Berlitz Blended Learning Level 1 Instructor Manual
Berlitz Blended Learning Level 1 Instructor Manual
Berlitz Blended Learning Level 1 Instructor Manual
Introducing yourself and saying where you are from 2 Saying where places are 22
1 7
Introducing others 2 Asking for directions 22
2 8
Talking about meals 6
Describing people 26
Telling time 8
Talking about yourself and others 28
Ordering a meal 8
3 9
Describing your office 10 Talking about past work experience 30
Calling a business for information 12 Talking about your company and your job 32
4 10
Asking about sizes 14 Making plans to go out 34
5 11
Talking about travel plans 18
Explaining what’s wrong / Showing concern 38
Talking about seasons and weather 20
Asking for and giving advice 40
Making travel plans / Offering suggestions 20
1 UNIT A Nice to meet you!
Learning objectives Introducing yourself and saying where you are from Introducing others
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Introducing yourself and saying where you are from 4. Practice introducing the characters as your friends, co-workers,
Grammar: to be (am, is, are), possesive adjectives 1. Tell the student they will now practice introducing themselves bosses and family members using:
Vocabulary: hello, name, from, introduce, hometown to their contact. Have them read Role Card 1. This is ... / I’d like you to meet ...
Expressions: nice to meet you (too), this is, I’d like you to meet
2. First enactment: Introduce yourself as the student’s contact . 4 Task 2 - Introducing others
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
1. Tell the student they will practice introductions in this lesson. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 2. First enactment: The student introduces themselves and their
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: register, intonation and pronunciation. friend to you. Introduce one of your friends to them.
Introducing myself to a new client
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
3. Ask the following questions: same activity again. Otherwise, introduce yourself as someone self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
What’s your first name? What’s your last name? else. register, intonation and pronunciation.
What city are you from? What nationality are you?
5. Extension: use the profiles on Pre-task 2 and take turns 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
4. After each answer, ask: “How do spell that?” Then, have them introducing yourselves as those characters. same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice introducing
write their answers in the left column. 1. not one but several people to you.
Confirm achievement of the first goal
5. Have them ask you the same questions and write your answers in Confirm achievement of the second goal
the right column. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
6. Ask the student to tell you their and your information again. Introducing my boss
7. Tell the student the dialogue next to the picture is in the wrong Ask the student questions about the people in Pre-task 2:
order. Point to the last line and say: “This is the first line.” Then What’s her name? Where is he from? What nationality is he?
ask: “What’s the second line?”
Ask Yes/No/Or/Key questions to practice the verb to be:
8. Read the dialogue together twice (switching roles). Read it again, Is he Japanese? Is he from England or Canada?
this time using the student’s and your information. Is her name Sarah? What country is he from?
1 BerlitzEnglish Level 1
1 UNIT A Nice to meet you!
Introducing others
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 2
1 UNIT B Nice to meet you!
Learning objectives Giving information about ourselves and others Leaving a message
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Giving information about ourselves and others 4. Read the following text and have the student write down the
Grammar: subject pronouns and possesive adjectives 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and write the name of the key information (not sentences):
Vocabulary: nationality, business card, address, phone number person they’d like to talk about (as stated in the goal). My friend’s name is Elizabeth Powell. She is from New
Expressions: how do you spell that?, this is (my name) Zealand. Her phone number is 98-3401-3020. Her e-mail
2. First enactment: The student gives you their information as address is Her home address is 34
1 Pre-task 1 - Review well as their contact’s. Second Street, Wellington. Postal code: 6004.
1. Tell the student they will now practice giving personal informa-
tion, such as their nationality. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 5. Have the student tell you the information (in full sentences).
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: register, intonation and pronunciation. 6. Expansion: dictate another similar text.
Giving information about myself and my friend
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4 Task 2 - Leaving a message
3. Refer to Pre-Task 2 in Unit A and ask: same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you about two 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and write the name of the
What country is Kenji from? So, what nationality is he? other people. person they’d like to leave a message for (as stated in the goal).
What nationality is James? How about Kelly?
Confirm achievement of the first goal 2. First enactment: Tell the student they will listen to that person’s
4. Go back to Pre-Task 1 in Unit B and ask the same questions about voice mail. Tell them to say hello, their name, phone number,
the people on the list. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review e-mail address and goodbye. Read the text, make a beep sound
1. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: and prompt the student to leave their message.
Notes: Leaving a message for my overseas co-worker
— Have the student tell you each person’s country 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
and nationality aloud before matching 2. Have the student look at the first business card and ask them self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
— Ask the student to spell some of the names, the following questions: register, intonation and pronunciation.
countries and nationalities. Whose business card is this?
— Challenge 1: have the student both ask and answer What’s her phone number? What’s her e-mail address? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
the questions. What’s her company’s address? same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice leaving a
— Challenge 2: cover the list of nationalities. different message.
— Shada is a woman’s name while Kasem is a man’s name. 3. Ask the same questions using the second business card.
Confirm achievement of the second goal
Andreas — Germany Argentinian
Giving information
about ourselves
Luis — Portugal Dutch
Emma Harris
Sales Department
and others Marie — Switzerland Spanish
Square Ltd.
Paula — Argentina Thai 899 Madison Ave.
Leaving a message
phone 98-9610-6489 Charlotte, NC
e-mail 10921
Jan — Netherlands French
2 Task 1 - Giving information about ourselves and others 4 Task 2 - Leaving a message
— First and last names (and the spelling) “Hello, this is _______________. Please leave a
— Hometowns and nationalities (and the spelling) message and I’ll call you back. Thank you.”
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 4
2 UNIT A I’d like the steak, please.
Learning objectives Talking about food and drinks / Offering something to eat and drink Talking about meals
UNIT OVERVIEW 6. For the rest of the drinks, ask mixed questions: 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
Grammar: indefinite articles; would like, to like, to eat and to drink Which of these drinks would you like to drink now? 1. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Vocabulary: meal, various food items What kind of soda/juice/beer would you like? Describing my favorite meals
Expressions: yes, please; no, thank you; you’re welcome What would you like to drink tonight? For breakfast
tomorrow? For lunch? 2. Brainstorm typical American food (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will practice talking about food in this lesson. 7. Dictate the following food items. Have the student write each 3. Dictate (or write on the board) the following words and have
word under the correct heading and make a sentence with it: the student fill in the blanks.
