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Chapter 4

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A. Timing and Running of Trains
4.01. Standard time:-

The working of trains between stations shall be regulated by the standard time
prescribed by the Government of India, which shall be transmitted daily to all the
principal stations of the railway at 16.00 hours in the manner prescribed.

S.R.4.01 „Standard time‟ as referred in GR 4.01 shall be the time displayed in GPS clock
provided in the Control office and shall be transmitted to all stations at 16.00 hours by
the section Controller.

For stations, which are not connected to the control, the specified stations shall pass
on this information through telephone.

At all class “D” stations where there is no telephone connections either with the
adjacent station or Control, the Clerk-in-charge shall check their station clocks daily
with the time of the Guard of the first stopping train for the day.

(Ref: Railway Board letter No. ED/Safety-II/Rly Board letter No.2020/ Safety(A&R)/
19/09 dated 28.07.2021) (Correction Memo 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021)

4.02. Adherence to advertised time

No passenger train or mixed train shall be despatched from a station before the
advertised time.

4.03. Setting watch:-

Before a train starts from a terminal or crew-changing station, the Guard shall
set his watch by the station clock or the clock at the authorised place of
reporting for duty and communicate the time to the Loco Pilot who shall set his
watch accordingly.

4.04. Time of attendance for train crew:-

Every Guard, Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilot shall be in attendance for duty at
such place and at such time as may be prescribed by special instructions.

S.R.4.04(i) Guards and Assistant Guards of Express, Mail and Passenger trains shall appear
on duty thirty minutes before the booked departure of the trains. Guards and
Assistant Guards of road vans, Mixed, Goods and Departmental trains, also shall
appear on duty thirty minutes before the booked or notified departure of the trains.

S.R.4.04(ii) When Guards and Brakesmen report for or break off duty, they shall sign in the
Guards “On” and “Off” duty Register entering the time.

4.05. Proper running line:-

The Loco Pilot shall take his train along the proper running line.

S.R.4.05(i) Except as provided for in the Station Working Rules, the berthing of a train on a
non-running line for crossing purposes is prohibited. However, light engines may,
after being received into the station on a running line in the usual manner, be shunted
on to and berthed on a non-running line whenever necessary, without any special
instructions, when a light engine is so berthed on a non-running line, it shall not be
reckoned as a crossing train for the purpose of computing the number of trains to be
crossed at the station.

S.R.4.05(ii)(a) The Goods Home signal shall not be taken “Off” for a train carrying
passengers. If so, the Loco Pilot of a passenger train shall stop short of the Goods
Home signal, inform the Guard and send his Assistant Loco Pilot to the station to
inform the Station Master. The Station Master shall put back the Goods Home signal
to “On” and take “Off” the Passenger Home signal and give a memo to the Loco Pilot
(countersigned by the Guard) authorizing the Loco Pilot to enter the station observing
the “Off” aspect of the Passenger Home signal. In such cases, the Guard shall send
a special report to the Divisional Operations Manager along with the Combined Train
(b) A goods train may be received either into the Coaching or Goods yard by taking
“Off” relevant signals according to operational convenience.

4.06. Direction of running:-

(1) On a double line, every train shall run on the left hand line unless otherwise
prescribed by special instructions.

(2) If there are two or more parallel lines, the direction in which trains are to run on
each line shall be prescribed by special instructions.

S.R.4.06(i) The Up and Down direction of traffic on the various sections are given in the
Working Time Table.

4.07. Supply of Working Time Table and Schedule of Standard Dimensions:-

(1) A copy of the Working time Table for the time being in force shall be supplied to
each station, Guard, Loco Pilot, Inspector of Way or Works, and any other
railway servant requiring the use of the Working Time Table during the course of
his duties.

(2) A copy of the Working Time Table shall, on issue, be supplied to the
Commissioner of Railway Safety.

(3) A copy of the Schedule of Standard Dimensions for the time being in force shall
be supplied to each Inspector of Way or Works and Train Examiner.


B. Speed of Trains

4.08. Limits of speed generally:-

(1) (a) Every train shall be run on each section of the railway within the limits of
speed sanctioned for that section by special instructions.

(Ref:-Railway Board's letter No. 2022/Safety(A&R)/19/20 dated 27.07.22)

(Correction Memo 03/2022 dated 12.08.2022)
(b) The sectional speed sanctioned and permanent speed restrictions shall be
shown in the Working Time Table.
(c) The Loco Pilot shall observe the sanctioned sectional speed except when
either one speedometer in case of electric loco or two speedometers in case of
other locomotives are defective. In such cases of defective speedometers both
the maximum permissible speed and booked speed of coaching trains shall be
reduced by ten per cent from the speed otherwise permissible.

(2) The Loco Pilot shall:-

(a) regulate and control the running of the train according to the Working Time
Table, so as to avoid either excessive speed or loss of time, and
(b) not make up between any two stations more time than is allowed in this
behalf in the Working Time Table, and shall also observe all speed restrictions.

(3) When it is necessary to indicate to the Loco Pilot where trains are to run at a
restricted speed or where trains have to come to a stop due to the line being
under repairs or due to any other obstruction, action shall be taken as specified
in Rule 15.09.

S.R. 4.08(i) No locomotive shall be turned out from the shed with deficient or defective
speedometer. In case, the speedometer becomes defective enroute, the Loco Pilot
shall work the train at speed 10% less than the permissible speed by estimating the
speed with the help of his watch, kilometre posts and inter-station running time given
in the Working Time Table.
S.R.4.08 (ii) The Maximum permissible speed of Goods trains and Mixed Trains in Broad
Gauge is 75 kmph except in case of trains with rolling stock where a higher speed is
permitted as indicated in the Working Time Table.
(Correction Memo No.04/2015 dated 28.08.15)

4.09. Caution order:-

(1) Whenever, in consequence of the line being under repair or for any other
reason, special precautions are necessary, a Caution Order detailing the
kilometres between which such precautions are necessary, the reasons for
taking such precautions, and the speed at which a train shall travel, shall be
handed over to the Loco Pilot at the stopping station immediately short of the
place where such precautions are necessary, or at such other stations, and in
such manner, as prescribed under special instructions.

(2) Sub-rule (1) does not apply in the case of long continued repairs when fixed
signals are provided at an adequate distance short of such place and have been
notified to the running staff concerned.

(3) The Caution Order referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be on white paper, with green
font and be made out and signed in full.


When a token of the Block section is extracted in connection

Circumstance with the work involving disconnection of points at the outlying
Token handed over to Signal & Telecommunication
Particulars of department official for disconnection of points at the outlying
caution siding. “Observe special caution as necessary and lookout for
hand signals at site”.
Reference Para No. 4.15 (xxvi) of BWM Part 1
Whenever Loco Pilots report about slack or rough running or
Circumstance heavy lurch or any abnormal condition in the track over which
his train has passed.
Loco Pilot's message shall be repeated and the
2 clause, "Observe Special Caution, reduce speed as
Particulars of
necessary and do not in any case, exceed a speed of 10
KMPH and stop dead sufficiently short of the affected portion
of the track before taking necessary action" to be added.
Reference SR.6.07(i) (d) and (e)
Note: - The Loco Pilot of the first train entering into the Block section shall stop at the spot
indicated in the caution order, inspect the track and follow the instructions contained
in SR.6.07(i) (d) and (e) (Correction Memo No. 2 / 2008 dated 09.06.2008)
When unsafe condition of the bunds of tanks or rivers is
reported, and where danger is suspected to the Railway track,
bridges and other fixed installations from sabotage, and the
location remaining vague.
Particulars of the river or tank bund reported to be
3 unsafe/information regarding danger apprehended from
Particulars of sabotage, shall be given and add “Observe special caution. Do
caution not in any case exceed a speed of 15 KMPH during day and
clear weather and 10 KMPH during night or when the view
ahead is not clear".
Reference SR.6.07 (iv) (Correction memo No.02/2008 dated 09.06.2008)
Circumstance When water reaches danger level mark at bridges.
"Water reached "danger" level mark at bridge No. ------------------
-------at KM ------------between ----------------station and ------------
Particulars of station Proceed cautiously and observe engineering hand
caution signals at site. Speed shall not exceed 15 KMPH during day
and clear weather and 10 KMPH during night or when the view
ahead is not clear".
Reference SR.15.05 (10) (Correction memo No. 9 dated 20.02.07)

Circumstance When Trolley is on line under caution order protection on form

T/ 1518.
Particulars of
Trolley on line caution order T/C 409 to be issued.
Reference SR.15.24 (i) a & b.

If the gateman‟s acknowledgement of a non-interlocked level

crossing gate (outside the First stop signals of the station)
provided with communications, is not received for a train to
6 enter the block section from either end.
Particulars of "Gateman‟s acknowledgement has not been received".
caution Location of the level crossing shall be notified.
Reference SR.16.03 (iii) (b).
For the last train mentioned in the line block order to enter the
block section before imposition of line block.
7 Particulars of "Lookout for a stop hand signal from the engineering official in-
caution charge at KMs for the issue of Last Train Certificate".
Reference S.R.15.06(18)(7).
For traffic train to enter a block section on the expiry of Line
Block period when the Line Block "Removal Advice" or the Line
Block "Extension Advice" has not been received from the
8 engineering official-in-charge.
Particulars of "Line Block Removal/Extension Advice not received. Be
caution prepared for stop or caution signals at km-------------"
Reference S.R.15.06(18)8(d)(ii).
When any patrolman does not report within 15 minutes of his
scheduled arrival.
"Beat No. -----------------------Patrolman between -----------------
station and ---------------------station who was due to arrive at -----
9 Particulars of -------station at ----------------hours has not arrived yet.
caution Restrict the speed to 40 KMPH during day when visibility is
clear & 15 KMPH during night and during day when the visibility
is poor".
Reference S.R 15.05 7c(i).
On Twin Single line sections when line clear is obtained for a
train by any means of communication other than the Block
Circumstance Instrument / Track Circuit / Axle Counter or Telephone attached
to Block Instrument duly cross checking the private numbers
10 given for Line clear for the preceding three trains.
Particulars of The speed of first train shall not exceed 25 kmph over the
caution entire section
Reference S. R 14.01 (ii) (c) (Correction Memo No. 6 dated 20.10.07)
When there is a doubt or suspicion from the condition of a run
through train or observations made that the block section in rear
11 Circumstance
might have been obstructed or affected during the passage of
Particulars of "Proceed cautiously and lookout for any obstruction on the line".
Reference Part I Chapter III 1.3.3(d) of BWM
Circumstance When engineering Gate signal is reported as defective.
Particulars of Information about the failure of gate signal notifying its location
caution shall be given.
Reference S.R. 16.06(ii) b.
Circumstance Engineering works or repairs on the track.
13 Particulars of T/409 or T/B 409 shall be issued.
caution Details, as per the contents of the caution order advice of the


engineering official.
Reference S.R. 15.08(i) (e).
Circumstance When emergency patrol is put on.
Particulars of
14 "Emergency patrolling in force".
Reference S.R. 15.05(7) (f).
When there is a change in the complement of signals or where
signals are newly erected or resited.
15 Particulars of
Notify the change in signaling arrangements in detail.
Reference S.R. 3.26(iii)
When Warner or Distant or First Stop signal becomes defective
in the „Off‟ position.
"------------------ signal of -------------- station failed in the „Off‟
16 Particulars of
position. Observe stop hand signal shown at the foot of the
defective signal".
Reference G.R. 3.71.
When spring loaded points lie against the path of a Motor
Trolley in the trailing direction.
17 Particulars of Warning with regard to presence of the spring loaded points
caution and its location shall be given.
Reference S.R. 15.25(x)(c) (2).
Whenever a train is piloted into the station on a written authority
to enter a Non-signalled/Non-running line.
18 Particulars of Speed of incoming trains shall not exceed 15 kmph or lesser
caution speed as mentioned in Station Working Rules.
Reference GR 5.10 and G.R. 4.10
Whenever Alarm chain apparatus is blanked off on a
coach/compartment of a train.
19 Particulars of Notify the coach number and its position with an instruction to
caution look back frequently and exercise special vigil.
Circumstance Whenever engine pushing a train.
"The speed shall not exceed 15 KMPH with the Guard traveling
Particulars of
20 in the leading vehicle and 10 KMPH with the Guard traveling in
any other vehicle.
Reference S.R. 4.12(b) (2)
When train movements are permitted over the fractured
Circumstance rail/failed weld, once the emergency repairs have been
Notify the location of fractured rail/failed weld and "Speed over
21 the spot shall not exceed 20 KMPH when certified fit, by an
Particulars of
engineering official not below the rank of keyman and 30 KMPH
when certified fit by JE/SSE/P.Way, pending permanent
Reference S.R. 6.01(ii)(c).
When trains delayed unusually, running on double/multiple line
Particulars of "Train on the adjacent line is delayed unusually, proceed
caution cautiously and ascertain the whereabouts and the condition of

the delayed train.

Reference G.R. 6.04(i).
When a train has to be started after the occurrence of train
parting and the clearance of obstruction.
"Report on the conditions of the track such as misalignment or
23 Particulars of
distortion if any due to parting of previous train, to the Station
Master at the other end.
Reference S.R. 6.08(vii).
When trains hauled by steam/Diesel locomotives are permitted
to enter the section during Power Block period.
"Power Block in force between -------------- and ----------------------
24 Particulars of station. The speed restriction and/or special precautions if any
caution to be observed as per the advice of Traction Power Controller
to be included.
Reference S.R. 17.02(iv) S.R. 4.09 (iii)(7)
The existing S.No 25 deleted vide Correction Memo No.04/2019 dated
During temporary single line working on a double line section
worked under the Automatic Block System.
a) The speed of the first train, in both the right direction and
the wrong direction is restricted to 25 kmph.
(Correction Memo 02/2022 dated 12.05.2022)
b) An endorsement to the Loco Pilot of the first train in the
wrong direction to inform all gatemen and gangmen on the
Particulars of
way about the introduction of temporary single line working.
25 caution
c) Caution order shall contain:
1. the line on which to run.
2. the kilometrage between which the obstruction exists.
3. any other speed restrictions imposed.
4. the Automatic stop signals shall be considered out of use.
S.R. 9.12 Part I (12).
Reference S.R. 9.12 Part I (11).
S.R. 9.12 Part I (10) (a)
Circumstance During the period of overhauling of Interlocking lever frames.
Particulars of
26 "restrict the speed of train to 15 KMPH at the station".
Reference S.R.15.06 (ii) (10) (vi)c (ii), G.R. 4.10.
Circumstance When temporary neutral section is provided.
Particulars of Indicate the temporary neutral section and the location where
caution the Loco Pilot has to lower and raise pantograph.
Reference S.R. 17.07(ii)
When there is an overhead equipment break down on
double/multiple line section.
Caution order to the Loco Pilot of the first train shall contain
"Observe a speed restriction of 20 KMPH by day and 10 KMPH
28 by night and keep sharp lookout for any defects/obstructions on
Particulars of
the line/lines and to stop short of obstruction or at the next
station and report the condition of track and over head
equipment or any other infringement to the section
controller/Traction power controller".


Reference S.R. 17.09(vi) (2) & (3).

When emergency feeding arrangements are being introduced
on account of failure of overhead equipment power supply.
29 Particulars of Specify structure number to lower & raise pantograph.
Reference S.R. 17.02(iii)(c)
When the Station Master is sending 6-2 bell code signal on
double/multiple line sections.
Caution order to the Loco Pilots of trains running on the
adjacent line/lines "Train parting is suspected proceed
30 Particulars of
cautiously and stop short of any obstruction".
In thick, foggy weather or in cuttings reducing visibility to very
low levels etc; the speed shall not exceed 15 KMPH.
Reference S.R. 4.17 (i).
Before despatching a train to a Station where the colour light
signals are not burning due to power failure.
Advise the Loco Pilot of the absence of any light on the signal
31 Particulars of
and therefore for keeping a good vigil and lookout and to stop at
the foot of the First Stop signal post of the station.
Reference S.R. 3.68 (i) (c) (2)
When goods stock is attached to passenger trains, after
certified fit by the train examiner, to run on passenger trains.
32 Particulars of "Speed not to exceed 75 KMPH on Broad Gauge and 50/40
caution KMPH on Metre Gauge.
Reference S.R. 4.34 (iii) (a) & (b)
Any other condition or circumstances which may require the
33 Circumstance issue of a caution order or caution order issued under local or
special instructions

S.R. 4.09(ii) Sending of information.-

(1) Whenever in consequence of the line including overhead equipment being under
repairs or for any other reasons, special precautions are necessary or when any
danger to safety of trains is apprehended the Station Master receiving such
information shall immediately inform the Station Master at the other end of the
affected block section, the Controller, the Power Controller, the centralized Traffic
Control Operator, the Traction Loco Controller, the Traction Power Controller, the
Loco Foreman, other railway servants concerned and the Notice station or stations
(to be specified in the Working Time Table) of such conditions under exchange of
Private Numbers.

(2) The Controller, the Centralised traffic Control Operator, the Traction Power
Controller, the Traction Loco Controller, the Power Controller shall in turn ensure that
all the Station Masters and the Loco Foremen concerned have been advised of such


S.R.4.09(iii) Procedure for issue of Caution Order:-

(i) The Station Master receiving advice about the line being under repairs or any other
eventuality endangering safety of trains necessitating exercise of caution, shall not
permit any train or any vehicle running under “block protection” to enter the affected
block section either from his station or from the other end; unless:-
(a) the Station Master at the other end has acknowledged receipt of such information;
(b) he has warned the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the danger ahead and its location by
the issue of a Caution Order except in case of permanent speed restrictions which
are notified in the Working Time Table; or
(c) he has ensured that Caution Order has been issued by the Notice station
concerned; or
(d) he has received advice about restoration of normal working.

