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HyperTuner: Visual Analytics for Hyperparameter Tuning by Professionals

Tianyi Li* Gregorio Convertino† Wenbo Wang ‡ Haley Most §

Computer Science Department User Experience Design User Experience Design Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Virginia Tech Cloudera Cloudera Cloudera
Tristan Zajonc ¶ Yi-Hsun Tsai ||
Cloudera Data Science Workbench Cloudera Data Science Workbench
Cloudera Cloudera

A BSTRACT or serving different analysis goals. In many deep learning models,

While training a machine learning model, data scientists often need hyperparameters such as the number of layers or the dropout rate
to determine some hyperparameters to set up the model. The values can dramatically affect performance.
of hyperparameters configure the structure and other characteris- Prior visual analytics research on supporting the model tuning fo-
tics of the model and can significantly influence the training result. cuses on the following three aspects. 1) Visualizing model structures
However, given the complexity of the model algorithms and the with prior knowledge [17,28]. This can be very useful to understand
training processes, identifying a sweet spot in the hyperparameter the model components and their relationships so that data science
space for a specific problem can be challenging. This paper charac- practitioners make educated decisions on hyperparameter tuning.
terizes user requirements for hyperparameter tuning and proposes a The disadvantage is that such visualization is developed for one
prototype system to provide model-agnostic support. We conducted specific model and barely generalizable to a different model. 2)
interviews with data science practitioners in industry to collect user Visualizing model predictions with additional interpretable models
requirements and identify opportunities for leveraging interactive [13,23]. This approach is data-oriented and model-agnostic, learning
visual support. We present HyperTuner, a prototype system that a local interpretable model around the predictions to explain ML
supports hyperparameter search and analysis via interactive visual models. This can help data scientists reverse-engineer the model to
analytics. The design treats models as black boxes with the hyper- detect which part is not performing well and conduct targeted hyper-
parameters and data as inputs, and the predictions and performance parameter tuning. It is generalizable across models but expensive
metrics as outputs. We discuss our preliminary evaluation results, to train the additional local models and have to be applied to one
where the data science practitioners deem HyperTuner as useful and ML model at a time. 3) Algorithmic approaches [6, 30]. Auto-
desired to help gain insights into the influence of hyperparameters matic hyperparameter tuning like surrogate-based optimization takes
on model performance and convergence. The design also triggered advantage of the growing capability of computing infrastructures
additional requirements such as involving more advanced support and higher evaluation budgets. However, while automated hyper-
for automated tuning and debugging. parameter tuning was a key feature requested by data scientists we
interviewed, they also expressed a need to develop intuition through
Index Terms: Human-centered computing—Visualization—Visu- visualization of experiments.
alization techniques—Hyperparameter Tuning; Human-centered To understand the empirical hyperparameter tuning process, we
computing—Visualization—Visualization design and evaluation conducted interviews with six data science practitioners in industry
methods who work in different job roles. We learned that data science practi-
tioners usually spend a considerable amount of time manually tuning
1 I NTRODUCTION hyperparameters, taking notes on paper notebooks or building their
own visualizations due to the limited visual analytics support. We
The increasing availability of big data is invigorating a more preva-
collected the common practices, user needs, and pain points in the
lent use of machine learning (ML) models among a wide variety of
interviews, and characterized the findings as a workflow of the key
users to solve real-world problems. As the demand for application-
steps. We identify the sub-steps and leverage points, and demon-
specific ML models increases, tools to enable users to efficiently and
strate the corresponding designs via a prototype. We evaluated the
confidently build ML models have become increasingly important.
prototype with the same group of data science practitioners, who
Recent research in the VIS community has highlighted various chal-
provided positive and constructive feedback for improvement. The
lenges experienced in the design and application of ML models that
paper concludes with the result of this first evaluation and future
call for better visual analytics support in the current tools [25].
directions of improvement and extension.
Building a suitable ML model is an expensive and iterative pro-
The contributions of this work are listed as follows:
cess. It includes data preparation, feature engineering, model im-
plementation, hyperparameter tuning, debugging, validation, and 1. Analyzed real-world user practices and needs for effective
other project-specific tasks. The same model algorithm often needs hyperparameter tuning.
different hyperparameter settings when training on different datasets
2. Formalized the hyperparameter tuning process as a workflow.
* e-mail:tianyili@vt.edu
† e-mail:gconvertino@cloudera.com 3. Implemented and evaluated a prototype to support hyperpa-
‡ e-mail:wenbo@cloudera.com
rameter tuning.
§ e-mail:haley@cloudera.com
¶ e-mail:tristanz@cloudera.com Consistent with the themes of the workshop, this research sits at
|| e-mail:yihsuntsai@cloudera.com the intersection of the Machine Learning (ML) and Visual Analytics.
It focuses on empowering data science practitioners via new types
of user interactions and visual analytics tools. In particular, it aims
at guiding and advancing the development of visual analytics tools
for interactive hyperparameter tuning.
