There are many things you want to know in this world. Living and
nonliving things including the events – their nature or qualities make you
wonder continuously, frequently or quickly. Marveling at them, you put to
continue yourself in a course of situation where you seem to be grappling
with different problems. Questions after questions on the different
aspects of the things of your curiosity prod you to move, act, or do
something to find answers to your questions or to discover truths about
your inferences or speculations on such thing. Behaving like an
investigator, asking and seeking answers, to some questions about the
thing you find puzzling indicates the true nature of inquiry research.
(Baraceros, 2017)
The Nature of
Variables are “changing or characteristics” of persons or things like age,
gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements, confidence, and so on that
are involved in your research study. Made up of the root or base word
“vary” which means undergo changes or to differ from, variables have
different or varying values in relation to time and situation. For instance,
as years go by, your age or intelligence increases. But placed in a
situation where you are afflicted with a disease or have no means of
reading or no access to any sources of knowledge, your intelligence
tend to decrease. (Sutter, 2013)
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [Nature of Inquiry and Research]
Experimental Research – an attempt by the researcher to maintain
control over-all factors that may affect the result of an experiment.
First –
Second – Theoretical/Conceptual
Third –
Fourth –
Research process – this is a process wherein you need to have different
skills like planning, organizing and the like in order to come up good
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem]
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the
In research, you are prone to thinking in various levels that range from
the simplest to the most complex modes or patterns of thinking. Your
initial acts here pertain to what you want to research on or what you
intend to subject more to higher levels of thinking as you go through
several stages of research. The kind or quality of thinking and attention
you give to your acts of choosing your research topic and of specifying
questions you want your research study to find answers to strongly
determine the success of your research work. (Baraceros, 2017)
According to Leann Zarah (2017) this is the six value of research in the different
area of interest.
Research is required not just for students and academics, but for all
professionals. It is also important for budding and veteran writers, both offline
and online.
Television shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the
writer(s) and the actors. Though there are hosts who rely on their researchers,
there are also those who exert effort to do their own research. This helps them
get information that hired researchers missed, build a good rapport with the
interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
Ever experienced feeling that your mate is having an affair behind your back?
Some people would overlook that and say that it's better not to know; others
though would take discreet action, hiring detectives to do the work. What does
research have to do with that situation? A lot.
Research entails both reading and writing. These two literacy functions
help enable computation and comprehension. Without these skills, it is
less likely for anyone to appreciate and get involved in research. Reading
opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing helps a
reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more
concrete idea that s/he understands.
Curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is the
same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers. Indeed, research
and doing research encourage people to explore possibilities, to
understand existing issues, and to disclose truths and fabricated ones.
Without research, technological advancement and other developments
could have remained a fantasy. Reading, writing, observing, analyzing,
and interacting with others facilitate an inquisitive mind's quest for
knowledge and efficient learning. Research serves as an instrument to
achieve that goal.
Inquiry - is a dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement
and coming to know and understand the world
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem]
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the
In research, you are prone to thinking in various levels that range from
the simplest to the most complex modes or patterns of thinking. Your
initial acts here pertain to what you want to research on or what you
intend to subject more to higher levels of thinking as you go through
several stages of research. The kind or quality of thinking and attention
you give to your acts of choosing your research topic and of specifying
questions you want your research study to find answers to strongly
determine the success of your research work. (Baraceros, 2017)
According to Leann Zarah (2017) this is the six value of research in the different
area of interest.
Research is required not just for students and academics, but for all
professionals. It is also important for budding and veteran writers, both offline
and online.
Television shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the
writer(s) and the actors. Though there are hosts who rely on their researchers,
there are also those who exert effort to do their own research. This helps them
get information that hired researchers missed, build a good rapport with the
interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
Ever experienced feeling that your mate is having an affair behind your back?
Some people would overlook that and say that it's better not to know; others
though would take discreet action, hiring detectives to do the work. What does
research have to do with that situation? A lot.
Research entails both reading and writing. These two literacy functions
help enable computation and comprehension. Without these skills, it is
less likely for anyone to appreciate and get involved in research. Reading
opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing helps a
reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more
concrete idea that s/he understands.
Curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is the
same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers. Indeed, research
and doing research encourage people to explore possibilities, to
understand existing issues, and to disclose truths and fabricated ones.
Without research, technological advancement and other developments
could have remained a fantasy. Reading, writing, observing, analyzing,
and interacting with others facilitate an inquisitive mind's quest for
knowledge and efficient learning. Research serves as an instrument to
achieve that goal.
Inquiry - is a dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement
and coming to know and understand the world
Baraceros, Esther L. (2017), Practical Research 2, Rex Book Store,
Inc., First Edition
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem]
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the
In research, you are prone to thinking in various levels that range from
the simplest to the most complex modes or patterns of thinking. Your
initial acts here pertain to what you want to research on or what you
intend to subject more to higher levels of thinking as you go through
several stages of research. The kind or quality of thinking and attention
you give to your acts of choosing your research topic and of specifying
questions you want your research study to find answers to strongly
determine the success of your research work. (Baraceros, 2017)
According to Leann Zarah (2017) this is the six value of research in the different
area of interest.