(ii) The Station Master at the other end of the affected block section shall also take action
in accordance with sub-clauses (b) to (d) of clause (1) (i) of S.R. 4.09 (iii)
(iii) Run through trains shall be stopped out of course for issue of Caution Order till such
time it has been ensured that a Caution Order has been issued by the Notice station
(iv) Whenever work is taken up by overhead equipment staff under Power Block, they shall
advise the Station Masters on either side of the block section to issue Caution Orders,
if necessary, to the Loco Pilots of trains entering the block section.


(a) On receipt of advice of the line being under repairs or any other eventuality
endangering the safety of trains necessitating exercise of caution, the Station Master
of the notice station shall acknowledge the same and shall not allow any train which
has to pass though the affected block section, to leave his station, unless he has
warned the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the danger and its location through the issue
of a caution order in Form T/409. He shall also advise the Station Master of the
station in rear of site of restriction of the particulars of the first train to which the
caution order has been issued.
“The name of the Notice station upto which the Caution Order has been given along
with the total number of cautions to be observed shall be clearly written on the face
of the Caution Order (T/409).”
(b) The Station Master of a Notice station shall issue “Nil” Caution Order in Form T/A 409
to the Loco Pilots and the Guards of all trains leaving his station if he has received
no intimation or any special precautions to be observed between his station and the
next notice station of the train, in the direction of movement.

Note.- The Loco Pilot shall not start the train and the Guard shall not give signal to start the train from a
notice station until they have received the caution order containing caution advice or `nil‟ caution


(3) In case of trains originating from stations other than Notice stations.-In case of a train
originating from a station which is not a Notice station, the Station Master shall consult
the Controller or the Centralised Traffic Control Operator or the Traction Power
Controller or the Notice station in rear or the notice station in advance (on single line
section only) and issue Caution Order up to the Notice station in advance. However
when such information cannot be collected by the station due to failure of
communications with Control or the Notice station in rear or the Notice station in
advance (on single line section only) and it becomes absolutely necessary to start the
train originating from the station, the train should be started after issuing a Caution
Order for restrictions, if any or a „Nil‟ Caution order upto the block station in advance
and act upon the instructions available there. This procedure will be followed till a
station is reached which can obtain particulars of all restrictions upto the Notice station
in advance.
Note: The Caution Order to be issued for trains originating from stations other than notice stations shall also be
in Form T/409. The “Nil” Caution order referred herein shall be in Form T/A 409.

(4) Change of train crew en-route.- In case of change of train crew enroute the Loco
Pilot/Guard taking over charge shall take over all Caution orders relating to his train to
acquaint himself of the conditions on the line giving due acknowledgement to the Loco
Pilot/Guard who is being relieved.
(5) Attaching of Assisting /Banking engine en-route.- In case of an assisting or a banking
engine being attached at a station enroute, the responsibility for acquainting himself
about restrictions shall lie on the Loco Pilot of such an engine who shall contact the
train engine Loco Pilot or the Guard as the case may be and get the necessary
(6) During failure of communications.-During failure of communications, the Station Master
of the Station immediately in rear of the affected block section shall issue Caution
Order to trains of all descriptions irrespective of whether it is a single line section or a
double line section and irrespective of the system of working in force on the section.
(7) In case of Power Blocks on electrified section.- In case it becomes necessary to permit
movement of vehicles hauled by steam or diesel locomotives on a section, under
Power Block for a running line, a Caution Order shall be issued as per rules. While
asking for the Power Block, the Traction Power Controller concerned shall invariably
mention the duration of the Power Block, the Block stations and the exact kilometrage
between which the work is to be done, the nature of work, the speed at which the train
shall travel, and other special precautions required to be observed by the Loco Pilot.
(8) In case of Local/Suburban trains.- In the case of trains running on suburban sections,
Caution order shall be issued to the Loco Pilots and Guards by the Station Masters of
only such stations as are specified in the Working Time Table except in case of
emergency necessitating sudden imposition of speed restriction. In respect of these
trains, the Caution Orders may be either typed, cyclostyled or printed as considered
necessary, covering the entire section on which the train is to run and shall be issued
only once unless some speed restriction/restrictions is/are required to be cancelled or
some further speed restriction/restrictions is/are required to be imposed.


(9) In caseof stations where no train is booked to stop:-

(a) A Caution Order shall normally not be issued except in an emergency necessitating
sudden imposition of speed restriction; and
(b) If any information warranting issue of a Caution Order received by the Station Master
of such a station, he shall immediately advise the adjoining Block Stations, for the
issue of Caution Order and only after obtaining their acknowledgements in this regard
under exchange of Private Numbers, shall acknowledge the message requiring
imposition of speed restriction.
(c) On receipt of such information, the Station Master of the adjoining station who
receives the information first shall act as if he had himself received the message for
imposition of the restriction.
S.R.4.09(iv) Description and preparation of Caution Order:-
(a) All forms should be serially numbered and the name of the station issuing it shall be
stamped on each foil. It should be in three foils-one each for the Loco Pilot, the
Guard and the station record. When more than one engine is attached to a train,
additional foils of Caution Order shall be prepared for delivery to such Loco Pilots in
addition to the leading Engine Loco Pilot.
(b) The printing of Caution Order forms should be bilingual .i.e., in English and Hindi.
(c) Station codes shall not be used. Names of the stations concerned should be written
in full, as given in the Working Time Table. No entries should be made on the back of
the Caution Order. If more than one Caution Order form is used. pages should be
serially numbered as page 1, page 2, page 3 etc.
(d) Caution Order shall be specifically made out for each train separately except at
specified stations and for specified trains e.g., Rajdhani Express, through goods
trains with long runs, local/suburban trains etc., in which case it may be typed,
cyclostyled or printed provided, that it shall be checked up again at the time of
service to ensure that all locations where caution is required to be observed have
been incorporated therein. Necessary provisions in this regard shall be made in the
Station working Rules of stations concerned and such stations/trains shall be
specified in the Working Time Table. Wherever speed restrictions are required to be
observed at two or more locations the kilometrage of all such stations shall be
indicated in geographical order in relation to the direction of movement.
(e) It shall always be dated and signed in full.
(f) In case of any error or over-writing, it shall be cancelled and a fresh one prepared.

(g) “Reminder” Caution Order in Form T/B. 409 shall also be issued by the Station
Master of the block station immediately in rear of the affected block section to the
Loco Pilots of all scheduled stopping trains and of those trains stopping out of course.


On single line sections, where a tangible “Authority to proceed” is given, “Reminder”

Caution Orders shall also be given to the Loco Pilots of run through trains.
Issue of "Reminder" caution order may be dispensed with if the Station Master on
duty is able to establish communication with the Loco Pilot of the stopping train
through VHF and ensure that the Loco Pilot is in possession of the advice issued at
the notice station with regard to caution in force in the section in advance. “Reminder”
Caution Order may not be issued on suburban sections under special instructions.

(h) Every issue of a Caution Order shall be recorded in the “Remarks” column of the
Train Signal Register against the entries for the train quoting the progressive number
of the Caution Order. (Correction Memo No.5/2008 dated. 23.12.2008)

S.R.4.09(v) Service of Caution Order:-

(1) The Caution Order shall be delivered to the Loco Pilot and Guard of a train by the
Station Master either personally or through a competent railway servant deputed by
him and the signatures of Loco Pilot and Guard obtained on the record foil in token
of them having received and understood it. When more than one foil is served, each
counter foil will be signed by the Loco Pilot and Guard.

(2) In case a Loco Pilot is unable to understand the contents of the Caution Order, he
shall call upon the Station Master to have it explained. Under special instructions,
the responsibility for explaining the contents of the Caution Order may be entrusted
to the Guard of the train in big yards.

(3) In the case of ascending trains on the Nilagiri Railway, the Caution Order shall also
be shown to the leading Brakesman and his signature obtained on the Loco Pilot‟s
foil and Record foil. The Loco Pilot of the train before accepting such Caution Order
shall satisfy himself that the signature of the Guard (and also that of the leading
Brakesman on the Nilagiri Railway) has been obtained on both the foils.

S.R.4.09(vi) Method of notifying cancellation of special precautions:-

(1) When a competent railway servant finds it necessary to impose any speed restriction
or any special precaution on a portion of a line, including overhead equipment due to
repairs or work or for any other reason, he shall-
(i) (a) advice in writing the Station Master of the nearest block station (preferably the
block station controlling entry into the block section concerned) the exact
kilometrage and the station and the station at which or the stations between which
the restriction or special precaution is to be observed, its nature and likely duration,
the method of protection of the place of restriction together with the location where
engineering indicators are to be exhibited etc., and also advise other railway
servants concerned as per clause (i) of S.R.4.09(ii) who are required to be notified
in this regard; and
Note:- Refer S.R. 15. 08 (i) (e) also

(b) not commence such operations until written acknowledgment is received from
the Station Master.
(ii) The Station Master receiving the advice shall not acknowledge it until he has
advised the Station Master of the block station at the other end of the block section,
to be affected and obtained his acknowledgement.

(2) When the cause of such restriction or special precaution has been removed, the
competent railway servant shall advise the fact to the Station Master of the nearest
block station under written advice and other officials concerned who were notified
earlier of the imposition of restriction.
S.R.4.09 (vii) Action by the Station Master after Cancellation of the speed restriction:-

(1) The Station Master receiving advice regarding the removal of the restriction, shall
advise this fact to the Station Master at the other end of the block section concerned,
Station Master of Notice stations and other railway servants who were advised about
it earlier. After issue of the advice regarding cancellation of the Caution Order the
Station Master shall discontinue the issue of the Caution Order.
(2) If no train is booked to stop at the station, the advice regarding the removal of
restriction shall be sent to the Station Master of one of the adjoining block stations
who should take action in accordance with S.R. 4.09 (vii)(1).
Wherever the issue of Caution Orders has to be continued, the Station Master who is
to be relieved, shall make an entry in the following form in the Station Diary, for the
guidance of his reliever and ensure his reliever notes and signs for his entry before
he breaks off duty:-

Handed over charge to Station Master ………. (Name) at ……….. Hrs

……….Mts. His attention is drawn to caution Order Advice/Message No
……….. of ……….. on file regarding issue of Caution Order for trains entering
……….. section

S.R.4.09 (viii) Record of Caution Orders:-

(a) At all stations where Caution Orders are issued, the Station Master shall keep an up-
to-date record of all the speed restrictions imposed with the dates of their enforcement
and cancellation, authority, nature, etc., in the Caution Order Register and bring
forward every Monday, in geographical order in relation to the direction of movement,
the Caution Order due to be issued. No code shall be used, except station codes in
this register.
(b) Similar records shall be kept at other places like Control offices, Loco sheds, etc., also
where information in this regard is received.
(c) The Loco Pilots and the Guards shall hand over the Caution Orders to the Loco
Foreman and Station Master respectively at the end of their journey along with other
train papers except in case of change of crew en route.
S.R. 4.09 (ix) Preservation of Caution Orders.- Record foils of the Caution Orders shall be
preserved for a period of twelve months after issue.

4.10. Limits of speed over facing points:-

(1) The speed of trains over non-interlocked facing points shall not exceed 30
kilometers an hour in any circumstances, and the speed over turn-outs and
crossovers shall not exceed its permissible speed or 30 kilometers an hour
whichever is less, unless otherwise prescribed by approved special
instructions, which may permit a higher speed. (C.M.No. 1/2020 dated 16.03.20)
(Ref: ED/Safety-II/Railway Board letter No.2020/Safety (A&R)/19/7 dated

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1), a train may run over interlocked facing
points at such speed as may be permitted by the standard of interlocking.

S. R. 4. 10(i) The speed of trains over the facing points on the Main line at a station shall not
exceed the limit laid down for each station in the working Time Table for passenger

Note: Points, both facing and trailing are in non-interlocked condition whenever the signal governing / detecting
such points remain in the “On” aspect either due to failure or suspension.
(Correction Memo No.04/2016 dated 02.12.16)

4.11. Limits of speed while running through stations:-

(1) No train shall run through an interlocked station at a speed exceeding 50
kilometres an hour or such less speed as may be prescribed by approved
special instructions unless the line on which the train is to run has been isolated
from all other lines by the setting of points or other approved means, and
interlocking is such as to maintain this condition during the passage of the train.
(2) In every case in which trains are permitted to run through on a non-isolated line,
all shunting shall be stopped and no vehicle unattached to an engine or not
properly secured in accordance with Rule 5.23 may be kept standing on a
connected line which is not isolated from the through line.

S.R. 4.11 (i) No train shall be allowed to run through on a loop line with 1 in 8 ½ turn out, in
facing or trailing direction. This restriction applies not only to run through trains but
also to stopping trains which have to be passed through on the Loop line to the
outermost trailing points for crossing purposes.

4.12. Engine pushing:-

(1) No engine or self-propelled vehicle shall push any train outside limits except in
accordance with special instructions and at a speed not exceeding 25 kilometres
an hour;
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to a train, the leading vehicle of which
is equipped with driving apparatus and which may be operated under approved
special instructions.

Provided further that this sub-rule shall not apply to an engine assisting in rear
of a train, which may be permitted under approved special instructions to run
without being coupled to the train;
Provided also that no train which is not equipped with continuous vacuum/air
brake shall be pushed outside station limits except in case of emergency:
Provided also that a “Patrol” or “Searchlight” special with one or more vehicles
in front of the engine may be permitted to run at a maximum speed of 40
kilometres an hour.


(2) For movement of trains outside station limits with engine pushing during night or
in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility or where otherwise
prescribed by special instructions, the leading vehicle of such trains shall be
equipped with the prescribed headlight and marker lights except in case of

(3) When trains are worked as described in sub-rules (1) and (2), the engine pushing
the load when it is the rearmost, or the rearmost vehicle if any, shall carry a tail
board or a tail lamp.

S.R.4.12(i)(a) An engine may push a train outside the Station Limits in the following
(1) In regular working with ascending trains on the Mettupalaiyam – Udagamandalam
Section under Special Instructions.
(2) In regular working with material trains.
(3) In special circumstances, under Special Instruction.
(4) In any unexpected circumstances, such as the inability of the engine to haul its
load, the train meeting with an obstruction etc., and
(5) In emergency working with relief trains. Passenger special trains, for clearing
stranded passengers from accident spots, etc.

(b) On such occasions, the following precautions shall be observed:

(1) Caution Order shall be issued to pushing trains in accordance with Rule 4.09.
(2) (i) The Guard of a pushing train shall travel in the leading vehicle if it is fitted with a
vacuum brake or air brake valve or hand brake. If the leading vehicle is not so fitted,
the Guard shall travel in the nearest vehicle thereto which is so fitted. The speed of
the train, with the Guard travelling in the leading vehicle, shall not exceed
15kilometres an hour, with the Guard travelling in any other vehicle shall not exceed
10 kilometres an hour.

(ii) The Guard of a pushing train shall keep a good look-out and continuously exhibit
a “Proceed hand signal” to the Loco Pilot. The absence of a “Proceedhand signal”
may be due to an obstruction and the Loco Pilot shall stop the train at once. The
Loco Pilot shall keep a good look-out, especially in the direction in which the train in
running, and be prepared to stop the train short of any obstruction.

Note.- In thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility for at least 1200 metres on Broad Gauge and
1000 metres on Metre gauge and Narrow Gauge, and Guard shall walk at least 600 metres in advance
of the train on Broad Gauge and 500 metres in advance of the train on Metre Gauge and Narrow gauge
plainly showing a Stop hand signal to stop any approaching train and the train behind him shall follow at
walking speed.


(3)(i) On the single line, a train pushing back in unexpected circumstances, for example
due to the inability of the engine to haul its load or the train meeting with an
obstruction, shall be brought to a stand at the First Stop signal. The Guard shall
make use of the signal post telephone if provided at the First Stop signal to advise
the Station Master (or) the Guard shall proceed to the station exhibiting a Stop hand
signal towards the station, advise the Station Master and return to the train. The
reception signals shall then be taken “Off” where upon the Loco Pilot shall restart
and go into the station.
Note.- The signals shall be taken “Off” as usual for trains pushing in regular working and for relief trains, etc.,
pushing back in emergency working and the train shall enter the station as usual.

(ii) On the double line, a running train pushing back, for any reason, shall be brought to
a stand short of the Last Stop signal of the line on which he is backing or opposite
to and short of the First Stop signal of the other line whichever is farther away from
the station. The Guard shall then proceed to the station exhibiting a stop had signal
towards the station, advise the Station Master and return to the train. The Station
Master shall receive the train into the station following the provisions of G.R/S.R

4.13. Limits of speed with engine tender foremost:-

(1)(a) A passenger train or a mixed train shall not be drawn outside station limits by
a steam engine running tender foremost, except-
(i) under a written order issued by the authorized officer; or
(ii) in a case of unavoidable necessity, to be established by the Loco Pilot.

(b) When any such train is so drawn, the speed shall not exceed 25 kilometres an
hour, or such higher speed, not exceeding 40 kilometres an hour, as may be
authorized by approved special instructions.
(2) In cases of unavoidable necessity, goods trains may run with steam engines
tender for most at a speed not exceeding 25 kilometres an hour or such higher
speed, which shall, in no circumstances, exceed 40 kilometres an hour, as may
be laid down by special instructions.
(3) When trains have to be worked with steam engines tender foremost as a
regular measure under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-rule (1) and sub-rule
(2), the head light and marker lights as prescribed in Rule 4.14 shall be
provided on the tender.

S. R. 4.13 (i)(a) Trains carrying passengers:-

(1) Specified trains carrying passengers can run with the engine tender foremost on the
sections sanctioned by the Commissioner of Railway Safety at the speed laid down
by him, subject to a maximum speed of 40 Kmph. The sanction for the trains to run
with the engine tender foremost, the section and the speed limit are indicated in the
Working Time Table. On Occasions like festivals etc., specified trains may be run
with the engine tender foremost on the temporary sanction of the Commissioner of
Railway Safety. Such sanctions are specially notified to staff.


