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Personal Computer (PC) - Based Flood Monitoring System Using Cloud Computing

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Personal Computer (PC)-Based Flood Monitoring

System using Cloud Computing

Dr. Grant B. Cornell
Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology, Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines


Article History: Urban cities in the Philippines are prone to

Received: 12/7/2015 floods. Every year, lives and properties are
Received in revised form: 6/6/2016 taken away by flood without warning. The
Accepted: 9/27/2016 aim of this research is to design a system that
can monitor the water level using sensors and
Keywords: sends an alert level text message to barangay
PC-Based Flood Monitoring System, Cloud officials of the affected area. The computer
Computing, sensor, water level, gateway, PIC program keeps track of the measurement of
the water level from time to time and creates
*Corresponding author: Grant B. Cornell a record into a database. Clickatell’s global
(ardin_grant@yahoo.com) short message service (SMS) gateway has
been effectively used for sending the mobile
communication data through Peripheral
Interface Controller (PIC), a form of small
computer commonly used to process data
coming from sensing devices and then display
the result for processing. The warning system
is a quick method of alerting people of the
coming danger brought about by these
natural phenomena fast enough compare
to manual monitoring used in the past. The
prototype can be easily integrated into a
computer program that will help the system
in monitoring timelines and water level using
PIC integrated circuits (ICs). Furthermore,
the system as communication environment,
broadcast information in the form of recorded
data in the database. In this manner, many
individuals are informed and are given
warnings on the dangers brought by floods.

Introduction The Philippines is not exempted from

these natural occurrences in the form of
Different sectors are concerned with storms and typhoons. Every year, agricultural
the abrupt changes in the overall climate. It sectors, settlements, and human lives
is perceived that the danger brought about are destroyed by the resultant floods and
by climate change may endanger most of landslides. The most affected are the poor
the inhabitants of earth through “global people, often unaware and unprepared to
warming.” Global warming is considered handle disasters and do not know what to do
to be the most significant environmental in time of disasters and actual emergencies
problem facing the world today. making it difficult to protect their lives and

36 ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal              Volume 3     Issue No. 2
properties. In a report from floodlist.com and forecasting using satellite data and
(2015), a week of severe weather caused by image processing.
tropical cyclone “Melor” has left the country
with over 40 people dead prompting the As an additional discovery, the
government to declare a state of national researchers made innovative PC-Based
calamity. Flood Monitoring System that can help
the local government to supervise their
The Philippine Atmospheric area, so authorities can immediately take
Geographical Astronomical Services actions on the affected areas of their city.
Administration (PAG-ASA) is the A small prototype of the system ensured
government agency responsible for persistence in using the technology making
observing the Philippine weather. PAGASA it highly beneficial.
assigns personnel for the flood monitoring
system which use a specific device to detect Töyrä, et al. (2002) evaluated the use of
the water level in an area so they can radar and visible/infrared satellite imagery
forecast an alert to the public. Through their for mapping the extent of flooded wetland
observations, they can advise people on areas. The results from this study indicated
the affected area to evacuate to the nearest that the information from radar and visible/
evacuation center. infrared satellite imagery is complementary
and that flood mapping in wetland areas can
However, the efforts of the agency be achieved with higher accuracy if the two
are not enough to assure safety. Apparently, image types are used in combination.
local researchers/scientists could assist
the agency in monitoring flood levels by The purpose of the project of
providing flood monitoring systems in the Pagatpat, Arellano and Gerasta (2015)
local scenario immediately alerting those is to develop a local real-time river flood
who will be affected. Numerous studies on monitoring and warning system for the
the topic helped minimize the casualties of selected communities near Mandulog
such disasters. River. It focuses on the detection and early
warning alert system (via website and/
In the studies of Chang (2006), or cell phone text messages) that alerts
Hughes (2006), De Roure (2005), flooding local subscribers of potential flood events.
technologies were developed under Furthermore, the system is interactive
various considerations and methodologies wherein all non-registered subscribers
such as wireless sensors networks, global could inquire the actual water level of the
messaging systems, and other remote desired area location they want to monitor.
systems. These are very useful since The estimated time it takes for a particular
wireless technologies are more effective and river waterway to overflow is also included
efficient because of modern communication in the analyses. The hardware used in the
devices. Moreover, internet-based real-time design is split into several parts namely:
data acquisition about flood monitoring and the water level detector, Global System for
warning systems proved to be very effective Mobile communications (GSM) module, and
as well (Chang, 2002; Creutin, 2003; microcontroller development board.
Zhang 2002). In addition to stand-alone
sensing devices, space and satellite data All the cited studies tried to make flood
technologies have been used to improve monitoring very efficient by finding effective
the accuracy of monitoring and forecasting means to determine flood level and warning
(Manusthiparom, 2005; Veijonen, 2006). people of the detriments flooding can
The presented method provides insights incur. From sophisticated cabling to remote
into the development of flood monitoring, and wireless systems, related literatures

Volume 3      Issue No. 2              ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal 37
presented methods that contribute to this based on the data received. The said system is
study creating an effective system with used Microsoft Visual Studio-C# language in
lower cost. making the user interface. Figure 1 shows the
System Architecture.

