Moon PDF
Moon PDF
Moon PDF
The Moon. For Wiccans, it is far more than a heavenly body that might catch our
eye as we drive home late at night, its fullness shining through trees or brightly
overhead. For many Wiccan, she is the embodiment of the Goddess, she is
Maiden, Mother and Crone. It is also an important source of natural energy that is
essential in magick, if you preform your spells and rituals at the right lunar phase.
Preforming spells during the wrong phase of the moon can seriously debilitate the
spell, producing no result or possibly the wrong result. The Wheel of the Moon, is
approximately 28 1/2 days long, waxing to Full Moon and waning to New Moon.
Waxing Moon means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New
Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring
positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new
beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. At this time the moon represents
the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, give praise to Epona, Artemis or one of the
other Maiden Goddesses. The period of the waxing moon lasts about 14 days.
Full Moon is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect silvery
sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase pyschic ability,
for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses. This is a time of strength,
love and power. At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Mother
aspect, give praise to Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses. The
period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual
full moon.
Waning Moon means the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon
towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that banish, release, reverse. This
is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. This is a
time of deep intuition and a time for divination. At this time the moon represents
the Goddess in her Crone Aspect, give praise to Hecate, Morrigan or one of the
other Crone Goddesses. The period of the waning moon lasts about 14 days.
As the Wheel of the Moon continues on its never ending course, the moon also
travels through the different astrological signs, just as the sun does, only more
rapidly. When the moon resides within the various signs, the sign influences the
magickal aspect of the moon.
EARTH spells should be preformed when the moon is in one of the astrological
signs governed by that element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.AIR spells should be
preformed when the moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that
element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.FIRE spells should be performed when the
moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that element: Aries, Leo,
Sagittarius.WATER spells should be preformed when the moon is in one of the
astrological signs governed by that element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Moon in ARIES is the best time for spells involving authority, rebirth, leadership;
healing spells of the face and head.
Moon in TAURUS is the best time for spells involving love, money, acquisition;
healing spells for the throat and neck.
Moon in GEMINI is the best time for spells involving communication, writing,
travel; healing spells for the arms, hands, and lungs.
Moon in CANCER is the best time for spells involving the home and for
honoring lunar gods and goddesses; healing of the chest and stomach.
Moon in LEO is the best time for spells involving authority, courage, fertility;
healing of the upper back, spine, heart.
Moon in VIRGO is the best time for spells involving employment, health, diet;
healing of the intestines and nervous system.
Moon in LIBRA is the best time for spells involving justice, unions, balance
(spiritual and otherwise), artistry; healing of the lower back and kidneys.
Moon in SCORPIO is the best time for spells involving power, psychic growth,
sex; healing of the reproductive organs.
Moon in SAGITTARIUS is the best time for spells involving travel, sports, truth,
horses; healing of the liver and thighs.Moon in CAPRICORN is the best time for
spells involving organization, ambition, career, politics; healing of the knees,
bones, teeth, skin.
Moon in AQUARIUS is the best time for spells involving science, freedom,
friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, blood.
Moon in PISCES is the best time for spells involving music, art, telepathy,
dreams; healing of the feet and lymph glands.
In magick, timing is very important. In the calendar are listed the times of the
New Moon, Full Moon and when it enters a new quarter, as well as the times
when the moon enters the various astrological signs, but these times are general
Eastern Standard Times. For those residing in the United States, an accurate
listing of the Full and New Moon, Sun and Moon rises and sets, as well as times
of Planet rises and sets, I highly recommend checking outThe Old Farmer's
Almanac Home Page. This page can be very helpful, especially for those of us
that don't have a clue what the difference is between a degree and a minute.
Explore the page and you will also find some of the most interesting tidbits of
Americana. Enjoy.
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Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
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Moon Meaning
Each Full Moon has a different meaning and magickal purpose. Because of
this, it is a good idea to plan your Full Moon Rituals to work with the
meaning and purpose of the Moon. The Full Moon is also a traditional time
for divinations of all kinds, as the power of the Moon aids in such work.
November ~ Snow Moon: Plan for a ritual to work on ridding yourself of
negative thoughts and vibrations.
December ~ Oak Moon: Plan for a ritual to help you remain steadfast in
your convictions.
January ~ Wolf Moon: Plan a ritual of protection around your home and
February ~ Storm Moon: Plan a ritual to ask the Old Ones for help in
planning your future.
March ~ Chaste Moon: Plan a ritual to help fulfill your wishes is
April ~ Seed Moon: Plan a ritual to physically plant your seeds of desire in
Mother Earth.
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
By Professor D.
Fellow Pagans: There was an article in Discover Magazine recently and the
lead article was entitled "What should we do with the moon?" Apparently,
space engineers are busy trying to decide what to do with the moon.
The big candidates are:
1) mine it,
2) put factories on it, and
3)send tourists there.
Preferably, all three.
The arrogance of this question "What should we do with the moon?" is so
incredible that it leaves me speechless (well, nearly -- then I found my voice).
The Moon is our Goddess -- beautiful and real, ruling the night. Imagine a
factory on one corner, a large mine on another, and tourists golfing on it on a
third. Would we lose our Goddess then?
For me, I wouldn't lose the Goddess, because she is everywhere, but I would
lose a profound symbol of her presence.
