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Breakdown EV Analysis

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Trends in electric

vehicle design
Issue No. 2
Insights on best practices
for paving the road for mass-
market electric vehicles
The race for mass-market EVs has begun

2017 possibly may be remembered as the year when electric vehicles (EVs) made This indicates that the long-awaited EV volume segment – i.e., “mid-size EVs for the
the move to become mass-producible. Last year, roughly 1.3 million EVs were masses” – may be on the verge of becoming reality.
sold globally. While this makes up only about 1% of total passenger vehicle sales,
it is a 57% increase over 2016 and there is little reason to believe this trend may Despite different expectations regarding what makes for “good range” across the
slow down. Established OEMs have announced launches of over 100 new battery globe – i.e., ideas vary by geography and city archetype – average battery range
electric vehicle (BEV) models by 2024, further accelerating the automotive and seems to have gone above what the largest customer segments expect. Add to this
mobility trends, potentially growing EVs’ share of total passenger vehicle sales to a decrease in sticker price towards levels that more consumers will be comfortable
30 to 35% in major markets (20 to 25% globally) by 2030. Moving away from with and the market for EVs may be close to a commercial tipping point.
previous “niche roles” like high-performance sports or mid-range city cars, there
will also be a sizable share of mid-size and volume-segment vehicles among the Whether an EV volume segment is (or will be) profitable for OEMs, is still a burning
many new BEV models. A prominent, recently launched example is Tesla’s new question among many in the industry. We estimate that many EV models in their
Model 3 with 450,000+ preorders. base version, and potentially even including options, still may have low contribution
margins, especially compared to current internal combustion engine (ICE) levels.
What will help EVs gain market share is that OEMs have reached ranges with their
EVs which allow them to focus on reducing price points, e.g., via further increasing It is for this profitability question as well as the fast-paced technological advance-
design efficiency or reducing manufacturing cost to become affordable to more ments and new design trends in EVs that we have launched the second bench-
customer segments. As shown in Exhibit 1, we find that once the average range of marking analysis on “Trends in electric vehicle design” (see Text box 1).
our set of benchmarked EVs has surpassed 300 km (or 185 miles), OEMs seem to
be able to concentrate on entering lower-price segments. In this issue, we describe success factors on the way to profitable serial
production of EVs and discuss essential practices for paving the road towards
the EV mass market. This includes four high-level commitments to design and
Exhibit 1 development through the lenses of architecture, integration, technology, and
cost that can help realize a positive business case for mass-market EVs.
The race for acceptable range seems to be over,
the race for mass-market EVs has begun

Range according to EPA, km Year of launch Before 2014 2014 - 2016 2017 - 2018
350 B
50 A
0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Sales price, EUR thousands
Note: Where EPA data not available, NEDC or OEM data was used; sales prices based
on German market OEM data
Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey; OEM web sites; press research

4 5
Text box 1
Our publication on “Trends in electric vehicle design” is a joint publication
trends in EV design by McKinsey & Company and A2Mac1. The series aims
at discussing teardown- and benchmarking-derived
insights on the most current trends in EV design.

The premier issue introduced key insights from a detailed teardown and physical
and digital benchmarking of ten first- and second-generation EV models (see
overview on EV models included in our current benchmarking pool at the end
of this article). New issues, like this one, set out to expand on the learnings from
our earlier EV benchmarking efforts – above all by including newly launched EV
models in the benchmarking pool and introducing a perspective on a new EV
trend. In this publication, we present consolidated findings – detailed insights from
our work are available upon request but would exceed the scope of this article.

On the findings presented here: This publication provides observations based

on a sample set of EVs. We make no claim to the generalizability of these findings.
For individual points of comparison, we added outside-in research on other
vehicles where relevant. Technologies are evolving quickly, leading to uncertainty,
for example, when it comes to assessing the development of EV powertrain
components across formats or chemistries.

On the differentiation of native and non-native EVs as used here: Entirely

“native” or entirely “non-native” EVs can be understood as two ends of a range.
In non-native EVs, most elements – besides the battery and specific EV powertrain
components – are based on previous ICE models, following a logic of deriving the
EV architecture from what an OEM has done in the past. Examples could be the
VW e-Golf or the Chevrolet Spark. On the other end, we consider native EVs to be
an entirely new development effort. Examples could be the Tesla models. As EV
design advances quickly, it may become increasingly challenging to make such a
clear differentiation.

