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Chap 14 GR SR SCR

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A. General Provisions

14.01 Means of granting or obtaining line clear—

The running of every train shall, in its progress from one block station to
another, be regulated by means of any one of or a combination of the
(a) electrical block instruments of token or tokenless type,
(b) track circuits,
(c) axle counters or
(d) electrical communication instruments.

14.02. Provision of instruments—

(1) Electrical communication instruments shall be provided at every
station, except at class D stations, where they may be provided
under special instructions.
(2)(a) The electrical block instruments, where provided, and
electrical communication instruments at any station shall be of
a type approved by the Commissioner of Railway Safety and
shall not be brought into use in the first instance unless they
have been passed by him.
(b) The person in-charge of the maintenance of electrical block
instruments or electrical communication instruments shall not
without the approval of the Commissioner of Railway Safety,
permit the substitution, for the instruments and installation
brought into use in the first instance, of any instruments or
installation which do or does not satisfy the conditions
prescribed in clause (a).
S.R.14.02 The sections of the line provided with different type of block instruments are
notified in the working time table for passenger trains.

14.03 Consent required before interfering with Block working equipment—

No Railway servant shall interfere with the block equipment or their fittings
for the purpose of effecting repairs or for any other purpose, except with
the previous consent of the Station Master.

B. Block Station at which Electrical Block Instruments, Track Circuits or

Axle Counters are provided

14.04 Certificate of competency—

(1) No person shall operate the electrical block instruments, until he has
passed a test in the operation of block instruments and unless he

G&SR 250
holds a certificate of competency granted by a Railway servant
appointed in this behalf by the Railway Administration.
(2) The certificate of competency referred to in sub-rule (1) shall only be
valid for a period of three years or such longer period as may be laid
down by special instructions.
S.R.14.04. The certificate of competency shall be valid for a period of three years.
14.05 Bell Code—
For the Signalling of trains, the prescribed code of bell signals as detailed
below shall be used and a copy thereof shall be exhibited in each block
station near the place of operation of the block working equipment:-

Ref. Indication Code How How

No. signalled acknowledged
1 Call attention or 0 One stroke One stroke or
attend telephone or beat beat
2 Is line clear or line 00 Two Two
clear enquiry
3 Train entering 000 Three Three
block section
4 (a)Train out of 0000 Four Four
block section
(b) Obstruction
5 (a) Cancel last 00000 Five Five
(b) Signal given in
6 (a) Obstruction 000000 Six Six
danger signal
(b) Stop and 000000 – 0 Six pause Six pause one
examine train one
©Train passed 000000 – 00 Six pause Six pause two
without tail lamp two
or tail board
(d) Train divided 000000 – 000 Six pause Six pause
(e) Vehicles three three
running away in
wrong direction on 000000 – 0000 Six pause Six pause four
double line or into four
the block section
on single line
running away in 000000 - 00000 Six pause Six pause five
right direction on five
double line
7 Testing 0000000000000000 Sixteen Sixteen

G&SR 251
Note:- (1) ‘0’ indicates a stroke or a beat and ‘–‘ indicates a pause
(2) Exchange of bell codes under reference numbers 3 and 4 are not
required in a section provided with block proving axle counters

or track circuit having complete track circuiting of station yard
excluding non-running lines on either end.
14.06 Acknowledgement of signals—
(1) Each signal received shall be acknowledged by sending its
authorised acknowledgement.
(2) No signal shall be acknowledged until it is clearly understood.
(3) A signal shall not be deemed to be complete until it is
(4) If the station to which a signal is sent does not reply, the signal
shall be repeated at intervals of not less than 20 seconds until
reply is received.

