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Fish Mucus Research

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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)305-309 305

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Antimicrobial and hemolytic activity of fish epidermal mucus

Cynoglossus arel and Arius caelatus
Subramanian Bragadeeswaran*, Selvam Priyadharshini, Kolandhasamy Prabhu, Solomon Raj Sophia Rani
Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University, Parangipettai - 608 502, India


Article history: Objective: To study the antimicrobial, hemolytic activity and immunomodulatory activity of
Received 13 December 2010 fish epidermal mucus and their chemical constituents from Cynoglossus arel (C. arel) and
Received in revised form 1 February 2011
Arius caelatus (A. caelatus). Mucus plays an important role in the prevention of colonization
Accepted 15 March 2011
Available online 20 April 2011
by parasites, bacteria and fungi. Methods: Epidermal mucus was obtained from two marine
fishes, lyophilized and the chemical composition of epidermal mucus was analysed by FT-IR
analysis. The in vitro antimicrobial activity against human pathogens (fungi, gram positive and
Keywords: gram-negative bacteria) and also the hemolytic activity and immunomodulatory activity were
Antibacterial activity determined. Results: Totally ten human pathogens were tested against the fish mucus. Out of
Antifungal activity the ten pathogens, five pathogens have proved to be sensitive to the mucus. Maximum zone of
Fish mucus inhibition was observed against Vibrio cholera (V. cholera) (9 mm and 2 mm in diameter), followed
Cynoglossus arel by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) with a inhibition zone of (6 mm and 3 mm), Streptococcus
Arius caelatus areus (S. areus) (5 mm and 4 mm), Vibrio parahemolyticus (V. parahemolyticus) (4 mm and 5
mm) respectively. Conclusions: The present investigation has revealed that positive progresses
in the fish mucus extracts against human pathogens and hemolytic activity. But further efforts
are required for the purification and isolation of the active antimicrobial compounds in order to
establish their possible applications.

through the surrounding water. Over the past years, fish

1. Introduction mucus has also been plays a role in the prevention of
colonization by parasites, bacteria and fungi [5,6]. The
Fish by-products are rich in potentially valuable proteins, antibacterial role of fish mucus has been known for many
minerals, enzymes, pigments or flavours[1]. Use of skin fish years but previous works on antibacterial tests has been
or mucus for research on biologically active compounds directed towards marine microbial strains. It was reported
could be an interesting exercise. The biological interface that epithelial tissues produce antimicrobial molecules
between fish and their aqueous environment consists of a which serve as the first line of a host’s defense against
mucus layer composed of biochemically diverse secretions microbial invasion in a variety of vertebrates including
from epidermal and epithelial cells[2]. The mucus layer humans[7]. In this present study, a series of solvent extracts
covers the surface of external body to reduce body friction of mucus from two marine fishes were screened for their
against water and to protect from abrasion injury. It’s have in vitro activity against terrestrial pathogens (fungi, gram
a variety of biologically active substances in the mucus positive and gram-negative bacteria) and also to determine
significantly act as humoral defense factors, since the the hemolytic activity and FT-IR analysis of the mucus.
fish immunity is less sophisticated than that of higher
animals[3,4]. Particularly the antimicrobial agent appears to
play an important role in aquatic organisms including fishes, 2. Materials and methods
which are always expressed to pathogenic microorganisms
2.1. Collection of mucus from fish
*Corresponding author: Dr. Subramanian Bragadeeswaran, Assistant professor,
Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai Specimens of Cynoglossus arel (C. arel) and Arius caelatus
University, Parangipettai - 608 502, India. (A. caelatus) were collected at Pazhiyyar landing center,
Tel: +91 98994823364
E-mail: drpragathi@gmail.com
(Lat 11° 21’32.27” N and long 79° 49’24.92” E) (Figure 1)
306 Subramanian Bragadeeswaran et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)305-309

