Working of Trains Generally
Working of Trains Generally
Working of Trains Generally
4.05 PROPER RUNNING LINE. — The Loco Pilot shall take his
train along the proper running line.
(1) On a double line, every train shall run on the left hand line
unless otherwise prescribed by special instructions.
(2) If there are two or more parallel lines, the direction in which
trains are to run on each line shall be prescribed by special
(1) (a) Every train shall be run on each section of the railway within
the limits of speed sanctioned for that section by approved
special instructions.
(c) The Loco Pilot shall observe the sanctioned speed except when
either one speedometer in case of electric loco or two
speedometer in case of other locomotives are defective. In such
cases of defective speedometer both the maximum permissible
speed and booked speed of coaching trains shall be reduced by
ten percent from the speed otherwise permissible.
(a) regulate and control the running of the trains according to the
Working Time Table, so as to avoid either excessive speed or
loss of time and
(b) not make up between any two stations more time than is allowed
in this behalf in the Working Time Table and shall also observe
all speed restrictions.
(2) Sub-rule (1) does not apply in the case of long continued repairs
when fixed signals are provided at an adequate distance short of
such place and have been notified to the running staff
(1) The speed of trains over non-interlocked facing points shall not
exceed 15 kilometres an hour in any circumstances and the
speed over turn-outs and cross-overs shall not exceed 15
kilometres an hour unless otherwise prescribed by approved
special instructions, which may permit a higher speed.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1), a train may run over
interlocked facing points at such speed as may be permitted by
the standard of interlocking.
(1) No engine or self propelled vehicle shall push any train outside
station limits except in accordance with special instructions and
at a speed not exceeding 25 Kilometre an hour;
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to a train the leading
vehicle of which is equipped with driving apparatus and which
may be operated under approved special instructions;
(2) For movement of trains out side station limits with engine
pushing during night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility or where otherwise prescribed by special
instructions, the leading vehicles of such trains shall be equipped
with the prescribed head light and marker light except in case of
(3) When trains are worked as described in sub-rules (1) and (2),
the engine pushing the load when it is the rearmost, or the
rearmost vehicle if any shall carry a tailboard or a tail lamp.
(b) When any such train is so drawn, the speed shall not exceed 25
kilometres an hour, or such higher speed, not exceeding 40
kilometres an hour, as may be authorised by approved special
(4) In case the electric head light fails or a train has to be worked
with the engine running tender foremost in an emergency, the
engine shall display the two oil or electric white marker lights
referred to in sub-rule (1) pointing in the direction of movement
and the train shall run at a speed prescribed by special
(6) Coaching locos should not be turned out from home shed if the
speedometer /recorders are in defective condition. In case of
speedometer /recorder becoming defective during the run, the
train should run at a speed prescribed by special instructions.
(3) When trains may run in the same direction on parallel lines, the
side lights mentioned in clause (a) of sub-rule(1) may be
arranged in accordance with special instructions.
(4) When a train has been shunted for a following train to pass, the
tail and side lights mentioned in clause (a) of sub-rule(1) shall be
dealt with in accordance with special instructions.
(1) In order to indicate to the staff that a train is complete, the last
vehicle shall except as provided for in sub-rule (2) be
distinguished by affixing to the rear of it-
(1) The Station Master shall see that the last vehicle of every train
passing through his station is provided with a tail board or tail
lamp or such other device in accordance with the provisions of
Rule 4.16
(2) If a train passes the station without such indication to show that
it is complete, the Station Master shall -
(a) immediately advise the station in advance to stop the train to see
that the defect is remedied and to advise whether or not the
train is complete,
(b) meanwhile with hold the closing of the block section to
ensure that no train is allowed to enter the block section
from the station in rear, and
(c) unless the station in advance has advised that the train is
complete, neither consider the block section in rear as clear nor
close it.
(1) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him, while on duty
with his train, the following equipment.—
(B) a copy of the Working Time Table and all correction slips and
appendices, if any, in force on that section of the railway over
which the train is to run.
(G) a first aid box (for Guards of passenger carrying trains only)
(3) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him while on duty
with his train, two pairs of such spectacles as he is required to
wear under medical advice.
(1) In the case of electric trains, the Loco Pilot shall be in the
leading driving compartment when the train is in motion or
when the train is standing on any running line except as
otherwise prescribed in these rules.