14.07. Train Signal Register––

(1) A Train Signal Register shall be kept by the Station Master or
under his orders.
(2) All signals received or sent on the electrical block instruments
and the timings of receipts and despatch shall be entered therein,
immediately after acknowledgement by the person operating the
block instruments.
(3) The timings entered in the register shall be the actual timings,
except that any fraction of a minute shall be counted as one.
(4) All entries in the register shall be made in ink.
(5) No erasure shall be made in the register, but if any entry is found
to be incorrect, a Line shall be drawn through it, so that it may be
read at any time and the correct entry shall be made above it.
(6)The person who keeps the register for the time being shall be
responsible for all entries made therein for correctly filling in each
column thereof.
S.R. 14.07.1 The Station Master who makes an entry for a train in the TSR shall
continue to be on duty till all entries pertaining to that train are completed. By this, it is
meant that the Station Master who asked for Line Clear for a train to enter the block
section shall remain on duty till the ‘Train out of block section’ signal is given and
acknowledged and the Station Master, who gives line clear for a train to enter a block
section shall remain on duty till the train has arrived and the ‘Train out of block section’
signal is given and acknowledged.
2.A line shall be drawn across the TSR whenever Station Masters change duty. The
Station Master who is going off duty shall sign his name legibly and enter the time above
the line and the Station Master coming on duty shall sign legibly and enter the time
below the line.
3. In the case of a train working on line, (clause 1) need not be observed but enter in the
TSR, so far made, shall be initialled by both the Station Masters. An entry, as under,
shall be made immediately below the entry for the train and above the line (clause2).
.“Block section still occupied by train (number and description)……………working on
G&SR 252
Both the Station Masters shall sign this entry as required in clause 2. An entry to
this effect shall also be made in the Station Diary and initialled by the both Station
4. The procedure detaied in clause 3 above shall also be applicable in case of accidents,
engine failures, OHE failures etc, when there is a likelihood of trains getting abnormally
delayed and it is not possible for the same persons to continue to remain on duty to
complete all the transactions for which he/they had granted/obtained Line Clear.
14.08 Authority to proceed—
The Loco Pilot shall not take his train from a block station unless he has
been given an authority to proceed:-
(a) on the double line, by taking “off” of the last stop signal and
(b) on the single line, either-
(i) by a token for the block section, taken from an electrical block
instrument, or
(ii) by a Line Clear Ticket duly signed by the Station Master or
(iii) by any document prescribed in this behalf by special
instructions, or
(iv) by taking “off” of the last Stop signal in lieu of tangible
authority as mentioned in sub-clauses (i) to (iii) on sections
provided with electrical block instruments of tokenless type
or track circuits or axle counters.

14.09 Loco Pilot to examine authority to proceed—

(1) The Loco Pilot shall ensure that the authority to proceed given to
him is the proper authority under the system of working and
refers to the block section he is about to enter and if the said
authority is in writing that it is complete and duly signed in full
and in ink.
(2) If the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) are not complied with,
the Loco Pilot shall not take his train past or start from the station
until the mistake or the omission is rectified.

14.10 Conditions for closing the block section—

(1) When the block section has been cleared by the arrival of the
train or by the removal of the cause of blocking, the block section
shall be closed by the block station in advance by giving the
prescribed bell code signal.
(2) Before such signal is given, the Station Master shall satisfy
himself as per the prescribed special instructions.
(a) that the train has arrived complete or the cause of blocking the
section has been removed and
(b) that the conditions under which Line Clear can be given, are
complied with.
(3) The provision of clause (b) of sub-rule (2) may be relaxed at class
“A’ single line crossing stations. In such cases, the Station
Master shall satisfy himself that the train is standing at its Starter
clear of the line on which the second train is to run.
(4) Where in a section, a block proving axle counter or continuous
track circuiting between block stations and complete track

G&SR 253
circuiting of station section excluding non-running lines of the
receiving station is installed and is functioning and there is a
clear indication of clearance of block section as well as complete
arrival of the train as per indication given, it would be taken as
assurance for complete arrival of the train to the Station Master.

S.R.14.10.1. For all run through trains and for other trains which usually come to a stop
at a place from which the tail-lamp/tail board can conveniently be observed, the
responsibility for ensuring that the train is complete, devolves on the Station Master.
2.1 At stations or yards, where two or more cabins are provided, whenever stopping
trains come to a stand, where the Station Master cannot easily see whether the train has
arrived complete, this duty will devolve on the Cabinman/Leverman nearest to which the
last vehicle stands. In such cases, the Cabinman /Leverman will satisfy himself that the
train has arrived complete by seeing the tail lamp/tail board.
2.2. The Guard of the train shall verify that the last vehicle standing clear of the fouling
mark or derailing switch/lock bar, where provided and exhibit an ‘All-right ‘signal to the
Cabinman/Leverman by waving his arm by day and a white light by night. If not, he will
exhibit a red flag by day and a red light by night.
2.3. After having satisfied himself that the train has arrived complete and after receiving
the Guard’s signal, the Cabinman /Leverman will inform the Station Master on duty
accordingly and give a PN or return the key, where there is a key transmitter, to the
Station Master and until the Station Master receives the PN or the key, he shall not send
the “Train out of block section” signal.
3.1 At other stations ,except those having two or more cabins, the Guard of the train,
after verifying the last vehicle is standing clear of the fouling mark, shall give an ‘All-right’
signal to Station Master on duty by waving his arm by day and a white light by night.
3.2. The Station Master on duty shall send the “Train out of block section” signal only
seeing the hand signal of the Guard.
3.3. In all cases, where the train has arrived complete but without a tail lamp/tail board
on the last vehicle, it is the personal responsibility of the Guard to bring the fact to the
notice of the Station Master on duty without delay.
4. At stations where due to physical location of cabin or station building, it is not
possible either for the cabin staff or Station Master to observe the tail lamp/tail board or
the ‘all right’ signal of the Guard, the Station Master on duty shall depute a Pointsman in
advance towards the fouling mark, who would relay the ‘all right’ signal displayed by the
Guard to the Station Master to operate the ‘Train out of block section’ signal. At such
stations the procedure to be adopted for giving the ‘Train out of block section’ signal
shall be incorporated in the SWR.
5. In the absence of the Guard, these duties will devolve on the Loco Pilot or the other
person in-charge of the train.

