Boiler Dissolved Oxygen Control
Boiler Dissolved Oxygen Control
Boiler Dissolved Oxygen Control
DISSOLVED OXYGEN CHEMISTRY tiny leak in the equipment will result in high DO and
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is a measure of the amount of
oxygen, usually thought of as a gas, that is dissolved in The most economical DO removal can be achieved by
a liquid such as water. Oxygen is essential to life and is continuously measuring deaerator ppb DO results and
also the most common element found taking part in fine tuning deaerator operation for lowest possible ppb
corrosion reactions. DO can be thought of as the fuel DO reading before adding the more costly chemical
needed for the corrosion process to proceed. It is the scavengers. In addition, even with chemical oxygen
corrosion reactions that necessitate trace (boiler) DO scavengers present, DO ppb levels should be measured
analyzers; such as IC Controls 865-25 or 869-22 at potential air in-leakage points to prevent localized
portable that are designed to measure down to part per high DO and corrosion.
billion (ppb or µg/L) levels. The IC CONTROLS model 865-25 monitors ppb
dissolved oxygen continuously in these critical steam
and water circuits. The operating range of 0.1 ppb to 10
DO Corrosion of Boilers ppm (boiler water systems best practice, kept below 5-
The presence of dissolved oxygen in water makes for a 10 µg/L.) allows monitoring of leaks from condensers,
highly corrosive environment. Mechanically hard, valves and fittings, plus low level precision of ±2% of
porous metal oxide deposits with little strength form reading, or 2 digits, clearly shows the performance of
rapidly with the most serious aspect of this oxygen oxygen removal equipment and scavengers. Design
corrosion being that it occurs in localized cells that considerations include a simple, accurate calibration
result in pitting. Pitting is a concentration of corrosion approach plus the capability to communicate with
in a small area of the total metal surface that effectively Distributed Control Systems (DCS) systems and
drills a small metal oxide filled hole in the metal. Pits evolving technology.
can produce large mechanical failures even though only
a relatively small amount of metal has been lost and the
overall corrosion rate is low. Rapid corrosion will
Galvanic ppb DO advantage.
progress inside an industrial or utility boiler plus its With IC Controls trace dissolved oxygen measuring
water and steam system unless dissolved oxygen can be sensor, galvanic current naturally is zero when oxygen
virtually eliminated. Unchecked corrosion eventually is absent. An electrochemical cell similar to a battery it
results in expensive repairs or equipment failures and produces current only when oxygen is present. By using
subsequent replacement. carefully selected electrodes in contact with an
electrolyte, a chemical reaction occurs that uses
electrons gained from oxygen molecules to produce a
Boiler water DO removal galvanic current directly proportional to the
Dissolved Oxygen removal from any steam and water concentration of oxygen present. By comparison
system is of major importance. The first step is typically
mechanical deaeration which is economical and serves
to also eliminate other corrosive gases such as ammonia
and carbon dioxide. A properly operated deaerator can
reduce dissolved oxygen to as low as 10 µg/L (10 ppb).
Note: 1 µg/L = 1 ppb. For complete oxygen removal
down to low ppb levels a second step, chemical oxygen
removal, is needed to assist the deaerator. It is important
to monitor the actual DO level since air contains 21%
oxygen and the difference between the atmospheric Fig. 1: Galvanic Cell
percent and ppb is a factor of 100,000,000. Thus, any
Simple Calibration
At any given temperature and barometric pressure the
partial pressure of oxygen in water-saturated air is
exactly the same as it is in air-saturated water. Thus a
galvanic sensor can be calibrated in water-saturated air,
using the 20.9% oxygen available in air as the full-scale Fig. 3: Boiler Steam and water Cycle
standard, and it will correctly read dissolved oxygen in
water samples. IC Controls DO analyzers have
automatic temperature and barometric pressure sensors, Other systems, such as a closed hot water heating or
cooling system, particularly when they are tight (no
As new make-up water is fed to the boiler, or
condensate is recycled back, it goes through the
deaerator or deaerating heater. The principle behind the
deaeration process is Henry's Law of Partial Pressures.
The solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to the
partial pressure of the species in the atmosphere in
Fig. 5: Deaerating Heater System
equilibrium with the liquid. In this case, the make-up
water has been in equilibrium with the atmosphere and
the solubility of oxygen and nitrogen has been Typically, oxygen can be reduced to 10 µg/L or lower.
proportional to the concentration of oxygen and The manufacturers of deaerators such as Ecodyne make
nitrogen in the atmosphere. In the raw water, this both scrubber and tray type deaerators. The expected
corresponds to 8-10 ppm of oxygen. performance from both types can be 10 µg/L or better
under steady load conditions. As the contact between
In the deaerator, the water equilibriates with steam. As the steam and liquid water will change with flow, it can
oxygen and nitrogen are now excluded, the dissolved be expected that the actual performance will be
gases must leave the liquid to enable the equilibrium to somewhat dependent upon the plant load. Of the two
be achieved. Deaeration is performed in two stages. types, the scrubber unit can tolerate operation over a
a. In the first stage, the feedwater is sprayed into wider load range (typically 20-120% of design) than the
the deaerator vessel where it contacts a flow of steam. tray unit (typically 40-100% of design) which can
The steam both heats the water to within a degree or tolerate more cold water. The tray unit is generally the
two of the steam temperature and removes most of the choice in the bigger units that operate under constant
dissolved non-condensable gases. load as in major electrical generating stations.
b. In the second stage intimate and vigorous When conditions depart from the design conditions,
mixing of the liquid and steam removes the remaining there may be some deterioration in the concentration of
non-condensable gases after which the water moves to dissolved oxygen that will be achieved by the deaerator
the storage tank until needed by the boiler. The steam and within the system. To compensate for any changes,
and gases that were removed from the water are vented the water is chemically treated to remove any residual
to the atmosphere. In a properly operating system, a oxygen as it is fed to the storage tank.
plume 1-1.5 meter high would be seen above the vent. If
What to Order
HOT SAMPLE UNIT up to 65 °C (149 F)
865-25 Online ppb Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer
Model 869-22-91: ppb DO Analyzer
-Metal survivor housing, SS flowcell, SS stand.
Instrumentation -Display shows:
0.01 ppb to 20 ppm DO, 0 to 65 ºC temperature,
What to Order Barometric pressure, 2 alarms, calibration and
program status.
DEAERATOR at 0 to 45 °C (32 to 113 F) -Logs calibration plus last 1000 readings.
-user can download, freeze, and adjust frequency
Model 865-25: ppb DO Analyzer -Easy air calibration – auto calibrates over water
-Analyzer Expert Quality Results, 1 button CAL.
Benefits -Solid metal boiler survivor housing -Absolute zero – Galvanic sensor – no O = no e-
-Display shows: -Memory table of partial pressure & temperature
0.01 ppb to 20 ppm DO, 0 to 50 ºC temperature, -Self- and sensor diagnostics
Barometric pressure, 2 alarms, 2 4-20ma, -PEEK DO sensor handles temperature surprises
calibration and program status. -Long term stability – electrolyte self regenerates
-Easy air calibration – auto calibrates over water -Battery operated or 115/230 VAC power pack.
-Calibrates On-line – no need to remove sensor -RS 232 communications for your portable PC.
-Analyzer Expert Quality Results, 1 button CAL. -IC Net-869 program for Windows 7, Vista, XP.
-Absolute zero – Galvanic sensor – no O2 = no e- -In a 14x14x16.6 ¾ inch plywood case with heavy
-Memory table of partial pressure & temperature zinc plated steel handles, hasp, and ball corners.
-Self- and sensor diagnostics
-SS flowcell and sample panel, magnetite grit is
bypassed, constant pressure, siphon-drain Cal.
-Long term stability – electrolyte self regenerates
-115/230 VAC rated 2 SPDT 5A Alarms 2 4-20mA
DO RENTAL UNIT - What to Order
-Optional RS 232 communications
ppb DO RENTAL UNIT up to 65°C/149F
HOT DEAERATOR up to 65 °C (149 F) Model 869-RENT: ppb DO RENTAL
Benefits - Same as 869-22-91 except
Model 865-25-80: ppb DO Analyzer -RENTED from IC Controls – by the month
Benefits - Same as 865-25 except -Low cost trouble shooting
-PEEK DO Sensor – rated to 65 ºC (149 F) -Feedwater, Condensate, Ultra-Pure, etc.
