G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management: A Project Report On "A Study On Performance Appraisal in Airtel"
G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management: A Project Report On "A Study On Performance Appraisal in Airtel"
G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management: A Project Report On "A Study On Performance Appraisal in Airtel"
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Distt.G.B.Nagar, U.P., India Pin-201306
Submitted For
Roll No : 1819270031
I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the best of
my knowledge.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my mentor Miss
Priyanka Chauhan Mam , who supervised my project. Under his unrelated
support and guidance, my project has taken this shape.
I would also like to thank Mr Mukul Gupta Sir for their wonderful support and
inspirable guidance.
I also want to thank my college mentor Prof Rohit Sir for providing me
encouragement, motivation and moral support throughout the project work.
Krati Agarwal
MBA Branch
Preface /
I. Executive summary 1-3
X. Recommendations. 64-66
Bibliography. 74-75
Research report is the inseparable aspect of the professional course today. This is
the basic criteria which makes it mandatory for the participants in any curriculum that
he/she carries out in his/her own thought and blends it with the official data on the
AIRTEL Lucknow .
The entire study has been based on the accomplishment of the following objectives.
Specific and proper methodology was needed to make the research report
successful and the methodology adopted has been concerned with techniques for
collecting primary and secondary data. This research report work of mine was
around 35 employee. Primary data have been gathered on the basis of the
structural questionnaire which are designed under the guidance of the company
concerned people. The secondary information has been gathered from the
There are certain limitations, which cannot be ruled out after taking all possible
First of all, the scope of study is limited as it come only important provisions laid
The sample size was small here, the conclusion might not be right for the
remaining workers.
No consolidate date available; means students depend upon the secondary data.
Performance appraisal is one of the traditional and most universal practices of the
management. It is a systematic and objective way of judging the relatives worth or
ability of an employee in performing his task. Modern management refers to an
appraisal system in which the employee’s merit like initiative, dependability,
personality etc. are compared with others and ranked and rated. The trend now a
day is in the direction of attempting to measure what the man does (performance
appraisal) rather than what he is (merit rating). Employees also wish to know their
position in the organization. Performance appraisal helps to identify those who are
performing their assigned tasks well and those who are not and the reason for such
performance. Appraisals are judgments of characteristics, traits and performance of
others on the basis of which we assess the worth or value of others and identify
what is good and bad.
This process of performance appraisal has many stages and involves multiple
activities to be undertaken by an organization. These are usually format
determination, sharing evaluation, designing organizational inputs and reward
administration. The various approaches for appraisal are-
1) Intuitive approach- where the boss judges the employee based on his
perception of the employee behavior.
5) On achieved results- where the targets are pre set jointly by the rater and
rates in a restricted sense.
There are number of performance criteria which may be used to measure the
proficiency of an employee. It can be classified into two main categories:
Amount and quality of production, work sample tests, length of service, amount of
training necessary, absenteeism, accidents etc. are all objectives criteria.
Rating of employee’s job proficiency by their superior, peers and subordinates, extent
of upward communication of ideas, degree of knowledge about corporate goal,
contribution to socio cultural values is all examples of subjective criteria.
1. Mutual trust
2. Clear objectives
3. Standardization
4. Training
5. Job relatedness
6. Documentation
7. Feedback and participation
8. Individual differences
9. Post appraisal interview
10. Review and appeal
Many form of rating are presently available each naming its strong points as well as
limitations. They may be classified into two broad category
1) Rating method-
The oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal is to compare one man
with all other men and place in a simple rank order. In this way ordering is done
from best to worst of all individuals comprising the group. This method takes into
account rating by more than one another rater. The ranks assigned are then
averaged and relative is determined for each member.
This method has two advantages of simplicity and naturalistic or naturalness. But
it has disadvantages of being subjective and the ranking becomes difficult when
there are even twenty or thirty cases. Also the magnitude of the difference in
ability between ranks is not equal at different positions.
As an answer to the last problem the paired comparison technique of ranking has
been evolved. In this method the rater compares each man in his group with every
other man with the final ranking of each worker determined by the number of time
he was judged better than others.
