Meil 1
Meil 1
Meil 1
This module will introduce you to media, information and how it must
be intelligently and rightly utilized.
At the end of the module, the student should be able
All About
The widespread of mass media in the current age should not be underestimated.
Media’s span of influence knows almost no bounds as it could be of reach almost
anywhere in the world. Our exposure to media has been something like an essential
part of the background: we are not aware of its influence and its many uses for us but it
seems like it has always been there.
According to a study by the scholars of Ball State University, an average person
spends around 68.8% of his waking hours with media. This study has further shown
that we are mostly involved in media multi-tasking or the “simultaneous exposure to
messages from different media.”
With the continuous development of media over the years, we have grown more prone
to media multi-tasking. The internet has opened the world to greater possibilities,
beyond the traditional media of print and broadcast. Our reality has become the life of
media saturation.
Recently, we have come to depend on media. We communicate with people using it, we
watch and learn from it, we interact with it almost everyday that it’s practically
impossible to separate media from a person. A mutual dependence exists in both
groups: media rely on an audience to thrive and people rely on media for information,
entertainment and other things. At this point in time, interdependence of media and
people is inevitable.
According to Vivian (2009), the following are the things we usually need media
Information, more than being available and easily at reach nowadays, come in
large amount. The flow of information is seemingly endless. However, with this,
comes a reasonable consequence: it will be hard to distinguish its quality.
The most common definition of literacy is “the ability to read and write.” But more
than that, the dictionary also defines literacy as the “knowledge that relates to a
specified subject.”
• Form and content are related in each medium, each of which has
a unique aesthetic, codes, and conventions;
The European Commission (2007), on the other hand, gave the following definition:
“Media literacy is generally defined as the ability to access the media, to understand
and to critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media contents and to
create communications in a variety of contexts.”
With this definition, the commission has listed the various levels of media
2. Media Dynamics – as previously mentioned, there are various levels
media literacy. One of these levels is the understanding of the
dynamics of media that shape media content. One such dynamic is
economics which is the known primary driver of the behavior of media
companies. Media economics is tied with the media’s need for an
audience to thrive. Hence, the need for advertising. Knowing and
understanding the media dynamics is one step in the better
understanding of the world.
No one can become a complete media expert (Vivian, 2009). This daunting task may
be hard to overcome, but it is no excuse to not learn it. Media literacy is an education
that is ultimately aimed at “increasing one’s understanding and enjoyment of how
media works, how they produce meaning, how they are organized and how they
construct reality (Ontario Association for Media Literacy).”
Information literate people are able to recognize what information, out of a huge
pool, is necessary. Information literacy enables you to identify, locate, evaluate, and
use information to solve a particular problem. (ALA, 1989)
Hobbs (2006) described the nature of information literacy as education that
emphasizes “critical thinking, meta-cognitive, and procedural knowledge used to
locate information in specific domains, fields and contexts.” Information literacy is
mostly aimed at the recognition of the quality, authenticity and credibility of the
information/messages we receive from various sources.
While both information and media literacy are ways to function within complex
communicative situations (Geisler, 2001) and both require critical evaluation,
information literacy has been regarded as vital, especially for those in the academic
and information field.
In the next few modules, there will be further discussion on how information literacy
is conducted and exercised, which will prove to be useful in the selection of
information to consume.
The concepts of both information literacy and media literacy overlap or complement
each other. The difference lies in each literacy focus. While information literacy focuses
basically on information in print (like in books, journals, newspapers, and including all
forms of media and records such as films, web pages, video and all sorts of electronic
information as well as oral information.)
Media literacy’s focal point is the mass media that does not include the sources of
information used. This type of literacy zeroes in on maximizing positive media effects
and minimizing the negative (Martens, 2010).
Media and Information Literacy Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
Information literacy, on the other hand, is concerned with more plain social issues than
media literacy. According to Lau (2013), information literacy focuses on the “objectivity
and rational of information and to a great extent on the research value of finding the
‘truth’ in documents.” Information literacy revolves around the content and its ability to
meet the set criteria of quality information.