Furthermore, the Moon and Sun would no longer be symmetrical, celestial
orbs ruling their respective skies. And in an important sense when this
happens to the moon, I will lose a part of the Goddess because if she is
everywhere, then she is in the Moon and when we spoil it like we've spoiled
Yellowstone, Denali, the Himalayas, the Rockies, Antarctica, the rain forests,
then we will be spoiling her and losing her to human greed.
We will have to find Her elsewhere. Assuming She wants to be found by us.
The irony in all this is that though paganism is so human, being in many
ways the first human religion, mining the moon is also so human. It is what
we do. We would mine the universe if we could.
With our science and technology we are like gods and goddesses, yet we use
our powers to make air conditioned strip malls the size of small countries.
We are so beautiful and ugly at the same time. How can we be pagans and
not cry at what we are about to do to the Moon (in the next 100 years)? How
can we be pagans and not weep at our travesties. Yet, how can we be pagans
and not human?
It's the other part of being human that makes us pagans: being reverential
towards all life and Nature, loving our fellow flora and fauna, gasping at the
beauty of the stars. Humans are both entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers -- a
laughable combination until you see it played out in front of your own eyes.
We will lose the Moon. It is going to be forever changed. Somehow knowing
that Alan Shepard hit a golf ball on the moon and astronauts rode around in
a dune buggy on it hasn't changed it for me -- those first astronauts we
explores -- they symbolized the best the human race had to offer.
But putting a MacDonald's on the Moon is very different. We will lose a part
of our night sky, our sacred sky. The human race is going to do its best to
buy and sell Nature -- a goal that is completely antithetical to being pagan --
at least for me. Will we lose our Goddess?
This is the question "Which part of our humanity will win out, the
entrepreneur selling the heavens, or the spiritual wanderer who is not lost,
but only seeking?"
The Moon - History, Rituals and More
Meaning Of The Moon
Blue Moon
Healing By The Moon
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Blue Moon
5. There are popular songs in which "blue moon" is a symbol of sadness and
6. In recent years, the less scientific, but more popular definition of the blue
moon has become widespread, namely that it is the second full moon within
one month. This new meaning has mainly become popular through the
Trivial Pursuit game in 1986. Ever since this definition has been the most
widely used.
So which version is correct?
Officially, the third definition, the astronomical one, is correct. The sixth
definition, the two full moons in one month variety, may appeal to many
people, but has no roots in folklore. But as this popular definition is now so
widely used, it doesn't make sense to ignore it in favour of the astronomical
description. When people claim that the 'second full moon' definition is
wrong, then they are technically correct. Language is a dynamic medium
however. So when enough people use a false expression, it will in time
become correct. Therefore, at this moment, it is not more than logical to state
that a 'blue moon' is a rare astronomical phenomenon, but also an occurence
of two full moons within one month.
This article was based on:
"The rising of the bogus blue moon" - Terence Dickinson
"Folklore of the 'Blue Moon'" - Philip Hiscock
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Days & Months
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Another Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Opressed Pagan
Book of Shadows
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
There are many different ways to give and receive healing. A laugh, a hug,
even a pat on the back or soothing tone can provide healing to someone in
need. In today's environment of high medical bills, expensive prescriptions
and invasive procedures, many people are looking to 'alternative medicines'.
But you might take note at just how many of these 'new alternatives' are
actually ancient healing methods or simple 'home remedies' your grand
mother used to provide. No matter what you chose to believe, nothing should
take the place of a visit to your doctor when problems arise. Holistic healing
methods are designed to assist in treating the 'whole' person and not just the
physical ailment most medical treatments deal with.
Those who carry Raven Medicine also carry a heavy responsibility to
Spirit.Raven is the messenger of magic from the great void where all
knowledge waits for us. He is also the symbol of changes in consciousness, of
levels of awareness and of perception. He carries the mark of the
shape-shifter. He is the carrier of healing energy from distances. Those of
you who have asked for messages of light and healing and prayer on this list
have asked for raven medicine. What all of this means to us in the
modern-day world is that raven medicine gives you the ability to get inside
another's head and heart, and to understand them from the inside out, so to
speak. You can "become" that other person because of the depth of your
understanding of them, and it is not necessary to be in their physical
presence for that to happen. Spiritual healers and counsellors who are
skilled in their abilities are using raven power for they have a depth of
understanding and empathy not shared by all. Because of this power, they
have the ability to actually alter another's perception and behavior. They are
able to work real magic in bringing peace, healing and understanding to
others. Here is the heavy responsibility, and the dangers, in raven medicine.
As with all things, these powers can be used for dark purposes. It enables the
carrier to manipulate and coerce others into doing their will to the detriment
of the other. This medicine can be used for selfish and self-serving purposes
for the ego and greed of the carrier. Because of the power of the levels in
understanding others, a practitioner of the black arts can use raven for
destructive purposes. If you carry raven medicine, you must always use it in
the light for the highest and best interests of others. You must use it for the
good and well being of others, and never for your own selfish motives even
though you may be tempted when times are bad. Raven medicine demands
that you walk in the light in all things. That's heavy with responsibility for
your own thoughts and deeds.
Work your magic in the light -- you are Raven.
The most common ~ understanding~ of healing is to have
discomfort....diminish so it does not .. interfere with...... day to day living.
This leads us to think that healing is just about the physical body and
conclude that if our bodies are giving us less trouble we might think of
ourselves as healed.
How many of us have had friends or acquaintances that although they may
be physically fit but they are unhappy, frustrated, and many times even feel
helpless about an event ... or situation .... or relationhip. Sometimes they even
collapse with heart attacks or unexpected illnesses.