2 P ROBLEM IN C ONTEXT and “visual parameter space exploration” [26] in the visual analytics
The set of problems we focus on in this paper appears in the context community. Assessing the optimality of a black-box model often
of training a machine learning model to answer some questions re- involves visualizing and sampling from multi-dimensional spaces,
garding a dataset. For example, given all the customers of a company using surrogate and/or simulation models, contrasting the trade offs
in the past 10 years, who are likely to extend their subscriptions, of several input settings, as well as understanding the influence of the
and who might cancel and leave? When building an ML model to inputs on the outputs. With these shared challenges, the frameworks
make predictions on customer churn, the data science practitioners and strategies developed for non-ML applications are generally ap-
first acquire, clean, and enrich the customer data (Step 1 in the top plicable to hyperparameter tuning as well. For example, the four
half of Figure 1). Next, they engineer the relevant features of the navigation strategies proposed by Sedlmair et al. [26] can also serve
customers to be used in making predictions (Step 2 in the top half most of the exploration and analysis needs in the hyperparameter
of Figure 1). They also need to select what ML model to use: more tuning process. However, hyperparameter tuning optimizes a ma-
traditional models like a decision tree, or some complicated neural chine learning model by steering the initial setting before the training
network models? (Step 3 in top half of Figure 1). While training process. This is different from optimizing learned parameters based
the selected model, many models have hyperparameters that must on the data. Take a simple polynomial model, y = axk + b, as an
be set and tuned. For example, a decision tree needs a criterion example. The value of parameter a and b are adjusted to fit a given
function (Gini index or entropy) to measure the quality of a node dataset, while the k is preset by the user to define the model structure.
split, a maximum depth of the tree, and other hyperparameters. A If the model performance is consistently bad for a certain k value,
neural network can have many hyperparameters such as the number more tuning will be needed to determine a more appropriate k value.
of layers, which activation function to use, and so on (Step 4 in the Unlike tuning learned parameters as in non-ML problems, users
top half of Figure 1). With the hyperparameters set, the models are are required to have considerably abundant knowledge about the
trained and validated with a subset of the customer data (Step 5 in the model algorithm in order to understand the relationship between the
top half of Figure 1). If not satisfied, the data science practitioners hyperparameter setting and the training process, in order to explore
iterate by returning to any of the prior four steps, depending on the the influence of the hyperparameters to the model performance.
results. Finally, when satisfied, they can share the trained model Prior work on hyperparameter tuning, or hyperparameter search,
with other data analysts and domain experts or embed the model into can be broadly divided into two camps: automated approaches devel-
a business process. oped by the Machine Learning or AI researchers (e.g., see review in
We focus on the problem of hyperparameter tuning: see steps 4 [10]) and human-in-the-loop approaches developed by researchers
and 5 and the bottom half of Figure 1. It’s worth prefacing, first, working between Machine Learning and Visual Analytics (e.g., see
the distinction between two types of parameters. The first is the review in [24]), as the one proposed in this paper. Below we review
hyperparameters, which are set by the users before the training these two camps of research.
process begins. The second is the learned parameters, for example,
“weights” of the data features the model learns from the dataset. 3.2 Automated Approaches
At the bottom half of Figure 1, we indicate the three leverage Claesen et al. [10] refer to the vision of a fully automated, self-
points of prior research to support hyperparameter tuning and, in configuring learning strategy, including hyperparameter search, as
this context, our focus in this paper. The first is to visualize the still the “holy grail of machine learning”. Nevertheless, automatic
model structure (e.g., what layer of the neural network model is approaches are showing increasing success on tuning hyperparam-
processing what data features [18]; see the vertical line with label eters of some models [6, 30]. Important contributions of the work
1). The second is to learn a local model around the model prediction done in this camp includes the formalization of key concepts (e.g.,
(e.g., what features an image-recognition model captured to classify hyperparameter) [9], the identification of model tuning tasks that
a specific image [23]; see the vertical line with label 2). The can be automated, and consequently software modules that imple-
third is to algorithmically optimize hyperparameter values with an ment specific hyperparameter optimization methods, such as Scikit-
objective function (see the vertical line with label 3). In this learn [19], or packages that focuses on Bayesian methods (e.g., see
work, we treat a ML model as a black box, and combine the second https://bayesopt.github.io/), such as Hyperopt [7] and ParamILS [16].
and third leverage points via interactive visual analytic to support On the commercial end of this camp, sample software tools include
hyperparameter tuning (see the vertical line with label 4). https://cloud.google.com/automl/ and https://www.datarobot.com/.
While there are important advancements in the automated ap-
proaches camp, it’s important to recognize that there are many prac-
Hyperparameter tuning is an essential but time-consuming step in tical scenarios where such automatic approaches are not applicable.
model training. In order to get an ML model to work well in practice, An exhaustive grid search is computationally expensive and time-
the hyperparameters need to be tuned when training the model and consuming; random search and surrogate-based model optimization
the best settings usually differ for different datasets. Revising the require enough trials for a given dataset. More advanced sampling
configuration of existing learning paradigms can sometimes lead to techniques such as latin hypercubes and low-discrepancy sequences
more improvement in model performance than inventing new ones also suffer from the same problems. Furthermore, implementing
[11, 20]. However, evaluating the effect of a given hyperparameter automatic approaches usually requires writing additional scripts with
setting is expensive since it usually requires the model to be trained an in-depth understanding of the model and search algorithms, which
and tested, which is often computationally costly and may have excludes non-expert users of ML models or novice practitioners. As
random factors that make the evaluation even more difficult. we learned in the interviews, the tuning process is either highly
inefficient with manually keeping a notebook, or relies on automatic
3.1 Visual Analytics Support in Parameter Search optimization algorithms that are usually expensive to implement
Exploring the relationships between several explanatory variables without guarantee of success (convergence). Even when automated
and one or more response variables has been a prevalent challenge approaches are used, data scientists expressed a desire to combine
in many different application domains, including meteorology [21], both automated and manual iteration in one framework to help keep
biology [22] and medical science [5]. Statistical approaches such track of experiments and develop some intuition for potential model-
as the response surface methodology (RSM) [8] has been widely ing avenues to explore. In this work, we investigate where and how
employed in developing solutions to those problems, and is further to leverage human guidance to improve the hyperparameter tuning
developed into the “design and analysis of computer experiments”, efficacy.