Media and Information literacy have differing social groups that they influence. While
mass media generally affects most members of society in terms of shaping opinions,
beliefs and decisions (especially in health and education), information literacy is
concerned with the impact on education, science, economy and health sectors.
Both may focus on the evaluation and use of their scope, another difference lies in
the location and retrieval of material. Mass media is overwhelmingly present in our
everyday life, whereas information literacy requires the search for good information in
different formats and multiple repositories.
An emerging type of literacy, technology literacy has slowly crawled its way into
essential knowledge. Shaphiro and Hughes (1996) defined technology literacy as “the
ability to ongoingly adapt to, understand, evaluate, and make use of the continually
emerging innovations in information technology so as not to be a prisoner of prior
tools and resources and to make intelligent decisions about the adoption of new
Vivian emphasizes that media is highly dependent on technology. Although for years,
people have communicated without the use of technology, mass media has opened
various opportunities for wide reach of distribution of information, especially for
audiences in considerably far areas.
Digital Technology – the Internet adapted the traditional media types into digital
technology, coexisting with its original form. While traditional media has adopted
digital technology to increase on capital and audience, the digital medium has also
Media and Information Literacy Evolution of Traditional to New Media
Module 002 Evolution of Traditional to
New Media
In this week’s lesson, students are expected to learn more about the
media, particularly its history, and how the continuously evolving forms of
traditional and new media are changing the society throughout the years.
At the end of this module, you will be able
1. Identify traditional media and new media and their relationships 2.
Editorialize the roles and functions of media in a democratic society
3. Search the latest theory on information and media
Prehistoric Age Back when there were no newspapers, radio and television
around, people found ways to tell a story. Humans shared information by talking and
making sounds, and it developed into something later on. The prehistoric age of media
basically consisted of records created by our ancestors, long even before writing was
even invented. They have made use of stone tools to craft – and thus leave a record of
their lives back in the old days.
The first traditional communication tools came in the form of art – the
music and poetry spoken, the images and scriptures which our ancestors
had written to pass relevant knowledge to the future generation. The
simple talking and symbols evolved into something more complex in order
to meet the needs of the society.
The Egyptians, for instance, were among the first to use symbols as a
form of written communication. There was also the cuneiform used by the
Sumerians, which they used not just to jot down important details, but also
to write relevant literature, among them the famous Epic of Gilgamesh.
Later on, ancient civilizations used written communication in order to make
the trade
more convenient. This is what the Phoenicians became well-known for; a
society that survives through trade, they formed the alphabet which was
adopted by the Greeks, who further developed it by adding vowels. The
spread of news was mainly by mouth; not everyone was able to read or
write, hence there were heralds who announce relevant events. In the
Philippines, the umalokohan or town crier served as the messenger to the
people, making them aware of new laws or policies implemented by the
Rome and China began to develop their own forms of written news.
Rome’s written news came in the form of acta, their daily handwritten new
sheets, which were posted by the Roman Forum to inform people of
subjects such as political events, trials, scandals, military campaigns and
executions. China, on the other hand, have the tipao, which were
government-produced new sheets circulated among officials during the
Han dynasty.
Great Britain. It was a period that was characterized mainly by the revolutionized way of
mass production, as hand tools were gradually replaced by power driven machines like
the steam engine. During this period, there was a remarkable shift from agriculture and
handcraft to machine and machine manufacturing.
From transportation (steam locomotive, steamship, and automobiles) to
machines utilizing new sources of energy (coal, steam engine, electricity,
petroleum, and combustion engine), the Industrial Age was a brilliant age
for numerous inventions which changed people’s lives.
Media further developed in the 1800s with Thomas Edison’s invention of
the phonograph, and it was also during this period that William Dickinson
devised motion picture camera.
In 1836, Samuel F.B. Morse along with Joseph Henry and Alfred Vail
further advanced the way people communicate with the invention of an
electrical telegraph system that enabled people to send messages from
distant places.
Media and Information Literacy Evolution of Traditional to New Media
The Morse Code was remarkable as it can transmit messages by means
of on- off tones which can be understood by a skilled listener.
was inevitable that the media had to keep up. In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi transmitted
the first radio waves. By 1901 he was able to perfect a radio system which transmitted
the Morse Code system across the Atlantic Ocean.