Consider then......healing is about more........ than just .......relieving
symptoms...... in the....physical.....body....Looking at the picture to the right
.... allow your imagination to open to the possibility .... that the moon shows
your emotions ... and it is impacting and touching the other 3 parts of you ....
your soul (spirit - light blue center star) ..... and becomes solidified in your
mind (1 solid dark blue star)your body (2nd dark blue star). It is easy to see
how we continue to go ... round and round ... isn't it??
When emotions or feelings come we get the idea that the feelings will
interfere with what our mind says we need to do in that moment or we use
the feeling to say or do what we lack the courage to do kindly or we suppress
the feeling completely and ignore it.
Each of these will stop the ability to understand what the feelings and
emotions offer.
.. C L U E S ..
Soul - the living forever part of each of us that speaks to us all day BUT ..
very softly, very kindly, very gently .... the Goddess/God force part of us we
Where do we begin to create heath, happiness and healing?
BY IDENTIFYING THE BELIEF OR THOUGHT that brings the upset and
USING OUR POWER OF CHOICE ... right replace that thought
with one THAT IS FAIR AND IN ALIGNMENT WITH the unconditional
loving and accepting part of us.
So...Healing begins when we feel a feeling, identify the thought that brought
These upsets, challenges and frustrations keep our energy very low.
Book of Shadows
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Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Fascinating Facts
A Variety Of Information - Just Could Not Find A Category
Amethyst's Wicca - Links To All My Other Pages
Moon Cord
Moon Cords
The idea behind moon cords is to embrace and preserve specific attributes of
moon power which are available during a specific moon phase. These
attributes are directed into a length of cord and held there byknots; thus the
attributes are available to the witch at any time. For example: you may wish
to perform some magick which is appropriate to the waxing moon.
Ideally, you would be wisest to wait until after the moon is new to utilize the
most compatible energies for your work. But what if you have good reason
not to wait, and what if in linear time the moon is actually waning? No
problem, if you have prepared a new moon cord, you can draw upon the new
moon power at any time of any month. You can prepare a cord during each
phase of the moon, and thus, have available to you the power of each phase.
However I strongly suggest that you use the cords only when absolutely
necessary, and try to work with the phases of the moon in the sky whenever
you can.
Use a length of colored wool, or embroidery thread about two feet long. You
can have five different colors if you prefer and prepare five cords: new,
waxing, full, waning and dark. Or you can simplify matters and use three
colors for three cords: new and waxing combined, full ( alone ),waning and
dark combined. I find it sufficient to work with three.
To prepare a cord during the appropriate Moon phase, Light your goddess
candle and sit at your altar or work table- or go outside. State alignments,
and call on that aspect of the goddess who rules the phase you wish to put
into the cord. This is called charging the cord. Thus for the new and waxing
call upon Diana; for the full call upon Selene, for the waning call upon
Hecate. It's a good idea to use your athame for this, as the process is related
to drawing down the moon. In a sense, you are drawing her down for each
phase to enter your cord, so you may draw a pentagram over the face of the
moon, or over the candle flame which represents her, and trace a line of
power from the moon or flame into your cord, stating words of power.
"By the one power.
Working for and through me
I hereby call upon you, Diana,
To enter this cord with your power
to charge this cord
enter this cord
for the good of all
and according to free will
for the work of positive magic only
To aid me in my work
at the appropriate times,
According to your will
as these knots are tied."
Then tie nine knots in the cord, placing them equidistant from one another
and use the ninth knot to tie the cord into a circle. then add:" So mote it be"
Place this circle on the altar encircling your Goddess candle, and leave it
there for awhile, meditating if you wish on the phase of the moon with which
you have charged the cord. When you feel your work is complete, wind the
cord into a compact little entity and enclose it in a tiny pouch or box. This is
kept on the altar. It is best kept near your own tools.
When you work with a moon cord either hold it in your hand or place
around your goddess candle, as you do specific magic for which you need it's
aid. When you are finished, put it back in it's holder. You may take it out
and hold it under the moon during it's name phase, to recharge it, but this is
not absolutely essential. There is no drain on moon power, such as with a
battery. The power is in the moon cord to stay.
The Moon - History, Rituals and More
Meaning Of The Moon
What To Do With The Moon
Blue Moon
Healing By The Moon
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Days & Months
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Another Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Opressed Pagan
Book of Shadows
Altar & Tools
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
What Are Faeries?
Psychic Power?
Astral Projection
Reuse Trash
Fascinating Facts
A Variety Of Information - Just Could Not Find A Category
Amethyst's Wicca - Links To All My Other Pages
Lunar Moons
The fearsome nocturnal animal represents the "night" of the year.
Wolves were rarely seen in England after the 12th century. To each Lunar
month the ancients assigned a name in accordance with the nature of the
activity that took place at that time.
The Moon of deepest Winter is the Wolf Moon, and its name recalls a time
when our ancestors gathered close around the hearth fire as the silence of the
falling snow was pierced by the howling of wolves.
Driven by hunger, wolves came closer to villages than at any other time of
the year, and may have occasionally killed a human being in order to
The wolf in northern countries was at one time so feared that it became the
image of Fenris, the creature of destruction that supposedly will devour the
world at the end of time. The Christian version of the myth would leave it at
that, but the myth continues.
Like the wolf in the fairy tale of Little Red Ridinghood, which preserves the
full idea of the myth but is used only to frighten children, the wolf is slain;
and the grandmother, like the world, is brought forth once more.