14.11 Responsibility of Station Master as to authority to proceed––

(1) An authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot until
the procedure prescribed for the purpose, so far as it is
applicable in the particular case, has been followed.
(2) An authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot
except by the Station Master or by some Railway servant
appointed in this behalf by special instructions.
(3) The Station Master shall see that the authority to proceed given
to a Loco Pilot is accurate and that, when it is in writing it is
complete and is signed in full and in ink.
G&SR 254
(4) If the train stops at the station and is waiting to cross another
train, the authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco
Pilot until the whole of the latter train has arrived and is clear of
the running line for the former train.
(5) If two engines are coupled together or if one engine is in front
and another in rear of the train, the authority to proceed shall be
given to the Loco Pilot of the leading engine.
14.12. Special responsibility as to electrical token instruments and to the
(1) The Station Master shall be responsible to ensure that:-
(a) no one but himself operates the electrical block instruments,
(b)the procedure regarding bell signals and in addition any
communication made by electrical communication
instruments including the use of a private number, as laid
down under special instructions, is correctly carried out.
(c) in the case of stopping trains, the incoming token is
surrendered by the Loco Pilot before an outgoing token is
delivered to him,
(d) when he receives the token of an incoming train, it is put in the
electrical block instruments immediately and
(e) no one except the person authorized by special instructions,
opens the electrical block instruments.
(2) (a) A token shall not be taken out of an electrical block instrument
earlier than necessary and when taken out, its number shall be
recorded in the train Signal register and it shall be kept in the
personal custody of the Station Master till issued to a Loco
Pilot or returned to the instrument.
(b) On arrival of the train at the block station in advance, the Loco
Pilot shall give up the token in accordance with special
instructions and this token shall then be placed in the
electrical block instrument at that station.
(c) If the train has to return to the block station from which it
started, the token shall on such return, be replaced in the
electrical block instrument from which it was extracted.

14.13. Failure of electrical block instruments or track circuits or axle

(1) If the electrical block instruments, track circuits or axle counters
or their electric connections fail, Line Clear shall be obtained
through the electrical communication instruments.
(2) When Line Clear has been so obtained, an entry to that effect shall
be made in the Train Signal Register, and the train may be
allowed to proceed on the issue of a written authority to proceed,
which shall also bear a remark to that effect.
S.R..14.13 : Resetting buttons for failure of axle counter in IB section.
PB.1. To reset the axle counter whenever the IB home is passed at ON
PB.2. To rest the axle counter due to failure or improper counting.
PB3. To give co-operation to the station in rear.

G&SR 255
Note:- PB 1 or PB 2 are used only with the co-operation of the station ahead. This co-
operation is given by pressing PB3 and indicated by a white light near PB1 or PB 2

14.14 Closing of Intermediate Block Post—

If the electrical block instruments provided at the stations on either side of
an Intermediate Block Post or the track circuiting provided beyond the last
Stop signal or the axle counters provided at either end of block section fail,
the Intermediate Block Stop signal shall be treated as defective and the
Intermediate Block post shall be deemed to be closed and the section
between the Stations on either side of the Intermediate Block Post shall be
treated as one block section.

C.Block Stations at which Electrical Block Instruments are not provided.

14.15 Transmission of signal—

For the working of trains at such stations where electrical block
instruments are not provided, signals as prescribed under special
instructions shall be transmitted, as occasion may require, on the electrical
communication instruments.
S.R.14.15. For detailed instructions, see Rule No.8.5 of Chapter VIII of Part A of block
working manual single line-token (BWMS (T).

14.16 Train Signal Register—

The Train Signal Register referred to in Rule 14.07 shall also be maintained
at block stations where block instruments are not provided.

14.17 Forms for messages and written authority to proceed—

(1) All messages despatched in connection with the working of trains,
and all written authorities to proceed, shall be written on forms
specially provided for the purpose by the Railway Administration.
(2) Such forms shall be bound up in books and kept at each block
station by the Station Master or by some Railway servant
appointed in this behalf by special instructions.