(2) In emergencies, if it found necessary to start a train carrying passengers, not coming
under S.R.4.13 (i)(a)(1), from any station on any section with the engine running
tender foremost, the Station Master shall give a written authority to the Loco Pilot in
the following form: -
Station……………………… Date……………………
The Loco Pilot of train (No. and description)…………………….
You are hereby authorised to run with your engine tender foremost at a speed
not exceeding 25 kilometres an hour.

Station Master

(b)Trains not carrying passengers: - The speed of trains not carrying passengers
when worked by engines with tender foremost shall not exceed 40 Kmph. This will
also apply to light engines when running tender foremost.

Note: - (1) A train worked by a tank engine with the tank-side foremost may run at the normal speed. This will
also apply to light engines when running tank-side foremost.

(2) In all the above cases, it shall be ensured that the tender or tank-side is fitted with cowcatcher by day
and cowcatcher as well as headlight in working condition by night.

S.R. 4.13 (ii) If a train, whether carrying passengers or not, has to be worked by an engine
running tender foremost or tank-side foremost, not fitted with cow-catcher by day or
cow-catcher or headlight or both by night, then the speed of the train shall not exceed
25 Kmph. on Broad Gauge and Metre Gauge.

C. Equipment of Trains and Train Crew

4.14. Head light, marker light and speedometer

(1) A train shall not be worked at night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather
impairing visibility or in long tunnels, unless the engine carries an electric
headlight of an approved design and, in addition, two oil or electric white
marker lights.

(2) An engine employed exclusively on shunting at station and yards shall, at

night during thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility, display
such headlights as are prescribed by the Railway Administration, and exhibit
two red marker lights in front and in rear.

(3) The electric headlight on the engine shall be fitted with a switch to dim the light
and shall be dimmed-
(a) when the train remains stationary at a station;
(b) when the train is approaching another train which is running in the opposite
direction on double or multiple track of same or different gauges; and
(c) on such other occasions as may be prescribed by special instructions.


(4) In case the electric headlight fails or a train has to be worked with the engine
running tender foremost in an emergency, the engine shall display the two oil or
electric white marker lights referred to in sub-rule (1) pointing in the direction of
movement and the train shall run at a speed prescribed by special instructions.
(5) In case of defective electric head light of locomotive running in a section
provided with reflective type of engineering fixed signal, during night or thick
foggy weather impairing visibility on BG and MG, the Loco Pilot shall work the
train cautiously at a speed not exceeding the severest temporary speed
restriction imposed in the block section or 40 Kmph whichever is less.
(6) Coaching locos should not be turned out from home shed if the
speedometers/recorders are in defective condition. In case of
speedometer/recorder becoming defective during the run, the train should run at
a speed prescribed by special instructions.
S.R.4.14.(i) (a) The Loco Pilot of an incoming train shall dim the electric-headlight on
approaching the Home signal or the outermost points where there is no Home signal
and keep it dimmed until the train passes the Home signal or the outermost points,
while leaving the station.
(b) Loco Pilots shall dim the electric headlight temporarily when this is necessary to
avoid dazzling cattle or to enable the aspects of signals (lights) to be picked up. The
electric light shall be switched „on‟ again after passing the cattle or after observing the

SR. 4.14 (ii) Headlights: - The headlights to be carried on engines on the double and single
lines, for use in case the electric headlights fails, or when electric headlight is not
provided, are prescribed below: -
(a) Any train or light engine, working outside station limits. - Two white lights in the front
of the engine, one on either side.
(b) Any steam engine working outside station limits tender foremost. Two white lights
centrally one above the other on the tender.
(c) For Electric Multiple Unit Stock.- One headlight and one code light shall be

4.15. Tail and side lights:-

(1) At night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility, no train

shall be worked outside station limits unless it has-

(a) in the case of an engine with vehicles attached, save in a case to which sub-
rule(2) applies, at least one red tail light, and two side lights showing red
towards the rear and white towards engine:
Provided that provision of sidelights on goods trains and Electric Multiple Unit
train may be dispensed with.
(b) in the case of a single engine without vehicle attached at least one red tail
light; and
(c) in the case of two or more engines coupled together without vehicles attached,
at least one red tail light affixed to the rear engine.


(2) A colliery pilot, i.e., a train used for collecting or distributing vehicles in colliery
siding, when working in a block section or in the colliery sidings taking off from
a block section, need carry a red tail light only as it enters or leaves the block
station, at either end of such block section, provided that special instructions
are issued to ensure that no other train is permitted to proceed into the block
section until the Guard of the colliery pilot has certified that he has left no
vehicle obstructing the block section in which he has been working.

(3) When trains may run in the same direction on parallel lines, the side lights
mentioned in clause (a) of sub-rule (1) may be arranged in accordance with
special instructions.

(4) When a train has been shunted for a following train to pass, the tail and side
lights mentioned in clause (a) of sub-rule (1) shall be dealt with in accordance
with special instructions.

(5) Within station limits or in a siding, an engine employed in shunting shall have
tail lights in accordance with special instructions.

4.16 Tail board or tail lamp:-

(1) In order to indicate to the staff that a train is complete, the last vehicle shall,
except as provided for in sub-rule (2), be distinguished by affixing to the rear of
(a) by day, a tail board of approved design or a red painted tail lamp of approved
design which may be unlit, or
(b) by night, as well as in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility
during day, a red tail lamp of approved design displaying a flashing red light to
indicate last vehicle check device or
(Correction Memo 1/2010 dated 23.02.2010)
(c) such other device as may be authorized by special instructions.

(2) A Colliery pilot, i.e., a train used for collecting or distributing vehicles in colliery
sidings, when working in a block section or in the colliery siding taking off from
a block section, need carry a tail board or tail lamp, or such other device as may
be authorized by special instructions, only as it enters or leaves the block
station at either end of such block section, provided that special instructions are
issued to ensure that no other train is permitted to proceed into the block
section until the Guard of the colliery pilot certifies that he has left no vehicle
obstructing the block section in which he has been working.

(3) In emergencies only, and under special instructions in each case, a red flag may
be used in lieu of a tail board or an unlit tail lamp.


S.R.4.16 (i) During day, a tail board with the disc painted with signal red back ground with
the letters “LV” painted white thereon shall be attached to the rear of the last vehicle of
all trains except Electric Multiple Unit stock. During day, a Turn over tailboard painted
with Red Cross mark on white background is provided on the Electric Multiple Unit
During day and night, the built-in marker lights (Red) provided below the wind screen
of rear cab shall be illuminated by Guard as Tail Lamp of the Train Set (like Vande
Bharat). If built-in flickering Tail lamp is not available or is defective, LED based
flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp shall be used.
When vehicles are attached in rear of the rearmost brake-van/vehicle, the Guard shall
see that during day, the tail board is removed from the brake van/vehicle and attached
to the rear of the rearmost vehicle and during night, the tail lamp of the brake-van is
extinguished and the tail lamp is lit on the rear most vehicle.
The Guard shall also ensure that the built-in-red light of SLR / Inspection carriage /
vehicle is switched "off" when another vehicle is attached in rear of the SLR/
Inspection carriage / vehicle. (Correction Memo 02/2023 dated 26.02.2023)
(ii) For the purpose of S.R.4.16 (i), an engine or a damaged vehicle attached in rear of
a train, shall be the last vehicle.
(iii) Guards working on double line sections shall observe the Tail Board or Tail Lamp
of passing trains and report at the next station when the Tail Board is missing or Tail
Lamp is not burning properly.
(iv) No train shall be allowed to leave a station with a red flag or an unlit red painted tail
lamp by day in lieu of Tail board unless specially authorized by the Divisional Railway

4.17. Responsibility of Station Master regarding tail board or tail lamp of passing
(1) The Station Master shall see that the last vehicle of every train passing through
his station is provided with a tail board or tail lamp or such other device in
accordance with the provisions of Rule 4.16.
(2) If a train passes the station without such indication to show that it is
incomplete, the Station Master Shall-
(a) immediately advise the station in advance to stop the train to see that the
defect is remedied and to advise whether or not the train is complete.
(b) meanwhile withhold the closing of block section to ensure that no train is
allowed to enter the block section from the station in rear, and
(Correction Memo No. 5 dated 09.10.2006)
(c) unless the station in advance has advised that the train is complete, neither
consider the block section in rear as clear nor close it.
(3) Where in a section a block proving Axle Counter or Continuous track circuiting
between block stations and complete track circuiting of station section
excluding non-running lines of the receiving station is installed and is
functioning and there is a clear indication of clearance of block section as well
as complete arrival of the train as per indication given, if a train passes a station
without conforming to the provisions of sub clause (1) above, the station Master
shall still advise the station in advance to stop the train to see that the defect is
remedied and he need not withhold closing of block section in rear as
prescribed in clause (b) and (c) of sub rule (2) in such cases.
(Correction Memo No. 5 dated 09.10.2006)


S.R.4.17 (i) “On the double line the Station Master sending the train without tail lamp or LV
board bell signal shall put fixed signals at `On‟ to stop any train from the opposite
direction, advise the Guard and the Loco Pilot, of the circumstances and issue a
caution order to proceed cautiously and stop short of any obstruction.
The Loco Pilot of the train, after being so advised by the Station Master shall
proceed into the block section at such speed as would permit him to bring his train
to a halt well short of any obstruction under the visibility conditions available. In
thick foggy weather, or in cuttings reducing visibility to very low levels etc. the speed
shall not exceed 15 Kmph. The Loco Pilot would be authorised to run at higher
speed after being cautioned depending on factors like clear visibility on straight
track, the distance of the opposite line away from the line on which movement is
taking place.

In all such situations, the SM despatching the train in the direction in which the
obstruction/infringement is apprehended after issuing caution shall take fully into
account the possibility of train being brought back from short of the obstruction
while giving line clear to subsequent trains”.

4.18. Means of communication:-

(1) No passenger train or mixed train shall be despatched from any station, unless
every passenger carriage is provided with means by which communication can
be made with the Guard or the Loco Pilot.

(2) Sub-rule (1) shall not apply to:-

(a) Passenger or mixed trains in case of complete or partial failure of vacuum;

(b) Such particular trains as may be exempted under approved special

(3) If a Railway Administration is satisfied that mischievous use of the means of

communication referred to in sub-rule (1) is prevalent, it may, notwithstanding
anything contained in that sub-rule, direct the disconnection, for the time being,
of the means of communication provided in all or any of the passenger carriages
in any such train.

(4) A goods vehicle in which passengers are carried is not a “passenger carriage”
within the meaning of this rule.

S. R. 4.18 (i) With reference to sub-rule (3) of Rule 4.18, Alarm chain apparatus should not
be blanked “off” in ladies compartments, full postal vans, R.M.S.-cum-passenger
coaches and ordinary coaches when used for carrying mails.


S. R. 4.18 (ii) (a) Whenever the automatic vacuum /air brake is applied by a passenger, the
Loco Pilot shall stop the train in accordance with S. R. 4.45(ii). The Guard shall at
once take steps to ascertain by whom and for what cause the chain was pulled and
send a report to the Station Master of the next important station where the train is
booked to stop with the names and addresses of the persons who pulled the chain
and that of witnesses. The Guard shall also send a Special Report along with the
Combined Train Report.

(b) In automatic block territories, the train shall be protected immediately in

accordance with Rule 9.10. If the train is likely to halt for more than 15 minutes in
non- automatic territories, it shall be protected in accordance with rule 6.03.

4.19. Guard‟s and Loco Pilot‟s equipment:-

(1) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him, while on duty with his train, the
following equipment-
(a) a copy of these rules or such portions thereof as have been supplied to him
under Rule 2.01,
(b) a copy of the Working Time Table, and all correction slips and appendices, if
any, in force on that section of the railway over which the train is to run,
(c) a hand signal lamp,
(d) a whistle (for Guards only),

(e) a red flag and a green flag,

(f) a stock of detonators sufficient to comply with the relevant rules as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
(g) a first aid box (for Guards of passenger carrying trains only) and,
(h) such other articles as may be prescribed by the Railway Administration in this

(2) If any Guard or Loco Pilot is not in possession of any article mentioned or
referred to in sub-rule (1), he shall report the fact to his superior who shall make
good the deficiency.

(3) Each Guard and Loco Pilot shall have with him while on duty with his train two
pairs of such spectacles as he is required to wear under medical advice.
Note. – Each Guard and Loco Pilot should also be in possession of a Watch in addition to the
equipment prescribed in sub-rule (1).

S.R.4.19 (i) Each Guard (with him/her or in Guard van) and Loco Pilot (with him/her or in
Loco), while on duty with his/her train, shall have a copy (in hard or electronic form)
of these rules or relevant portions thereof, as supplied to him/her under Rule 2.01
and a copy (in hard or in electronic form) of the working time table and the all
correction slips and appendices, if any, in force on that section of the railway over
which the train is to run.

[Ref – Executive Director/Safety-II, Railway Board letter No. 2020/Safety (A&R)/19/12 dated
17.12.2020]. (Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).


S.R.4.19(ii) whenever running staff is required to wear spectacles under medical advice, he
shall have his name engraved on the spectacles. (Correction Memo 01/2021 of

S.R.4.19(iii) In addition to the equipment prescribed in Rule 4.19 Guards and Assistant
Guards shall have-
(1) A copy of the General and subsidiary rule book and a booklet on “Brake Power
(2) A carriage key,
(3) Sufficient number of padlocks, with keys,
(4) A case containing 10 detonators,
(5) A rough journal book, and
(6) A torch.

Guards only shall have:-

(1) One tail board.
(2) One tail lamp with flashing red light.
(3) One book of Form T/609.
(4) Two red flags.
(5) A red flashing hand signal lamp. (Correction Memo. 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021).

(6) Complaint Book.

(7) Vacuum Gauge/Pressure Gauge (for Goods trains only).
(8) Walkie-talkie set.
(9) Two Private Number books. (Correction Memo No.05/2008 dated 23.12.2008)

(Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).

Note:- In the case of Guards working E.M.Us/Push Pull trains the equipment prescribed above may be
modified according to requirement by the Divisional Railway Manager.

S.R. 4.19(iv) In addition to the equipment prescribed in Rule 4.19, the Loco Pilot shall have:-
(1) A copy in each of the General and Subsidiary Rule book and a copy in each of the
Accident Manual, the Block Working Manual and the Operating Manual.
(2) A case containing 10 detonators.
(3) Rough Journal book.
(4) One electric head lamp bulb and cab-light bulb.
(5) Water gauge glass of different size with Dexine rubber washers for the various
classes of engines ordinarily worked.
(6) A red flashing hand signal lamp. (Correction Memo. 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021).


(7) A copy of the Appendices to Working Time Table (A.W.T.T.) and the booklet on
“Brake Power Rules.”
(8) A Torch
(9) Walkie-talkie set.
(Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).
S.R.4.19 (v) For Electric Loco Pilots, the following items shall also be provided :-
(1) Operating Manual.
(2) A copy of the 25kv Alternating Current Traction Manual.
(3) An insulated screw driver.
(4) An insulated plier.
(5) A Torch
(6) A Private Number book.
(7) RE Telephone (Correction Memo No. 3 / 2012 dated 11.01.13)
(Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).
SR 4.19(vi) Assistant Loco Pilots shall be provided with the following equipment:
(1) Red and Green flags.
(2) Rough Journal book.
(3) Working Time Table.
(4) A tri-colour torch light.
(5) Personal Log book.
(Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).
Note: Each Guard, Loco Pilot, Motorman and Assistant Loco Pilot should also be in possession of a watch in
addition to the equipment prescribed.
S.R.4.19 (vii) Each Motormen shall have with him, while on duty, the following items in
addition to those mentioned in GR 4.19.
(1) Reverser Key.
(2) BL key
(3) BIV key (2 numbers)
(4) EMU Cab door key
(5) Walkie-talkie
(6) A red flashing hand signal lamp. (Correction Memo. 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021).
(7) Crocodile clip
(8) EMU trouble shooting directory
(9) Rough Journal Book. (Correction Memo No. 1 /2012 dated 09.03.2012)
(Correction Memo 01/2021 of 20.01.2021).

4.20 Manning of engine in motion:-

(1) Except when otherwise provided by special instructions, no engine shall be
allowed to be in motion on any running line unless the Loco Pilot as also the
Assistant Loco Pilot are upon it.


(2) Subject to the provision sub-rule (3), in no circumstances shall a person other
than the Loco Pilot or a railway servant duly qualified in all respects, drive an
engine on any running line.
(3) If a Loco Pilot becomes incapacitated while the engine is in motion, the
Assistant Loco Pilot, if duly qualified, may work the train to the next station
cautiously and where the Assistant Loco Pilot is not duly qualified, he shall bring
the train to a stop and send a message to the Station Master of the nearest
station to make arrangements for a Loco Pilot to take over the train, and for so
doing he may take the assistance of the Guard.
S.R.4.20 (i)(a) Diesel shunting engines working at stations/ yards will have only Loco Pilot
(Shunting) without Assistant Loco Pilot.
(b) The Loco Pilot or any other authorized person can move engine in loco yards
without a Assistant Loco Pilot.
(c) Where no Loco Pilots (Shunting) are employed, Assistant Loco Pilots in the
absence of Loco Pilots, may be allowed to move engines in loco yards, provided they
hold a certificate, signed by the competent authority declaring them fit to perform this
(d) Loco Pilots (Shunting) who hold the necessary certificate may be allowed to
perform shunting inside station limits. Loco Pilots (Shunting) who hold certificates of
competency as Loco Pilots may be allowed to work trains outside station limits.
(Correction Memo 3 dated 19.05.06)

(e) No Assistant Loco Pilot shall be permitted to act for a Loco Pilot (Shunting),
unless he holds the certificate vide S.R.4.20 (i) (c).

S.R. 4.20(ii)(a)On single cab Diesel locomotives, the Loco Pilots during train working as well
as shunting should work from the respective control stand towards the direction of
train movement.

