Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products: Chapter One
Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products: Chapter One
Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products: Chapter One
Overview of Curriculum
Processes and Products
ackson (1992) notes that the best adjective used to describe the state or affairs
in curriculum is "confused," due in part to a lack of clear definitions. The ques-
tions "What is curriculum? " and " To what should this term be applied? have
several answers.
Responses to these questions form the core of communication about curricu-
lum, as used in this text, particularly the meanings of curriculum processes con-
sidered in the context of change. The concepts introduced here are revisited in
subsequent chapters, where their meanings are broadened.
Goal: To increase your understanding of the meanings of, and the relation-
ships among, major curriculum concepts.
Over the years definitions of curriculum have included the following: "1) the cumu-
lative tradition of organized knowledge; 2) modes of thought; 3) race experience;
4) guided experience; 5) a planned learning environment; 6) cognitive/affective
content and process; 7) an instructional plan; 8) instructional ends or outcomes;
and 9) a technological system of production " (Tanner & Tanner, 1980, p. 36).
Because curriculum emphases reflect changing social policies, these definitions
are not unusual. Although somewhat disparate, they share generally the idea pre-
sented by the third edition of Webster's New World Dictionary, which provides this
meaning for curriculum: " all of the courses, collectively, offered in a school, col-
lege, etc., or in a particular subject. "
Differences among definitions are not unusual, because some individuals
refer to curriculum levels interchangeably or do not distinguish between " cur-
riculum" and " instruction." This text does not insist on an elaborate definition.
Instead, curriculum' is defined here simply as what is taught to students. This
PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
broad definition includes the intended and unintended information, skills, and
attitudes that are communicated to students in schools. This definition also per-
mits consideration of curricula based on several content sources and planned for
different purposes of education.
Instruction is how the curriculum is delivered to students. It is the interaction
between a teaching agent and one or more individuals intending to learn knowl-
edge that is appropriate for students to learn (Johnson, 1967). Of course, teach-
ers qualify as teaching agents. But agents also include other students, school staff,
instructional materials, programmed instruction, computer-assisted instruction,
videos, and other technology-based instruction.
Usually learning is considered "acquired knowledge or skill" as defined in
third edition. A slightly expanded definition holds that
Webster's New World Dictionary,
learning is what students take from classrooms in three classes of outcomes: knowl-
edge (facts, concepts, generalizations), techniques (processes, skills, abilities), and
values (norms, attitudes, interests, appreciations, aversions) (Cuban, 1992; John-
son, 1967). In recent years learning has also been defined as meeting standards or
benchmarks—statements of what students "should be able to know and be able to
do" by the time they reach certain grade levels (A Standards Glossary, 1995, p. 8).
Educators—as well as laypersons—sometimes refer to the different levels of cur-
riculum interchangeably, provoking a situation that can lead to confusion about
the meaning of curriculum. As used here, the term levels of curriculum refers to
the degree of remoteness from the students for whom the curricula were
planned. This section provides information about levels of curriculum based on
the account of Goodlad and Su (1992). These levels include societal, institutional,
instructional, and experiential curricula.
• The societal level is curriculum farthest removed from learners and is designed
by the public, including politicians, representatives of special interest groups,
administrators at different levels, and professional specialists. Using sociopolit-
ical processes, these groups often decide the goals, the topics to be studied, the
time to be spent, and the materials to be used.
• Institutional curricula serve schools and are derived largely from societal curric-
ula with modifications by local educators and laypersons. This curriculum is
commonly organized according to subjects and includes the topics and themes
CHAPTER 1 Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products 5
to be studied. Institutional curricula include the district or school s written
documents containing standards, philosophies, lesson plans, and guides.
Sometimes this curriculum, also called the explicit curriculum, is the target of
reform efforts.
• The instructional curriculum refers to the one that teachers plan and deliver in
schools. Teachers base instructional curricula on what has been determined as
necessary or desirable for their school by school authorities. As expected,
however, this curriculum takes on the individual teacher ' s priorities, views of
education, and style and is also subject to reform and criticism. An instruc-
tional curriculum that is actually used in a classroom often varies from the
planned curriculum, however, because of student responses or other unfore-
seen circumstances.