14.18 Distinction of messages––

(1) Every message despatched in connection with the working of a
train shall distinctly describe the train to which it relates.
(2) For every train a separate enquiry and reply shall be sent.

14.19 Writing and signing of messages and written authorities to proceed--

(1) All messages despatched in connection with the working of trains
and all written authorities to proceed, shall be written in ink and
signed by the person authorised to despatch or issue the same.
(2) No message or written authority to proceed shall be written out,
either in full or in part or signed, until necessary.

14.20 Completion of message—

G&SR 256
No part of any message shall be despatched or acted upon until the whole
message has been written out except with a view to the prevention of an
accident or in some other case of emergency.

14.21. Preservation of messages and written authorities to proceed—

Messages and written authorities to proceed shall be destroyed at such
time after issue as may be prescribed by special instructions:
Provided that no message or written authority to proceed shall be
destroyed before one month after issue.
14.22. Cancellation of Line Clear—
On a single line when a Line clear has been cancelled, no train shall be
allowed o leave in the opposite direction until a message has been received
acknowledging such cancellation and stating that the train for which the
Line Clear has been given is and shall be detained.

14.23. Loco Pilot to have authority to proceed—

The Loco Pilot shall not take his train from a station unless he has in his
possession as his authority to proceed a Line Clear Ticket duly signed by
Station Master.

14.24. Authority to proceed — when to be given to Loco Pilot—

An authority to proceed shall not be given to the Loco Pilot until the
procedure prescribed for the purpose, so far as it is applicable in the
particular case, has been followed.
S.R.14.24. For special instructions regarding the delivery of Line Clear Ticket, see block
working manual single lines.

D. Line Clear Tickets

14.25 Line Clear Tickets:-
(1) When owing to failure or non-provision of electrical block
instruments, the authority to proceed is a Line Clear Ticket, it
shall, except under special instruction, be in the following form:-

G&SR 257
Form No.T/C 1425
Sr. No._________
South Central Railway


(Loco Pilot / Record)

Number of Train________________________ UP (Description)__________
Time____________ hours_________ minutes.

Station Master____________________________

The Loco Pilot of Train No._______________________ UP

The line is clear and you are authorised to proceed to _____________ station

Last train No.________________ cleared section at ____________ station.

Private No.(in words) __________________ (in figures)________________


*You are authorised to pass Last Stop Signal at danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.

Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
*Strike out which ever is not applicable.

G&SR 258

Form No.T/D 1425

Sr. No._________
South Central Railway


(Loco Pilot / Record)

Number of Train________________________Down (Description)__________
Time____________ hours_________ minutes.

Station Master____________________________

The Loco Pilot of Train No._______________________ Down

The line is clear and you are authorised to proceed to _____________ station

Last train No.________________ cleared section at ____________ station.

Private No. (in words) __________________ (in figures)________________


*You are authorised to pass Last Stop Signal at danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.

Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
*Strike out which ever is not applicable.

G&SR 259
(2) Each such ticket shall bear a serial number which shall be
recorded in the Train Signal Register, the numbers for the Down
direction being clearly distinguished from those for the Up
(3) The ticket referred in sub rules (1) and (2) shall be printed on
white paper with blue font. To distinguish paper line clear ticket
for up and down directions, water mark arrow pointing “up” and
“down” shall be printed on the ticket.

G&SR 260
SR.14.25 On double line and single line sections, when block instrument is interrupted or
suspended, every train shall be stopped, run through trains being stopped out of course
and the Station Master shall issue to the Loco Pilot of train a Paper Line Clear Ticket in
the prescribed form which will be the Authority for the train to proceed. The prescribed
Paper Line Clear form numbers are—
(A) Line Clear Enquiry Message issued by train despatching station - T/A 1425
(B) Line Clear Reply Message issued by train receiving station T/B - 1425
(C) Paper Line Clear Ticket – UP T/C 1425
(D) Paper Line Clear Ticket – DN T/D 1425
Note : On double line section between ‘A’ and ‘B’ block stations, in case of partial failure
of the Block Instruments, if the Block Instrument is working in, say UP direction (‘A’ to
‘B’) the train will be dispatched after taking line clear on the Block Instrument from ‘A’ to
‘B’. In the reverse direction (‘B’ to ‘A’) the train will be despatched on the authority of
Paper Line Clear Ticket.

E. Use and Operation of Block Working Equipment

14.26 Use and Operation of Block working equipment—

The use and operation of electrical block instruments shall be governed by
special instructions to be issued with the prior approval of the Railway

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