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GC1000 GS Modbus 04 PDF

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General GC1000 MarkII

Specifications Modbus Communication

GS 11B03G02-02E

1. GENERAL 2. Specifications
The Modbus protocol is used for DCS communication
with the GC1000 MarkII. 2.1 Communication Transmission Modes
This communication protocol was first established There are two modes for signal transmission between
for the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) made the master and slave; RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
by Gould, Inc., and is now used as a standard mode and ASCII mode.
communication protocol between different systems. GC1000 MarkII also supports Modbus/TCP.
In this specification we describe the Modbus
communication as it is used for the GC1000 MarkII. [Communication]
For specifics on Modbus, please refer to the MEDICON Kind Mode Support Type
document Modbus Protocol Reference Guide. Sirial ASCII Slave
communication RTU Slave
[Modbus Configuration] Ethernet Modbus/TCP Server
Modbus was started as a method to allow a master
device to control multiple slave devices. Each device
with a device number is connected to the master. [Serial communication]
Item ASCII mode RTU mode
Master Number of data bits 7 bits (ASCII) 8 bits (binary)
(DCS) Message starting
Colon “ : ” None
Message ending Carriage return/line
Modbus character feed “<cr><lf>”
Message length 2N+1 N
Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4 Time interval of 24 bit-time or
1 second or shorter
data shorter
LRC (logical CRC-16 (cyclic
Error detection
redundancy check) redundancy check)
Figure 1.1 Modbus configuration
The master can send a query (i.e. poll) or command to
a slave on a regular basis or when required. In either [Ethernet]
case, the master starts signal transmission and the Item TCP Mode
slave responds. Protocol Modbus/TCP
No. of Session 2 (Max.)
Master Slave Port No. 502
Device number Device number
Command message
Function Function
Response message 2.2 Message Configuration
Data Data A message consists of four fields: device number,
Error check Error check function, data and error check. It is always sent in this

Device number
Figure 1.2 Master-slave command and response cycle
A message transmitted between devices contains the Data
device number, function, data, and error check code. Error check
The function is encoded and depends on the message
characteristics and data type.
In ASCII mode, a colon “:” is the starting character
The error check code checks the validity of the entire and carriage return/line feed “<cr><lf>” is the ending
message. message string. The portion between the starting
character and ending string is the message body.
The communication message is entirely ASCII codes,
i.e. the message excluding the starting character
and ending string consists of “0” to “9” and “A” to “F”
representing hexadecimal numbers.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright Oct. 2002 (YG)
Tel.: 81-422-52-5617 Fax.: 81-422-52-6792 4th Edition Jun. 2010 (YK)
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 
In RTU mode, the message consists of binary codes 2.3 Slave Response
and can be transmitted faster than in ASCII mode. When the slave receives a command from the master,
Signal intervals of more than 24 bit-time in the it performs an error check of the command then sends
transmission line, identify the start of a new message. back a normal response if the command message is
In this system, the time-out is 10 ms regardless of the normal, or an error response if the command message
transmission speed. is foulty.
In TCP mode, the foregoing message is displayed at an
unique header (6 bite) of Modbus/TCP (Device No. is (1) Normal response
ignored). For the single coil status change, single holding registe
write, and loop back function, the same message as
(1) Device number the command message is sent back. For the multiple
The device number is user pre-assigned for each coil status change and the multiple holding register
slave and ranges from 1 to 240. This number is the write, the parts of the message (the device number,
same as the Analyzer ID. The master performs signal the start number and the number of the coils/the
transmission to each slave simultaneously. holding registers) are sent back as the response
Each slave checks the device number in the message message. For the read function, the device number and
to determine whether the received message is function added with the read data are sent back as the
directed to the slave itself and if so, returns a response response message. If an address to which data is not
message. allocated is read, an error is not generated but zero (0)
is responded as the read data.
(2) Functions
The master specifies the function to be executed by (2) Error response
the slave. The GC1000 MarkII supports the following If the command message is faulty, the slave does
functions in the Modbus protocol. not execute the command but sends back an error
Function No. Function Description The master can check whether the command is
01 Coil status read Reads the ON/OFF status of a accepted successfully by checking the function in the
series of coils. response message. If an error is identified, the details
02 Input relay status Reads the ON/OFF status of a can be checked from the error code.
read. series of input relays.
Device number
03 Holding register Reads the current value of a
content read. series of holding registers. Error function (command function + 128)
04 Input register Reads the current value of a Error code
content read. series of input registers. Error check
05 Single coil status Forcibly changes the status of
change a coil.
06 Single holding Writes a value to a holding code
register write register.
01 Function code error (non-existent function)
08 Loop back test Sends back the same message
as the command message. 02 Address error of coil, input relay, or register (more than
03 Number error of coils, input relays, or registers (registers:
(3) Data more than 125, coils/input relays:more than 2000)
There are two types of data “coil/relay” in bits and 04 An unrecoverable error occurred on the slave while the
“register” as 16-bit data. The coil uses two values (ON/ command message was being executed.
OFF or 0/1), while the register ranges from 0 to 65535. 11 Set data error (out of range)
Up to 8000 coils/relays or registers can be accessed
and 1 to 8000 addresses are assigned. However the
maximum number of addresses which can be read at a (3) No response
time is limited as follows: In the following cases, the slave ignores the command
message and does not send back a response (no
Modbus name Address Max. read
Application response).
Device Device number Analyzer number 1. When a transmission error (overrun, framing
Contact R/W Coil 0XXXX 800 Command error, parity error or CRC error) is detected in the
R Input relay 1XXXX 2000 Status command message
Data R/W Holding resister 4XXXX 100 Set value 2. When the device number in the command
R Input resister 3XXXX 125 Measured value
message does not match the slave number
assigned to the slave
xxxx: 0001 to 8000 Note: The master should set a timer to watch the
response from the slave, and re-send the same
(4) Error check command or the message to the slave when the
All messages are followed by an error check code to slave does not respond within the time set by
detect a Signal transmission error (i.e. bit changes). the timer. We recommend 3 to 5 seconds for the
In ASCII mode, an error check code according to timer.
LRC(logical redundancy check) is used. In RTU mode,
an error check code according to CRC-16 (cyclic
redundancy check) is used.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E Jun. 09, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 
3. Communication Specifications [Ethernet]

