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Active & Passive Voice - General English Study Material: Compare The Following Two Sentences

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Active & Passive Voice – General English

Study Material

Compare the following two sentences:

a. The fisherman caught a strange fish. (Active Voice)
b. A strange fish was caught by the fisherman. (Passive Voice)

Both the sentences convey the same information. In the first sentence, the agent or the doer of the action (the
fisherman) is the subject, while the receiver of the action (fish) is the object of the verb (caught). Here the
subject (fisherman) is the doer of the action.
So this sentence is said to be in the Active Voice.

In the second sentence, the object (a strange fish) of the first sentence becomes the subject and passively allows
something to be done to it. The agent or the doer of the action (the fisherman ) functions as the object of the
preposition ‘by’.
This sentence is in the Passive Voice.

When we change a sentence from the active to the passive voice, the tense form does not get changed.
Tense in the Active Voice Form of the Passive Example
Present Simple ‘be’ verb + past participle Tamil is spoken in Tamilnadu.
Present continuous or Present ‘be’ verb + being Sorry for the inconvenience!

Progressive + past participle The show room is being renovated.

Past simple be + past participle The former leader was respected by all.
Past continuous or Past be + being + past The girl felt as if she was
Progressive participle being cheated.
Present perfect have + been + past All available seats have been filled.
Past perfect Had + been + past Gopi had been chosen for the award.
Future simple Shall / will + be + past They will be informed in advance.
Auxiliary verbs May/ can/ might/ could/ They may be invited. They ought to be
should/ would/ must + be invited. They have to be invited.
+ past participle
ought/have + to be + past

Exercise 1
Write the sentences in the passive voice.
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Active & Passive Voice – General English
Study Material

A postman delivered this parcel.

This parcel was delivered by a postman.
The firm uses white bricks to build the hall.
You must not cross the road now.
They were cooking the dinner at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Black will inform Derek.
El Greco painted this picture.
They are knocking down the old school.
Has anyone switched on the light?
They may leave bicycles in the schoolyard.
Exercise 2
Make questions in the passive voice. Use the words in brackets.
I have seen the riot outside our school.
Yes? ................................................................ ?
Yes? Has anybody been injured?
There was a sci-fi film on at the cinema last night.
......................................................................... ?
(your children/admit to see it)
Mr. and Mrs. Moore will give a party on Friday.
......................................................................... ?
Last night a hurricane hit the coast of Florida.
......................................................................... ?
(people/warn before)
Please, leave your coat and bags here.
......................................................................... ?
(must leave/handbags)
Your desk is here now and the copying machine is in the corner.

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Active & Passive Voice – General English
Study Material

......................................................................... ?
(anything else/change)
The police caught the robbers early in the morning.
Where ............................................................. ?
(the robbers/catch)
The earthquake has damaged a lot of houses.
......................................................................... ?

Exercise 1:
White bricks are used to build the hall.
The road must not be crossed now.
The dinner was being cooked at 7 o'clock.
Derek will be informed by Mr. Black.
This picture was painted by El Greco.
The old school is being knocked down.
Has the light been switched on?
Bicycles may be left in the schoolyard.

Exercise 2:
Were your children admitted to see it?
Will Susan be invited?/Has Susan been invited?
Had people been warned before?
Must handbags be left here?
Has anything else been changed?
Where were the robbers caught?
Has anybody been killed?

Try on your own

Complete the following sentences using suitable forms of the passive voice:
1. Water ……………….(collect) in the tank.
2. A wide variety of liquids ………… (use) in chemical plants.
3. Technology…………..(describe) as the application of scientific knowledge.
4. In primitive times, stone implements ……………. (employ) to kill animals.
5. In the last meeting, the blueprint of the proposed holiday home ……………. (show).
6. One thousand Internet connections ……… (give) in Pollachi by the end of December 2004.
7. The experiment had to ………….. (stop) because of power failure.

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Active & Passive Voice – General English
Study Material

8. English ……….. (speak) all over the world by millions of people.

9. Pictures are continually …………… (take) to monitor planetary positions.
10. Metals have ………… (replace) by plastics.

Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.
1. He teaches English.
2. The child is eating bananas.
3. She is writing a letter.
4. The master punished the servant.
5. He was writing a book.
6. Who wrote this letter?
7. Somebody cooks meal every day.
8. He wore a blue shirt.
9. May God bless you with happiness!
10. They are building a house.
11. I have finished the job.
12. I sent the report yesterday.
13. She bought a diamond necklace.
14. Somebody had stolen my purse.

1. English is taught by him.
2. Bananas are being eaten by the child.
3. A letter is being written by her.
4. The servant was punished by the master.
5. A book was being written by him.
6. By whom was this letter written?
7. Meal is cooked by someone every day.
8. A blue shirt was worn by him.
9. May you be blessed with happiness!
10. A house is being built by them.
11. The job has been finished by me.
12. The report was sent yesterday.
13. A diamond necklace was bought by her.
14. My purse had been stolen by somebody.

Rewrite the following sentences so that the verbs will be in the active voice.

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Active & Passive Voice – General English
Study Material

1. We are taught grammar by Ms Sullivan.

2. He was praised by the teacher.
3. The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen.
4. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
5. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work.
6. The building was damaged by the fire.
7. By whom were you taught French?
8. You will be given a ticket by the manager.
9. The streets were thronged with spectators.
10. We will be blamed by everyone.
11. The trees were blown down by the wind.
12. The thieves were caught by the police.
13. The letter was posted by Alice.
14. We were received by the hostess.
15. The snake was killed with a stick.
16. The minister was welcomed by the people.
17. He was found guilty of murder.
18. This house was built by John Mathews in 1991.

1. Ms Sullivan teaches us grammar.
2. The teacher praised him.
3. The firemen took the injured to the hospital.
4. An earthquake destroyed the town.
5. The boy’s work pleased the teacher.
6. The fire damaged the building.
7. Who taught you French?
8. The manager will give you a ticket.
9. Spectators thronged the streets.
10. Everyone will blame us.
11. The wind blew down the trees.
12. The police caught the thieves.
13. Alice posted the letter.
14. The hostess received us.
15. They/somebody killed the snake with a stick.
16. The people welcomed the minister.
17. They found him guilty of murder.
18. John Mathews built this house in 1991.

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Active & Passive Voice – General English
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