Purposes of the Research

The study aims to design, develop and Water Messaging

test a PC-based Flood Monitoring System Sensor
using Cloud Computing that will connect
the water level sensor together with the
hardware interface to PC, record the data, Hardware User
and send data using cloud computing Interface Interface
designed for the function.

The specific objectives of the study are Figure 1. The System Architecture showing
as follows: the flow of data from the Water Sensor to
Hardware Interface to User Interface finally
1. To design a PC-based Flood to Cloud for Messaging.
Monitoring System using Cloud
Computing. In the development of the system,
the following sequence of operation were
2. To develop the system using low considered.
cost but quality materials.
First, the water level sensor sends
3. To test its functionality, data in the hardware interface using the
effectiveness, usefulness, and wired connection. Then, the interface
acceptability. processes the data and transforms them
into electrical pulses. Lastly, the hardware
4. To improve deficiencies found. interface accesses the main system through
a computer program using C# programming
language. The program serves as the user
Methods and Materials interface in monitoring the flood and sends
text messages to different stakeholders
Primarily, in the development of the by clicking the send message button. The
prototype, the material cost amounted to project is capable of monitoring different
1,031.50 Philippine pesos. This system levels of flood conditions such as no flood,
includes spare parts needed to construct the normal level, green warning, voluntarily
said prototype evacuation, and force evacuation.

Description of the System Preliminary testing of the system was

done using an aquarium to simulate the flood
The system consists of a controller water level as the input in the system.
(computer program), and hardware interface.
The system is integrated with water sensors The methodology used in this research
that will allow the flow of data to be received is developmental and prototyping. Each
by the interface. The hardware interface reads stage was separately designed, developed,
the incoming data using serial port. Monitoring and tested to ensure its functionality.
of the data received in the interface allows to Integrating these parts is a challenge
immediately respond to send text messages because there were many constraints like

38 ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal              Volume 3     Issue No. 2
signal, internet connection, and etc. in using The program presents two types of
cloud computing. graph. The first graph is a bar graph which
projects the time to which water level rises.
The second graph is a line graph that keeps
Results and Discussion track of the condition of the water level
every fifteen minutes. The x-axis represents
The User Interface the water level while the y-axis represents
the time the water level rises.
A computer program was developed to Figure 2 & 3 show the user interface.
act as the user interface in the prototype, by
accessing the data communication terminal
of the PC (parallel port), a data signal was
utilized as a trigger to control the interface Flood Monitoring System
module of the system comprising primarily 18

of a PIC IC. The signal coming from the 16

water level sensors composed of metal rings 14

strapped around a plastic pipe connected 12

to the input terminals of the PIC IC module
e 8
actuates and provides input signals to the
interface devices. e 6
Testing was made by emerging the pipe
with water level sensors in an aquarium. 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
Water was poured gradually in the aquarium Time in Minutes
to simulate the rising of the water level. The
sensor sends data signal based on the water Figure 3. Main Interface showing the water
level. The data signals sent are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 level and corresponding time every 15
- the number signals that were based on the minutes through a line graph.
water level.

Flood Monitoring System Hardware Interface

The hardware interface consisted
of two circuits: a) load interface, and b)
Universal Serial Bus (USB) to Universal
F Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
converter. The load interface served as the
e 8 reader of the data coming from the water
e 6 sensors. This circuit classified the data for a
4 particular level. Second is the USB to UART
2 converter which served as the connection
0 between the sensor and the interface. It
5 10 15 20 25 30
also acts as the bridge between the PC and
Min Min Min Min Min Min
hardware interface.

Figure 2. Main Interface showing the rising

of water through a bar graph foot/minutes.