(b)On dual cab Diesel locomotives, the Loco Pilots during train working as well as
shunting should work from the leading cab only.
(Correction Memo No.2/2015 to GRS dated 30.06.2015)

4.21. Driving an electric train:–

(1) In the case of electric trains, the Loco Pilot shall be in the leading driving
compartment when the train is in motion or when the train is standing on any
running line except as otherwise prescribed in these rules.

(2) (a) In the case of a single or multiple unit train, if the driving apparatus in the
leading driving compartment becomes defective, the train shall be driven
cautiously from nearest driving compartment which is serviceable; in this event,
the Guard shall travel in the leading driving compartment and shall convey the
necessary signals to the Loco Pilot, the Guard shall also sound the horn or
whistle as necessary and apply the brake in case of emergency and shall be
responsible for stopping the train correctly at signals, stations and obstructions.

(b) In the case of an electric engine, if the leading driving compartment becomes
defective, the train shall be driven from the trailing driving compartment by the
Assistant Loco Pilot if he is duly qualified to drive and the Loco Pilot shall

remain in the leading driving compartment, and shall be responsible for the
correct operation of the train.

S.R.4.21 (i) The rule GR 4.21 (1) and (2) (b) are applicable in case of diesel engine having
twin cabs also. (Correction Memo No.2/2015 to GRS dated 30.06.2015)

(ii) When setting back from one line to another or into a siding, the Loco Pilot need not
change ends but when shunting on to another train or upto a buffer-stop, he shall
always be in the leading driving compartment and driving forward.

(iii) In cases where the leading cab of an electric/diesel locomotive or electric multiple
unit has become defective, the maximum speed shall be 40 kilometres an hour for
electric/diesel locomotives, 30 kilometres an hour for Electric Multiple Unit stock
except in cases where the brake equipment is inoperative from the leading driving
cab in which contingency, the maximum speed shall not exceed 15 kilometers an
hour.(Correction Memo No.02/2015 dated 30.06.2015)

4.22. Riding on engine or tender:-

(1) No person other than the engine crew shall be authorized to ride on the engine
or tender of a steam locomotive, except in accordance with special instructions.

(2) Except as may be permitted by special instruction, no person other than engine
crew shall be authorized to enter any driving compartment of a single or multiple
unit train or a train propelled by electric, diesel or petrol engine.

(3) No unauthorized person shall manipulate any apparatus contained therein.

S.R.4.22 (i) The following persons may travel on the engine or tender or cab of Electric
Multiple unit train, under the conditions stipulated for each: -

(a) Staff who are specially authorized by the other rules in this book or by instructions
specially issued by the Divisional Railway Manager.
(b) Loco Pilots learning road under the authority.
(c) Traffic staff carrying out shunting operations.
(d) Officer on duty.
(e) Inspecting officials on duty authorized by a special pass or permit
(f) Fitters and Chargemen of the workshop on a trial engine provided authority is given
by the Chief Mechanical Engineer/Chief Workshop Engineer/Workshop Manager for
diesel or steam Locos and by the Chief Electrical Engineer/Chief Electrical Loco
Engineer/Chief Electrical General Engineer/Senior Divisional Elec. Engineer for
electric Locos provided that the total number of such officials in the locomotive is
restricted to four excluding the engine crew.
(g) On Electric Multiple Unit stock, only two persons other than the Motorman or the
Guard are authorised to travel in the cab with special permits issued by the
competent authority.
Note: - 1. Except where otherwise provided specifically, not more than two persons other than the engine crew
shall be allowed to travel on the Engine/Tender/cab.


2. On no account shall a man‟s head project above the engine/cab roof while the engine is in motion.
It is strictly prohibited for anyone to mount on tenders of engines on electrified sections.

S.R. 4.22 (ii) A Loco Pilot who is off duty is not permitted to enter or travel in any of the driving compartments or
to use his reversing handle under any circumstances.
4.23. Brake-Vans:-
(1) No train shall be allowed to enter a block section, unless one or more brake-vans or hand braked
vehicles are attached to it, except in emergency or as provided for under special instructions.
(2) This rule does not apply to rail cars, light engine or Light engines coupled together.
Note: - Tower Wagons are exempted from the provision of rule 4.23(1)
S.R.4.23 (i) No person, except officers of the railway, or persons holding brake-van passes or person specially
permitted to do so, shall be allowed to travel in the brake-van. Railway Police officials may, in cases of
emergency, be permitted to travel in the brake-van of goods trains.
S.R.4.23 (ii)(a) In an emergency, goods trains can be worked without brake-van under the specific sanction of the
Divisional Railway Manager in each case.
(b) In case of an accident, a train can be worked to the nearest block station without brake-van where the
train can be berthed without hindering the crossing or precedence of other trains under the orders of
Divisional Railway Manager.
(c) Running of goods trains without brake van is permitted provided the following safety precautions are
(1) The train shall be fully vacuum / air braked and certified so by the JE/SE C& W or when JE/SE C& W is
not available at the station the Loco Pilot and Guard shall ensure that brake pipes are connected from
engine to the last vehicle and required Vacuum / Air pressure is created and ensure adequate brake
power before starting.
(2) The Guard shall travel on the engine.
(3) The painted number of the last vehicle shall be intimated to the Controller by the Station Master on duty of
the train starting station. The Controller shall ensure that he gets the painted number of the last vehicle
from the Station Master before giving permission to start the train.
(4) Each Station Master on duty on the entire section shall intimate the painted number of the last vehicle to
the Station Master on duty ahead while applying for Line Clear for the train and get acknowledgement,
entering the same in the Train Signal Register.
(5) Tail Board or Tail Lamp shall be provided on the last vehicle and the train shall run at prescribed speed
subject to other speed restrictions in force.
(6) The Guard and Loco Pilot shall keep a good look-out during run.
(7) When the train stops at a station for crossing or other purpose, the Station Master on duty shall verify the
painted number of the last vehicle and communicate the same to Controller in confirmation of his
verification. The Controller on duty shall confirm at each stoppage from the Station Master the number of
the last vehicle on the train. (Correction Memo No. 04/2019 dated 18.11.2019)
4.24. Position of brake-van on train-
Unless it be otherwise directed by special instructions, one brake-van shall be attached to the rear
of the train, provided that reserved carriages or other vehicles may, under special instructions, be
placed in rear of such brake-van.
S. R. 4.24. (i) In the case of Mail, Express and Passenger trains worked with vacuum/ air pressure throughout not
more than two bogies or their equivalent may be attached in rear of the rear brake-van subject to the
condition that the vehicles are fitted with vacuum/ air brake in good working order.
An Officer‟s carriage (bogie or four-wheeler), if fitted with hand brake in good working order, may also be
attached in addition to two bogies or their equivalent as the last vehicle in rear of the brake-van of the
Mail, Express and Passenger trains worked with vacuum /air brake throughout.
S. R. 4.24. (ii) In the case of Mixed and Goods trains worked with vacuum/ air brake throughout, nor more than
two bogies or their equivalent (4 four wheelers) may be attached in rear of the rear brake-van, subject to
the condition that the vehicles or wagons are fitted with vacuum/ air brake in good working order.
S.R.4.24 (iii)One damaged vehicle, certified fit to run in the damaged condition by Train Examiner and
accompanied by a competent railway servant not below the rank of a Carriage and Wagon Fitter shall,
under special instructions, be attached in rear of the rearmost brake-van of a goods train, during day
light hour only. Such stock shall be detached at a station where the time is 18.00 hours and the


certificate handed over to the Station Master. This procedure is not permissible on Shencottah – Punalur
section where the damaged vehicle shall be conveyed by loading them on suitable trucks.
(Correction Memo No. 01/2014 dated 14.07.2014)

S. R. 4.24 (iv) When vehicles are attached behind the rear brake-van of a train in terms of S.
R. 4.24 (i) to (iii): -
(a) If the rearmost vehicle is provided with side lamps or brackets therefor, the side lamps
shall be lighted on this vehicle, the side lamps of the brake-van being extinguished.
(b) If there is no provision for side lamps on the rearmost vehicle, the side lamps, if any,
on the nearest vehicle thereto shall be lighted, the side lamps of the brake-van being
(c) If there is no provision for side lamps on any of the vehicles attached in rear of the rear
brake-van, the side lamps of the brake-van shall be used.
(d) In the case of clauses (b) and (c) of S. R. 4.24 (iv), the Guard shall specially look back
frequently on the run and satisfy himself that all the vehicles attached in rear of the
brake-van are following safely.

S. R. 4.24 (v) When an Inspection or Officer‟s carriage is attached in rear of a mixed or good
train in terms of S. R. 4.24 (ii), the carriage so attached shall be provided with side
and tail lamps and the Guard shall see, at night or in thick, foggy or tempestuous
weather, impairing visibility, that the side and tail lamps of the brake-van are
extinguished and those on the last carriage are lighted.

4.25. Guards:-

(1) Except under special instructions or in an emergency, every running train shall
be provided with one or more Guards.

(2) The Guard of a running train shall travel in his brake-van, except-
(a) in an emergency, or.
(b) Under special instructions.

(3) When a train is worked without a Guard, such of his duties as can be performed
by the Loco Pilot shall devolve on him as may be specified by special

S.R.4.25 :- Running of Goods trains without Guard at normal speed (subject to other speed
restriction in force): .

i) Running of passenger carrying trains without Guard should not be permitted.

ii) Running trains without Guard should be avoided as far as possible. However, in
exceptional circumstances, only goods trains may be run without Guard with the
specific orders of Sr.DOM and a record of such orders shall be maintained in
respective control office in a separate register.

iii) Running of goods train without Guard should not be permitted if the last vehicle is not
brake van.


iv) In case, a train is run without Guard, such of the duties of the Guard as can be
performed by the Loco pilot, shall devolve on the Loco pilot and Assistant Loco pilot .

v) The following precautions should be taken in all such cases:-

1) It should be ensured that the train is provided with continuous vacuum/air pressure
from the engine to the rearmost vehicle, which may be a brake van, if no Guard is
provided either at an intermediate point or the crew changing station. the Loco pilot on
being informed by the Station Master, shall examine the brake power of the train and
ensure that the rear most four pistons are in proper working order. Before signing the
BPC, the Loco pilot shall ensure that the required amount of vacuum/air pressure is
provided in the brake van. Vacuum gauge / air gauge shall be provided by the
originating station.

2) The duties of the Guard as laid down in Rules 4.34 (Duties of Guard when taking over
charge of a train), 4.35 (Starting of trains), 4.36 (Guard to be in charge of train), 4.43
(Guard to keep a good look-out), 4.44 (Train held up at First Stop signal), 6.03
(Protection of trains stopped between stations), 6.06 (Train in a block section without
authority to proceed), 6.08 (Train Parting) and 6.09 (Portion of train left in a block
section) shall devolve on the Loco Pilot .

3) The Loco Pilot shall be issued with Caution Order at the starting station specifying the
non-provision of Guard for his train and requiring him to carry out the duties of a
Guard. SCOR shall also be advised of the fact under exchange of private numbers
who will inform the stations en route. The station Master on getting the train number,
will inform the end cabins, where provided and Gatemen of all the LC gates enroute
under exchange of private numbers.

4) LV board and Tail lamp must be made available to the Loco pilot and it shall invariably
be fixed to the last vehicle by the Loco Pilot and the completeness of the train and
clearance of the fouling mark at stations shall be ensured as per extant rules,
whenever the train stops for crossing or precedence.

5) The Station Master of the block station controlling the IBS, on becoming aware that the
train is running without Guard , shall not dispatch a train in rear of this train upto IBS
unless the goods train without Guard reaches the station ahead.

6) When the train stops at a station for crossing or other purpose, the Station Master on
duty shall verify the painted number of the last vehicle and ensure the train has arrived
complete and is standing clear of the fouling mark.

7) During tempestuous weather, total interruption of communication and single line

working on double line section, running of trains without Guard is strictly prohibited.

8) Extra detonators should be carried by the Loco pilot who shall be responsible for
protection of the train.

9) When such a train is stopped between stations on account of accident, failure,

obstruction or other exceptional cause and the Loco Pilot finds that the train cannot
proceed further, he shall immediately protect the train as per G&SR 6.03. While going
for protection, care shall be taken that loco is not deserted if it is on rails.


10) In Automatic Block territory, no train shall be allowed to follow until the preceding train
which has been allowed to run without Guard, has arrived complete at the next signal
controlling station in advance.

11) When a train running without Guard encounters vacuum/air pressure trouble enroute,
the following steps are required to be taken by the Loco Pilot / Assistant Loco Pilot:-

a) The Assistant Loco Pilot should check the complete train for any leakage, hose pipe
disconnections etc., and attend to it. The help of C&W staff or Pointsman shall be
taken when the vacuum/air pressure trouble occurs within station limits. The Assistant
Loco Pilot shall keep a continuous look out which run through a station, to the rear and
shall observe any danger signal shown by the station staff.

b) The Assistant Loco Pilot should also ensure that all the cut-off angle cocks of air
braked wagons are in open condition except the rear angle cock of rear most vehicle
and the front angle cock of the train engine.

c) The Assistant Loco Pilot should ensure the vacuum/air pressure continuity by
operating the brake van valve/ cut off angle cock of the last vehicle.

d) The Loco Pilot should regulate the speed of the train depending on the brake feel test
conducted by him in the first block section. (Correction Memo No. 04/2019 dated 18.11.2019)

4.26. Couplings:-
No Vehicle that is not fitted with a coupling or couplings of approved pattern
shall be attached to any train.
D. Vehicles and Cranes
4.27. Cranes:-
(1) No travelling crane shall be attached to a train until it has been certified by a
duly authorised person that it is in proper running order, and with a dummy
truck for the jib, if necessary.
(2) When a crane is to work on any line provided with electric traction or any line
adjacent to it, the procedure and precautions as laid down under special
instructions shall also be followed.


S.R.4.27 (i) The duly authorised person is the parent depot official when the crane is moved
out from the depot, or the Crane Supervisor for the return trip from the work spot.
S.R.4.27 (ii)(a) When attached to Goods trains and mixed trains with the passenger coaches
marshalled next to the engine, crane shall be attached next in front of the Guard‟s
brake-van. When attached to Mixed trains with goods wagons marshalled next to
the engine, the crane shall be marshalled immediately in rear of the goods vehicles
and in front of the passenger vehicles on the train. In the above cases, the crane
shall be so attached as to have its jib trailing and the speed of the train shall not
exceed 50 Kmph on the B.G. and 40 Kmph on the MG.

(b) when proceeding for emergency relief operation to the accident site, the crane,
with the jib leading, shall be attached next to the engine except when proceeding
over sections having bridges where marshalling restrictions have been imposed by
the engineering branch, in which case the formation of the break-down special is to
be arranged at the home depot so as to conform to the restrictions.

S.R.4.27 (iii) The Crane Supervisor shall, before starting to work a crane within station limits,
give a written requisition to the Station Master, specifying the line on which the
crane is to work and obtain from him a written permission authorizing him to
commence operations. The Crane Supervisor shall before actually commencing the
operation, not only be in possession of written permission, but also satisfy himself
that arrangements have been made for the protection of any adjacent line which
may be fouled by any part of the crane while in operation. The Station Master shall
protect the crane. Crane working shall be stopped before any train is authorised to
move on the adjacent line.

S.R.4.27 (iv) No crane shall be worked near traction overhead equipment unless such
equipment is made dead and earthed and the official in-charge of the crane is in
possession of Form ETR. 3 and an authorised representative of the overhead
equipment department is present.

4.28. Loading of Vehicles. –

(1) No wagon or truck shall be so loaded as to exceed the maximum gross load on
the axle fixed under sub-section (1) of section 72 of the Act, or such varied
carrying capacity if any, as may have been prescribed by the Railway
Administration under sub-section (4) of the said section.
(2) Except under approved special instructions, no vehicle shall be so loaded as to
exceed the maximum moving dimensions prescribed from time-to-time by the
Railway Board.
(3) When a load in a truck projects to an unsafe extent beyond the end of a truck, an
additional truck shall be attached to act as a dummy.
(4) The Guard shall, unless this duty is by special instructions imposed on some
other railway servant, carefully examine the load of any open truck which may
be attached to the train, and if any such load has shifted or requires adjustment,
shall have the load made secure or the truck removed from the train.


S.R.4.28(i) The maximum moving dimensions are: -

Description Broad gauge(Metre) Metre gauge(Metre)

Height over all from level of rails at
4.265 3.430
the centre
Height over all from level of rails at
3.735 3.200
3.250 2.740
Maximum width
From 1.170m above From 0.863m above
rail level rail level

The following are the prescribed clearances from contact wire for the passage of Over
Dimensional Consignments through electrified sections at 25 KV. AC and the special
restrictions required: -

(i) Special speed restriction is not required when the gross clearance is more than

(ii) Speed must be restricted to 15 kmph when the gross clearance is between 250 mm
and 200 mm (ODCs would not be stopped under critical locations (i.e) where
clearance is between 250mm and 200 mm).

(iii) Speed must be restricted to 15 kmph and overhead power must be switched off, when
the gross clearance is less than 200 mm.