2. Ask a few warm-up questions to help you customize the goal: “I’d like a/an/some ...” beer breakfast dinner eat hamburger
Do people visit you in your office or house? Who? banana, chicken, salad, apple, orange, cake, cookie, apple juice potatoes like milk soda
Do you offer them something to drink? Something to eat? juice, egg, sandwich, onion, olive, bread, steak, pizza
4. Ask the student to tell you what people eat and drink for each of
3. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 2 Task 1 - Talking about food and drinks / Offering something the three meals in their country.
Offering a client something to drink in my office to eat and drink
1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks. 4 Task 2 - Talking about meals
4. Point to the picture of coffee and practice this skit a few times: 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Pretend you are at my house/office. 2. First enactment: You are the student’s guest.
I: Would you like some coffee? 2. First enactment: The student tells you what they (personally)
S: Yes, please. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage like to eat and drink for each meal.
I: What kind of coffee would you like? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
S: I’d like (a cafe latte, cappuccino, regular black). register, intonation and pronunciation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
I: Would you like cream and sugar? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
S: No, thank you. / Sugar only, please. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the register, intonation and pronunciation.
I: Ok, here you go. same activity again. Otherwise, have them offer you different
S: Thank you. drinks and food. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
I: You’re welcome. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
favorite meals.
Confirm achievement of the first goal
5. Practice a similar skit with tea.
Confirm achievement of the second goal
a an some
Talking about meals
In America, many people ___________ to eat eggs and
bacon for ______________, but some people like cereal
with ____________. They drink coffee or __________.
2 Task 1 - Talking about food and drinks / Offering something to eat and drink 4 Task 2 - Talking about meals
Role Card 1 _______________________ is visiting you in your Role Card 2 Talk about what you like to eat
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 6
2 UNIT B I’d like the steak, please.
Learning objectives Telling time Ordering a meal
UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage I: Would you like some dessert?
Grammar: what time is it ...? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, S: Yes, please. I’ll have the (student’s choice).
Vocabulary: numbers (1-99), morning, afternoon, evening, night register, intonation and pronunciation. I: Anything else?
Expressions: I’d like the, anything else S: No, thank you.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the I: Ok, so that’s one ...
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you not only
1. Tell the student they will now talk about food and time. what time they eat but also what they eat for each meal. 5. Do the skit again but tell the student to choose different items
off the menu.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Confirm achievement of the first goal
Talking about what time I eat my meals 6. Extension: If it is relevant to the student, switch roles.
3 Pre-task 2 - Review
3. Point to the map and ask: “What time is it in Mexico City?” 1. Ask the student what their favorite restaurant is. 4 Task 2 - Ordering a meal
Encourage the student to say the full sentence: It’s eight o’clock in 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank with the
the morning in Mexico City. 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: name of their favorite restaurant.
Ordering a meal at The Red Lobster
4. Ask them for the time in the rest of the cities. 2. First enactment: The student orders a meal from that
Note: 3. Have the student read the menu for Mario’s Restaurant. Assist restaurant. If needed, have the student make a sample menu for
The map does not reflect actual time differences with pronunciation as needed. that restaurant.
between the cities. There is no need to explain this to
the student, however. 4. Tell them you are a waiter/waitress at Mario’s and practice the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
following skit: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
5. If the student struggled with this activity, have them tell you the I: Hello, welcome to Mario’s. What would you like to register, intonation and pronunciation.
time in each city again. Otherwise, move on to Task 1. drink?
S: (student’s choice), please. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
2 Task 1 - Telling time I: Would you like an appetizer? same activity again. Otherwise, have them order a different meal
1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. S: Yes, please. I’d like the (student’s choice). (perhaps breakfast) or have them be the server.
I: Certainly. And what would you like to eat?
2. First enactment: The student answers the questions. S: I’d like the (student’s choice), please. Confirm achievement of the second goal
(or: I’ll have the ...)
Ordering a meal
Tokyo Bruschetta ENTREES
11:45 pm Calamari Lasagna
Gnocchi Spaghetti
Mexico City Garden Salad Fettuccine Alfredo
8:30 am
Ceasar Salad Steak Toscano
Chicken Ravioli
New Delhi Seafood Brodetto
Sao Paulo 10:03 pm
2:05 pm PIZZAS
9:15 pm Sydney Margherita DESSERT
11:48 am
Romana Tiramisu
3:00 am Capricciosa Torta di riso
Buenos Aires
6:20 pm Napoletana Affogato
Role Card 1 Talk about your meal times. What time do you eat breakfast, Role Card 2 Order a meal at
lunch and dinner? _____________________.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 8
3 UNIT A What do you do?
Learning objectives Saying where you work Describing your office
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Saying where you work 3. Ask questions about the illustration:
Grammar: simple present; prepositions of location: next to, behind, 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. Tell them you will be doing Is there a desk in this office? How many desks are there?
on in; there is/are a role-play. What is on the desk? What’s in the drawer?
Vocabulary: various jobs and types of companies; office supplies
2. First enactment: Have a conversation with the student about 4. Ask questions about the location of each item:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review their job and their company and your job. Be sure to ask them Where is the magazine? Where are the pencils?
1. Tell the student they will talk about their job in this lesson. (and have them ask you) the four questions from Pre-Task 1. Where is this pencil? Where are the sunglasses?
Is the coffee on the cup or in the cup?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage What’s under the book? What’s next to the cup?
Talking about my company and my job self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
register, intonation and pronunciation. 5. Have the student describe the office again.
3. Point to Michael’s profile and ask these four questions:
Where does Michael work? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4 Task 2 - Describing your office
What kind of company is it? same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you about their 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Where is his company (located)? job, your job and someone else’s (e.g. their spouse).
What does he do there? 2. First enactment: Have the student draw a diagram of their
Confirm achievement of the first goal office, including furniture, office supplies and office equipment.