(2) (a) In the case of a single or multiple unit train, if the driving
apparatus in the leading driving compartment becomes
defective, the trains shall be driven cautiously from the nearest
driving compartment which is serviceable; in this event, the
Guard shall travel in the leading driving compartment and shall
convey the necessary signals to the Loco Pilot; the Guard shall
also sound the horn or whistle as necessary and apply the brake
in case of emergency and shall be responsible for stopping the
train correctly at signals, stations and obstructions.
(1) No person other than the engine crew shall be authorised to ride
on the engine or tender of a steam locomotive, except in
accordance with special instructions.
(2) Except as may be permitted by special instructions, no person
other than the engine crew shall be authorised to enter any
driving compartment of a single or multiple unit train or a train
propelled by electric, diesel or petrol engine.
(3) No unauthorized person shall manipulate any apparatus
contained therein.
4.25 GUARDS.—
4.27 CRANES.—
(1) No vehicle which has been derailed shall run between stations,
until it has been examined and passed by a competent Section
Engineer (C&W):
(b) that the coupling between the engine and the train is properly
secured and
(c) that the head light and marker lights as prescribed in sub-rule
(1) of Rule 4.14 are in good order and these are kept burning
brightly, when required.
(b) that the train is provided with the prescribed brake power,
(c) that the train carries tail board or tail lamp and side lamps and
that such lamps are lighted and kept burning brightly, when
(1) A Loco Pilot shall not start his train from a station without the
authority to proceed. Before starting the train, he shall satisfy
himself that all correct fixed signals and where necessary, hand
signals are given and the line before him is clear of visible
obstructions and the Guard has given the signal to start.
(2) The Guard shall not give the signal for starting the train unless
he has received the permission of the Station Master to start, in
the manner prescribed by special instructions.
(3) The Guard shall not give the signal for starting unless he has
satisfied himself that, except in accordance with special
instructions, no person is travelling in any compartment or
vehicle or roof of the vehicle not intended for the use of
passengers. Guard, Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall take
help, if necessary from Government Railway Police, Railway
Protection Force and Station Staff to remove the unauthorised
persons from the compartment or vehicle or roof of the vehicle.
(4) The Station Master shall see, before he gives the Guard
permission to start a train, that all is right for the train to
(1) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall exchange signals
with each other, at such times and in such manner as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
(2) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall, while running
through a station, look out for and except under special
instructions, acknowledge the ‘all right’ signals which the
Station Master and such other staff at the station as may be
specified by special instructions shall give if the train is
proceeding in a safe and proper manner. If the train is not
proceeding in a safe and proper manner, the Station Master or
the other staff shall exhibit a Stop hand signal, on receipt of
which the Guard and the Loco Pilot shall take immediate steps
to stop the train.
The Guard shall, as soon as the train is stopped at the first Stop
signal, check up that the tailboard or tail lamp is correctly
exhibited and shall maintain a vigilant attitude in rear of the
train. After fifteen minutes or such less time as may be
prescribed by special instructions, the Guard shall, irrespective
of whether the cause is apparent or not, proceed to protect the
rear of the train in accordance with instructions laid down in
Rule 6.03. If in the meantime the signal is taken ‘off’, or the
Loco Pilot receives the necessary authority to pass the signal in
the ‘on’ position, he shall sound the prescribed code of whistle to
recall the Guard and exchange hand signal with him before
starting the train.
(3) When the attention of the Loco Pilot has been attracted, the
necessary hand signal shall be shown.
(4) If the train is fitted with continuous brake, the Guard may, in
case of emergency, apply such brake gradually to stop the train.
(1) When the Loco Pilot sounds the prescribed code of whistle or
the brake whistle, the Guards shall immediately apply their
hand brakes.
(2) When a train is travelling down a steep incline, the Guards shall,
if necessary to steady the train, assist the Loco Pilot with their
hand brakes.
(1) Except under special instructions, the Loco Pilot shall always
sound the whistle of the engine according to the prescribed code
of whistle-
(a) the vehicles of the material train have been properly secured
and are not fouling any points or crossings,
(b) all necessary points have been set against the line on which the
material train is stabled and such points have been secured with
clamps or bolts and cotters and padlocks and
(c) the keys of such padlocks are kept in his personal custody until
the material train is ready to leave the siding or line.
(3) The Guard shall not relinquish charge until he has satisfied
himself that the material train has been protected as prescribed
in this rule.