Figure 1: Problem in context. The top half (context): overall work process by a data science practitioner of addressing hard questions by applying
an ML model to a dataset [24], p. 642. The bottom half (problem): model building via hyperparameter tuning and result validation.

3.3 Human-in-the-loop Approaches least a decade now. For example, Patel and collaborators [12] in a
The current reality of hyperparameter tuning is highly human-driven. 2008 study with data scientists observed that tuning ML models is an
Hyperparameter tuning is usually performed manually [9] following iterative and exploratory activity. It was hard for the data scientists in
rules-of-thumb and experience accumulated through practice [14, the study to track performance across iterations, which makes tuning
15]. Especially with complex models, the current trial-and-error process challenging. They argued that ML tools should include
process is inefficient in terms of the time spent and the computational more suitable visualizations to help data scientists with their work.
load [22], and does not favor reproducibility, knowledge transfer, A recent attempt to provide more suitable visualizations of model
and collaboration (e.g., [10]). To address these limitations, as well evaluations metrics and model comparisons was made by Tsay and
as increasing the transparency of ML models to humans, current colleagues [27]. This is a research area that we expect will receive
research efforts in the human-in-the-loop camp have focused on increasing attention in the near future.
three visual analytics foci: model structure, model prediction, model
performance metrics.
In the first phase of the project, we interviewed data science practi-
Visualizing model structure. Many visualization techniques
tioners in industry to investigate their hyperparameter tuning prac-
have been developed to help users understand the structure of dif-
tice, as ML experts and as colleagues of domain experts with busi-
ferent ML models. Liu et al. [17] developed a visual analytics
ness needs and knowledge. In this section, we characterize the key
system that shows all the layers, neurons, and other components of
steps of the process and user needs not yet addressed by current
the convolutional neural networks, as well as how the training data
is processed within. GANViz [29] visualizes the adversarial train-
ing process of generative adversarial nets with linked coordinated 4.1 Method
visualizations. Rather than devoting to an in-depth understanding
of a specific model, we investigate a more light-weight and general- We interviewed six data science practitioners. While all were ex-
purpose support for model-agnostic hyperparameter tuning. perienced in hyperparameter tuning, they held various job roles,
including “data scientist”, “data science engineer and researcher”,
Interpreting model prediction. There is an evolving research “machine learning engineer”, and “software engineer for a data ana-
interest in model-agnostic interpretation, that focuses on understand- lytics product”. We will refer to the six interviewees as P1, P2, P3,
ing model prediction behaviors. Riberio et al. developed LIME [23], P4, P5, P6
a model-agnostic approach that learns an interpretable model locally
around the prediction. This framework is generalizable to different 4.2 Hyperparameter Tuning: Practice
models and dataset, and efficiently enhances the interpretability of Our interviews may be affected by potential sampling biases: the
a given model. However, before drilling down into such expensive interviewees were based in the United States and the UK; they
interpretation and copious details, we focus on comparing many worked for a software company that builds applications for machine
alternative models and identifying better ones. learning and analytics on big data. However, the sample included
Interpreting model performance metrics. The lack of support a good variety of job roles and, we believe, can represent the need
for evaluating the performance of ML models has been known for at of a broader range of data science practitioners in the industry (i.e.,
Figure 2: A text file showing some experiment history from P4

We asked follow-up questions depending on the interviewee’s re-

sponse. In addition, we asked the interviewees to introduce us to the
tools they use and, when possible, provide us with examples of their
projects (e.g., outputs from hyperparameter tuning in a representa-
tive project, see Figure 2 and 3). Each interview was recorded and
Two of the co-authors performed a qualitative analysis on each
transcript and summarized common themes (i.e., common steps,
tools, and pain points). The themes were then validated with other
two co-authors, who are data science domain experts.

4.2.1 How many tuning iterations or rounds do you do?

The interviewees referred to a model tuning task as a project involv-
ing multiple experiments, which may last several hours or days. Two
of the six data scientists (P1 and P6) mentioned the strategy of start-
ing from tuning simple models first (e.g., a logistic regression) and
then, based on resources available (i.e., time and computation) vs.
performance required, moving to tune more complex models. Gen-
Figure 3: Example visualization from P4 erally, a model tuning project would require at least 20 experiments
(P1) and might take as many as about 60 experiments in the case of a
deep learning model (P4). This number could be significantly higher
their colleagues and customers in other companies). In this first if parts of the tuning and experimental process were automated.
phase of the project, we aimed at a qualitative characterization of
the hyperparameter tuning process and user requirements rather than
4.2.2 What hyperparameters do you tune? How?
quantitative findings.