Thus a scale of men is created for each trait. The objective to this
scale is that its construction involves difficult and laborious
procedure. Persons used as standards by different raters are
2) Checklist method-
This consists of a list consisting of a number of statements about the worker and
his behavior. Each statement on this list is assigned a value, which are derived
from preliminary research in which the pooled judgments of person familiar with
the job are used. The rater is asked to place a plus sign or a question mark in
front of each statement depending on whether he feels the description applies,
does not apply or there is doubt. The method has the advantages of requiring only
a report of facts from the rater. Final rating is average of the scale value of the
statement, which the superior had checked.
Since the value assigned to different statements do not appear on the list the rater
does not know how highly he has rated a given individual. He also does not have
to distinguish among various categories for each of the several traits considered
for each the several employees working under him. The rater is more precise and
less ambiguous in his expression of the worthiness of the individual. The extent of
constant and halo error are also minimized.
It involves three steps. A list of noteworthy (good or bad) on the job behavior,
usually of specific instances is first prepared which are vital for success or failure
on job. A group of experts then assigns scale values to them, depending upon the
degree of desirability for the job.
The third step is constructing a checklist that includes incidents, which define
‘good’ and ‘bad’ workers. This method helps to identify key areas in which
employees are weak or strong. It emphasizes rating on the subjective evaluation
of traits. Finally, the supervisor finds counseling easier since he knows his
subordinates weakness.
5) Confidential report-
Under this method, the evaluator writes a short essay on the employee’s
performance on the basis of overall impression. The description is expected to be
as factual and concrete as possible. An essay can provide a good deal of
information about the employee especially if the evaluator is asked to give
examples of each one of his judgments.
In this technique, the evaluator assigns relative ranks to all the employees in the
same work unit doing the same job. Employees are ranked from the best to the
poorest on the basis of overall performance. The ‘whole man is compared with the
whole man’ without analyzing performance. The relative position of an employee
is reflected in his numerical rank.
N (N-1)\2
9) Group appraisal method-
1) Assessment centers-
An assessment center is a group of employees drawn from the different work units.
These employees work together on an assignment similar to the one they would be
handling when promoted. Evaluators observe and rank the performance of all the
participants. Experienced managers with proven ability serve as evaluators. This
group evaluates all employees both individually and collectively by using simulation
techniques like role playing, business games and in basket exercises. Employees are
evaluated on job related characteristics considered important for job success.
This method combines graphic rating scales with critical incidents method. BARS are
description of various degrees of behavior relating to specific performance
dimensions. Critical areas of job performance and the most effective behavior for
getting results are determined in advance. The rater records the observable job
behavior of an employee and compares these observations with BARS. In this way,
an employee’s actual job behavior is judged against the desired behavior. The steps
involved in constructing BARS are as follows-
MBO has been defined as “ a process whereby the superior and subordinate
managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each
individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use
these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contributions of
each of its members”
The main steps involve din performance appraisal through MBO are as follows-
a) Set organizational goals
b) Defining performance targets
c) Performance reviews
d) Feedback
Ends-means chain
Role clarity
Objective appraisal
Motivation and commitment
Management development
1) Errors in rating-
Performance appraisal may not be valid indicator of performance and potential of
employees due to the following types of errors:
a) Halo effect- it is the tendency to rate an employee consistently high or low
on the basis of overall impression. One trait of the employee influences the
rater’s appraisal on all other traits.
d) Constant error- some evaluators tend to be lenient while others are strict in
assessing performance. In first case, performance is overrated while in
second case it is underrated.
f) Spill over effect- this arises when past performance affects assessment of
present performance.
2) Lack of reliability-
Reliability implies stability and consistency in the measurement. Lack of consistency
over time and among different raters may reduce the reliability of performance
3) Incompetence-
Raters may fail to evaluate performance accurately due to lack of knowledge and
experience. Post appraisal interview is often handled ineffectively.
4) Negative approach-
Performance appraisal loses most of its value when the focus of management is on
punishment rather than on development of employees.
5) Multiple objective-
Raters may get confused due to two many objectives or unclear objectives of
performance appraisal.
6) Resistance-
Trade unions may resist performance appraisal on the ground that it involves
discrimination among its members.
