Sbi Human Resources Management
Sbi Human Resources Management
Sbi Human Resources Management
Human Resource Management is a modern term for what has traditionally been
referred to as personal administration or personal management.. The customer service that is
provided by bank to its customer’s banks sell services through their employees and therefore
the dealing of the bank employees with their customer is of capital importance. Today Banks
are existing in a stiff competition and the banks are facing problems in the areas of
technological advancement, shortage of resources power, energy etc. In addition to that, the
employees are safe guarded by providing welfare, safety, training and performance appraisal
measures to improve their efficiency and productivity. So an attempt is made in this study to
what extent human resource management is contributing for the satisfaction of the employees
in the SBI. A sample of 65 employees has been selected using convenient sampling method.
The study says human resource management is contributing for the satisfaction of the
employees in the SBI. The following statistical tools have been used for analyzing the
collected data: Tables, Percentage, Ranking techniques and, Chi-square test. Finally the
researcher provides the suitable suggestions to improve Human Resource Management
practices in the SBI and it will go a long way to get success.
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
Human Resource Management Bank of India will enter the league of top
practices refers to organisation activities 50 global banks with 2,78,000 employees,
directed at managing the pool of human 420 million customers, and more than
resource and ensuring that the resources 24,000 branches and 59,000 ATM’s.
are employed towards the fulfillment of SBI’s market share will increase to 22
organizational goals. Human Resource percent from 17 percent it has 198 offices
Management practices the activities, in 37 countries, 301 correspondents in 72
policies and practices involved in countries. The Bank is ranked 232nd on
planning, obtaining, developing, utilizing, the fortune Global 500 list of the world’s
evaluating, maintaining, and retaining the biggest corporation as of 2016.. In addition
appropriate numbers and skill mix of to that, the largest bank in India having
employees to achieve the organization’s presence across the country even in remote
objectives. Presently banking sector are areas. More than two-third of the Bank’s
competing through implementing the total branches is in rural and semi-urban
unique HRM practices and due to the areas, demonstrating the Bank’s intent of
globalizations organizations adopt the serving all strata of the society. According
most up-to-date HRM practices in order to to this, the study focused to analyze the
achieve the organizational goals. Best Human Resource Management Practices in
HRM practices are valuable for both State Bank of India of the study area of
employee and employer; it plays an Tuticorin District.
important role in supportive growth and
competency of the Banking Sector. 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
Table 2
Age Wise Classification
No. of
Respondents Total Percentage
to Total
Male Female
Male Female
21 to 30 yrs 11 9 20 16.92 13.85 30.77
31 to 40 yrs 16 11 27 24.62 16.92 41.54
41 to 50 yrs 10 2 12 15.38 3.08 18.46
Above 50 yrs 2 4 6 3.08 6.15 9.23
Total 65 100
Source: Primary Data
It is observed from the Table 2, that out of 65 respondents, 41.54 per cent
respondents are 31 to 40 years, 30.77 per cent of the respondents are in the age 21 to
30 years, 18.46 per cent respondents are in the age group of 41 to 50 years, 9.23 per
cent of the respondents are under age group of above 50years.
It is found that most of the respondents (41.54%) are in the age group of 31 to 40
Table 3
Work Experience
No. of
Work Respondents Total Percentage to
experience Total
Male Female
Male Female
Below 5yrs 17 8 25 26.15 12.31 38.46
6 - 10yrs 10 9 19 15.38 13.85 29.23
11- 15yrs 3 4 7 4.62 6.15 10.77
16 -20 yrs 4 3 7 6.15 4.62 10.77
Above 10.77
5 2 7 7.69 3.08
Total 65 100.00
Source: Primary Data
The Table 3 reveals that out of 65 respondents, 38.46 per cent of the
respondents have completed work experience below 5 years, 29.23 per cent of the
respondents have completed work experience 6 to 10 years and 10.77 per cent
respondents have completed work experience in 11 to 15 years, 16 to 20 years and
above 20 years.
The most of the respondents (38.46%) are having the work experience below 5
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
Table 4
No. of
Work Respondents Total Percentage to
experience Total
Male Female
Male Female
Clerk 25 15 40 38.46 23.08 61.54
Cashier 15 8 13 7.69 12.31 20.00
Manager 4 2 6 6.15 3.08 9.23
Assistant 9.23
5 1 6 7.69 1.54
Total 65 100
The above Table 4, it shows that out of respondents taken from the study 61.54 per
cent of the respondents, (38.46 per cent male and 23.08 per cent female respondents)
belonging to clerk category 20 per cent respondents (7.69 per cent male and 12.31 per cent
female respondents) belong to manager and the remaining 9.23 per cent (7.69 per cent male
and 1.54 per cent female respondents) belonging to assistant manager category.
