Fenomenos 1
Fenomenos 1
Fenomenos 1
Abstract: Heat transfer to Newtonian (water) and power law Non-Newtonian (1%, 2% and 4% aqueous CMC solution) fluids
in the agitated vessel is investigated. The data have been obtained for fluid agitated by three marine agitators of 7.5, 12.7 and
18.35 cm diameter respectively. The heat transfer coefficient has been calculated using Wilson graphical method with
modification suggested by Om Prakash et al. The heat transfer data for agitated water and 1, 2 and 4% aqueous CMC solutions
for impeller diameters have been correlated by the equation NNuj = 0.302 with standard deviation of 8.03%.
From the available literature it is seen that the average while Reynolds number was defined by using differential
heat transfer coefficient depends on the geometrical and viscosity at high shear rate. The flow behavior of the fluids in
physical factors. The correlation between them is not so agitated vessel is not correctly and adequately described by
simple because of complex relationship between large the Reynolds number used by them. Thus some variation
numbers of variables involved. The heat transfer rate in an exists in the final correlation in the coefficients for
agitated vessel, either from the vessel wall or from the wall Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Gluz and Pevlushenko
of coils, depends upon velocity and temperature profiles near (2) used a viscosity based on average shear rate
the wall. The velocity profile itself, which affects the corresponding to shear rate at the surface of a rotating
temperature profile, depends on geometrical factors, such as cylinder, and the Reynolds number defined by Gluz et al.
the impeller diameters and its nature, position and speed, the describes the flow behavior in a better manner compared to
diameter of the fluid reservoir, the diameter and pitch of the that used by Carreau et al.
coils, the diameter of the coil tube, the fluid height in the tank
and also on the position and dimensions of the baffles. The Hagedorn and Salamone (3) considered the flow pattern at
physical parameters are the physical properties of the fluids, the vessel wall for power law fluids and presented the
specially, the velocity, the thermal conductivity, density, correlation on the basis of dimensional analysis of basic
specific heat and their variation with the temperature. equations. OC Sandall et al(7) also considered the shear rate
Physical parameters are normally grouped in terms of prandtl at the wall and correlated the data on Newtonian and non-
number, Reynolds number and viscosity correction factors Newtonian fluids for anchor agitator assuming shear rate
whereas geometrical properties are considered in Reynolds proportional to ratio of agitator tip speed and the clearance
number and various geometric dimensionless groups. between the agitator tip and the wall. Many other workers
(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) have made efforts to correlate the similar
The non-linear relationship between shear stress and shear data by using average shear rate derived from agitator power
rate for non-Newtonian materials makes the development of measurements following the methods of Metzner and
the heat transfer correlation more complex. For flow of such Otto(13) and Calderbank and Moo Young(14,15). For power
materials difficulties arise in specifying the Reynolds law fluids, shear stress and shear rate relationship at the rotor
number, Prandtl number and viscosity ratio. Therefore an of the bob viscometer in an infinite fluid (considered as the
appropriate choice of viscosity is necessary to obtain suitable surface of the cylinder rotating is on infinite fluid) is given by
correlation for heat transfer. Carreau, Charest and Corneillo
(1) studied heat transfer to psudoplastic fluids in jacketed
vessel using turbine agitator and employed a generalized (1)
Reynolds number analogous to that of laminar flow in pipes and the relationship for generalized power law may be stated
(5) For heat transfer from the wall of the vessel agitated by a
and the corresponding Reynolds number turbine agitator, the fluid flow along the wall of the vessel is
upward and the resistance to the heat transfer is mainly
controlled by the viscous sub- layer along the wall, with a
(6) large velocity and temperature gradient in radial direction.
Apparent or shear viscosity may be written as The heat transferred through the viscous sub layer is
completely mixed with the bulk of fluid between the sub
layer and the impeller. Under steady state condition the
momentum, mass and energy equations for power law fluids
(7) in the region near the wall may be simplified and presented in
the following form:
and (8)
Differential viscosity (14)
The viscous sub layers thickness δ will be very small
compared to the vessel diameter. As the Reynolds number,
(10) increases the thickness of the viscous sub layer
From equations (5), (7) and (9) one obtains decreases. The δ will be a function of Da and and Urs will
(11) be function of and characteristic velocity, πDaN.
and relationship between various Reynolds numbers NRe’’,
N’’Rea and N’’Red on the basis of pseudo shear, shear and The following dimensionless variables, now can be
differential viscosity, respectively, may be written as defined as
(12) (18)
Similarly corresponding Prandtl numbers may be defined as
Where (21)
The analysis of the flow pattern around the mixing impeller Substituting the above dimensionless variables in
is not so simple. A compromise between experimental and equations (14) and (16) it is observed that the velocity
physical pictures of the flow pattern is needed to obtain gradient is a function of (N’’Rea)m(n+1)-1 and the
suitable parameters for the correlation. Let us consider the temperature gradient is a function of
case of flat plate submerged in a fluid flowing in a laminar
fashion. If the thickness of the flat plate is small compared to .