Build a native and
inherently flexible EV

Despite higher upfront investments – in the form of engineering hours, new tooling, Exhibit 2
etc. – native EV platforms have proven advantageous over non-native models in
multiple ways.
Batteries of native EVs require less compromise and
allow for higher flexibility
Designing the vehicle architecture entirely around an EV concept, and without
combustion engine legacy elements, means fewer compromises and more
Non-native EV
flexibility on average.
battery pack architecture
As native EVs have to compromise less, particularly in their architecture and body
in white, they can accommodate a bigger battery pack, which in turn correlates
with higher range. This is evidenced by the fact that native EVs have on average
a 25% larger battery pack volume (relative to body in white volume) compared to
non-native EVs. One reason is that the body structure can be fit around the battery
pack and does not have to be integrated in an existing architecture. This additional
freedom in design typically resulting in larger batteries also leads to other potential
advantages such as higher ranges, more power or faster charging.

Further, as battery technology evolves quickly, allowing the newest EVs to have
ranges which are not a bottleneck anymore, we see early indications that EVs are
moving towards practices common in mass-market ICEs, e.g., offering powertrain Battery pack
options. The inherent flexibility of native EVs plays an important role in this as
well. For example, battery packs can house a varying number of active cells while
keeping the same outer shape, and variable drivetrain technologies can allow to
Native EV
produce rear-wheel, front-wheel, and all-wheel drive on a single platform. battery pack architecture
While this may raise the idea that EVs will start moving towards modular strategies
as we know them from ICEs, thereby moving closer to industry-typical mass-
production approaches, we still do not see a clear convergence towards one
standard in design solutions. Players will need to stay agile on their way to mass-
market EVs.

~25% 3 of 11
larger battery packs benchmarked EVs
(relative to the vehicles' already offer multiple
body in white volume) in range options; all of
benchmarked native EVs these are native EVs

Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey

8 9
Keep pushing the boundaries
of EV powertrain integration

Our benchmarking has revealed a continued trend towards EV powertrain integra- In addition to the physical integration of main EV powertrain components, we
tion, with many parts of the power electronics moving closer together and being also observed a move towards more simple and efficient thermal management
integrated into fewer modules. Yet, as players keep searching for additional design solutions across said components. However, while some OEMs are on a
efficiency, the one “mainstream” EV powertrain design has not yet emerged – consolidation charge here too, others still rely on multiple systems, and we do
neither in terms of overall architecture nor the design of individual components. not see a clear convergence of designs yet (see Exhibit 4).

A good indicator for the increased level of integration is the design of the electric Beyond the fact that technology is still maturing, the EV powertrain design variety
cables connecting the main EV powertrain components (i.e., battery, e-motor, may also be aided by its intrinsic, higher level of flexibility, as the components
power electronics, and thermal management modules). When looking at the weight are generally smaller and the degrees of freedom based on available space in
and total number of parts for these cables across OEMs and their EV models, we the underbody and front- and rear compartments are higher compared to ICE
observed a decrease in both cable weight and number of parts in the OEMs’ latest powertrains. To give just one example of different EV powertrain architectures:
models compared to earlier vehicles, which reflects the higher integration of more the Opel Ampera-e seems to leverage an ICE-like positioning of its powertrain
recent EV powertrain systems. electronics including ICE-typical body and axle components, whereas the Tesla
Model 3 integrated most components on the rear of its battery pack and the
rear axle directly (see Exhibit 5).

Exhibit 3

Weight and number of parts for major cables

connecting EV powertrain components across
example OEMs and models

Weight of cables in Number

EV powertrain, kg of parts

Tesla Model S (2013) 10.1 14

Model 3 (2017) 5.7 4

NISSAN LEAF (2011) 6.2 6

LEAF (2017) 2.9 4

Chevrolet Spark (2014) 9.8 17

Bolt (2017) 7.4 14

Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey

10 11
Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5

Design approaches to managing EV powertrain EV powertrain architectures vary even among

and battery thermal management still vary widely newest models
among OEMs
Interconnections for thermal
management system
Opel Ampera-e
Chevrolet Tesla
Bolt/Opel Tesla Model VW NISSAN NISSAN
BMW i3 Ampera-e Model 3 S 60 e-Golf LEAF LEAF
(2014) (2017) (2017) (2013) (2015) (2017) (2011)


AC-DC E-motor HV junction box

inverter Inverter/converter module DC-DC converter

HV charger In Model 3, converter together

Gearbox with HV charger integrated in
battery pack

Tesla Model 3

Passive battery cooling

Source: A2Mac1, McKinsey

heating None None None

It is worth pointing out that such freedom in the positioning of components also
gives more flexibility in overall features offered, e.g., choosing to have room for a
bigger trunk, or superior driving performance due to a lower center of gravity.
Resistive Only while While plugged
heating plugged in None None None in and on In their ongoing pursuit of mass-marketability, EV players therefore may identify
further opportunities in high-level integration of their EV powertrain systems,
and could be able to capture potential benefits such as reduced complexity in
development, lower material and assembly costs, and weight and energy
Note: Exhibit shows a simplification; detailed schematics can be requested from authors efficiency improvements.
Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey; Ricardo