The procedure of each interview followed a semi-structured The number of hyperparameters differs model by model. In the case
method and included two sub-sessions. The first sub-session, lasting of a deep learning model, there are often dozens of hyperparameters.
about 15 minutes, investigated the job role and working context of The interviewees would focus on tuning “a dozen or more” (P4)
the interviewee: hyperparameters. It usually relies on the data science practitioners
to plan and “keep everything as a changeable parameter or knob”
1. Please briefly describe your job role. (P4) in their code.
The data science practitioner who shared the Figures 2 and 3
2. Please describe the most common tasks for your job role. describes his typical hyperparameter tuning process below. Not
all hyperparameter values need to be tuned, such as the learning
The second sub-session, lasting about 45 minutes, investigated the rate. Some commonly tuned hyperparameters include the optimizing
model tuning practices: algorithm, dropout rate, the number of layers, the width of each layer,
to name just a few. “I do not really try to fix those right off the bat.
1. Please describe example projects, where you needed to train Instead, I define limits, so I bound what values I think they could
and tune models. take, and then I either do a grid search or a random parameter
search”. In the example project P4 described to us, it usually takes
• What was your dataset, model and hyperparameters, about 6 hours to train a model with one set of hyperparameters. In
evaluation metrics? addition, there’s only a certain amount that can be parallelized due
to the limited CPU resources. In such situations, random parameter
• What do you look at to decide if the model can be better?
search is more commonly used because the results would converge
What and how to tune?
faster, and provide a better sense of the hyperparameter space.
• How many experiments do you typically compare? When deciding if a specific hyperparameter should be tuned more,
P4 reported that he usually holds “all other features constant [across
2. How would you perform the above task with other models? experiments], and just experiment with one.” If the results do not
(generalizability of 1) change much, this hyperparameter might not be worth further tuning.
For example, some users find learning rate not very important to
3. What kind of assistance would help you with the tasks you affect their results. It is useful to figure such things out sooner, to
described? invest computation resources into tuning other hyperparameters.
Figure 4: Formalized workflow of the hyperparameter tuning process.

4.2.3 What performance metrics do you track? How? Sub-task 5: Review and Save Progress. If the ML expert
decides, in sub-step 4, that no more tuning is needed, then he answers
The commonly used performance metrics for supervised models
these questions: 1) How well am I able to recall the tuning process
include accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC curves. Other examples
and communicate its results? 2) How useful are the records of my
are learning curve (to check the slope and when it gets saturation),
tuning progress? What is missing? What is superfluous? This
training loss vs. validation loss (to check when the latter increases
sub-step is performed with the support of a final project-level report
as the first keeps decreasing to detect overfitting).
summarizing all the experiments from all batches plus any comments
or reminders the practitioner recorded during the tuning process.
4.2.4 Workflow
The six data science practitioners pointed to a similar underlying 4.3 Hyperparameter Tuning: Support Needed
process of hyperparameter tuning. What we learned was consistent Following the workflow in Figure 4 we identified at each step needs
with the reports from the literature about the general process, which for visual analytics support that are not fully addressed by current
we summarized at the top of Figure 1. An interviewee (P1) summa- data science tools.
rized the process as follows: “We go through a typical data science
workflow, which is to clean data, train a model, and then open it up 4.3.1 Analytics of batches of experiments
over an API to a web front-end.”. We formalize the hyperparameter One of the most evident needs emerging from the interviews is the
tuning process as a workflow with five sub-steps (shown in Figure need to aggregate results across experiments and conduct group-
4), with the first four forming a loop. level comparisons among the experiments in a batch. The data
science practitioners need visualizations that help determine which
Sub-step 1: Set hyperparameter values. At the outset of the hyperparameters values are satisfying and which ones require more
workflow (the first square in Figure 4), the ML experts initiate the exploration. They also need to interactively customize the visu-
first batch of experiments by setting hyperparameter values based alization. In the words of an interviewee (P2): “Visualization is
on their understanding of the data, the model algorithm, and the to bring human interpretation in hyperparameter tuning... build
problem to solve. This sub-step reoccurs later as a restart of the loop a visualization that is a natural interpretation of the actual data
if, after sub-step 4 (the fourth square in Figure 4), the ML expert passed in, ... Users always want variation, they should be allowed
decides that more tuning is still needed. to customize the visualization”. Currently, these visualizations are
created manually and in ad hoc fashion. A data science practitioner
Sub-step 2: Hypothesize the impact of tuned hyperparam-
(P1) summarize his current practice as follows: “You try different
eters with results of all experiments. At this stage the ML
combinations of hyperparameters, keep track of the performance,
expert has just run a batch of experiments and wants to answer
and visualize it somehow”.
two questions: 1) What are the most impactful hyperparameters
in these experiments? Is hyperparameter X relevant? 2) How do 4.3.2 Analytics of individual experiments
the hyperparameters influence the performance of the model and
what performance metrics to consider? This sub-step is performed A second general need is a support to investigate results and metadata
with the support of summative reports of the hyperparameters and of an individual experiment (trained model). As shown in Figure 4,
performance metrics for a full batch of experiments. these investigations happen as drill-down analysis to test the current
working hypotheses. For example, the user may need to understand
Sub-step 3: Validate hypotheses with details of individual the training history of an experiment and if the model predictions
experiments. The ML expert may need to drill into the details of can be trusted. Additionally, s/he may want to review the metadata
specific experiments to test the hypotheses developed in sub-step 2: as a reminder of the hyperparameter values used. If the experiment
1) What do the details of this experiment say about my hypotheses? is worth tracking for later comparisons, s/he can annotate some notes
2) Do I trust the predictions of this models by looking at the results? from the analysis. In particular, three of the six practitioners (P1,
This sub-step represents an in-depth investigation that starts and P4, P6) mentioned the need to review interpretability details such
ends back in sub-step 2 (see bidirectional arrow in Figure 4). It is as examples of misclassifications by a supervised ML model. P1:
performed with the support of detailed reports on hyperparameters “Interpretability is also an important factor to track when turning
and performance metrics from an individual experiment. Multiple hyperparameters. Is it predicting the right class for the right reason?
micro-iterations occur between sub-steps 2 and 3, typically. I would want to get examples which get classified correctly or not.”
