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Ism 2015

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Summative Test in Teaching Profession


TEST I. True or False: Write True if the statement is true or correct and False if not.

F_______1.For the Perennialist , in higher education, what is important is getting a college degree , is the mastery of
subject matter and the passing of the board or bar exams.
T_______2. Some truths such as “honesty is still the best policy”, “cleanliness is next to godliness “ are to be
emphasized in values education according to Perrenialist.
T_______3. In the context of Existentialism teachers must give freedom, opportunities for students to learn
themselves without or with the least interference by the teacher.
F_______4. “Education is a preparation for life “ a reconstruction of experience according to essentialism
T_______5. Man possesses volition or will which gives him the freedom to make choices and to create his own
purpose, essence, meet anxieties and finally death. This is the philosophy of Existentialism.
F_______6. An idealist teacher gives importance to physical, material objects such as the human body, plants and
F_______7. Applied to education, Idealist teachers emphasize the teaching of physical, biological sciences using
scientific discovery method.
F_______8. People always give importance to their sensual pleasure according to the Philosophy of Idealism.
T_______9. According to Idealist, the ultimate reality of God lies in the mind, meditation, and in the heart of the
person; outside thought and meditations, there may be no God.
T______10. A pragmatic teacher would always refer her lessons to present realities and problems of society such as
poverty, criminality, drug trafficking, graft and corruptions and the like.

Part II.
1. As a teacher you are a skeptic. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
B. I must teach child every knowledge, skill and value that he needs for a better future
C. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything
D. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven
2. The use of values as a strategy in values education flows from which philosophy?
A. Progressivism C. Essentialism
B. Reconstructionism D. Existentialism
3. Who of the following believes that human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment?
A. Progressivist C. Existentialist
B. Essentialist D. Behaviorist
4. Honesty remains a value even if nobody in the school system values it. This is the conviction of a/an ______________.
A. Realist C. idealist
B. Pragmatist D. existentialist
5. Which one will serve as a guiding principle, if as a teacher, you are a reconstructionist? I MUST TEACH THE CHILD.
A. So he is assured of heaven
B. Every knowledge, skill, and value for a better future
C. To develop his mental powers to the fullest
D. That we can never have real knowledge of anything
6. The practice of non-graded instruction stems from ___________.
A. Reconstructionism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism D. Progressivism
7. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier for us to
__________ our pupils.
A. Like C. teach
B. Motivate D. respect
8. “ If you want to live life meaningfully, make a choice and commit yourself to your choice.” This advice comes from
a/an ___.
A. Idealist C. existentialism
B. pragmatist D. realist
9. Teacher N sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats and litter on
the floor. On which thought is her action based?
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Behaviorism D. Reconstructionist
10. The student-centred curriculum belongs to which group of educators?
A. Reconstructionist, perennialists
B. Progressivists, reconstructionists
C. Progressivists, essentialists
D. Perennialists, essentialists
11. With the pupils around, the teacher must be careful of his words, actions and examples for children by
nature are _________.
A. imitative B. social C. playful D. emotional
12. Because learners vary in their capabilities, the teacher must
A. let them engaged in group dynamics C. implement ability grouping
B. give them varied activities D. employ new strategies
13. Which is a demonstration of your authority as a professional teacher?
A. You can make your pupils run errands for you.
B. You choose to decide how to teach a particular lesson
C. You can make a leave even without prior notice
D. You select to teach only those lessons which you have mastered
14. For greater efficiency and effectiveness, the Philippine educational system is trifocalized. What is a proof?
A. The linkage of the Teacher Education Council. Technical Panel for Teacher education and Professional
regulation commission for teaching education concerns.
B. The presence of DepEd for basic education, CHED for higher education and TESDA for vocational
C. The linkage of DepEd, CHED and PRC for teachers professionalization
D. The existence and bureau of alternative learning systems.
15. In operating a school teachers receive a professional fee. The following are the primary purposes of
professional fees EXCEPT.
A. To provide a reasonable income for professionals and their families
B. To attract the right persons to the professions
C. To reap return of investment
D. To gain advancement in professional knowledge and skill
16. You arrive at knowledge by the re-thinking of latent ideas. From when does this thinking come?
A. Realist C. Idealist
B. Empiricist D. Experimentalist
17. To earn units for promotion, a teacher pays her fee but does not attend class at all.
Does this constitute professional growth?
A. Not immediately but yes after promotion
B. It depends on the school she is enrolled in
C. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion
D. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth
18. If you are pragmatic, which will you do most likely?
A. Frown on sacrifice C. Encourage people to sacrifice
B. Always ready to sacrifice D. Look for opportunities to sacrifice
19. If you run a school and you are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers.
What characteristic should you look for?
A. Prescribed by top national leaders C. Required for renewal of professional license
B. Dependent on the availability of funds D. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs
20. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the teacher?
I. Safe I I. Gender-biased III. Secure
A. I and II B. I, II and III C. II only D. I and III
21. Western civilization can be traced to the influence of the:
A. Hindu B. Buddha C. Graeco-Romano D. Spaniards
22. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Hence it is better to be a generalist,
claims teacher F. Which philosophy does teach F subscribes to?
A. Existentialism B. Perennialism C. Essentialism D. Progressivism
23. To promote harmony among the members of the school community, teachers should be positive
thinkers. Which of these situations shows the teacher as a positive thinker?
A. Labeling the slow, the average & the fast members of the class for them to know their place
B. Reprimanding those who failed in the test for they would possibly become social liabilities
C. Telling the flankers to improve study strategy in order to improve their performance in class
D. Sending note to parents how their children behave in the class resulting to their failure
24.Class schedule, list of competencies to master, and uniform class requirements belong to a school governed by a
philosophy of _____________.
A. Progressivism C. Reconstructionism
B. Existentialism D. Essentialism
25.To the existentialists, man exists as an individual endowed with free will. He is what he does
with his freedom. Following this line of thinking, children in school must be taught ___________.
A. to be responsible for the results of their actions;
B. to be careful in the exercise of their freedom;
C. also consider his spiritual nature;
D. all men are born free
26. John Dewey pointed out that education is life not just a preparation for life. What is the best
explanation of Dewey’s statement?
A. In education, mental activity is functional
B. Science should be given emphasis in the curriculum
C. Visual aids are vital in the teaching process
D. The lesson of the students must be related to their experiences.
27. The following practices are opposed by the progressivists, EXCEPT ________.
A. bookish instruction;
B. memorization of facts;
C. the use of fear as a form of discipline;
D.doing classroom activities.
28. Which of these are primary considerations of a progressivist teacher?
A. The child is the center of the educative process.
B. The child is a member of the society.
C. The development of the child leads eventually to social development.
D. All of these.
29. Which of these questions would most likely be asked by a progressivist teacher as she prepares
her lesson plan?
A.“How would I teach the topic comprehensively?”
B.“What reference materials should I used for me to discuss all essential information?”
C.“What activity should I let my students do to make them learn their lesson?”
D. Which of these information should I include in order to make my students learn?