7) Lack of knowledge-
The staff appraising performance of employees might not be trained and experienced
enough to make correct appraisal.
2) Performance as managers-
Although an impressive record of setting and accomplishing goals is an indicator of a
manager’s performance, this standard cannot be used in all cases. Managers
achieve organizational goals by performing the basic managerial functions.
Therefore, a manager can be appraised on the basis of how well he understands and
undertakes these functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
Each of these functions involves a series of activities. These activities can be taken
as standards of performance. A five-degree rating scale can be used to rate the
performance of managers. Weights to the scale can be assigned for those activities,
which are clear and adequately known.
Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed
telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television
services. It offers its telecom services under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil
Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco
Gold Certification. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance
communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at
Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore.
Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its
business operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the 'minutes
factory' model of low cost and high volumes. The strategy has since been copied by
several operators. Its network—base stations, microwave links, etc.—is maintained
by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network whereas business support is provided by
IBM, and transmission towers are maintained by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd.
in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute for installation and
maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front, which allowed Airtel
to provide low call rates of 1/minute (US$0.02/minute). During the last financial year
(2009–10), Bharti negotiated for its strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the
network infrastructure for the tele-media business. On 31 May 2012, Bharti Airtel
awarded the three-year contract to Alcatel-Lucent for setting up an Internet Protocol
access network (mobile backhaul) across the country. This would help consumer’s
access internet at faster speed and high quality internet browsing on mobile
Sunil Mittal founded the Bharti Group. In 1983, Mittal was in an agreement with
Germany's Siemens to manufacture push-button telephone models for the Indian
market. In 1986, Mittal incorporated Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL), and his company
became the first in India to offer push-button telephones, establishing the basis of
Bharti Enterprises. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched the country's
first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Mittal won a bid to build a
cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Mittal incorporated the cellular operations as
Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was
extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT
Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In
2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the
company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in
2002, and the company was listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock
Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were rebranded under the
single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered
Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar.
This expansion allowed it to offer voice services all across India. In 2009, Airtel
launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In 2010, Airtel acquired
the African operations of the Kuwait based Zain Telecom. In March 2012,Airtel
launched a mobile operation in Rwanda.
Today, Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India and the third largest in the
Airtelcomes to you from Bharti Cellular Limited - a part of the biggest private
integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises.
Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet
and recently introduced National Long Distance. Bharti also manufactures and
exports telephone terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the largest
manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export
its products to the USA. Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint
in 15 states covering all four metros and more than 7 million satisfied customers.
To make mobile communications a way of life and be the customers' first choice.
• Cost efficiency
We will delight our customer with our simplicity, speed & innovation.
services across India. Bharti Tele-Ventures is India's leading private sector provider
million total customers, which constitute, 6.76 million mobile and 657,000 fixed line
Bharti Tele-Ventures vision for its mobile business is “To make mobile
The mission is to meet the mobile communication needs of the customer through 1)
error free service 2) Innovative products and services and 3) cost efficiency. The
The Indian mobile market, according to the COAI, has increased from approximately
Despite this rapid growth, the mobile penetration rate in India, at approximately 2.8%
as of June 30, 2004, is significantly lower than the average mobile penetration rate in
Bharti Tele-Ventures believes that the demand for mobile services in India will
Bharti Tele-Ventures, through its subsidiary has the licenses to provide GSM services
in all the twenty-two telecom circles in India. It proposes to consolidate all its
As of June 30, 2004, approximately 92% of India's total mobile subscriber market
resided in the Company's sixteen mobile circles, which collectively covered only 56%
HR Mission Statement
“To lead the organization in enhancing its human capital and creating a
winning environment where everyone enjoys contributing to the best of one’s
Airtel has a very defined and well structured department and its various policies of
keeping each employee productive part of the organization are intoned with the
corporate world’s requirement.
Employees in the company are largely committed to their organization and have
shown progress in the company. Employees are satisfied with the HR department of
Airtel GSM Company.
Humans are the basic tool for having competitive edge in the market for most of the
organizations and Airtel is one of these. Airtel has one of the best HR systems in
India that gives it an edge over its competitors.
