Introduction To Social Media: Communication Skills
Introduction To Social Media: Communication Skills
Introduction To Social Media: Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Functional Area 6
TPFN: DINFOS-PAQC-ADL-006-001-001, 002
According to a December 2008 survey “Statistics Show Social Media Is Bigger Than You
from World Internet Usage Statistics News and Think” video link
Population Stats, approximately 1.5 billion of the
6.7 billion people in the world use the Internet. The As public affairs professionals, you are
study also states that Internet use in North America responsible for researching, preparing, conducting
has grown 129.6 percent since 2000, whereas it and assessing communication operations in the
jumped to 1,296 percent in the Middle East, and information battle space, and you must consider
1,100 percent in Africa, with only a moderate using all available communication means to fulfill
increase in Europe at 271 percent and 469 percent this dynamic role. Social media allows messages
in Asia. Even media outlets in non-democratic parts to spread far wider than initially intended, and
of the world, such as Al-Jazeera, employ blogs and tools like blogs (such as DODLive,) micro blogs
other social media technology to disseminate news (such as Twitter,) social networking services (such
content. Though there is a mass movement to new as Facebook,) and custom social networks (such
and emerging media by the mainstream media, the as Ning-based platforms) provide instantaneous
American public and the military, these resources communication with specific audiences.
continue to be infiltrated by insurgents and terrorists
using social media tools to counter our messages, Understanding and incorporating these tools will
intelligence and effective communications globally. allow you to provide a broader range of converged
products and become a better communicator. We
The Internet not only connects people with now fight wars on multiple fronts, one of which is the
information, but people with other people. Creating information front. Joint doctrine states: “Information
that people-to-people connection through the is an instrument of national power and has complex
Internet is what we call “social media.” With social components with no single center of control.
media, the traditional ways of communicating are Information itself is a strategic resource vital to
turned around. Instead of broadcasting to millions national security and allows communicators to shape
to reach thousands you can now reach millions the information battlefield.”
by communicating with just thousands. This is
because social media is a networked means of Social media is not about reaching a broader
communicating. Social media is a new way of audience – this isn’t a broadcast media. Instead, it
communicating that is dynamic and powerful and is about reaching more targeted publics and having
we ignore it at our peril. This unit of instruction them do some of the communicating for you.
is a primer on how to use social media for your
What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
–– None
What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Now that we know what social media is, let’s All sites must be registered on the external
discuss the DOD social media policy. official presence list maintained by ASD/
PA on the official DOD website. CDO:
DOD social media policy please link to
Click on this link for Directive-type Memorandum
(DTM) 09-026 -- Responsible and effective use of Official use. Internet-based capabilities
Internet-based capabilities unrelated to public affairs are permitted. However,
since these interactions take place in the public
DTM 09-026 establishes DOD policy and venue, personnel acting in their official capacity will
assigns responsibilities for effective use of maintain liaison with public affairs and operations
Internet-based capabilities and social networking security staff to ensure organizational awareness.
services. This policy recognizes that Internet-based
capabilities are integral to operations across the Ensure information is relevant and accurate
DOD. Here are some of its main objectives: and provides no information that isn’t
approved for public release, including
The NIPRNET shall be configured to provide personally identifiable information.
access to Internet-base capabilities across
all DOD components. Provide links to official DOD content hosted
on DOD-owned, operated or controlled sites.
Commanders at all levels will continue to
defend against malicious activity affecting Include a disclaimer when personal opinions
DOD networks and take immediate actions are expressed (e.g. “This statement
to safeguard missions (e.g. temporarily is my own and does not constitute an
limiting access to the Internet to preserve endorsement by or opinion of the Defense
operations security or to address bandwidth Department.”)
Records management. Internet-based
Commanders at all levels will continue to capabilities used to transact business are subject
deny access to sites with prohibited content to records management policy. Content generated
and to prohibited users from engaging in outside the organization may also have potential
prohibited activity via social media sites (e.g. record value.
gambling, hate-crime related activities.)
Limited authorized personal use. Limited
Official presence. External official presence personal use of federal government resources when
will clearly identify that DOD provides the content authorized by the organization on a noninterference
on the site. You must also receive approval from basis is authorized. Individuals will employ sound
your responsible headquarters, display official DOD operations security measures.
or command seals and logos, provide links to your
organization’s official public website and actively Before we go on, let’s review some key points.
monitor your sites for compliance with security
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Instructions: From the information in this lesson, you should be able to answer the following
questions. Check your answers on the following page.
Q: External official presence will clearly identify that DOD provides the content on the social
networking site. What do you need to make sure you do and monitor to ensure the official
presence policy is met?
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
TPFN: DINFOS-PAQC-ADL-006-001-001, 002
A: Social media is the umbrella term that defines various activities that integrate
technology, social interaction, and the creation of words, pictures, video and audio
through the Internet. Social media uses the wisdom of crowds to connect information in a
collaborative manner online.
Q: External official presence will clearly identify that DOD provides the content on the social
networking site. What do you need to make sure you do and monitor to ensure the official
presence policy is met?