Sub-step 4: Decide if more tuning is needed. Once the ML With computationally expensive experiments that may take hours,
expert has analyzed the results of the current batch of experiments, analysis of the training progress is desirable. Two interviewees
s/he needs to decide: 1) Does the (best) model performance meet explicitly pointed to the need for “early stopping” (P1) of ineffective
my expectations? If not, 2) Will more training improve the model experiments. P1: “If I see the loss curve jumping all over the
performance and will it be worth the efforts, given the resources? place, or very noisy in comparison to the other loss curves, I don’t
This sub-step is performed with the support of the summative and even need to ever look at that model again, I just thought it out
detailed reports from the prior two steps immediately”.
4.3.3 Informing the next round of exploration workflow in Figure 4. Once the experiments are completed, the pro-
A third general need revolves around the support for making complex totype reports and visualizes the values of the performance metrics
decisions. The decision is whether to run a new batch of experiments obtained from each experiment with respect to the corresponding
and, if so, what new set of hyperparameter values to use, given the hyperparameter value settings. The user typically completes multi-
results of the current batch of experiments. One of the challenges is ple runs until satisfied by the results, then selects the best models
to monitor and reason about many hyperparameters at the same time. and reports these as the outcome of the entire model tuning Project.
This is particularly evident when training deep learning models. The
data science practitioners have to restrict the number of variables Prototype Design and Contents. The design of the prototype
to keep in mind due to limited cognitive capacity. When deciding visualizes the experiments results depending on the data types and
what small subset of the hyperparameter space to explore next, values of the hyperparameters and performance metrics, thus is
they need to capture the insights from the analysis of the existing model-agnostic and can be applied to different models (see core
experiments (see the first two needs, above). It is worth remarking, concepts above). However, to demonstrate the prototype with real-
about this need, that the decision consists in balancing observations, world use cases, we run a real model tuning project and populated
expectations, and resources: i.e., the performance observed in the the visualizations with realistic data. Specifically, we built a simple
current batch of experiments (observations), the desired level of convolutional neural network (CNN) and applied it to predict the
performance given the problem (expectations) and the resources such MNIST dataset of handwritten digits [2]. As a proof of concept,
as time and computation available to the project (resources). While we streamlined a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of
the observations are in the tool, the expectations and resources are 10,000 examples.
mostly implicit knowledge in the head of the data science practitioner The prototype can visualize experiment results of different mod-
- herefrom the need for visual analytics tools that involve the human. els, substituting the current views with the data types and values of
As summarized by P4: “There’s never been a point in any project the corresponding hyperparameters and metrics. We made a strategic
I’ve ever worked on where hyperparameter tuning was done. It’s design decision to use a grid of scatter plot to visualize the training
really just I [judging if] I have seen enough and I’m willing to results with minimum manipulation and leave it to data scientists
make a decision about what the hyperparameter should be [to meet to “perform the art” (P4) of interpretation. It is also a practice to
expectations]. So its more of a question of timelines and schedules”. use grids of scatter plots to explore, at an early stage of the analysis,
correlations among sets of variables (see visualization in statistical
4.3.4 Project-level memory and communication tools such as SPSS and SAS).
The fourth need pertains to memory and communication support at
the project level. About memory support, P5 describes the needs to Use Cases Based on the data obtained from training the CNN
capture what was done to easily recall the analysis trajectory later: model with 8 experiments, below we describe the prototype imple-
“Now in the report, we have the accuracy (performance), but we do mentation through the following use case with two phases:
not capture what I changed. Over time we will probably forget what Sarah is a data scientist and she is building a 10-way classifier
weve done, such as the numbers we have changed. So being able to with the CNN model to recognize the handwritten digit numbers
track them is important. We will be able to go back and see how the in the MNIST dataset. She has implemented the model skeleton in
model has improved. [A] ‘rewinding’ [capability].” Several inter- a python script with the hyperparameters as tunable variables, and
viewees (e.g., P1, P6) also mentioned that a project-level summary needs to decide what values to use.
or report on all experiments should allow filtering, annotating, and
comparing experiments: e.g., delete or archive experiment, mark as Phase 1: Sarah sets a list of values for each hyperparameter and
promising, filter, annotate, tag, select and compare two experiments. launches a batch of Experiments in the current Run. After
For example, P1 reports that his current practice is to compare two obtaining the training results, she makes sense of these results
experiments at a time, in detail. P6 reports that, at the end of her and decides how to continue the tuning process.
tuning project, she typically selects the best 2-3 experiments from
the list and then runs the models on a new dataset, as a final “blind Phase 2: Sarah stops the tuning progress, cleans up the training
validation” step. Some interviewees suggested that project-level records, and saves her progress as a report.
