Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
(Common to all Programmes)
Course Code 18MAT31 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To have an insight into Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Difference equations
and Z-transforms.
• To develop the proficiency in variational calculus and solving ODE’s arising in engineering
applications, using numerical methods.
Laplace Transforms: Definition and Laplace transform of elementary functions. Laplace transforms of
Periodic functions and unit-step function – problems.
Inverse Laplace Transforms: Inverse Laplace transform - problems, Convolution theorem to find the inverse
Laplace transform (without proof) and problems, solution of linear differential equations using Laplace
Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet’s condition. Fourier series of periodic functions period 2ߨ and
arbitrary period. Half range Fourier series. Practical harmonic analysis, examples from engineering field.
Fourier Transforms: Infinite Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms. Inverse Fourier
transforms. Simple problems.
Difference Equations and Z-Transforms: Difference equations, basic definition, z-transform-definition,
Standard z-transforms, Damping and shifting rules, initial value and final value theorems (without proof) and
problems, Inverse z-transform. Simple problems.
Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE’s): Numerical solution of ODE’s of first
order and first degree- Taylor’s series method, Modified Euler’s method. Range - Kutta method of fourth
order, Milne’s and Adam-Bashforth predictor and corrector method (No derivations of formulae), Problems.
Numerical Solution of Second Order ODE’s: Runge -Kutta method and Milne’s predictor and corrector
method.(No derivations of formulae).
Calculus of Variations: Variation of function and functional, variational problems, Euler’s equation,
Geodesics, hanging chain, problems.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• CO1: Use Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform in solving differential/ integral equation
arising in network analysis, control systems and other fields of engineering.
• CO2: Demonstrate Fourier series to study the behaviour of periodic functions and their applications in
system communications, digital signal processing and field theory.
• CO3: Make use of Fourier transform and Z-transform to illustrate discrete/continuous function arising
in wave and heat propagation, signals and systems.
• CO4: Solve first and second order ordinary differential equations arising in engineering problems
using single step and multistep numerical methods.
• CO5:Determine the extremals of functionals using calculus of variations and solve problems
arising in dynamics of rigid bodies and vibrational analysis.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Sl. Name of the Name of the
Title of the Book Edition and Year
No. Author/s Publisher
1 Advanced Engineering E. Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons 10th Edition, 2016
2 Higher Engineering B. S. Grewal Khanna Publishers 44th Edition, 2017
3 Engineering Mathematics Srimanta Pal et al Oxford University 3rd Edition, 2016
Reference Books
1 Advanced Engineering C. Ray Wylie, Louis McGraw-Hill 6th Edition, 1995
Mathematics C. Barrett Book Co
2 Introductory Methods of S. S. Sastry Prentice Hall of 4th Edition 2010
Numerical Analysis India
3 Higher Engineering B.V. Ramana McGraw-Hill 11th Edition,2010
4 A Text Book of Engineering N. P. Bali and Laxmi Publications 2014
Mathematics Manish Goyal
5 Advanced Engineering Chandrika Prasad Khanna 2018
Mathematics and Reena Garg Publishing,
Web links and Video Lectures:
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME32 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:2:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To know the different types of stresses and strains developed in the member subjected to axial, bending,
shear, torsion & thermal loads.
• To know behaviour & properties of engineering materials.
• To understand the stresses developed in bars, compounds bars, beams, shafts, and cylinders.
• To understand the concepts of calculation of shear force and bending moment for beams with different
• To expose the students to concepts of Buckling of columns and strain energy.
Stresses and Strains: Introduction, Properties of materials, Stress, Strain and Hooke’s law, Stress strain diagram
for brittle and ductile materials, True stress and strain, Calculation of stresses in straight, Stepped and tapered
sections, Composite sections, Stresses due to temperature change, Shear stress and strain, Lateral strain and
Poisson’s ratio, Elastic constants and relations between them.
Analysis of Stress and Strain: Introduction to three dimensional state of stress, Stresses on inclined planes,
Principal stresses and maximum shear stress, Principal angles, Shear stresses on principal planes, Maximum
shear tress, Mohr circle for plane stress conditions.
Cylinders: Thin cylinder: Hoop’s stress, maximum shear stress, circumferential and longitudinal strains, Thick
cylinders: Lames equations.
Shear Force and Bending Moment: Type of beams, Loads and reactions, Relationship between loads, shear
forces and bending moments, Shear force and bending moments of cantilever beams, Pin support and roller
supported beams subjected to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed constant / varying loads.
Stress in Beams: Bending and shear stress distribution in rectangular, I and T section beams.
Theories of Failure: Maximum Principal stress theory, Maximum shear stress theory.
Torsion: Circular solid and hallow shafts, Torsional moment of resistance, Power transmission of straight and
stepped shafts, Twist in shaft sections, Thin tubular sections, Thin walled sections.
Columns: Buckling and stability, Critical load, Columns with pinned ends, Columns with other support
conditions, Effective length of columns,
Secant formula for columns.
Strain Energy: Strain energy due to axial, shear, bending, torsion and impact load. Castigliano’s theorem I and
II and their applications.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
• CO1: Understand simple, compound, thermal stresses and strains their relations and strain energy.
• CO2: Analyse structural members for stresses, strains and deformations.
• CO3: Analyse the structural members subjected to bending and shear loads.
• CO4: Analyse shafts subjected to twisting loads.
• CO5: Analyse the short columns for stability.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Edition and Year
1 Mechanics of Materials J M Gere, B J Goodno, Cengage Eighth edition
2 Fundamentals of Strength of P N Chandramouli PHI Learning Pvt. 2013
Materials Ltd
3 Strength of Materials R K Rajput S. Chand and 2014
Company Pvt. Ltd
Reference Books
1 Strength of Materials R. Subramanian Oxford 2005
2 Strength of Materials S. S. Ratan Tata McGraw Hill 2nd Edition, 2008
Reference Books
3 Workshop Technology Vol. I Chapman W. A. Arnold Publisher New Delhi
and II J. 1998
4 Elements of Manufacturing Hajra Media Publishers, Bombay
Technology Vol II, Choudhary, S.
K. and Hajra 1988
Choudhary, A.
5 Metal Forming Handbook Schuler Springer Verlag Publication
Sl Name of the
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
No Author/s
1 Machine Drawing K.R. Gopala Subhash Publication 2005
2 Machine Drawing N.D.Bhat&V.M Charoratar publishing house 2005
Reference Books
3 A Text Book of Computer Aided S. Trymbaka CBS Publishers, New Delhi 2007
Machine Drawing Murthy
4 Engineering drawing P.S.Gill S K Kataria and Sons 2013
5 Machine Drawing N. Siddeshwar, Tata McGraw Hill 2006
P. Kanniah,
V.V.S. Sastri
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME36B/46B CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To understand the concept of metrology and standards of measurement.
• To equip with knowledge of limits, fits, tolerances and gauging
• To acquire knowledge of linear and Angular measurements, Screw thread and gear measurement &
• To understand the knowledge of measurement systems and methods with emphasis on different
Transducers, intermediate modifying and terminating devices.
• To understand the measurement of Force, Torque, Pressure, Temperature and Strain.
Introduction to Metrology: Definition, objectives of metrology, Material Standards, Wavelength Standards,
Classification of standards, Line and End standards, Calibration of End bars. Numerical examples.
