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Debate On Marketing Management

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With Products, Is It Form or Function?

Take a position: Product functionality is the key to brand success

versus product design is the key to brand success.
The marketers mostly focus on how to makes more sales of their product to gain more benefit
towards themselves as well towards the organization where they work. Therefore, some
marketer produces product focus on good performances of product, or product
design/aesthetics or both. In my view, I think product functionality is the key to brand success
than its design/aesthetics


Consumers buy products to satisfy a need. A consumer uses products and decides on a product
based upon their own consumption system—the way the product is by the consumer (getting
the product, using the product, and disposing of the product). Additionally, the customer value
hierarchy (core benefit, basic product, expected product, augmented product, and potential
product) enters into the decision-making process for a consumer. Therefore, a product must
perform to an acceptable level according to the consumer’s perception of benefits in their
customer value hierarchy. A low price, low function product, like a disposable razor must at
least perform the task to which it was created. A more expensive product, an electric razor,
must meet the function to which it was created, although these functions are at a higher level
than the disposable razor. If either product does not perform to the consumer’s basic product
definition then the product will be discarded and not re-purchased.

Product Design
Products have unique characteristics and specific brand identifications that meet consumers’
need that are not related to functionality. Such needs as status, self-actualization, and style
appeal to a wide audience. For example, most automobiles will perform the task of taking a
person from point A to point B. However, it is the design of the automobile (specific make/type:
i.e. sports car, luxury car) that appeals to the buyer. For many consumers style plays a more
important role, for some, the only role in their buying decision.

Product design is important as that is the first thing that anyone notices off the shelf in
retail or on the website which attracts the attention of the people. The product feature is
equally important as if it lacks key elements that define the product, it’s of no use either.
So, both the design and the feature need to go hand in hand to build a successful brand
(Townsend, Montoya & Calantone, 2011). However, if I have to take a side, I would say
that product feature overpowers the looks and feel of the product to build a brand
Instead of deciding on whether product performance or design is more important for
brand success it is important to analyze the perceived customer value for the product.
Theodore Levitt explains, "They buy something that transcends these designations-and
what that "something” is helps determine from whom they’ll buy, what they’ll pay, and
whether, in the view of the seller, they’re "loyal” or "fickle. (Levitt, Jan 1980)” As
explained by Theodore, these something that transcends for the satisfaction is met by
both the functionality of the product and the design. But it can be argued that
functionality of a product is more of an expected trait. With market having limited funding
and resources the best thing a marketer can do is segment target and position strategy
to effectively and efficiently differentiate their product and increase their market share.

Thus when it comes to generic products, the design/aesthetic value is what matter more
product differentiation and success of the brand. For example, would you rather buy a
Chinese shoes or a branded oxford shoe for a formal function? You would probably lean
towards a branded oxford shoe as the design and quality speaks more about you in the
function rather than by a low quality Chinese brand.



Analyzing that functionality and performance are important over the aesthetics of the
product let’s take an example of Apple as laptop manufacture vs Dell. Steve Jobs once
said that Apple makes good-looking Mac Book. While Dell doesn’t make any such claims
and they do manufacture average looking laptops. Each of these company has their own
separate operating system and features. With Apple, one gets limited functionality and
user experience if compared to Dell. However, if we look at the sales figure, Dell
overpowers Apple in the laptop sector. This is because of them providing more varieties
with different features and functionality at a cost point below what Apple offers. Apple
regardless of having a good design doesn’t sell as much. In the other case, Apple
produces smartphones with a whole lot of features, excellent camera quality, display,
and operating system, however, lacks behind other companies in term of design and
varieties like Samsung and Sony. However, they’ve more sells as compared to the other
two company. So, the look and feel of the product doesn’t ensure that people buy it but
rather the features that the product includes.

Looking further, if you’re looking for a cleaner for removing the stain in your house,
would you choose a product which is well packaged and looks good or would you rather
go with one that simply gets the job done? The answer is obvious, people will go with
the one that gets the stain removed. Another example can be a car, that simply looks
fantastic but it doesn’t have one key feature which is the brakes. Would you buy the car?
Obviously, not. Thus, the design might get the attention, an extra look of the customer
but if the product lacks the feature, it’s good as nothing.


Product Design
Design is responsible for keeping the viewer's attention. Studies show that a
web page has just 3 seconds to make an impression before the user viewer
decides to stay or leave, and a page has only 12 seconds to meet the viewer's
needs before they find someone else to help them. The design is what
catches the viewer's eye and keeps them interested. A good design also
sends a message to the viewer regarding the company's personality, quality,
and the way they do business.

Here are a few scenarios where good design really matters, and when you should pay
attention to it:

Durability - A well-tailored pair of jeans may be made from quality denim and
perfectly sized, but if you need work pants, for example, and they’re not rugged
enough to stand water, rain, and wind, they’re not durable, and not worth your
Until now people argue over whether iOS or Android “looks” better, or whether Apple
laptops are more attractive than similarly well-designed ultrabooks. Keep in mind
though that products that “look” better hold their value longer.

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