15 Paper II English
15 Paper II English
15 Paper II English
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CLA–48885 1 Paper–II
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks.
Attempt all the questions.
1. Who among the following wrote a book with the 6. Imagined Communities is a book by :
title The Age of Reason ? (A) Aijaz Ahmad
(A) William Godwin (B) Edward Said
(B) Edmund Burke (C) Perry Anderson
(C) Thomas Paine (D) Benedict Anderson
(D) Edward Gibbon
7. The phrase ‘the willing suspension of disbelief’
2. The statement ‘I think, therefore, I am’ is by : occurs in :
(A) Schopenhauer (A) Biographia Literaria
(B) Plato (B) Preface to Lyrical Ballads
(C) Descartes (C) In Defence of Poetry
(D) Sartre (D) Poetics
3. The French Revolution had a significant impact on : 8. The literary prize, Booker of Bookers, was awarded
to :
(A) Victorian Literature
(A) J.M. Coetzee
(B) Romantic Literature
(B) Nadine Gordimer
(C) Modern Literature
(C) Martin Amis
(D) Neo Classical Literature
(D) Salman Rushdie
5. The term ‘Cultural Materialism’ is associated with : 10. George Eliot’s novel Middlemarch is sub-titled :
(A) Stephen Greenblatt (A) A Study of Country Life
(B) Raymond Williams (B) A Study of Provincial Life
(C) Matthew Arnold (C) A Story of Midddle Town
(D) Richard Hoggart (D) A Study of Town Life
CLA-48885 2 Paper–II
11. Leopold Bloom is a fictional character in : 17. The title of Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall
(A) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Apart is drawn from a poem by :
(B) Sons and Lovers (A) T.S. Eliot
(C) Ulysses (B) W.H. Auden
(D) Heart of Darkness (C) W.B. Yeats
(D) Robert Frost
12. Who among the following is associated with the
ideology of Utilitarianism ? 18. T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Wasteland” is dedicated to
(A) J.A. Froude Il miglior fabbro (The better craftsman) which refers
(B) Charles Kingsley to :
(C) J.S. Mill (A) S.T. Coleridge
(D) Cardinal Newman (B) Ezra Pound
(C) Sylvia Plath
(D) P.B. Shelley
13. Which famous American novel opens with “Call me
Ishmael” ?
19. The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner is
(A) The Grapes of Wrath
written by :
(B) Moby Dick
(A) Martin Amis
(C) The Scarlet letter
(B) Roger Federer
(D) Sound and Fury (C) Alan Sillitoe
(D) Dan Brown
14. “As idle as a painted ship/Upon a painted ocean .”
These lines are from : 20. Fagin is a character in :
(A) Rime of the Ancient Mariner (A) Bleak House
(B) Fra Lippo Lippi (B) David Copperfield
(C) The Wasteland (C) Hard Times
(D) The Last Ride Together (D) Oliver Twist
15. “Magic Realism” is closely associated with : 21. Exiles is the only play writtern by :
(A) Italo Calvino (A) T.S. Eliot
(B) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (B) Virgina Woolf
(C) Anita Desai (C) James Joyce
(D) Rohinton Mistry (D) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
16. Which of the following is NOT a Partition novel ? 22. One Hundred Years of Solitude is a novel by :
(A) Train to Pakistan (A) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(B) Sunlight on a Broken Column (B) Jorge Amado
(C) The Shadow Lines (C) Carlos Fuentes
(D) In Custody (D) V.S. Naipaul
CLA-48885 3 Paper–II
23. Enigma of Arrival is written by : 29. Salman Rushdie’s novel Shame is set in :
(A) R.K. Narayan (A) India
(B) Samuel Selvon (B) England
(C) V.S. Naipaul (C) East Pakistan
(D) Chinua Achebe (D) Pakistan
24. Which of the following characters appears in Waiting 30. Marlowe is the narrator in :
for Godot ?