A: You must receive approval from your responsible headquarters, display official DOD
or command seals and logos, provide links to your organizations official public website,
actively monitor your sites for compliance with security requirements and register the site
Home | What is Social Media? | Media Outlets and Types of Categories | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Personal and Professional Engagements | Measurement
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Another example might be, your unit is Using social media to target your internal audience
returning from time in a combat zone where can also be beneficial to your commander’s mission.
you know hundreds of them have been in In coordination with your higher headquarters, you
intense combat situations. You may want to can set up ways to communicate with your troops
work with your family support and medical by using sites like Twitter and Facebook. Your
personnel to create an online forum for commander can also write blogs to communicate his
service members to find information and messages.
discuss their healing. This could also be a
place for family members to share stories. It is important to remember that social media
Online forums or social networking sites is a less formal means of communication.
breed information feeling and connect Helping your commander come across in a
people. less formal and more conversational tone
will go a long way to increase credibility
When targeting your audience you must access among the people he is communicating with.
how you want your relationship with your audience
to change and if you want your audience to help An example of how you can use social
carry your messages outside its social media circle. media to communicate to your internal
audience is sending snow delays or
It is important to remember that targeting an emergency information updates by text
audience by using social media cannot be the only message or Twitter.
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Target Audiences
Social media also allows you to micro target take it down to the smallest micro level of
an audience. You can target your audience at a communication.
micro level and only communicate with three people
if you want. However, you’re not weeding out but An example of this would be using your
adding to your group. Social media is inherently Twitter account to communicate with five of
viral, and while you can certainly micro-target, you your office members while running a civic
should never expect the message to stay there. Any leader tour. You can also micro-target a
communications strategy needs to include the idea specific street in your local community where
that social media is a tool of the masses. construction noise from the installation has
become a problem.
Press releases, radio and newspapers are
communicating at a macro level. Social Before we move on, let’s review.
media can be macro, but you can also
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Q: What does the Defense Department hope to achieve through the use of social media?
Q: When starting the implementation phase of a social media site, what do you need to ensure
you do?
Q: What is a wiki?
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Answers to theFrom
Instructions: questions from the previous
the information page. you should be able to answer the following
in this lesson,
questions. Check your answers on the following page.
Q: What does the Defense Department hope to achieve through the use of social media?
Q: When starting the implementation phase of a social media site, what do you need to ensure
you do?
A: Update sites you already have, stay with your brand, advertise internally, engage
externally by commenting and responding to other sites, start small and consider
consequences, be transparent and track your activity.
Q: What is a wiki?
A: A wiki is an open-source document. Wikis can be public, meaning any reader can edit
content of a wiki, to private, where only approved authors or users can add or edit content,
regardless of who can view the end product.
Home | What
Home is Social
| What Media?
is Social Media?| Media Outlets
| Social Mediaand Types
Sites andofPlatforms
Categories | Target
| Target Audiences
| Tactics,
| Tactics,
and Procedures
and Procedures
| Differences
| Differences
and Professional
and Professional
| Measurement
| Measurement
and Analysis
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
PA leaders and professionals should contact Give your opinion: Yes, tell them what you
their service emerging media directorates. This will think. Just make sure you state that this is
bring them up to speed on what their service is doing your opinion and not that of the organization.
and what they can do to update their PA efforts. Also, be sure to identify what is your opinion
Three basic points to consider with social media: and what is factual.
Prominence: As you develop your social Be aware of the image you present: if using
media presence, your goal should be a visual medium, don’t let your message get
to become the most prominent account overshadowed because viewer’s attention
or profile for your organization in the is drawn to your improperly worn uniform
online space. If you’re providing relevant or something occurring in the background.
information than prominence is the last pillar The image you present will set the tone for
in an evolving strategy which makes your your message and often make the difference
social media presence a key part of your between whether or not people listen to
organization’s online profile. For example, is your message. Your tactical representation
your “Google-ability” prominent? could have strategic and international
consequences for your service and the
Tips for training others to use social media: nation.
Don’t give classified information: Don’t Use common sense: This is the bottom line.
divulge classified, FOUO or sensitive If you wouldn’t say it in front of your mother,
materials, photos or video. OPSEC is crucial you probably shouldn’t say it online. Realize
to our mission. Think before you speak that your words and images will go out to
or film. If you’re not sure, ask someone. A millions of people around the world instantly
harmless video of an Airman dancing on the and for good. Your public affairs shop
flight line could be sensitive if it’s a deployed should be a source of advice and guidance
environment showing bombers on the flight in this medium. Also, be careful what
line. Be smart. Security is at the source. personal information you divulge, such as
address, phone numbers or any information
Don’t lie: Credibility is critical. Without it, no that could aid identity thieves or the enemy.
one cares what you have to say. It’s also
punishable by the UCMJ to give a false Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks:
statement. Military life often deals in ambiguity. To
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
make the best decision take in as many school house “stay in your lane,” the
variables as possible. idea that a spokesman should not make
public statements on topics outside their
The enemy is engaged: The enemy is direct purview, but participation in social
engaged in this battle space and you must media offers us an interesting take on
engage as well. this rule of thumb.