New media, on the other hand, has the same purpose as traditional
media: it was created to inform the people, to pass on knowledge into the
audience. But the new media is different – it uses technology to spread
information through more interactive means. They also provide two-way
communication and easier to access. The spread of new media relies on
the power of the internet and the computer. Websites, social media, digital
videos – these are some of the new media platforms of today.
Media and Information Literacy Evolution of Traditional to New Media
The role of media in our society varies; it depends on how people used
them. We use media to learn. We use media to know the current events in
real-time. We use media as basis of our opinions and decisions in life. In
the Philippines, the media has greatly influenced our society. The La
Solidaridad, along with other publications that occurred at the time of
Filipino revolution during the Spanish colonization period in the country,
helped in raising the awareness of Filipinos, who were suffering from the
cruelty of Spanish authority.
Today, the mass media upholds its duty as the Fourth Estate, especially in
a democratic country such as the Philippines. This is due to the idea that
its power is co-equal to the other three branches of the government.
Media, particularly the mass media consisting of today’s journalists, serves
as the nation’s watchdogs, keeping an eye out for the relevant events
which can influence people’s lives. It is an undeniable force to check
corruption that is happening in the government; it can announce
information about the presidential candidates, a factor essential to the
voters in the upcoming election. Media can provide information which can
change people’s opinion on various matters.
focus on the relationship between individuals and various forms of
collective practices.
One of the previous modules introduced you to information literacy and its
uses. For this module, we will dig deep into the understanding of
information found in most academic materials.
In addition to information literacy, you will learn about the basic types
of media and the content they usually produce.
At the end of the module, you should be able
An information literate person possesses the skills and techniques for measuring the
value of information and molding this information to suit their needs. (Zukowski, 1974)
The image below is adapted from Lau’s research, Conceptual Relationship of
Information Literacy and Media Literacy, that illustrates the six quality information
principles from the requirements of data quality by the Three Rivers District Council
Image retrieved from Lau
What information is
In researching for information that you need, it is important to filter the information from
a large pool of sources. Referring to the image above, the necessary data, information
and knowledge you need to acquire and use must have the following qualities:
1. Relevance – in searching for information with regards to a particular topic, it
important to consider what suits your needs. Will this information support your stand in
an issue? What is its target audience? Does it match what you need? Does it respond
to the purposes of your research? 2. Validity – Information must not merely be from
anyone or anywhere. According to the Three Rivers District Council (2008),
“information needs to be in compliance with relevant requirements, including the
correct application of any rules or definitions.” Information from reliable sources are
significantly more valid than those from questionable sources. 3. Reliability – The
reliability of an information is measured by its consistency. It must
have been verified and supported by collated facts to be considered reliable. 4.
Timeliness – Information must not only be reliable, but timely. In this constantly
changing world, information may also evolve and expand through the years. The
information must match the topic you’re researching in terms of time span. You must
properly identify whether you need a current information or if older sources may do.
5. Accuracy – Lau (2013) has stated that, “information ought to have the condition or
quality of being true.” Just like measuring its reliability, accuracy relies on the
information’s verification by other alike sources and supporting evidence. 6.
Completeness – Information must be complete. Partial information may be considered
unreliable because of it being just a small part of a bigger picture. It must suit
what is needed by the researcher.
Carroll Community College has identified the following criteria of selecting the
best information sources:
1. An information literate individual knows that not all sources of information are the
same. In selecting the best source for a particular topic, there might be various places
where you can get it. 2. Selecting the best information source is part of the evaluation of
information 3. The Internet is not always the best source for information, although it may
contain a lot. 4. It is best to know your topic first by its overview or background before
you delve into
any other resource material to understand what kind of specific information you are
looking for. 5. No type of media source is better than other types. For example,
electronic sources are not always the better source than print. The most important
thing is the relevance, the timeliness, validity and accuracy of its content. Format does
not really account for everything.