12 13
Stay ahead in the
technology game

McKinsey research has shown that many EV customers are very tech-savvy. 1980s and now seems to have reached sufficient levels of technological maturity
At the same time, new technologies are largely getting mature enough to be put and customer interest. We observed EVs in our benchmarking which have
into practice. Not only does this create a great testing field for new technologies only seven physical buttons in the interior, compared to often 50 to 60 in many
which OEMs and other players hope to push into cars, it almost obligates EV standard ICEs.
manufacturers to equip their vehicles with the highest levels of technology
around advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), connectivity, and other A key enabler of such advancements is the rapid rise in computing power. While
trends that are redefining the driver experience and travel strategies to move traditional cars often show many decentralized and standardized electronic
from A to B. control units (ECUs), the latest EVs seem to rely on ever growing and increasingly
centralized computing power.
Besides increasingly introducing ADAS technologies, OEMs are meeting the
needs of their EV customers by enhancing the user interface and infotainment ADAS technology, for example, requires a lot of computing power for the real-
systems. Specifically, they are increasingly integrating the control of a wide range time signal processing of the various sensors. When putting the latest ADAS
of interior functions into a more central, “smartphone-like” user interface (HMI). solutions, such as adaptive cruise control, autonomous braking, and potentially
For example, controls move from buttons to continuously growing touch screens – even autonomous driving capability, in the context of increased ECU centrali-
a concept that was first tried in a few models of US car manufacturers in the late zation, it seems that EVs equipped with such ADAS technology further drive
consolidation of ECUs in comparison to equally or less ADAS-equipped ICEs
Exhibit 6 or EVs.
Benchmarking of 12 ICEs and 8 EVs shows that EVs
with latest ADAS technology move towards An OEM’s decision for a centralized or decentralized ECU architecture can
consolidating ECUs be a strategic question and will be driven by different factors. One reason for
a centralized approach may be the choice to “own” a key control point in the
vehicle by becoming an integrator. This could facilitate advanced software
development and potentially may open up new revenue streams, e.g., from
Equipped over-the-air updates.
with ADAS Number of ECUs
technology per vehicle Example vehicle
Besides strategic considerations, the ECU architecture may also impact weight
and cost. For example, centralization may optimize wiring and sourcing efficiency
via increased bundling. Because they require simpler protocols and fewer
ICEs Normal 2-6 VW Golf, BMW 3 Series connections compared to multiple, decentralized ECUs – thereby also reducing
the number of operations that could go wrong – centralized ECUs can increase
reliability. On the development side, more ECUs also mean more teams who
must collaborate and communicate efficiently to ensure quality across systems.
BMW 7 Series, Fewer teams and simplified processes can result from centralizing ECUs, and
Latest 11 - 14 Mercedes S-Class this simplification can lead to shorter development cycles. Further, central, high-
power ECUs may likely become the backbone of the growing work towards the
development of fully autonomous driving, thereby equipping EVs to be ready for
future mass-market characteristics and potential customer expectations.
EVs Normal 3-8 Opel Ampera-e Ultimately, however, the ECU architecture choice will depend on the OEMs’
individual strategy, and as centralization may require significantly building up
additional skills in-house, it will always be an individual business case decision.
Tesla Model 3,
Latest 3-4
Tesla Model S

Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey

14 15
Apply design-to-cost levers

Achieving profitability is still a struggle for EVs, especially due to high powertrain cost. Cost efficiency seems to be the home turf of established OEMs and suppliers,
Since OEMs seem to have reached acceptable ranges by now, rigorous design to who may be in the best position to leverage their experience and knowledge in
cost (DtC) will become more important to pave the road for EVs to successfully enter traditional DtC levers.
the mass market, i.e., achieve an attractive price point, without jeopardizing margins
for the OEM. Therefore, it may come as little surprise that ICEs and non-native EVs seem
to be more DtC-proficient than native EVs due to the makers’ track record of
continuous cost optimization and the possibility to carry over highly optimized
components from previous models.
Exhibit 7
Yet, the latest native EVs may be able to quickly catch up. For example, due to
Benchmarking of DtC levels across EVs and ICEs
advantages in battery pack advancements, native EVs seem to now switch from
lightweight to more cost-efficient material solutions such as steel elements in
the body in white, apply more rigorous despecification and decontenting (e.g.,
ICE Native EV Non-native EV in controls and air vents on the instrument panel), and seem to invest into mass
production processes, such as high-strength stamped steel instead of bent
DtC level benchmarking pipe seat structure designs.