Liner measurement and angular measurements: Slip gauges-Indian standards on slip gauges, Adjustable slip
gauges, Wringing of slip gauges, Problems on building of slip gauges (M87, M112), Measurement of angle-sine
bar, Sine centre, Angle gauges, Optical instruments for angular measurements. Autocollimator-Applications for
measuring straightness and squareness.
System of Limits, Fits, Tolerance and Gauging: Definitions, Tolerance, Tolerance analysis (addition &
subtraction of tolerances) Inter changeability & Selective assembly. Class &grade of tolerance, Fits, Types of
fits, Numerical on limits, fit and tolerance. Hole base system & shaft base system. Taylor’s principle, Types of
limit gauges, Numerical on limit gauge design.
Comparators: Functional requirements, Classification, Mechanical- Johnson Mikrokator, Sigma comparators,
Dial indicator, Electrical comparators, LVDT, Pneumatic comparators- Principle of back pressure, Solex
comparators, Optical comparators- Zeiss ultraoptimeter.
Measurement of screw thread and gear: Terminology of screw threads, Measurement of major diameter,
Minor diameter, Pitch, Angle and Effective diameter of screw threads by 2- wire and 3-wire methods, Best size
wire. Screw thread gauges, Toolmaker’s microscope.
Gear tooth Measurements: Tooth thickness measurement using constant chord method, Addendum,
Comparator method and Base tangent method, Measurement of pitch, Concentricity, Run out and In volute
profile. Gear roll tester for composite error.
Measurement system and basic concepts of measurement methods: Definition, Significance of
measurement, Generalized measurement system, Static characteristics- Accuracy, Precision, Calibration,
Threshold, Sensitivity, Hysteresis, Repeatability, Linearity, Loading effect, Dynamic characteristics- System
response, Time delay. Errors in measurement, Classification of errors.
Transducers: Transfer efficiency, Primary and Secondary transducers, Electrical transducers, Mechanical,
Electronic transducers, Relative comparison of each type of transducers.
Intermediate Modifying and Terminating Devices: Mechanical systems, Inherent problems, Electrical
intermediate modifying devices, Input circuitry, Ballast circuit, Electronic amplifiers. Terminating devices,
Cathode ray oscilloscope, Oscillographs.
Applied mechanical measurement: Measurement of force, Torque, Pressure, Types of Dynamometers,
Absorption dynamometer, Prony brake and Rope brake dynamometer, and Power Measuring Instruments. Use
of elastic members, Bridgeman gauge, McLeod gauge, Pirani gauge.
Measurement of strain and temperature: Theory of strain gauges, Types, Electrical resistance strain gauge,
Preparation and mounting of Strain gauges, Gauge factor, Methods of strain measurement, temperature
compensation, Resistance thermometers, Thermocouple, Law of thermocouple, Pyrometer, Optical pyrometer.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the objectives of metrology, methods of measurement, standards of measurement &
various measurement parameters.
CO2: Explain tolerance, limits of size, fits, geometric and position tolerances, gauges and their design
CO3: Understand the working principle of different types of comparators.
CO3: Describe measurement of major & minor diameter, pitch, angle and effective diameter of screw
CO4: Explain measurement systems, transducers, intermediate modifying devices and terminating devices..
CO5: Describe functioning of force, torque, pressure, strain and temperature measuring devices.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. Edition
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
No. and Year
1 Mechanical Measurements Beckwith Marangoni and Pearson Education 6th Ed.,
Lienhard 2006
2 Instrumentation, Measurement B C Nakra, K K McGraw–Hill 4th
and Analysis Chaudhry Edition
3 Engineering Metrology R.K. Jain Khanna Publishers 2009
Reference Books
1 Engineering Metrology and Bentley Pearson Education
2 Theory and Design for Richard S Figliola, WILEY India Publishers
Mechanical Measurements, III Donald E Beasley
3 Engineering Metrology Gupta I.C Dhanpat Rai Publications
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify and calculate the key fluid properties used in the analysis of fluid behavior.
CO2: Explain the principles of pressure, buoyancy and floatation
CO3: Apply the knowledge of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics while addressing problems of
mechanical and chemical engineering.
CO4: Describe the principles of fluid kinematics and dynamics.
CO5: Explain the concept of boundary layer in fluid flow and apply dimensional analysis to form
dimensionless numbers in terms of input output variables.
CO6: Illustrate and explain the basic concept of compressible flow and CFD
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Edition and Year
1 A Text Book of Fluid Dr R.K Bansal Laxmi Publishers
Mechanis And Hydraulic
2 Fluid Mechanics F M White McGraw Hill Eighth edition.
Publications 2016
3 Fluid Mechanics (SI Units) Yunus A. Cengel John TataMcGraw Hill 3rd Ed.,2014.
Reference Books
1 Fluid Mechanics F M White McGraw Hill Eighth edition.
Publications 2016
2 Fundamentals of Fluid Munson, Young, John Wiley 7th edition
Mechanics Okiishi&Huebsch, Publications
1. One question is to be set from Part-A: 30 marks. (20 marks for sand testing+ 10 Marks for
2. One question is to be set from either Part-B or Part-C: 50 Marks
3. Viva – Voce: 20 marks
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand needs, functions, roles, scope and evolution of Management.
CO2: Understand importance, purpose of Planning and hierarchy of planning and also53nalyse its types.
CO3: Discuss Decision making, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.
CO4: Select the best economic model from various available alternatives.
CO5: Understand various interest rate methods and implement the suitable one.
CO6: Estimate various depreciation values of commodities.
CO7: Prepare the project reports effectively.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Name of the Publisher Edition and
Textbook/s Author/s Year
1 Mechanical estimation and T.R. Banga & S.C. Khanna Publishers 17th edition
costing Sharma 2015
2 Engineering Economy Riggs J.L McGraw Hill 4th
3 Engineering Economy Thuesen H.G PHI edition2002
4 Principles of Management Tripathy and Tata McGraw Hill 3rd edition
Reddy 2006
Reference Books
1 Management Fundamentals Robers Lusier Pearson Education
- Concepts, Application, Skill Thomson
2 Modern Economic Theory Dr. K. K. Dewett& Chand Publications
M. H. Navalur,
3 Economics: Principles of N Gregory Cengage Learning
Economics Mankiw,
4 Basics of Engineering Economy Leland Blank & McGraw Hill Publication
Anthony Tarquin (India) Private Limited
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME51 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 2:2:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To help the students to understand the fundamental concepts and principles of management; the basic
roles, skills, functions of management, various organizational structures and basic knowledge of
• To impart knowledge, with respect to concepts, principles and practical applications of Economics,
which govern the functioning of a firm/organization under different market conditions.
Management: Introduction - Meaning - nature and characteristics of Management, Scope and Functional areas of
management - Management as a science, art of profession - Management & Administration - Roles of
Management, Levels of Management, Development of Management Thought- early management approaches –
Modern management approaches. Planning: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process Objectives -
Types of plans (Meaning Only) - Decision making Importance of planning - steps in planning & planning
premises - Hierarchy of plans.
Organizing and Staffing: Nature and purpose of organization Principles of organization - Types of organization -
Departmentation Committees Centralization Vs Decentralization of authority and responsibility - Span of control
- MBO and MBE (Meaning Only) Nature and importance of staffing--Process of Selection & Recruitment (in
brief). Directing & Controlling: Meaning and nature of directing Leadership styles, Motivation Theories,
Communication - Meaning and importance - coordination, meaning and importance and Techniques of Co
Ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling - Essentials of a sound control system - Methods of establishing
control (in brief).