transported to the laboratory and stored at -20 曟. slaughterhouse, using 2.7% ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA) solution as an anticoagulant at 5% of the blood
volume, and brought to the laboratory. The blood was
centrifuged thrice at 5 000 rpm for 5 min; 1% erythrocyte
suspension was prepared by adding 99 mL normal saline
to 1 mL of packed erythrocytes. The micro hemolytic assay
was performed in 96-well ‘v’ bottom microtitre plates[10].
Serial two-fold dilutions of the crude mucus were made in
100 毺L of normal saline. Then 100 毺L of 1% erythrocyte
was added to all the wells. For positive control, 100 毺L of
distilled water and for negative control 100 毺L of normal
saline were added respectively to the 1% red blood cell
(RBC) suspension. The plate was gently shaken and allowed
to stand for two hours at room temperature. The presence of
uniform red color suspension in the wells was considered
to be positive hemolysis and a button formation in the
Figure 1. Location of the sampling site. bottom of the wells constituted a lack of hemolysis. The
reciprocal of the highest dilution of the crude toxin showing
2.2. Preparation of skin mucus extract the hemolytic pattern (hemolytic unit) was divided by the
protein content to obtain the specific hemolytic unit and the
After frozen specimens were partially thawed and protein was estimated by the method of Lowry et al[11].
the mucus was carefully scraped from the dorsal body
using a sterile spatula Al-Hassan et al[8]. Mucus was 2.6. Fourier transform - infra red spectrum analysis
not collected in the ventral side to avoid intestinal and
sperm contamination. The mucus samples were collected FT-IR spectroscopy of solid samples of mucus from two
aseptically from the fish and thoroughly mixed with equal marine fishes relied on a Bio-Rad FTIR-40 model, USA.
quantity of sterilized physiological saline (0.85% NaCl) for Sample (10 mg) was mixed with 100 mg of dried potassium
the antimicrobial studies. The precipitate in suspension was bromide (KBr) and compressed further to prepare as a salt
removed by centrifugation at 6 000 伊 g. The supernatant was disc (10 mm diameter) for reading the spectrum[12].
then collected and lyophilised. This extract was stored at 4 曟
for further use. 2.7. Immunomodulatory activity

2.3. Microbial strains used 2.7.1. Neutrophil locomotion and chemotaxis test
Neutrophil cell suspension was prepared in phosphate
Antimicrobial activity of fish mucus was determined against buffer saline solution (PBS) at about 106 cells/mL. The
10 bacterial strains viz., Escherichia coli (E. coli), Klebsiella lower compartment of chemo tactic chamber to a pH 7.2
oxytoca (K. oxytoca), Klebsiella pneumoniae(K. pneumoniae), eg. chamber 1-PBS solution (control); chamber 2-casein
Lactobacillus vulgaris (L. vulgaris), Proteus mirabilis (P. 1 mg/L (standard); and chamber 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 with different
mirabilis), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), concentrations (10, 25, 50, 100 and 1 000 毺g/mL) of test
Salmonella typhi (Salmonella typhi), Salmonella paratyphi sample. The upper compartment (1 mL syringe) was filled
(S. paratyphi), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Vibrio with neutrophil cell suspension and the wet filter (Millipore)
cholera (V. cholera) and ten fungal strains Aspergillus niger 3 mm pore size was fixed at the bottom of the upper
(A. niger), Candida albicans (C. albicans), Aspergillus flavus compartment. The upper compartment was placed into the
(A. flavus) Mucor sp., Alternaria alternata (A. alternata), lower compartment and incubated at 37 曟 for 180 min.
Pencillium sp., Rhizopus, Trichophyton rubrum (T. rubrum), The upper compartment was removed and inverted to
Trichophyton mentagarophytes (T. mentagarophytes), empty the fluid. The lower surface of the filter was fixed with
Epidermophyton floccosum (E. floccosum). All microbial 70% ethanol for 2 min and then stained with Haematoxylin
strains were obtained from the Department of Medical dye for 5 min. The fixed filters were observed under
Microbiology, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai microscope using 100伊 lenses and number of neutrophil
University, India. cells reached to the lower surface was counted.

