Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Analytical Instruments Two Marks Questions and Answers Unit-I
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Analytical Instruments Two Marks Questions and Answers Unit-I
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Analytical Instruments Two Marks Questions and Answers Unit-I
1. Define Spectrophotometer?
Spectrophotometer are dispersive analyzers where a prism is used to separate the spectral
components of the UV spectrum.
2. State Beer-Lambert law.
The Beer-Lambert law is the fundamental law for quantitative analysis by absorption
spectroscopy. This law states
A= abc
where A = absorbance, a = Molar absorptivity, b = Sample path length, c = Concentration of
absorbing species.
3. Name the main components of UV analyzer.
The main components of UV analyzer are Source, MonoChromator, Sample Cell, Detector, Readout
4. Give some example of radiation source used in UV region.
Cadmium, Mercury and Zinc Vapour sources that are used in the UV region are emission line
5. Name two sources used in NIR region.
i. Tungsten filaments ii. Quartzhalide lamps
6. What is the use of O-rings?
Sealing of cell is accomplished with O-ring gaskets. Viton, Ethylene-propylene and Kalrez are
commonly used.
7. Name few detectors used in UV region.
i. Silicon photo diode ii. Photo Diode array
8. Define path length.
The distance between the windows in the sample cell defines the path length.
9. What is the purpose of sample cell?
The purpose of sample cell is to contain a representative sample from the process stream.
10. Write the principle used in scanning spectrophotometer.
Scanning spectrophotometer are dispersive devices that normally utilize diffraction gratings
to scan across a spectral regions. Scanning devices can be used for multiple component
11. Give some applications of Photo diode array.
i. Analysis of Hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide in sulphur recovery
ii. Determination of octane number.
12. Give some applications of scanning spectrophotometer.
i. Measurement of multi component solvent mixture
ii. Determination of octane number for gasoline samples.
13. Write the applications of atomic absorption Spectrophotometry.
Mercury is conveniently analyzed by atomic absorption technique because the elemental vapour exists
in atomic form under normal ambient conditions.
14. Define FTIR spectrophotometer?
FTIR spectrophotometer are dispersive devices that are being used for on-line analysis in
the near infrared region. Instead of separating different wavelengths for measurement, the
complete spectrum is encoded as an interferogram in a few seconds of measurement time, and
the spectrum computed by fast Fourier transform.
15. Mention the application of Colorimeter.
Essentially, a colorimeter is a scientific instrument that measures the amount of light passing
through a solution relative to the amount that passes through a sample of pure solvent.
Colorimeters have many applications in the fields of biology and chemistry.
16. Mention the application of flame photometry.
1) Analyse wide variety of materials such as environmental biological fluids, solids, plant materials
and industrial cement, ferrous metals, glasses etc.
2) It is used for determining sodium, potassium, Aluminium, Calcium, and Iron in soil.
1. What is Chromatography?
Chromatography describes a physical method of separation that is based on the difference in
solubility (or adsorption) of substance between a mobile and stationary phase.
2. Define Chromatogram.
The individual components register a series of signals which appear as successive peaks above
a base line on the recorded curve is called Chromatogram.
3. Name the detectors used in liquid Chromatography.
i. UV-Visible Spectrophotometric detectors ii. Fluorescence Detector iii. Refractive Index detectors
iv. Adsorption Detector v. Electrical Conductivity detector vi. Thermal Detector
4. Name some source carrier gas used in Gas Chromatography.
Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen, Argon and CO2.
5. Write the limitations in FID.
i. Does not respond to inert gas and inorganic compounds
ii. The emerging compound get destroyed in the flame
iii. The response to sample weight has to be separately determined for each component.
6. Define retention time.
Time required by the component in the sample to emerge is called retention time.
7. Write the application of argon Ionisation detector.
Responds to most of the organic and Inorganic Compounds
8. Write the methods used in sample injection system in liquid Chromatography.
i. Syringe injection method ii. Injection valve method.