4. Have the student tell you about Michael again, but this time Then, have them describe it to you.
without the questions:
Mike works at/for Boston Medical Center. It’s a hospital in 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Boston. He is a doctor there. 1. Point to the illustration and tell the student they will practice self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
describing their office at work. Set a customized goal for the register, intonation and pronunciation.
5. Repeat points 3-4 using the other characters. Alternatively, you second objective. For example:
could switch between asking and answering the questions or just Saying what’s in my office 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
have the student make both questions and answers. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
2. Dictate (or write on the board) the following words: office/the teachers’ room and they have to draw it.
6. Ask Yes/No/Or/Key questions about the characters to practice on in under next to behind
the simple present tense. Confirm achievement of the second goal
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 10
3 UNIT B What do you do?
Learning objectives Talking about what people do at work Calling a business for information
UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: The student says how often they do the 3. Practice the following skit a few times:
Grammar: simple present, adverbs of frequency activities in Pre-task 1. I: Hello, thank you for calling Step by Step Daycare. May I
Vocabulary: various verbs related to work, business hours; website help you?
Expressions: May I help you? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage S: Yes, please. What are your business hours?
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, I: We are open from Monday to Friday, from five o’clock
1 Pre-task 1 - Review register, intonation and pronunciation. in the morning to seven thirty in the evening.
1. Tell the student that in this lesson they will talk about what they S: Thank you. And what is your address?
do at work. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the I: We are at 12305 Summer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you about other S: And what‘s your Web site?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: things they do at work. I: It’s
Talking about what I do at work S: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Confirm achievement of the first goal
3. Dictate the following adverbs and have the student put them in 4. Now practice calling Ace Golf School.
the correct order in the chart:
sometimes rarely always usually never 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 4 Task 2 - Calling a business for information
1. Tell the student they will now practice calling a business (such 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
4. Have the student look at the list of people and ask: as a store) to ask for information. Ask:
How often does Jeff send e-mails in English? What kind of company would you like to call? 2. First enactment: The student calls a business of their choice.
5. Now have the student ask and answer the question again. 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Calling Macy’s Department Store for information self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
6. Tell the student to make the question and answer for each of the register, intonation and pronunciation.
remaining people. 3. Ask questions about the two businesses.
What‘s the name of this business? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
7. Have the student ask you three questions using How often...? What are their business hours? same activity again. Otherwise, have them call a different
What’s their address? What’s their website? business.
2 Task 1 - Talking about what people do at work
1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. Confirm achievement of the second goal
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 12
4 UNIT A How much is it?
Learning objectives Talking about colors and clothes Asking about sizes
UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage I: How about this one?
Grammar: present progressive, demonstrative pronouns self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, S: I like it. Can I try it on?
Vocabulary: various clothing items, sizes: small, medium, large register, intonation and pronunciation. I: Of course. The fitting rooms are right over there.
Expressions: Can I try it on? S: Thank you!
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you the 5. Practice with other clothing items.
1. Tell the student they will practice talking about their clothes and questions, take notes and then report back what they heard.
shopping in this lesson. 4 Task 2 - Asking about sizes
Confirm achievement of the first goal 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks with the
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: store and the item(s) they would like to buy.
Talking about my clothes 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
1. Tell the student they are going shopping for (what they told 2. First enactment: Do a role-play that is similar to the skit in
3. Ask questions about what the two people are wearing. you they would like to buy in Task 1). Ask them what store Pre-task 2.
Is he wearing a shirt? What color is it? they would like to buy that in.
What color pants is he wearing? What is she wearing? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
4. Have the student tell you what they are wearing again (without Shopping for new shoes at Foot Locker register, intonation and pronunciation.
the questions).
3. For each of the people in the picture, ask: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
5. Extension: Use the IB or the picture in Pre-task 2 for additional What is he/she wearing? What color is it/are they? same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice shopping for
practice. What size ______ is he/she wearing? another item/other items.
2 Task 1 - Talking about colors and clothes 4. Practice the following skit a few times: Confirm achievement of the second goal
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. I: Hello, welcome to ABC Store. May I help you?
S: Yes, I’m looking for a blouse/shirt?
2. First enactment: The student answers the questions. The I: What color ____ are you looking for?
answer to the last question will help you customize the goal for S: I’m looking for a black one.
the second objective. I: In what size?
S: Medium, please.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 14
4 UNIT B How much is it?
Learning objectives Asking about a price Making a purchase / Ordering over the phone
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Asking about a price — Thank you for calling Freemans. May I take your order?
Grammar: how much 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank with the — Yes, hello. I’d like item number 7397-3C46 in black.
Vocabulary: dollar, euro, pound, yen; price name of their favorite stores. — The leather jacket. What size?
Expressions: how does it fit?; it’s a good fit; do you accept ...? — Large, please. How much is it, again?
2. First enactment: Before starting the role-play, have the student — It’s $320. We offer free shipping.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review tell you what three items they would like to buy and in what — That’s great, thank you.
1. Tell the student they will practice asking about prices and making currency. — Your name?
a purchase. Ask the student what their favorite store is. — Jacob Norton.
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage — And your address, Mr. Norton?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, — It’s 3297 Orange Street, Lakewood, Colorado 80232.
Asking about prices at Banana Republic register, intonation and pronunciation. — OK. And your credit card number?
— 6329-8021-2401-7369. Expiration date 11/18.
3. Ask what each item is and how much they are. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the — Thank you for your order. Have a nice day.
FYI: $ = dollars and cents; € = euros and cents —although same role-play again. Otherwise, ask them to choose three — Thank you.
euro and cent are also used; £ = pounds and pence; ¥ = yen different items and/or a different currency.
4 Task 2 - Making a purchase / Ordering over the phone
4. Practice the following (or a similar) skit: Confirm achievement of the first goal 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
You are shopping in a store in the US...
I: Hello, may I help you? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 2. First enactment: The student orders an item.