HR department of Airtel has three sections.
Employee services
o Payroll information
o Leave and medical record
o Final settlements and provident fund
o Policies and procedures
o Employees record and recreation
OD and Effectiveness
o Training plan
o Talent management
o Performance management
o Employees retentation
o Orientation employee communication
Performance Review:
At AIRTEL a review is intended to be an open and frank discussion between an
employee and their Team Leader/Manager. Generally there are two elements: first is
the element in which discussion takes place over the strengths and areas which need
to be developed as displayed by the job holder over the past 12 months. The
performance is of course judged comparing the performance against the core
indicators of Job. The second element is concerned with discussing the training
needs/inputs activities that are considered to be appropriate to help the jobholder
overcome some of development areas discussed in the review and also those
activities that are deemed appropriate to build upon their current strengths.
Appraisal categories
% Of total numbers of
Appraisal category Definition of category employees which can
be rated in this
Indicates exceptional 15%
1.expert performance
2.very Good Indicate performance 10%
that consistently meets
the requirements of the
position,” very good”
indicates the individual
is on track for
3. Good Indicated performance 8%
that requires
improvement (i.e. meet
requirements without
initiative or
4. Basic Performance to be 5%
improved (hardly
meets requirements)
Workers at AIRTEL are informed of their performance and given the opportunity to
express their opinion over their own level of performance against each competence.
This serves the following two main purposes:
It enables the reviewer to redefine whether the initial assessment was correct, as
circumstances may exist that the reviewer is unaware of.
By asking the worker what he sees to be his own strengths and development
areas often help to reduce negative responses and makes planning training
needs/inputs activities easier if the person is able to express for himself the areas
in which he feels he can improve.
Following is the SWOT Analysis for AIRTEL
Very focused on telecom. Price Competition from BSNL and
Leadership in fast growing cellular MTNL
segment. Untapped Rural market
Pan-India footprint.
The only Indian operator, other
than VSNL, that has an
international submarine cable.
PAN INDIA FOOTPRINT Airtel offers the most expansive roaming network.
Letting you roam anywhere in India with its Pan-India presence, and trot
across the globe with International Roaming spread in over 240 networks. The
mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23
telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband &
telephone services in 92 cities.
leased circuit) is a point-to-point private line used by an organization to
communicate between offices that are geographically dispersed throughout
the world. An IPLC can be used for Internet access, business data exchange,
video conferencing, and any other form of telecommunication. Airtel Enterprise
Services and SingTel jointly provide IPLCs on the Network i2i. The Landing
Station in Singapore is managed by SingTel and by Airtel in Chennai (India).
Each Landing Station has Power Feeding Equipment, Submarine Line
Terminating Equipment and SDH system to power the cable, add wavelengths
and convert the STM-64 output to STM-1 data streams respectively.
Appraisal form of AIRTEL is highly comprehensive. There is only one form used in
AIRTEL and the same form is used for all the categories of employees. The
performance appraisal form in AIRTEL applies to promotions, annual increments
and disciplinary actions. On the basis of this form 5% people are promoted and 10%
are given additional benefits.
‘Checklist Method’ does performance appraisal here. This method is less time
consuming and the appraiser can get him acquainted with performance at a glance.
Under it, there is a printed form one for each person to be rated. This form consists
of a number of traits like initiative, job knowledge, ability to learn, personality etc.
Also the employee contribution like quantity and quality of work, attitude towards
work and fellow employees is also considered. In front of each factor, a number of
boxes are given and the appropriate box is ticked off. Sometimes for promotion
purposes, paired comparison technique is also used.
5. Ability to learn- this is seen by the speed with which instructions are
grasped and new routines mastered.
7. Attitude- on basis of his attitude towards work and fellow employees that
is whether he is cooperative willingly and tries to do a through job.
For the unskilled and semi-skilled workers judgment, initiative, personality and
supervision ability are not applicable.
The Annual Confidential Report is filled by the immediate supervisors and is then
reviewed by the departmental head.
may be understood as a science of studying how research is done. and it to study the
various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research
problem it is necessary for the researcher to design the methodology form the
web sites of AIRTEL, Press releases of the company. Newsletters and Brochures and
Sample area-
Employees of Airtel, Lucknow
The whole population under study is aware of the existence of performance appraisal
system within the organization.