[Serial comm.] Field Panel/office

For Modbus communication, the DCS communication Bch
port of the GC1000 MarkII is used. [Single]
The GC1000 MarkII has one DCS communication port. HUB DCS
Communication standard: GC1000
RS-422 MarkII
Power off signal HUB
(Ethernet) DCS
Start-stop synchronization:
Start bit 1, data bit 7/8, parity bit 1, stop bit 1
Communication speed:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
(selectable) HUB HUB DCS
Error detection: Odd number parity, even number GC1000
MarkII Power off signal
parity, none(selectable)
(Ethernet) HUB HUB DCS
Transmission mode: ASCII mode/RTU mode
Power off signal
[Ethernet] F0402.ai

LAN specification
Figure 4.2 GC1000 MarkII (Ethernet)
Standard: IEEE802.3 compliance
Phsical Layer: 100Base-TX or 100Base-FX Single: It is connected by A channel only.
No. of physical port: 2 ports (Max.) Twin: Both A channel and B channel are
Max. length: 100 m (100Base-TX) connected independently. The connection
2 km (100Base-FX) is built up by each session. The
destination uses a physical IP address.
4. System Configuration
5. Communication Data
[Serial comm.]
For the communication port, an RS-422 standard serial 5.1 Coil (command contact)
port is used. The signal can be converted to RS-232C (1) Run command
using an external communication converter (K9404LA). Commands the start of continuous analysis to the
This communication converter has a protection feature GC1000 MarkII.
that automatically disconnects communication if the (2) Stop command
explosion protection feature of the GC1000 MarkII is Commands the stop of continuous analysis to the
compromised. GC1000 MarkII.
Field Panel/office (3) Time setting request
Requests the GC1000 MarkII to set the device clock to
values in addresses 40001-40004. Before this request
Communication converter is carried out, the time setting should be done.
GC1000 RS-422 * RS-232C
DCS (4) Stream sequence command
MarkII Execute a selected stream sequence on GC1000
MarkII. This command is not accepted when the status
Power off signal
is on Calibration/Validation including the status waiting
for this change or on stream(1 cycle) including the
* : Dedicated communication line (RS-422) status waiting for this change.
3 pairs of 0.75 mm2 twisted pair
Cable outside diameter: 10 to 15.9 mm
(5) Calibration/Validation command
Max. length: up to 1 km Execute a selected calibration or validation stream on
Flameproof packing cable must be constructed on GC1000 MarkII. The correspondence of the calibration
the analyzer side. or validation number and the address is as follows.
Refer to "GC1000 MarkII Installation Manual (TI Cal.stream 1-3: 1-3, Val. Stream 1-3: 4-6. This
11B03A03-13E)." command is not accepted when the status is on
Note: Parts, cables, and construction materials must be
stream(1 cycle) including the status waiting for this
prepared by the customer.
Figure 4.1 GC1000 MarkII (Serial comm.) change or calibration method is automatic or manual.
(6) Stream(continuous) command
Execute a selected measurement stream continuously
on GC1000 MarkII. This command is not accepted
when the status is on stream(1 cycle) including the
status waiting for this change.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E Jun. 09, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 
5.2 Input Relay (status contact) 5.3 Holding Register (set data)
(1) Analyzer normal (1) Time setting value
The GC1000 MarkII is normal. A 1 is displayed if there This is a set of four registers used by the DCS to set
is no active level 1 (critical failure) or level 2 (minor the device clock. When the time setting request coil