Introduction: Engineering and economics, Problem solving and decision making, Laws of demand and supply,
Difference between Microeconomics & Macroeconomics, equilibrium between demand & supply, elasticity of
demand, price elasticity, income elasticity. Law of Returns, Interest and interest factors, simple and compound
interest, Cash flow diagrams, personal loans and EMI payment calculation with flexible interest rates, Discussion
and problems.
Present, future and annual worth and rate of returns: Basic present worth comparisons, Present worth-
equivalence, Assets with unequal lives and infinites lives, future worth comparisons, payback comparisons,
Equivalent annual worth comparisons, situations for annual worth comparisons. Asset life, Rate of return,
minimum acceptable rate of return, IRR anomalies and misconceptions, Cost of capital, comparisons of all
present future and annual worth with IRR, product costing, Discussions and problems.
Costing and depreciation: Components of costs, estimation of selling price, marginal cost, first cost, all kinds of
overheads, indirect cost estimation with depreciation, mensuration and estimation of material cost, cost
estimation of mechanical process, idling time. Product costing (approaches to product costing), causes of
depreciation, methods of computing depreciation charges, straight line method, declining balance method, sum of
years method, sinking fund method, service output methods, taxation concepts, personal income taxes and
corporate taxes, Discussions and problems.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand needs, functions, roles, scope and evolution of Management
CO2: Understand importance, purpose of Planning and hierarchy of planning and also54nalyse its types.
CO3: Discuss Decision making, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.
CO4: Select the best economic model from various available alternatives.
CO5: Understand various interest rate methods and implement the suitable one.
CO6: Estimate various depreciation values of commodities.
CO7: Prepare the project reports effectively.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. No. Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Edition and
Textbook/s Publisher Year
1 Mechanical estimation T.R. Banga& S.C. Sharma Khanna Publishers 17th edition 2015
2 Engineering Economy Riggs J.L McGraw Hill 4th edition
3 Engineering Economy Thuesen H.G PHI 2002
4 Principles of Management Tripathy and Reddy Tata McGraw Hill 3rd edition 2006
1 Mechanical estimation T.R. Banga& S.C. Sharma Khanna Publishers 17th edition 2015
2 and costing Economy
Engineering Riggs J.L McGraw Hill 4th edition
3 Engineering Economy Thuesen H.G PHI 2002
4 Principles of Management Tripathy and Reddy Tata McGraw Hill 3rd edition 2006
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME52 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:2:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To understand the various steps involved in the Design Process.
• To explain the principles involved in design of machine elements, subjected to different kinds of forces,
from the considerations of strength, rigidity, functional and manufacturing requirements.
• To understand and interpret different failure modes and application of appropriate criteria for design of
machine elements.
• To learn to use national and international standards, standard practices, standard data, catalogs, and
standard components used in design of machine elements.
• Develop the capability to design elements like shafts, couplings, welded joints, screwed joints, and
power screws.
Introduction: Design Process: Definition of design, phases of design, and review of engineering materials and
their properties and manufacturing processes; use of codes and standards, selection of preferred sizes.
Review of axial, bending, shear and torsion loading on machine components, combined loading, two- and three
dimensional stresses, principal stresses, stress tensors, Mohr's circles.
Design for static strength: Factor of safety and service factor.
Failure mode: definition and types. , Failure of brittle and ductile materials; even and uneven materials; Theories
of failure: maximum normal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, distortion energy theory, strain energy
theory, Columba –Mohr theory and modified Mohr’s theory. Stress concentration, stress concentration factor and
methods of reducing stress concentration.
Impact Strength: Introduction, Impact stresses due to axial, bending and torsion loads.
Fatigue loading: Introduction to fatigue failure, Mechanism of fatigue failure, types of fatigue loading, S-N
Diagram, Low cycle fatigue, High cycle fatigue, Endurance limit.
Modifying factors: size effect, surface effect, Stress concentration effects Notch sensitivity, Soder berg and
Goodman relationships, stresses due to combined loading, cumulative fatigue damage, and Miner’s equation.
Design of shafts: Torsion of shafts, solid and hollow shaft design with steady loading based on strength and
rigidity, ASME and BIS codes for power transmission shafting, design of shafts subjected to combined bending,
torsion and axial loading. Design of shafts subjected to fluctuating loads
Design of keys and couplings :Keys: Types of keys and their applications, design considerations in parallel and
tapered sunk keys, Design of square and rectangular sunk keys.
Couplings: Rigid and flexible coupling-types and applications, design of Flange coupling, and Bush and Pin type
Design of Permanent Joints: Types of permanent joints-Riveted and Welded Joints.
Riveted joints: Types of rivets, rivet materials, Caulking and fullering, analysis of riveted joints, joint efficiency,
failures of riveted joints, boiler joints, riveted brackets.
Welded joints: Types, strength of butt and fillet welds, eccentrically loaded welded joints
Design of Temporary Joints: Types of temporary joints- cotter joints, knuckle joint and fasteners. Design of
Cotter and Knuckle Joint.
Threaded Fasteners: Stresses in threaded fasteners, effect of initial tension, design of threaded fasteners under
static, dynamic and impact loads, design of eccentrically loaded bolted joints.
Power screws: Mechanics of power screw, stresses in power screws, efficiency and self-locking, design of
power screws.
Course work includes a Design project. Design project should enable a group of students (maximum four in a
group) to design a mechanical system (like couplings, screw jack, welded joints, bracket mounting using
fasteners, etc.). Student should submit assembly drawing and part drawings, completely dimensioned, indicating
the necessary manufacturing tolerances, surface finish symbols and geometric tolerances wherever necessary.
Design project must be completed using appropriate solid modeling software. Computer generated drawings
must be submitted. Design calculations must be hand written and should be included in the report.
Design project should be given due credit in internal assessment.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Apply the concepts of selection of materials for given mechanical components.
CO2: List the functions and uses of machine elements used in mechanical systems.
CO3: Apply codes and standards in the design of machine elements and select an element based on the
Manufacturer’s catalogue.
CO4: Analyse the performance and failure modes of mechanical components subjected to combined
loading and fatigue loading using the concepts of theories of failure.
CO5: Demonstrate the application of engineering design tools to the design of machine components like
shafts, couplings, power screws, fasteners, welded and riveted joints.
CO6: Understand the art of working in a team.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Edition and
Textbook/s Publisher Year
Shigley's Mechanical Richard G. Budynas, and J. McGraw-Hill 10th
1 Engineering Design Keith Nisbett Education edition, 2015.
Fundamentals of Machine Juvinall R.C, and Marshek K.M. John Wiley & Third Edition,
2 Component Design Sons 2007 student
Design of Machine V B Bhandari Tata McGraw Hill edition
4th Ed., 2016.
3 Elements,
Design of Machine Dr.M H Annaiah New Age 1s Ed., 2016
4 Elements-I Dr. J Suresh Kumar International (P)
Reference Books Dr.C N Chandrappa Ltd.,
Machine Design- an Robert L. Norton Pearson Education 2nd edition.
1 integrated approach
Design and Machine Spotts M.F., Shoup T.E Pearson Education 8th edition,2006
2 Elements
Machine Component Orthwein W Jaico Publishing 2003
3 Design Co
Machine Design Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin Tata McGraw Hill Special Indian
4 (Schaum’s Outline series) Publishing Edition, 2008
Elements of Machine adapted byS.C.Pilli,
H.G.Patil, S.K.SomaniR.R.Malagi, Company
IK Ltd
International First edition,2019
5 Design M.S.Patil
Design of Machine T. Krishna Rao IK international 2012
6 Elements Volume I publishing house,
Hand book of Mechanical G. M. Maithra and L.V.Prasad TataNew Delhi.Hill
McGraw 2nd edition, 2004.