As the light of the new-born year slowly increases and the Wolf Moon waxes
full, it is a good time to look back upon that which has just ended and learn
from our experiences. Bid the past farewell and let it go in order to receive
the year that has just been born.
Learning to let go of that which we would cling to is one of the greatest
secrets of magick.
A storm is said to rage most fiercely just before it ends, and the year usually
follows suit.
The Moon following the Wolf Moon is the Storm Moon.
Whether you meet with a coven on the night of the Full Moon, salute Her in
a solitary ritual, or simply blow Her a kiss, bear in mind the magick of this
night and the nature of the storms of February.
Unlike the boisterous storms of the light half of the year, which are
accompanied by the clashing of thunder and the flinging of lightning bolts,
the storms of February come in silence.
They blanket the world in coldness in keeping with the nature of the dark
half of the Wheel of the Year.
But beneath the blanket of cold and silent snow, Nature rests, as we do when
in the realm of the Spirit that is called death; and like those in the world of
Spirit, Nature prepares for life anew.
The Antiquated word for pure reflects the custom of greeting the new year
with a clear soul.
The Moon following the Storm Moon is the Chaste Moon.
Like Diana, chaste Goddess of the Moon, all of Nature at this moment is pure
potential waiting to be fulfilled.
The Goddess has many forms:
The maiden pure and lovely as the snow of February, the seductive
enchantress of the night, or the Crone ancient and wise.
As the Goddess can change Her form according to the Moon or according to
Her will, ever renewing Herself, ever beginning again, se can we, Her
children, always begin again by discovering new potential within ourselves.
When you cast the Circle of the Chaste Moon, when the candles have been lit
and the incense burned, look deep within yourself to discover what potential
lies there waiting, like the Maiden, to be fulfilled.
As it is the time for the planting of seeds on the material plane, so may it be
time to do so on the psychic planes as well. On the night that the Seed Moon
(another name for the Chaste Moon) of March is full, cast your magick
Then before the rite has ended, select the spiritual seeds you would like to
They may be seeds of wisdom, seeds of understanding, or seeds of certain
magickal skills.
Then by an act of will, plant these seeds in the fertile soil of your
subconscious mind with the firm commitment that they will be nurtured and
cultivated in the months that lie ahead, so that they will grow and flower and
bear fruit.
The sacred animal was associated in Roman legends with springtime and
As the Hare Moon of April waxes full, observe the rabbits leaping and
playing, carefree in their mating and joyful in their games, and as you cast
your Esbat Circle and joyfully dance the round, feel within your heart the
carefree nature of the wild creatures that are also children of the Old Gods.
The Latin word for a pair refers to the twin stars of the constellation Castor
and pollux.
This time of the Sacred Marriage of the God and Goddess is the Dyad Moon,
the time when the two become one, when all things meet their opposites in
perfect balance and in perfect harmony.
As you cast your Circle this night of the Dyad Moon, adorn it with apple
blossoms, and light candles of white.
When the sacred round has been danced, sit a moment and reflect. Seek
harmony in all things.
As the dark half of the Wheel of the Year balances the light, as heat balances
cold, recall the words of the Goddess, "Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence, within
And then before the rite is ended, if it is appropriate, become one with your
working partner, physically as well as spiritually.
During late June and most of July the meadows, or meads, were mowed for
After the spectacular flowers of May have passed and the bees have gathered
their pollen and nectar, the hives are filled with honey that is waiting to be
In ancient times much of this honey was made into a drink called mead by a
fermentation process similar to that of making wine.
The "Moon in June" is the Mead Moon.
Mead has been considered to have magickal and even life-restoring
properties in many of the countries of ancient Europe, and it was the drink
of many of the great heroes of legend.
The legendary figure Robin Hood, who is accepted historically as being a
composite of several peasant leaders during the reign of King Richard I, is
also generally accepted by Pagans as being one of us.
One reason is that Robin was a popular Witch name, and also because he
was always described as being dressed in green, symbolic of the Green Man
of Sherwood Forest. Lincoln green, which is made from woad, the dyestuff
used by the Picts of ancient Britain and the Druid priestesses, is also a color
that symbolizes, historically, the Pagan peasantry. Among the articles
robbed from the rich by Robin Hood are "met and met." This probably
means "meat and mead."
In the myth of Odin, one of His quests is for the Poetic Mead of Inspiration,
which He returns to the realm of the Gods where it belongs, but a few drops
fall to Earth, and this may be had by anyone who can find them.
On the night that the Mead Moon waxes full, after the Circle has been cast
and dancing done, fill the cup with mead (if it is available), sweet wine, or an
herb tea sweetened with honey. Sip the sweet drink and sit quietly and make
yourself a vessel ready to receive the inspiration of the higher realms.
Become a mead cup ready to be filled, not with the brew of everyday life but
with the clear, bright liquid of illumination. Every time this ritual is
performed, even if there are no immediate results, you are becoming a more
perfect vessel for divine inspiration.
If the night of the Mead Moon is very close to the Summer Solstice, the
results of this exercise can be very powerful. If the Mead Moon is full on
Midsummer Night, then the priestess into whom the Moon is Drawn should
be prepared.
When the sun was high, the worts (from the Anglo-Saxon wyrt plant) were
gathered to be dried and stored. As the Wort Moon of July waxes full, this is
the time for gathering of herbs.
The word wort is old Anglo-Saxon for "herb."
