Grade 3: Language Arts
Grade 3: Language Arts
Grade 3: Language Arts
Advance to Slide 2. Point to the picture of the head. Touch for Smart Notebook
Ask: to pronounce the
What is this?
Touch the picture of the head to make the picture say its
After the script has been read, allow students to check their
answers with a classmate then call on students to circle the Comprehension Check Questions
correct answer on IWB. When reporting an answer to the 1. What holidays or festivals do you celebrate in China?
class, student: How do you celebrate (festival)?
2. When do you need courage?
1. Circles answer on Minimal Pairs on IWB. 3. When was the last time you felt disappointment?
2. Reads the word. 4. What is something you have that is precious to you?
3. Identifies the medial short vowel. Why is it precious to you?
Example: “Nut” has “short u” in the middle. 5. What makes you feel pride?
6. What does your teacher sometimes have to remind
3. Preview (4 min.) you to do?
Unit 1 Week 2: Vocabulary 7. What is a symbol of China?
Put students into pairs. Display Vocabulary PDF on IWB. 8. What is your favorite Chinese tradition?
Tell students that before they read The Dream Catcher, they
are going to learn some new words. Explain that you will
teach them how to say the new words, but they will be * If some students finish Vocabulary PDF far ahead of
learning about the new words on their own. others, you may consider tracking these students into
Stage 5 rather than waiting for the entire class to finish
Zoom in on Vocabulary PDF so that the Word Box at the before moving onto Stage 5.
top of Page 1 is as large as possible. Read each of the
vocabulary words; students repeat. Read each word twice.
If a word has multiple forms, drill each form twice. For
example, a noun will have both the singular and plural form.
Each form should be drilled for pronunciation.
5. Freer Practice (14 min.)
Full House
Before Class
Print, cut out, and laminate either Full House Deck (Full)
PDF or Full House Deck (Lite) (one deck per group). If
Full House Deck (Full) PDF is used, printing must be
Double Sided. The difference between the two documents
is that the cards on Full House Deck (Full) PDF have a
front and back. The cards on Full House Deck (Lite) PDF
only have fronts.
Full House
1. Choose a Dealer. Dealer shuffles Full House Deck
and deals four cards to each player. The remainder
of the deck goes in the center. This is the yard.
2. The goal of the game is to acquire a card for each
vocabulary word learned in today’s lesson.
3. Player to the left of the dealer goes first. She may
ask any player for a card. She chooses a player then
asks: Do you have (vocabulary word).
Example: Do you have “precious?”
4. If the player asked has the card, he shows it to the
group, reads the word on the card then asks the
question on the card. The player who asked for the
card must answer the question to get the card. After
the question is answered, the card is handed over and
play passes to the left. If the question cannot be
answered, the player cannot receive the card.
5. If the player asked does not have the card, the player
who asked for the card must draw the top card from
the yard. She shows the card to the group, reads the
word on the card then asks the question on the card.
She must answer this question to keep the card,
otherwise she must replace the card in the deck,
putting at the bottom. Play passes to the left.
6. The first player to acquire all eight vocabulary words
puts the set of eight down face up and says “Full