Time For A Fresh Look at Your Document Management Strategy?: IT Organizations Are Being Asked Do To More With Less
Time For A Fresh Look at Your Document Management Strategy?: IT Organizations Are Being Asked Do To More With Less
Time For A Fresh Look at Your Document Management Strategy?: IT Organizations Are Being Asked Do To More With Less
White Paper
IT organizations are being asked do to more with less, as tight budgets get stretched ever tighter.
Companies of all sizes are being challenged to find savings that can be reinvested in new money-saving or revenue-generating
technologies. From storage to security, every cost is being scrutinized in the search for savings, yet many organizations overlook one
area—document management—where significant savings can be readily had. Now is definitely the time to take a close look at your
PDF solution, and ask a basic question: Can you get the same capabilities from new PDF solution but at much lower cost?
It’s true that few CIOs jeopardize their jobs when they stick with an enterprise software leader. Adobe, the 900-pound gorilla in the
document management arena, looks like a safe bet: Its PDF editing software and reader are everywhere and it does an adequate job
for many businesses. But are familiarity and adequacy valid reasons for sticking with any solution? After all, it’s also true that today’s
leading software tools might not meet the challenges faced by tomorrow’s businesses. And in this case, there are some compelling
reasons—saving money and more—for CIOs to ponder a new platform for PDFs. Just consider these all too familiar challenges:
Standard $89
Business $129
» It’s lightweight, so it is easier to deploy without
wasting valuable computing resources.
» It’s standards-compliant, so it works with your Adobe Acrobat
XI Standard $299 Price to
upgrade $139
existing PDFs.
» It’s more secure, offering better protection Adobe Acrobat
XI Pro $449 Price to
upgrade $199
against security vulnerabilities
» And it offers free PDF creation, empowering
more users without the extra license expense.
White Paper
CIOs can keep paying for expensive, cumbersome document management, or they can reduce spending
while boosting productivity by arming more users with the ability to create, edit, protect and search for PDF
files. Your competitors are assuredly facing the same challenges—and the smart ones are already rethinking
their own approach to PDFs. So with less-expensive alternatives like Foxit gaining momentum in the PDF
space, now is the time to get your budget and your document management system on the same page.