(A) Lord Jim
(A) Jerry
(B) Heart of Darkness
(B) Lucky
(C) Middlemarch
(C) Jimmy Porter
(D) The Moor’s Last Sigh
(D) John
25. The phrase “Fearful symmetry” appears in the 31. Waiting for the Mahatma is a novel by :
poem : (A) R.K. Narayan
(A) Introduction (B) Nayantara Sehgal
(B) Chimney Sweeper (C) Mulk Raj Anand
(C) The Tyger (D) Rana Dasgupta
(D) London
32. ‘Only Connect’ is the epigraph to a novel by “
26. “Hamartia” means : (A) E.M. Forster
(A) Reversal of fortunes (B) Milan Kundera
(B) Purgation of emotions (C) D.H. Lawrence
(C) Depravity (D) Joseph Conrad
(D) Error of judgement
33. The term ‘metaphysical poets’ was first used by :
27. The line “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”
(A) Ben Jonson
appears in :
(B) Dryden
(A) For Whom the Bell Tolls
(C) Dr. Johnson
(B) The Old Man and the Sea
(C) The Snows of Kilimanjaro (D) Helen Gardner
(D) The Sun also Rises
34. Who among the following wrote The God of Small
28. The term “Negritude” was coined by : Things ?
(A) Frantz Fanon and Homi Bhabha (A) Salman Rushdie
(B) Ngugi Wa’ Thiongo and Wole Soyinka (B) Amitav Ghosh
(C) Aimee Cesaire and Leopold Senghor (C) Rohinton Mistry
(D) K. Alfred Memi and Chinua Achebe (D) Arundhati Roy
CLA-48885 4 Paper–II
35. Tennyson’s Ulysses is : 40. Which of Dickens’ novels opens wih the words “It
(A) A poem expressing the need for going forward was the best of times, it was the worst of times .... .”
and braving the struggles of life (A) A Tale of Two Cities
(B) A dramatic monologue (B) Oliver Twist
(C) A morbid poem (C) Pickwick Papers
(D) A poem making extensive use of satire (D) Hard Times
36. Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language was 41. Cervantes is the author of :
published in the year : (A) Don Quixote
(A) 1710 (B) Tom Jones
(B) 1755 (C) Chronicle Of A Death Foretold
(C) 1789 (D) Slowness
(D) 1611
42. Emma Bovary is a character created by :
37. Who among the following writers belonged to the (A) Henry Fielding
(B) Thomas Hardy
American Beat Movement ?
(C) Charles Dickens
(A) Allen Ginsberg
(D) Gustave Flaubert
(B) Mark Beard
(C) Bob Dylan
43. Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes is set in :
(D) E. E. Cummings
(A) France
(B) England
38. The “madwoman in the attic” is a specific reference
(C) Germany
to :
(D) Russia
(A) The narrator of “Goblin Market”
(B) Augusta Egg’s painting
44. Henry James’ Portrait of a Lady is a :
(C) The heroine of The Yellow Wallpaper
(A) Novel
(D) Bertha Mason of Jane Eyre
(B) Collection of poems
(C) Play
39. Which of the following author-book pair is correctly (D) Memoir
matched ?
(A) Arundhati Roy – The Autumn of the Patriarch 45. The term, “stream of consciousness” is coined by :
(B) Gabriel Garcia Marquez – Love in the Time (A) Virginia Woolf
of Cholera (B) James Joyce
(C) Umberto Eco – The Tin Drum (C) William James
(D) Jhumpa Lahiri – Beloved (D) Henry James
CLA-48885 5 Paper–II
46. In a novel, the term “point of view” refers to : 49. “Heathcliff” is a character in the novel of :
(A) Theme (A) Emile Bronte
(B) Character (B) Charlotte Bronte
(C) Narrative technique (C) Jane Austen
(D) Plot (D) Charles Dickens
47. The novel, Nostromo is written by : 50. In the novel Heart of Darkness, the main narrator
(A) Jama Austen is :
(B) Joseph Conrad (A) Marlow
(C) Charles Dickens (B) Kurtz
(D) Thomas Hardy (C) Conrad
(D) Congo
48. “Wessex” serves as a locale in the novels of :
(A) Thomas Hardy
(B) Charles Dickens
(C) Jane Austen
(D) Emile Bronte
CLA-48885 6 Paper–II
CLA-48885 7 Paper–II
CLA-48885 8 1880