Furthermore, Carroll Community College also gave the following basic information
sources and its characteristics (or why you should use this particular source):
• Books – the most common and often most reliable source. This is the best source
to start with in researching a topic. Books often contain organized information
collected from various sources so it is wise to obtain the necessary background
information on the topic from them. Experts on the topic spend a long time to
research and write a book. Unlike other sources, books present additional sources
of information especially in the bibliography. Skimming and scanning books are
Media and Information Literacy Information Literacy and Types of Media
acceptable if you are looking for a specific type of information as only one or a
few parts of the book may be relevant to your topic. Its publication rights and
copyrighted information gives you an assurance that the information has been
verified by editors, thus less time for evaluation. However, one must be careful
about the validity of information with regards to time.
• Scholarly articles – these are considered professional literature, as experts or
scholars of a specific field composed it. These articles have been peer-reviewed.
You may rely on this type of source if you’re looking for specific statistics or data or
opinions on issues. These are mostly focused on one topic only and is catered to
people who have prior knowledge on the topic, thus not making it viable for
background information. Some of its advantages are references to additional
sources, and its copyright.
• Other periodicals – this type of source mainly includes popular magazines, and
news sources like newspapers. Contributors, writers, editors, and reporters write
individual articles on various and relevant topics regularly. These are typically
shorter than the previous types and may give you background information on topics
or issues related to current events. These are also reviewed before publishing and
protected by copyright, thus less evaluation is necessary.
• Internet – this contains a wide variety of sources but also a known self-publishing
medium. Unlike other types of sources, internet has paved the way for published but
not reviewed information. Websites are difficult to cite as they contain multiple titles
and document types. The hardest part of obtaining this source is the evaluation
which may take time.
Ethical Use of
Now that you have the necessary information to build a new idea using your topic,
you must be aware of the ways to use information from various sources ethically
without plagiarizing.
Plagiarism is defined as using a source without credit. While it is unavoidable to use
other people’s information, it is no excuse to commit plagiarism.
This could be avoided by learning the
Citation of sources gives your text reliability and credibility with the wise use
of references.
There are different citation styles that you may use. It is important that the style
is consistent throughout the text so as not to cause confusion among the
In citing, you should also know when you should do it in a text. The Dakota State
University’s Karl Mundt Library and Learning Commons gave the following
situations when you could cite a source in your text:
- If you are stating the author’s own words, put quotes to secure the
and then cite the source. - When you paraphrase a statement, cite the source after it. -
When the idea is borrowed and not yours, cite your source. - Include the list of sources
in your bibliography. 2. Quoting – is putting an exact or word-by-word copy of the
original author’s words. This is used to preserve the intended context of a statement. In
using this, you must properly acknowledge the author, the resource, and the page, if
necessary. 3. Paraphrasing – is rewriting the original statement from a source in your
own words.
After paraphrasing, make sure that you give credit to the original author and the
Types of
Print Media
• Books
These are stiffly bound volumes of text, making it unique from magazines
and newspapers. According to Vivian (2009), the most useful definition for
books is “long-form, word-driven, media content.”
Mass production of books has opened the masses to new ideas. This became a
medium for revolutionists to persuade people. This is similar to what Jose Rizal
did using El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere that sparked revolutionary
thoughts in many Filipinos.
Books have been the medium for literacy. Experts of various fields contribute to
the youth’s literacy by researching and writing books. These materials are used
by students as aides for learning.
Books are mainly divided into two main categories: the trade books and the
texts and references books.
Trade books are widely distributed, general-interest titles that are either fiction
or non-fiction. When people say they read books, most of them refer to trade
books. According to Vivian (2009), trade books can be lucrative if it becomes
popular, however, only a few can become bestsellers. It is referred to as a
“high-risk proposition.”
Textbooks, on the other hand, may not be that profitable, but typically, it has
a longer life than trade books, meaning it can stay longer in shelves at
Media and Information Literacy Information Literacy and Types of Media
• Newspapers
In an online article in Inquirer by Quismundo (2014), she disputes the rumor that
the newspaper business is dying. According to her, “the newspaper business is
very much alive, still with a steadily increasing number of people who make
reading newspapers part of their day.” Taking the Philippine Daily Inquirer as an
example, 500 to 600 copies are handled every day while on weekdays, there
are a thousand copies for circulation.