7 Design
Edition and
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
1 An Introduction to Energy V. Kadambi and New Age International reprint 2008
Conversion, Volume III, Manohar Prasad Publishers
Turbo machinery
2 Turbo Machines B.U.Pai Wiley India Pvt, Ltd 1st Edition
3 Turbo machines M. S. Govindegowda M. M. Publications 7Th Ed, 2012
and A. M. Nagaraj
4 Fundamentals of Turbo B.K Venkanna PHI Publishers
Reference Books
1 Turbines, Compressors & S. M. Yahya Tata McGraw Hill Co. 2nd edition,
Fans Ltd 2002
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify and analyse the functional requirements of a fluid power transmission system for a given
CO2: Visualize how a hydraulic/pneumatic circuit will work to accomplish the function.
CO3: Design an appropriate hydraulic or pneumatic circuit or combination circuit like electro-hydraulics,
electro- pneumatics for a given application.
CO4: Select and size the different components of the circuit.
CO5: Develop a comprehensive circuit diagram by integrating the components selected for the given
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. Name of the Edition and
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
No. Author/s Year
1 Fluid Power with applications Anthony Esposito Pearson edition 2000
2 Oil Hydraulics Majumdar S.R Tala McGRawHllL 2002
3 Pneumatic systems - Principles Majumdar S.R Tata McGraw-Hill 2005
and Maintenance
Reference Books
1 Industrial Hydraulics John Pippenger, McGraw Hill 1980
Tyler Hicks International Edition
2 Hydraulics and pneumatics Andrew Par Jaico Publishing House 2005
3 Fundamentals of Pneumatics, FESTO
Vol I, II and III.
4 Hydraulic Control Systems Herbert E. Merritt John Wiley and Sons, Inc
5 Introduction to Fluid power Thomson PrentcieHaIl 2004
6 Fundamentals of fluid power John Watton Cambridge University 2012
control press
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME56 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To get acquainted with the basic aspects of Production Management.
• The expose the students to various aspects of planning, organising and controlling operations
• To understand different operational issues in manufacturing and services organisations.
• To understand different problem-solving methodologies and Production Management techniques.
Introduction, Functions within business organizations, the operation management function, Classification of
production systems, Productivity, factors affecting productivity.
Decision Making: The decision process, characteristics of operations decisions, use of models, decision making
environments, graphical linear programming, analysis and trade-offs.
Forecasting: Steps in forecasting process, approaches to forecasting, forecasts based on judgment and opinion,
Capacity & Location Planning: Importance of capacity decisions, defining and measuring capacity,
determinants of effective capacity, determining capacity requirement, developing capacity alternatives,
evaluating alternatives, Need for location decisions, nature of locations decisions, general procedure for making
locations decisions, evaluating locations decisions, facilities layout – need for layout decisions, types of
Aggregate Planning & Master Scheduling: Aggregate planning – Nature and scope of aggregate planning,
strategies of aggregate planning, techniques for aggregate planning – graphical and charting techniques,
mathematical techniques. The master production schedule, Master scheduling process, Master scheduling
Material Requirement Planning (MRP): Dependent versus independent demand, an overview of MRP – MRP
inputs and outputs, MRP processing, ERP capacity requirement planning, benefits and limitations of MRP.
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (SCM): Introduction, Importance of purchasing and SCM, the procurement
process, Concept of tenders, Approaches to SCM, Vendor development.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the concept and scope of operations management in a business context
CO2: Recognize the role of Operations management among various business functions and its role in the
organizations’ strategic planning and gaining competitive advantage.
CO3: Analyze the appropriateness and applicability of a range of operations management systems/models in
decision making.
CO4: Assess a range of strategies for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations.
CO5: Evaluate a selection of frameworks used in the design and delivery of operations
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18MEL57 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:2:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• This course will provide a basic understanding of flow measurements using various types of flow
measuring devices, calibration and losses associated with these devices.
• Energy conversion principles, analysis and understanding of hydraulic turbines and pumps will be
discussed. Application of these concepts for these machines will be demonstrated. Performance
analysis will be carried out using characteristic curves.
Sl. No. Experiments
1 Lab layout, calibration of instruments and standards to be discussed
2 Determination of coefficient of friction of flow in a pipe.
3 Determination of minor losses in flow through pipes.
4 Application of momentum equation for determination of coefficient of impact of jets on flat and
curved blades
5 Calibration of flow measuring devices.
6 Performance on hydraulic Turbines a. Pelton wheel b. Francis Turbine c. Kaplan Turbines
7 Performance hydraulic Pumps d. Single stage and Multi stage centrifugal pumps e. Reciprocating
8 Performance test on a two stage Reciprocating Air Compressor.
9 Performance test on an Air Blower.
10 Visit to Hydraulic Power station/ Municipal Water Pump House and Case Studies
11 Demonstration of cut section models of Hydraulic turbines and Pumps.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Perform experiments to determine the coefficient of discharge of flow measuring devices.
CO2: Conduct experiments on hydraulic turbines and pumps to draw characteristics.
CO3: Test basic performance parameters of hydraulic turbines and pumps and execute the knowledge in real
life situations.
CO4: Determine the energy flow pattern through the hydraulic turbines and pumps.
CO5: Exhibit his competency towards preventive maintenance of hydraulic machines.
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered by
the examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.
Scheme of Examination:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Apply design principles for the design of mechanical systems involving springs, belts, pulleys, and
wire ropes.
CO2: Design different types of gears and simple gear boxes for relevant applications.
CO3: Understand the design principles of brakes and clutches.
CO4: Apply design concepts of hydrodynamic bearings for different applications and select Anti friction
bearings for different applications using the manufacturers, catalogue.
CO6: Apply engineering design tools to product design.
CO7: Become good design engineers through learning the art of working in a team.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Edition and Year
1 Shigley's Mechanical Richard G. Budynas,and McGraw-Hill 10th Edition, 2015
Engineering Design J. Keith Nisbett Education
2 Fundamentals of Machine Juvinall R.C, and John Wiley & Third Edition
Component Design Marshek K.M Sons 2007 Wiley
student edition
3 Design of Machine Elements V. B. Bhandari Tata Mcgraw Hill 4th Ed
Design of Machine Elements- Dr.M H Annaiah New Age 1s Ed., 2016
4 II Dr. J Suresh Kumar International (P)
Dr.C N Chandrappa Ltd.,
Reference Books
1 Machine Design- an integrated Robert L. Norton Pearson Education 2nd edition
2 Design and Machine Elements Spotts M.F., ShoupT.E Pearson Education 8th edition, 2006
3 Machine design adapted by S.K.Somani Tata McGraw Hill Special Indian
Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin Publishing Edition, 2008
(Schaum’s Outline Series Company Ltd
4 Elements of Machine Design H.G.Patil, S.C.Pilli, IK International First edition,2019
R.R.Malagi, M.S.Patil
5 Design of Machine T. Krishna Rao IK international 2013
ElementsVolume II publishing house
6 Hand book of Mechanical G. M. Maithra and Tata McGraw Hill 2nd edition,2004
Design L.V.Prasad
Design Data Hand Books:
[1] Design Data Hand Book, K.Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2003.