Share your command position but stay in Check out this link to the Social Software and
your echelon. National Security Report for more information on
tactics, techniques and procedures.
–– One of the maxims taught here in the
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Instructions: From the information in this lesson, you should be able to answer the following
questions. Check your answers on the following page.
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
TPFN: DINFOS-PAQC-ADL-006-001-001, 002
Home | What
Home is Social
| What Media?
is Social Media?| Media Outlets
| Social Mediaand Types
Sites andof Categories
Platforms | Target
| Target Audiences
| Tactics,
| Tactics,
and Procedures
and Procedures
| Differences
| Differences
and Professional
and Professional
| Measurement
| Measurement
and Analysis
18 Center ofInformation
The Defense Excellence forSchool,
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Introduction to Social Media Communication Skills
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Measurement and analysis are part of all Blogpulse and CustomScoop. Some questions to
communication campaigns and social media is consider in your assessment:
no different. Counting is easy, yet measuring
the success of communication efforts is not. The How many people received your message?
impact of target markets, advocacy movements Who are they?
and stakeholder engagement should be tracked to On what platforms were people most
ensure adequate resources are being allocated per engaged (positive or negative) with your
project. content?
How many people interacted (liked,
Determining your goals and objectives up front forwarded, re-Tweeted, etc.) with your
and how you plan to measure their success should content?
be planned well before execution. Thus, the success Did any of your command messages make it
of the plan and measurement will shape future into secondary coverage/comments?
engagements, planning and budgeting. Did social media coverage lead to traditional
media coverage? If so where? Was that
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to coverage positive, negative, neutral?
measuring effectiveness of a communication
program. Simple analytics like hits, views, and Click here for more information on measurement.
positive and negative comments are basic ways to
show how social media helps tell your story and will We’ve discussed the definition of social media;
help your leadership see the value of what and how related DOD policy; sites and platforms; target
you’re communicating. audiences; tactics, techniques and procedures;
differences between individual and official social
Some sites/services that provide measurement media engagements; and measurement and
tools include Icerocket, Technorati, Google analytics, analytics. Now, let’s see how much you’ve learned.
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Instructions: From the information in this lesson, you should be able to answer the following
questions. Check your answers on the following page.
Q: Why is it important to understand the difference between individual and professional social
media networks?
Q: What is a wiki?
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Q: Why is it important to understand the difference between individual and professional social
media networks?
A: The evolving nature of communications where the microphone is always on and we
have no control where anything ends up, requires us to consider our audiences and our
messages, both intended and perhaps unintended.
Q: What is a wiki?
A: A wiki is an open-source document. Wikis can be public, meaning any reader can edit
content of a wiki, to private, where only approved authors or users can add or edit content,
regardless of who can view the end product.
Home | What
Home is Social
| What Media?
is Social Media?| Media Outlets
| Social Mediaand Types
Sites andofPlatforms
Categories | Target
| Target Audiences
| Tactics,
| Tactics,
and Procedures
and Procedures
| Differences
| Differences
and Professional
and Professional
| Measurement
| Measurement
and Analysis
Home | What
Home is Social
| What Media?
is Social Media?| Media Outlets
| Social Mediaand Types
Sites andofPlatforms
Categories | Target
| Target Audiences
| Tactics,
| Tactics,
and Procedures
and Procedures
| Differences
| Differences
and Professional
and Professional
| Measurement
| Measurement
and Analysis
Unit Summary
Using social media does not advocate a major media with guidelines accomplishes just that. The
shift in resources from traditional media. Rather, use of social media, along with the continued use of
it endorses the belief that digital communication traditional media, represents a revolutionary change
provides a new toolset that commanders can use to the way commanders can communicate with
to achieve military objectives. PA is encountering target audiences.
a new world of communication. Because troops
are the voice of the organization, PA has the Now that you have completed this lesson you
responsibility to tell the military story in a thoughtful, should be prepared to define PA’s role in social
engaging manner to enhance Defense Department’s media and demonstrate proficiency in social media
ability to engage the public in discussion across engagement.
many audiences. Imploring troops to use social
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis
Instructional References
(2008). Editors Course Textbook. Fort George G. Meade, Md.: Defense Information School
Harrower, Tim (2007). Inside Reporting. A Practical Guide to the Craft of Journalism. New York: McGraw-Hill
Higher Education
Rich, Carole (2007). Writing and Reporting News. A Coaching Method. (5th ed.). Belmont, Calif.: Thomson
Higher Education.
DRAFT Army Social Media Best Practices (Tactics, Techniques, Procedures). Online and Social Media
Division (2009)
New Media and the Air Force Air Force. Public Affairs Agency Emerging Technology. Division (March 2009)
DRAFT Navy Social Media Roadmap Social Media Working Group (2009)
Army OPORD 09-14, Web Filtering Standard
Social Media and Department of Defense Communication White Paper. Joint Public Affairs Support Element
US Joint Forces Command (July 2009)
Home | What is Social Media? | Social Media Sites and Platforms | Target Audiences
| Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | Differences between Individual and Professional Engagements | Measurement and Analysis