Research is required not just for students and academics, but for all
professionals. It is also important for budding and veteran writers, both offline
and online.
Television shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the
writer(s) and the actors. Though there are hosts who rely on their researchers,
there are also those who exert effort to do their own research. This helps them
get information that hired researchers missed, build a good rapport with the
interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
Ever experienced feeling that your mate is having an affair behind your back?
Some people would overlook that and say that it's better not to know; others
though would take discreet action, hiring detectives to do the work. What does
research have to do with that situation? A lot.
Research entails both reading and writing. These two literacy functions
help enable computation and comprehension. Without these skills, it is
less likely for anyone to appreciate and get involved in research. Reading
opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing helps a
reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more
concrete idea that s/he understands.
Curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is the
same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers. Indeed, research
and doing research encourage people to explore possibilities, to
understand existing issues, and to disclose truths and fabricated ones.
Without research, technological advancement and other developments
could have remained a fantasy. Reading, writing, observing, analyzing,
and interacting with others facilitate an inquisitive mind's quest for
knowledge and efficient learning. Research serves as an instrument to
achieve that goal.
Inquiry - is a dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement
and coming to know and understand the world
The Problem
Learning Objectives: At
the end of the topic the students
should be able to:
• Discuss the introduction;
• Discuss the statement of the
• Discuss the significance of the
study; and
• Discuss the scope and
limitations of the study.
The Introduction General Format
in Writing the Introduction
• Discussion at once follows after the
chapter title, No introduction of the
• Discussions are in paragraph form
starting from macro to micro
of the researcher.
• It may also include concepts and
ideas from other sources.
Acknowledgement of sources is
the problem.
from it.
• You can figure out several important
contributions of your research paper if you
o-tips-on- how-to-write-the-significance-
Tips in Writing the
Significance of the Study 1.
Refer to the statement of the problem
• Your problem statement can guide you in
identifying the specific contribution of your
Theories and concepts are view of how concepts are structured, acquired,
and deployed. Concepts, as they will be understood here, are mental
representations that are implicated in many of our higher thought
processes, including various forms of reasoning and inference,
categorization, planning and decision making, and constructing and
testing explanations. The view states that concepts are organized within
and around theories, that acquiring a concept involves learning such a
theory, and that deploying a concept in a cognitive task involves
theoretical reasoning, especially of a causal- explanatory sort.
In relation to your own study, the literature review can help in four ways.
It can: 1 bring clarity and focus to your research problem; 2 improve
your research methodology; 3 broaden your knowledge base in your
research area; and 4 contextualize your findings.
Concept – is a word pertaining to an abstract idea representing the
fundamental characteristics of what it represents. ... In informal use
the word concept often just means any idea, but formally it involves
the abstraction component.
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [The Research Paradigms]
The Research
• Ontology: what kind of being is the human being. Ontology deals with
the question of what is real.
• Epistemology: what is the relationship between the inquirer and the known:
"epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of
knowledge and the process by which knowledge is acquired and validated"
(Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996)
• Methodology: how do we know the world, or gain knowledge of it?
• Define how the world works, how knowledge is extracted from this world,
and how one is to think, write, and talk about this knowledge
• Define the types of questions to be asked and the methodologies to be used
in answering
• Decide what is published and what is not published
• Structure the world of the academic worker
• Provide its meaning and its significance
At the end of the topic the students should be able
As McGaghie et al. (2001) put it: The conceptual framework “sets the
stage” for the presentation of the particular research question that drives
the investigation being reported based on the problem statement. The
problem statement of a thesis presents the context and the issues that
caused the researcher to conduct the study. The conceptual framework
lies within a much broader framework called theoretical framework. The
latter draws support from time-tested theories that embody the findings
of many researchers on why and how a particular phenomenon occurs.
Conceptual Framework – presents specific and well-defined concepts
which are called construct.
Several reasons are behind your choice of a particular topic to research on.
Your curiosity or familiarity about an animate creature or inanimate object its
functionally inspire you to discover more about such person or thing. Whatever
experience or background knowledge you have about your chosen topic
becomes valuable believable only as regards your acts of proving the validity or
truthfulness of your claims about your topic, if these ideas of yours are related to
what the world or other people already know or have already discovered or done
about your chosen topic. Aligning your thinking with other people’s ideas
displayed legally and professionally in varied literary works lends credibility to
whatever ideas you have about your research study. (Baraceros, 2017)
All reading materials related to your research that you intend to review or
re-examine offer you concepts, ideas, or information belonging to other
people. Having honesty, respect, or courtesy to the owners of these
varied forms of knowledge as well as gratefulness for their valuable
contribution to the field, you see to it that the names of these idea owners
or authors appear in the appropriate sections of your research paper
(Baraceros, 2017)
MLA System – full surname first, followed by full first name, and
optional initial of the middle name
2. Writing the title of the Reading Material
3. Based on specific concepts and
In order to come up with a definition of terms, the student must identify his
interest areas. The student may start by examining his childhood and the
way he was brought out to search for significant events that may have had
a strong influence on him in the formative years. This may aid him in
discovering his bias on a particular subject or it may aid him in
determining a core conflict or a central life question. This question or
conflict can help the student to determine his bias on that particular
subject and give birth to the area in which he wants to specify his
definition of terms. A life question or core conflict can easily be turned into
a set of questions merely by submitting it to a series of inquiries. The
student may continually ask himself why this is important to him. As he
asks questions about his core conflict(s) or life question, a mere
reformulation of the syntax can turn them into definition of terms.
