What Is Hypospadias?
What Is Hypospadias?
What Is Hypospadias?
What is Hypospadias?
Hypospadias is a birth defect in boys in which the opening of the
urethra is not located at the tip of the penis. In boys with
hypospadias, the urethra forms abnormally during weeks 8–14 of
pregnancy. The abnormal opening can form anywhere from just
below the end of the penis to the scrotum. There are different
degrees of hypospadias; some can be minor and some more
Types of Hypospadias
The type of hypospadias a boy has depends on the location of the
opening of the urethra:
Other Problems
Boys with hypospadias can sometimes have a curved penis. They
could have problems with abnormal spraying of urine and might
have to sit to urinate. In some boys with hypospadias, the testicle
has not fully descended into the scrotum. If hypospadias is not
treated it can lead to problems later in life, such as difficulty
performing sexual intercourse or difficulty urinating while
It is estimated that each year about 5 boys out of every 1,000
born in the United States have hypospadias, 12 making it one of the
most common birth defects.
Treatment for hypospadias depends on the type of defect the boy
has. Most cases of hypospadias will need surgery to correct the
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