S: Yes, how much is this shirt? 1. Tell the student they are going to practice buying clothes over
I: It’s $60. Would you like to try it on? the phone. Ask them what they would like to buy and from 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
S: Yes, please. what store. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
I: Please follow me to the fitting rooms. register, intonation and pronunciation.
A few minutes later ... 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
I: So, how does it fit? Ordering a sweater from Hollister 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
S: It’s a good fit. I’ll take it. Do you accept credit cards? same role-play again. Otherwise, have them practice ordering a
I: Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard. 3. Tell the student they will listen to a customer calling a store to different item.
order something. Have them look at the dialogue and fill in the
5. Practice shopping for some of the other items. blanks with the words they hear. Read the following dialogue: Confirm achievement of the second goal
Asking about a price $60 — Yes, hello. I’d like item number ___________ in ____________.
23 — The leather ____________________. What size?
Making a purchase / 45
— ____________________, please. How much is it, again?
Ordering over the phone
— It’s ____________________. And we offer free shipping.
— ____________________ Norton.
145 — And your address, Mr. Norton?
____________________ 80232.
2 Task 1 - Asking about a price 4 Task 2 - Making a purchase / Ordering over the phone
Role Card 1 You are shopping at _________________ and Role Card 2 Call _____________________ and
you’d like to buy three items. Ask about their prices. order _____________________ .
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 16
5 UNIT A Have a nice trip!
Learning objectives Talking about the calendar Talking about travel plans
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about the calendar 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Grammar: present progressive (future), prepositions of time 1. Tell the student they will now talk about holidays around the Describing my trip to Hawaii next month
Vocabulary: months, days, holidays, birthday, travel world. Ask the following question to introduce the activity:
Expressions: Have a nice trip! When is Labor Day in Argentina? 3. Have the student look at the conversation in point 3 and fill in the
blanks. If needed, write the following words on the board:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 2. First enactment: on when back with
1. Tell the student they will practice talking about the calendar. a. Have the student tell you about the holidays on the list. are by the to
Write holidays on the board and elicit two or three holidays. b. Ask them to tell you about 2-3 holidays in their country.
c. Ask them what their favorite holiday is and why. 4. Read the dialogue together, switching roles.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: d. Ask them when their birthday is. Ask them when their best
Talking about my favorite holiday: Christmas! friend’s or spouse’s birthday is. 4 Task 2 - Talking about travel plans
e. QFS: Have him ask you about your birthday and some 1. Have the student look at the box about Tahiti. Tell them to
3. Ask questions about the days of the week: holidays in your country. pretend this is their trip and ask them questions about it:
How many days are there in a week? Where are you going?
What’s the first day? The second? The last? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage When are you leaving? Coming back?
What’s your favorite? Why? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, How are you getting there? Who are you going with?
Tell me the days of the week. register, intonation and pronunciation. Where are you staying? What are you doing there?
4. Have the student write the days of the week in the first table. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 2. First enactment: Have them tell you about their real trip.
same activity again. Otherwise, encourage them to give you
5. Ask similar questions about the months and then have them write more details about their favorite holiday. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
the months in the second table. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Confirm achievement of the first goal register, intonation and pronunciation.
6. Write today’s date on the board in numbers, for example: 1/31.
Ask: What’s the date today? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
1. Ask a few warm-up questions to introduce the topic: same activity again. Otherwise, encourage them to give you
7. Have the student tell you the dates in the third table. Note: US Do you like to travel? Why? How often do you travel? more details about their trip.
format is used here, so 6/12 = June 12th. Do you have any travel plans soon? Where are you going?
Where would you like to visit?
Confirm achievement of the second goal
Talking about
the calendar Mike: Yes, I’m going _______ vacation _______
Talking about Lisa: Great. _______ are you going?
travel plans
Mike: We’re leaving _______ August 2nd and coming
2 Task 1 - Talking about the calendar 4 Task 2 - Talking about travel plans
Christmas Day
12 / 25 United Kingdom
my wife / husband
Children’s Day 5/5 Japan
Tahiti Paradise Hotel
Halloween 10 / 31 United States
surfing and swimming
My birthday
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 18
5 UNIT B Have a nice trip!
Learning objectives Talking about seasons and weather Making travel plans / Offering suggestions
UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you about the weather What do you want to do there?
Grammar: would like, want (and average temperature) in each season in their hometown. Do you want to drive there or take public transportation?
Vocabulary: seasons, weather conditions, temperature: degrees, Also, ask them when each season starts and ends. What would you like to buy there?
Celsius, Fahrenheit
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 4 Task 2 - Making travel plans / Offering suggestions
1 Pre-task 1 - Review self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
1. Tell the student they will talk about the seasons and the weather register, intonation and pronunciation.
in this chapter. Ask them where they are from. 2. Dictate or write on the board:
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the where?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about the what season?
Describing the weather in my hometown weather in your hometown, take notes and then report back. when?
3. On the board, write: Confirm achievement of the first goal who with?
hot warm mild cool cold what (do)?
how (travel)?
4. Have the student look at the first box and ask: 3 Pre-task 2 - Review how (weather)?
What’s the weather like in Costa Rica in the summer? 1. Ask the student where they would like to travel in the future.
What’s the (average) temperature? 3. First enactment: Have them tell you about the trip.
So it’s ...? (point to the board) 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Talking about a place I’d like to travel to: Brazil! 4. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
5. Do the same with the rest of the countries/cities. Make sure the self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
student understands the difference between It’s rainy/snowy and 3. Have the student read the three travel advertisements and ask: register, intonation and pronunciation.
It’s raining/snowing. What do you think the weather is like in each place?
Do you know where Galapagos Islands and Whistler are? 5. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
6. Ask the student about the weather and temperature now. (Ecuador and Canada, respectively) same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about a place
Which of these places would you like to visit? Why? you would like to go to, take notes and then report back.
2 Task 1 - Talking about seasons and weather What season would you like to go there in?
1. Tell the student they will now talk about the weather in their Who would you like to go with?
Confirm achievement of the second goal
hometown. Have them read Role Card 1. How long do you want to stay there?
Only $650!
Making travel plans /
Offering suggestions
spring 18ºC 27ºC KYOTO, JAPAN
64ºF 81ºF
Explore ancient Japan!