2.4. Anti microbial assay 2.7.2. Preparation of C. albicans suspension

The C. albicans culture was incubated in Sabouraud broth
The spectrum of antimicrobial activity was described by overnight and then centrifuged to form a cell bottom and
Bauer et al[9]. Antimicrobial activity was expressed in terms supernatant was discarded. The cell button washed with
of diameter of zone of inhibition were measured in mm by sterile Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) and centrifuged
using Vernier caliper or a scale and recorded. again. This was done 3-4 times. The final cell button was
mixed with a mixture of sterile HBSS and human serum in
2.5. Determination of hemolytic assay and protein proportion of 4:1. The final cell suspension of concentration
1伊10 was used for the experiment.

The crude mucus extracts of 11 fractions were assayed for

their hemolytic activities on chicken and goat erythrocytes. 2.7.3. Slide preparation
Chicken and goat blood were obtained from a nearby Human blood (0.2 mL) was obtained by finger prick method
Subramanian Bragadeeswaran et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)305-309

on sterile glass slide and incubated at 37 曟 for 25 min to standard drug tetracycline are also shown in the Figure
allow clotting. The blood clot was removed very gently and 10
slide was drained slowly with sterile normal saline, taking 8

Zone of inhibition (mm)

care not to wash the adhered neutrophils (invisible). The 7
slide consisting of polymorphonuclear neutrophils ( PMNs) 6
was flood with concentration of test sample and incubated 5
at 37 曟 for 15 min. The PMNs were covered with C. albicans 3
Cat fish

suspension and incubated at 37 曟 for 1 h. The slide was 2 Flat fish

drained, fixed with methanol and stained with Giemsa stain. 0
us i
tic rue ph

ra s

P. reus
oly chole S. ty


S. abil

2.7.4. Phagocytosis evaluation m





S. a

The mean number of Candida cells phagocytosed by


PMNs on the slide was determined microscopically for 100
granulocytes using morphological criteria. This number Figure 2. Antibacterial activity of the fish mucus against human
was taken as phagocytic index (PI) and was compared with pathogens.
basal PI of control. This procedure was repeated for different
concentrations (10, 25, 50, 10 and 1 000 毺g/mL) of test
sample. Immunostimulation in % was calculated by using 3.2. Protein estimation
following equation:
The amount of protein present in the mucus extract of
Stimulation (%) = PI (test)-PI (control) 伊100/PI (control) C. arel was 11.6% and A. caelatus extract contains 12.3%
2.7.5. Qualitative nitroblue tetrazolium chemotaxis test[13]
A suspension of leucocytes (5伊106 /mL) was prepared in 0.5 3.3. Haemolytic assay
mL of PBS solution in 7 tubes. 0.1 mL PBS solution (control)
and 0.1 mL of endotoxin activated plasma (standard) is
The crude mucus as well as the fractions produced
added to 1st and 2nd tube respectively and to the other 4
pronounced hemolytic activity on chicken and goat
tubes added 0.1 mL of different concentrations (10, 25, 50,
erythrocytes (Figure 3&4). Hemolytic factors were present
100 and 1 000 毺g/mL) of the test samples; 0.2 mL of freshly
prepared 0.15% NBT solution was added to each tube and in the crude mucus as well as in all the fractions, but
incubated at 37 曟 for 20 min. Centrifuged at 400 g for 3-4 differed considerably depending on the type of blood used.
min to discard the supernatant. Chicken blood, was the most vulnerable to lysis provoked
The cells were resuspended in the small volume of PBS by the C. arel mucus. The crude extract of chicken blood
solution. A thin film was made with the drop on the slide, showed maximum of 64 HU/mg for C. arel and 8 HU/mg for
dried, fixed by heating, counterstained with dilute carbol- A. caelatus and the goat blood showed maximum of 32 HU/
fuchsin for the 15 sec. The slide was washed under tap water, mg for C. arel and 32 HU/mg for A. caelatus.
dried and focused under 100伊 oil immersion objective; 200 0.7
neutrophils were counted for the percentage of NBT positive
cells containing blue granules/lumps. 0.6
Specific hemolytic unit

2.8. Statistical analysis 0.4

The data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance Goat
(ANOVA) followed by Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons 0.2
test. P values <0.05 were considered significant. 0.1

Curde F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
3. Results
Figure 3. Haemolytic activity of A. caelatus mucus against chicken
3.1. Antimicrobial assay and goat blood.