failure) alarm. (address 00003 for GC1000 MarkII is activated, these
entries are used for the year, month/day, hour, and
(2) Analyzer error minute/second.
The GC1000 MarkII is faulty. A 1 is displayed if there is
at least one active level 1 (critical failure) alarm. Example : September 25, 1996, 15:23:10
(3) Analyzer status change
Year 1996 (or hexadecimal 07CC)
A 1 is displayed when a new alarm occurs on the
GC1000 MarkII or GCIU. After this status is read
and when at least one alarm status is read, this bit is Month Day 2329* (or hexadecimal 0919)
automatically reset to 0.
Hour 15 ( or hexadecimal 000F)
(4) Measuring (run mode)
The GC1000 MarkII is analyzing. A 1 is displayed when
it is in RUN mode. Otherwise, 0 is displayed. Minute Second 5898* (or hexadecimal 170A)
(5) Stop (ready mode)
The GC1000 MarkII is not analyzing. A 1 is displayed *: month/day value = month x 256 + day,
when it is in READY mode. Otherwise, 0 is displayed. minute/second value = mintue x 256 + second
(2) Range change
(6) Maintenance (other modes) This address allows to change the range which is
If the GC1000 MarkII is in MANUAL, LAB, or PAUSE shown by the specified stream and peak number via
mode, a 1 is displayed. Otherwise, 0 is displayed. Modbus. An integer entry is required. This feature
(7) Data update allows for the selection of a change of analysis to a
New analysis data is now available from the GC1000 particular stream in a multi-stream application.
MarkII. Data update is automatically reset to 0 once (3) Analysis value
data update is read and at least one analysis value is These addresses display the same data as the analysis
read. value in the input register, however values cannot be
(8) Data valid written to these addresses. Only These addresses
Data is valid for a particular peak on the GC1000 support real number (floating point) form.
MarkII. For analysis peaks, the analysis value must be
between the upper and lower limits and the retention 5.4 Input Register (measured data)
time is at or below the upper limit. For operation
peaks, the data to be used for operation is valid. A 1 is (1) Stream number
displayed when data is valid. The currently active stream number on the GC1000
MarkII is displayed. In READY or MANUAL mode, the
(9) Alarm status stream number is 0. In LAB mode, the stream number
The alarm status of the GC1000 MarkII is displayed for is 32.
each alarm number. If an alarm occurs, 1 is displayed.
Otherwise, 0 is displayed. The alarm number is 1 to (2) Starting peak number
100 for level 1 alarms, 101 to 200 for level 2 alarms of The starting peak number assigned to each task on
the GC1000 MarkII. the GC1000 MarkII is displayed. The number is 0 if no
peak is assigned.
(10) Calibration factor update
The GC1000 MarkII has new calibration factors for a (3) Peak number
particular stream. The address is reset to 0 after the Peak number assigned to each stream on the GC1000
calibration factor update is read and when at least one MarkII is displayed. See the figure below.
calibration factor is read. Starting peak number = 1
Stream 1 Number of peaks = 4
(11) Executing the stream sequence Starting peak number = 5
The corresponding stream sequence on the GC1000 Stream 2 Number of peaks = 10
MarkII is being executed.
Starting peak number = 15
(12) Not Executing the status change command Stream 3 Number of peaks = 10
A 1 is displayed if the corresponding status change Starting peak number = 25
command which is stream(continuous) command,
calibration/validation command or stream sequence
command is not accepted. The coil is reset when this
command is accepted next time.