[2] Design Data Hand Book, K.Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBS publication.
[3] Design Data Hand Book, H.G.Patil, I.K.International Publisher, 2010
[4] PSG Design Data Hand Book, PSG College of technology, Coimbatore.
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME63 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours /Week (L:T:P) 3:2:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• Study the modes of heat transfer.
• Learn how to formulate and solve 1-D steady and unsteady heat conduction problems.
• Apply empirical correlations for fully-developed laminar, turbulent internal flows and external
boundary layer convective flow problems.
• Study the basic principles of heat exchanger analysis and thermal design.
• Understand the principles of boiling and condensation including radiation heat transfer related
engineering problems.
Introductory concepts and definitions: Modes of heat transfer: Basic laws governing conduction,
convection, and radiation heat transfer; Types of boundary conditions. General three dimensional Heat
Conduction Equation: Derivation of the equation in (i) Cartesian, coordinate only. Discussion of three
dimensional Heat Conduction Equation in (ii) Polar and (iii) Spherical Co-ordinate Systems.
Steady-state one-dimensional heat conduction problems in Cartesian System: Steady-state one-
dimensional heat conduction problems (i) without heat generation and (ii) constant thermal conductivity - in
Cartesian system with various possible boundary conditions. Brief Introduction to variable thermal
conductivity and heat generation [No numerical on variable thermal conductivity and heat generation] Thermal
Resistances in Series and in Parallel. Critical Thickness of Insulation in cylinder and spheres Concept.
Extended Surfaces or Fins: Classification, Straight Rectangular and Circular Fins, Temperature Distribution
and Heat Transfer Calculations, Fin Efficiency and Effectiveness, Applications
Transient [Unsteady-state] heat conduction: Definition, Different cases - Negligible internal thermal
resistance, negligible surface resistance, comparable internal thermal and surface resistance, Lumped body,
Infinite Body and Semi-infinite Body, Numerical Problems, Heisler and Grober charts.
Numerical Analysis of Heat Conduction: Introduction, one-dimensional steady conduction and one
dimensional unsteady conduction, boundary conditions, solution methods.
Thermal Radiation: Fundamental principles - Gray, White, Opaque, Transparent and Black bodies, Spectral
emissive power, Wien’s displacement law, Planck’s laws, Hemispherical Emissive Power, Stefan-Boltzmann
law for the total emissive power of a black body, Emissivity and Kirchhoff’s Laws, View factor, Net radiation
exchange between parallel plates, concentric cylinders, and concentric spheres, Radiation Shield.
Forced Convection: Boundary Layer Theory, Velocity and Thermal Boundary Layers, Prandtl number,
Turbulent flow, Various empirical solutions, Forced convection flow over cylinders and spheres, Internal flows
–laminar and turbulent flow solutions.
Free convection: Laminar and Turbulent flows, Vertical Plates, Vertical Tubes and Horizontal Tubes,
Empirical solutions.
Heat Exchangers: Definition, Classification, applications, LMTD method, Effectiveness - NTU method,
Analytical Methods, Fouling Factors, Chart Solution Procedures for solving Heat Exchanger problems:
Correction Factor Charts and Effectiveness-NTU Charts.
Introduction to boiling: pool boiling, Bubble Growth Mechanisms, Nucleate Pool Boiling, Critical Heat Flux
in Nucleate Pool Boiling, Pool Film Boiling, Critical Heat Flux, Heat Transfer beyond the Critical Point,
filmwise and dropwise Condensation.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the modes of heat transfer and apply the basic laws to formulate engineering systems.
CO2: Understand and apply the basic laws of heat transfer to extended surface, composite material and
unsteady state heat transfer problems.
CO3: Analyze heat conduction through numerical methods and apply the fundamental principle to solve
radiation heat transfer problems.
CO4: Analyze heat transfer due to free and forced convective heat transfer.
CO5: Understand the design and performance analysis of heat exchangers and their practical applications,
Condensation and Boiling phenomena.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Edition and Year
1 Principals of heat transfer Frank Kreith, Raj M. Cengage learning Seventh Edition
Manglik, 2011.
Mark S. Bohn
2 Heat transfer, a practical Yunus A. Cengel Tata Mc Graw Hill Fifth edition
Reference Books
1 Heat and mass transfer Kurt C, Rolle Cengage learning second edition
2 Heat Transfer M. NecatiOzisik McGraw Hill, New 2005
A Basic Approach York
3 Fundamentals of Heat and Incropera, F. P. and De John Wiley and 5th Edition
Mass Transfer Witt, D. P Sons, New York 2006
4 Heat Transfer Holman, J. P. Tata McGraw Hill, 9th Edition
New York 2008
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Professional Elective- 1
Course Code 18ME641 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours /Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To learn various concepts related to modern machining processes & their applications.
• To appreciate the differences between conventional and non-conventional machining processes.
• To acquire a functional understanding of non-traditional manufacturing equipment.
• To know about various process parameters and their influence on performance and their applications.
• To impart knowledge on various types of energy involved in non-traditional machining processes.
Introduction to Non-traditional machining, Need for Non-traditional machining process, Comparison between
traditional and non-traditional machining, general classification Non-traditional machining processes,
classification based on nature of energy employed in machining, selection of non-traditional machining
processes, Specific advantages, limitations and applications of non-traditional machining processes.
Ultrasonic Machining (USM): Introduction, Equipment and material process, Effect of process parameters:
Effect of amplitude and frequency, Effect of abrasive grain diameter, effect of slurry, tool & work material.
Process characteristics: Material removal rate, tool wear, accuracy, surface finish, applications, advantages &
limitations of USM.
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Introduction, Equipment and process of material removal, process variables:
carrier gas, type of abrasive, work material, stand-off distance (SOD). Process characteristics-Material removal
rate, Nozzle wear, accuracy & surface finish. Applications, advantages & limitations of AJM.
ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING (ECM): Introduction, Principle of electro chemical machining,
ECM equipment, elements of ECM operation, Chemistry of ECM. ECM Process characteristics: Material
removal rate, accuracy, surface finish. Process parameters: Current density, Tool feed rate, Gap between tool
& work piece, velocity of electrolyte flow, type of electrolyte, its concentration temperature, and choice of
electrolytes. ECM Tooling: ECM tooling technique & example, Tool & insulation materials. Applications
ECM: Electrochemical grinding and electrochemical honing process. Advantages, disadvantages and
application of ECG, ECH.
CHEMICAL MACHINING (CHM): Elements of the process, Resists (maskants), Etchants. Types of
chemical machining process-chemical blanking process, chemical milling process. Process characteristics of
CHM: material removal rate, accuracy, surface finish, advantages, limitations and applications of chemical
machining process.
ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING (EDM): Introduction, mechanism of metal removal, EDM
equipment: spark erosion generator (relaxation type), dielectric medium-its functions & desirable properties,
electrode feed control system. Flushing types; pressure flushing, suction flushing, side flushing, pulsed
flushing. EDM process parameters: Spark frequency, current & spark gap, surface finish, Heat Affected Zone.
Advantages, limitations & applications of EDM, Electrical discharge grinding, Traveling wire EDM.
PLASMA ARC MACHINING (PAM): Introduction, non-thermal generation of plasma, equipment
mechanism of metal removal, Plasma torch, process parameters, process characteristics. Safety precautions.
Safety precautions, applications, advantages and limitations.
LASER BEAM MACHINING (LBM): Introduction, generation of LASER, Equipment and mechanism of
metal removal, LBM parameters and characteristics, Applications, Advantages & limitations.