The antibacterial activity of mucus of the C. arel and A. 0.9

caelatus are presented in the Figure 2. The mucus collected 0.8

from marine fishes shows a strong inhibition in the growth of 0.7

Specific haemolytic unit

tested bacteria. Maximum zone of inhibition was observed 0.5
against V. cholera (9 mm and 2 mm in diameter), followed by 0.4
S. aureus with a inhibition zone of (6 mm and 3 mm), S. areus 0.3 Goat
(5 mm and 4 mm), V. parahemolyticus (4 mm and 5 mm) 0.2
respectively. On the contrary least inhibition was observed 0.1
against S. typhi (2 mm and 2 mm). The crude mucus was 0

ineffective against the other bacteria and the fungal strains. Curde F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

The comparative antibacterial effect of the mucus from

the two marine fish’s C. arel and A. caelatus by using Figure 4. Hemolytic activity of flat fish, C. arel epidermal mucus
against chicken and goat blood.
308 Subramanian Bragadeeswaran et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)305-309

3.4. FTIR studies C. albicans, extract showed significant activity even at low
concentration of 10 毺g/mL concentrations (Table 1-3). In
The FT-IR spectrum of crude mucus, obtained from vitro Tetrazolium qualitative tests, extract showed significant
fish, reveals characteristic functional groups showed in activity (Figure 7). The extract showed predominantly very
the (Figure 5 & 6). A stretching of C-O-C, C-O at 1 000-1 good at 50 毺g/mL concentrations.
200 cm corresponds to the presence of carbohydrates.

Absorption peaks centered on 910-665 and 690-515 cm-1 95

corresponds to N-H was of primary amine and CX stretch of 90
alkyl halides, respectively. IR peak observed in the range 85

3 357.32
of 2 350-2 360 cm-1 may be of CO2 adsorption or asymmetric 80

2 860.27
Transmittance (%)
stretching of group N-C-O. The FT-IR spectrum of mucus 75

2 920.55

1 409.62

1 556.16

1 135.06 1 197.36
from fish confirms the presence of primary amine-group, 70

1 643.40
aromatic-compound, halide-group, aliphatic alkyl-group

and polysaccharides (carbohydrates). Consequently, IR

1 098.38
spectra may be attributed to the presence of alkyl amine

and/or cyclic amine with polysaccharides in the mucus. 45
4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
95 8 71.23
Figure 6. FT-IR analysis of C. arel fish epidermal mucus.
Transmittance (%)

1 742.47

1 404.751 200.66

1 024.66

1 046.19


2 849.32

1 456.18

1 097.87
1 646.56

3 413.40

1 542.25

2 953.42
2 923.45

4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

Figure 5. FT-IR analysis of A. caelatus fish epidermal mucus.

3.5. Immunomodulatory activity

Preliminary phytochemical investigation reveals that the

presence of tannins[14]. The neutrophil locomotion and
chemotaxis showed significant activity at all concentrations;
fractionated extract have showed significant activity at 50 毺g/mL Figure 7. Immunomodulatory activity of fish mucus against blood
concentrations (Table 1). In case of phagocytosis of killed neutrophils.

Table 1
Neutrophil locomotion and chemotaxis activity of fish mucus.
Concentration Control Casein
Mucus extracts
10 毺g/mL 20 毺g/mL 50 毺g/mL 100 毺g/mL PBS
A. caelatus 100 127 128 120 15 160
C. arel 97 125 130 119 14 160

Table 2
Phagocytosis of fish mucus against C. albicans.
Concentration Control(MPN)
Mucus extracts
10 毺g/mL(MPN) 20 毺g/mL(MPN) 50 毺g/mL(MPN) 100 毺g/mL(MPN)
A. caelatus 4 4 5 5 4-5
C. arel 5 4 4 5 4-5
Very good activity at 100 毺g/mL. MPN= Mean particle number of C. albicans.

Table 3
Qualitative nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT)(%).
Mucus extracts Control Endotoxin
10 毺g/mL 20 毺g/mL 50 毺g/mL 100 毺g/mL
A. caelatus 48 50 52 45 22 45
C. arel 48 49 51 47 22 47
Very good activity at 10 毺g/mL.
Subramanian Bragadeeswaran et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)305-309

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