least one half of the total requirements shall be in looms and cop winding
the form of static water tanks and these shall be located Yam, calendering 150
at a distance not exceeding 180 m from the buildings/ Open compound 20
risks to be protected.
13.11 Factories which are located within 8 km of well
equipped Public or Local Municipal FireBrigade may 15.1 No smoking or cooking shall be carried out in
depend on such fire brigade for major tire fighting the premises except in building specially set apart for
arrangements. However, such mills shall make such purposes.
arrangements for training of the workers in the use of 15.2 No welding or metal cutting operations, removal
the hydrant system under the guidance of the fire staff of paint by burning or work with open fires shall be ——
to contain the tires till the assisting Local Fire Brigade carried “out within 15 m of godowns or open storage
arrives. sites.

13.12 Factories which are located at a distance 15.3 No welding or metal cutting operations, or work
exceeding 8 km from the nearest well equipped local with open fires shall ordinarily be permitted within
fire brigade shall make their own arrangements for manufacturing or process blocks. If such work is
major tire fighting. The requirements of major fire essential it shall be carried out after obtaining clearance
appliances water supplies for fire fighting, fire station from the Officer-in-Charge of the section concerned,
buildings, fire fighting staff and their duty system and in consultation with the safety/fire officer of the
shall be planned and worked out in consultation with mill. During such operation all necessary precautions
the local fire authority. shall be taken and skeleton fire staff with first-aid fire
fighting appliances detailed for standby duties.
13.13 Where main reliance for major fire fighting is
15.4 Locomotives, cranes, road rollers, etc, using coal
placed on the assisting local tire brigade close liason
or wood as fhel shall not be permitted inside the factory
shall always be maintained and periodical fire practices
without proper spark arrestors. Diesel locomotives
shall be held to ensure prompt attendance.
may however be used.
13.14 Suitable arrangements shall be made for
15.5 The design and use of all types of goods handling
expeditious communication of tire messages between
appliances shall comply with relevant provisions laid
the mill and the assisting local Fire Brigades. This down in IS 3594.
system shall be checked at the change of each shift
and alternative arrangements made in case of any 15.6 All godowns and manufacturing and process
failure. areas shall be swept clean of waste materials at the
end of the day’s work. In case of mills working round-
13.15 Notices in regional language, Hindi and English the-clock, the sweeping operations shall be carried out
shall be displayed in prominent places of the mill at the end of each shift.
indicating the action to be taken in case of an outbreak
of fire. 15.7 Doors and windows of all buildings shall be kept
locked when no work is being carried out therein.
13.16 An emergency fire fighting and rescue procedure
shall be worked out, regularly ~racticed and 15.8 Every person shall be searched for matches or
periodically revised when necessary, smoking materials before being permitted inside jute
15.9 Jute godowns shall be closed and locked imme-
14.1 For effective fire fighting purposes the minimum diately afier completion of every stacking or issuing
illumination of various sections of the premises shall operation. Before such closure, however, the godown
be as indicated below: shall be thoroughly inspected by mills security staff.

IS 3836:2000

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title 1S No. Title

232:1985 Glossa~ of textile terms — Natural — Code of practice (second

fibres (second revision) revision)
1641:1988 Code of practice for fire safety of 3034:1993 Fire safety of industrial buildings:
buildings: General principles of tire Electrical generating and distri-
grading and classification @rst buting station — Code of practice
revision) (second revision) .—
1642:1989 Code of practice for fire safety of 3594:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of
buildings: General: Details of industrial buildings: General storage
construction (first revision) and warehousing including cold
2190:1992 Selection, installation and main- storages (first revision)
tenance of first aid fire extinguishers 8757:1978 Glossary of terms associated with fire
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods+
and attending to connected rnattcrs in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permissio[l in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are [
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
cBIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’. b

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 36 (5794).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date oflssue Text Affected


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