Appraisal of employees
Quarterly - 20%
Half yearly - 20%
Annually - 60%
13% 13%
Majority of the employees are aware of the feedback provided by the superior after
performance appraisal.80% are aware of performance appraisal and 20% are not.
Most of the employee’s belief that after performance appraisal there has been a
positive change in their performance level.88% feel the change and 12% did not.
Majority of the population under study is satisfied with the performance appraisal
system carried out in the organization 60% are satisfied and 40% are not.
44% yes
56% of the employee’s belief that performance appraisal system can still be improved
and 44% employee belief that there is no need of improvement.
Mostly the whole population under study is aware of the performance appraisal
system done in the organization. All the employees are appraised by the head of the
human resource department.
The whole population under study is appraised annually by the head of the human
resource department. That is once in a year the performance appraisal system is
practiced in the organization.
All the employees in the organization are appraised by the checklist method. The
head of the personnel department prepares the checklist form containing questions
which is filled by all the employees.
Majority of the employees under study say that after performance appraisal they are
provided with proper feedback so that they can improve their performance and are
also guided for further betterments.
Most of the employees have found a positive change in their performance after
appraisal and proper feedback. After appraisal if the employees are not found up to
the mark then they are properly guided and trained for improvement.
Most of the employees are fully satisfied with the performance appraisal system done
in the organization but some of them also want some changes as they say that
nothing is perfect and everything can be improved.
Changes which the employees want in the appraisal system are-
The performance appraisal system should take place twice in a year that is
half yearly instead of yearly.
The appraisal system should not be biased.
The immediate head or supervisor of the employee should do the appraisal
and also provide proper feedback.
1) The system can be redesigned in the sense that there should be three
different formats, one each for managers, officers and supervisors, and non-
supervisors personnel instead of the same format for each category.
6) There should be a system of ‘self appraisal’ of the employee. Along with the
appraisal form appraised by immediate superior, the employee should also
appraise himself and two forms should together go the personnel department.
If there is a wide disparity in any factor, then it should be analyzed and efforts
should be made to know the possible causes of the occurrence.
7) All the traits should not be treated equally for all individuals. Specific standards
should be fixed for specific groups of employees.
10)Appraisal should be done with attention. A casual view to the appraisal should
not be adopted as it is very important for the person being appraised.
1) The time during which the study was done was not sufficient.
3) The employees were not fully aware of the performance appraisal system
being practiced in the organization.
Performance appraisal is therefore a very vital tool for personal development and
because of the complex factors involved it has to be handled very delicately. It is a
process of assessing systematically the performance of a person on the job and his
potential for higher levels job in future. It provides an objective basis for taking
personnel decisions. If performance appraisal is not done properly then superiors will
not able to take proper personnel decisions. They will not be able to judge the
effectiveness of recruitment, selection, and placement and orientation system of the
If performance system is biased then the superior will not able to judge the real
performance of the employees and will not be able to give the proper feedback and
analyze their training and development needs. Systematic appraisal of employees
helps to develop confidence among them.
The performance appraisal system in a reputed organization like Airtel has been
studied with a view to analyze the practical implications of the system and to give
findings regarding the various aspects of the performance appraisal system and their
some of the applications. The various suggestions given have been based on the
survey conducted of different appraisers and appraises in the organization.
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
Q3) How many times the performance appraisal system takes place in your
Q4) What are the methods used by the organization for performance appraisal?
a) checklist method
b) self appraisal method
c) diary method
d) observation method
e) any other method
a) Yes b) No
Q6) Do you find any positive change in your performance after appraisal?
a) Yes b) No
Q7) Are you satisfied with the methods of performance appraisal used by the
a) satisfied b) unsatisfied
Q8) Do you feel that there is a need of any change or improvement in the
performance appraisal system?
a) Yes b) No
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Monappa, Arun and M.S. Saiyidain: Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2004.
Boler, Malti: Performance Appraisal, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.
Flippo, Edwin B.: Personnel Management, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo, 2005.
Gupta, C.B.: Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,