High As the move towards the mass market continues, EV experiments are increasingly
becoming a serial production game. Non-traditional OEMs will likely study the DtC
practices of traditional OEMs, including e.g., sourcing industry standard parts, to
identify better ways to close the gap in cost performance and thus increase their
profit margins from a product cost side. Nonetheless, achieving a superior cost
Non-native EVs
performance might still be a competitive advantage for established OEMs and thus
comprises an opportunity to step up against potential new market entrants.


Native EVs


< 75 75 - 150 150 - 500 > 500

Annual production volume, 2017, thousands

Note: Assessment along typical DtC levers: integration and part reduction, switching to
lower-cost material, sourcing industry standards, reducing specifications, switching to
lower-cost machinery and reducing quality issues
Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey; IHS production data

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Can OEMs make money in the volume EV market?

Most recently, EVs have gained a significant share in the new product announce- Taking the four steps in EV design outlined in this article into consideration may
ments of many OEMs. At the same time, EV models individually have not yet offered help OEMs to reduce the comparably high manufacturing cost (i.e., including
much in the way of contributing to overall profitability compared to ICEs. As the global material, production, final assembly) of EVs. With a focus on simpler and more
market share of EVs inevitably grows, their margins increasingly move into focus. flexible platforms along with a fresh approach to technology and design, we
believe that a positive mass-market business case for EVs may exist.

In fact, based on our analysis, the delta from total manufacturing cost to list price
Exhibit 8 for sufficiently well-equipped (i.e., including hardware and software options such
as non-standard color, range extension, and, e.g., different software settings), mid-
Sufficiently equipped EVs might reach 40 to 50% delta
size EVs may potentially reach a level of 40 to 50%. While powertrain-independent
from total manufacturing cost to list price
components and final assembly appear very similar in their cost structure to ICEs,
major cost drivers still lie in the EV powertrain itself and related uncertainties in the
development of battery cost.

Manufacturing cost breakdown of an efficiently This also highlights that for an overall attractive business case, additional
designed, fully loaded EV
measures – for example, in optimizing offering logic and channel strategy –
will still be necessary.

In summary, we may see an era of profitable mass-market EVs on the horizon –

EV powertrain driven by design trends towards flexibility, integration, and customer-value-
maximizing simplification, and under the clear governance of cost efficiency for

Final assembly As noted above, this publication presents only consolidated findings – detailed
insights from our work are available upon request but would exceed the scope of
this article.

∆ Total
manufacturing 40 - 50%
cost to list price

List price4

1 Incl. body, driving and axles, electronics, interior, and others

2 Incl. battery and BMS, e-motor, power electronics, thermal management, transmission
3 Incl. material, production, and assembly cost
4 List price of sufficiently equipped EV: incl. hardware and software options such as
non-standard color, range extension, and, e.g., different software settings
Source: A2Mac1; McKinsey

18 19
Overview of EV models considered in the benchmarking If you would like to learn more about our full teardown and
benchmarking results, please contact us:

• NISSAN LEAF 2011, Japan

contact.eu@a2mac1.fr ev_benchmarking@mckinsey.com
• Volkswagen e-up! 2013, Europe www.a2mac1.com www.mckinsey.com/mcfm

• Tesla Model S 60 2013, United States

• Chevrolet Spark 2014, United States

• BMW i3 2014, Europe About the authors

• Volkswagen e-Golf 2015, United States Pierre-Yves Moulière is the founder of A2Mac1.
• BYD e6 Jingying Ban 2015, China
Antoine Chatelain is Head of A2Mac1 Consulting.
• NISSAN LEAF 2017, United States achatelain@a2mac1.fr

• Chevrolet Bolt 2017, United States Mauro Erriquez is a Partner in McKinsey’s Frankfurt office.
• Opel Ampera-e 2017, Europe
Thomas Morel is a Partner in McKinsey’s Lyon office.
• Tesla Model 3 2017, United States (new) thomas_morel@mckinsey.com

Dr. Andreas Venus is a Partner in McKinsey’s Berlin office.


Dr. Philip Schäfer is an Engagement Manager in McKinsey’s Dusseldorf office.


Dennis Schwedhelm is a Senior Associate in McKinsey’s Munich office.


The authors wish to thank the team including Alexander Kienreich, Alexandra
Mathiolon, Amelie Pene, Cédric Weiss, Gaël Guilinger, Hans von Tiedemann,
Kilian Zedelius, Klaus Ziemann, Markus Schweier, Maximilian Fischer, Patrick
Schaufuss, Piotr Cependa, Rupert Lee, Stephan Fuchs, Stephan Mohr, Timo
Möller, Tobias Geisbüsch, Wolfgang Günthner, and Vianney Palade for their
contributions to this article.

The authors further thank the sponsors of this effort including Andreas Cornet
and Nicolai Müller.

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