When the magickal herbs have been gathered and hung to dry, the time of
the Wort Moon is the time to give thanks to the spirits who dwell in the herb
garden, and to leave them an offering.
Perhaps as you place an offering in the moonlit garden, they will whisper to
you other secrets of herbal magick.
Persephone, virgin goddess of rebirth, carries a sheaf of barley as a symbol
of the harvest.
One day at mid-month we realize that the robins and wrens that were
nesting nearby have simply vanished.
Their lovely songs have been replaced by the shrill calls of the bluejays, who
were so silent during the nesting season. As August progresses the days are
still hot but nighttime temperatures are beginning to cool, and the late
afternoon thunderstorms that bring the cooler air also bring about the
ripening of tomatoes.
In the fields and meadows and along roadside snow there are wild herbs to
be gathered.
There are goldenrod, Queen Anne's lace, and milkweed - all awaiting the
natural dyer who can extract from them tan, green, and bright yellow
respectively, for dyes and for natural inks for talismans.
Among the medicinal herbs to be collected at this time is boneset, which does
not help broken bones to heal but is a febrifuge that was used as a remedy
for "Breakbone Fever" in the 1840s.
Milkweed pods with their silken fluff, goldenrod, and wild grasses and grains
gathered now will be dried in time to adorn the altar at the Autumnal
As the aromatic herbs begin to fill the rafters in the dry heat of the attic, and
the braids of onions and garlic fill the cool darkness of the root cellar, the
golden grain and yellow corn ripen in the fields under the waning August
Sun. To the Ancients this was the Barley Moon, a time to contemplate the
eternalness of life.
Just as we are descended from the first woman and the first man, who
descended from the Gods, so is the grain of the bread that we eat descended
from the first grain ever gathered. By ritually eating the Lammas bread we
are participating in a chain of events that stretches back through time to the
Gods themselves.
And here before us in the ripening fields is the promise of the future.
Everywhere there is abundance in the herb garden, the vegetable garden, the
field, and the orchard.
The pantry shelves are lined with glistening glass jars that are filled with
colorful fruits and vegetables preserved for Winter days; quarts of red
tomatoes, cucumbers in slices or spears, dark red beets with cloves and
cinnamon sticks, the yellow of corn, the orange of carrots - a feast for the
eyes as well as the palate.
The house is filled with delightful aromas as pickling spices are added to
crocks of brine and exotic chutneys simmer on the stove.
But the time of abundance is drawing to a close.
The fireflies of June and July have given way to katydids, whose scratchy
calls to one another fill the evening air of August with the promise of frost in
six weeks.
The moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox brings a feast from the yearly
harvest to the table.
Since wine was, and is, such a sacred fluid, the Pagans of old naturally
named this Lunar month the Wine Moon.
As you celebrate the night of the Full Wine Moon and dance the magickal
round in the moonlit Circle, pour some white wine in a silver cup. Before the
rite is ended, if possible, catch Her reflection in the liquid, then take a sip.
As the Moon-blessed wine casts its inner glow, sit quietly and feel your own
spirit, of which the wine is a symbol.
As the body is stilled and the spirit soars, feel on this night of magick a sense
of the kind of transformation that takes place during true spiritual initiation.
Today the term Harvest Moon is applied to the Full Moon nearest to the
Autumnal Equinox.
This is because, it is said, in other times when harvesting was done by hand,
as the days grew shorter farmers were able to work into the night in the
brightness of Her light.
Marking the season when domestic animals were sacrificed for winter
At this time of year the abundance of fruit and vegetables begins to slow.
It is a time when our ancient ancestors gathered what they could store and
then supplemented their Winter diets either by hunting wild animals or by
slaughtering domestic ones.
So this Lunar month is called the Blood Moon.
As you cast the Esbat Circle on this moonlit Autumn night and fill the cup
with blood-red wine, know that you will be joined in the sacred dance not
only by the unseen presence of departed friends and family so close at this
time of year, but also by the spirits of animals as well, perhaps of those that
have died so that we may have food.
In this age of assembly line slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants, it is
especially appropriate that on this night of the Blood Moon we who are on
the Pagan path ritually ask the understanding of our animal sisters and
brothers, bless them, and bid them merry meet, merry part, and merry meet
Time heralds the dark season when the Sun is at its lowest and the first snow
As the Winter Sun wanes and the Snow Moon waxes full, cast your Circle in
the warm glow of candlelight.
Salute the Moon in Her snowy whiteness and breathe in the coolness of Her
Become as still as this Winter night, and know that the activity of the warm
light months is behind us.
Ahead are the dark months of the year.
The Spirit is most active when the body is most still.
The sacred tree of the Druids and the Roman god Jupiter is most noble as it
withstands winter's blasts.
The Full Moon nearest the Winter Solstice is the Oak Moon, the Moon of the
newborn year, the Divine Child. Like the Divine Child who is born to die and
dies to be reborn anew, the ancient Oak has its trunk and branches in the
material world of the living, while its roots, the branches in reverse, reach
deep into the Underworld, symbolic land of the Spirit.
As the roots probe downward into the grave-like darkness of the Earth, its
branches grow ever upward toward the light, to be crowned by sacred
At this most magickal time of the year, as the light of the old dying year
wanes and the Oak Moon waxes to full, cast your Circle wearing Mistletoe in
your hair.
Let this token remind you that like the Oak, we too dwell simultaneously in
two worlds - the world of physical matter and the world of Spirit.
