Chap 14 GR SR SCR
Chap 14 GR SR SCR
Chap 14 GR SR SCR
A. General Provisions
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holds a certificate of competency granted by a Railway servant
appointed in this behalf by the Railway Administration.
(2) The certificate of competency referred to in sub-rule (1) shall only be
valid for a period of three years or such longer period as may be laid
down by special instructions.
S.R.14.04. The certificate of competency shall be valid for a period of three years.
14.05 Bell Code—
For the Signalling of trains, the prescribed code of bell signals as detailed
below shall be used and a copy thereof shall be exhibited in each block
station near the place of operation of the block working equipment:-
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Note:- (1) ‘0’ indicates a stroke or a beat and ‘–‘ indicates a pause
(2) Exchange of bell codes under reference numbers 3 and 4 are not
required in a section provided with block proving axle counters
or track circuit having complete track circuiting of station yard
excluding non-running lines on either end.
14.06 Acknowledgement of signals—
(1) Each signal received shall be acknowledged by sending its
authorised acknowledgement.
(2) No signal shall be acknowledged until it is clearly understood.
(3) A signal shall not be deemed to be complete until it is
(4) If the station to which a signal is sent does not reply, the signal
shall be repeated at intervals of not less than 20 seconds until
reply is received.
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circuiting of station section excluding non-running lines of the
receiving station is installed and is functioning and there is a
clear indication of clearance of block section as well as complete
arrival of the train as per indication given, it would be taken as
assurance for complete arrival of the train to the Station Master.
S.R.14.10.1. For all run through trains and for other trains which usually come to a stop
at a place from which the tail-lamp/tail board can conveniently be observed, the
responsibility for ensuring that the train is complete, devolves on the Station Master.
2.1 At stations or yards, where two or more cabins are provided, whenever stopping
trains come to a stand, where the Station Master cannot easily see whether the train has
arrived complete, this duty will devolve on the Cabinman/Leverman nearest to which the
last vehicle stands. In such cases, the Cabinman /Leverman will satisfy himself that the
train has arrived complete by seeing the tail lamp/tail board.
2.2. The Guard of the train shall verify that the last vehicle standing clear of the fouling
mark or derailing switch/lock bar, where provided and exhibit an ‘All-right ‘signal to the
Cabinman/Leverman by waving his arm by day and a white light by night. If not, he will
exhibit a red flag by day and a red light by night.
2.3. After having satisfied himself that the train has arrived complete and after receiving
the Guard’s signal, the Cabinman /Leverman will inform the Station Master on duty
accordingly and give a PN or return the key, where there is a key transmitter, to the
Station Master and until the Station Master receives the PN or the key, he shall not send
the “Train out of block section” signal.
3.1 At other stations ,except those having two or more cabins, the Guard of the train,
after verifying the last vehicle is standing clear of the fouling mark, shall give an ‘All-right’
signal to Station Master on duty by waving his arm by day and a white light by night.
3.2. The Station Master on duty shall send the “Train out of block section” signal only
seeing the hand signal of the Guard.
3.3. In all cases, where the train has arrived complete but without a tail lamp/tail board
on the last vehicle, it is the personal responsibility of the Guard to bring the fact to the
notice of the Station Master on duty without delay.
4. At stations where due to physical location of cabin or station building, it is not
possible either for the cabin staff or Station Master to observe the tail lamp/tail board or
the ‘all right’ signal of the Guard, the Station Master on duty shall depute a Pointsman in
advance towards the fouling mark, who would relay the ‘all right’ signal displayed by the
Guard to the Station Master to operate the ‘Train out of block section’ signal. At such
stations the procedure to be adopted for giving the ‘Train out of block section’ signal
shall be incorporated in the SWR.
5. In the absence of the Guard, these duties will devolve on the Loco Pilot or the other
person in-charge of the train.
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Note:- PB 1 or PB 2 are used only with the co-operation of the station ahead. This co-
operation is given by pressing PB3 and indicated by a white light near PB1 or PB 2
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No part of any message shall be despatched or acted upon until the whole
message has been written out except with a view to the prevention of an
accident or in some other case of emergency.
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Form No.T/C 1425
Sr. No._________
South Central Railway
Number of Train________________________ UP (Description)__________
Time____________ hours_________ minutes.
Station Master____________________________
The Loco Pilot of Train No._______________________ UP
The line is clear and you are authorised to proceed to _____________ station
*You are authorised to pass Last Stop Signal at danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
*Strike out which ever is not applicable.
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Number of Train________________________Down (Description)__________
Time____________ hours_________ minutes.
Station Master____________________________
The Loco Pilot of Train No._______________________ Down
The line is clear and you are authorised to proceed to _____________ station
*You are authorised to pass Last Stop Signal at danger, when the signal is
interlocked with Block Instrument.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
*Strike out which ever is not applicable.
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(2) Each such ticket shall bear a serial number which shall be
recorded in the Train Signal Register, the numbers for the Down
direction being clearly distinguished from those for the Up
(3) The ticket referred in sub rules (1) and (2) shall be printed on
white paper with blue font. To distinguish paper line clear ticket
for up and down directions, water mark arrow pointing “up” and
“down” shall be printed on the ticket.
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SR.14.25 On double line and single line sections, when block instrument is interrupted or
suspended, every train shall be stopped, run through trains being stopped out of course
and the Station Master shall issue to the Loco Pilot of train a Paper Line Clear Ticket in
the prescribed form which will be the Authority for the train to proceed. The prescribed
Paper Line Clear form numbers are—
(A) Line Clear Enquiry Message issued by train despatching station - T/A 1425
(B) Line Clear Reply Message issued by train receiving station T/B - 1425
(C) Paper Line Clear Ticket – UP T/C 1425
(D) Paper Line Clear Ticket – DN T/D 1425
Note : On double line section between ‘A’ and ‘B’ block stations, in case of partial failure
of the Block Instruments, if the Block Instrument is working in, say UP direction (‘A’ to
‘B’) the train will be dispatched after taking line clear on the Block Instrument from ‘A’ to
‘B’. In the reverse direction (‘B’ to ‘A’) the train will be despatched on the authority of
Paper Line Clear Ticket.
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