No consignment with less than 100 mm gross clearance from the overhead contact
wire will be permitted in a 25 kV Electrified section.
(Correction Memo 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021)

S.R 4.28 (ii)At station where Load Gauge have been erected. Station Masters shall
personally see that all open wagons loaded with bulky articles are passed under the
Load Gauges to test if the load in each case is within the maximum standard
dimensions and if the load is excessive, it shall be reduced.
(iii) No vehicle loaded beyond the Standard Moving Dimensions, shall be despatched
from a station without the permission of the Divisional Railway Manager who shall
before granting such permission, refer the matter to the Principal Chief Operations
Loads infringing Standard Moving dimensions (I.S.M.D.) shall be moved by through
trains and not by Shunting trains or Work trains. Shunting of trains with loads
Infringing Standard Moving Dimensions (I.S.M.D.) shall be avoided as far as
possible. The wagon containing the load shall be attached next to the engine. A train
Examiner shall invariably accompany the load on the engine and also a Traffic
Inspector or a Special Guard, if considered necessary. Specific sanction shall be
obtained for movement of the load from the loading point right upto the destination.
The consignment shall not leave the „loading‟ point or „Inter-change‟ point without first
being examined by a responsible official not below the rank of a Head Train
Examiner. The train/trains by which the load should be moved shall be nominated by
the Control office. The consignment should be routed strictly by the authorised route.
At station where Train Examiners are employed, loads Infringing Standard Moving

Dimensions (I.S.M.D.) shall be specially examined and certified before despatch. A

JE/SSE/P.Way shall accompany the load in case the clearance of the load from fixed
structures is less than 15 cms. on his section. Guard and Loco Pilot shall be clearly
notified of all the conditions for the carriage of the load. The Guard before starting the
train should contact the Controller on duty and inform him about the loads Infringing
Standard Moving Dimensions being on train giving the number, position of the wagon
and details of Train Examining staff accompanying the train.
A representative of the Traction Department shall accompany all loads infringing
Standard Moving Dimensions (I.S.M.D.) having clearance as specified in items (ii)
and (iii) of S.R.4.28 (i), to supervise safe movement of the loads Infringing Standard
Moving Dimensions (I.S.M.D.) at locations where clearance from the contact wire is
critical. A representative of the Traction Department should also accompany loads
Infringing Standard Moving Dimensions (I.S.M.D.) having width more than 1981 mm.
for Broad Gauge and 1910 mm. for Metre Gauge from centre line of track.

S. R. 4.28 (iv) The height of standards used as supports in open trucks loaded with
bamboos, firewood, etc., shall not exceed the following heights: -

Broad Gauge -1,980 Meters

Metre Gauge -1,830 Meters From the floor of the wagon
Narrow Gauge-1,830 Meters
The load of the wagon at the centre shall not exceed the height of the standards.
S. R. 4.28 (v) When the load in a truck on the Metre Gauge or Narrow Gauge, projects more
than 45.7 centimetres beyond the truck and on the Board Gauge projects beyond the
buffer castings, dummy trucks shall be used.

4.29. Damaged or defective vehicles: -

(1) No vehicle which has been derailed shall run between stations, until it has
been examined had passed by a competent Train Examiner;
Provided that, in case of a derailment between stations, the Loco Pilot may, if
the vehicle has been re-railed and if he considers it safe to do so, take such
vehicle to the next station at a slow speed.
(2) If a Guard or Station Master has reason to apprehend danger from the
condition of any vehicle on a train before it can be inspected by a Train
Examiner, the Loco Pilot shall be consulted, and if he so requires, the vehicles
shall be detached from the train.
S.R.4.29 (i) In the event of any vehicle derailing, or meeting with an accident, no repairs,
except those absolutely necessary, shall be carried out. No such vehicle shall be
worked away from the station at which the accident took place or to which it has been
brought for stabling from the accident spot except with the permission of the
Divisional Railway Manager. The vehicle, before being moved with the permission of
the Divisional Railway Manager, shall be examined and certified by the Train
Examiner as fit to run.
(ii) When a vehicle has been detached from a train due to defect or damage, the
nearest Train Examiner shall be advised. This vehicle shall be stabled and secured
separately. Unnecessary shunting with or against this vehicle shall be avoided. The
vehicle shall not be accepted again for traffic use or worked away from the station
until certified for the purpose by the Train Examiner.

(iii) A hot axle observed on a train formation is indicative of an impending derailment

and is therefore, to be treated as an accident situation.
The means of identification of hot axle have been separately advised to all staff
concerned, through circulars, folders and other technical literature. The following
action is to be adopted by station staff whenever a hot axle is detected on a running
1. On single Line Sections.
a. At stations where signals are operated through centralized operation, the Station
Master shall put back the despatch signal by putting back the Station Master‟s
slides/signal knob.
b. In case a hot axle is detected after the loco of the train has already passed the
despatch signal, the Station Master shall immediately attract the attention of the
Guard by waving the red flag by day and red light by night in a wide arc left to
right across the chest. Such waving of hand danger signal across the chest by all
railway staff on duty shall be a clear indication to the Crew and Guard of the train
that danger exists not on the permanent way but on the train itself.
(Correction Memo No.01/2014 dated 14.07.2014)
c. The Station Master shall advise the Gateman, if any, in the block section ahead
to stop the train by waving the red flag by day and red light by night in a wide arc
left to right across the chest.(Correction Memo No.03/2015 dated 01.07.2015)
2. On Double Line Sections.
The station Master will follow the same sequence for the stoppage of the train
formation on which a hot axle has been detected.
In addition, the Station Master shall not give line clear to a train coming from the
direction in which the train having the hot axle has gone into.
In case a train from the opposite direction has already entered the block section,
the gateman, if any on the block section, would be advised to stop such a train
coming from the opposite direction and advise the Loco Pilot of the situation.
The Loco Pilot of the train coming from the opposite direction, after being so
advised, shall proceed cautiously at a speed governed by feasibility, proximity of
the other line, any topographical constraints, in such a manner that he can
always stop short of an obstruction caused by the derailment of the train on which
a hot axle was detected.
3. On Electrified Sections.
On Electrified sections the Station Master will also advise the Traction Power
Controller and Traffic Controller simultaneously of a train formation having a hot
axle not having been detected and when it is considered operationally safe, the
traction power supply will be immediately switched off.
If the train cannot be stopped by any means as mentioned above, then the
Station Master in advance should be advised to stop and examine the train duly
using the prescribed emergency signal bell code six pause–one (000000-0). The
Section Controller, Traction Power Controller also should be advised accordingly.


After stoppage the Train examining staff or Guard and Loco Pilot should be
advised to examine the train. In case it is decided by the Train Examining staff, or
by the Loco Pilot that the Wagon or vehicle has to be detached for attention, the
wagon or vehicle shall be detached accordingly.
E. Precautions before starting Train
4.30. Loco Pilot and Guard to examine notices before starting:-
Every Loco Pilot and Guard before starting with a train shall examine the notices
issued for their guidance, and ascertain there from whether there is anything
requiring their special attention on that section of the railway over which they
have to work.

4.31. Examination of trains before starting:-

When a train is examined by a Train Examiner at a station, the Station Master
shall not give permission to start the train until he has received a report from
such Examiner to the effect that the train is fit to proceed and has the prescribed
brake power.
Note: The report mentioned under GR 4.31 shall be in Form T/431.

S. R. 4.31 (i)(a) At all train starting stations as well as at all train examining stations en route
the Train Examiner on duty shall after examining a train, sign in the column provided
in the Combined Train Report that the train is fit to proceed and also issue “Train fit to
proceed” certificate, to the Station Master on duty.
(b) If a Train Examiner issues a “Sick Memo” to the Station Master and place the
“Damaged, not to go” label on both sides of the vehicle, such vehicle shall not be
accepted again for use until the Train Examiner issues the “fit Memo” to the Station
Master and removes the labels.

(c) When a vehicle has been detached from a train due to defect or damage, the
nearest Train Examiner shall be advised. Such vehicle shall not be accepted again
for use until the Train Examiner issues a “Fit Memo” to the Station Master.

SR.4.31(ii) While examining any formation, in order to afford the necessary protection to the
Train Examining staff, a large red flag or a board painted red and inscribed with the
word “Stop” in white will be exhibited by them at both ends of trains during day light;
between sunset and sunrise, the flags or “Stop” boards shall be replaced by red
lamps. No train shall be moved while these flags, boards or lamps are being

4.32 Examination of train by Loco Pilot:-

The Loco Pilot shall, before the commencement of the journey and after
performing any shunting enroute, ensure-
(a) that his engine is in proper working order,
(b) that the coupling between the engine and the train is properly secured, and
(c) that the head light and marker lights are prescribed in sub-rule (1) of Rule 4.14
are in good order, and these are kept burning brightly, when required.


SR 4.32 (i) An engine crew shall couple and uncouple the locomotive at the train
originating station, at any intermediate point of operational stabling or engine change
or attaching/detaching of an additional dead / live loco and at station/yard where loco
is required to be finally detached from the train for change of traction, marshalling
convenience or any other operational purposes including detaching of additional
dead/live locos.

The term coupling/uncoupling connotes activities pertaining to stipulated procedures

related to safe and correct attaching / detaching of loco or any other live or dead loco
to / from the train and includes connection / disconnection / reconnection of relevant
hose pipes/air pressure pipes.
When the train originates in coaching yard or goods yard, the engine crew shall be
assisted by traffic shunting staff if normally deployed at that station/yard.
(Correction Memo No. 4 / 2008 dated 02.09.08)

4.33. Examination of single and multiple units by Loco Pilot:-

When coupling single or multiple units or coaches of any such units together,
the Loco Pilot shall be responsible for observing that all electrical couplings are
properly made. After all couplings have been made, the Loco Pilot while taking
over the complete train shall satisfy himself that the control and power
apparatus and brakes of the complete train are in proper and prescribed working

S. R. 4.33(i)(a) The Station staff shall couple and uncouple units and Loco Pilot shall be
responsible for seeing that the Electrical/Mechanical connections are properly made.
(b) The Loco Pilot shall be responsible for seeing that jumpers and hose pipes are
replaced and properly secured in their dummy receptacles after uncoupling.

4.34. Duties of Guard when taking over charge of a train:-

The Guard when taking over charge of a train shall satisfy himself, before the
train is despatched-
(a) that the train is properly coupled,
(b) that the train is provided with the prescribed brake power,
(c) that the train carries tail board or tail lamp and side lamps and that such lamps
are lighted and kept burning brightly, when required,
(d) that the appliance, if any, for communication between the Guard and the Loco
Pilot, is in proper working order, and
(e) generally that, as far as he can ascertain, the train is in a state of efficiency for
Note:- Rules regarding the brake power to be provided on trains have been issued separately as Brake
Power Rules. These rules shall be observed while working trains.


S.R. 4.34(i) The Guard shall ensure that the conditions laid down in Rule 4.34 are complied
with even at stations enroute whenever the composition of the train is altered or any
other reason warrants such check.

When taking over charge of a train and before signing the train examiner‟s Brake
Power Certificate, the Guard of a train shall ensure that the train examiner has signed
in the brake power certificate form that

(1) The doors of all carriage and wagons are in proper working order and can be closed
and fastened.
(2) Vestibules connections are properly secured, that doors, when necessary, are
locked and bolted.

S.R.4.34(ii) The Loco Pilot shall advise the nearest Train Examiner by telephone, particulars
of any defect or failure noticed in the working of the vacuum/air brake, giving the
number of the train, engine and vehicle or wagon on which the failure has occurred,
with copy to the Train Examiner at the destination station of the train and the Power
Controller / C&W controller. The Guard shall make a remark in the Combined Train
Report, which shall be countersigned by the Loco Pilot.
S.R4.34(iii) The following conditions are to be fulfilled for attaching of goods stock in
passenger trains.
(a) Goods stock may be attached to run on passenger trains (except Mail and
important Express trains) with strict adherence of marshalling orders of mixed trains
after duly certified fit to run on passenger trains by the train examining staff.
(b) The maximum speed of such trains should not exceed 75 Kmph on Broad Gauge
and 50/40 Kmph on Metre Gauge (refer. S.R.4.08 (1)). The Caution Order must be
issued to the Loco Pilot instructing him not to exceed the above speed limits.
(c) Goods stock must be attached next to the engine unless the contents are livestock,
explosives, dangerous or inflammable goods in which case these should be
attached in the rear.
(d) On Metre gauge sections where the gradients are 1 in 100 or steeper, the mixed
trains should be marshaled with the coaching vehicles next to the engine and goods
vehicles attached in the rear of coaching vehicles.
(e) Vacuum piped vehicles must not be attached behind the rear brake van of a fully
Vacuumed train. They may, however, be attached inside the rear brake van
provided interference to electric connection is not caused.
(f) Train examiners at all coaching and goods maintenance and „fit to run‟ stations shall
examine all goods stock attached to Passenger trains, even though the train to
which they are attached is not ordinarily examined at that station. At these stations,
this examination will be limited to the goods stock only and will be confined to a safe
to run examination.


(g) On such sections where no C&W staff is provided at the terminal station; the C&W
staff at originating station of mixed train will give the certificate for both outward and
inward journey of the wagons whether loaded or empty indicating the terminal
Note- A four-wheeled coaching vehicle or goods wagon with vacuum brake may be attached to a passenger train
either in front (next to the engine) or in rear of the train. However, when the engine has a bogie tender, at
least two four-wheelers shall be attached between the tender and the first bogie vehicle or wagon. In the
case of an engine with six-wheeled tender, this restriction does not apply.

S.R.4.34(iv) Four-wheeler vehicles or wagons with a rigid wheel base of 3 metres or less
shall not, under any circumstances, be attached to passenger trains. When such
wagons or vehicles are to be attached to mixed or goods trains, the maximum speed
of such trains shall not exceed 40 kilometres an hour.
S.R.4.34(v) A single unit wagon/vehicle shall not be attached between two bogie
a) This restriction does not apply to attaching of steam, diesel or electric locomotives in rear of Brake Van of
Goods Trains for banking purposes.
b) It is permissible to attach a single 4 Wheeler Brake Van between Train Engine and a Bogie wagon in Goods
Trains for placement/withdrawal of rakes to/from Sidings to avoid delay in shunting , duly observing other
necessary precautions .
(Correction Memo 03/2022 dated 12.08.2022)
4.35. Starting of trains. -
(1) Loco Pilot shall not start his train from a station without the authority to
proceed. Before starting the train, he shall satisfy himself that all correct fixed
signals and, where necessary, hand signals are given and the line before him, is
clear of visible obstructions and the Guard has given the signal to start. Guard
shall see, before giving the starting signal, that all is right for the train to
(2) The Station Master and Guard may be assigned any role or duty to ensure the
safety in the manner as specified by special instructions.
(3) The Guard shall not give the signal for starting unless he has satisfied himself
that, except in accordance with Special Instructions, no person is travelling in
any compartment of vehicle or roof of the vehicle not intended for the use of
(4) In case of any travelling in contradiction to Sub-rule (3), the Guard, Loco Pilot or
Assistant Loco Pilot shall take help, if necessary, from Government Railway
Police, Railway Protection Force and Station Staff to remove the unauthorized
person from the compartment of vehicle or roof of the vehicle. permission to
start a train, that all is right for the train to proceed.
(Ref - ED/Safety-II/Railway Board‟s letter No. 2020/Safety (A&R)/19/17 dated
14.03.2022) (Correction Memo No. 02/2022 dated 12.05.2022)
S.R.4.35 (i) At stations at which trains have a long halt the departure warning bell shall be
rung five minutes before any train carrying passengers is due to start.


S.R.4.35 (ii) At all stations, before despatching a train, the Station Master shall ensure that
all the works in connection with the train is completed. In the case of trains carrying
mail, the Station Master shall also ensure that the mail work is over. At stations with
refreshment rooms, Passengers should be warned by means of the warning bell
before getting a train despatched. (Correction Memo No. 02/2022 dated 12.05.2022)

S. R 4.35 (iii) The Guard, after ensuring that the train is ready to start, shall give the
permission by blowing his whistle and exhibiting starting signal to the Loco Pilot, by
day, a green flag and, by night, a green light waved from side to side overhead.

The starting signal shall also be given by the Guard when a train has to be re-started
after stopping outside station limits, for any reason. It shall be given at stations
normally on the platform side. However, at stations where it cannot be seen by the
Loco Pilot due to curve, overhead structure etc., it shall be given on the side where it
can be seen well. (Correction Memo No. 02/2022 dated 12.05.2022)

(iv) Walkie-Talkie sets should not be used as an alternative to or replace physical

exchange of signals. However, in case of full length trains, Walkie-Talkie sets may be
used for exchange of signals between Loco Pilot and Guard when it is NOT possible to
exchange signals physically due to curvature or other obstructions and the conditions
for exchange of the starting signal have been fulfilled. In such a case, the Loco Pilot
and Guard while using the Walkie-Talkie shall clearly mention their identity along with
the Train number while communicating and also confirm the identity of speaker at the
other end.
(Ref: Rly Board Lr. No.2009/Safety (A&R)/19/29 dt 10.03.2010)
4.36 Guard to be in charge of train: –
After the engine has been attached to a train, and during the journey, the Guard
or (if there be more than one Guard) the Head Guard shall be in-charge of the
train in all matters affecting stopping or movement of the train for traffic
purposes. In the case of any self-propelled vehicle, such as a motor coach
without a trailer and unaccompanied by the Guard, the duties of a Guard shall
devolve on the Loco Pilot.


S.R.4.36 (i) If there is more than one Guard in the train, the senior Guard shall be in-change
of the train.
(ii) Guards shall report to the Station Master of the next station, any stoppage or the
irregularities in train working caused by defects in works under the Engineering
Branch, such as defective tracks, crossings, points, gates not opened, etc., and the
Station Master shall telephone the report at once to the Divisional Operations
Manager, the Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer and JE/SSE/P.Way.
4.37. Subordination of Guards in station limits:–
When a train is within Station limits, the Guard shall be under the orders of the
Station Master.
4.38. Assistant Loco Pilots to obey Loco Pilots: –
The Assistant Loco Pilots shall obey the lawful orders of their Loco Pilots in all
4.39. Loco Pilot to obey certain orders: –
After an engine has been attached to a train and during the journey, the Loco
Pilot shall obey-
(a) the orders of the Guard, in all matters affecting the starting, stopping or
movement of the train for traffic purposes, and
(b) all orders given to him by the Station Master or any railway servant acting
under special instructions, so far as the safe and proper working of his engine
will admit.