30. Who among these people put up the “Lyceum” in Greece?

A. Pythagoras C. Watson
B. Plato D. Aristotle
31. On which theory is the logical sequencing of curriculum based?
A. Reconstructionism C. perennialism
B. Essentialism D. progressivism
32. The value concept of detachment to avoid misery comes from __________.
A. Lao tsu C. Confucius
B. Mencius D. Buddha
33. “What you do not want to do to yourself, do not do to others.” From whom does this advice come?
A. Christian and Confucianist
B. Muslim and Christian
C. Hindu and Christian
D. Christian and Buddhist
34. “What you sow, you reap. If you want to reap good things, be good in this life.” From whom does this advice
A. Shinto C. Taoist
B. Hindu D. Greeks
35. In which philosophy is moral education emphasized?
A. Shintoism C. Confucianism
B. Taoism D. Hinduism
36. The supervisors of a shipwreck are now packed in a lifeboat which may capsize unless partly de-loaded. Which of
the following acts will be morally justifiable?
A. Ask volunteers to be left behind
B. Trying to save everyone as much as possible
C. Praying while waiting for a rescue team to arrive
D. Request those who can swim to leave the lifeboat
37. Teacher C teaches in a remote barrio. In order to incur salary deduction, she does not file or leave of absence
everytime she gets absent. Anyway, she uses that amount which is supposed to be deducted from her salary on
account of her absence to buy pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is Teacher C right?
A. Yes, the poor students are benefited
B. Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government officials
C. No, the end does not justify the means
D. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her action

38. I get P5,000 pesos from the funds raised during Valentine’s Day without the knowledge of the committee and
donate it to a foundation serving a group of handicap. Is my act of getting P5,000 from the funds justified?
A. Yes, the end justifies the means
B. Yes, if you intend to tell the committee afterwards
C. Yes, the means justifies the end
D. No, the end does not justify the means
39. In order to avoid disgrace, a pregnant, unmarried woman takes in drugs to induce abortion. Is she morally justified
to do that?
A. Yes. It can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up
B. No. The act of inducing abortion is bad in itself
C. Yes. It is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to the
absence of a father
D. No. The unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his parents.
40. The study on how to do good belongs to:
A. Ethics B. Philosophy C. Logic D. Morality
41. Training of the mind and body could be traced back to the:
A. Jewish B. Monks C. Athenians D. Spartans
42. The ________introduced to the Filipinos Civil Service Examinations.
A. Hindu B. Chinese C. Japanese D. Egyptian
43. The use of a parable as a method of teaching was introduced during the:
A. Primitive period B. Ancient Period C. Age of Faith D. Age of Exploration
44. “ Faith can be justified by reason.” This was a popular line in a movement called:
A. Monasticism B. Scholasticism C. Humanism D. Renaissance
45. An insane person cannot be held totally responsible for his criminal offenses because of the:
A. ignorance B. insanity C. social status D. lack of concern

Part III. Indicate the philosophy implied in the statements below.

_____________1. “In education, go back to the basic”. (Ess)

_____________2. “Give me a dozen healthy infants, and I will make each one of them a merchant, lawyer,
musician, artist and a doctor”.(Beh)
_____________3. “Honesty is only in the mind”.(Idealism)
_____________(4. “I know therefore I am.” (Existentialism)-
_____________5. “Truth exists independent of the mind. (Realism)

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