As you invoke the Goddess of the Moon, ask that you become ever more
aware of the other side of reality and the unseen forces and beings that are
always among us.
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Another Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Opressed Pagan
Book of Shadows
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Moon Magick
Moon Magick
The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of the
arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are basic
guidelines. In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon
priestesses/priests. In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also
Sea Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important
aspect in Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water,
and the release of the "charge" through evaporation, was an important
aspect. So too was the soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were
later dried, and burned as incenses and offerings.
The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
"essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars.
The Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar
System. The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then
merges with their own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then
emanate a composite energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy
or vibratory pattern is unique, and influences other planetary bodies and
forces, within each planet's sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology
and Planetary correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works). The
Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs,
condenses, and channels all of these forces, which are then carried to our
Planet, upon the Lunar Light Spectrum.
Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he
wrote "...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences, by the
swiftness of her course, is joined to the sun, and the other planets and stars,
as a conception, bringing them forth to the inferior world, as being next to
itself, for all the stars have influence on it, being the last receiver, which
afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these inferiors,
As each shell is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the
goal of the magical influence you desire. Matters concerning "beginnings"
are under Diana. Matters involving "forces", energies, or powers are under
the influence of Jana. Matters of Death, decline, and stagnation are ruled by
Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar,
forming a triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with
the Moon Bowl in its center). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for
manifestations desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are
formed for manifestation upon the astral plane.
During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). The solitary method is to "enchant" the water.
Begin by passing your right hand, palm down, over the bowl in a clockwise
manner. Perform nine passes, then do the same with your left hand. You will
need to create a Chant which will serve to describe your intent. It can be a
simple rhyme, or whatever you want. As you chant, blow gently upon the
water slightly disturbing the surface. Formulate the incantation to be as
descriptive as you can, about what you desire.
Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is time to release the
"charge". One technique for this is to boil the water, and observe the steam
as it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is gone. As the steam rises up,
repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as it moves upward. It is
carrying off your magic, so that it may take effect. Think this as you watch it
(thoughts ARE things).
Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a
stream, or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as : "
Water to water witch's spell. I give this stream to speed it well"
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Moon Poems
The Goddess binds us together,
In Her Love and Wisdom.
The spirit of the Earth
Binds us together,
In it’s beauty and balance.
Our Spirits know no fear,
Or self-loathing, or a wrathful God,
We are of a Spirit of Freedom,
And acceptance, and community.
We are Pagans.
The Old Way is Our Way.
We seek that which is the First Way.
We are Proud to be One
With the Earth, The Creatures,
Time, and Life.
Our strength comes from All things around us,
We are Pagans.
Blessed Be the Pagans-
Wiccan, Druid, Norse,
Strega, Shaman, Healer,
Faerie, Celtic, Witch…
The Goddess binds us- All- together,
In Her Love and Wisdom.
We are Pagans.
It draws us near
It's energy strong
It's calming sight
In evening's song
A bird takes wing
A hunter's call
The Earth's alive
Beasts great and small
The Power of the Moon can hold a spell
The ebbing tides, the waves that swell
The Power of the Moon both full and new
It steals your heart
This dance of night
It frees your soul
Within it's light
Time has no place where shadows bloom
The darkness shines with the Power of the Moon
I lay here waiting for you, under the full moon. Swim with me in the waters of
Come to me and shine under the full moon.
Let my touch cleanse you, when you drink from me let me fill you with Divine
You have called me down to you.
I am the Moon.
You, the child of ancient times.
You the child of heavenly times, sing with me, dance with me.
Won't you swim with me? Blessed Be to you my child times three,
May the Magick swirl around thee, three times three.
I am the Moon Goddess, time for you decide who you will be........
Blessed Be.
"When the moon rides on high
As she crosses the sky,
And the stars on her gown trail behind.
Then we wiccans below,
Are with love all aglow,
Just to see her so brightly enshrined.
On the night of Full Moon,
As we sing to the tune,
Of the Lady who watches above,
We raise high our song,
As she glides by so strong,
And we bask in the light of her Love"
The Moon - History, Rituals and More
Meaning Of The Moon
What To Do With The Moon
Blue Moon
Healing By The Moon
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Days & Months
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Moon Song
By DJ Conway
The Moon - History, Rituals and More
Meaning Of The Moon
What To Do With The Moon
Blue Moon
Healing By The Moon
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Proverbies & Theories
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Moon Proverbs
Pale Moon doth rain,
Red Moon doth blow,
White Moon doth neither
Rain nor snow.
Clear Moon, frost soon.
A dark mist over the Moon is a promise of rain. The heaviest rains fall following the New and the Full Moons The Full
Moon eats the clouds away. A New Moon and a windy night. Sweep the cobwebs out of sight. A Red Moon is a sure sign of
high winds. And should the Moon wear a halo of red, a tempest is nigh. Many rings around the Moon signal a series of
severe blasts. A single ring around the moon that quickly vanishes heralds fine weather. When the New Moon holds the
Old Moon in its arms,(ring around the New Moon) disasters occur at sea. Sharp horns on the Sickle Moon indicate strong
winds. When the moon's horns point up, the weather will be dry. When the Moon's horns point down, rain spills forth.
Blunt horns on a Crescent Moon presage a long spell of fair weather.
Bizarre Moon Theories
#1 A common belief in the sixth century BCE was that the Earth was a flat disk floating on a vast expanse of water. The
Greeks took this once step further, believing that the heavens formed a dome above, and the underworld formed a second
dome below. A sphere, after all, is much more pleasing to visualize than a half-sphere.