It is clear that the majority 61.54% of the respondents are working as Clerk category.
Table 5
Monthly Incomes
No. of
Respondents Total Percentage to
Male Female
Male Female
3 2 5 4.62 3.08 7.70
18 14 32 27.69 21.54 49.23
7 3 10 10.77 4.62 15.39
Rs 60,000
Rs.60,000- 9.23
4 2 6 3.08 6.15
Above 18.46
7 5 12 10.77 7.65
Total 65 100
Table 5 reveals that out of 65 respondents, 49.23% of the respondents are earning
monthly Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000, 18.46% of the respondents are earning monthly above
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
80,000, 15.39% of the respondents are earning monthly Rs.40,000 to Rs.60,000, 9.23% of the
respondents are earning monthly Rs.60,000 to Rs.80,000 and 7.70% of the respondents are
earning monthly less than Rs.20,000.
It is revealed from the Table 5 that majority 49.23% of the respondents are earning the
income level Rs.20.000 to Rs.40,000.
Table 6
Opinion about Training and Development
(Using Weighted Average Method)
Opinion HS S NO NS HNS Total WAM Rank
Arrangement 165 104 12 2 - 283 4.35 I
of training
Facilities 125 120 30 - - 275 4.23 II
available to
the employees
Treatment of 105 72 48 14 3 242 3.72 III
high potential
From the above Table 6, it is found that the Arrangement of training programmes
ranks first, Facilities available to the employees has got second rank; Treatment of high
potential employees has got third rank.
From the above analysis, it is clearly indicated that most of the employees got enough
training programmes
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
Table 7
Opinion about Wages and salary administration
(Using Weighted Average Method)
Factors HS S NS HNS Total WAM Rank
Wages and 185 92 15 - - 292 4.49 I
Adequacy of 50 124 42 2 9 217 3.49 II
Wages 210 56 21 4 - 291 4.47 III
From the above analysis, it is clearly indicated that most of the employees satisfied
with their Wages and salary structure.
Working conditions
Table 8
Opinion about Working Condition (Using Weighted Average Method)
Factors HS S NS HNS Total WAM Rank
Psychological 145 108 12 10 - 275 4.23 II
climate to acquire
new knowledge and
Organizational 55 136 33 18 - 242 3.72 III
Adequacy of safety 190 52 42 - - 284 4.36 I
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
From the above analysis, it is clearly indicated that most of the employees are
satisfied with the availability of drinking water facility, But less satisfied with festival
advance provided by the banks.
An attempt has been made by the researcher to test the following hypothesis:
“There is no significant association between Income of the respondents and Working
To test the above hypotheses Pearson’s Chi – Square test is applied and the results are
presented in the following Table 10.
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
Table 10
Observed and expected value of income and Working conditions
Working conditions
Observed 4 5 3 12
Rs.40,000 Expected 5.6 3.3 3.2 12.0
Observed 6 4 5 15
Table 11
Chi – square result of income and Working conditions
Asymp. Sig.
Value Df
Pearson Chi – 3.700a 8 .883
Likelihood Ratio 3.761 8 .878
From the Table 11, it is revealed that the significant value of the chi-square value of
0.883for the 8 degrees of freedom is 0.644 which is more than the acceptable level of 0.05.
Hence the null hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that “There is no significant
Income of the respondents and Working conditions”.
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
The study has disclosed that a majority of 60% of the respondents are male.
Clearly exhibits that out of 65 respondents (41.54%) the respondents are between the
age group of 31 to 40 years
The most of the respondents (38.46%) are having the work experience below 5 years.
It is clear that the majority 61.54% of the respondents are working as clerk category.
It is revealed that majority 49.23% of the respondents are on the income of (Rs.
20.000 to Rs.40,000).
Most of the employees are satisfied with the arrangement of training program.
Majority of the respondent are satisfied with their Income.
Majority of the employees are satisfied with the safety measures provided by the
The organization must make it essential that the employee of the concern must know
about the company goals and objectives and strive to the achievement of the goals.
Providing better working condition with latest technologies and up gradations satisfy
with all people in the organizations.
There’s no other better motivator than rewards. Employees must be motivated from
time to time by way of giving incentives.
The organization must provide positive working climate to employees which will
brings their potential and help them to grow individually.
The success of banks basically depends on the development of the bank employees.
Along with coherent development of the worker, technical infrastructures of the bank must be
ensured to develop the effectiveness of the employee. Considering the present dynamic
global business environment, the present paper mainly focused on the HRM system in SBI in
Thoothukudi distirct and overall HRM practices which is an appreciable factor in public
A Study on Human Resource Management in State Bank Of India with Special Reference to Thoothukudi Distirct
IMIRJ, II (1) ISSN: 2456 - 4613
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