Spring & Summer Tours
* Starting at $800
winter - 5ºC autumn 10ºC
23ºF 50ºF
#1 Mountain Resort in North America
Save up to 40% on stay and ski packages this winter!
today - 2ºC right now 26ºC
Kids stay and ski for free.
28ºF 79ºF
2 Task 1 - Talking about seasons and weather 4 Task 2 - Making travel plans / Offering suggestions
Role Card 1 Talk about the weather in your hometown. How’s the weather Role Card 2 Talk about a trip you would like
in each season? What’s your favorite season and why? to take in the future.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 20
7 UNIT A How do I get there?
Learning objectives Saying where places are Asking for directions
UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 4. Switch roles and practice asking for directions to other locations.
Grammar: prepositions of location; there is, there are self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, Avoid giving complex directions such as go straight, turn, etc.
Vocabulary: street, avenue; bank, supermarket, etc; left, right register, intonation and pronunciation.
Expressions: do you know where ... is? 4 Task 2 - Asking for directions
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks with the
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your person they’re calling and the place the are going to.
1. Tell the student they will talk about their neighborhood in this neighborhood, take notes and then report back.
lesson. Ask them where they live. 2. First enactment: Student calls and asks you for directions.
Confirm achievement of the first goal
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Describing what is in my neighborhood self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
3 Pre-task 2 - Review register, intonation and pronunciation.
3. Ask mixed questions to practice there is/there are: 1. Tell the student they will now practice asking for directions.
How many parks are there in this town? Tell them to imagine they are going to a party (or a new 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Are there any restaurants? client’s office) and they need to call the host (or client) to ask same activity again. Otherwise, practice calling someone else
for directions. and/or asking for directions to another place.
4. Ask about the location of different buildings. Be sure to practice
the following prepositions/words: 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: Confirm achievement of the second goal
on (street) next to behind Calling my friend to ask for directions to her house
across from between at the corner of... and ...
blocks near far 3. Use the map to practice the following skit:
I’m here at the bank and I want to go to the pharmacy.
2 Task 1 - Saying where places are I: Excuse me, is there a pharmacy in this town?
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. S: Yes, there’s one on Second Avenue.
I: Can you tell me how to get there?
2. First enactment: Student describes their neighborhood. Have S: Do you know where the hospital is?
them draw a map if possible. I: Yes, I do.
S: It’s right next to it.
I: Thanks a lot.
1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objectives Third Ave Station
Welcome to
Post Victoria Park
Saying where places are Third Avenue F
F Central
I Bank
High School C
Asking for directions Public Library E
Museum Pharmacy
Second Avenue
Summer Street
Winter Street
Main Stree
Bookstore Jay’s
Spring Str Steakhouse
City Hotel
First Avenue
Rio Cafe
Gas Station
River Avenue
Role Card 1 Describe your neighborhood. What kinds of stores, restaurants Role Card 2 Call ____________ and ask for
and other businesses are there? Where are they located? directions to their __________.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 22
7 UNIT B How do I get there?
Learning objectives Giving directions Reading a map / Describing a route
UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student give you door-to-door 4 Task 2 - Reading a map / Describing a route
Grammar: the imperative; adverbs of time directions; this may include directions by train, bus and/or car. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: subway, traffic light, stop sign, boulevard, one-way
Expressions: make a left/right 4. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 2. First enactment: The student describes their route.
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
1 Pre-task 1 - Review register, intonation and pronunciation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
1. Tell the student they will now practice giving directions. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
5. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the register, intonation and pronunciation.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them give your directions
Giving directions to my office from their office/house to your LC. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you an alternate
3. Have the student give you directions to different places in the Confirm achievement of the first goal route to work.
city. Be sure to cover the following vocabulary:
go straight ahead turn left/right Confirm achievement of the second goal
go up/down make a turn 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
traffic light stop sign 1. Tell the student they will now practice describing their route
block(s) boulevard from their house to work.
roundabout one-way street
north/south east/west 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Describing my route to work
4. Now have them give you directions by train/subway. Be sure to
cover the following vocabulary: 3. Using the map, tell the student:
get on get off James lives on Hulk Street, next to Vitto’s Pizza. He works
transfer station at the Chang Space Museum. He drives to work. What is
line exit his route?
2 Task 1 - Giving directions 4. Now have the student tell you James’s route to work by train.
1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks.
1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objectives
le R
Vitto’s Movie Theatre Fire Station
Pizza Clinton Park General
Giving directions ve Second Ave Sta
n d Av
Elementary Embassy e
P a cific St
e e n School
Leg ay Line Legend Sta
rris Broadw
Grand Sta
e Broadway Sta
d Av
Logan A
H i lto n S t
nd A
Oak Sta St. Paul’s
Reading a map /
Prince Sta Cathedral
St Picasso
Bell Park Sta Central Ave
n Rd
Oak St
Describing a route
Fish Market
Queens Ave
Post Office Nicolas
Bank STOP Queens Sta Park
l Stadium
Bell Park
St Women’s National Public
ston Shell
Nicolas Boulevard
Clinic Library Nicolas Park Sta
Bell St Gas Station
Houston Sta
Rd Morrison Sta
St. George St er
McDonald’s City Hall R iv
Kent S
Clarke St
Riverview A
Tower Freshness STOP
Central Sta Oak
Anders Ave Riverside Sta
l Av
Riverside Cafe
Cherry Bridge
on B
River e Park
nS Ave
Stanley Park Sta
U pto Indepe
East Rive
Independence Sta
mpson Rd
Rive e dence Rd
Blossom t
en ss S Beverly
s Cro
t B3
King’ Space Park
E xi
Crown Rd
2 Task 1 - Giving directions 3 Task 2 - Reading a map / Describing a route
Role Card 1 Give ____________________ directions Role Card 2 Describe the route you take from your
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 24
8 UNIT A My husband’s name is Steve.
Learning objectives Talking about your family Describing people
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about your family 4 Task 2 - Describing people
Grammar: irregular plurals, have/has 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister,
extended family: in-laws, cousins, uncles and aunts 2. First enactment: The student describes their family. 2. First enactment: Have the student describe their extended
family and tell you something else about each member (e.g.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage their age, where they live).