S.R.4.39 (i) From the time an engine enters the traffic yard till it leaves the traffic yard, the
Loco Pilots are under the orders of the Station Master.

F. Duties of Staff Working Trains during Journey

4.40. Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot to keep a good look-out –
Every Loco Pilot shall keep a good look - out while the train is in motion, and
every Assistant Loco Pilot shall also do so when he is not necessarily otherwise

4.41. Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot to look back –

The Loco Pilot and or the Assistant Loco Pilot shall look back frequently during
the journey to see whether the train is following in a safe and proper manner.


S.R.4.41 (i) At night, the Loco Pilot and the Assistant Loco Pilot shall frequently look back on
the run and see that the side-lamps of the train are burning. They shall pick up at
least one of the two side lamps burning. If both the side-lamps are suspected to be
out, the Loco Pilot shall call the attention of the Guard by giving two short whistles. If
the train is complete but only the side-lamps are not burning, the Guard shall
acknowledge by showing a “Proceed” hand signal and Loco Pilot shall give one long
whistle and proceed normally. If the Guard suspects that the train may have parted,
he shall act in accordance with Rule 6.08. If the Loco Pilot does not receive the
Guard‟s “Proceed” hand signal, he shall suspect that the train may have parted and
act in accordance with Rule 6.08.

If the train is complete but only both the side-lamps are not burning, the Guard shall,
after giving the “Proceed” hand signal, frequently show a white light, in lieu of the
side-light, to the Loco Pilot until lamp is relit or rectified.

S.R.4.41 (ii) The Loco Pilots/Assistant Loco Pilots after passing permanent way gangs
working on the line or a manned level crossing gate to see whether any danger signal
is being exhibited by them as a warning of a danger/unusual thing on the train and to
take necessary action.

4.42. Exchange of signals between Loco Pilot, Guard and Station Staff:-

(1) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall exchange signals with each other,
at such times and in such manner as maybe prescribed by special instructions.

(2) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall, while running through a station,
look-out for and, except under special instructions, acknowledge the „all-right‟
signals which the Station Master and such other staff at the station as may be
specified by special instructions shall give if the train is proceeding in a safe
and proper manner. If the train is not proceeding in a safe and proper manner,
the Station Master or the other staff shall exhibit a Stop hand signal, on receipt
of which the Guard and the Loco Pilot shall take immediate steps to stop the
Note. – See Rule 2.11 Proviso.

S.R.4.42 (i) The “All Right” signal is given by holding out the green flag horizontally by day
and by waving a green light horizontally by night.

(a) The “All Right” signal shall be exchanged between the station staff and the train
crew on both sides of a train.

(b) Cabins in large yards, where frequent shunting is performed, shall not exhibit any
flag or light to trains running through when there is nothing wrong with the train.
Should, however, they find anything wrong with the train, they must display danger
signal to Loco Pilot and the Guard of the train. While running through station, the
Guard must appear at the door or on the veranda of the brake van and watch for
such signals.

Note. – Cabins in large yards referred to in S.R.4.42 (i) (b) above which are not required to exchange “All Right”
signal with the train crew shall be mentioned in the Station working Rules of the concerned station. This
shall be advised to all stations/Depots where Loco Pilots and Guards are Headquartered. All other
cabins shall exchange “All Right” signals with the train crew of all stopping and run through trains.


S.R.4.42 (ii) (a) When a train is running through a station having no cabin or one central
cabin or both end cabins located on the station house side, the platform duty Station
Master and a member of the station staff shall show „All Right‟ signal on both sides of
the train if all is right for the train to continue its journey. Otherwise a danger signal
shall be shown.

(b) At stations where both the cabins or at least one Cabins are/is located on the
opposite side of the Station house, the platform Duty Station Master shall show „All
Right‟ signal on the station house side and the Cabin Assistant Station
Master/Cabinman on the other side of the train if all is right of the train to continue the
journey otherwise a danger signal shall be shown.

(c) At stations where there is no Cabin on the off side and where there is only a Group
„D‟ Staff is available besides the Station Master on duty at the platform, the Station
Master shall deliver the authority to proceed and then exchange „All Right‟ signal on
the station side while the Group „D‟ staff shall exchange „All Right‟ signal on the off

(d)The Station Master on duty after exchanging All-Right signal with the crew and
Guard of the train shall make an endorsement in the remarks column of the TSR to the
effect that he/she has exchanged All-Right signal for the train. If for any valid reason
the SM is not able to exchange All-Right signal with the Loco Pilot or the Loco Pilot
and the Guard of a run through train, he/she shall record the reason in the TSR.
(Correction Memo No.03/2016 dated 06.10.2016)

(e) While running through the Station, the Loco Pilot / Assistant Loco Pilot and Guard
shall be on the lookout for such signals, which shall be acknowledged by them by
repeating the same. In addition, the Loco Pilot / Assistant Loco Pilot shall also give a
long whistle/horn as acknowledgement.

(1) Loco Pilot while working trains with maximum permissible speed above 110 kmph
may depute his Assistant Loco Pilot to do above duties.
(2) In case of Train Set (like Vande Bharat), while passing through a station, the Guard
and Loco Pilot shall switch on „Signal exchange light‟ provided at both sides of rear
and leading cabs. It will serve the purpose of exchange of Signals with Station staff.
(3) If built-in flickering Signal exchange light is not available or is defective, LED based
flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp shall be used.
(Correction Memo No.02/2023 dated 26.02.2023)

(f) When a train either stopping or non-stopping has passed a station inclusive of a
train halt, the Loco Pilot / Assistant Loco Pilot and the Guard shall look back and
satisfy themselves that no danger signal or other indication is given by any of the
station staff. After doing so they should exchange “All Right‟ signal after the complete
train has passed the platform and before the engine passes the station limits.

(1) Loco Pilot while working trains with maximum permissible speed above 110 kmph
may depute his Assistant Loco Pilot to do above duties.


(2) In case of Train Set (like Vande Bharat), while passing through a station, the Guard
and Loco Pilot shall switch on „Signal exchange light‟ provided at both sides of rear
and leading cabs. It will serve the purpose of exchange of Signals with Station staff.
(3) If built-in flickering Signal exchange light is not available or is defective, LED based
flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp shall be used.
(Correction Memo No.02/2023 dated 26.02.2023)

(g)If the Station Master on duty fails to exchange All-Right signal with the crew and
Guard of a run through train, the Loco Pilot and Guard of the train shall exercise extra
caution to ensure that all is right for the train to run through and record the same in
their rough journal.(Correction Memo No.03/2016 dated 06.10.2016)

Note. – In the case of class „D‟ stations the „All Right‟ signal must be exchanged by the Guard and Loco Pilot
after the last vehicle has passed the platform.

S.R.4.42 (iii) (a) If the Loco Pilot/ Assistant Loco Pilot or Guard fails to exchange „All Right‟
signal with the Station Master on duty, the Station Master shall verify with the staff on
the off side/Cabin and if it is known that the engine crew and/or the Guard failed to
exchange „All Right‟ signal with any one of the station staff, the train shall be stopped
at the next block station, treating it as a runaway train. The block section in rear shall
not be cleared until it is ascertained that everything is all right and the train may be
allowed to proceed further.
Note. – If the Loco Pilot and/or his Assistant Loco Pilot fails to exchange signal at a station in single line token
area, action under S. R. 4.42 (iii) (a) need not be taken provided exchange of token had been done by
the crew properly. However, the station Master shall report the matter to the Station Master at the
requisite block station who shall issue a warning message to the Loco Pilot of the train about his failure
to exchange „All Right‟ signal, which shall be served through the pouch.

(b) If the station Master/Staff on Off side/Cabin observes or is informed by the staff
anything unusual during the passage which may affect the Safety of the train (such
as Goods falling off, vehicle on fire, hot axle or anything which is likely to foul or
obstruct the Railway line) he should attract the attention of the crew and Guard to
stop the train and examine the same. When the Station Master has not been able to
stop the train, he shall advise the Station Master in advance to stop and examine the

(c) If the Station Master feels that some part of the vehicle or any other article might
have fallen off before the train has arrived at his station, he shall advise the Station
Master in rear also. When such action has been taken similar precautions should be
taken for running trains between his station and the station in advance or in rear. The
Station Master at either end of the block section shall not allow any train on the same
line or on the adjacent line (when it is likely to be obstructed) until safe passage of
trains is ensured.
(d) If the Loco Pilot does not receive the „All Right‟ signal from the Guard he shall call
for it by giving two short sharp whistles and even then „All Right‟ signal is not received
he shall stop the train and ascertain the cause.
(e) While starting after stopping outside Station limits- Before re-starting the train the
Guard and Loco Pilot shall exchange the „All Ready‟ signal [see S.R.3.54 (i)] the
Guard shall then give the usual starting signal [see S.R.4.35 (iv)] and the Loco Pilot
shall acknowledge it by giving one long one short whistle and start the train. After the
train has started, the Guard shall, after satisfying himself that everything is all right,


give the „All Right‟ signal and the Loco Pilot shall acknowledge it by giving a long
whistle and proceed onwards. If the Loco Pilot does not receive the „All Right‟ signal
he must call for it by giving two short sharp whistles and if even then the „All Right‟
signal is not received he must stop the train and ascertain the cause.
S.R.4.42 (iv) On the run – on the run immediately after the train has passed safe over the
summit of a Ghat, the Guard must give the „All Right‟ signal to the Loco Pilot and the
Loco Pilot must look out for this signal and acknowledge it by giving a long whistle. If
the Loco Pilot does not receive the „All Right‟ signal he must call for it by giving two
short sharps whistles and if even then the „All Right‟ signal is not received, he must
stop the train and ascertain the cause.
(v) (a) The Guard must, before giving the „All Right‟ signal to the Loco Pilot receive
the „All Right‟ signal from the Assistant Guard in the leading Brake vans (if any). The
Assistant Guard must give the signal only to the Guard and not to the Loco Pilot.
(b) Where a level crossing gate is situated within the station limits, the Gateman shall
take his stand by the side of the track near the level crossing gate on the non-station
house side and watch the safe passage of the train and report abnormalities if any to
the Station Master through phone or by other means at stations where there is no
Cabin/Cabins are situated on the station house side itself and no staff is available to
watch the train from the off side, besides exhibiting appropriate signal to the train
(vi) Walkie-Talkie sets should not be used as an alternative to or replace physical
exchange of signals. However, in case of full length trains, Walkie-Talkie sets may be
used for exchange of signals between Loco Pilot and Guard when it is NOT possible
to exchange signals physically due to curvature, tunnels, geographical lay outs or
other obstructions, in circumstances referred to in SR 4.42 (ii) (e) and SR 4.42 (iv) for
exchange of All-Right signal and in SR 4.42 (iii) (e) for exchange of All-Ready signal,
starting signal and All-Right signal and the conditions for exchange of the said signals
have been fulfilled. In such a case, the Loco Pilot and Guard while using the Walkie-
Talkie shall clearly mention their identity along with the Train number while
communicating and also confirm the identity of speaker at the other end.
(Correction Memo No.01/2016 dated 24.02.16)
(Ref: Rly Board Lr.No.2009/Safety (A&R)/19/29 dated 10.03.2010)

4.43 Guard to keep a good look-out:-

During the journey including halts at stations, every Guard shall keep a good
look-out and satisfy himself from time-to-time that the tail board and brake-van
lamps, are in position and that all brake-van lamps, where required, are burning
brightly, that the train is complete in every respect and is proceeding in a safe
and proper manner.

Note. – The Term “brake-van lamp” includes “tail lamp”

S.R.4.43 (i) If any vehicles are attached in rear of his brake-van in terms of Rule 4.24, the
Guard shall ensure that the train is complete with such vehicles, on the run.

S.R.4.43 (ii) When passing a manned level crossing, the Guard shall look back to see if any
signal is given by the Gateman to indicate that anything is wrong with the train.


S.R.4.43 (iii) Guards of running trains will be responsible to watch any train passing on the
adjacent line, and to attract the attention of the Guard or the Loco Pilot of the latter
train by exhibiting danger hand signal should any condition be noticed on that train
which may endanger its safety. In case of trains running in opposite directions, as on
double line, the Guards of the two trains will exchange All right signal after having
examined each other‟s trains, provided the trains have been found in order.

4.44. Train held up at First Stop signal:-

(1) When a train has, without an apparent cause, been kept standing at the First
Stop signal for five minutes, the Loco Pilot shall sound the prescribed code of
whistle to warn the Guard, and the Brakesman shall proceed to the cabin or
station to warn the Station Master. If there is no Brakesman, the Loco Pilot shall
depute Assistant Loco Pilot to proceed to the cabin or station to warn the
Station Master. The Brakesman or Assistant Loco Pilot proceeding to the cabin
or station shall show a Stop hand signal towards the station. The Guard shall, as
soon as the train is stopped at the first Stop signal, check-up that the tail board
or tail lamp is correctly exhibited and shall maintain a vigilant attitude in rear of
the train. After fifteen minutes or such lesser time as may be prescribed by
special instructions, the Guard shall, irrespective of whether the cause is
apparent or not, proceed to protect the rear of the train in accordance with
instructions laid down in Rule 6.03. If in the meantime the signal is taken „Off‟ or
the Loco Pilot receives the necessary authority to pass the signal in the „On‟
position, he shall sound the prescribed code of whistle to recall the Guard and
exchange hand signal with him before starting the train.

(2) In the case of a train not accompanied by a Guard, these duties shall devolve on
the Loco Pilot.

S.R.4.44 (i) After stopping his train at the First Stop signal, the Loco Pilot shall give one long
whistle (continuous) to warn the Station Master. If after the lapse of 5 minutes, the
signal is still at danger without apparent cause the Loco Pilot shall give two long, two
short whistle to warn the Guard. The Guard shall in consultation with the Loco Pilot,
send the Brakesman /Assistant Loco Pilot to the station or cabin to inform the Station
Master. After informing the Station Master the man may remain in the station or in
cabin if the signals are going to be taken “Off” without delay. If the train has to be
detained at the signal for a considerable period, the Station Master shall send a
written memo, though the Brakesman /Assistant Loco Pilot stating what further
detention is necessary and the reason therefor. The Brakesman /Assistant Loco Pilot
shall go to the train and show this memo to the Loco Pilot who shall initial it and pass
it on to the Guard, who shall retain it. In the case of a light engine, the Loco Pilot shall
retain the memo. Whenever a memo is given by the Station Master, the Guard and
Loco Pilot shall send a special report along with the Combined Train Report. If the
stoppage of the train exceeds 15 minutes, the Guard/the Loco Pilot in the case of a
light engine, shall proceed to protect the rear of the train in accordance with the
instructions laid down in Rule 6.03.

4.45. Attracting attention of Loco Pilot:-

(1) If any Guard sees reason to apprehend danger or considers it necessary for any
reason to stop the train, he shall use his best endeavours to attract the attention
of the Loco Pilot.

(2) In the absence of the means of communication with the engine, a Guard desiring
to attract the Loco Pilot‟s attention shall apply his hand brake sharply and as
suddenly release it, and wherever possible, he shall reverse the side lamps to
show red towards the engine.

(3) When the attention of the Loco Pilot has been attracted, the necessary hand
signals shall be shown.
(4) If the train is fitted with continuous brake, the Guard may, in case of emergency,
apply such brake gradually to stop the train.
S.R.4.45 (i) The Guard shall not apply the automatic vacuum brake, except when absolutely
necessary and when applying it, he shall pull the lever slowly and gradually so as to
reduce the vacuum by 12 to 18 centimetres only. Whenever the automatic vacuum
brake is applied, the Guard shall send a special report along with the Combined Train
(ii) The Loco Pilot shall, whenever he notices the reduction of vacuum, take
immediate measures to bring the train to a stand clear, if possible of tunnels, bridges,
cuttings, Catch siding points or other unsuitable spots of a similar nature. He shall
also give two short and one long whistle and repeat it until the Guard shown the red
flag by day and the red light by night, which is an indication that the Guard has
understood the situation. The Guard shall then take necessary action in accordance
with S.R.4.18 (ii).
4.46. Assistance from Guard‟s hand brake:-
When the Loco Pilot requires the assistance of Guard‟s hand brake, he shall
sound the prescribed code of whistle, if necessary, repeatedly, or, if a brake
whistle is provided, sound such whistle and shall also use other means of
communication, if provided between the Loco Pilot and the Guard.
S.R.4.46 (i) When the Loco Pilot of a train requires the Guard to apply brakes, he shall give
three short whistles. When he requires the Guard to release brakes, he shall give one
long one short whistle.
4.47. Application of Guard‟s hand brake:-
(1) When the Loco Pilot sounds the prescribed code of whistle or the brake whistle,
the Guards shall immediately apply their hand brakes.
(2) When a train is travelling down a steep incline, the Guards shall, if necessary to
steady the train, assist the Loco Pilot with their hand brakes.
S.R.4.47 (i) Hand brakes shall be put on gradually, but not so tightly as to skid the wheels as
skidding not only reduces the resistance which the brake is intended to cause but
also damages the wheels and rails. Brakes once applied shall not be slackened until
the wheels get locked and begin to skid, when the brakes shall be eased sufficiently
to prevent skidding. Hand brakes once put on, shall not be released until the Loco
Pilot gives one long and one short whistle for releasing the brakes. Except in an
emergency, Guards shall not apply their hand brakes to steady the speed of a train
unless called upon to do so by the Loco Pilot. Brakesman shall also immediately
apply the hand brakes when the Loco Pilot calls for brakes.