ELECTRON BEAM MACHINING (EBM): Introduction, Principle, equipment and mechanism of metal
removal, applications, advantages and limitations.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the compare traditional and non-traditional machining process and recognize the need for
Non- traditional machining process.
CO2: Understand the constructional features, performance parameters, process characteristics, applications,
advantages and limitations of USM, AJM and WJM.
CO3: Identify the need of Chemical and electro-chemical machining process along with the constructional
features, process parameters, process characteristics, applications, advantages and limitations.
CO4: Understand the constructional feature of the equipment, process parameters, process characteristics,
applications, advantages and limitations EDM & PAM.
CO5: Understand the LBM equipment, LBM parameters, and characteristics. EBM equipment and mechanism
of metal removal, applications, advantages and limitations LBM & EBM.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Edition and
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
1 Modern Machining Process by P.C Pandey and H McGraw Hill Education 2000
S Shah India Pvt. Ltd.
2 Production technology HMT McGraw Hill Education 2001
India Pvt. Ltd
Reference Books
1 New Technology Dr. Amitabha The Institute of 2000
Bhattacharyya Engineers (India)
Forced vibrations (1DOF): Introduction, analysis of forced vibration with constant harmonic excitation, MF,
rotating and reciprocating unbalances, excitation of support (Relative and absolute amplitudes), force and
motion transmissibility, energy dissipated due to damping and numerical problems.
Systems with 2DOF: Principal modes of vibrations, normal mode and natural frequencies of systems
(Damping is not included), simple spring-mass systems, masses on tightly stretched strings, double pendulum,
tensional systems, combined rectilinear and angular systems, geared systems and numerical problems.
Numerical methods for multi DOF systems: Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem, influence coefficients,
Rayleigh’s method, Dunkerley’s method, stodola method, orthogonality principle, method of matrix iteration
and numerical.
Modal analysis and condition monitoring: signal analysis, dynamic testing of machines and structures,
experimental modal analysis, machine condition monitoring and diagnosis.
Vibration measuring instruments and whirling of shafts: seismic instruments, vibrometers, accelerometer,
frequency measuring instruments and numerical. Whirling of shafts with and without damping.
Vibration Control: Introduction, Vibration isolation theory, Vibration isolation and motion isolation for
harmonic excitation, practical aspects of vibration analysis, vibration isolation, Dynamic vibration absorbers
and Vibration dampers.
Transient Vibration of single Degree-of freedom systems: Impulse excitation, arbitrary excitation, Laplace
transforms formulation, Pulse excitation and rise time, Shock response spectrum, Shock isolation.
Noise Engineering: Subjective response of sound: Frequency and sound dependent human response; the
decibel scale; relationship between , sound pressure level(SPL), sound power level and sound intensity scale;
relationship between addition, subtraction and averaging, sound spectra and Octave band analysis ; loudness;
weighting networks; equivalent sound level, auditory effects of noise; hazardous noise, exposure due to
machines and equipment; hearing conservation and damage risk criteria, daily noise doze.
Noise: Sources, Isolation and control: Major sources of noise on road and in industries, noise due to
construction equipment and domestic appliances, industrial noise control, strategies-noise control at source
(with or without sound enclosures), noise control along the path (with or without partitions and acoustic
barriers); noise control at the receiver, ear defenders, earplugs, semi-insert protectors.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Characterize the single and multi-degrees of freedom systems subjected to free and forced vibrations with
and without damping.
CO2: Apply the method of vibration measurements and its controlling.
CO3: Determine vibratory responses of SDOF and MDOF systems to harmonic, periodic and non-periodic
CO4: Analyze the mathematical model of a linear vibratory system to determine its response.
CO5: Obtain linear mathematical models of reallife engineering systems.
CO6: Apply the principles of vibration and noise reduction techniques to real life engineering problems.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. Name of the Name of the
Title of the Book Edition and Year
No. Author/s Publisher
1 Mechanical Vibrations S. S. Rao Pearson Education
2 Fundamentals of Mechanical S. Graham Kelly McGraw-Hill
3 Mechanical Vibrations W.T. Thomson Prentice Hill India
4 Vibraitons and Acoustics – C Sujatha Tata McGraw Hill
Measurements and signal analysis
Reference Books
1 Mechanical Vibrations G. K. Grover Nem Chand and
2 Theory of Vibration with William T. Pearson Education 5th edition
Application Thomson, Marie
Dillon Dahleh,
3 Mechanical Vibrations Padmanabhan,
V. P. Singh Dhanpat Rai &
4 Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Amberkar A.G. PHI
E- Learning
• VTU, E- learning
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Professional Elective- 1
Course Code 18ME645 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To know the behaviour of constituents in the composite materials
• To Enlighten the students in different types of reinforcement
• To Enlighten the students in different types of matrices
• To develop the student’s skills in understanding the different manufacturing methods available for
composite material.
• To understand the various characterization techniques
• To illuminate the knowledge and analysis skills in applying basic laws in mechanics to the composite
Introduction to Composite Materials: Definition, classification & brief history of composite materials.
Constituent of composite materials: Reinforcements, Matrix, Coupling agents, coatings & fillers.
Reinforcements: Introduction, Glass Fibers, Boron Fibers, Carbon Fibers, Organic Fibers, Ceramic Fibers,
Whiskers, Other Non-oxide Reinforcements, Comparison of Fibers
Matrix Materials: Polymers, Metals and Ceramic Matrix Materials.
Interfaces: Wettability, Crystallographic nature of interface, types of bonding at the interface and optimum
interfacial bond strength.
Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC): Processing of PMC’s; Processing of Thermoset Matrix Composites,
Thermoplastic Matrix Composites, Sheet Moulding Compound and carbon reinforced polymer composites.
Interfaces in PMC’s, Structure & Properties of PMC’s, applications
Metal Matrix Composites: Types of metal matrix composites, Important Metallic Matrices, Processing,
Interfaces in Metal Matrix Composites, Properties & Applications.
Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC): Processing of CMC’s; Cold Pressing & Sintering, Hot Pressing,
Reaction Bonding Processes, Infiltration, Directed Oxidation, In Situ Chemical Reaction Technique, Sol-Gel,
Polymer Infiltration & Pyrolysis, Electrophoretic Deposition, Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis.
Interfaces, properties and applications of CMC’s.
Carbon Fiber/Carbon Matrix Composites: Processing of Carbon/Carbon Composites, Oxidation protection
of Carbon/Carbon Composites, Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites, and application of Carbon/Carbon
Multi-filamentary Superconducting Composites: The Problem of Flux Pinning, Types of Super Conductor,
Processing & structure of Multi filamentary superconducting composites. Applications of multi-filamentary
superconducting composites.
Nonconventional Composites: Introduction, Nanocomposites; Polymer clay nanocomposites, self healing
composites, self-reinforced composites. Biocomposites, Laminates; Ceramic Laminates, Hybrid Composites.
Performance/Characterization of Composites: Static Mechanical Properties; Tensile Properties,
Compressive Properties, Flexural Properties, In-Plane Shear Properties, Interlaminar Shear Strength.
Fatigue Properties; Tension–Tension Fatigue, Flexural Fatigue. Impact Properties; Charpy, Izod, and
Drop-Weight Impact Test.