1. Tell the student they will practice describing their family. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
register, intonation and pronunciation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Describing my family 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the register, intonation and pronunciation.
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
3. Relationships: Ask questions about the Benson family. Be sure to family, take notes and then report back. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
practice the following vocabulary: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
husband wife married Confirm achievement of the first goal family and draw your family tree.
mother father son
daughter brother sister 3 Pre-task 2 - Review Confirm achievement of the second goal
parents children child 1. Tell the student they will now describe their family tree.
grandmother grandfather grandson
granddaughter grandparents grandchildren 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Describing my family tree
4. Ages: Ask the student to tell you how old each member of the
Benson family (they think) is. Also, review the following words: 3. Review some of the vocabulary from the first objective
woman women man (mother, father) by asking questions about the Jackson family.
men boy girl
young middle-aged elderly 4. Ask additional questions the practice the following vocabulary:
adult kid(s) single aunt uncle
niece nephew cousin(s)
5. Have the student tell you all about the Benson family brother-in-law sister-in-law mother-in-law
(relationships and ages). son-in-law daugther-in-law parents-in-law
Lucas Paula Greg Irene
Kate Elizabeth Andrew Kirsten Jacob
Role Card 1 Describe your family. Role Card 2 Draw your family tree and talk about your extended family.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 26
8 UNIT B My husband’s name is Steve.
Learning objective Talking about yourself and others
UNIT OVERVIEW Tom Cruise — 5’7’’ (1.69 m) — average weight 9. Ask the student to tell you about the hair of some of the
Grammar: to be, to have Elton John — 5’8’’ (1.72 m) — slightly heavy celebritites above.
Vocabulary: height, weight/build, hair colors, hair styles, Johnny Depp — 5’9’’ (1.75 m) — thin
hair lengths, other facial features Michael Jackson — 5’10’’ (1.78 m) — thin 10. Use IB pages 19, 27, 44 and/or 56 to practice describing hair.
Bill Gates — 5’10’’ (1.78 m) — average weight
1 Pre-task - Review Nicole Kidman — 5’11’’ (1.79 m) — thin
1. Tell the student they will practice describing what their family George W. Bush — 6’0’’ (1.82 m) — average weight 2 Task - Talking about yourself and others
members look like. Barack Obama — 6’1’’ (1.85 m) — thin 1. Tell the student to read the Role Card.
Venus Williams — 6’1’’ (1.85 m) — average weight
2. Set a customized goal for the this objective. For example: Abraham Lincoln — 6’4’’ (1.93 m) — thin 2. First enactment: The student describes their family.
Describing what my family members look like Michael Jordan — 6’6’’ (1.98 m) — average weight
Shaquille O’Neal — 7’1’’ (2.16 m) — slightly heavy 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
3. Height and build: Use the illustrations to review the following Yao Ming — 7’6’’ (2.29 m) — thin self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
vocabulary: register, intonation and pronunciation.
How tall is ...? 6. Use IB pages 19, 27, 44 and/or 56 to practice describing height
tall average (-height) short and build. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
meters centimeters feet and inches same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
thin average (build) fat/heavy 7. Hair: Ask questions about the characters on the right side. family, take notes and then report back.
Practice the following vocabulary:
4. Have the student describe the characters and then write the hair color — red, black, blonde, brown, gray
Confirm achievement of the goal
sentences in the boxes. For example: hair style — straight, wavy, curly
Joshua is a short, heavy man. hair length — long, medium-/shoulder-length, short
facial hair — beard, mustache, goatee
5. Randomly, have the student describe some of the celebrities on other — glasses, long face, round face, Asian, white, black
this list (give them the actual heights, if needed). Also, have them
use very and slightly. 8. Have the student tell you about the characters’ hair and then
Danny DeVito — 5’0’’ (1.52 m) — very heavy write the sentences in the boxes. For example:
Ghandi — 5’4’’ (1.63 m) — very thin Linden has short, straight, black hair.
Napoleon Bonaparte — 5’6’’ (1.69 m) — slightly heavy
1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objective 1.90 m / 6’3”
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 28
9 UNIT A What can you do?
Learning objectives Talking about past activities 1 Talking about past work experience
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about past activities 1 4. QFS: Have the student ask you a few questions about Sophia‘s
Grammar: past tense of to be, past tense of regular verbs, 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. resume.
prepositions of time (from ... to..., ago, until, for, in)
Vocabulary: schedule, resume, background, experience, graduate 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you where he was all day 4 Task 2 - Talking about past work experience
yesterday, for how long and who he was with in each place. 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will talk about what they did yesterday. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you about their
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, employment and academic history.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: register, intonation and pronunciation.
Talking about my day yesterday 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
3. Tell the student to look at Robert’s schedule. Ask questions to same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your register, intonation and pronunciation.
practice was/were: day yesterday, take notes and then summarize.
Where was Robert at 8 am? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Who was he with? Confirm achievement of the first goal same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
How long were they there? own work and academic background.
Talking about past 10:00 team meeting experience 2010 - Present Sony America — Sales Director
work experience 11:00 › New York, NY
2006 - 2009 AT&T — Regional Manager
1:00 Greenhouse Inc. › San Francisco, CA
2 Task 1 - Talking about past activities 1 4 Task 2 - Talking about past work experience
Role Card 1 Talk about where you were at Role Card 2 Talk about your past work experience and
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 30
9 UNIT B What can you do?
Learning objectives Talking about skills Talking about your company and your job
UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about skills 4 Task 2 - Talking about your company and your job
Grammar: can / can’t 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1. 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: well, very well, various departments in a company
Expressions: reports to 2. First enactment: The student tells you about their skills. 2. First enactment: Have the student draw a chart similar to the
one in Pre-task 2. Ask them to include where they fit in in their
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage company: their department, their boss, their job.
1. Tell the student they will talk about their skills and work self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
experience in this lesson. register, intonation and pronunciation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the register, intonation and pronunciation.