4.48. Permission of Guard to detach engine from train:-

When a train has been brought to stand outside station limits or anywhere on a
grade, the Loco Pilot shall not detach his engine from the train without the
permission of the Guard who, before giving such permission, shall satisfy
himself that the van-brakes have been put on securely and take such other
measures as may be necessary or prescribed by special instructions.
Provided that detaching of engines from trains in such cases may be prohibited
altogether under special instructions wherever considered necessary in the
interest of safety.
S.R.4.48 (i)The engine of a train carrying passengers shall not be detached or the train
parted in section except in an emergency as given below: -
Whenever it is necessary to detach the engine of a train carrying passengers for
testing a bridge or for isolating a burning coach or coaches on a train carrying
passengers, the following precautions shall be taken before the engine is detached or
train parted –
(a) Hand brakes in the Guard‟s brake-van at the rear and in the brake-van wherever
provided shall be securely screwed on,
(b) Hand brakes of any goods wagons on the train shall be securely pinned down,
(c) Hand brakes if provided on any coaching vehicle shall be securely applied,
(d) The wedges provided in the Guard‟s brake-van shall be securely jammed under the
farther most wheels of the rakes in the direction of the falling gradient. Vacuum shall
be created to the maximum extent possible by blowing up with the large
ejector/exhauster and attempt shall be made to lightly pull or push the load with the
engine in the direction of the falling gradient. Only after it had been ensured that the
load is securely restrained against movement, will the vacuum be dropped and the
engine detached. The interval from the time engine is detached to the time it is again
attached to the train shall not exceed 45 minutes.
(e) On the Ghat/Gradient section, locomotives shall not be detached from trains between
(f) In the case of fire, when it is necessary to isolate a burning coach and where the
precautions as in S.R.4.48 (i) (d) cannot be undertaken in detail, the Guard and the
Loco Pilot of the train will be responsible for using the wedges supplied in the
Guard‟s brake-van to the best advantage in order to prevent parts of the train
colliding against each other by running away.
S.R.4.48 (ii) (a) The Loco Pilot of a goods train shall, before detaching his engine from the
train, call for the Guard‟s brake by giving three short whistles. The Guard shall,
irrespective of whether the train is vacuum brake or not, apply the brakes as under: -
Inside station limits: – If the gradient is steeper than 1 in 400, apply the hand-brake of
his brake-van and also the hand-brakes of atleast six vehicles on the train; if the
gradient in 1 in 400 or flatter apply the hand-brake of his brake-van.

If, after the engine has been detached from the train, the brake-van is also required
to be detached for attaching vehicles to or detaching vehicles from the train or for any
other reason, the Guard shall before detaching the brake-van, apply (in lieu of the
hand brake of the brake-van) the hand-bakes of atleast six more vehicles if the
gradient is steeper than 1 in 400 or atleast six vehicles if the gradient is 1 in 400 or

Outside station limits: - If the gradient is steeper than 1 in 400 apply the hand-brake
of his brake-van and also the hand-brakes of all the vehicles on the train; if the
gradient is 1 in 400 or flatter apply the hand brakes of atleast twelve vehicles on the

(b) The Guard shall, after satisfying himself that the train is braked as required,
show a “Proceed” hand signal to the Loco Pilot. Only after getting this signal the
Loco Pilot may detach his engine or permit his engine to be detached from the train.
The train shall remain so braked until the engine is again attached to the train.

4.49. Starting and stopping of trains:-

The Loco Pilot shall start and stop his train carefully and without a jerk.

4.50. Sounding of engine whistle:-

(1) Except under special instructions, the Loco Pilot shall always sound the whistle
of the engine according to the prescribed code of whistle-
(a) before putting an engine in motion;
(b) when entering a tunnel; and
(c) at such other times and places as may be prescribed by special instructions.
(2) Engine whistle code shall be prescribed under special instructions.
S.R.4.50 (i) The circumstances in which the Loco Pilot shall sound the engine whistle and
the codes therefore are given below: -

Sl.No. Whistle code of engine Indication

1 ● (a) Before starting:-

(i) Indication to Loco Pilot of
assisting/banking engine that Loco Pilot of
leading engine is ready to start.
(ii) Acknowledgement by the Loco Pilot of
assisting/banking engine to leading
(iii) Engine ready to leave loco yard or
after completing loco work.
(iv) Engine ready to go to loco yard.
(b) On run-
(i) Assistance of other engine not
(ii) Acknowledgment of Loco Pilot of
Assisting/banking engine that assistance

2 ●● (a) Call for Guard‟s signal.

(b) Signals not exchanged by Guard.
(c) Signals not exchanged by station staff.


Sl.No. Whistle code of engine Indication

3 _____● (a) Guard to release brakes.

(b)Before starting engine or a train from
(c) Main line clear after backing into

4 ●●● (a) Guard to apply brakes.

(b) Train is out of control, Guard to assist.

5 ●●●● (a) Train cannot proceed on account of

accident, failure, obstruction or other
exceptional cause.
(b) Protect train in rear

6 ____ ____ ●● Call for Guard to come to engine.

7 ● _____ ● (a) Token not received

(b) Token missed.
(c) With wrong "authority to proceed"
(d) Passing Stop Signal at „On‟ on proper

8 ______ (a)Before starting–Vacuum recreated on

Ghat section, remove Sprags.
(b) Passing Automatic Stop signal at „on‟
(c) Passing an Intermediate Block Stop
signal at „On‟ when the telephone
provided on the signal post is out of
order and the Loco Pilot is thus unable
to contact the station in rear.
(d) On run – Acknowledgement of Guard‟s

9 (a) Approaching tunnel or area of

_____________ restricted visibility or curves or cutting
(continuous) or site of accident.(C.M.No.04/2010 dt 10.06.10)
(b) Recall railway servant protecting train
in rear.
(c) Material train ready to leave
(d) Running through a station
(e) Approaching a Stop signal at „On‟ "or
in consequence of fog, storm or any
other reason the view of signals is
(f) Detained at a Stop signal.

10 ____●____ ● (a) Train parting.

(b) Train arriving incomplete.


Sl.No. Whistle code of engine Indication

11 ●● _____ (a) Alarm chain pulled.

(b) Insufficient vacuum /air pressure in
(c) Guard applies vacuum/ air brake.

12 ____ ____ Raise pantograph. To be acknowledged

by the other engine.

13 ____●____ Lower pantograph. To be acknowledged

by the other engine.

14 ____●● (a) Signal arm lowered but light

(b) Signal arm improperly/insufficiently
taken „Off‟
(c) Defective signal.

15 ____ ____ ____ Fouling mark not cleared.

16 ●●●●●● (a) Apprehension of danger.

●●●●●● (b) Danger signal to the Loco Pilot of an
(frequently) approaching train whose path is fouled
or obstructed for any reason.
(c) While working on a single line section
during total failure of communication
or when single line working is
introduced on a double line section.
(d) Moving in wrong direction on a double
line or against the signalled direction
in the Automatic Block signalling
territory on Double line or against the
established direction in the Automatic
Block signalling territory on Single

17 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Approaching a level crossing (Correction
(Intermittently) Memo No.04/2010 dated 10.06.2010)

Note. – The signals above are illustrated by “●” for a short whistle and “ __________ ” for a long whistle.


S.R.4.50(ii)(1) Loco Pilots shall constantly whistle when approaching and entering tunnels,
curves and cuttings where the view ahead is obstructed. They shall also act likewise
when crossing a train at a station and when approaching all other places where
obstructions are likely to occur. (Correction Memo No. 4 / 2010 dated 10.06.2010)

(2) Whistle boards are of two kinds.

They are whistle boards with the letter “W/L” and Whistle boards with the letter “W”
as shown in the diagram below-

(3)(i) Whistle boards with the letter “W/L” are provided,

(a) On the approaches of all the unmanned level crossings, and

(b) On the approaches of manned level crossings inside or outside station limits
where a clear view of the line from the level crossing is not available.

Loco Pilots of approaching trains on noticing the 'W/L' whistle board, shall
sound intermittent long whistles from the time they approach the whistle board
till they pass the relevant level crossing.
(Correction Memo No. 4 / 2010 dated 10.06.2010)

(ii) Whistle boards with the letter “W” are provided in rear of all places where
the view of the track is obstructed by curves, cuttings or tunnels. Loco Pilots
of approaching trains on noticing these whistle boards shall sound their
engine whistle continuously from the time they approach a whistle board till
they get clear view of the track ahead.

SR 4.50 (iii) The Loco Pilot shall communicate through walkie-talkie sets in addition to the
sounding of the engine whistle as prescribed in SR 4.50 (i).
The Loco Pilot shall also advise the Guard through walkie-talkie of all the
documents handed over to him with regard to the working of trains. The information
received should be recorded by the Guard in the rough journal and combined train


4.51. Bell signals between Loco Pilot and Guard:-

When bell communication is provided between the Loco Pilot and the Guard of
the train, bell signal code, as may be prescribed by special instructions shall be

SR 4.51 (i) The following bell signals are prescribed for use between the Motorman/Loco
Pilot and Guard in case of EMUs/MEMUs /DEMUs:-
Code of bell
SL.No. Indication Acknowledgement
1 O Stop train O
2 OO Start train OO
Guard required by the
Loco Pilot/Motorman
4 OOOO Protect the train in rear OOOO
Zone of speed restriction
5 O Pause O over. Resume prescribed O Pause O
Passing Automatic Stop
6 OO Pause OO OO Pause OO
Signal at `On‟
Motorman not to exceed
7 OOO Pause OOO OOO Pause OOO
prescribed speed.
Note:- The signals above are illustrated by “O” for a ring.

SR.4.51(ii) In the event of failure of bell code communication between the Motorman/Loco
Pilot and Guard of an EMU/MEMU/DEMU train the Motorman/Loco Pilot and Guard
shall reproduce the relevant bell code by sounding the horn. In addition, the
Guard/Motorman/Loco Pilot shall make use of the corresponding hand signal
wherever prescribed, by means of the hand signal lamp/flag.
(Correction Memo No.5/2008 dt.23.12.2008)

4.52. Throwing out water, fire or cinders:-

A Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall not throw out water, fire or cinders,
when passing through a station yard or tunnel, or when on a bridge.

4.53. Hose of water crane:-

After taking water from a tank or water column, the Loco Pilot shall see that the
hose or arm is left clear of the line and, when it is provided with fastenings,
properly secured.

4.54. Passengers:-

Every Guard shall give his best assistance to passengers entraining and


S.R.4.54 (i) Both the Guard and Brakesman of a train carrying passengers shall give
attention to the needs of passengers, especially during night. At every station at
which the train stops long enough, they shall pass along the train from each end, to
ascertain whether any passengers require assistance.

G. Duties of staff on Arrival

4.55 Shutting off power:-

In stopping a train, the Loco Pilot shall determine where to shut off power by
paying particular attention to the gradient, the state of the weather, the condition
of the rails, the brake power and the length and weight of the train.

4.56. Guard to see that train is stopped clear of fouling marks:-

When a train comes to stand at a station, the Guard shall see that, wherever
possible, the last vehicle of his train has cleared the fouling marks of all points
and crossings. If not, he shall inform the Station Master at once and exhibit Stop
hand signal to prevent any movement on the fouled line.

S.R.4.56 (i) (a) The Guard shall see that all the signals taken „Off‟ for the reception of his
train have been put back to „On‟. If any signal has not been put back to “On” he
shall inform the Station Master at once and wave a hand danger signal to protect
his train. He shall note down this fact in his Rough Journal Book and make a remark
in the Combined Train report.

(b) The Guard shall see that the train has arrived complete. If the train is
incomplete, the Guard shall inform the Station Master at once.

(c) At night, when a train is waiting at a station to give precedence to another train
in the same direction, the Guard of the train shall, before the following train is
admitted into the station, change the side lamp, adjacent to the line on which the
following train is to be admitted to show white towards the rear of the train and red
towards the engine of his train, the other side lamp being left in its normal position
i.e., showing red towards the rear and white towards the engine of his train. After
the following train has been admitted into the station, the Guard shall, immediately
put back the side lamp to its normal position.

4.57. Detaching engine:-

Whenever a train has been brought to a stand, and it is necessary for the engine,
with or without vehicles, to be detached from the rest of the train, the Guard
shall, before the train is uncoupled, satisfy himself that the van-brakes have
been put on securely, and take such other measures as may be prescribed by
special instructions.

4.58. Loco Pilot to see that train is stopped clear of fouling marks:-

When a train comes to a stand at a station, the Loco Pilot shall see that,
wherever possible, his engine is clear of the fouling marks of all points and
crossings. If not, he shall take steps to inform the Station Master at once and
exhibit Stop hand signal to prevent any movement on the fouled line.

S.R.4.58 (i)If the Loco Pilot finds that his engine has not cleared the fouling marks of all
points and crossings, he shall call the attention of the Station Master by giving three
long whistles and at the same time, wave a Stop hand signal. He shall also send his
Assistant Loco Pilot / Fireman to advise the Station Master on duty of the position.

S. R.4.58 (ii) (a) When a goods train is stopped at a station the Loco Pilot of the leading
engine shall, unless otherwise signaled by the Station Master or the Guard of the
train, bring his engine to a stop as close as possible, to the Starter, fouling mark,
trap point, lock bar, board bearing the word „STOP‟ to enable the last vehicle of his
train to stand clear of the fouling mark at the rear end.

(b) The observance of S.R.4.58 (ii)(a) by the Loco Pilot does not in any way absolve
the Guard of his responsibility in regard to the observance of G.R 4.56 and
Subsidiary Rules there under to ensure that the last vehicle of the train has cleared
the fouling marks of all points and crossings.

4.59. Moving of train carrying passengers after it has been stopped at a station:-

When a train carrying passengers has been brought to a stand at a station,

whether alongside, beyond, or short of the platform, the Loco Pilot shall not
move it, except under orders of the Guard or to avert an accident.

4.60. Guard not to leave train till handed over:-

No Guard shall leave his train until it has been properly handed over in
accordance with special instructions.

4.61. Loco Pilot not to leave engine when on duty:-

No Loco Pilot shall leave his working locomotive or his self-propelled vehicle
when on duty, whether at a station or on a running line, except in case of
absolute necessity and after a competent railway servant has been placed in
charge of the locomotive or self-propelled vehicle. In the case of a self-propelled
vehicle manned by a Loco Pilot only, the Loco Pilot may leave it when
necessary, provided he has locked the cabs and has put the vehicle in low gear
with the ignition switch in the „Off‟ position and has screwed down and locked
the hand brake.

S.R.4.61 (i) Rule 4.61 applies to Firemen and Assistant Loco Pilots also. The competent
railway servant referred to therein, in the case of running train, is the First Fireman /
Assistant Loco Pilot and in the case of shunting engines, the Fireman / Assistant
Loco Pilot.


H. Working of Material Trains

4.62. Working of a material train in a block section:-

A material train shall be worked only with the permission of the Station Masters
on each side and in accordance with special instructions.

S.R.4.62 (i) (a) When a material train is to be run for engineering purposes, the Divisional
Railway Manager shall make necessary arrangements in good time advising all
concerned as to the nature of the work to be done, how long it will last and where
the material train is to be stabled daily during the period of the work. Except with the
permission of the Divisional Railway Manager, a material train shall not be
permitted to work during periods of poor visibility due to fog, storm or any other
cause. If it becomes necessary to alter the stabling station, the Guard shall advise
the stations concerned.

Note. – A material train shall not be stabled at a station with only one loop line and no siding, except under the
special orders of the Divisional Railway Manager.
(b) In case of emergency the running of a material train may, on the requisition of the
engineering branch, be at once ordered by the Station Master or other Senior Official.
S.R.4.62 (ii) Subject to the provisions of SR 4.62 (vi), the speed of Material Trains shall not
exceed 75 kmph when worked with engine leading.
(Correction Memo No.01/2013 dated 27.05.2013)

S.R.4.62 (iii) The Guard and Loco Pilot of a material train are responsible for protecting the
train in accordance with rules when working between stations. They are authorised to
direct Gangmate and Gangman to assist them in this regard.

S.R.4.62 (iv) Before entering a section on which a material train is required to stand on a
grade of 1 in 50 or steeper, the engine should be so attached that when the train is
standing, the engine is at the downhill end of the gradient.

S.R.4.62 (v)On down gradients steeper than 1 in 100 „pushing, is not permitted. On
gradients flatter than 1 in 100, ascending or descending, „pushing‟ may be permitted.

S.R.4.62 (vi) (a) When the engine is pushing a material train and the brake-van is leading-
(1) the speed shall not exceed 15 kilometres an hour on the straight track, and 10
kilometres an hour over the turn-out;
(2) the Guard shall travel in the leading brake-van and continuously exhibit a “Proceed”
hand signal to the Loco Pilot; the absence of a “Proceed” hand signal may be due
to an obstruction and the Loco Pilot shall stop at once;
(3) the train crew shall keep a good look-out especially in the direction in which the
train is moving and shall be prepared to stop short of any obstruction; and
(4) at non-interlocked stations when approaching turn-outs, the Guard shall stop the
train at the outermost points, satisfy himself that the points are correctly set, locked
and manned and then show hand signals to the Loco Pilot to back.


(b) When the engine is pushing a material train and the brake-van is not leading-

(1) The Speed shall not exceed 10 kilometres an hour;

(2) the Guard shall travel in the leading vehicle and the provisions of clause (a)(2)
of S.R.4.62 (vi) shall be complied with;
(3) clauses (a)(3) and (4) of S.R.4.62 (vi) shall also be complied with

(c) When a material train is approaching a station with the engine pushing the train, on
the single line, in regular working the Station Master shall take “Off” signal as usual,
and in unexpected circumstances, i.e., after meeting with an obstruction, etc.,
provisions of S.R.4.12 shall be complied with; on the double line, the provisions of
S.R.4.12 shall be complied with.

S.R.4.62 (vii) Except in an emergency, such as an accident or breach of the railway line,
working of material trains carrying labourers shall not be permitted between sunset
and sunrise. If due to certain circumstances, it is necessary to work material trains
during night, permission to do so shall be obtained from the Divisional Railway
Manager, who shall give the permission subject to the following conditions: -

(1) The work spot shall be well lit.