Figure 5.1 Example of peak allocation

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E Jun. 09, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 
(4) Sampling time
This register contains the latest sampling time for each
stream on the GC1000 MarkII. Hour and minute are

Example: 15:23
Hour Minute 3863* (or hexadecimal 0F17)

* : hour/minute value = hour x 256 + minute

(5) Analysis value
This register contains each analysis value. The value
is represented by a fraction to the full scale or by a real
number (floating point format). The full scale is set in
advance for each analysis value and the scaling factor
is user selectable as either 9999 or 65535. The real
number format conforms to the IEEE standard and
requires two registers per peak.
The fraction format is calculated as follows:
(Analysis value x Scaling factor)/Full scale value.
For example, if the analysis result is 5 ppm and the
range is 0-20 ppm
The value read using a scaling factor of 9999 is (5 x
9999) / 20 = 2499
× 9999 = 2499

For the real number format, units (such as %, ppm,

etc.) are considered. For example, the real number
value converted from 1.5 is directly transmitted as 1.5
%. The GC1000 MarkII updates analysis values at the
end of each cycle.
(6) Retention time
This register contains the retention time for each peak
of the GC1000 MarkII. The unit is in seconds.
(7) Calibration factor
This register contains the calibration factor for each
peak of the GC1000 MarkII. Since the factors are in
the range of 0.000 to 9.999, each value is multiplied by
1000 and displayed as integers (i.e. 0000 to 9999).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E Jun. 09, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 
7. Adress Table
Name Address Description
Coil Run command 00001 Received the message by the master, the slave reset.
Stop command 00002 Same as above
Time setting request 00003 Same as above
Stream sequence command 0001P Same as above, P: stream sequence number(1 to4)
Calibration/Validation command 0002M Same as above, M: 1 to 3(Cal.1 to 3), 4 to 6(Val.1 to 3)
Stream(continuous) command 001TT TT: Stream number(01 to 31)
Input Analyzer normal 10001
relay Analyzer error 10002
Analyzer status change 10003 Reset when the alarm status is read after alarm status change is read.
Measuring 10004
Stop 10005
Maintenance 10006
Analyzer server normal 10008
Analyzer server error 10009
Executing the Steam seguence 1001P P: Stream sequence number(1 to 4)
Not executing Stream 10021
(continuous) command
Not executing calibration/ 10022
validation command
Not executing Stream sequence 10023
Executing Calibration/Validation 1003M M: 1 to 3(Cal.1 to 3), 4 to 6(Val.1 to 3)
Data update 101TT Reset when the analysis value is read after data update is read. (TT:
Stream Number)
Calibration factor update 102TT Reset when the calibration factor is read after calibration factor update is
read. (TT: Stream Number)
Data valid 11CCC CCC: Peak number
Alarm status 12AAA AAA: Alarm number (001-200)
Concentration error 13CCC CCC: Peak number
Retention time out 14CCC CCC: Peak number
Invalid coefficient of variation 15CCC CCC: Peak number
Invalid tailing coefficient 16CCC CCC: Peak number
Holding Time setting request 40001- 40004 Year (40001), month/day (40002), hour (40003), minute/second (40004)
register Analysis value 41DDD Read only (Write disabled)
DDD(real format) = CCC*2-1(CCC: Peak number)
Change stream sequence settings 43PTT P: Stream sequence number(1 to 4), TT: Action stream number(1 to 31)
Range change 4NNQQ NN: Stream number + 40, QQ: Peak number
Input Stream number 30001
register Starting peak number 301TT TT: Stream Number
Peak number 302TT TT: Stream Number
Sampling time 303TT TT: Stream Number
Analysis value 31CCC/-31DDD DDD(real format): CCC*2-1(CCC: Peak number)
Retention time 32CCC CCC: Peak Number
Calibration factor 33CCC CCC: Peak Number
Current stream sequence settings 35PTT P: Stream sequence number(1 to 4), TT: Action stream number(1 to 31)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11B03G02-02E Jun. 09, 2011-00
Subject to change without notice.

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