Anaximander of Miletus (611 BCE) also held this belief, but tried to explain the heavens even further. His theory was that
the sphere around the Earth was encased in fire contained in tubes. These tubes needed vents, which were the stars seen
at night.
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Book of Shadows
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Fascinating Facts
A Variety Of Information - Just Could Not Find A Category
Amethyst's Wicca - Links To All My Other Pages
Moon Gardening
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Moon Ritual
West; "Through the Water Crystal and the Cup, we call up the Ancient
Ones, King Niksa with thy Undines and Zephyrus the west wind. We do
summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We
bid you welcome!"
North; "Through the Earth Crystal and the Pentacle, we call up the Ancient
Ones, King Ghob with thy Gnomes and Borius the north wind. We do
summon stir and call ye up to guard this circle and join us in these rites. We
bid you welcome!"
"All hail! The Elements and all hail the Gods. We bid the Lord and Lady
welcome and invite them to join us in this ritual we hold in their honor. Now
is the temple erected, let none leave it but with good reason."
Drawing Down the Moon.
"O' gentle Lady look upon us your children, those who seek to know Thee
the more, to hear Thy wisdom, to feel Thy strength, to know Thy love."
[All coveners hold hands]
"Blessed Be thy feet that have brought you in these ways."
"Blessed Be thy knees which kneel with us at the sacred altar."
"Blessed Be thy womb without which naught would be."
"Blessed Be thy breast which offer comfort to us here."
"Blessed Be thy lips which utter the sacred names."
"I invoke Thee and call upon Thee, Great Mother of us all, bestower of life,
of love, of grief, of death, and of joy. Of all that has been, is, and shall be. I
call upon Thee here to descend unto the body of Thy humble servant and
priestess. To speak to us, to give us wisdom understanding, and love."
"Of the Mother, Maiden, Crone; all My love to call thine own. Mine the
scourge and Mine the kiss, five point star of love and bliss. Here I charge
thee in this sign of Mine own love and light devine."
Charge of the Goddess
"Now listen to the words of the Great Mother who of old was called Artemis,
Astarte, Demeter, Miluisine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrod,
Bridgid, Hecate, Isis and by many other names."
"When ever you have need of anything, once in a month, and better it be
when the moon is full, ye shall assemble in some secret place and adore the
sprit of Me who am Queen of all Witches. Ye shall dance, sing, feast, make
music and love all in My praise : For Mine is the ecstasy of the sprit, and
Mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings."
"Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess , She in the dust of whos feet are the
host of heaven, whose body encircleth the universe."
"I am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon and the mysteries of
the waters. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. Let
My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for all acts of love and pleasure are
My rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, myrth
and reverance within you. And you who seek to know Me.... know, that your
seeking and yearning shall avail you not, unless you know the mystery. If
that which seek you find not within you shall never find it without. For
behold , I have been with you from the beginning I am that which is attained
at the end of desire."
Drawing Down the Sun
"In Her name do I invoke Thee, Mighty Father of us all. Lugh, Pan,
Cernunnos, Herne. Come in answer to my call. Descend, I pray Thee, unto
the body of Thy humble servant and priest."
"Blessed Be thy feet that have brought you in these ways."
"Blessed Be thy knees that kneel at the sacred altar."
"Blessed Be thy phallas without which naught would be."
"Blessed Be thy chest erected in strength."
"Blessed Be thy lips which utter the sacred names."
Charge of the God
"I am the fire within your heart, the yearning of your soul. I am the hunter
of knowledge and the seeker of the holy quest. I, who stand in the darkness
of light, am He whom you have called death. I, the consort and mate of She
whom we adore, call fourth to thee, Heed My call, beloved ones. Come unto
Me and learn the secrets of death and of peace.
I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am He who leads you
home. Scourge and Flame, Blade and Blood, these are Mine and gifts to thee.
Call unto Me from the forest wild and on hilltops bare and seek Me in the
darkness bright .
I who have been called Pan, Herne, Osiris and Hades, speak to thee in thy
search. Come dance and sing, come love and smile . For behold! This is My
worship. You are My children and I am thy father. On swift night wings it is
I who lays you at the mother's feet to be reborn and to return again. But,
thou who thinks to seek Me, know that I am the untaimed wind, the fury of
the storm, the passion in your soul. Seek Me with courage lest you be swept
away in thy seeking. Seek Me with pride and humility, but, seek Me best
with love and strength. For this is My path , and I love not the weak and the
fearful. Hear My call on long winter nights and we shall stand together
guarding Her earth as She sleeps."
"Depth calls on height, the Goddess on the God, on Him that is the flame
that quickens Her"
"Let the hammer strike the anvil."
"Let the lightening touch the earth."
"Let the lance ensoul the grail."
"Let the magick come to birth."
Witches Rune
Darksome night and shining moon,
East then South then West then North,
Harken to the Witches' Rune,
Here we come to call ye fourth.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire,
Wand and Pentacle and Sword,
Work ye unto our desire,
And harken ye unto our word.
Cord and censer, scourge and knife,
Powers of the Witches' blade,
Waken all ye unto life,
And come ye as the charm is made.
Queen of heaven, Queen of hell,
Horned Hunter of the night,
Lend Your power unto our spell,
And work our will by magick rite.
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides
Prepration of space:
With this broom, tool of our will,
We do cleanse, purify and prepare our spaces.