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature]
Citing – is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the
body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the bibliographic
references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the
relevance of the works of others to the topic of discussion at the spot
where the citation appears.
You won't be able to do very much in research unless you know how to
talk about variables. A variable is any entity that can take on different
values. OK, so what does that mean? Anything that can vary can be
considered a variable. For instance, age can be considered a variable
because age can take different values for different people or for the same
person at different times. Similarly, country can be considered a variable
because a person's country can be assigned a value.
Every true experimental design must have this statement at the core of
its structure, as the ultimate aim of any experiment.
The Intervening
Intervening variables are hypothetical internal states that are used to
explain relationships between observed variables, such independent and
dependent variables.
Intervening variables are not real things. They are interpretations of observed facts, not
facts themselves. But they create the illusion of being facts.
The Moderate
A mediator variable is the variable that causes mediation in the
dependent and the independent variables. In other words, it explains the
relationship between the dependent variable and the independent
variable. The process of complete mediation is defined as the complete
intervention caused by the mediator variable. This results in the initial
variable no longer affecting the outcome variable. The process of partial
mediation is defined as the partial intervention.
The mediation caused by the mediator variable is developed as a
mediation model. This model that develops due to the mediation is a
causal model. In other words, this means that the mediator variable has
been assumed to cause the affect in the outcome variable and not vice
versa. In the field of psychology, the mediator variable explains how the
external physical events affect the internal psychological significance.
If the change in the other variable significantly accounts for the variation
in the dependent variable, then the other variable is considered a
mediator variable.
If the other variable strongly dominates the significant relationship
between the dependent and the independent variable, then the other
variable is termed as a mediator variable. In other words, if the
relationship between the dependent and the independent variable no
longer exists and their variations are controlled by some other variable,
then that variable is termed as the mediator variable.
The Control
The control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is
the experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout
the course of the investigation. The control variable strongly influences
experimental results, and it is held constant during the experiment in
order to test the relative relationship of the dependent and independent
variables. The control variable itself is not of primary interest to the
The Manipulative
It is easy to see how cause and effect work in the world around us.
You've probably noticed that if you knock a glass of water over, the
water spills all over the surrounding area. If you've forgotten to apply
sunscreen and then spent the day in the sun, you know how miserable
you will feel later that night! Scientists are always looking for new ideas
to test and new ways to explain phenomena they observe in the world
around us. Often, it's easy to see how changing something on purpose
can cause an effect. For example, you can place your fingers on your
wrist to measure your heart rate and observe that it increases as you go
from relaxing to exercising.
Scientists make changes in experiments to see if those changes will
cause an effect in something they observe. The thing that is changed on
purpose is called the manipulated variable. Sometimes it is also called
the independent variable.
In an experiment, there are many variables for a scientist to keep track of.
A variable is anything that can change in an experiment. Some examples
of variables include the heart rate of a runner, how many bees visit a
flower in a day, the temperature of water in a fish tank, and how much
yeast is added to bread dough. The experimenter starts with a question to
answer, such as 'Which kind of exercise is most effective at increasing
heart rate?' After doing some research, they make a prediction, called the
hypothesis. In this case, they might predict, 'If a person does jumping
jacks, then their heart rate will increase more than walking, jogging, or
playing catch.' In this example the manipulated variable is the type of
exercise: jumping jacks, walking, jogging, and playing catch.
If you learn these five basic steps, it will help you greatly in hypothesis
testing. It gives you a procedure to follow, regardless of the particular
problem you are working with. (
v esteps.html)
Tips for Writing
When you state your hypotheses, be sure that the content of the
hypothesis matches the experimental procedure. What you write should
be the best estimation of the outcome of the lab procedure. Along with the
hypothesis, you should write several sentences which explain the
scientific reasoning that led you to that hypothesis.
The Importance of
Assumptions are things that are accepted as true, or at least plausible, by
researchers and peers who will read your dissertation or thesis. In other
words, any scholar reading your paper will assume that certain aspects of
your study is true given your population, statistical test, research design,
or other delimitations. For example, if you tell your friend that your favorite
restaurant is an Italian place, your friend will assume that you don’t go
there for the sushi. It’s assumed that you go there to eat Italian food.
Because most assumptions are not discussed in-text, assumptions that
are discussed in-text are discussed in the context of the limitations of your
study, which is typically in the discussion section. This is important,
because both assumptions and limitations affect the inferences you can
draw from your
[SH – PR2 / Practical Research 2] [The Variables, Hypothesis and Assumptions]
study. One of the more common assumptions made in survey research is
the assumption of honesty and truthful responses.