Talking about my skills same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
skills, take notes and then summarize. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
3. Table 1: Draw the following legend on the board: same activity again. Otherwise, have them give you more detail
= very well Confirm achievement of the first goal about each department and/or position in their company.
= well
= a little Confirm achievement of the second goal
3 Pre-task 2 - Review
4. Ask questions about the characters’ language skills. For example: 1. Tell the student they will now talk about their company’s
Can Maria speak English? How well can she speak it? organization.
What other languages does she speak?
Who can speak Spanish very well? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Describing my company’s organization
5. Table 2: Ask:
Can Jerry ride a motorcycle? Can he drive a car? 3. Ask questions about the company’s organization:
Now all together: What does ... do?
Jerry can‘t ride a motorcycle but he can drive a car. What department does ... work in?
Who is the ...?
6. Have the student tell you what the rest of the people can and Who does ... report to? / Who reports to ...?
can’t do. Who works in the ... department?
Patrick Howard Brenda Rees Clive Richter Lily Madison
Sales Director Human Resources Chief Technology Chief Financial
Director Officer Officer
can’t can
Jerry ride a motorcycle drive a car
Ben run very fast swim fast Alana Marin Molly Ferguson Adam Campbell Max Forsman
Corporate Recruitment Networking Internal
Mark speak French understand it Sales Manager Manager Manager Auditor
2 Task 1 - Talking about skills 4 Task 2 - Talking about your company and your job
Role Card 1 What can you do well? What can you Role Card 2 Draw your company’s organizational chart and explain
do very well? What can’t you do? who the key people are.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 32
10 UNIT A Let’s meet at 6:30!
Learning objectives Inviting someone out Making plans to go out
UNIT OVERVIEW 7. Have the student come up with a second conversation: Layla is 4. Have the student put the rest of the conversation in order. Assist
Grammar: would like to / want to; present progressive (future) busy and cannot go out with Ricardo. with vocabulary as needed.
Vocabulary: free, busy, concert, theatre
Expressions: Let’s ...!, Are you doing anything ...?, Sounds good 8. Practice the new dialogue twice, switching roles. ANSWERS 4—9—2—7—8—6—1—3—5
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 2 Task 1 - Inviting someone out 5. Practice the conversation a couple of times, switching roles.
1. Tell the student they will practice making plans and invitations in 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks.
this lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: 6. Have the student put the second conversation in order and
How often do you go out with friends? 2. First enactment: The student invites you. practice it twice, switching roles again.
Where do you usually go?
Do you sometimes go out with your co-workers? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage ANSWERS 7—6—2—1—5—4—3
Who would you like to invite today? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
What would you like to do with that person? register, intonation and pronunciation. 4 Task 2 - Making plans to go out
1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Inviting my best friend to go out for lunch same activity again. Otherwise, have them invite someone else 2. First enactment: Make plans with the student.
or switch roles and invite the student out.
3. Have the student match the phrases on the left with the ones one 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
the right. Confirm achievement of the first goal self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
register, intonation and pronunciation.
4. Check their answers and ask: Which sentences are used to make
invitations? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
1. Tell the student they will now talk practice making plans. same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice making plans
5. Tell the student they will now create a conversation between for something else.
Ricardo and Layla. Have them read the first prompt and ask them 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
how Ricardo would say that. Do the same with the rest of the Making plans with my sister to ... Confirm achievement of the second goal
3. Tell the student the dialogue in box A is in the wrong order. Show
6. Practice the dialogue twice, switching roles. them the first line and ask: What’s the second line?
Ricardo tells Layla of his plans to Layla says yes and asks what B
go to a concert and invites her. time the concert starts. Great. See you there.
Let’s meet in front of the movie theatre at 6:00.
He tells her it starts at 4:00 and to She agrees and asks if he wants No, I’m free. Why?
meet him at 3:30 at the stadium. to have dinner after the concert. 1 Omar, are you busy this weekend?
Sounds good to me. Where would you like to meet?
He says yes and recommends a She says she is very happy about Sure. How about dinner and a movie?
new Italian restaurant downtown. their plans and says good-bye. Would you like to do something on Saturday evening?
Role Card 1 Invite ________________ out to ________________. Role Card 2 Call ______ and make plans to go out.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 34
10 UNIT B Let’s meet at 6:30!
Learning objectives Talking about past activities 2 Rating a place or event
UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Give the student a few minutes to try to 4. Dictate the following adjectives randomly and have the student
Grammar: past tense of irregular verbs remember a couple of things they did each day last week and put them in the correct boxes. For an additional challenge, also
Vocabulary: excellent, wonderful, good, nice, ok, not bad, so-so, write them down. dictate the words in brackets:
all right, terrible / horrible excellent / wonderful (terrific / brilliant / amazing)
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage good / nice (satisfactory / pleasing / splendid)
1 Pre-task 1 - Review self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, ok / not bad (average / acceptable / decent)
1. Tell the student they will talk about the past in this lesson. register, intonation and pronunciation. so-so / all right (passable / mediocre / not too bad)
terrible / horrible (lousy / awful / rubbish)
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Describing what I did last week same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you what you 5. QFT: Ask the student what they think of different movies, music
did last week and take notes or describe a fun weekend they genres, artists, places in town, cities, sports, actors, jobs, food, etc.
3. Have the student take a look at Sally’s last week’s schedule. recently had.
6. QFS: Have the student ask you a few questions.
4. QFT: Practice the following irregular verbs in the past Confirm achievement of the first goal
Mon: wake up, take, leave; have 4 Task 2 - Rating a place or event
Tue: speak 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
Wed: make, begin; come (back), fly 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
Thu: eat; buy, get (tickets) 1. Tell the student you would like them to tell you about the last 2. First enactment: Have the student describe the last time they
Fri: write; meet (with) time they went out with friends or colleagues. went out and rate the places, food and activities.