Micromechanics of Composites: Density, Mechanical Properties; Prediction of Elastic Constants,
Micromechanical Approaches, Halpin-Tsai Equations, Transverse Stresses, Thermal properties. Numerical
Macromechanics of Composites: Introduction, Elastic constants of an isotropic material, elastic constants of a
lamina, relationship between engineering constants and reduced stiffnesses and compliances.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Use different types of manufacturing processes in the preparation of composite materials
CO2: Analyze the problems on macro mechanical 87ehavior of composites
CO3: Analyze the problems on micromechanical 87ehavior of Composites
CO4: Determine stresses and strains relation in composites materials.
CO5: Understand and effective use of properties in design of composite structures
CO6: Perform literature search on a selected advanced material topic.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
14 Determination of temperature distribution along a rectangular and circular fin subjected to heat loss
through convection using Numerical approach (ANSYS/CFD package).
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Determine the thermal conductivity of a metal rod and overall heat transfer coefficient of composite
CO2: Determine convective heat transfer coefficient for free and forced convection and correlate with
theoretical values.
CO3: Evaluate temperature distribution characteristics of steady and transient heat conduction through solid
cylinder experimentally.
CO4: Determine surface emissivity of a test plate and Stefan Boltzmann constant
CO5: Estimate performance of a refrigerator and effectiveness of a fin and Double pipe heat exchanger
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered by
the examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.∎
Scheme of Examination:
One Question from Part A - 40 Marks
One Question from Part B - 40 Marks
Viva-Voce - 20 Marks
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Course Code 18ME71 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours / Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To develop comprehensive knowledge and understanding of modern control theory, industrial
automation, and systems analysis.
• To model mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems.
• To represent system elements by blocks and its reduction techniques.
• To understand transient and steady state response analysis of a system.
• To carry out frequency response analysis using polar plot, Bode plot.
• To analyse a system using root locus plots.
• To study different system compensators and characteristics of linear systems.
Introduction: Components of a control system, Open loop and closed loop systems.
Types of controllers: Proportional, Integral, Differential, Proportional-Integral, and Proportional- Integral-
Differential controllers.
Modelling of Physical Systems: Mathematical Models of Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal, Hydraulic
Time domain performance of control systems: Typical test signal, Unit step response and time domain
specifications of first order, second order system. Steady state error, error constants.
Block diagram algebra, Reduction of block diagram, Signal flow graphs, Gain formula for signal flow graphs,
State diagram from differential equations.
Stability of linear control systems: Routh’s criterion, Root locus, Determination of phase margin and gain
margin using root locus.
Stability analysis using Polar plot, Nyquist plot, Bode plot, Determination of phase margin and gain margin
using Bode plot.
1.Study of On-Off Controller for Flow/ Temperature.
2. Study of Control Modes like P, PD, PI, PID for Pressure / Temperature / Flow.
3. Assignment on Root Locus, Bode Plots and Polar Plots.
4. Use of Software ‘MATLAB’ on the above topics.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify the type of control and control actions.
CO2: Develop the mathematical model of the physical systems.
CO3: Estimate the response and error in response of first and second order systems subjected standard
input signals.
CO4: Represent the complex physical system using block diagram and signal flow graph and obtain
transfer function.
CO5: Analyse a linear feedback control system for stability using Hurwitz criterion, Routh’s criterion and
root Locus technique in complex domain.
CO6: Analyse the stability of linear feedback control systems in frequency domain using polar plots,
Nyquist and Bode plots.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl. Name of the Edition and
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
No. Author/s Year
1 Automatic Control Systems Farid G., Kuo B. C McGraw Hill Education 10th
2 Control systems Manik D. N Cengage 2017
Reference Books
1 Modern control Engineering K. Ogeta Pearson 5th Edition,
2 Control Systems Engineering Norman S Nice Fourth
Edition, 2007
3 Modern control Systems Richard C Dorf Pearson 2017
Leadership: Definition, characteristics of quality leaders, leadership concept, characteristics of effective
people, ethics, the Deming philosophy, role of TQM leaders, implementation, core values, concepts and
framework, strategic planning communication, decision making,
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Involvement: Customer Satisfaction: customer and customer perception
of quality, feedback, using customer complaints, service quality, translating needs into requirements, customer
retention, case studies. Employee Involvement – Motivation, employee surveys, empowerment, teams,
suggestion system, recognition and reward, gain sharing, performance appraisal, unions and employee
involvement, case studies.
Continuous Process Improvement: process, the Juran trilogy, improvement strategies, types of problems, the
PDSA Cycle, problem-solving methods, Kaizen, reengineering, six sigma, case studies. Statistical Process
Control: Pareto diagram, process flow diagram, cause and effect diagram, check sheets, histograms, statistical
fundamentals, Control charts, state of control, out of control process, control charts for variables, control charts
for attributes, scatter diagrams, case studies.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Definition, Types of Maintenance, Steps in introduction of TPM in an
organization, Pillars of TPM – 5S, Jishu Hozen, Quality Maintenance, Planned Maintenance.
Quality by Design (QbD): Definition, Key components of QbD, Role of QbD in Pharmaceutical Industry,
Benefits and Challenges of QbD.
Environmental Management Systems (EMS): Definition, Basic EMS, EMS under ISO 14001, Costs and
Benefits of EMS.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the various approaches of TQM
CO2: Infer the customer perception of quality
CO3: Analyse customer needs and perceptions to design feedback systems.
CO4: Apply statistical tools for continuous improvement of systems
CO5: Apply the tools and technique for effective implementation of TQM.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Reference Books
1 Mechatronics HMT Ltd Tata Mc Graw Hill 1st Edition,
2 Mechatronics: Integrated Mechanical K.P. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2008
Electronic Systems Ramachandran, New Delhi
3 Introduction to Mechatronics and David G. McGraw-Hill Inc USA 2003
Measurement Systems Aldatore, Michael
B. Histand
4 Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Saeed B. Niku, Person Education 2006
Systems, Applications.
5 Mechatronics System Design Devdas Shetty, Cengage publishers. second
Richard A. kolk edition
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Professional Elective 3
Course Code 18ME745 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours /Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To understand how to break down a complex project into manageable segments and use of effective
project management tools and techniques to arrive at solution and ensure that the project meets its
deliverables and is completed within budget and on schedule.
• To impart knowledge on various components, phases, and attributes of a project.
• To prepare students to plan, develop, lead, manage, and successfully implement and deliver projects
within their chosen practice area.
Introduction: Definition of project, characteristics of projects, understand projects, types of projects,
scalability of project tools, project roles Project Selection and Prioritization – Strategic planning process,
Strategic analysis, strategic objectives, portfolio alignment – identifying potential projects, methods of
selecting projects, financial mode / scoring models to select projects, prioritizing projects, securing and
negotiating projects.
Planning Projects: Defining the project scope, Project scope checklist, Project priorities, Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS), Integrating WBS with organisation, coding the WBS for the information system. Scheduling
Projects: Purpose of a project schedule, historical development, how project schedules are limited and created,
develop project schedules, uncertainty in project schedules, Gantt chart.
Resourcing Projects: Abilities needed when resourcing projects, estimate resource needs, creating staffing
management plant, project team composition issues, Budgeting Projects: Cost planning, cost estimating, cost
budgeting, establishing cost control. Project Risk Planning: Risk Management Planning, risk identification,
risk analysis, risk response planning, Project Quality Planning and Project Kick off: Development of quality
concepts, project quality management plan, project quality tools, kick off project, baseline and communicate
project management plan, using Microsoft Project for project baselines.