Some department agencies in the Philippines, although making the shift to
digital, have opted to stay using print because they have difficulty reading
articles online. This is the reason why some people, especially in the
Philippines, still prefer their news on paper.
Newspapers have become a vital part of people’s lives. The contents of the
newspapers give people a common ground, or common topics to tackle and
talk about. But due to the innovations of new media, newspapers have
become increasingly unpopular, especially for the younger generation, who
can access various articles online.
There are two main formats of newspapers: the broadsheets and the
• Magazines
of more than a day with specialized content, this type of media started around
the mid-1800s.
Magazines are divided into two major types: the consumer magazines and the
non- newsrack magazines (Vivian, 2009).
Men’s Magazines like Esquire and Playboy, also target a specific portion of the
population. They focus on stereotypical men’s interests such as sports, outdoor
life and women.
The Intelligentsia are magazines that encourage thinking and observation from
its audience with topics including political, economic, social, artistic and cultural
issues. A famous example of this type of consumer magazine is The New
Sponsored magazines are one such publication in which they mainly contain
advertising and are self-sufficient. Most of this type of magazine are not
really aiming for advertising at all. Some examples are university
magazines, in-house publications for employees, among others.
Radio and sound recording go hand in hand. Sound recording products often
rely on radios for distribution. Radios, on the other hand, are everywhere. Their
scope is controlled by electromagnetic spectrum that covers every corner of the
world. However, like most traditional media, there have been cracks in the
system that makes it easy for new media to penetrate into.
Radio can cover a lot to provide entertainment and leisure. It has its own
format of news delivery, in the form of breaking news, headline services and
even news packages. There are also talk shows in the radio that paved the
way for more listeners to use the media.
However, with the continuously evolving medium, technology has provided ways
for people to satisfy leisure for the ears. MP3 devices and even mobile phones
play music of your choice which was only possible in the early times to be done
by radio. Podcasting also moved to replace talk shows on radio, as it gives
chance for people to make their own listening show, focusing on a topic they’re
passionate about.
With the internet’s emergence in the mid-1990s, it has become a widely used
powerful medium in the world. Currently, the world’s dependence on the internet
has become widespread and grew more significant.
It was Tim Berners-Lee, an English engineer who invented an addressing system
that would connect a computer to the world. This is what he called, the world wide
web. His invention was built on the following components (Vivian, 2009):
Social convergence is brought about by social media, which enables users from
different parts of the world to engage in discussions globally, whether one on one,
one to many or many to many.
Sources of
The previous modules have discussed the various sources where you could get
information and its distinct qualities. There are four main types of sources of
Codes and
With media ranging from written to visual, interpretations of these often vary from
person to person. How does media make meaning? What does the media output show
the audience? What message is it trying to convey? This part of the module will
introduce you to codes and conventions which will show how we make sense of media.
Interpreting media is natural for us as human beings. When we watch television, we
see news programs, television shows and commercials. When we turn on the radio,
there are advertisements, radio programs and music. When we browse the internet,
there are thousands of texts from different sources, articles, websites, online ads,
videos and others. With the way we fully immerse ourselves in media everyday, it’s
hard not to consider how these mean.
Different people have different interpretations of media outputs. The first step in
comprehending the meaning in media is rhetorical analysis. Rhetorical analysis is
defined as the “construction and manipulation of language by the creator of a text for
affective purposes.” This asks the question, “how are media texts put together as
media texts?”
Codes has a set of rules which determine how each element may be used and
combined with other elements. This is a system of signs wherein when put together,
create meaning. We can recognize a code because we associate it with a related
meaning. One of the most prominent examples of codes are languages.
When we learn a new language, we learn its writing system, vocabulary and grammar.
For example, in English, we have to know the alphabet, first and foremost, and how to
read them. Upon learning how to read and recognize letters, that’s when we begin to
learn the words used in the language, making up our vocabulary knowledge. After
familiarizing yourselves with English words, constructing them into a coherent
sentence would be the logical next step. With each letter, word and sentence, a
different meaning is made.