width, most of the drag on the plate will be due to pressure
difference between front and rear of the plate which is caused Using Fourier law of heat conduction and Newton’s law of
by the motion of the fluid near the surface. Shear stress cooling, the expression for total heat flux and heat transfer
causing any drag will be negligible. Now let us consider the
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.03, IssueNo.14, June-2014, Pages: 3031-3035
Heat Transfer to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in mechanically Agitated Vessel
coefficient can be obtained. The final expression for Nusselt CMC solutions were found to be psuedoplastic in nature
number may be arranged. obeying power law relation. The flow behavior indices were
found to be 0.937, 0.851, 0.793, and 0.698 for 0.5%, 1%, 2%
and 4% aqueous CMC solutions respectively. Thermal
Thus it is seen that Nnuj is function of N˝Rea ‘N˝pra and conductivity of CMC solutions were determined by
length ratio H/Da. if non-isothermal correlation factor is comparative concentric cylinders and were found to be equal
included the correlation takes the form to that of water. Specific heats of the solutions, as measured
by calorimetric method, were found to be nearly equal to that
of water.
Retaining conventional values of Reynolds and Prandtl In order to evaluate constant C1 and Reynolds and Prandtl
number indices b1=2/3 and b2=1/3respectively and sieder number indices b1 andb2 respectively the viscosity µa˝ and
tate correction factor (µab/ µaw)0.14, the equation 23 takes the following dimensionless groups were calculated.
(24) Liquid film heat transfer coefficient hj were calculated
Most of the data available for heat transfer in agitated vessel from over all coefficients Uj using Wilson graphical method
are for Newtonian fluids only. The similar data for non- modified by Om Prakash et al.
Newtonian fluid is almost meager. Therefore experimental
study was carried out to obtain data for heat transfer to purely (25)
viscous non-Newtonian fluids in agitated vessel. Reynolds and Prandtl number may be written as
The experimental setup considered of a flat bottom test (26)
vessel of 45.25cm inner diameter and 60 cm. heights made
from 1/8 inch thick copper sheet. The vessel was jacketed
from 1/8 inch thick GI sheet. A rectangular tank of about 300 (27)
litre capacity filled with heaters was used to heat the water to A. Effect of Prandtl Number
a pre determined temperature which in turn was circulated Prandtl number influence is shown in fig.1 where NNuj
through the jacket (annular space around the test vessel) with
the help of a centrifugal pump. The fluid in the test vessel / is plotted against and the influence of Reynolds
was agitated by marine type agitator fitted in the centre of the number is eliminated by dividing NNuj values by .
coil. The agitator shaft was driven at a known speed by a
2HP electric motor through a reduction gear assembly.
Provision was made for replacement of impeller of desired
shape and size. The water in the hot water tank was heated
and the temperature of fluid was brought to the desired level.
The temperature was controlled to a pre determined value
with the help of temperature controller. The water circulation
were then started in the jacket and adjusted by means of
regulating values and bypasses. The agitator was then started
at a fixed rpm. At steady state condition the inlet and outlet
water temperatures in the jacket, mass ratio of flow water
from jacket test fluid from, rpm of the agitator and
temperatures of fluid in the agitated vessel and that of water
in the storage tank were noted.
The test fluid side wall temperatures of the test vessel were Fig.1. Jacket to agitated fluid heat transfer correlation
noted at different locations and at different heights from its (effect of prandtl number).
bottom with the help of copper constantan thermocouples.
The exponent of was choosen as 2/3 from the previous
The readings were duplicated to ensure the steady state and
to eliminate any error in measurement. Similar measurements experience. Prandtl number of polymeric solutions obeying
were made by varying the flow rate in the jacket and then by power law varies with the speed of the agitator and is found
varying the rotational speed of the agitator. The above to vary from a minimum of 4.9 for water to a maximum of
procedure was repeated for all the fluids. The heat transfer 850 for 4% CMC solution in the present investigation. The
characteristics of five fluids, viz., water and four aqueous average line through the data points of fig.2 gave the
CMC solutions of concentration 0.5, 1, 0.2 and 4% by weight exponent b2 of the Prandtl number equal to 1/3 which agrees
have been investigated. The rheological properties were with Prandtl number exponent in heat transfer correlation for
determined with the help of capillary tube viscometer. All the Newtonian fluids.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.03, IssueNo.14, June-2014, Pages: 3031-3035
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non-Newtonian fluids are in excellent agreement with
equation 26 for 290< N˝Rea<1.4x107 ; 4.9 < N˝Pra <850 and
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.03, IssueNo.14, June-2014, Pages: 3031-3035
Heat Transfer to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in mechanically Agitated Vessel
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