reporting would help collaborate with colleagues and communicate
the results to the domain experts who requested the model. In P5’s
words, “to be able to communicate to the business sponsors outside 5.2 Phase 1
our team how well the model is performing, and also, we would use Set Value to Launch Experiments. Sarah started by experi-
it internally for [guiding future] tuning [...] [and] do a comparison menting with three hyperparameters: batch size (number of samples
between models as well”. that going to be propagated through the network), dropout rate (the
probability at which randomly selected neurons are ignored during
5 H YPER T UNER P ROTOTYPE AND E VALUATION training), and number of epochs (one epoch is when an entire dataset
To explore how to leverage visual analytics support in the hyperpa- is passed forward and backward through the neural network once).
rameter tuning workflow (Figure 4), we implemented and evaluated She sets several candidate values for each of the three hyperparame-
HyperTuner, an interactive prototype. ters (Figure 5 left) and sets the remaining hyperparameters as default
values. Notably, by adding an asterisk (*) after the step size she
5.1 Implementation and Example Data indicates that the step size increases by multiplying the previous
HyperTuner is a web-based application implemented on the Django value by two rather than adding two each time (e.g. 28,56,128 in-
framework [3]. The visualization components are developed with stead of 28,30,32). Then she selects the metrics she wants to use
Bokeh [4] and D3.js [1]. to measure the model performance (Figure 5 right). In response of
her parameter setting actions, the tool automatically generates the
Core Concepts in the Prototype. In the prototype, a user command to execute the script via a command-line interface, which
launches a training script with multiple hyperparameter settings as a she commonly uses to run scripts (see the bottom left field in Figure
Run, where each setting results in an Experiment. 5). She can further customize and add more hyperparameters in the
The user interactions supported around a specific Run correspond final command, and choose to log more performance metrics (the
to completing a full loop connecting the first four sub-steps of the bottom right drop-down menu of Figure 5).
Figure 5: Initial Parameter Setting to Launch Experiments

Figure 6: Run dashboard for a batch of experiments in an example interaction flow

Run Dashboard. After the experiments are launched and com- lower loss values. Based on this insight, Sarah now selects the ex-
pleted, Sarah reviews the results of all the experiments summarized periments with the largest batch size, batch size=128 (Figure 6 B.5).
in the run dashboard (Figure 6 A). By viewing the parameter panel Based on this selection she has now identified three experiments
on the left she is reminded of the hyperparameters values she had set (Figure 6 C), and it seems that dropout rates 0.3 and 0.5 are not as
when she launched this run plus the metrics she selected to assess good as 0.7. Yet, none of the three experiments has good accuracy,
performance. For each hyperparameter and metric, she can scan the thus she decides to check each experiment in more detail via the
current value ranges under each slide bar. On the right, she sees experiment dashboard.
both the table and a set of visualizations. The experiment results are
summarized in the table at the top: it lists experiment ID, status, hy- Experiment Dashboard. Sarah clicks on the Epoch Observa-
perparameters tuned, and performance metrics obtained. Under the tory sub-tab and enters the experiment dashboard, where the left
table, she finds two types of visualizations. The first is an aggregated panel and table at the top are persisted from the run dashboard where
line chart showing the performance metrics (lines) obtained for each she was earlier. Here, in the table, she selects one of the three rows
of the eight experiments (x-axis). She can click on the legend to (experiments) she is investigating. She replays the training process
choose which performance metric to view. The second is a grid of the individual experiment (Figure 7 label 1). She repeats this
of 12 scatter plots (three rows, four columns) showing the detailed process with the other two experiments. She is investigating how the
results for each metric-hyperparameter combination: each row cor- loss and accuracy curves look like in each experiment, and specifi-
responds to one hyperparameter (always shown on the x-axis) and cally, each epoch. This will help her find a good trade-off between
each column corresponds to one performance metric (always shown good final performance and amount of noise (i.e., metric fluctua-
on the y-axis). tions) in the training process. In the experiment dashboard, under
the table, she analyzes the configuration summaries or metadata of
Sarah notices that experiment 4 has worse performance than the experiment (label 2), the line charts showing the performance
the others. She suspects that it’s because this experiment had a metrics (lines) within epoch (label 3) and across epochs (label 4). In
low number of epochs. So by brushing over the top right scatter- each of these line charts, she clicks on the legend to choose which
plot, she selects the experiments with the smaller number of epochs performance metric to view. On the lower right, she finds a visualiza-
(num epochs=6, Figure 6 A.1) to see how these experiments per- tion that is specific to the current model and dataset. In this case, she
formed (number of epochs corresponds to the first row). Since all sees a confusion matrix as a heat map. This visualization helps her
views in this dashboard are coordinated, the brushing operation re- assess if she can trust the model trained in the current experiment.
sults in selecting three experiments across all views, including the Specifically, she inspects the cells that show what digits are more
table at the top (Figure 6 B.2). It also results into updated sliders frequently misclassified and why by looking at the examples shown,
in the parameter panel on the left: the lower and upper limit of upon cell hovering, under the matrix. For example, she hovers over
each range (blue circles) in each slider is automatically re-positioned row 2 and column 6 and finds out that there are 14 data points that
to reflect the hyperparameter and performance metrics of the ex- are actually digit “2” but classified as digit “6” (see frequency 14
periments selected by the brushing (Figure 6 B.3). At this point, in the matrix, magnified in Figure 7 label 5), and the images at the
Sarah notices that as the experiments selected have num epoch=6 bottom are examples of those misclassified data points. This gives
and dropout rate=0.5, the batch size shows a linear relationship with her a sense of the quality of the model predictions.