• Finally, the experiential curriculum is tthe one perceived and experienced by
students. What is experienced differs from one student to the next because
students have different backgrounds, motivations, and levels of aspirations, to
name just a few differences. For example, some students form similar pur-
poses for learning experiences to those held by their teachers, but other stu-
dents hold very different purposes or no purpose at all. Therefore, the expe-
riential curriculum is the one internalized and made personal by learners
(Goodlad & Su, 1992).
The ability to distinguish accurately among curriculum levels can prevent mis-
interpretations and increase your understanding of curriculum. Check your
ability to make these distinctions by answering this question for situations 1–3:
With which level is the curriculum in each of these statements most closely
associated? Explain.
1. John Q. Public, a local banker, was reading the morning newspaper when
he saw that the agenda for the school board meeting listed plans to dis-
cuss a new high school economics curriculum. On seeing this item, he
promptly announced to Mrs. Public that he planned to attend the meet-
2. Ms. Chiu was having dinner with her three school-age children. During
dinner Ms. Chiu asked the children to describe something they had
learned in school earlier that day.
3. Mrs. Rodriguez was pleased when her grandson Felix, a teacher who lives
in a neighboring city, called to ask if he could stay overnight in her home.
He indicated that he would be in town attending a district-wide curricu-
lum development workshop, where he and his colleagues expect to begin
revisions of the social studies curriculum.
6 PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
Technical Approach Those who view curriculum and instruction as separate but
related entities typically hold an objective interpretation of reality that is demon-
8 PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
Curriculum processes is a collective term that encompasses all of the considera-
tions about which curriculum workers ponder and ultimately use to make choices
in the development and evaluation of a curriculum project. These processes
involve changes that some students, teachers, school staff, and community mem-
bers welcome, but that others resist either actively or passively.
Rarely is a school curriculum developed from scratch, because most "new"
curricula represent revisions of those in existence. However, whether generating a
10 PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
Curriculum products or projects result from curriculum development
processes and provide the bases for instructional decisions in classrooms.
Curriculum projects include curriculum guides, courses of study, syllabi, resource
units, lists of goals and objectives, and other documents that deal with the con-
tent of schooling.
Curriculum guides "usually include details about the topics to be taught,"
determined teaching goals and suggestions for instructional strategies (Ben-
CHAPTER 1 Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products 11
These activities ask you to note content and audience in three real-world cur-
riculum documents. This knowledge is a practical consideration for thinking
about your own curriculum project.
Scan each of the following projects in Appendix A:
• English Language Arts Curriculum, K—8 (A3)
• Wyoming Arts Education Curriculum (A5)
• Into Adolescence: Caring for Our Planet and Our Health, Grades 5–8 (A6)
Answer these questions for each project:
1. Does the project contain goals/objectives, suggestions for teaching, or
both? Explain.
2. For whom is the project intended? Primarily curriculum developers?
Primarily classroom users? Explain.
Change Defined
Fullan (1991) draws extensively on the literature related to educational innova-
tion for The New Meaning of Educational Change, which is the basis for much of the
following discussion. Change may occur in response to outside events or because
we voluntarily initiate or participate in change as part of a situation in which we
find dissatisfaction, inconsistency, or intolerability.
Whatever its cause, the meaning of change is rarely clear at its beginning and
ambivalence reigns until the change is absorbed and made part of our thinking.
12 PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
do not acknowledge the existence of the neutral zone, then wonder why people
have so much difficulty with change " (Bridges, 1991, p. 6).
Fullan (1991) further characterizes change as multidimensional. For example, at
least three dimensions are involved in curriculum implementation: "1) the possible
use of new or revised materials (direct instructional resources such as curriculum
materials or technologies), 2) the possible use of new teaching approaches (i.e., new
teaching strategies or activities), and 3) the possible alteration of beliefs (e.g., peda-
gogical assumptions and theories underlying particular new policies or programs)"
(Fullan, 1991, p. 37). Unless modifications occur in each dimension, true implemen-
tation does not take place. To illustrate, teachers could use revised materials without
changing their strategies. Or they could alter some strategies without understanding
or operating on the beliefs underlying the change. To say that the revised curriculum
has been implemented, teachers must experience change in all three dimensions.