Volume 3      Issue No. 2              ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal 39
+5V U2 +5V +5V




1 16 1

4 15 5
USB-B 17 14 U1 TX



Figure 4. Load Interface Figure 5. Load Interface for USB



and Control 256 Byte GP10 USB LEDs
Registers EEPROM

UART Control USB Protocol USB
CTS Controller Controller Transceiver
Baud Vuse

State USB
Clock Clock

Figure 6. Sensor VSS Osc Reset 3.3V



Figure 7. Schematic Diagram of US to UART

Final Testing of the prototype was to add multi-network (Tri-Net) sim card
in the system.
After assembling the different parts of
the prototype, final testing was conducted. The first user interface designed
The following observations were recorded: consisted of a radio button that posed a
1) delay of the text message, sometimes no problem because it cannot implement the
text message received, and 2) unexpected automatic detection of the received data in
error in the user interface program such as the program. In that case, the radio button
connecting to the database. No problems was removed and replaced by a textbox.
were encountered on the cloud computing.
After the try-out was conducted, a
Defects and Remedies Imposed survey questionnaire was administered
to selected faculty and experts as to its
The delay of the text message was functionality, effectiveness, usefulness, and
attributed to the presence of network acceptability.
providers’ cell site in the area. The remedy

40 ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal              Volume 3     Issue No. 2
Table 1 presents the results of the Recommendations
assessment of the selected respondents.
Further improvements towards
Table 1 the attainment of a prototype that can be
Assessment of the respondents on the PC-based patented may be considered. To further
flood monitoring system using cloud computer improve the operation of the system the
following can be integrated: E-mail module
Faculty Experts Composite
Criteria which can send information in e-mails;
adding websites to view information for
Functionality 4.13 VG 3.73 VG 3.93 VG future reference.
Effectiveness 4.31 E 4.05 VG 4.18 VG
█ █ █
Usefulness 4.13 VG 3.78 VG 3.96 VG
Acceptability 3.96 VG 3.85 VG 3.91 VG
Overall values 4.13 VG 3.85 VG 3.96 VG
Legend: 4.20–5.00 Excellent (E), 3.40–4.19, Very Good
(VG), 2.60–3.39 Good (G), 1.80–2.59 Fair (F), 1.00–1.79 Chang, N. & Guo Da-Hai. (2006). Urban flash
Poor (P) flood monitoring, mapping and
forecasting via a tailored sensor
As shown in Table 1, the composite network system, Proceedings of the
assessment of the respondents yielded mean 2006 IEEE International Conference
values of 3.93 for functionality, 4.18 for on Networking, Sensing and Control
effectiveness, 3.96 for usefulness, and 3.91 2006, issue 23-25, pp. 757-761.
for acceptability all verbally interpreted as
“very good.” Creutin, J. D., & Borga, M. (2003). Radar
hydrology modifies the monitoring
These results shows that the of flash‐flood hazard.  Hydrological
developed PC-Based Flood Monitoring processes, 17(7), 1453-1456.
System using Cloud Computing is very
functional, effective, useful, and acceptable De Roure, D., Jennings, N. R., & Shadbolt, N.
as assessed by the selected respondents. R. (2005). The semantic grid: Past,
present, and future. Proceedings of
the IEEE, 93(3), 669-681.
FLOODsite http://www.floodsite.net.
The prototype can provide a flood
monitoring system that transforms actual Hughes, A., et al. (2006). The impacts of climate
water level to digital data and can transmit change in coastal marine systems.
information in two modes, via short message Ecology letters, 9(2), 228-241.
system (SMS) through sim cards, and through
cloud computing platform using a multi- Kuang, K. S. C., Quek, S. T., & Maalej, M.
casting technique to reach more people (2008). Remote flood monitoring
in the shortest possible time during flood system based on plastic optical
water emergencies. The prototype is low- fibres and wireless motes. Sensors
cost utilizing cheap but quality materials. It and Actuators A: Physical, 147(2),
was found to be very functional, effective, 449-455
useful, and acceptable.
Manusthiparom, C., Apirumanekul, C., &
Mahaxay, M. (2005, August). Flood
forecasting and river monitoring

Volume 3      Issue No. 2              ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal 41
system in the Mekong River Basin. Veijonen, T., et al. “ENVIMON disaster
In Proceedings 2nd Southeast Asia monitoring system.” International
Water Forum, Bali, Indonesia, 29. Disaster Reduction Conference.
Pagatpat, J. C., Arellano, A. C., & Gerasta,
O. J. (2015). GSM & web-based Zhang, H. & Ng, T. E. (2002). Predicting
flood monitoring system. In IOP Internet network distance with
Conference Series: Materials Science coordinates-based approaches.
and Engineering, 79(1), 12-23. In INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First
Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE
Töyrä, J., Pietroniro, A., Martz, L. W., & Computer and Communications
Prowse, T. D. (2002). A multi‐ Societies. Proceedings. IEEE (Vol. 1,
sensor approach to wetland flood pp. 170-179). IEEE.
monitoring. Hydrological Processes,
16(8), 1569-1581 http://www.enrdph.org.

42 ASIA Pacific Higher Education Research Journal              Volume 3     Issue No. 2

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