What to
to Order
Order for
for Contaminated
Contaminated Condensate
Condensate Diversion
11 TDS
TDS analyzer,
analyzer, 210-C(TDS)-2-10-20
210-C(TDS)-2-10-20 Recommended
Recommended options:
options: TDS
TDS Standards
11 TDS
TDS sensor,
sensor, 401-0.1-62
401-0.1-62 A9200000
A9200000 Sensor
Sensor Signal
Signal to
to Analyzer
Analyzer Cable
Model 210C(TDS):
210C(TDS): TDS
TDS Analyzer
Model 401-0.1:
401-0.1: TDS
TDS Sensor
Sensor,, cond.
cond. based
Benefits -- SolidSolid metal
metal industrial
industrial survivor
survivor housing
housing Benefits
Benefits -- Solid Solid metal
metal Boiler
Boiler House
House survivor
survivor housing
-- Display
Display shows
shows TDS,
TDS, temperature,
temperature, 44 alarms,
alarms, 22 4-20
4-20 mAmA -- Rugged
Rugged TDS TDS Sensor
Sensor with
with Explosion
Explosion Proof
Proof Housing
-- Display
Display as
as TDS,
TDS, units
units available
available are are ppm,
ppm, mg/l,
mg/l, or
or ppt
ppt -- Rapid
Rapid and
and accurate
accurate TDS,
TDS, or or non-neutralized
non-neutralized TDS
-- SCF
SCF factor
factor adjustable
adjustable between
between 0.40 0.40 -- 1.10
1.10 -- Easy
Easy calibration
calibration –– in
in air
air and
and TDS
TDS Standards
-- Easy
Easy calibration
calibration -- recognizes
recognizes standards,
standards, holds
holds outputs
outputs -- Easy
Easy inin line
line standardize
standardize –– with
with grab
grab samples
-- Self-
Self- and
and sensor
sensor diagnostics
diagnostics -- Operating
Operating temperature
temperature to to 150°C
150°C (302°F)
(302°F) maximum
-- 4-20
4-20 mA
mA outputs:
outputs: 11 for
for TDS,
TDS, 11 forfor Temperature
Temperature -- Operating
Operating pressure
pressure toto 2.8
2.8 MPa
MPa (400
(400 psi)
psi) maximum
-- 4-20
4-20 mA
mA limits
limits direct
direct set
set in
in ppm
ppm or or mg/L
mg/L TDSTDS -- Automatic
Automatic temperature
temperature compensation
-- Four
Four programmable
programmable alarms alarms with
with self
self and
and sensor
sensor alert
alert -- Constructed
Constructed of of 316
316 SS,
VITON, andand PEEK
ON-OFF control
control and/or
and/or pump
pump pulser
pulser control
control -- Direct
Direct insertion,
insertion, 3/4”
3/4” NPT
NPT screw
screw inin design
-- TDS
TDS set
set point
point units
units direct
direct set
set in
in ppm,
ppm, mg/L,
mg/L, or
or ppt
ppt -Low
-Low maintenance
-- Optional
Optional PID
PID control
-- Optional
Optional communications
Option 11 TDS
TDS Standards
Standards Option
Option 22 A9200000
A9200000 Cable
Cable J-Box
J-Box to
to Analyzer
-- Calibrate
Calibrate is
is easy,
easy, no
no long
long time
time delay
delay Benefits
-- range
range of
of values
values available
available -- Manufacturers
Manufacturers recommended
recommended cable cable
-- includes
includes table
table of
of values
values at
at various
various temperatures
temperatures -- shielded
shielded sensor
sensor signal
signal gets
gets back
back toto analyzer
-- protection
protection from
from stray
stray electrical
electrical noise
Can be
be traced
traced to
NIST -- reliable
reliable sensor
sensor andand analyzer
analyzer performance
-- A1100244
A1100244 70.1
70.1 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
25ºC -- wire
wire size
size fits
fits terminal
terminal blocks
-- A1100243
A1100243 700700 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
25ºC -- unlike
unlike typical
typical 1414 Gage
Gage solid
solid wire,
wire, easily
easily makes
makes turns
-- A1100242
A1100242 7217
7217 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L asas NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
25ºC -- low
low maintenance
-- A1100241
A1100241 74380
74380 ppmppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
25ºC -- available
available by
by the
the meter
meter (or
(or foot),
foot), specify
specify length
length desired
Equivalent TDS
TDS Standards
Standards from
from IC
IC Controls:
-- A1100245
A1100245 4747 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
-- A1100246
A1100246 692
692 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC
-- A1100247
A1100247 7230
7230 ppm
ppm or
or mg/L
mg/L as
as NaCl
NaCl at
at 25ºC