9. State the principle used in refractive Index detectors.
Refractive Index detectors depends on Snell’s law. It is based on refraction, reflection or interference
of light beams.
10. What is Pyrolysis?
Pyrolysis offers a technique for injection of certain types of materials which are low or non-
volatile. This is a valuable technique for sample injection in rubber, plastics, polymers and
adhesive industries.
11. Write the factors affecting Gas flow rate.
The rate of the gas flow depends upon column diameter. The flow rate is generally in the range
10-400ml/ minute .Very low and very high flow rate affect the efficiency adversely.
12. Define dead time and dead volume.
Dead time is the time required for a molecule of mobile phase to pass through the column.
Dead volume Vm is the volume of the mobile phase from the point of injection through the column to
the detector.
17. What is the principle of paramagnetic oxygen analyzer used for gaseous samples?
Paramagnetic refers attraction towards the magnetic field.Oxygen has the characteristics of
attraction towards the magnetic field.Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer uses the magnetic properties
of oxygen along with thermal conductivity for the measurement of oxygen in a gas.
State and derive Beer’s law from basic principles. Discuss the limitations of it.
2. Explain single and double beam instruments used in UV spectrophotometers.
3. Explain single beam and double beam photometer.
4. With a schematic diagram explain the atomic absorption spectroscopy.
5. Explain flame emission photometer with its instrumentation.
6. Explain the properties of electromagnetic radiation.
7. Explain monochromators and detectors.
8. Explain about photo multiplier tube.
9. Explain Fourier transform infra-red spectrometers.
1. Discuss the principle used in gas-liquid chromatography and the process chromatography.
2. Describe the operation of a Gas – liquid, chromatography with a suitable diagram and discuss its
Draw the schematic diagram of a gas chromatography and explain the different parts in Gas –
3. Describe a gas liquid chromatography with a schematic diagram. Explain how it works.
4. Give a typical chromatogram. Discuss some applications of gas liquid chromatography.
5. Explain in detail the following detectors used in Gas Chromatography.
a).Thermionic emission detector b).Electron capture detector
7. With a neat schematic diagram discuss the separation principle of HPLC .
8. What are the requirements of HPLC pumping system and enumerate the application of HPLC.
1. With a suitable diagram Explain the construction and working principle of oxygen analyzer .
2. Explain how the CO analyzer is used.
3. Explain how the NO2 analyzer is used.
4. Explain how the H2S analyzer is used.
5. Explain how the dust and smoke analyzer is used.
6. Explain how the IR analyzer is used.
7. With a suitable diagram Explain the construction and working principle of thermal conductivity
8. What are the sources of air pollution and explain in detail?
9. What are the type’s gas analyzers? Explain anyone with example.
1. Describe how a conductivity cell is used. Give the applications of conductivity measurement of a liquid.
2. Explain how the oxygen analyzer is used.
3. Describe the construction of a pH electrode. Draw the electronic circuit diagram for measuring pH of a
liquid and explain its working.
4. Discuss how pH values are measured. Explain the role of calomel electrodes in this measurement.
5.Briefly explain about dissolved oxygen analyser.
6.Discuss in detail the principle, characteristics of electrodes used in pH meters.
7.Describe with a neat sketch, the principle of operation of water purity meter.
8.Discuss the method of measuring electrical conductivity of a liquid. Also describe the techniques for
determining the purity of water.
1.Draw the block diagram of an NMR spectrometer. Explain the function of each part and explain how it is
used to obtain NMR spectra. How are these spectra useful?
2.What are mass spectrometers? Describe magnetic deflection mass spectrometers.
3.Explain time of flight and quadrupole mass spectrometers.
4.Describe the working of double beam mass spectrometer and give its applications.
5.Explain the instrumentation and applications of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission
Electron Microscope.
6.Describe how various samples are analyzed using NMR spectrometer with neat diagram.
7.Explain the construction and working principle of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectrometer with
neat diagram.
8.Explain the construction and working of Radio frequency spectrometer with neat diagram.