Sat: go, swim; read; drink
Sun: see 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Talking about the last time I went out with friends self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
5. If needed, have the student tell you again what Sally did last week. register, intonation and pronunciation.
3. Review/present adjectives to rate a place or event:
6. QFS: Have the student ask you 3-4 questions about Sally’s week. Did you watch (famous movie)? Did you like it? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
So it was ... (great / good / ok/ so-so / terrible)! same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice making plans
2 Task 1 - Talking about past activities 2 for something else.
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. Have the student write that word in the corresponding box
(1-5 stars) Confirm achievement of the second goal
Role Card 1 Describe what you did last week or last weekend. Role Card 2 Talk about the last time you went out.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 36
11 UNIT A What’s the matter?
Learning objectives Asking about someone’s health Explaining what’s wrong / Showing concern
UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage Hugo: Are you feeling OK, Karen?
Grammar: past continuous, should self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, Karen: Not really. I think I have a fever (a sore throat).
Vocabulary: various body parts, various ailments, remedy register, intonation and pronunciation. And I have a terrible headache (a runny nose).
Expressions: I hope you feel better soon; I’m sorry to hear that Hugo: Then you probably caught the flu (a cold). You
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the should go home and get some rest.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, practice a different situation. Karen: I can’t. I have to finish these reports (a lot to do).
1. Tell the student they will talk about being sick/ailments in this Hugo: Don’t worry, I will take care of that. When you
lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: Confirm achievement of the first goal get home, take a warm shower, drink lots of
How often do you get sick? liquids and rest up (drink water or juice, blow
How often do your co-workers/family members get sick? your nose often and stay warm and rested).
Is anyone sick in your office/family? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review Karen: Thanks, Hugo. I really appreciate that.
1. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: Hugo: No problem. Get better.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Talking about the last time I was sick
Asking my sick co-worker about his health
2. Have the student read the text under each photograph and tell 4 Task 2 - Explaining what’s wrong / Showing concern
3. Cover the conversation and ask questions about Alison: you what is wrong with each person. 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
Is Alison OK? Is she sick?
What’s the matter? ANSWERS a fever, a sore throat, fatigue, 2. First enactment: Have the student give you details: what was
What was she doing last night? a runny nose, a cold, the flu wrong, how they got sick, whether they went to the doctor, etc.
4. Have the student fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. 3. Practice the following skit a few times. Then, substitute the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Read the conversation twice, switching roles. words in brackets and practice the new conversation a few times. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
NOTE register, intonation and pronunciation.
5. Practice similar conversations with the situations in the pictures. With skits, what you want to do is feed the student their
lines, one by one, and then go back and practice the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
2 Task 1 - Asking about someone’s health conversation as a whole. The student does not need to (and same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about the
1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. should not) write anything. The purpose is for them to last time you were sick, take notes and then report back.
practice very specific vocabulary and expressions, which
2. First enactment: You are the student’s sick friend/relative. they can then customize during the task. Confirm achievement of the second goal
Tina: I’m sorry to ____________ that. How did you get it? My body temperature is My throat hurts a lot
Explaining what’s wrong / very high. when I speak.
Showing concern Alison: I was _______________ all night last night.
eating sitting listening to speaking I have a runny nose, a sore I have a headache, a
ice cream all day loud music too much thoat and I’m sneezing. fever and fatigue.
2 Task 1 - Asking about someone’s health 4 Task 2 - Explaining what’s wrong / Showing concern
Role Card 1 Ask _______________ about his/her health. Role Card 2 Explain what was wrong the last time you were sick.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 38
11 UNIT B What’s the matter?
Learning objective` Asking for and giving advice
UNIT OVERVIEW please go as soon as you can, Lucy. 2 Task - Asking for and giving advice
Grammar: should / shouldn’t Lucy: Thanks mom. I will call and make an appointment 1. Have the student read the Role Card.
Vocabulary: advice, medicine, pharmacy, prescription right now.
Mom: Get well soon, dear. 2. First enactment: You are the student’s sick friend/relative.
Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
1 Pre-task - Review 5. Read it together and ask follow-up questions: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
1. Tell the student they will practice giving advice in this lesson. What’s wrong with Lucy? Why? register, intonation and pronunciation.
What did her mother recommend?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Why will she call the clinic? 3. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Giving my sick friend advice same activity again. Otherwise, practice a different situation.
6. Tell the student the four people on the right have problems and
3. Go back to Unit A and have the student tell you what each person they should give them advice using should and shouldn’t. Confirm achievement of the goal
in the pictures should do to feel better.
7. Practice asking for and giving advice in different situations. Have
4. Coming back to Unit B, have the student fill in the blanks of the the student think of some problems they have (real or not) and
conversation with the phrases at the bottom of the page. ask you for advice. Then, ask them for advice on some of your
Mom: Hello? Examples:
Lucy: Hi mom, this is Lucy. How are you? — I’m not good at sports.
Mom: Pretty good, thank you. And you? — I’m always late.
Lucy: Not so good. I have a terrible backache. — I drink too much soda.
Mom: Really? What happened? — I don’t have many friends.
Lucy: I was working on my garden all the yesterday so — I can’t sleep at night.
now my back and shoulders hurt a lot. — I’m always hungry.
Mom: You should go to the doctor, Lucy. — My life is too boring.
Lucy: Yes, I’m planning to go today after work. Should I
go to the hospital?
Mom: No, you shouldn’t go there. You should go to Dr.
Cooper’s clinic. He is a back pain specialist. And
1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objective Mom: Hello? AMY
Lucy: Hi mom, this is Lucy. ______? I work from 6 am to 10 pm every day so
Asking for and
Mom: Pretty good, thank you. And you? I’m always very tired. What should I do to
giving advice boost my energy?
Lucy: ______. I have a terrible backache.
Lucy: ______ on my garden all the yesterday so now my back ______. RICK
I love skiing, but every year I catch a cold
Mom: ______ to the doctor, Lucy.
or the flu. What should I do stay healthy
Lucy: Yes, ______ today after work. ______ to the hospital? in the winter season?
Mom: No, ______. You should go to Dr. Cooper’s clinic. He is a back pain
f should I go l get well soon Role Card Your friend is sick. Give him advice so he gets better.
BerlitzEnglish Level 1 40