(2) Second class accommodation for the labourers shall be provided on the train.

(3) The Guard of the train shall ensure that no labourer is travelling in the material

S.R.4.62 (viii) A material train shall not be divided outside station limits, except in an
emergency, and in such cases only on the authority and personal supervision of an
engineering official of not lower in rank than a JE/SSE/P.Way who shall be entirely
responsible for seeing, before the train s divided, that necessary precautions are
taken to ensure safety. Before the train is divided, the Guard shall apply the hand-
brake in the brake-van and the hand-brakes of a sufficient number of wagons and
lock, by means of safety chains or sprags sufficient number of wheels in each portion
of the train and shall also ensure personally that all the Labourers have been
detrained. Vehicles shall not be detached from a material train standing on a grade of
1 in 100 or steeper. The Loco Pilot may detach the engine from a material train with
the Guard‟s permission who shall before giving the permission, ensure that the hand-
brakes on each wagon are properly applied and the wheels secured with safety
chains and sprags to prevent any movement.

S.R.4.62 (ix) No material shall be left above rail level within the distances prescribed in the
Schedule of Dimensions. If a material train has to leave the spot where material is
being deposited before the removal of such material can be effected, men shall be
left to complete the work.

S.R.4.62 (x) A material train may be moved from the traffic yard to the loco yard only with
the permission of the Locomotive Official in-change of the loco yard and subsequent
movement of the train inside the loco yard shall also be directed by the Locomotive
Official in-charge.


S.R.4.62 (xi) At least one brake-van shall be attached in the rear of a material train. When
running through and between stations, the engine shall be marshalled at one end of
the train and the brake-van at the other end. Material trains shall be marshalled with
regard to the brake-vans so that whenever a train parting occurs on the run, there
shall be adequate brake-power to control the rear portion. If the Brake Power Rules
require the provision of only one brake-van then this van shall be attached in the rear
of the train; but if two or more brake-vans are required, the additional vans may be
interspersed throughout the train provided that the vans are not separated by a load
in excess of the brake power necessary.
S.R.4.62 (xii) The Station Master shall issue a memo (in duplicate) in the following form,
along with the “authority to proceed” to the Loco Pilot of every material train which is
required to work outside station limits: -

To the Loco Pilot of Material Train No …………….

You are required to proceed to …………… station at the other end or you must return
to………….. station (as the case may be).

You should clear the block section by ………. Hrs ……….. Mts. for the passage of other

Station ……………
Guard Station Master
Date ……………….

The memo, shall be countersigned by the Guard. The Loco Pilot shall take the
original and return the duplicate signed. The Station Master shall enter the particulars
contained in the memo, in the “Remarks” column of the Trains Signal Register
against the entry for the train.
S.R.4.62 (xiii)a)All the wagons forming part of Material Trains shall have a nominated base
depot which should be clearly stenciled on these wagons.

b)These wagons must touch the base depot at least once in thirty days at which time,
they shall be intensively examined and repairs, if any, shall be attended and a BPC
issued giving therein the individual number of wagons for which the BPC is issued.
The BPC will be valid for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue. The
engineering official in-charge of the Material Train shall be responsible to ensure
that the Material Train is moved to the base depot for examination before the expiry
of the validity period for the issue of fresh BPC. If the BPC has become invalid due
to the lapse of 30 days, the rake shall be brought to the base depot with GDR

c) The brake power percentage at the originating point shall not be less than 90%
and shall not be less than 70 % enroute. When the brake power falls below 70%, the
rake shall be moved to the base depot for up gradation and issue of fresh BPC.
(Correction Memo No.01/2013 dated 27.05.13).


S.R. 4.62 (xiv) All manned level crossing gates shall be closed against road traffic for the
passage of material train. The Loco Pilot of the material train while „Working on line‟
in a block section shall ensure that all manned level crossing gates are closed
against road traffic before passing the same. He shall whistle intermittently while
approaching the level crossings and obey the aspect of the Gate Stop signal if any. In
the case of non-interlocked gates, and in the case of interlocked gates in double line
sections while proceeding on the wrong direction, the Loco Pilot shall bring his
material train to a stop 30 metres short of the level crossing and then restart and
pass the gate after confirming that the gate is closed against road traffic.
(Correction memo No. 6 dated 06.11.06).
4.63. Workers on material train:-

The Guard of a material train shall, before giving the signal to start, see that all
the workers are on the train, and warn them to sit down.

S.R.4.63 (i) The employment of women on material trains for unloading material is
prohibited; but they maybe taken in empty ballast wagons to different depots for
employment in loading.

S.R.4.63 (ii) If a material train has been divided, all the workers shall be removed from the
wagons before the train is coupled up again.

4.64. Protection of material train when stabled:-

(1) a material train shall not be stabled on a running line at a station, except in
unavoidable circumstances.

(2) When a material train is stabled at a station, it shall be protected in the following
manner and the Station Master shall ensure that-

(a) the vehicles of the material train have been properly secured and are not
fouling any points or crossings,

(b) all necessary points have been set against the line on which the material train
is stabled and such points have been secured with clamps or bolts and cotters
and padlocks, and

(c) the keys of such padlocks are kept in his personal custody until the material
train is ready to leave the siding or line.

(3) The guard shall not relinquish charge until he has satisfied himself that the
material train has been protected as prescribed in this rule.

S.R.4.64 (i) The Station Master and the Guard of a material train are jointly responsible for

(1) that the train is berthed clear of fouling marks, at each end of the line on which it is

(2) that the points leading to the line on which the material train is stabled are set
against that line and locked in that position with locking bolts, cotters and padlocks
or clamps and padlocks; and


(3) that the hand-brakes are applied on a sufficient number of wagons, the van-brakes
are screwed down and that a sufficient number of wheels are locked by safety
chains and padlocks.

S.R.4.64 (ii) When a material train is stabled on a siding, outside station limits, the Guard
shall ensure that it is berthed clear of fouling marks and traps and without obstructing
the running line. He shall apply the hand-brakes on a sufficient number of vehicles,
screw down the van-brakes and locks the wheels of the wagons by means of safety
chains and padlocks.
4.65 Working of Track maintenance machines:-

Track laying or on track Tamping or maintenance machines shall be worked only

with the permission of the Station Master and in accordance with special

S.R.4.65 (i) (1) A Track maintenance machine is a self-propelled vehicle which can move
both in forward and reverse direction.

(2) The track machine may work both by day or night and move within the maximum
speed sanctioned for that with speed restrictions in force in the section being

(ii) Each machine will be under the control of an operator responsible for the safe
working of the machine and for observation of all rules.

(iii) The Operator shall undergo a course of training at the Multi-Disciplinary Zonal
Training Institute and on passing the written examination held at the end of the
course, advice to that effect shall be communicated by the Principal to the
concerned Departmental Officer. The Departmental Officer shall then issue the
necessary Competency Certificate to the Operator.
(Correction Memo No. 1/2019 dated 23.01.19)
(iv) The certificate of competency shall be valid for 3 years and kept in the personal
custody of the operator and shall be promptly produced when required.

(v) The operator shall apply to his Divisional Engineer well in advance before the date
of expiry of competency certificate. The D.E.N. shall renew the certificate after
holding an oral test and satisfying that the operator is conversant with the rules
relating to the work of Track Maintenance machine and the rules for working

(vi) The following rule books and equipment in good working condition shall be in
possession of the operator of each unit while the machines are working
(a) One copy of the General and Subsidiary Rules Book updated with all
(b) One copy of the Accident Manual.
(c) One copy of the Working Time Table.
(d) One copy of the Block Working Manual.
(e) A red flashing hand signal lamp. (Correction Memo 03/2021 dated 25.08.2021)


(f) One portable field telephone with accessories.

(g) Two green hand signal flags.
(h) Three red hand signal flags.
(i) Two tri-colour hand signal lamps for working at night.
(j) 10 detonators in a tin,
(k) Two banner flags.
(l) One first aid box.
(vii) The Track maintenance machine shall be considered as a train.
(viii) Procedure for working of the Track Machines. –
(a) Through movement of Track machines from one station to another. Only one self-
propelled or two coupled self-propelled track machines or one self-propelled
track machine hauled by locomotive is permitted to run at a time in a block
section under one authority observing all rules required for movement of trains.
(b) Working of single or coupled track machine(s) in a block section.

1) The Operator / JE/SSE (P-Way) of the section shall inform the Station Master
in writing the specific location where the machine will work and whether the
machine will proceed to the next station or return to the starting station and
mention the time at which the Track Machine will clear the section along with
identifying number of the machine and the name of the Operator / JE/SSE/P-
Way of the section.
2) The Station Master shall then contact the control and on obtaining permission
from the control shall allow the Track Machine into the block section on line
clear - “work on line” or block forward / block back, as the case may be or as a
material train during line block. In addition to the regular authority, Form T/465-
E shall be issued filling up the relevant portions. In case of a Loco hauled Track
Machine formation (including Wagons, BV etc, with / without other Self-
propelled track machines like TRT), „Form T/465-E-1‟ shall be issued, filling up
the relevant portions, to the LP of the train under acknowledgement, duly
obtaining signature of the Track Machine Operators and SSE/JE /P. Way (in-
charge). However, T/A 602 / T/C 912 / T/A 912 (as the case may be) need not
be given during line block as Form T/ 465-E/ T/465-E-1 will serve as the
authority for the track machine to work in the obstructed block section.

(Correction Memo 05/2023 dated 07.09.2023)

(c) Working of Track machines in a group in the same block section.
1) Any number of self-propelled track machines may be allowed to enter a block section
during line block in a group / convoy for track maintenance and other works connected
with the track.
2) However, not more than one track machine hauled by locomotive is permitted to work
in a group with other self-propelled track machines.
3) When more than one machine is required to work within the same block section, these
machines may be allowed to work in a convoy under one authority to proceed, namely
form T/465-E.


4) All the track machines shall enter the section at the same time one after another
keeping adequate distance of 200 meters between each other and with the proper
authority as given under these rules.
5) In case a Loco is attached to haul more than one Track Machine or Multiple self-
propelled Track Machines, it can be permitted on the authority of T/465E-1, to run at
the lowest speed among the speeds of the group of Track Machines with brake pipe
continuity being ensured throughout the formation and self-propulsion mode of all
Machines switched off. Each Machine shall be manned by an Operator. Guard or the
BTC shall man the last vehicle with Pressure Gauge.
(Correction Memo 05/2023 dated 07.09.2023)

6) In case of track machines working in a group / convoy, the SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge
shall give the requisition for block in duplicate to the Station Master on duty, indicating
therein specific location where the machine will work, the line i.e. Up/Down, the
number of track machines that will work along with individual number and sequence
(order in which machines will leave the station), the duration of block required and
whether the machines will proceed to the next station or return back to the starting
station after the work. The Station Master shall then contact the control and seek
permission for line block.
7) After the line block is granted, the Station Master shall suspend block instrument
working and exchange message supported by a PN with the station Master of the
block station at the other end indicating the individual number of the track machines.
The Station Master shall then prepare and issue Track Machine Block Permit in form
T/465-E indicating therein, the number of machines permitted to work in the block
section, machine type and number and their sequence of entering into the block
section, details of block permitted, station at which the machine will clear the section,
speed restriction in force in the section, if any. The block permit will be signed by all
the SSE/JE/TMC in-charge of track machines (Operators) and will be handed over to
SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge of the group of Track machines, who shall accompany the
machines to the work site.
8) For the working of track machines in a group / convoy, Track machine block permit
(Form T/465-E) will serve as an authority to proceed, authority to pass the Starter /
LSS at „ON‟, Caution order and as an authority to start from a non-signalled line.
9) For the dispatch of all the track machines, the Form T/465-E signed by the operators
of all the machines will serve as an authority to depart and enter the block section. In
the case of dispatch from a non-signalled road, the competent railway servant shall
pilot out the machines travelling in the first machine duly fulfilling the conditions of
dispatch from non-signalled road in terms of GR & SR 5.11, except that the authority
for dispatch will be Form T/465-E. The points in the route of dispatch may be altered
only after ensuring that all the machines have passed over all the points enroute. All
the machines shall be started from the same line.

10) On completion of the work, the machines shall be received by taking Off of the
reception signals in case of single line and in case of double line while moving on the
right direction. In this case a competent railway servant shall display green hand signal
at the foot of first stop signal till after the last machine enters the station. All the
machines shall be received on the same road and the SM shall ensure that the route is
not altered till the complete arrival of the last track machine and the SSE/JE (P-Way)
in-charge certifies the complete arrival of all the track machines in writing.

11) In case of wrong line working, on completion of the work, the Track Machine Operator
of the machine/ leading machine shall bring his machine to a stop outside the FSS of
the right line or the LSS of the wrong line (on which he is running), whichever he
comes across first. The Station Master of the station in rear shall arrange to send a
competent railway servant to this location with a written memo. The competent railway
servant shall hand over the written memo to the SSE/JE (P. Way) and pilot the
machine(s) up to the Shunt signal (on which he is running), where provided. The Shunt
signal shall be taken off to receive the machine(s) to any of the running lines, as
operationally feasible.

In the event of the Shunt signals not being provided, the Track machine(s) shall be
piloted by a competent railway servant from outside the FSS of the right line or LSS of
the wrong line, whichever he comes across first into the station, on the written
authority as per the provisions of S.R.5.10 (i) duly ensuring the correct setting,
clamping and padlocking of Points, as may be required.

The Points shall not be altered till such time the SSE/JE (P. Way) in charge certifies
the complete arrival of all the track machine/ track machines in writing. The SSE/JE
(P.Way) shall be responsible to ensure that all the track machines follow each other
without delay and arrive at the station safely.
(Correction Memo 02/2023 dated 26.02.2023)

12) Station Master receiving the machines shall clear the section for normal train operation
duly exchanging message supported by a Private Number with the Station Master at
the other end quoting the machine type and number for having cleared the block
section at his station, only after SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge has returned the track
machine block permit (Form T/465-E), and has certified in writing the complete arrival
of all the track machines and that the track is clear of any obstruction and the section
is fit for train movement. The certificate to be given by the SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge
shall be in the following format. The Form T/465-E shall be cancelled and handed over
to the SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge.

To Date…………Time………..

The Station Master of _________ station

This is to certify that all the track machines bearing the numbers
(Machine type and No.)1………….. 2…………… 3……………. 4…………….
5……………. which have worked in the ………………block section, have
arrived complete at …………. station at …………hrs and the track is clear of
any obstruction and the section is fit for train movement.

Signature of SSE/JE (P-Way) in-charge

Acknowledgement of SM. Time…….. Date………..

(Correction Memo No.02/2017 dated 12.05.2017)


S.R.4.65(ix) All manned level crossing gates shall be closed against road traffic for the
passage of Track machine. The Operator-in-charge of the machine while „Working on
line‟ in a block section shall ensure that all manned level crossing gates are closed
against road traffic before passing the same. He shall whistle intermittently while
approaching the level crossings and obey the aspect of the Gate Stop signal if any. In
the case of non-interlocked gates, and in the case of interlocked gates in double line
sections while proceeding on the wrong direction, the Operator shall bring his track
machine to a stop 30 metres short of the level crossing and then restart and pass the
gate after confirming that the gate is closed against road traffic
(Correction memo No. 6 dated 06.11.06).
S.R.4.65 (x) The track Machine shall not be permitted to work during periods of poor visibility
due to fog, storm or any other cause except under the permission of Divisional
Railway Manager.

(xi) The Track Machine shall not be permitted to work during total interruption of
(xii) The Operator-in-charge of the machine is responsible for protecting the machine in
accordance with the rules for protection of trains between stations. He is authorised
to direct the Gangmates and Gangmen to assist him in this.
(xiii) No material shall be left above rail level within the distance prescribed in the
Schedule of Dimensions. Before leaving the spot the Operator shall ensure the
removal of such materials.
(xiv) The Operator of the machine shall be responsible to ensure that the adjoining line is
not fouled at any time during the course of operations. In case of fouling, he shall
immediately arrange to protect the adjoining track in accordance with Rule 6.03.
(xv) No traffic train shall be allowed to enter the block section until the track machine
clears the section at any one of the block stations. The Station Master shall advise
the Operator the time and station at which he shall clear the section. The Operator
shall take the original and return the duplicate duly signed to the Station Master.
The Station Master shall enter the particulars contained in the memo in the
“remarks” column of the Trains Signal Register against the entry for the track

(xvi) The Operator is responsible to ensure that the machine has arrived complete and
then only he shall issue a written memo to the Station Master.

(xvii) Protection of track machines when stabled at a station.

(a) The track machine shall not be stabled on a running line at a station except under
unavoidable circumstances.

(b) No shunting of goods or passenger stock shall be permitted on the line where the
track machines are stabled nor shunting performed with the machines attached.


(c) When the machine is stabled, the Operator shall ensure that it is berthed clear of
fouling marks and traps and without obstructing the adjacent lines. He shall apply the
hand brakes and skids to prevent movement.

The concerned points shall be set against the line on which the track machines are
stabled and such points shall be secured with clamps or bolts and cotters and
padlocked. The keys of such padlocks shall be kept in the personal custody of the
Operator until the machine is ready to leave from the siding or running line. The
Operator shall not relinquish charge until he has satisfied himself that the machine
has been protected as prescribed.

S.R.4.65 (xviii) In case of failure of the machine in the block section and the Operator is not
able to clear the section, a message should be sent to the nearest Station Master as
well as the Control through portable telephone or otherwise for arranging a light
engine to tow the unit. In case of such break down of the machines, it shall be treated
as an obstruction and protection of the machine and track shall be arranged by the
Operator in terms G.R.6.03 and S.R. thereunder Accident to track machine shall be
treated in the same manner as of trains.

I. Private Engines and Vehicles

4.66. Private engines and vehicles:-

No engine or other vehicle, which are the property of a private owner, shall be
allowed to enter upon the railway, except in accordance with special


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