Unit Plan B.Ed Mumbai University
Unit Plan B.Ed Mumbai University
Unit Plan B.Ed Mumbai University
1. Static Electricity Definition: (Knowledge): The pupil Teacher explains the meaning and concept of static electricity
defines static electricity. by giving daily life examples. Teacher also tells the students
When charges get separated from
that Static Electricity was the first kind of electricity to be
neutral bodies causing imbalance in
them is called Static Electricity
2. Forces of Attraction and (Understanding): The pupil Teacher performs an experiment with two pairs of balloons Answer the Following:
Repulsion summarizes the concept where two are made to rub against wool. This pair when Discuss forces of attraction and
of forces of attraction and brought together go away from each other i.e. they show repulsion in charges.
Activity: Balloon Experiment
repulsion. repulsion. Similarly in the 2nd pair, one is rubbed against wool
Apparatus: Balloon, Wool and hair.
and other against hair, when released come close to each
other i.e. they show attraction.
Teacher explains the presence of three particles in an atom Fill In the Blank
3. Origin of Charges (Application): The pupil Atom consists of electrons, protons and
labels the atom model. (from which matter is made) and their charges (shows a
Concept of Atom __________.
moving model of atom). Teacher also explains that in normal
conditions the number of electrons and protons is equal and
Photons Short Note:
hence these matters don’t exhibit any charge (current) when
Neutrons Origin of Charges
we touch them.
And occurrence of repulsion &
LESSON 2 Define:
1. Charging by Friction Teacher revises that in the previous class they had seen Charging by Friction
Definition: The charged developed (Understanding): The pupil how the bits of paper got attracted to the plastic comb which
between two bodies due to friction or recalls the previous was rubbed against dry hair (through activity).
rubbing is called as charging by friction. activities (where two We saw the comb was rubbed against the hair. This is
objects were rubbed called Charging by Friction (or rubbing). Whenever a body
Friction: It is the resistance that one against each other to is charged, its electrons are moving in or out of the atom thus
surface or object encounters when produce static electricity). leaving it negatively or positively charged.
moving over another.
3. Charging GLE by Induction Procedure: In this experiment, ebonite rod takes a negative Draw a neat labeled diagram:
Apparatus: GLE, Ebonite Rod, Wool (Application): The pupil charge when rub against wool. The rod is brought close to the Gold leaf Electroscope
observes the (virtual) Know of the GLE.
Conclusion: Charging the electroscope experiment carefully and
by conduction leaves the electroscope draws conclusion. Observation- I (absence of Earthing & presence of Rod):
with the residual charge Opposite to When this rod is brought Close to the knob of the GLE the
that of the charging rod. leaves diverge.
Observation- II (presence of Earthing & presence of Rod):
In the presence of the charged rod, leaves collapse.
(Application): The pupil Observation- III (absence of Earthing & absence of Rod):
observes the (virtual) As soon as we remove the earthing and the rod, the leaves
demonstration of the again diverge due to the positive charge.
Teacher concludes the topic by telling the students that when
there is a potential difference between the ends of a
conductor, it means that when we charge a conductor, we are
raising or lowering its potential. A neutral body is considered
to be at a zero potential.
1. Flow of Charge- Electric Current
(Knowledge): The pupil Teacher discusses with the students that in order to continue Fill in the Blanks:
Conventional Currents:
recalls the concept of the flow, we connect a cell which maintains a constant 1. The upper layer of a cloud consists
Current flowing from positive terminal to
potential difference potential difference. (w.r.t diagram) The end of the conductor of _________ charges.
negative terminal.
between the ends of the connected to the negative terminal of the cell is at a lower 2. Electric current flows from
conductor. potential and the end connected to the positive terminal is at ___________ to __________.
a higher potential.
2. Static Charges in Atmosphere Teacher explains that the phenomenon of Lightning occurs Short Notes:
Lightning during Thunderstorms because of a massive electric charge flowing from cloud to 1. Lightning Conductor
(Knowledge): The pupil
cloud, from one part of the cloud to another or from a cloud to 2. Static charges in atmosphere
Thunder clouds understands the concept
a ground.
Spreading of charges within the of occurrence of lightning
The electric charges carried by the thunderclouds are spread
cloud. along with thunderstorms
within the cloud. The lower portion of the cloud generally
Air as insulator carries negative charges and the upper portion carries
positive charges, These charges keep building up inside the
But when huge amount of charge builds up in the cloud,
the insulating act of the air breaks and the lightning travels
between two oppositely charged clouds or between cloud and
3. Lightning Conductors (Understanding): The pupil Teacher shows the students through a video that a lightning Answer the following:
Definition: A metal rod or wire fixed summarizes the concept conductor is a rod which is placed on the top of buildings in How does lightning strike the ground?
to an exposed part of a building or having a lightning order to protect it. Its lower end is connected to a metal plate
other tall structure to divert lightning conductor on the top of a which is buried deep inside the earth with the help of a
harmlessly into the ground. building. conducting wire.