Performing Projects: Project supply chain management: - Plan purchasing and acquisitions, plan contracting,
contact types, project partnering and collaborations, project supply chain management. 28 Project Progress and
Results: Project Balanced Scorecard Approach, Internal project, customer, financial issues, Finishing the
project: Terminate project early, finish projects on time, secure customer feedback and approval, knowledge
management, perform administrative and contract closure.
Network Analysis: Introduction, network construction - rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the events,
AON and AOA diagrams; Critical path method (CPM) to find the expected completion time of a project,
floats; PERTfor finding expected duration of an activity and project, determining the probability of completing
a project, predicting the completion time of project; crashing of simple projects.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the selection, prioritization and initiation of individual projects and strategic role of
project management.
CO2: Understand the work breakdown structure by integrating it with organization.
CO3: Understand the scheduling and uncertainty in projects.
CO4: Understand risk management planning using project quality tools.
CO5: Understand the activities like purchasing, acquisitions, contracting, partnering and collaborations
related to performing projects.
CO6: Determine project progress and results through balanced scorecard approach
CO7: Draw the network diagram to calculate the duration of the project and reduce it using crashing.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
• Identify the different parts of an automobile and it’s working.
• Understand the working of transmission and braking systems.
• Understand the working of steering and suspension systems and their applications.
• Selection and applications of various types of fuels and injection systems.
Analyse the cause of automobile emissions, its effects on environment and methods to reduce the
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Name of the Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Edition and Year
Author/s Publisher
1 Automobile engineering Kirpal Singh Standard Publishers 12th Edition
Vol I and II 2011
2 Automotive Mechanics S. Srinivasan Tata McGraw Hill 2003
2nd Edition
Reference Books
1 Automotive Mechanics William H Crouse & Tata McGraw Hill 10th Edition
Donald L Anglin Publishing Company 2007
2 Automotive Mechanics: Joseph Heitner LtdVan Nostrand
Principles and Practices, Company, Inc
3 Automobile Engineering R. B. Gupta Satya Prakashan 4thedition
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
1 Mechatronics HMT Tata McGraw-Hill 2005
Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi
2 Computer Control of Koren Y McGraw Hill 1986
Manufacturing systems
3 Computer Numerical Control Radhakrishnan P New Central Book 2002
Machines Agency
Reference Books
1 CNC Machining Hand Book James Madison Industrial Press Inc 1996
2 Programming of CNC Ken Evans, John Industrial Press Inc, Second
Machines Polywka& New York Edition2002
Stanley Gabrel
3 CNC Programming Hand book Peter Smid Industrial Press Inc 2000
Name of the
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
1 Introduction to Tribology B. Bhushan John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002
New York
2 Engineering Tribology Prasanta Sahoo PHI Learning Private Ltd, 2011
New Delhi
3 Engineering Tribology J. A. Williams Oxford Univ. Press 2005
Reference Books
1 Introduction to Tribology in B. C. Majumdar Wheeler Publishing
2 Engineering Tribology G. W. Butterworth-Heinemann 1992
Stachowiak and
A. W. Batchelor
3 Friction and Wear of Materials Ernest John Wiley &Sons 1995
4 Basic Lubrication Theory A. Cameron Ellis Hardwoods Ltd., UK
5 Handbook of tribology: B.Bhushan, McGraw-Hill 1997
materials, coatings and surface B.K. Gupta
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)
Professional Elective-4
Course Code 18ME823 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours /Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course Learning Objectives:
• To introduce the basic principles, techniques, equipment, applications and limitations of Non-
Destructive Testing (NDT) methods such as Visual, Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing,
Ultrasonic Testing, Radiography, Eddy Current.
• To enable selection of appropriate NDT methods.
• To identify advantages and limitations of NDT methods
• To make aware the developments and future trends in NDT.
OVERVIEW OF NDT: NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non-Destructive Testing Methods
for the detection of manufacturing defects as well as material characterisation. Relative merits and limitations,
Various physical characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT. Visual inspection – Unaided and
SURFACE NDT METHODS: Liquid Penetrant Testing – Principles, types and properties of liquid penetrants,
developers, advantages and limitations of various methods, Testing Procedure, Interpretation of results.
Magnetic Particle Testing- Theory of magnetism, inspection materials, magnetization methods, Interpretation
and evaluation of test indications, Principles and methods of demagnetization, Residual magnetism.
THERMOGRAPHY AND EDDY CURRENT TESTING (ET): Thermography- Principles, Contact and non
-contact inspection methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and limitation – infrared
radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications. Eddy Current Testing-Generation
of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current sensing elements, Probes, Instrumentation, Types of
arrangement, Applications, advantages, Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.
Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam,
instrumentation, data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight
Diffraction. Acoustic Emission Technique –Principle, AE parameters, Applications.
RADIOGRAPHY (RT): Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less techniques,
types and use of filters and screens, geometric factors, Inverse square, law, characteristics of films – graininess,
density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves, Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence.
Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Classify various 143on-destructive testing methods.
CO2: Check different metals and alloys by visual inspection method.
CO3: Explain and perform non-destructive tests like: Liquid penetrant test, Magnetic particle test, Ultrasonic
test, X- ray and Gamma ray radiography, Leak Test, Eddy current test.
CO4: Identify defects using relevant NDT methods.
CO5: Differentiate various defect types and select the appropriate NDT methods for betterevaluation.
CO6: Document the testing and evaluation of the results.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Select appropriate cutting tools required for producing a component.
CO2: Understand and interpret cutting tool and tool holder designation systems.
CO3: Select suitable locating and clamping devices for a given component for various operations.
CO4: Analyze and design a jig/fixture for a given simple component.
CO5: Understand various press tools and press tool operations.
CO6: Classify and explain various die casting and injection moulding dies.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
The energy release rate, Criteria for crack growth. The crack resistance(R curve). Compliance. Tearing
modulus. Stability.
Elastic plastic fracture mechanics: Fracture beyond general yield. The Crack-tip opening displacement. The
Use of CTOD criteria. Experimental determination of CTOD. Parameters affecting the critical CTOD.
J integral: Use of J integral. Limitation of J integral. Experimental determination of J integral and the
parameters affecting J integral.
Dynamics and crack arrest: Crack speed and kinetic energy. Dynamic stress intensity and elastic energy release
rate. Crack branching. Principles of crack arrest. Crack arrest in practice. Dynamic fracture toughness.
Fatigue crack propagation and applications of fracture mechanics: Crack growth and the stress intensity
factor. Factors affecting crack propagation. Variable amplitude service loading, Means to provide fail-safety,
Paris law, Required information for fracture mechanics approach.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Analyse the effects of crack like defects on the performance of Aerospace, Civil, and Mechanical
Engineering structures.
CO2: Apply the concepts of fracture mechanics to select appropriate materials for engineering structures to
insure damage tolerance.
CO3: Understand mechanics of crack tip fields and appropriate fracture characterizing parameters like stress
intensity factor and J integral or nonlinear energy release rate and how to compute them using various
CO4: Apply the concepts of fracture mechanics to determine critical crack sizes and fatigue crack propagation
rates in engineering structures leading to life estimation.
CO5: Understand the status of academic research in field of fracture mechanics.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Edition and Year
1 Elements of fracture mechanics Prasanth Kumar Wheeter 1999
2 Fracture Mechanics: Anderson CRC press 3rd Ed., 2005
Fundamentals and Applications
Reference Books
1 Introduction to fracture mechanics Karen Hellan McGraw Hill 2nd Edition