From these circles now we banish all fear, malice and misfortune, that these
circles may be a fit meeting place for the Goddess and Gods and those
attending here tonight. As I do will, so mote it be.
Cast Circle Thrice about the circle is cast. Let nothing remain within save
that which is in accord with our will and the intent if this rite. This is a place
that is not a place, a time that is not a time, between the worlds and beyond.
Let all be welcome who would share the blessings of this ritual. So mote it be.
Darksome night and shining moon,
East, South, West, and North;
Hearken to the Witches' Rune.
Here we come to call ye forth! Earth and water, air and fire, Wand and
pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto our desire,
Hearken ye unto our work!
Cords and censer, and knife,
Powers of the Witch's blade.
Waken all ye into life,
Come ye as the magick is made!
Blessed Be!!!!!!!!!!
Goddess Invocation
White moon mother,
come to us as love to lover.
In the moonlight shining bright, we call to you by will and right.
Magic and wisdom, secrets you bear, honor we give you, knowledge to share.
Within this circle we have made a place, be here with us and show us grace.
As it does say:
Gracious Lady, hear our plea
Grant me tolerance
that We might see
The need for diversity on the Earthand see its value and its worth.H
elp me to find the harmony in accepting what is meant to be,and replace my
negitive attitude with perfect love and fortitude.
Gracious Lady, hear our pleas.
As We will, so mote it be!
Money Spell
On a green candle write the names of the people taking part. Light your
candle. Focus on the energies being sent into it and transformed as they
escape through the smoke and flames into power to do our bidding.
"As the flame burns,
And the world turns,
The energy to do our bidding yearns.
Money comes to us we know,
All the spirits say it's so.
Lots of money
We now claim.
As the energies
We tame.
All our bills and needs now flee,
With harm to none,So Mote It Be!!!"
Spell to get work
Write the names of the people we are saying this for on a red candle. Light
the candle. As it burns picture the energies going out to the people and
drawing jobs to them.
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Days & Months
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Another Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Opressed Pagan
Book of Shadows
Altar & Tools
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Shaman & Spirit Guides
What Are Faeries?
Astral Projection
Reuse Trash
Fascinating Facts
A Variety Of Information - Just Could Not Find A Category
Amethyst's Wicca - Links To All My Other Pages
Go to the West.
Ring the bell once and say:
"Hail Athene. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my
emotions." Go back to the North. Ring the bell once and say: "Hail
Help me feel the Lady's power and presence in my body."
You will probably have an amazing wave of feelings come over you. Let them
sink into your body and soul. When you are ready, return the bell to the
altar, turn to the North, and raise your arms high above your head.
"Hail Goddess! Moon Mother, Lady of Light, Mistress of Magick and
You are the white light of the Moon upon the Earth, the brillant rays of sun
upon life.
You are the beginning and ending, the One who creates and takes away.
Within You, I see myself and all woman.
In this time, You come to me and fill me with your presence."
Communicate with Her now. Tell Her your problems, wishes and anything
you wish to tell her.
When you are finished say:
All honor and love to the wonderful Goddess, for She is the power behind all
the Goddess behind all gods,
the Eternal Life behind death.
I see Her loving face within the moon and rejoice.
All Hail Queen of the heavens and the earth, the eternal on of Wisdom!"
Raise the chalice to toast her and say:
To Diana and all the Goddesses!"
Now is the time for divination, meditation, and spellwork of any kind.
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
The dark moon is a good time to do protective magick and to banish things
from your life.
Supplies you will need:
two black candles,
paper and pen.
Place the cauldron in the center of the altar and put the paper and pen
beside it.
Cast the circle in a counter clockwise way. When it is cast, return to the altar
and face the North.
Light the black candles.
The moon is dark.
She hides her face from humans.
Only women can know the true secrets of the Dark Mother.
Wise one, let me feel Your presence and power.
I need Your wisdom of releasing and removing.
Face the altar now. Write down on the paper negative things you wished
removed from your life (ie..negative thoughts about yourself, bad habits,
negative influences of people.) Read each one out loud to the Dark Mother to
release them to Her. Light the paper from one of the black candles and drop
it into the cauldron and watch it burn.
I release these unto Your keeping.
Show me how to move beyond these negatives into a position of light and
Burn the paper until it is reduced to ashes. Raise your arms in reverence to
the Goddess when the paper is finished and say:
Dark Mother,
Crone Goddess,
Wise and Elder One,
teach me Your deep mysteries,
the Ancient Goddess magick known to my foremothers and fathers.
Guide and protect me, Dark Mother.
Now would be a good time to mediatate and see what insight you may receive
from the Mother. Or do a spell of some sort. When finished, release the circle
as usual. Bury the ashes of the paper somewhere off of your property.
The Moon - History, Rituals and More
Meaning Of The Moon
What To Do With The Moon
Blue Moon
Healing By The Moon
Moon Cord
Moon Magick
Moon Poems
The Void Moon
Moon Song
Proverbies & Theories
Days & Months
Moon Gardening
Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Basic Information On Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Another Drawing Down The Moon Ritual
Opressed Pagan
Book of Shadows
Altar & Tools
Life's Transitions - From Birth To Death
Elements & Elementals
Witches & Witchcraft
Dream Magick
Dates & History
Magickal Stones - A to K
Burning Times
Candles - Basic Information
Rituals - Various Rituals
Aura's & Chakras
Chants & Songs
Mystickal Creatures & Animal Totems
Runes & Ogham
Shaman & Spirit Guides