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Term Fixed Deposit English

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Form No.

Operative A/C No.
Term Deposit A/C No.
Account Opening Form for Term Deposit Account for existing Account holders (In case of new term deposit)
I/We request you to open a SDR/FDR (RIRD/QIP/MIP) / OTHERS Deposit Account in my/our name as per details given below
Full Name (in Block letters) Existing Customer Id Date of Birth * PAN

*for benefit of senior citizen rate please submit proof of Date of Birth
1. Deposit is under Option – Callable  (pre-mature payment is allowed)
Non Callable  ** ( pre-mature payment is not allowed)
2. Period of Deposit ___________ (D/M/Year) Rate of Interest p.a._____ Amount of Deposit `. ___________
3. a. In case of MIP/ QIP- Interest will be payable – Monthly/Quarterly basis.
b. Interest to be credited to Account no.__________________ with your ________________ branch.
4. Maturity Instructions:
(i) Credit to Account No._____________________ Renewal of Principal Amount / Renewal of Principal with
Interest for Period ________________ (Days /Month /Year)
(ii) In the absence of maturity instruction Term deposit shall be renewed automatically as per auto-renewal scheme
of the Bank.
5. In case of Minor: Guardian’s Name__________________ Nature of Guardianship __________Relationship with
Minor_____________ Source for funds ____________________________ to be filled in.
6. Any other instructions________________________________
7. Operating Instructions (Please mark  in appropriate box):
Self Either or Survivor Former or Survivor Jointly Any one or Others (Pl.
Survivor/s Specify)

8. I/We understand that the interest earned on Term deposit and the Maturity value is subject to TDS as per extant
guidelines of Income Tax.
Terms and Conditions:
For Fixed Deposit Rules, visit our website www.bankofbaroda.co.in- Deposit section
a. Simple interest allowed monthly, quarterly, half yearly or at maturity depends on period and type of deposit
and customer’s instructions. Interest on Monthly Income Plan is discounted as per rules. Interest on RIRD is
compounded quarterly and paid at maturity.
b.Penal interest will be levied on premature withdrawals of deposit as per extant guidelines. Please confirm
from the branch / refer FD rules given on bank’s website
c. Prepayment of term deposits for Rs. One crore and above will be allowed as per discretion of the bank.
d. Maturity value of the Term deposit will be adjusted if Tax is deducted at source on interest. .
e. If deposit is placed under any “Non-Callable Scheme” by whatever name it is called, “No premature payment will
be allowed for any reason whatsoever.”

I/We have read and understood the Bank’s rules for Term Deposit Accounts and agree to comply with and be bound by them
as they are in force now and from time to time in force for such accounts. I/We undertake to advise the Bank in writing of any
change in my/our address in my/our constitution/partners/Directors/Managing Committee/Articles of Association.
Signatures of Account Holders

________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________________

Undertaking /consent/declaration in case of Deposits in Joint Names
a. The Bank on receipt of a written application from any one or more of us in its absolute discretion and subject to such terms and
conditions as the Bank may stipulate, Grant a loan or advance against the security of the term deposit receipt to be issued in our
joint names.

b. I/We undertake that in case of term deposits with operating instructions “either or survivor “or “former or survivor”, premature
termination/payment will be allowed to the survivor in the event of the death of the either of the depositors or former as the case
may be on submission of death certificate of the deceased depositor along with application without obtaining consent of the
legal heirs of the deceased depositor.

________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________________

Signatures of Account Holders

1. Please register nomination for this deposit as per the request given./ Not interested in Nomination.
2. Print Nominee’s name on receipt : Yes /No
Nomination under section 45ZA to 45ZF to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and 2(i) of the Banking companies
(Nomination) Rules 1985 in respect of bank deposits.

Name(s) and address(es) nominate following persons to whom in the event of my/our/minor’s death, the amount of the
deposit, particulars whereof are given below may be returned by Bank of Baroda_______________________ Branch.

Nature of Distinguishing Additional Name of Address of Relationship Age If Nominee

Deposit no. Details Nominee Nominee with is a minor,
(if any) depositor her/his date
of Birth*

* As the nominee is a minor on this date. I/We appoint Mr./Mrs./Ms__________________________________________

(Name, Address and Age) to receive the amount of deposit, in the event of my/our/minor’s death during the minority of the
* Strike out if the nominee is not a minor
@Signature, Name and Address of Witness #Signature/Thumb Impression of Depositors

@Where Deposit is made in the name of a minor the nomination should be signed by a person lawfully entitled to act on
behalf of a minor. #Thumb impression(s) shall be attested by two witnesses.

If PAN is not submitted – Please submit Form 60

I hereby confirm that I have verified KYC compliance of his/her from his/her existing account No_______________________ and
hereby confirm that KYC norms are fully complied with.

Money Laundering Risk Classification : Low/Medium/High

Nomination Registered Yes/ No If yes, Nomination Registration No._____________

Date: Signature of Departmental Head _________
Specimen Signature No.__________________

Signature of Branch Head/Joint Manager

Specimen Signature no._____________

**For Non-Callable deposit seek clarification from branch/nearest branch

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