all the performance metrics (the relationship is highlighted for the
reader with gray lines in Figure 6 B.4). Thus she infers that experi- Support to Decide the Next Batch of Experiments. After ex-
ments with higher batch size values might have higher accuracy and amining the current experiment results in the global and local views
Figure 8: Project Dashboard

Figure 7: Experiment dashboard for an individual experiment

5.5 Preliminary Evaluation
We presented the workflow and the prototype to the same group of
back and forth, Sarah decided to run another batch of experiments, six data science practitioners as during the first phase. We used a
where she wants to keep the three tuned hyperparameter values the similar method and each session lasted again an hour. During the
same as the best experiment of the current run: num epochs=12, session, we used screen sharing to first review the workflow (15
batch size=128, dropout rate=0.7. She plans to experiment with minutes) and then demonstrate each component of the interactive
a new hyperparameter: number of layers, to see if she can use less prototype (45 minutes). We used a semi-structured interview method
number of layers to achieve as good a performance. She clicks on with open-ended questions that requested feedback on the workflow
“Start new run” on the bottom left and set a new grid of the hyperpa- and each prototype component. Each interviewee gave feedback and,
rameter values in a modal window with a similar interface to Figure when relevant, specified new requirements evoked by the prototype.
5. As a result, as this new run is complete, the parameter panel in We recorded and transcribed each session. The qualitative findings
the run dashboard (see Figure 6 B.3 shown earlier) will now show extracted by two co-authors from the transcripts are summarized
four hyperparameters. below.
Overall, all interviewees validated that the workflow represents
5.3 Phase 2 their current hyperparameter tuning process and captures the key
sub-steps. The set of visual analytics capabilities supported in the
Project Dashboard. Sarah has tuned the model across five prototype are useful and required. “I like the feature set, I can
batches of experiments and wants to save her progress so far as imagine myself using it. The handwritten notes stop making sense
she feels satisfied by the results. While still in the Run Dashboard to me after a long time, and hard to understand for other people.
(where she analyzed her last run), she clicks on the “Analytics” tab The problem is: you just make up as you go along [reviewing the
(Figure 7 label 6) to analyze her progress across all runs in the Project notes]. This structure will help formalize that.” (P1). In addition,
Dashboard (Figure 8) and then create a report. In this dashboard, she the interviewees found the MNIST dataset and the CNN model used
first scans the large table on the left with all the experiments she ran as content for the prototype implementation representative enough
and with values of hyperparameter and performance metrics. Then of hyperparameters and metrics used for real-world models. The
she uses the line chart on the right to review how the performance prototype triggered further insights, where the interviewees gave
metrics have improved run after run, historically (Figure 8 upper suggestions of how the prototype could be connected or extended to
right) in relation to the tuning of the hyperparameter values used help with work needed after the models are deployed in production
(Figure 8 lower right). By brushing over the upper right chart, she (e.g., apply the model to new data).
selects all experiments from the first two runs and archives these
in a group as the results were poor. Then she cleanses the set of Run Dashboard. The data science practitioners found the grid
experiments from the remaining three runs by interacting with the of hyperparameter-metric scatter plots and the brushing & linking
table on the left and using the checkboxes in the first column: she among all views particularly helpful as it fulfills a need not yet ad-
selects and archives the bad ones and stars a few good ones that she dressed by their tools. “Its an inherently hard problem how you
wants to discuss and annotate with her colleagues. Later on, after visualize multiple hyperparameters and performance [metrics]. But
meeting her colleagues, she finally includes the best model in the giving me the way to slice and dice it definitely helps.” About the
report which she shares with the domain expert who requested the line chart showing the performance metrics by experiment, this chart
tuned model for a handwriting recognition application. was initially designed as bar charts, then replaced by the current
line chart to address scalability concerns by one of the interviewees
5.4 Prototype Status who usually operate on hundreds of experiments. However, a sec-
ond interviewee recommended reversing this design decision since
The prototype implementation and evaluation are still in progress. connecting the performance with lines might be misleading: “[The
Several components of the prototype, such as features of the project order of the experiments] does not follow a time series relationship
dashboard shown in Figure 8 (e.g., multi-selection, interactions over ... there’s no natural order to them, so I would argue this should be a
the charts on the right, and report sharing) are still under construction. bar graph, not a time series”. Another recommended refinement of
The figures (5-8) and use cases in this section are intended to show this chart is to find better solutions for performance metrics that have
how the final prototype will support the hyperparameter tuning different scales and units: “I’m not a big fan of putting accuracy
process. Additional refinements to the prototype implementation and loss in the same figure.” The visualization (e.g., axes) should
are also expected after a final round of evaluation with the same interactively adjust based on the metrics selected and show multiple
practitioners. metrics in ways that help to compare a batch of experiments.
Experiment Dashboard. Reviewing the epoch information of of production. Their common practice is to constantly update the
each experiment was a recurring practice among the interviewees. test set to keep an eye on the model performance with the new data.
Moreover, they found the confusion matrix very helpful. This visual- There were also requirements on more visualizations, “I would also
ization is specific to the model and the data being used, thus it would want to see the loss over epoch for multiple models[experiments] on
be expensive to support across models. Our current prototype design the same graph. (P4)”.
partially addresses this problem by allowing extensions: for models
that do not have an equivalent visualization, we leave it to the data 6 D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK
science practitioner to plug in their own customized visualizations. 6.1 Opportunity of learning from user interaction.