This description affirms that educational change is a complex, time-consum-
ing process. When the change involves more than one person, each must make
meaning and resolve ambivalence individually! If you consider the sheer num-
bers of people involved in most curriculum processes, it is clear why true change
is difficult to achieve.
these efforts are also unsuccessful. This thinking is characteristic of school per-
sonnel who believe in a rational, objective view of reality.
A second perspective takes a different view of change. Patterson et al. (1986)
propose to treat school systems as nonrational social organizations whose logic is
nonlinear and complex, but understandable and amenable to influence.
[N]onrational doesn ' t necessarily mean irrational. Related to organizational life,
nonrational behavior usually manifests a weak relationship among goals, struc-
tures, activities, and outcomes" (p. 23).
Nonrational systems recognize that competing forces, in and out of these sys-
tems, constantly try to make their goals the organization's agenda. Decision mak-
ers in nonrational systems find ways of handling conflicting goals, such as dealing
with them in sequence or moving along multiple fronts toward organizational
goals (Patterson et al., 1986).
This second perspective fully recognizes schools as nonrational social organi-
zations. Its proponents develop a revised curriculum to provide a partial solution
to a problem in a school or school system. In a process separate from develop-
ment, implementers—including teachers and school staff—collaborate with
developers to adapt the revised curriculum to particular contexts where the cur-
riculum is implemented with students. The adaptation is expected to provide teach-
ers with ownership of the revised curriculum and enable them to use the curricu-
lum effectively with students. Evaluation includes assessing the degree to which
the negotiated curriculum is implemented as well as the degree to which its pur-
pose is attained (Leithwood, 1991). Individuals who view the curriculum
processes as described in this perspective see change processes as growth in a val-
ued direction brought about by collaboration among the professionals involved.
A third perspective is based on a subjective view of reality. Its proponents are
typically teachers characterized as having deep knowledge of their students, of
what students need to learn, and of themselves as professionals (Paris, 1993).
This group sees curriculum development as a mutual construction of content and
meaning by teachers and students that varies with alterations among the people.
As teachers acquire additional information about subject matter, teaching, stu-
dents' needs, or other pertinent matters, they design curricula that incorporate
this information if it benefits students. Because the curriculum is created in the
same situation in which it is used, the curriculum is said to be enacted, rather than
implemented (Doyle, 1992; Snyder et al., 1992).
Working out and using the curriculum, however, typically involves negotia-
tions among teachers as well as school staff and people in the community. In this
perspective, enactment follows development very closely and is handled by the
same individuals. Evaluation is assessing the degree to which the purpose of edu-
cation is met. This group also sees change processes as growth in valued direc-
tions, similar to the second group. However, the change processes are more indi-
vidually oriented than those within the second group.
In subsequent discussions, the processes described in the first and second per-
spectives are referred to as the technical approach to development and evalua-
tion, and use in this approach is called implementation. Whenever these
CHAPTER 1 Overview of Curriculum Processes and Products 15
processes are discussed, the second perspective is clearly favored. The first per-
spective is discussed primarily because schools continue to attempt its use.
Processes described in the third perspective are referred to as the nontechni-
cal approach to development and evaluation; use is called enactment. See Table
1.1 for a summary of these perspectives on curriculum processes as change.
Chapter 2 continues this overview through discussions of the nature of cur-
riculum decision making and the personnel involved in curriculum. Of particular
i mportance is the involvement of both school and community personnel.
This chapter provides information about key concepts in curriculum. Differences
in definitions of curriculum and relationships between curriculum and instruction
6 PART ONE Introduction to Curriculum Processes, Products, and Personnel
Curriculum-instruction-learning enactment
levels of curriculum evaluation
Curriculum processes needs assessment
technical—nontechnical Curriculum products (projects)
approaches guidelines
development guides
use courses of study (syllabi)
implementation resource units