There are different types of codes used in media. These
• Technical codes – these are codes which show the techniques used using
the equipment to present the media output. For example, in a movie, these
are the camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting and exposure.
• Symbolic codes – these are codes that are shown visually. Its meaning lies
beneath the surface of what we see. These codes are used in objects, setting,
body language, clothing and color.
• Written codes – these are codes in text. Some examples include headlines,
captions, speech bubbles and language style.
While codes rely on symbols, conventions are known as “habits or long accepted
ways of doing things, mostly learned and practiced through repeated experiences.”
Through its repetitive and habitual nature, the audiences become used to and
familiar with the meaning.
The meanings attached to media through convention are often fixed socially or in
culture. This has become an unwritten agreement among people of similar culture or
groups to understand that a particular sign stands for one meaning.
Conventions are said to be genre specific. Genre came from the French word which
means “type” or “class.” The genre of a particular work is determined through its
Media and Information Literacy Media, Information Sources, and Information
She said that audiences are the receiver of messages. Audiences were typically meant
to just receive the message without returning feedback. For example, when the media
releases news, its goal is for the information to be disseminated. It does not expect or
intend to have the audience respond to his/her message or participate in the discussion
but rather let the audience observe media only.
Glossary Rhetorical analysis: the analysis of how words were used in order to
create meaning.
Codes: a system of signs that create meaning when put
Conventions: are meanings attached to media that were learned from past
experiences and practiced through culture
Audience: mostly passive receivers of
Media and Information Literacy Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Media and
Module 005 Legal, Ethical and Social
Issues in Media and Information
“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression or of the press,
or the right of people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of
This, just like most of our laws, is substantially similar to the First Amendment of the US
Constitution (Viduya, 2010):
“The Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”
Nevertheless, while we are given the right to freely express our opinion, we must keep
in mind to exercise this right responsibly. It is for this reason that certain limitations has
been established, ensuring that people shall not abuse freedom of expression.
What is Media
Media Law is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the
telecommunications industry, information technology, broadcasting, advertising,
the entertainment industry, censorship, and the internet and online services
among others (Media Law –, 2017).
Media law covers a lot of aspects of media, regardless of its form. Its concerns
range from Intellectual Property, Free Speech and Censorship to Defamation and
Right to Privacy.
Intellectual Property
According to the Republic Act 8293, also known as the Intellectual Property Code
of the Philippines, the term intellectual property rights consist of the following:
• Copyright and Related Rights;
• Trademarks and Service Marks
• Geographic Indications
• Industrial Designs
• Patents
• Layout-Designs (Topographies) or Integrated Circuits
• Protection of Undisclosed Information (n. TRIPS).
One of the biggest problems faced by those in the field of Media law are copyright
concerns. Copyright can be defined as “a form of intellectual property which
protects the rights of authors and creators of artistic works. It refers to the main
act in which, in respect of literary and artistic creation, may be made only by the
author or with his authorization” (Copyright, National Library of the Philippines
website, 2011).
The Copyright also provides two types of rights. The Economic rights give the
author or copyright owner the right to derive financial reward from his works by
others. The Moral Rights, on the other hand, refer to the author’s right to claim
authorship of the work (known as Right of Paternity) and restrain the use of his
name with respect to any work not of his own creation or a distorted version of his
According to the National Library of the Philippines, the general term of protection
of works under copyright covers the lifetime of the author and fifty (50) years after
his death.
Media and Information Literacy Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Media and
The following are the requirements needed for copyright registration (Copyright
– National Library of the Philippines website, 2011):
Plagiarism Another issue that related to intellectual property is plagiarism.
One example of this would be the issue between famous romance writer
Nora Roberts and Janet Dailey. In 1997, Dailey found herself boxed into
admission that she had plagiarized passages from Roberts, who was her
rival writer at that time. Dailey’s work titled Notorious was withdrawn by the
publisher HarperCollins because of this.