However, the interviewees all suggested that it is still worth the
efforts to pre-build some visualizations. I am willing to write extra An area of future work and discussion central to this workshop is
lines of code to process the data so that it can be visualized this about how visual analytics tools can allow data science practitioners
way. (P1). This suggests the need for pre-building commonly used to understand the influence of hyperparameters by capturing patterns
visualizations as skeletons so that the users can populate with the on hyperparameter-metrics visualizations and use these patterns to
training results of different models and/or datasets. make decisions on the next round of hyperparameter tuning. For
instance, there is a known pattern that data science practitioners rely
Support to Decide the Next Batch of Experiments. Keep- on to decide if the model is overfitting, which indicates that it’s time
ing a panel of hyperparameters and performance metrics on the to stop the training. The practice is to monitor both training loss and
left in both run and experiment dashboards allows the user to keep validation loss as a model is being trained. At the beginning, both
track of their insights emerged from the analysis of the visualiza- the training loss and the validation loss values would decrease. Once
tions (Figure 6 B.3). All interviewees found the “lock” button in the validation loss starts to increase, it means the model starts to
the parameter panel useful to record a promising range of values overfit the training set of the data. This is a prevalently used pattern
for a hyperparameter. In addition to this basic capability, it might that can be predefined in visual analytics tools and be automatically
help to have more advanced ways to capture insights during visual flagged on occurrence in any project.
analysis. We explored with the interviewees the utility of defining However, most, if not all, of the other relevant patterns that a data
and highlighting patterns in a visualization that may help locate the science practitioners could use are project-specific, such as the slope
hyperparameter space worth exploring. For example, the user may of the training loss or the amount of noise (i.e., value fluctuations or
build rules based on patterns in the form of threshold values for a variance) in the learning curve. Often there are no a priori rules, and
metric (e.g., minimum accuracy required) or trend-line slope (e.g., instead comparisons afterward. “I don’t know what’s good until I
positive or negative hyperparameter-metric relationship) over the run what’s bad. It’s kind of important to understand what caused the
hyperparameter-metric scatter plots. However, as the interviewees noisy curve and how can I remedy noise in the future.” The limited
pointed out “the challenge is that the patterns are project-specific.” transferability of these patterns across projects due to external factors
(all) and thus this type of advanced visual analytics support remains such as performance expectations and resources not specified in
a challenge. the tool makes it essential to keep human in the loop and learn
The evaluation of the parameter setting window (Figure 5) sug- about ad-hoc user interaction to provide project-specific support.
gested that a linear step size is usually not enough. Other common This point was stated emphatically by one of the interviewees (P4):
cases are logarithmic step sizes or other strategies. Some intervie- “hyperparameter tuning is a special part of machine learning, ... an
wees suggested that they would also like to manually type in the art that doesn’t have many libraries or rules of thumb. There are no
values in the argument line. Furthermore, they want to receive more rules to indicate when to apply what. It’s all about trial and errors
feedback as they specify the parameters to be able to predict what but because of that it requires experience to know which trials you
would happen if they were to launch the batch of experiments. This will never even start doing.”
refinement of the current design is motivated in particular by cases
where the training might take days and require a large amount of 6.2 Modularized workflow and scalability with higher di-
computation. I would like to see if I do choose to use the linear mensions.
step size, how many experiments and what will the combinations Another area of future work and discussion is about alternative
of hyperparameter values look like for each, just to make sure I strategies to search the parameter space and how they could be
didn’t mess up with my math when setting step sizes. (P1). Another combined modularly depending on the project needs. The number
reason for showing this feedback is to allow the user to decide what of hyperparameters of a machine learning model can range from
to do with the combinations that have been already run. The in- none to more than a hundred. Our prototype assumes an iterative
terviewees pointed to good reasons why they would run the same grid search where we picked 3 hyperparameters at a time. This is
hyperparameter value combination again: e.g. if the script or the because according to the data scientists, they usually progressively
data as changed in the meantime. That being said, the interviewees explore the hyperparameter space rather than all at once, and they
also wished they had recommendations on the best combinations to would focus on a dozen of most important hyperparameters when
run: “Automatically display what happened when such combination the hyperparameter space is high.
was used would be the most useful thing to do.” (P1) “It could be The modularization of the workflow we proposed would allow
helpful if the system can automatically recommend the ones with the plugging in automated search. For example, an automated random
highest potential success.” (P4). search or more advanced sampling methods like latin hypercubes and
Project Dashboard. The interviewees found it very useful to low-discrepancy sequences, can be initiated by sampling the candi-
have a different level of visualizations that aggregates the model date values from a user-specified range. Then after the experiments
performance over time. These are “really valuable views because it’s are completed by this automatic module, the results can be used
very easy to spin your wheels and make no progress without realizing to fit in certain statistical models, depending on the optimization
it. ”(P1). Some also brought up the need to keep free notes. “Eight algorithm.
is a small number of experiments, and an interesting hyperparameter
search is probably more than this. Then this starts to be challenging 6.3 Limitations and Next Step
to find what you thought of yesterday.” (P4). Archiving and flagging Balance model-agnostic and model-specific analysis. One
experiments are important, because over time as new data coming in, of the challenges in building visual analytics tools for hyperparame-
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