One can easily assume the plagiarism is an act of fraud, or a form of
thievery, hence it is unethical. Nevertheless, this has become one of the
most complicated issues in relation to intellectual property. For one, there
is the fact that people, particularly those in the field of media, rely heavily
on other people’s ideas and works.
There is also the fact that widespread internet access facilitate the act.
Various people on social media gain access to information and works of
other people, that it has become easier to copy or modify works and claim
it as their own.
Fair Use Generally speaking, fair use refers to any copying of copyrighted
Netiquette Netiquette is short for Internet etiquette or network etiquette. Simply put,
this term refers to the use of good manners in online communication. This is applicable
regardless of the online communication media used, whether it is through e-mail, forums,
blogs, and social networking sites or SNS.
The main problem with online communication nowadays is the fact that this type
of communication usually does not allow each person to see each other. This
means that they are unable to see facial expressions, body languages or hear
intonation. This gives way to misunderstanding of messages online. Netiquette
was established to ensure positive relationships and a better online environment
for all netizens.
The Core Rules of
In her book Netiquette, Virginia Shea indicated The Core Rules which
serve as general guidelines for cyberspace behavior.
The best way to make yourself look good online is by ensuring good
grammar and spelling. It’s best to brush up on these skills, especially
when you are always using the internet to socialize with other people.
Another important thing to remember is the content of your writing. Check
your facts before posting them online. Make sure that your message is
clear and logical to avoid misunderstanding.
Nowadays, technology has become more affordable and internet became
more accessible to people. Nevertheless, there is still what we call a
digital divide – the economic, educational, and social inequalities
between those who have computers and online access and those who do
not (Merriam-Webster, 2017). This term could also be used to describe the
gap between those who have the skills and knowledge in using various
technologies and those who do not.
Despite the easier access to computers and to the internet, there remains
the digital divide between the rich and the poor. Oftentimes it is the rich
and the educated people who have good access to digital resources,
according to Pew Internet & American Life Project (2012).
This issue has a great impact on education today. Children who come
from low-income families or study in low-income school districts, the lack
of access to digital resources will cause them to grow up lacking tech
skills, which are among relevant competencies that are crucial to success
in today’s economy.
Bullying is increasingly become an issue nowadays. It has gotten worse with
more people gaining internet access. To some people, cyberspace became a
channel for bullying.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology such as
cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including
social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites (,
There are a lot of examples of cyberbullying, including mean text messages or
emails, posting of rumors on blogs and social networking sites, or posting of
embarrassing pictures, videos, or any content for the purpose of bullying
• Cyberbullying can happen 24/7. It can happen anytime, and reach a kid
even when he or she is alone.
• Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and
distributed quickly to a very wide audience. This makes it difficult to trace
the source.
Media and Information Literacy Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Media and
• It is difficult to delete inappropriate or harassing messages, texts
and pictures, especially once they have been distributed online.
Cyberbullying has a negative impact on the people affected by it. Kids who
are cyberbullied are more likely to use alcohol and drugs, or have lower self-
esteem. This even leads to more health problems.
We realize the power that media holds in the impact it brings to the
masses. With media surrounding us in every direction at the present age,
it is hard to imagine life without it. This module will introduce you to the
various opportunities in media and information, its power to influence and
to affect change, the challenges and threats, its misuse and eventual
abuse to make you realize how powerful media can be.
Way before media, communication was done through oral or spoken language. The
dissemination of messages was only through word of mouth before eventually
making it into print or written proof. It was in the early 1990s when communication
took an innovative turn with the birth of computers and the Internet. Since then, we
have been reliant on media and its products.
One of the greatest opportunities for media and information is through the
continuing advancements in the use of these social media networks. They are
only limited to communication between people but it it also streams
information through online articles and other websites designed to inform.
The amount of people we can interact with through social media is nearly
endless. Social media networks allow us to achieve an even wider reach of
audience, our online content and information accessible to almost everyone in
the globe.
This shows that the intended audience must possess either understanding or
emotional connection to the message before they move or initiate an act
towards making a change.
Media and Information Literacy Opportunities, Challenges and Power of Media and
occurrences in the near future would be “political awareness and action will be
facilitated and more peaceful change and public uprisings like the Arab Spring will
emerge.” People around the world are informed of discrimination and other such
injustices through the internet. By spreading the word and initiating action, the internet
has become a viable way for people to be informed and act against these injustices.
One prominent example in the present day is the hashtag #LoveWins of the LGBT
community on social media networks for Pride Week in June which inspired people
from the community and other supporters to march the streets and let their voice be
heard by the government.
One of the most prominent malwares is the ransomware, which, according to the FBI, is
“an insidious type of malware that encrypts, or locks, valuable digital files and demands
a ransom to release them.” Private and sensitive information collated by establishments
and companies are at risk with this type of malware.
The following list are the most common types of cybercrime including hacking, online
scams, fraud, identity theft, and illegal or prohibited online content. The violation of
privacy is the first and foremost effect of these threats, leading them to feel powerless in
the midst of an attack.
Media and Information Literacy Current and Future Trends in Media and
Module 007 Current and Future Trends
of Media and Information
This module deals with the current and future trends of media and
information, from the wearable technology to the growing 3D
environment and ubiquitous learning.
With modern technology allowing people access to more information anytime and
anywhere, a new question has arisen: what will the future of learning be?
Schools and universities knew very well how technology can revolutionize
education. As such, a new system has been developed to ensure that learning
can be more accessible for everyone.
Adaptability. This means getting the right information at right place for the right
With the occurrence of better technology, along with the rise of the internet,
comes a new platform to promote learning. Massive Open Online Courses (also
known as MOOC) refer to open-access online course (i.e., without specific
participation restrictions) that allow for unlimited (massive) participation (Kaplan
and Haenlein, 2016). According to Oxford Dictionary, the term was likely
influenced by other words such as MMOG and MMORPG.
MOOCs have revolutionized the educational landscape of today by making
learning as open and accessible as possible. It was first created by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2001, and it became the same
institute to lead the development of MOOCs today, with their creations such as
MITx and edX.
Usually, the duration of a MOOC is from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the subject.
Students can access them in their own time and at their own pace, although some
MOOCs may offer optional “live” webinars. Its assessments are usually composed
of multiple choice questions. Assignments are an important part of the MOOC
platform, and can be evaluated automatically or by peer-to-peer evaluation.
Advantages of
The most interesting thing about Massive Open Online Course are its advantages.
Studying an MOOC has been proven to be beneficial to learners across the globe,
thanks to the following:
With the growing need for an open and accessible education, MOOCs have
become a platform for the growth of information and literacy today.
Wearable technology is a new industry that is slowly gaining popularity these
days. There has been a noticeable increase in wearable gadgets. It’s amazing
how watches nowadays are no longer just for checking time – they can now be
used to make a phone call, even track one’s daily health habits – with just one
By definition, wearable technology (also known as wearable gadgets) is a term
used to refer to a category of technology devices which can be worn and often
include small motion sensors that allows tracking of information related to health
and fitness.
Types of Wearable
There are currently a lot of different kinds of wearables in existence. Below are
some of the most popular types of wearable technology.
Smartwatches. These wearables are similar to a regular wristwatch. Nowadays,
more than just display the time, smartwatches are designed to do things such as
alert the wearer to text messages or posts on social media. They can even display
weather alerts, and keep track of heart rate.
Smart-Eyewear. More commonly known as smart glasses, you may put on these
wearables as sunglasses. The lens(es) act like a screen, which may display a
view of a map with directions to your destination, the weather, and other
The most popular brand of this type is the Google Glass, which was released on
Health-wear. This is basically any device that can be worn anywhere and
designed to monitor the wearer’s health. Health-wear devices have existed longer
than other wearable technology, hence they are cheaper.
They come in various designs: some can be worn around the wrist or the ankles
while some can be worn around the chest or neck. Nevertheless, all of these are
built to record the body’s conditions, such as the heart rate, breathing, or amount
of calories burned.
Glossary MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses are interactive step-by-step
courses established to
reach out to an unlimited number of participants
Health-Wear: any wearable device designed to keep track of one’s health